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Posts posted by Disengager

  1. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

    - RATINGS -


    WWE - 6.10

    WCW - 5.81

    ECW - 5.46

    TNA - 3.15

    Same ole' thang yet again as ECW and WCW are amidst yet another war, WCW looking like the more professional company and having the better talent, while ECW has the better starpower. Neither company is gaining ground on each other at all.


    Austin Lee, fresh out of WCW's developmental territory, impressed many people backstage in his match with Sexxxy Eddie last night on Nitro. His overall skills in the wrestling ring were clearly shown and WCW may use guys like him to tout him as a reason why a second television show would be so benefitial to the company


    Another one bites the dust as Eric Bischoff spent nearly $1.9 million over the weekend to shut down Johnny Kashmere's PWU promotion. The regional promotion was said to be doing fine, which is why there is initial shock over the purchase. In the deal, WCW picked up the contracts of Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere and have designated them to their development territory. Josh Prohibition and M-Dogg20 were said to be angry from the decision to hire acid and kashmere.


    Scott Steiner is currently amidst contract disputes from WCW, which is why he's been taken off of television for the time being. Sources in WCW are saying the only reason that WCW isn't releasing him is due to the fact that ECW or TNA or possibly WWE will pick him up almost immediately.

  2. user posted image

    WCW Monday Night Nitro

    Monday, November 7th, 2005

    GLASS SHATTERS and out comes Stonecold Steve Austin before the pyro even hits!  Austin walks to the ring in typical agressive fashion and grabs a microphone, but doesn't say anything. He stalls a couple times as he has a smile on his face and the crowd isn't sure what to think about this new, sadistic steve Austin.

    Austin: "So for those who didn't see last week, Stonecold Steve Austin opened up a whole factory full of Whoop ass on Raven's sorry ass. People say, "Stone Cold, you took it too far, Stone Cold, why why?" Well I'll tell you sons of bitches right now, Guy's like Raven have no place in a WCW ring. Raven says he thrives off of pain, but that's only because it hasn't damn near  killed him yet. He uses chairs, he uses barbed wire, he takes pain in all his matches, only to come out here week in and week out and proclaim how hardcore and matosadistic he is. Let me tell you what real pain is. Real is a botched piledriver that breaks your neck and damn near kills you. Real pain is multiple surgeries on your neck. Real pain is waking up every morning with a stiff jointed knee. You can bleed buckets and blade yourself all you want Raven, to impress crowds, but the bottom line is, you've never experienced life threatening pain. Until last week. Last week, I drank some beer, bought a new truck, took my other truck, and rolled that son bitch right off a cliff. And Raven, well, I taught that son bitch a life lesson. He wants pain, I gave him pain. So if you don't know what I'm talking about, let's roll the footage of last week."

    On the tron, the whole final segment from last week plays and is just as shocking as last week. After the footage ends, Austin laughs.

    Austin: "Let's see that crash in slow mo, fast mo, reverse, fast forward, black and white, sepia, ah hell just loop the son of a bitch while I drink some damn beer."

    The truck going over the edge is shown over and over as Austin just stares at the screen while drinking beer. Bischoff's theme hits! Out comes Bischoff, with 4 Police Officers standing behind him.

    Bischoff: "Stone Cold, what you did to Raven last week was unreprehensible. What you did went far beyond anything in a wrestling ring. Steve, I'd like to introduce to you to Police Chief Thomas George."

    Thomas George: "Hello Steve Austin, I'm Police Chief Thomas George. Last week, at the scene of the accident, we came across something shocking. The man known as Raven, Scott Levy, was not found. He is now a missing person by state law. However, due to the nature of the incident, we are charging you with Simple Assault and need to take you to the station for further questioning and examining."

    Austin: "Well, Mr. Thomas George, ya sorry excuse for a poor bastard, if you want to take me down town, I guess you're going to have to come into this ring and arrest me. In the meantime, the other reason I was out here was to book ourselves a main event."

    The officers began making their way to the ring.

    Bischoff: "Stone Cold, Stone Cold, I should probably also let you know that you're commissionership is under review from the board of directors and could possibly be revoked."

    Austin: "Well Hell son, does that mean I can't make a match for tonight?

    Bischoff: "You are still commissioner Stone Cold, but be careful of your actions, they are under close examination."

    The police officers are in the ring and now surround Austin.

    Austin: "Well before these sons of bitches cuff old Stone Cold, Tonight, in this very ring, It'll be DDP, one on one, FOR THE WCW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE, against CHRIS JERICHO. And I'll be watching from a jail cell, and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold SAID SO!"

    The Officers cuff stonecold as he doesn't put up a fight while his theme plays throughout the arena. The fans pop for the world title match announcement, but immediately boo at the sight of Officers removing Stonecold from the ring in handcuffs, and we have our first commercial break.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Well folks, if you missed the first 15 minutes, you missed a lot, Stone Cold has been arrested!"

    Coach: "No one cares about Stone Cold coach, we have a debuting superstar!!"

    Meltzer: "Yes yes, making his singles competition debut is a youngerster straight from our development territory, Austin Lee. Ladies and gentlemen, this guy is simply phenomal talent."


    Obviously Lee would like to pick up a win here in his first singles match, but Eddie is a good of a competitor as anyone. Great athletic competition here as both superstars displayed great in ring ability with shows of both mat, brawling, submission and highflying skills. Austin lee with a floatover DDT midmatch that looked 10 times as good as The Rock use to do them. Sexxxy Eddie with a split legged moonsault for a 2 count after hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Austin Lee regained control with a thumb to the eyes and went for the degenerate driver, but Eddie blocked it and hit a russian leg sweep before going up top and hitting the five star porn splash for the 1-2-3. Eddie celebrates in the ring as Lee clutches the back of his neck at ringside, still green in the ring apparently. Either way, great showing for both superstars, Eddie was just a little better tonight.


    <M:90% C:43% O:66%>

    Backstage, we see Matt Hardy reading a magazine, relaxing backstage on a couch. Stacey walks up to him, and it's apparent he knows she's there, but he's not giving her the time of day.

    Stacey: "So Matt, how are things going?"

    Matt: "Like you care Stacey."

    Stacey: "How's Maria doing?"

    Matt: (still reading his magazine) "Just get outta here tramp"

    Stacey grabs the magazine and throws it aside and kneels on each side of matts legs and sits down on the couch.

    Stacey: "You know you can't resist me as HARD as you try Matt, and I like that. That turns me on. Just remember that."

    Stacey kisses Matt on the lips before getting up and walking off. Matt wasn't fighting the kiss, but he obviously didn't mind it either. Maria comes around the corner and notices stacey walking down the hall.

    Maria: "What the hell did she want?"

    Matt: "Nothing, nothing at all."

    a shocked crowd in the arena as we go to commercial break.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    The Flock (Lodi, Richards, Reese and Kidman) vs Lash Leroux, Amazing Red, Air Paris and Paul Birchall

    Great 8 man tag team action as we have 7 smaller wrestlers and one wild card, Reese in the action. Flock gets the early advantage by cheating and using illegal double teams. Kidman and Red start this one off, Kidman getting the upperhand after a kick to the back of red by Richards. Illegal poke to the eye by kidman, who irish whips red and hits a head scissors. Tag to richards who takes it to Red. Midmatch, we get to the exciting part, a dive fest! Paris thrown over the top first, Lodi folllows with a slingshot plancha. Diving cannonball by Red, then Richards through the ropes with a suicide dive. Leroux and Birchall go over at the same time! Leroux with a slingshot cannonball and Birchall with a springboard shooting star! That leaves the big man! Reese climbs to the top rope!! All 7 competitors are out on the outside, Reese dives off, but his boot catches the rope and he does a flip, landing on his upper neck, 2 feet short of everyone else, botching the move terribly! The crowd laughs hard as all the contestants get back in the ring and we have a brawl on our hands. Leroux hits a superkick on Lodi as Stevie hits one on Birchall! Paris goes up top and hits a cross body on kidman! But kidman rolls through and grabs the tights! 1-2-3 and the flock steal this one as they go check on Reese, who appears to be a bit shaken up after that fall.


    <M:74% C:51% O:62%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    "WHATTTT A RUSHHHHHHH" and out come the tag team champions to a great ovation! They pose with the belts on the ramp and in the ring before Hurricane grabs a microphone.

    Hurricane: "Hello good citizens. Now that we're, tag team champions, me and Animal have decided that we're going to have a lot of planning, a lot of fan interraction and a lot of busy schedules ahead of us. So with that, I'll turn it over to Animal."

    Animal: "You see, back in the 80's, there was a guy who use to do all this stuff for me and Hawk. When there were contracts that needed to be signed, he looked em over. When money needed to be accounted for, he did it. He's been a good manager to me throughout my career, but an even better friend, Precious Paul Ellering!

    Paul Ellering comes out and receives a small pop. He gets in the ring and shakes Hurricane's hand before hugging animal and taking the microphone.

    Ellering: "So the reunion continues or so it seems. I bet you would never in a million years expect to see this, especially in a WCW ring! Well rub your eyes, cause your not dreaming. The Legion of Doom are once again going to steamroll the competition and stay atop the tag team scene for a Long, Long, Long time!"

    The Los Mexicanos music hit and out come the former tag team champs!! Eddie on the mic, he looks angry, especially after losing 2 titles in less then a month!

    Guerrero: "It's going to be a shortlived reunion amigos, because I've read the contracts, and it clearly states that Los Mexicanos get a rematch for our tag team titles any time we want! So next week vatos, tag team title rematch, you may have stole those belts, but never steal anything from a thief, because they'lle take it back before you can blink an eye."

    Ellering: "Mexicanos, The Legion of Doom never steps down from a challenge, and we're not about to start! You're on!"

    The crowd cheers, and it looks like we have a tag title match for next week!

    <0:66% Paul Ellering gained overness from this segment. >

    Backstage, Christian is in Eric Bischoff's office.

    Christian: "Damnit Eric, you said Benoit would be here tonight."

    Eric: "Look Christian, I can tell him I want him here, but that doesn't mean he has to show up."

    Christian: "Well, if that's the case, then I think you should do the peeps a favor and make me number one contender"

    Eric: "I can't do that Christian."

    Christian: "Well chumpstain, what can you do?"

    Eric: "I can book a match, for next week, Christian vs Chris Benoit, #1 contenders match."

    Christian: "And if he doesn't show up, then what?"

    Eric: "Then you'lle win by forfeit and be declared the #1 contender to face Chris Jericho at War Games!"

    Christian: "Well Eric, I think you've been promoted from chumpstain to ass hat."

    Christian walks out of the office with Eric mouthing "ass hat?" as he looked disapointed.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We come back and see Whiskey Marc standing in the ring, but inside the ring, there are 4 pains of glass in each corner of the ring.

    Marc: "The Whiskey Marc pain tour continues tonight. Who's got the b***s to challenge me in a 4 corners glass match?"

    Meltzer: "This is absolutely ridiculous, who would want to put their body on the line in a match like that"

    Coach: "I hope it's Rey Mysterio, I can't stand that guy."

    Ruckus comes out with Sabian by his side! Ruckus gets in the ring and this one starts out fast.


    Whiskey Misses a clothesline and Ruckus goes to work early with chops and an irish whip followed by a clothesline. Ruckus is a house of fire in the early going. He tries to irish whip marc into a pain of glass early, but Marc reverses! Ruckus stops just short of the glass, but Marc comes charging, back body drop by Ruckus and Marc goes right through the glass pane and rolls around, selling it as the crowd breaks out in a holy shit chant. Marc to the outside now and busted open and Ruckus goes up top, cannonball onto marc and he's down. Sabian in the ring now , he goes up and over the top with a slingshot splash on Marc, but Marc catches him! Big boot to Ruckus while holding sabian. He slams sabian into the ring post and pulls him in the ring. Ruckus watches in horror, afraid to get in the ring. Marc sets Sabian up.. POWERBOMB THROUGH THE GLASS!! Sabian rolls around in pain as Ruckus makes his way up the ramp, he's not even going to return to the ring. Sabian is busted wide open. Whiskey Buster to Sabian for Good measure is the crowd is shocked at the carnage they just witnessed. Ruckus has completely left the arena now, leaving Sabian to be attended to by officials. I'm sure UPN didn't appreciate this one too much.

    WINNER: WHISKEY MARC unofficially

    <M:87% C:42% O:64%>

    Chris Jericho is backstage, he takes the mic from Mean Gene, who apparently doesn't even want to talk to this guy. He has a cue card in hand, it was obviously mean gene's.

    Jericho: "Chris Jericho, what do you think of Eric Bischoff's ruling on the number one contendership?" " Well I'll tell ya what I think, I don't care to be honest with you. Christian, Benoit, I've beat em both and I can beat em again, so it doesn't really matter to me. I mean hell, I made Benoit tap out at the pay per view, and look at him, poor bastards afraid to show his face in WCW! It's alright Chris, no one will make fun of you in the back if that's what you're afraid of, because hell, I can make anyone in this company tap out. As for tonight, I've got Diamond Dallas Page, a guy that's about 5 years past his prime. DDP, you say "feel the bang," and I say, "feel the sting" cause the highlight of night is in the mood to make another wcw great tap out, and you can take that all the way to the bank, Cause Jericho is the hottest thing on the stock market today. Buy high, sell higher, cause babay, Y2J is on the fire."

    <0:98% Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We come back from commercial and big vito and Al Snow are already in the ring. "CAN YOU DIG IT, SUCKAAA?" hits and out comes Booker T! The crowd pops for the US Champ as the pyro goes off. Book's music dies down and he grabs a mic.

    Book: "Aight, aight, you said last week to get a tag team partner, well I found someone in the back who aint wack, and this guy knows his way around that ring. CM, get yo Punk ass out here!"


    CM Punk's music hits and out comes CM Punk! Him and Book run to the ring and the bell sounds and here we go. Vito and snow stomp book and cm as they get in the ring. Tandem irish whips, Book and CM block the clotheslines, Snow and Vito put there heads down, big mistake, TANDEM DDT by Book and CM that send Snow and Vito the outside. Book and Snow start out in the early going, Book getting control early and making the quick tag to cm, who goes over the top with a judo chop on the arm. CM with a bodyslam and goes to the second rope, elbow drop. Snow quickly makes the tag to Vito. Punches by CM, Irish whip by CM, reversed by Vito, CM ducks the clothesline, but on the way back, Vito catches him and presses him above his head. Book in the ring, kick to the face of Vito and CM lands on top of vito for a pin. 1-2-Kickout! Midmatch we have a turning point in the match as Book goes for the sidekick, but Vito catches and spins him for a sitout powerbomb which puts Snow and Vito back in control. Tag to Snow who goes up top. Missle dropkick onto Booker, but CM breaks up the pin. Near the end of the match, Vito goes for a clothesline on book after an irish whip, but they catch each other and both superstars are down. Each crawl to their corner and make the tag. CM a house of fire on snow. Irish whip in the corner, 10 punches in the corner, but Snow grabs him and goes for a powerbomb, pinning frankensteiner! 1-2-kickout at 2.99999. CM makes the tag to book and attacks Vito. CM goes up and over the ropes onto vito with an asia moonsault. Book with a kick to the stomach of snow, SCISSORS KICK!!! 1-2-3 and this one's over! Book celebrates in the ring with the US title.


    <M:81% C:78% O:79%>

    CM has a microphone and has rolled back in the ring. Book is starting to leave the ring.

    CM: "Book, Book hold up. I got a lot of respect for ya man, you know that. But I also have a lot of respect for myself, and I would feel as if I let myself down if I didn't take this opportunity to ask you for a shot at the US Title at War games man. What do you say?"

    Book: "I say, you got yourself a deal partner, ya'll wanna see Booker T and CM hook it up at War Games?"

    The crowd cheers, obviously wanting what would certainly be a great match.

    Book: "You heard em CM, You got yourself a match. Best of luck."

    CM's music hits and CM Holds the X sign up on the top rope. It's funny, I don't think a lot of WCW fans understand his gimmick, except for the CM Marks of course. As the camera pans, you can see a group of fans holding up the X along with CM, if I didn't know any better, I'd think they were the fanboi's who push him to the top right away in their EWB diaries. (OOOH, CHEAPSHOT!)


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Main event time here on Nitro. Could this be one of Steve Austin's last bookings as commissioner?"

    <=:=><=:=>Video package of Austin's arrest from earlier<=:=><=:=>

    Chris Jericho vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH

    DDP still gets a good pop even though he's not as over as he once was. Jericho has the crowd all over him tonight. The bell sounds and here we go. Test of Stregnth in the early going, which is won by DDP as he takes control with an arm ringer and then a side headlock. DDP is slow and methodical in the early going, now going behind Jericho with an arm submission. Big elbow right to the face of DDP and Jericho hits the ropes, Clothesline by DDP! 1 count only as DDP's nose is busted wide open. Jericho stomps the back as DDP is slow to get up. DDT by Jericho surprisingly connects and Y2J goes for an early pin, but wait, his feet are on the ropes! 1-2- DDP kicks out at the last second. Jericho in control of this one, until DDP hits a side russian legsweep and a series of elbow drops midmatch, getting himself a 2 count and the crowd behind him. DDP with a verticle suplex and a mounts Jericho, delivering a series of punches until the ref has to pull him off. As the ref is dealing with him, Jericho's low blow goes by unnoticed and Jericho takes control with a one handed bulldog. Jericho goes to the top rope, Missle dropkick connects, 1-2-Kickout.  Jericho retains control and irish whips DDP. Jericho jumps over ddp, but ddp stops! He turns Jericho around, DIAMOND CUTTER OUT OF NOWHERE!!! DDP takes too long for the cover before finally draping the arm.

    Meltzer: "We're gonna have a new world champ!!!!"

    1.....2.....KICKOUT!! Both superstars are slow to their feet and when they do, DDP retains control with a side headlock, but Jericho immediately hits a back suplex. Jericho goes for the lionsault, DDP gets the knees up , but Jericho righ back on his feet. He tries to turn the liontamer, but it just isn't happening and DDP rolls him up. 1...2...KICKOUT again at the last second . Bother superstars are up and DDP gets another side headlock and takes Jericho to the mat, as Jericho's clearly frustrated. Jericho gets back to his feet, Irish whip by Jericho, but ddp catches him with a shoulder tackle. DDP hits the ropes again, Jericho hits the mat, then goes up and over, Jericho with a frankensteiner!! Wait, Jericho held onto the leg, LIONTAMER!! Amazing string of moves there and Jericho has the liontamer fully locked in in the center of the ring! DDP has no choice but to tap out!!! Jericho's not letting go and the ref can't pry him off as the bell goes crazy. DDP is rithing in pain now as Jericho is unrelenting, "WHATEVER" hits and out comes Benoit running down the ramp. Jericho tries to leave the ring through the other side, but Benoit catches him to him and grabs him from behind! GERMAN SUPLEX, AND ANOTHER, AND ANOTHER! Benoit calls for it with the thumb across the neck, DIVING HEADBUTT TO CHRIS JERICHO! Benoit grabs the belt and holds it up in the air with both hands and then legs it down across a fallen chris Jericho in the middle of the ring before leaving the ring as the cameras fade out.


    <M:82% C:87% O:85%>

    Show rating: 76%

  3. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, November 1st, 2005

    - RATINGS -


    WWE - 6.10

    WCW - 5.86

    ECW - 5.49

    TNA - 3.15

    Well, what's new? It looks like we pretty much are in a deadlock here, and what do know... ECW and WCW are pretty much going no where as far as PI goes, with Heyman and ECW at 8PI Global and WCW at 13PI Global.


    WCW's Halloween Havoc did a .97 buy rate, with 11,406 people in attendence. They made $2,425,000 off PPV revenue and a gate of $684,360. Eric Bischoff was said to be a bit disapointed they didn't hit the 1.00 mark, but this was a good rate given the card.


    Fox television have ended negotiations with WCW for a new show on their station. WCW and Fox began negotiating earlier in the month, but conversations broke down sometime this weekend, as Fox apparently is also deciding to hold out until we have a clear cut winner in this wrestling promotion war. Eric Bischoff was said to be fuming after the deal fell through.


    Colt Cabana, Sonny Siaki and Big Vito have all been pushed up the card following their recent segments at Halloween Havoc and Nitro, especially Cabana after that huge win over CM Punk


    Tom Pritchards reports are in, here's what he has to say:

    Austin Lee: +1 brawl, +1 speed, +4 over, +3 technique, +2 charisma. "It is my opinion that Austin Lee will no longer benefit from being in ACW"

    Mr. Aguila: +1 brawl, +3 over, +3 speed, +2 technique, +2 charisma

    M-Dogg 20: +1 Brawl, +1 technique, +3 over, +3 speed, +2 charisma

    Chaz Warrington: +1 over, +1 technique, +1 charisma, +3 brawling, +3 speed

    Josh Prohibition: +2 over, +3 brawling, +2 speed, +2 technique, +2 charisma

    Chance Beckett: +1 over, +2 brawling, +2 speed, +3 technique, +2 charisma

    Kenny B: +1 technique, +4 over, +3 brawling, +3 charisma, +2 speed

    Takao: +1 over, +1 speed, +2 brawling, +2 charisma, + 2technique

    Enygma: +4 over, +3 brawling, +2 speed, +2 technique, +2 charisma


    Amazing Red has returned from his hand injury he suffered before Halloween Havoc earlier last week.


    Happy Birthday to the following: Stacy Keibler (26), Stevie Richards (34), Eddie Guerrero (38), CM Punk (27), Sexxxy Eddy (20)

  4. user posted image

    WCW Monday Night Nitro

    Monday, October 31th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Hello everyone and welcome to Nitro! We come off the heels of a night were we saw Colt Cabana defeat former second city saints leader CM Punk in a 35 minute showdown, whiskey marc nearly decapitate a wrestler, a tag team war that's still undecided, a man abduct another man and most importantly, Chris Jericho defend the world title against 3 other men!"

    Coach: "Boy you said Meltzer the backlash from Halloween Havoc will definitely be present tonight, but let me tell you someone who won't be present tonight, Chris Benoit! He's so ashamed that he cleanly tapped to Chris Jericho he doesn't want to shwo his face!"

    Meltzer: "Well, call it what you will, I'm sure that's not the case, Benoit's as tough as anyone and unwilling to back down from anything, Chris Jericho was just the better man, speaking of Chris Jericho..."


    Out comes to the world champ to a series of boo's, ego clearly shining through as he gets in the ring and grabs a mic.

    Y2J: "Last night, I proved, just like I've done time and time again why I am, the Highlight of the Night, Chris Jericho. And speaking of myself, how appropriate tonight is Halloween Night, the night where little kids all around the world dress up in costumes to be something they want to be. We all know what this year's hot costume is, it's been sold out for months, everyone wants to be Chris Jericho, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah. And why wouldn't they, I've beaten everyone Eric Bischoff has thrown in front of me. It took me 3 long months to win this world title, and it's going to take a hell of a lot more then 3 guys to take it off of me. I see you out there in the crowd, you're dressed up like cowboys, vampires, rockstars, and that's all good, but it's going to take something supernatural to defeat me."

    "Just close your eyes" hits and out comes Christian tp a huge pop, he's mass over here. He's holding a bag that he pulls a microphone out of.

    Christian: "Last night, Chris Jericho, you may have won the match, but you didn't defeat me, you defeated Chris Benoit, a wrestler far less superior then you and me. But that's not why I'm out here, you talk about costumes, well Y2 jackass, I have some costumes that I think that even you would like."

    Christian reaches into the bag and pulls out a Vince Mcmahon mask and puts it on.

    Christian: "You can all kiss my ass, I'm Vince Mcmahon damnit, the greatest wrestling promoter on this planet. I'll hire you, I'll fire you, and there aint a damn thing you can do about it. I'm a billionaire damnit, I can do what I want. I can give guys all my money to open up wrestling promotions because I defeated all my competition and no one gived a damn!"

    Christian takes off the mask, the fans, along with Jericho laugh. Christian reaches into the bag and pulls out another mask and puts it on, it's paul heyman!

    Christian: "HEY CHRISTIAN, I'll give you millions of dollars to step in the ring with a bunch of crazed maniacs I call wrestlers. All you have to do for me is bleed and shorten your wrestling career by 15 years by getting put through tables and hit with cheese graters and I'll make you a star, cause I'm Paul Heyman and I have an S&M fetish I'm too ashamed to confess to."

    The fans are absolutely hysterical and Jericho is having a good laugh in the ring.

    Christian: "I've got one more mask in this bag, and this is by far the one person who disgusts me more then Heyman and Mcmahon."

    Christian reaches into the bag and puts on a CHRIS JERICHO MASK! The fans are chanting Christian and Jericho isn't all smiles anymore.

    Christian: "Wrestling fans all around the world call me the Highlight of Night, but ladies all around the world call me the disapointment of the night when I step into the bedroom! I call myself the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, But the latest Fozzy Albow didn't even sell better then the best of Winger! I say I'm a living legend."

    Christian peels off the mask.

    Christian: "But I call you a living joke. And next week, Jericho, when Benoit decides to come from the hole he's hiding in tonight, I'm going to call him to the ring, and I'm going to call Sleezy E Eric Bischoff to the ring, and I'm going to demand he make me #1 contender. And Jericho, you said it would take something supernatural to take that title away from you. Well I may not be supernatural, but I'm super charismatic, and I'm a natural in that ring, so for the time being, you can consider yourself champ, but I consider you more of a servant holding my belt, and I think all the peeps can contest to that!"

    Christian's music hits and Jericho is roarin' mad in the ring as the fans cheer for Christian.

    <0:95% Christian gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    This is the second match for these two, who put on a great affair last month at Fall Brawl, where we saw Birchall defeat Windsor, the wcw newcomer. A great affair for these two, who show great chemistry in the ring by putting on a very solid affair. Lots of brawling in the early going as both superstars .just tried to get the upperhand. Birchall got the better of Windsor and went to work with a pumphandle sidewalk slam and then a standing shooting star, but only got a two count. Birchall went on the offensive with an irish whip and hit Windsor powerslam for another two. Windsor fought back late in the match with straight punches to the midsection and then a facecrusher to the knee and he followed that with a dropkick. Windsor went up top and missed a moonsault. With Windsor on the ground, Birchall regained control and went for his finisher, a backflip exploder suplex, but Windsor broke free and hit a superkick for a three count! Windsor held a finger up on each hand, signifying that he had tied Birchall 1 to 1 in contest affairs. We can bet we'll see a third match sometime soon!


    <M:80% C:42% O:61%>

    Backstage, we see Eric Bischoff sitting at his desk.

    Eric: "It has been brought to my attention that we have a situation in our tag team division. Konnan and Eddie Guerrero managed to retain their belts last night, but at the hands of O'Haire and Jindrak. So with the legion of doom and o'Haire and Jindrak wanting the titles, two other men also came up to me earlier and said that THEY want a shot at the tag titles! So what I've done tonight, for your main event, I have booked a 4 corner tag team title elimination match featuring Los Mexicanos, The Legion of doom, O'Haire and Jindrak, and these other two guys who came up to me earlier. No disqualifications, no countouts, the only way to win is the to be the last team remaining!"

    The crowd cheers for the announcement as we head to commercial.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We come back and see Stacey and Maria backstage in a staredown with one another.

    Stacey: "Look bitch, if you're looking for an apology for what I did to you last month, you're not going to get one. The fact is, you don't belong here, you didn't pay your dues like the rest of us. You fast tracked your way right into the business, that's not right, and I don't like it, nor do I like you, you little skank."

    Maria: "Fast tracked? paying dues? Stacey, you won a dance contest if I remember correctly. You see, when I was in WWE, they portrayed me as a stupid blonde, but I'm not as stupid as you think Stacey. And if anyone around here is a skank, I'm looking at her. You call me a skank, but I'm not the one in a skirt that doesn't even cover my ass and I don't prance around proud of the fact that I'm sleeping with two men, well, make that three men because we all know you're pulling strings with Eric Bischoff to get your tag team their title shots."

    Stacey attacks Maria and we have a catfight on our hands backstage!! The fans are midly humored, but you can tell they're getting ready for the next match, which should be great..

    <0:70% Stacy Keibler lost overness from this segment. Maria Kanellis gained overness from this segment. >


    Here's our cruiserweight division match for the evening, as Rey Mysterio and company have the night off. So with it up to Fleisch and Dragon to put on a good display for the cruiser division, they pulled out all the stops, taking each other to the limit in this 10 minute match. Dragon almost won it in the opening minutes with the La Majistral cradle, but Fleisch was able to kick out. See-saw matchup as Fleisch came back with a roundhouse kick and a springboard dropkick which got a two count. Ultimo got off a tiger suplex for a 2 count midmatch, which ultimately gave him control of the match. Aztek suplex followed by a dragon sleeper. Fleisch's hand went down twice but he regained moment  and got to his feet and sent Dragon bouncing to the ropes, only to hit him with a pinning frankensteiner when he came back! 1-2- Kickout, but Dragon is obviously shaken up as he hit his head hard on the mat. Headscissors takeover by Fleisch which slows the match down as both superstars catch their breath. Here comes the big finish as both superstars are exchanging blows in the middle of the ring, Kick to the stomach by Ultimo Dragon, RUNNING LIGER BOMB!! 1-2- Fleisch grabs the ropes! Dragon picks him up and goes for the Dragonsteiner off the top rope, but Fleisch held onto the top, which sent Dragon crashing down the ground. Here comes Fleisch..450 splash! 1-2-3 this one's over as Fleisch and Dragon get a huge ovation from the crowd, although they were hoping that dragon would pull this one out. Fleisch celebrates in the ring as we go backstage.


    <M:86% C:58% O:72%>

    Backstage, in a dark room, we see the shadow of Whiskey Marc. He's smoking a cigarette and takes one final drag before apparently putting it out on his arm!

    Whiskey: "Last night, everyone says I nearly decapitated Nick Gage, but what you don't realize is that's what guys like me and him do. We do the things that no one wants you to see, we hurt each other beyond what the normal wrestling fan can comprehend. This isn't professional wrestling hardcore where we hit each other with trash can lids and chairs, this is ultraviolent deathmatch style wrestling, and guys like me and Nick Gage love it. When you're making just enough to eat and cover your medical bills. When you're picking shards of glass out of your arm back in the hotel room. I thrive on pain because pain is all I've known. Since I was a little kid, I've been fighting for my daily bread, and I'm not about to stop just because I've made it to the bigtime. WCW, they say WCW is the tamest of the big 3. Well I'm going to bring violence to WCW rather it's ready for it or not. The pain tour continues NEXT week."

    We see Whiskey Marc Light another cigarette as we go to commercial break.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Booker comes out to a great ovation, but Vito barely got an ovation, with many wondering what he did to even deserve this match. Either way, these two hooked up, Meltzer reminding us how tough as nails Vito is, yeah.. suuure. Vito took control early in the contest with a couple body slams, clotheslines and a press slam which made Book regather on the outside. book grabbed Vito's leg and pulled him outside and they exchanged hands on the outside before Book whipped him right into the guard rail. Booker climbed back in the ring and thought he'd have the win by countout, but out of nowhere Al Snow attacked him from behind in the ring! The ref called for the bell as Snow got the upperhand on Booker, and Irish whipped him and followed it up with a superkick that put book down. Vito back in the ring now with Al Snow yelling commands to him, Vito with a huge powerbomb on Book. Snow goes up top and hits an absolutely stunning moonsault and slaps his hand on the mat signifying the 3 count.

    WINNER: BOOKER T (by dq)

    <M:82% C:80% O:81%>

    Al Snow goes to the outside and grabs a microphone. He gets back in the ring as Vito throws Book over the top.

    Snow: "A couple weeks ago, when Eric Bischoff suspended Scott Steiner, this monster came up to me and asked me for advice. Let me tell you something about this guy, he may be unproven talent, but that's only because nobody gave him a chance. He got lost in the fray if you will. Everybody knows that I take talented wrestlers and turn them into superstars, it's a proven fact. So from this moment on, I'm proud to say that I have joined the Justice Department as temporary leader until Scott Steiner comes back. I'm going to take Vito and turn him into a superstar of the caliber of myself and Steiner, and we're going to start with you Booker T! Get yourself a tag team partner Booker, because next week, you're number's up and the Justice department is calling.

    <O:78% Al Snow debuted his new gimmick (mentor) , it got a negative response. Al Snow gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Did Al Snow say he was going to make Vito a superstar of the caliber of himself?"

    Coach: "Let me tell you something Meltzer, that isn't saying much!"

    Meltzer: "Well I can understand Scott Steiner caliber, the guy had his day back in WCW, but Al Snow?"

    Coach: "haha, that Al Snow, he cracks me.."

    The lights go out in the Arena and the fans lose it.

    Meltzer: "Oh great, it appears as if we've lost power in the arena right before our main event!"

    All of a sudden, a fire breaks out on the entrance ramp, it looks more like a strip of flames at the top of the ramp then a fire.

    Meltzer: "I think we've had an overload and an electrical fire, let's just evac.."

    The lights slowly come on and a dull red hits the arena and an entrance theme hits! Three figures can be seen through the flames. They walk right through the fire, IT'S SINISTER MINISTER, MIKEY WHIPWRECK AND TAJIRI!!! It appears as if they might be the surprise team Eric Bischoff was talking about! Minister is all evil laughs as they get in the ring and Minister grabs a microphone.

    Minister: "Yes yes, the great creation has been reformed. Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri back together, just like the good days. And how convenient that their first match is for the WCW Tag team titles. You see, Mikey Whipwreck was given the cold shoulder when The Hurricane teamed up with Animal, and Tajiri was given the cold shoulder immediately after he didn't emerge victorious with the world title last night. You see, Eric Bischoff considers Tajiri a failure because he couldn't defeat Chris Jericho. But Yoshihiro Tajiri isnt' a failure, and neither is Mikey Whipwreck, and neither am I, the voice of this, Sinister Creation, the Minister of pain, The Siniser Minister."

    Meltzer: "Sinister Minister has brought Tajiri and Whipwreck back together?! Folks, stick around, we have a main event 4 corner eliminatino tag team title match when we get back!"

    <0:63% Mikey Whipwreck's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Mikey Whipwreck gained overness from this turn. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    LoD is obviously the fan favorite to win this, with Los Mexicanos and O'Haire and Jindrak both drawing heat from the crowd. Jindrak and Tajiri started this one out, Jindrak got an early headlock, but Tajiri kicked him in the gut and took control, delivering a fury of kicks to the legs and side. Jindrak grabbed the leg, but got an enziguri for his trouble and Jindrak immediately tagged in Hurricane. Hurricane and Tajiri traded arm drags and hiptosses before tajiri applied an armbar. However, Eddie Guerrero tagged himself in and Tajiri has to leave the ring! Eddie takes control of hurricane and immediately hits the 3 amigos! 1-2-Animal breaks it up. Irish whip by Eddie Guerrero but Hurricane comes back with a flying elbow to the face. Hurricane bounces off the ropes and O'haire tags himself in! O'Haire with a great display of power, press slamming Eddie Guerrero, who immediately tagged in Konnan. Konnan immediately comes in the ring and receives a powerslam! O'Haire makes the tag to Jindrak and rests Konnan across his leg, Jindrak up top, Knee to the upper chest. Jindrak with a pin, 1-2- Eddie breaks it up at 2.999

    Jindrak goes to work on Konnan with some body slams and an elbow drop. Irish whip by Jindrak, Konnan bounces off the ropes, does a roll on the ground, clothesline! Konan with a body slam, off the ropes, legdrop! 1-2-O'Haire breaks it up but Eddie takes him up and over the ropes with a clothesline. Eddie follows with a plancha but O'Haire catches him and drills him back first into the ringpost. In the ring, Jindrak is on the outside, SPRINGBOARD CLOTHESLINE! Jindrak tags O'Haire, SEANTON BOMB!  1-2-3 and the tag champs have been ELIMINATED!!! Animal immediately in the ring and him and O'Haire exchange words before exchanging blows, Animal getting the upperhand. Animal with an Irish whip, he catches O'Haire and presses him HIGH above his head! Great show of power here as he slams O'Haire down. O'Haire immediately tags Whipwreck, who looks afraid to get in the ring with Animal. Collar and Elbow tieup, but Whipwreck goes between the legs and applies a reverse waistlock, Big elbow by Animal, who now bounces off the ropes and hits a huge clothesline that inside out's Mikey! Tajiri climbs up top illegaly and hits Animal with a double legged dropkick! Whipwreck regains composure and hits a legdrop and grabs the leg, 1-2-Kickout with authority. Whipwreck jumps on Animals back and goes for the sleeper, but Animal just slams him into the corner!

    O'Haire tags himself in and Animal has to leave, at this point,  Konnan and Eddie Guerrero are just starting to console one another on the outside. O'Haire sets Whipreck up top, superplex! O'Haire pins but Tajiri immediately breaks it up but O'Haire attacks him too! O'Haire irish whips Tajiri, SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW, but O'Haire catches him, he goes for a full nelson slam, but Tajiri backflips and lands on his feet! MIST!! Kick to the face of O'Haire, Whipwreck with a schoolboy as Tajiri attacks Jindrak as he tries to break up the pin! 1-2-3!! We're down to two teams left, the legion of doom and the sinister creation, and we have a commercial break to take!

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Back in the ring, Whipwreck and Hurricane are going to start this one out. Hurricane gets early control with an armringer, then an irish whip followed by a dropkick. Whipwreck tries to get to his feet, SHINING WIZARD! 1-2- Whipwreck grabs the ropes, Whipwreck grabs onto the ropes with both hands as Hurricane grabs his feet, he pulls him off the ropes and whipwreck lands with a thud. Hurricane spins him around and flips over for a bridging pin, 1-2-whipwreck powers out and goes with a backslide, 1-2-Hurricane rolls through and has Whipwreck in an underhook position, he goes for an underhook suplex but Whipwreck grabs the head as he swings around, TORNADO DDT! Both superstars are down and the ref starts the ten count. Both superstars crawl to their corners and make the tags to their partners, Animal goes for a clothesline on Tajiri, but Tajiri ducks, back martial arts kick to the midsection. Tajiri goes for the tarantula, but he obviously can't hook it on animal, who grabs tajiri and flips him forward with a snap powerbomb! Tag to Hurricane, who immediately knocks Whipwreck off the apron and climbs to the top. Animal puts Tajiri on his shoulders, DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!! 1-2-3 and we have new tag team champions in the LEGION OF DOOM AS THE CROWD GOES WILD!!

    WINNERS and NEW WCW tag team Champions: LEGION OF DOOM

    <M:83% C:70% O:76%>

    As they celebrate their title win in the ring, GLASS SHATTERS! Stone Cold's music hits and the crowd goes nuts. But Stonecold isn't coming out, instead, we see Austin up on the tron. In the background, Raven can be seen, tied up and duct tape on his mouth sitting in the bed of Austin's truck.

    Austin: "Did you really just think that I was going to let this scumbag cheat his way to another win? Guys like Raven have no place in WCW? Stone Cold Steve Austin has a problem with guys like Raven, he has a big problem with them. And when Steve Austin has a problem, he solves them. So After the match last night, I drank some beer, and somemore beer, and somemore beer, and thought about what I could do with this Pile of garbage in the back of my truck. So I slept on it, ate some pancakes, drank some beer, and decided to take a drive. I decided, that Stonecold needed a new truck! So I figured, let's kill two birds with one Stone. So I drove to the highest cliff I could find, and I found myself, a waste fill. Well hell, I don't want my truck, and I don't want Raven to be around anymore, so I figured, what the hell."

    The crowd cheers as we see Austin walk up to Raven and rip the tape off of his mouth. At this point, Eric Bischoff has made his way to ringside and is watching what we're seeing on the tron. You can see the truck is only feet away from the edge of this cliff.

    Austin: "Raven, ya dumb son of a bitch, any last words?"

    Raven: "Rot in hell Austin, you don't have the b***s"

    Austin starts the truck up and revs the engine, Bischoff grabs a microphone.

    Bischoff: "AUSTIN, AUSTIN, No, think about this Austin, don't do this..."

    Raven: "AUSTIN, AUSTIN, Don't do it Austin!"

    Austin: "Shut up ya dumb son of a bitch!"

    Austin gives raven a couple right hands and goes back to the door! He's put the truck in Neutral!!! Austin gets behind of it and gives it a good push as the crowd screams! The Truck goes over the cliff!!!! We don't actually see the truck falling, but we hear the glass breaks as it's apparent it's hitting stuff on the way down. We here one final crash,  the sound of metal scrunching as Austin looks over the edge. Austin is smiling as the crowd is in utter shock and Eric Bischoff is pulling his hair out at what he just saw. Austin smiles and looks at the camera.

    Austin: "And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold SAID SO!"

    Austin grabs his cooler and starts walking away as we fade out in utter shock of what we've just seen.


    SHOW RATING: 74%

  5. I know I said Monday after Raw..... but I changed my mind and decided to do this thing a day early....

    user posted image

    WCW Halloween Havoc

    Sunday, October 30th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=>Pre Show<=:=><=:=>

    Ruckus vs Big Vito

    Before the cameras are turned on, we see these two battle it out a quick 8 minute affair to heat up the crowd. Vito takes early control with the size advantage, but Ruckus is just too fast for him and catches him with running bulldog. Springboard somersault legdrop by ruckus earns a 2 count before vito kicks out. Ruckus took control from here on out, exciting the crowd by hitting a springboard facebuster and a slingshot plancha to Vito on the outside. Back in the ring, Vito tried to irish whip, but Ruckus reversed it and sent Vito into the corner. A Razzle Dazzle and a Falcon Arrow later, and Ruckus earns the 1-2-3 for the win and celebrates his victory.


    <M:84% C:38% O:61% Big Vito lost overness from this match. Ruckus gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and  huge Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    We get our first shots of the arena, which has been halloween themed, with graves, tombstones, mummies and a little bit of fog covering the ground. It looks as if WCW went all out with this set.

    Meltzer: "Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for ordering WCW Halloween Havoc tonight. We have 7 great matches for you this evening, and when it's all said and done, a lot will be decided in that ring tonight.

    Stacey Keibler's entrance music hits and out comes the leggy blonde turned bad wearing a skirt and a cut up shirt. Meltzer tells us he doesn't have her scheduled for this time. Stacey gets on the mic.

    Stacey: "Let me tell you something, all you disgusting low lifes expecting to see a tag team title match are going to be disappointed because it's not happening. My men, O'Haire and Jindrak were screwed on Nitro, and..."

    Wait.. Matt Hardy's music hits, and out comes MARIA, interrupting Stacey's rant. Maria, also wearing a skirt and a a tight top, grabs the mic from Stacey.

    Maria: "I see you're a little surprised Stacey. Why, huh? Because I'm suppose to be scared of you? Well I faced my fears, and you may have attacked me a few weeks ago, but that's just because you're jealous of me. You're jealous that your two men, don't equal my one, you're jealous of my looks, and you're jealous of these.."

    Maria drops the mic and takes off her shirt to reveal a bikini that shows off her ample..welll..chest and the crowd roars in approval. Stacey, not to be outdone, rips her shirt off to reveal an even smaller bikini. However, she's not through yet, as she takes her skirt off as well, revealing a little blue thong as the crowd is loving this. Maria isn't quite sure if she wants to take off hers, but the crowd is begging, and she obliges and struts around the ring her bikini as the crowd is obviously liking this. Stacey, feeling as if she's been one upped, attacks Maria, and we have a cat fight on our hands as refs try to break it up


    and it looks like our first match is about to began.

    <O:70% Stacy Keibler lost overness from this segment. Maria Kanellis gained overness from this segment. >


    Los Mexicanos (Konnan and Eddie Guerrero)© vs Legion of Doom (Animal and Hurricane)

    The crowd is absolutely loving Hurricane and Animal tonight, as they came out in typical road warriors fashion. Guerrero and Konnan get great heat from the crowd, who are still preoccupied by the scene going up the ramp involving stacey and Maria. In the ring, Konnan and Hurricane start out and Konnan gets the upperhand with an armringer that looks pretty painful. Hurricane counters, but gets a poke to the eye and a quick tag to eddie, who comes up and over with an axehandle onto the arm. Eddie with an irish whip, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the Hurricane. 2 minutes later, Hurricane finally gets the tag to Animal, who comes in and hits eddie with a clubbing blow to the back and a gutwrench suplex. Konnan tries to come in for illegal interference and as the ref is dealing with him, eddie hits a low blow. Hurricane goes up top though and hits a flying cross body on Eddie as both contestants are now down. Tag to Konnan and Hurricane and Hurricane is a house of fire, clotheslining both opponents and bodyslamming Eddie before going to the second rope and hitting a fist drop. 1-2-No. Hurricane irish whip on Konnan is reversed, dropkick to the leg by Hurricane followed by a SHINING WIZARD!  Hurricane gets the tag to Animal, who comes in and immediately hits a clothesline on Konnan. Press slam on an illegal Eddie Guerrero followed by a leg drop and the challengers are in firm controller.

    Hurricane rolls Konnan back into the ring and Animal gets off a couple shots to the back before setting up for a powerbomb. WAIT!! O'HAIRE and Jindrak hit the ring. Jindrak with a superkick to Hawk, who still had Konnan between his legs. The ref calls for the bell as O'Haire hits a brainbuster on Hurricane. The champs, on the other hand, have already made their way up the ramp. Lillian announces Animal and Hurricane winners by disqualification, but they don't look like winners, as both are down and out as O'Haire and Jindrak shout at Los Mexicanos, who are clutching onto their titles on the ramp.

    WINNERS: Legion of Doom (dq)

    <M:81% C:73% O:77%>

    <=:=><=:=>Nitro hype video<=:=><=:=>


    Whiskey Marc vs ????

    Whiskey Marc comes out to a series of boo's. As he looks under the ring, Meltzer reminds us this is an unsanctioned WCW match and we may see things we've never seen before on pay per view. Whiskey Marc has retrieved a ladder, a singapore cane, and uh oh.. his barbed wire baseball bat. He gets in the ring and waits for his opponent, but it's obvious he knows who it is. An unknown theme hits and out comes a bald headed figure, it's CZW's Nick Gage! All 14 czw fans in attendence mark out, but to the rest of the crowd, he's basically unknown. Meltzer hypes Gage as being a "sadistic man, a lot like Marc." There is a referee in the ring, but not a wcw one, as he's donning a black shirt instead of traditional zebra stripes. Gage extends his hand to mark, who obliges and here we go. Whiskey throws the cane to gage, who catches it and ducks whiskey marcs swing of the barbed wire bat. CANE SHOT ON MARC, AND ANOTHER, AND ANOTHER and Gage is fired up now as Marc goes to the outside to regroup. Marc is already busted open as he's apparently angry. Marc tries to get in the ring and Gage tries to cane him, but whiskey grabs the legs and pulls him under the ropes and clotheslines him. Marc grabs a chair from one of the stage crew and slams it across Gage's head. Irish Whip by Marc and Gage goes crashing over the ringsteps. Now dislodged from their podium, Marc picks up the ring steps and drives them into Gage's ribs. Mark picks up gage and sets him up in tombstone position. He stands up on top of the stairs before tombstoning gage to the ground. The crowd is in full blown holy shit chant mode.

    Whiskey goes under the ring and gets a table. He sets it up on the outside and puts gage on it. Whiskey to the top rope... FROG SPLASH THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Both superstars lay on the ground for a couple seconds before Whiskey throws gage back in the ring. Whiskey with an irish whip, Big boot to the face. Whiskey puts the ladder on top of gage's fallen body and climbs to the top rope, back splash onto the ladder and Gage sells it like crazy. Whiskey goes to the outside and goes under the ring and gets not one table, but two.He sets them up alongside each other width wise, and goes for another table! He puts that one on top of the two. Whiskey climbs back in the ring, WHISKEY BUSTER to Gage, who's absolutely getting squashed. Whiskey fumbles around under the ring for a few seconds before emerging with a small bottle!! Uh oh,

    Meltzer: "That's...that's...that's..That's Lighter fluid!"

    Whiskey sprays the lighter fluid on the top table from the ring and lights a match and the table goes up in flames. Whiskey grabs Gage, it looks like an overhead belly to belly!!! Poke to the eye by gage, who tries an irish whip, but it gets reversed... BACK BODY THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE STACK!!! Another holy shit chant breaks out as Gage is selling like crazy. Whiskey goes outside and retrieves gage and throws him into the ring. Once again, Whiskey goes under the ring and oh no..

    Meltzer: "I don't believe it, this isn't wrestling, this is ECW GARBAGE!! OH MY GOD, MARC HAS A LIGHTUBE!!"

    Whiskey pulls out a lighttube from the ring and the crowd looks worried. Whiskey back in and right as Gage is getting to his feet, Whiskey shatters the light tube right over his head and goes for the cover. 1-2-3 and the crowd are absolutely stunned by what they just saw, and I'm sure Heyman is too! Gage is busted open completely as Whiskey leaves and road agents and medics attend to gage.

    WINNER: Whiskey Marc

    <M:75% C:40% O:57%>

    <=:=><=:=>Do Not try this at home video<=:=><=:=>

    ROH Rules 30 minute Ironman match

    CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

    Both contestants in the ring, Steel has been sent to the back, and the clock has been set and here we go. Both contestants follow the code of honor by shaking one anothers hand as Meltzer goes over what ROH rules and the code of honor is. the first two minutes the contestants size up one another, going for a couple test of stregnths, neither man won them however as they circle one another. 3 minutes in and CM gets the first advantage with and arm ringer followed by an armbar takedown and submission. At 4 minutes, Cabana finally makes it to his feet and hits a back suplex followed by a standing legdrop for a quick 1 count. Irish whip by Cabana who puts his head down, punk telegraphs, kick to the face, irish whip by Punk, tilt a whirl backbreaker but Cabana lands on his feet, chop the the midsection, flip by Cabana, CM grabs him for a belly to belly, Earclap by Cabana, bounce of the ropes, hurricanrana by punk and the crowd cheers that one.

    6 Minutes now and Punk has control. Chop war ensues and each contestant chops each other 3 times. Eye poke by Cabana and he sends punk to the outside. Slingshot splash by Cabana. Cabana goes for a vert suplex on the outside and CM reverses and then hits a fishermans buster on the outside. CM climbs up to the apron and hits a a springboard moonsault on the fallen Cabana. At 8 minutes Punk rolls Cabana into the ring and climbs up top, but misses with a senton bomb and cabana goes for a quick cover.1-2-NO. 9 minute mark and Cabana hits a body slam followed by a series of elbow drops. Cabana looks to go for the canadian bacon leaf, but punk kicks him away, bounce off the ropes, small package by CM, 1-2-NO! Cabana back up, clothesline to Punk, Nip up and a clothesline by punk to Cabana. Cabana immediately back up, double clothesline. Both nip up and the crowd roars in approval. 11 minute mark now and we have a test of stregnth, which Cabana wins and takes control, Irish whip by Cabana, CM jumps onto the middle rope and bounces back, back elbow. CM goes to the outside apron, Spring board elbow drop, 1-2-NO. 13 minute mark and Cabana fights back with shots to the midsection, Cabana out of nowhere hits the kryptonite crunch over the knee. 1-2-NO!

    15 minute mark and we still haven't seen a pinfall as both contestants don't even appear winded, CM hits Cabana with a belly to belly and goes for the dragonlock submission but Cabana fights it off. Cabana with a schoolboy on CM, 1-2-NO. 17 minute mark and Cabana hits the tornado snap suplex and goes to the top, LEGDROP! 1-2-NO! CM kicks out at the last second. 18 minute mark and Cabana goes for an irish whip and puts his head down, Cabana jumps over him and pulls him down for the pin. 1-2, cabanareverses it and sits on CM's chest 1-2-.. .you know how this goes, they go to a series of near falls before they break at the 19 minute mark and the crowd roars in approval. Knee to the midsection by CM, delayed vertical suplex! Cabana crawls to the corner, big mistake as CM gives him a facewashing!! CM picks him up, neckbreaker over the knee, but he holds on and twists him around, Spike ddt!! But wait, he holds on again, he goes for another ddt, but Cabana reverses with a northern lights, 1-2-NO!

    Punk right back on the offensive at the 20 minute mark with kicks to a downed Cabana, who is finally showing fatigue. Double underhook Backbreaker and CM goes up top, MOONSAULT! 1-2-NO!!!! 2.99999 Kickout as Punk is stunned. Punk sets him up. standing moonsault. 2nd rope moonsault connects! 3RD ROPE MOONSAULT.. Nope, Cabana moves out of the way and goes to to the top himself. Big mistake as Punk hits the ropes at 22 minutes, racking Cabana. CM is obviously trying to set him up for the pepsi plunge, but Cabana will have none of it, shoving CM off. CM quick as a cat as he's immediately back up and scales back to the top, TBONE to cabana but that took alot out of CM. CM finally drapes the arm after 10 seconds, and only gets a 2 count.

    25 minutes now with 5 to go and both superstars are on the ground exchanging blows. Cabana with a rake to the eyes. Cabana climbs to the top and sits on the top rop as CM groggily walks his way, Tornado DDT attempt, but CM blocks and places Cabana back on the top rope. Shots to the face By CM, who climbs up to the top, CM goes for a Hurricanrana, but CABANA COUNTERS WITH A POWERBOMB! 1-2-NO!! 28 Minutes now and Cabana in control, Irish whip by Cabana who puts his head down once again, uh oh, CM catches him again and PUNK HANDLE PILEDRIVER!! One, two, NO!!!!!!!! CM is pissed and knows he has limited time. He takes cabana to the ropes and gets up top, Cabana tries with all his might but can't get out of it, and PUNK HITS THE PEPSI PLUNGE!!!! 1-2- *ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* The time has expired before the ref can get the 3 count and Punk is frustrated and yelling. He goes to the outside and grabs the mic.

    CM: "Not this way, not this way, no, no draws. 5 more minutes!! 5 MORE Minutes, 5 More minutes"

    The crowd chants along with him for 5 more, and they get their way, as we've restarted this one! Test of stregnth, CM wins as he's the fresher man. Irish Whip by CM, who puts his head down, Cabana grabs the hair and slams Punk to the ground. Bearhug by Cabana.. no wait.. DDT!! 1-2-Punk grabbed the ropes. Cabana picks Punk up, but Punk fights back, PEPSI TWIST!!! Punk climbs to the top rope, SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT misses! Cabana grabs punk, Colt 45 but Punk breaks free, punk with a kick to the stomack and tries to go for a suplex, NO!! Cabana with a shot to the ribs, COLT 45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cabana covers punk, 1-2-3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CABANA HAS DEFEATED CM PUNK!!! Both superstars lay exhausted on the canvas.

    Meltzer: "I don't believe it, what a matchup these two young phenominal athletes have put on for you, and more surprisingly, Cabana comes away with the win on CM Punk. This has to be a huge win for this guy as he overcomes all the odds and defeats his former leader in overtime of a 30 minute iron man match at the 34:44 mark!

    Both superstars get to their feet and stare each other down. Punk extends the hand and says something to Cabana. Cabana accepts and the code of honor has been upheld tonight.

    WINNER: Colt Cabana

    <M:90% C:68% O:79% CM Punk lost overness from this match. Colt Cabana gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>WAR GAMES HYPE VIDEO<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Well folks, some bad news, The Amazing Red suffered a hand injury at a show earlier in the week and is going to be out a week or so after severely spraining his wrist landing akwardly. Good news though, he has been replaced in the triple threat cruiserweight title match by Matt Hardy!"

    Coach: "Matt Hardy? Should't he be off sucking up to his girlfriend?


    Rey Mysterio © vs Sonny Siaki vs Matt Hardy

    The contestants are in the ring and here we go. Matt goes after Siaki first as he's hammering away, Irish Whip by Matt who back body drops Siaki, only to be dropkicked by Mysterio. Matt quick to the outside within the opening minutes and Siaki follows with a running suicide dive through the ropes. Mysterio runs towards the ropes as the two get to their feet on the outside, rey looks to go for a suicide dive but holds onto the top rope and swings back into the ring, SOMERSAULT SENTON!!! Mysterio climbs to the top rope, moonsault onto the two as they're getting to their feet again. Midmatch now and it's all mysterio until Matt Hardy's weight advantage plays a factor and matt just throws Rey halfway across the ring. 2nd rope legdrop by Matt onto Rey, but Siaki is right back with chops on matt. Siaki irish whips matt and hits a hurricanrana! Siaki gets back to his feet but Rey hits a flying headscissors off the top rope! Rey goes to the outside and drops the dime on Siaki. 1-2-Matt Hardy breaks it up. Matt with a swinging neckbreaker on Rey Rey and then goes to powerbomb Siaki, but siaki gets a pinning frankensteiner!! 1-2, Rey breaks it up with a dropkick to Siaki's chest. Near the end of the match now and Matt Hardy hits a twist of fate out of no where on Siaki! Matt is tired and rests on the middle rope, but that's a big Mistake!!! 6-1-9 by mysterio, stupid Matt Hardy. Rey goes to the outside and calls for it, WEST COAST POP on Matt Hardy and this one is over, 1-2-3 as Mysterio retains the title at Halloween Havoc.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    <M:85% C:79% O:82%>

    <=:=><=:=>WAR GAMES HYPE VIDEO<=:=><=:=>


    Booker T vs Al Snow

    Welp, this one earns your lame duck of the night match. It was a good match, but because there was absolutely no hype whatsoever, this one seemed to get lost in the shuffle of greatness. Book was all over a rusty Al Snow in the early going, getting off several kicks and weak slams on Al Snow. Finally, Snow got in some offense as he powerslammed an over confident Booker T. Al Snow with a standing leg drop, followed by a tiger suplex which got a 2 count. Then snow hit a dragon suplex as he built confidence. One final suplex, a release german, and Snow head up top! MOONSAULT CONNECTS!! 1-2-Nope, Snow goes for the Snowplow, but Book reverses and Irish Whips Snow and hits a spinning heel kick. 1-2-NO! Book with shots on Al and another irish whip, side kick attempt, but Al catches the leg and hits some sort of overhead suplex variation. Snow goes up top but Book gets up and climbs as well. SUPERPLEX by Booker T. Al Snow starts to get to his feet, SCISSORS KICK! The crowd cheers as Book goes for the cover and gets the 1-2-3 for the victory in what was surely a no-brainer here. After the match, Book extends his hand to Snow, and Snow looks as if he's going to shake it, but slaps book square across the face with a sucker punch and gives him a low blow kick! Snow spits on a fallen Booker before leaving to a boo'ing crowd.

    Winner: Booker T

    <M:76% C:78% O:77% Al Snow's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Al Snow gained overness from this turn. >

    <=:=><=:=>Raven-Austin package.<=:=><=:=>


    Raven vs Steve Austin

    Raven comes out to the ring first and sits in the corner as usual. On the tron, we see Steve Austin smiling as he back his truck up in a parking lot hallway, The crowd cheers Austin stops and parks. He stands on the bed of the truck and knocks on a door he has just blocked, THAT'S THE FLOCKS DRESSING ROOM. The crowd cheers as Raven throws a fit in the ring, and here comes Austin walking to the entrance ramp. GLASS SHATTERS AND OUT COMES THE RATTLE SNAKE. He meets Raven on the ramp and they exchange right hands, Austin getting the upperhand. Austin slams Ravens head into the guard rail and goes for a suplex on the steel ramp, but Raven reverses into a suplex of his own. Raven throws Austin into the ring and goes under the ring and fishes out a stop sign. He tries to hit Austin with it, but Austin kicks him in the gut and the stop sign goes flying to the outside. Austin with an irish whip and a LOU THESZ PRESS. Austin Hammers away on Raven before getting up and hitting the ropes and dropping the finger saluting elbow to the face. Austin throws Raven outside and here we go up the ramp.. that didn't take long.

    Austin throws Raven about 4 feet off the ramp and into the set. Raven takes out some fake tombstones along the way. Austin grabs a cord and wraps it around Raven's neck, choking him. Austin irish whips Raven through a casket/mummy prop and the two head to the back, Raven just trying to get away from Austin. Austin slams raven's head into the wall of the hallway there now in and then suplexes him onto the hard floor! The two make their way into the womens lockerroom and Stacey screams as she just has a towel wrapped around her. Austin throws raven into the shower and turns the water on, scolding him with hot water!! Austin goes to throw Raven into some lockers, but Raven reverses and Austin goes crashing into the lockers. Raven has a hand of powder and blinds Austin! With Raven in control, they make their way to a parking garage. Raven throws Austin on top of a really nice BMW!! Raven looks like he might be going for a piledriver on the top of the car! NO! BACK BODY DROP BY AUSTIN AS RAVEN LANDS ON THE HOOD! Austin gets off the car and goes for a steel chair. Raven is now reeling by the side of the car, Austin swings the chair, but Raven hits the ground and the chair breaks the passenger window of the car as it's car alarm goes off. Raven with a low blow! The two have apparently made their way to Austin's truck!! Raven tries to punch Austin, but Austin reverses and throws some more punches. Kick to the Stomach, Austin goes for the stunner! Raven shoves him away, Austin comes charging back,back body onto the hood of the truck by Raven! Raven grabs Austin and climbs to the very top of the truck! EVEN FLOW OFF THE TOP OF THE TRUCK INTO THE BED!! The ref counts, 1-2-3 and Raven has won this one!!!

    Raven isn't done yet though, as he looks for the keys to the truck. Raven gets in the drives seat and fumbles with the ignition. He starts up the truck, but uh oh. Steve Austin has opened the door and punches Raven. Raven gets out of the truck, TWO FINGER SALUTE, KICK TO THE STOMACH, STUNNER BY AUSTIN!! Austin throws Raven into the bed of the truck and goes into the truck and comes out with HANDCUFFS!! Austin Handcuffs Raven's arms and legs together. He can be heard saying "LET'S GO FOR A RIDE YA DUMB SON OF A BITCH!!" The fans cheer as Austin gets in the truck and revs the engine before peeling off!!!!


    <M:88% C:91% O:90% Raven gained overness from this match. >

    Meltzer: "Where is he taking Raven?!!!!! Austin has gone over the edge!!

    <=:=><=:=>Jericho/Tajiri/Christian/Benoit video<=:=><=:=>


    Chris Jericho© vs Tajiri vs Chris Benoit vs Christian

    Benoit and Christian receive decent pops and Tajiri gets a bit of heat, but no where near the ammount of heat Chris Jericho gets from the crowd. He's by far the most boo'd of the night as he makes his entrance, world title in tow. All four superstars in the ring, the belt's been held up in the air and the bell has sounded, here we go!

    Tajiri and Jericho go at it while Christian and Benoit take to one another, big surprise. Tajiri with an early kick to Jericho that sends him out of the ring. Tajiri climbs up top and splashes outside as those two take to the outside. Inside the ring, Christian is trying as hard as possible to get out of a headlock, but Benoit is just holding on. Everytime Christian whips him, Benoit just pulls him to the ground. Jericho has whipped Tajiri into the ring post and goes to the inside to break up the hold. Jericho with an irish whip on Benoit and a hard elbow to the face, but he turns around only to receive a shot to the face by Christian and a ddt. 1-2-Benoit breaks it up. Benoit attacks Christian and clotheslines him up and over and follows as they are now outside with Tajiri. Jericho hits the ropes and dives over the top with a plancha that takes all 3 men out. Jericho grabs tajiri and rolls him back in the ring and gets a 2 count before Tajiri gets the shoulder up.

    Jericho hits a double underhook on Tajiri and goes for an early lionsault, but Christian punches him from the outside. Benoit grabs christian. GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE OUTSIDE. Benoit climbs up top, Double clothesline on Tajiri and Jericho and he goes for the pin. 2 count on Jericho and now Christian has made his way back in the ring. Midmatch now and Christian is in control ansd has cleaned house by delivering clotheslines to Tajiri and Jericho. He goes for a clothesline on Benoit, but Benny ducks, German suplex and he's held on! And another, and another... And 2 more!! 5 Germans to Christian and both of them are exhausted. Benoit is starting to get to his feet, double legged dropkick by Tajiri. Bulldog by Jericho on Tajiri. Jericho goes to Christian and tries to turn him over for the liontamer, but he's struggling, Benoit from behind on Jericho, Jericho blocks the suplex and goes behind, Tiger suplex! 1-2-Tajiri breaks up the 3 count. Christian attacks Tajiri and whips him into the corner. Christian goes for punches in the corner. 1-2-3-4-5-6.. Benoit behind him and puts him on his shoulders, Tajiri climbs to the top, possible a doomsday device... No, Christian victory rolls through and Tajiri misses as Jericho catches him.. Here's the pin by Christian on Benoit..1-2- Jericho fallaway slams Tajiri onto Christian and Benoit, breaking up the 3 count!

    Jericho picks up Tajiri, POWERBOMB but he holds on, DOUBLE POWERBOMB with a pin, Christian grabs Jericho, UNPRETTIER!!! Christian goes to clothesline Benoit as he gets to his feet.. CROSSFACE!! Meanwhile, Jericho has hit another bulldog on Tajiri, LIONSAULT!!! The ref isn't sure where to be, as Jericho is pinning Tajiri and Benoit has a submission on Christian. Benny breaks the hold as the ref goes for the count and breaks up the pin. Benoit with fisherman suplex on Jericho, but Christian breaks it up. UNPRETTIER ON BENOIT! Christian goes to grab Tajiri, MIST!!!! Tajiri with a kick to the side that has Christian reeling towards the ropes. CROSS BODY UP AND OVER THE ROPES!! Meanwhile in the ring, Jericho see's Benoit laying on the ground, LIONSAULT, Benoit gets the knee's up but Jericho no sells and grabs the legs, LIONTAMER!!!! Tajiri and Christian are fighting on the ramp now and Jericho has Benoit in the middle of the ring!! BENOIT IS TAPPING OUT!!!!! JERICHO HAS RETAINED THE TITLE!! What a match! Christian has Tajiri down on the ramp and looks to the ring, seeing Jericho hold up the world title on the top rope. Jericho stands proud as Christian looks as though he's disapointed.


    <M:85% C:78% O:81%>

    Meltzer: "What a night ladies and gentlemen. You can bet your bottom dollar this isn't over yet. What about Raven? What is Austin going to do to him? What a Nitro it's going to be, TUNE IN TOMMORROW NIGHT! THANKS FOLKS AND GOODNIGHT!"

    SHOW RATING: 75%



    I keep trying to post it.. but people keep replying.. arg! I'm posting it like almost 2 days early, simply because I don't want to wait until after Raw to post it on the fourth. 1 hour, get ready for the show of the year, an instant classic, yep, you heard it first.

  7. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, October 25th, 2005

    - RATINGS -


    WWE - 6.09

    WCW - 5.90

    ECW - 5.41

    TNA - 3.15

    WCW hit their highest reating ever in 5.90, which is definitely causing some excitement within their front offices. The debut of Animal was the second highest rated segment, with the main event tag match being #1. WCW are expecting Halloween Havoc to do very well.


    Christian and Benoit have been receiving praise in the recent weeks for their chemistry in the ring as well as backstage segments. Some experts say that they could work well both as enemies and as tag team partners, take this however you may.


    Everyone was shocked to see Road Warrior Animal show up on Monday Night Nitro. Who could honestly expect to see him team with Hurricane to make a reformation of the Legion of Doom. Animal got one of the loudest pops of the night, and judging by the backstage segment with Mikey Whipwreck, this is definitely goign to be more then just a one or two night comeback for Animal!

    (sorry for the lack of content here, but I don't want to put anything really about the guys involved in the ppv, which is primarily all I had for nodq.com).


    The first person to get the most correct answers wins. (I.e. if two of you get the most correct, the person who posted first wins). All entries posted before the card is up will be accepted. PRIZE will be discussed between me and the winner only. (Bold the winner, write in and bold on the bonus questions)

    Fatal Four way for the WCW Heavyweight title

    Chris Jericho© vs Chris Benoit vs Christian vs Tajiri

    Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight

    Steve Austin vs Raven

    US Title Challenge Match

    Booker T© vs Al Snow

    Triple Threat elimination Cruiserweight title match

    Rey Mysterio vs Sonny Siaki vs The Amazing Red

    30 Minute ROH rules Ironman Match

    CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

    BONUS:(+1 point) How many falls wil lthe winner have? ____

    Whiskey Marc Pain Tour

    Whiskey Marc vs ????

    BONUS(+2 points): Who will Whiskey Marc's opponent be (May or may not be someone currently in WCW) _______________

    WCW Tag Team title match

    Eddie Guerrero and Konnan vs Roadwarrior Animal and The Hurricane

  9. user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    Monday, October 24th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and  Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Nitro!!! What a great show we have for you tonight as we are just 6 days away from Halloween Havoc. What a better way to start off tonight then with some action!"


    Lodi comes out on Reese's shoulders, as the two receive boo's from the crowd. Apparently since Austin's gone, the flock has decided to come out from hiding! Ruckus hits the ring next and although he's a heel, the crowd is showing a bit of respect for the match he had last week. This match was almost a squash, but we can't exactly call it that because Lodi and Reese played the numbers game, as Lodi managed to hit Ruckus with a low blow midmatch while Reese distracted the ref. Earlier in the match, Reese had grabbed Ruckus's leg as he was bouncing off the ropes, tripping him. Lodi's offense could only be described as weak at best, and Ruckus fought back, eventually hitting the Razzle Dazzle on Lodi. With Reese yelling at a member of the crowd, Ruckus hit him from behind with a spaceman Plancha! Ruckus immediately got back in the ring and hit the Falcon Arrow on Lodi before going up top and hitting the 450 Splash for the win! After the match, Lodi threw a tantrum in the ring, obviously angry about the loss.

    WINNER: Ruckus

    <M:72% C:55% O:63% Lodi lost overness from this match. Ruckus gained overness from this match. >

    Meltzer: "This guy Ruckus, he's really been on a roll these last two weeks"

    Coach: "What a show stopper, he's going to go places here in WCW."

    Backstage, we see Eric Bischoff, a bit nervous. The camera pans out, Whiskey Marc is standing in his office!

    Eric: "Ok, so uh, Mr. Marc sir, If you want to have this, "Pain tour" challenge thing, you have to realize that wcw cannot sanction it, the board of directors just won't allow it."

    Marc: "I understand Eric."

    Eric: "So ummm, I'm going to need you to um... sign this contract for me to say that WCW is cleared of anything that may occur in this match."

    Marc: "It says here there's a $10,000 processing fee?"

    Eric: "Thats...uh..standard procedure fee, that's all"

    Marc: "are YOU going to make ME pay it Eric?"

    Eric: "No no, don't worry about it, just sign on the dotted line."

    Whiskey Marc signs the sheet before sliding it to Eric. Eric signs it and hands Whiskey Marc a copy. Whiskey marc folds it up slowly and puts it in his pocket, with Bischoff sweating bullets the whole the time.

    <O:82% Whiskey Marc gained overness from this segment. >

    As Whiskey starts to leave the office, Stacey walks in, looking as if she just came from an org... err, gym. Whiskey gives her a nice staredown, and it's obvious she's grossed out by him. She walks up to Eric's office.

    Stacey: "Mr. Bischoff, me and the boys were just wondering who you have in store for them to face tonight if you don't mind me asking."

    Eric: "Stacey, Stacey, Stacey, you know I'd do anything for you, and I mean anything, but I really really really don't want to ruin the surprise. I think that Sean and Mark will like their opponents very much"

    Stacey: "But please, just whisper it in my ear Mr. Bischoff,or should I say, sir. "

    Eric: "Stace, I just can't, I'm sorry, but it will definitely be a shining moment for wcw when their opponents are revealed. Now if you'lle excuse me, I have to get back to work."

    Stacey goes storming out of Eric's office apparently upset at his unwillingness to ruin the surprise


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "The winning team in this one will get to face Rey Mysterio in a triple threat match at Halloween Havoc for the WCW cruiserweight title!'

    Coach: "I'll tell ya Meltzer, these cruiserweights are hot! I absolutely love the action these guy's put on in that ring."


    Another Flock member? interesting. What a contest this one was, both teams making quick tags and displaying amazing chemistry in the ring. Fleisch and Red started this one out and countered everything they threw at one another in one of the most memorable counter-fests we'll ever see. They literally reversed each other's moves for 2 minutes straight, neither managing to get off a hiptoss without an arm drag counter and neither managing an armdrag without that getting countered either! Finally, Red caught Fleisch with a dropkick to the face which slowed their pace. As expected midmatch, Siaki got drop kicked over the ropes, which lead to a divefest, including Fleisch launching off Kidman's back with a Plancha onto Siaki and Red, who had been thrown off the top rope by Kidman. Kidman climbed to the top and jumped off with a shooting star, taking all three down. Back in the ring, kidman set Red up for a powerbomb, but Red reversed with a pinning frankensteiner for the two. Fleisch springboarded off the top rope and hit the 720 Phoenix DDT, but as he went for a top rope move, siaki caught him. Kidman and Siaki went up and over the ropes, leaving red to take advantage of Fleisch, hitting him with a reverse frankensteiner off the top rope and the red star press for the 1-2-3. So at Halloween Havoc, it will be Rey Mysterio vs Amazing Red vs Sonny Siaki for the cruiserweight title!


    <M:88% C:65% O:76%>

    Backstage, we see Raven sitting in a dark room. Damn, 4 of the 5 flock members within the first hour!

    Raven: "I see I have been summoned to face Steve Austin in a street fight at Halloween Havoc. A street fight, something that of street urchins do latenight for fun, rather then competition, which is what our match will be. And at Halloween Havoc, a day when we put on masks to pretend that we're someone we're not for fun and games. Well Austin, everyday of your life you put on a mask, you put on a mask of shame and you accept that fact that you sold your soul to Vince Mcmahon. You act as though you like all the guys in the back, but in reality that's just your way of covering up that massive ego you so secretly have. I know you Austin, I know everyone in this promotion, I know everyone associated with wrestling. You think, I get in your head, but I don't, I just quietly observe everything I see. And then, when you least expect it, at the most unexpecting time, I reveal your demons and your darkside, and you don't like it, no one like its. My demons, well, I've comforted them, I've befriended them. I live with my sins knowing full well I will pay for them. But guys like you Austin, you live with your sins, not willing to accept them, so you deny them and pretend they're not there. You put on a mask Austin, a mask that blocks you from what you don't want to see. And my Mask? I've befriended my mask, because sometimes the only person you can trust is yourself, and if you can't trust both of your sides, then your in trouble. And Austin, at Halloween Havoc, you will be in trouble, your sins will engulf your mask and reveal the truth as you lay shoulders down on that mat, covered in blood, a beaten man. Quoth the raven, Nevermore."

    <O:82% Raven gained overness from this segment. >

    CM Punk is sitting in his locker room, reviewing footage of his Fall Brawl match, pen and notebook in hand. He's studying the tape and keeps rewinding a part over and over. The door of his locker room opens, and Colt Cabana stands in the doorway. CM puts down his work and stops the tape.

    CM: "You have a lot of nerve coming into MY locker room. What do you want Cabana, to apologize for your sins and come crawling back?"

    Colt: "CM PUUUNNNKKK, The most charismatic up and coming youth in professional wrestling. The one who gets the praise of Hulk Hogan himself, big shot, friends with DDP, Mr. "Don't interfere in my matches", The guy who single handedly kept ROH alive and still had time to do commentary."

    CM: "What the hell do you want Cabana, get to the point."

    Colt: "Hey uh, the coke machine isn't taking my dollar, do you have change?"

    CM looks confused as hell.

    Colt: "You dumbass, I want a match booyyy. Me you, 30 minute Iron man, ROH rules, let's see who's the better man once and for all."

    CM: "You're on Cabana, but honestly, drop the comedy routine, you're worst then a Polly Shore movie."

    Colt: "Just you wait CM, I'll show you what funny is, when you're on your back after you've lost the match 45 to nothing and my hand is raised by the zebra in the ring.. yeah, that'll be real funny."

    Colt Cabana slams the door shut and CM Punk shrugs it off and goes back to the footage, it's apparent he doesn't care about the match too much.

    <O:70% Colt Cabana gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "We've just been informed that the winning team of this match, and not Just O'Haire and Jindrak, will face Los Mexicanos, Eddie Guerrero and Konnan, at the pay per view for the WCW Tag team titles!"

    Coach: "I'm just waiting to see who this mystery team is!!"

    SEAN O'HAIRE AND MARK JINDRAK vs ?????? , #1 Contendership for the tag team titles.

    O'Haire and Jindrak are out first, cocky as ever with Stacey at their side. They're apparently not very worried about their opponents as they're laughing and talking as Meltzer and Coach pay some bills and plug their advertisers. All of a sudden, the lights go out and the entire Arena turns redish. Smoke has formed at the top of the entrance ramp,



    Coach: "What the hell, It can't be.."

    The crowd goes absolutely nuts as two figures have made their way out the entrance and are standing in the Smoke, The smoke clears, and it's ROAD WARRIOR ANIMAL AND THE HURRICANE, Both clad in Spikes and paint!! O'Haire and Jindrak are absolutely shocked and immediately leave the ring as Hurricane and Animal hit the ring. They stand on the turnbuckles and the crowd goes absolutely nuts. Animal points at O'haire and Jindrak, yelling at them to get in the ring.

    O'Haire and Jindrak slowly make their way back into the ring and the bell sounds, with Animal facing off against Jindrak. In true Road Warrior fashion, Animal is working incredibly stiff tonight and the crowd loves it. Animal hit Jindrak with a clothesline that damn near took his head off and O'Haire hits the ring only to be powerslammed. The two regroup on the outside as Animal raises both of his arms in the air as the crowd pops. After about 30 seconds, O'Haire locks up with Animal and gains the upperhand, but not for long, because after an irish whip, Animal came right back with a shoulder tackle. Amazing stregnth by Animal who lifts O'Haire up and over his head for a press slam. Animal is looking as good as ever even at 43! The rest of this match, although O'Haire managed to get some offense on Hurricane, was a basic squash, but a lot more then that, as it's apparent O'Haire and Jindrak, the young studs were caught off guard by their cockiness. Hurricane made the hot tag to Animal, who absolutely cleaned house, delivering double clotheslines and then a double ddt to both competitors. Animal Irish whipped Jindrak, who attempted a cross body only to be caught. Fallaway slam and Jindrak rolls out of the ring. O'Haire is starting to get to his feet...SHINING WIZARD!!! Animal picks up O'Haire and puts him on his shoulders and the crowd gets their cameras ready! Hurricane up top... DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!!! The crowd marks out hard as Animal puts both of his hands on O'HAIRE'S chest for the cover and the 1-2-3!! What an absolute surprise, no one could have seen this one coming as the crowd errupts.


    <M:84% C:72% O:78%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Backstage, we see Hurricane and Animal celebrating their victory in their locker room, both excited as hell to be facing the champs at Halloween Havoc. All of a sudden, Mikey Whipwreck walks into the locker room and looks angry.

    Hurricane: "Mikey, how's it going man?!! Did you see us out there?!! It's ANIMAL!!! The Road Warriors, I got to be a Road Warrior!!!"

    Animal: "Put it there bro, glad to meet you Mikey Whipwreck, I saw your work in ECW."

    Whipreck: "What the hell is this man, You didn't even tell me about this, I thought we were a team man, and now you've got a tag title shot at Halloween Havoc, and I don't even have a match? That's crap."

    Hurricane: "Whoa, whoa, Relax man. It's all good man, we're all pals, no need to raise your voice Mikey. We're a team, I just , I grew up with the Road Warriors, they were my favorite team of all time, and now, me and Animal have a chance at the tag titles, you should be happy for us!"

    Whipwreck: "Happy, Happy? What happened to us? What happened to Mikey and Hurricane going for the tag titles, forget it man. Have fun with your little legion of doom pow wow."

    Whipwreck goes storming out of the locker room, but Hurricane and animal don't seem too concerned about it as they continue celebrating their victory.


    Chris Jericho is seen backstage. He grabs the microphone from Mene Gene, who just walks off, not even bothering with the ego maniac.

    Jericho: "Welcome to Monday Night Jericho! And I'm sorry I'm late, I'm sorry we're late actually, I actually just showed up, and I'm sure the arena is starting to fill up now that the Fozzy concert has ended. We got out a little late tonight, you know, all the ladies love Y2J, they kept having to pull them off the stage. I tell ya, being a rockstar has so many perks. Anyways, what am I talking abou...oh yeah, Tajiri. How'd you like that little trip I gave you last week Tajiri? Straight from the top turnbuckle to the spanish announce table, one way trip. And tonight, I find out I'm taggin' with the man I damn near killed last week? Against two guys who hate each other? I know what Eric Bischoff is trying to do, and it's not going to work. This won't be a tag match, it'll be a 3 on 1 against Chris Jericho. Well I won't have any of that Eric, you sly dog. Tonight Tajiri, leave the work to me, just don't even show up. I can take on two assclowns like Benoit and Christian by myself, cause I am, one bad mammajamma, I am, Y2J Chris Jericho, WCW Heavyweight champ, and above all else, rockstar extraordinare."

    Jericho takes a good look at the world title before walking off camera.

    <o:95% Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment. >

    We see Chris Benoit in his locker room, doing pushups and watching a monitor, preparing for the match. All of sudden he bursts to his feet and looks ready for a fight, Christian walks in! The two stand toe to toe!

    Christian: "look, I don't like you, you don't like me, but did you just see what I saw?"

    Benoit: "If you mean Jericho rattling his little mouth, yeah, I saw. What aboot it?"

    Christian: "This Sunday, we'll have all the time in the world to beat the hell out of each other, and as much as the captain is looking forward to that, but tonight, let's work as a team. Jericho and Tajiri, we know they can't co-exist. The way I see it, lets put differences aside for tonight and let's just do what we both really want to do more then anything else in the world, whoop Jericho's ass."

    Benoit: "Well Christian, you may not be such a creepy little bastard after all.."

    The two shake hands with grins on their faces as we go to commercial!


    Meltzer: "What a main event we coming up. This one should be excellent. We know Tajiri and Jericho don't get along, and can Benoit and Christian actually trust one another?"


    All four superstars come out to seperate themes, with Jericho making the final and most grandest entrance of them all. This one starts out with Tajiri and Christian, but Tajiri immediately chops Jericho in, which is apparently a tag! Jericho and Christian go at it in the early opening, with Jericho getting front facelock and a couple 1 counts before Christian finally breaks free. The two tie up, and Jericho gets a knee in the gut to gain the upper hand. Irish whip by Jericho, but Christian comes back with a cross body and a near fall. Jericho immediately tags in Tajiri, who wasn't paying attention and got slapped in the back by Jericho. Tajiri and Christian circle before going at it. Midmatch, Tajiri is still in the ring and Benoit is making him pay. Benoit hits a snap suplex and an elbow drop for a 2 count. Irish whip by Benoit, SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW! Here's Tajiri's chance to make a tag , he goes to his corner and what's this.. Jericho steps off the apron and outside. Tajiri is yelling at him as he stands on the second rope. Benoit grabs tajiri and hit's a hellacious german suplex with a bridge. 1-2-NO! Tajiri with his shoulder up. Tag to Christian by Benoit and He rests Tajiri's back on knee as Christian goes to the top rope. Christian off the top with what looks to possibly be a knee to the chest.. MIST!!!!! Christian is stunned and Benoit attacks Tajiri! Benoit with a full nelson overhead back suplex, but Tajiri lands on his feet. Double legged dropkick to Benoit, who goes chest first into the turnbuckles. Tajiri goes to the other corner, the one Jericho is standing in and sets up for a running something.. Wait... Jericho grabs him and pulls him down as he started to gain speed.. but the ref counts it as a tag!!!!

    Jericho is forced to get in the ring and takes control of Benoit. Tajiri, however, has left the ring is walking up the ramp, leaving Jericho all alone. Benoit makes the tag to Christian, who is a house of fire on Jericho. UNPRETTIER BY CHRISTIAN!!! Christian goes for the cover, 1-2- BENOIT PULLS HIM OFF AND GOES FOR THE PIN! 1-2- and christian pulls him off and the two argue!

    Meltzer: "Uh oh, I knew this wouldn't last."

    Benoit shoves Christian, and Jericho goes for a schoolboy. 1-2- Benoit breaks it up. Benoit goes for the crossface on Jericho and hits it and Jericho is riving in pain. Christian climbs the top turnbuckle, elbow drop onto Benoit! Christian hits another unprettier on Jericho and covers him for the 1-2-3. After the match, Christian grabbed Benoit and hit the inverted facelock backbreaker before leaving the ring and celebrating at the top of the ramp, with Jericho and Benoit still down in the ring!


    <M:88% C:77% O:82%>

    Show quality: 76%

  10. System Of A Down - Anything off of their self titled, Toxcitiy, Aerials, Chop Suey!

    Rammstein - Mutter, Du Hast, Mein Herzz Brennt, Sonne, Sehnsuct

    8 Foot Sativa

    Mushroomhead -- Before I die, Solitaire Unreveling, Bwomp, The Wrist, 43, Thirteen

    In Flames -- Accoustic Medley, Jester Dance, Jester Race, Moonshield, Clayman, Only for the weak, Bullet Ride, Cloud Connected, Jotun, Pinball Map, Square nothing, Brush the dust away,.. ah hell with it, their whole discography, except for maybe their last 2 albums, unless you want a disappointment.

    Anyone know any good instrumental ambient/atmospheric/doom metalish stuff? Stuff like Isis, Jesu, Pelican, Cult of Luna, John Petrucci, etc etc etc.

  11. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, October 18th, 2005

    - RATINGS -


    WWE - 6.07

    WCW - 5.83

    ECW - 5.44

    TNA - 3.11

    Same ole', same ole' in the ratings war. Nothing new to report on the tv front.


    WCW has bought out the contract of Ernest "The Cat" Miller due to his inability and desire not to return to the ring. Under the conditions, WCW will pay Miller an injury settlement each month for the remainder of his contract


    Following his fantastic performance on Nitro last night, WCW management have decided to move Ruckus from an opening position to a lower midcard position.


    Rumor has it, WCW may be signing a wrestling legend to work numerous dates in the month of November.

  12. user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    Monday, October 17th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and  Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "On the path to Halloween havoc, we want to welcome you to Monday Night Nitro here on UPN!"

    Coach: "Shut up meltzer, we got two teams already in the ring, rarin' to go at it!!"

    AIRFARE (birchall/paris) vs Blackout (Ruckus/Sabian)

    Ruckus started the match off by hitting anything that moved, as it's clear he's fired up tonight! Paris receives an absolute beating from Ruckus, who has assaulted him with a little of everything, an inside out clothesline, a standing moonsault and even a tiger suplex! Paris gets the tag to Birchall who doesn't do much better, he runs towards ruckus but gets put down with a hiptoss, Ruckus is on his game tonight! Ruckus with an irish whip, reversed by Birchall, RAZZLE DAZZLE!! What an elbow and Ruckus tags in sabian, who heads up top. split legged moonsault misses! Midmatch now and Birchall has taken control of Sabian, slamming his head into the turnbuckle. Birchall with a reverse waist lock, german attempt... Sabian lands on his feet, Sabian goes for a german of his own, but Birchall lands on his feet as well! Punch by Birchall, irish whip, double clothesline, both men are out. Following the 8 count, each man makes the tag to his partner. Ruckus enters the match, still hot, clothesline to paris, clothesline to birchall. Body slam to Paris and ruckus hits the ropes, front flip leg drop. 1-2- Birchall breaks it up. Ruckus clotheslines birchall up and over but paris connects on a right hand to the back of Ruckus. Ruckus quickly gains the upper hand which leads to The falcons arrow (can't call it the Hate Crime in wcw! :-) ) for the 1-2-3 pinfall victory.

    WINNERS: Ruckus and Sabian

    <M:86% C:40% O:63%>

    Backstage, we see Eric Bischoff and Stone Cold in Eric's office, as if they're actually discussing something.

    Eric: "I'll get to that in a second Steve. I have a couple of announcements to make right here. First, after what Jericho did to Tajiri last week on Nitro, I've decided to book the two for tonight in a main event!!!"

    Stonecold: "Well, that's fine and dandy and I hope the two beat the hell outta each other, but what about what I want Eric. "

    Eric: "I don't see why you couldn't just book it yourself Steve."

    Stonecold: "Because your board of directors doesn't appreciate it when Stone Cold books himself into matches ya silly bastard!"

    Eric: "Fair enough Steve. You got your match, do you want to announce it?"

    Stonecold: "Oh Hell ya. Raven, listen up you son of a bitch. October 30th, Halloween Havoc, you and me, FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE STREETFIGHT. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone cold said so!


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We come back from commercial and we see O'Haire and Jindrak and Stacey back in their locker room.

    O'Haire: "So you got the deal from Bischoff right Stacey?"

    Stacey: "Sean, Mark, I got the deal from Bischoff. It took a little, oral, I mean.. Moral boosting, but we got it.

    Jindrak: "Well,... who are our opponents?"

    Stacey: "Hold on their tiger, your match is next week. As for your opponents, Eric said, "wait and see"

    O'Haire: "Wait and see eh? Oh, we'll wait and see, we've beaten every tag team in this company. And after we beat them, we get our shot at the tag team titles at Halloween Havoc."

    Jindrak: "Wait and see? Does Eric really think that puts us at an disadvantage? we will wait and see and conquer, but uh, I don't think I can wait any longer before seeing more of you Stacey"

    we'lll uh.. leave these three alone for now..

    <0:88% Sean O'Haire gained overness from this segment. >

    SEXXXY EDDIE Vs Adam Windsor

    Hey, it's Sexxxy Eddie! Where's he bee... oh yeah, buried amongst all the talent in WCW, let's pray they get that tv deal next month eh?. A great matchup which saw neither man get the upperhand. A series of excellent counters ended with Eddie gaining the upper hand after a dropkick. At the 6 minute mark no man has the real advantage in this one, as it's been a see-saw affair. Meltzer reminds us that this match has a 10 minute time limit, so we're pretty sure how this one's going to end. At the 8 minute mark, Eddie hit the porno plung, but only managed a 2 count. In the closing minute, we see both superstars going at it, exchanging punches when out of no where Windsor hits the superkick! Windsor goes for a cover but the bell sounds!!! It's a draw!! Windsor looks a bit frustrated, as it was apparent he may have had the match won, but he shakes Eddie's hand when he gets to his feet.

    WINNER: Draw (time limit)

    <M:85% C:46% O:65%>

    Backstage, we see Whiskey Marc sitting on the ground in a dark and gloomy room.

    Whiskey: "They say, I'm too hardcore for wcw. They say, I'm too violent, they say, THEY SAY A LOT OF THINGS. But I'm sick of them. Sure, I may be a deathmatch legend in japan, sure, I may have a list of crimes and arrests that reads like a monthly shopping list, and sure, I may have ended Ernest Miller's career, but the fact that Eric Bischoff won't book me in any matches for the fear of his superstars safety is ridiculous. So Eric, WCW, if you won't book me in any matches, I'm going to start bringing in people I know will face me, and I can't be held accountable for what you see on your television shows. The Whiskey Marc Pain tour begans at Halloween Havoc."

    <0:80% Whiskey Marc gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Konnan/Eddie Guerrero© vs DDP and CM Punk

    A fine matchup indeed that saw Guerrero and Punk go at it in the opening minutes in a fast paced fury of action. The match slowed down midmatch as DDP and Konnan hooked up and did their typical in ring routines. At the five minute mark or so, Meltzer screams that we're gonna have new tag champs because DDP hit Konnan with the his trademark-ish clothesline. I'll tell ya, if O'haire and Jindrak can't beat the champs.. then they fell to a clothesline..stupid meltzer. We're at the 8 minute mark and this thing has broken down to a flat out brawl and the ref has lost control with his back turned to Punk and Guerrero, who are the two legal men in the ring. With the ref yelling at DDP and Konnan, Colt cabana comes running down the ramp as the crowd boo's. Cabana springboards off the top rope and hits CM with a missile dropkcik right to the middle of the chest that caught him hard. Eddie Guerrero with a pinning fisherman's suplex for the 1-2-3 as DDP Can't make the save. Cabana seems pleased with the results, as CM and DDP are pissed.


    <M:80% C:79% O:79%>

    Christian is standing by backstage with Mean Gene. The fans pop for Christian.

    Christian: "Stock in Christian is hot and all the peeps are buying low so they can sell high, I should know, because I'm buying too! Everyone asks me at every town I go to, "Christian, can you feel it? Can you sense it?" and yes, I can sense it. Since 1998 I've been doing what I do best on TV, kicking ass, taking names, and entertaining crowds. When I made my debut along with Gangrel and Edge, everyone thought I was the weak link, everyone thought Christian Cage would ammount to nothing. Then, after I had been a multiple time tag team champ, everyone doubted me, saying I could never make it as a singles wrestler. Well Captain Charisma shut them up and won singles title after singles title, but never the big one. At Halloween Havoc, I'll walk an overlooked man, I'll walk out, WCW Heavyweight champion."

    Chris Benoit comes walking up and gets face to face with Christian as the fans of Benoit can be heard throughout the Arena

    Benoit: "Christian, WCW Heavyweight champion? isn't that an oxymoron of some kind, Christian, Heavyweight, nah, it doesn't really go together now does it?"

    Christian: "Hey, you sawed off Chris Jericho wannabe, you're not exactly Mr. Universe yourself."

    Benoit: "Don't ever call me a Jericho wann..."

    Christian: "Oh, what's wrong CHRIS, afraid you're not the top Chris in the company? I've got news for you pal, you're not even as good as Chris Kanyon!"

    OOOH, the crowd laughs at that one as Benoit hits Christian with a right hand, The two are exchanging blows backstage until they tangle up and wrestle each other to the floor. Road agents surround them as they try to break the two apart, but it's no good. They fight for a couple more minutes, before the road crew is able to break the two appart.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    "Can you dig it, Suckaaaaaa" and out comes the United States champ to a nice little pop. Book gets in the ring, and he has something on his mind.

    Book: "Now, I know there's only limited time here on Nitro, so I'ma make this short and I'ma make this sweet. I spoke with Eric Bischoff earlier, and he told me he aint got nuthin planned at Halloween Havoc for me. Now, I ain't the "punk-ass never defend my title little bitch" that Scott Steiner was, I'm a fightin' man. So I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back, anyone at all, who want's a shot at my title."

    Meltzer: "Wow, what an opportunity for someone!"

    Coach: "I'm thinking about going down there myself and shutting that fool up"

    Meltzer: "Don't kid yourself partner."

    Book is in the ring waiting for someone to come from the back. "WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT?!!!"

    Meltzer: "Al Snow? What the hell?!"

    Al Snow gets a moddest pop from the crowd before getting in the ring and grabbing a microphone.

    Snow: "You might wanna rub your eyes Book to make sure this is really happening, yes, is Al Snow actually getting a title shot?"

    Book: "haha, well, you're definitely not the last person I expected out here, but definitely a surprise sucka. You wanna do this Al, you know I got a few years on ya old man."

    Snow: "Ha! I may be old, but I aint ready to hang em up yet Book. Yeah, let's do this thang, suckaaaa."

    The crowd pops for Snow's slang.

    Book: "Hold up hold up, "let's do this thang?" Who you think you are dog, Nelly?"

    Snow: "Nelly? Nelly fertado? I aint no women book, I know you're having relationship trouble.. but man..I just want a wrestling match, not a date."

    Book: "Alright alright (laughter). You got yo shot dawg, Halloween Havoc, Booka T, Al Snow, Us Title, it's gonna be hawt."

    The crowd pops as the two shake hands and exchange laughts, it's apparent that they were having quite a bit of fun during this segment.

    <0:74% Booker T lost overness from this segment. Al Snow gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Yet another great match for tonight, as these too took each other to the limits with a modest 7 minute match. They pulled out all the stops in this one. Kidman threw Rey to the outside and then dove off the top onto him as he was getting to his feet, hitting a shooting star press that looked like kidman actually got the worst of the exchange. That allowed Rey to get to his feet first and hit an asai moonsault on Kidman. Back in the ring, Rey hit a flying headscissors for a 2 count. Kidman gained control and attempted to do the face crusher, but it got reversed into a hurricanrana for the two count. Rey drops the dime for another 2 count. Rey calls for the west coast pop, but Kidman caught him with the face crusher! We might have a new champ here as kidman pins, but he gets a 2.99998 as Rey was able to kickout at the last second. The ending to the match saw Rey catch kidman up top in a bad way, and while Kidman was still reeling from racking himself on the turnbuckle, Rey springboarded off the top rope, jumped onto kidmans shoulders and hit a stunning hurricanrana for the 1-2-3 as he celebrated his victory after the match. Hey, why did Kidman get a cruiserweight title match anyways, I thought the flock was in the doghouse with austin?


    <M:83% C:76% O:79%>

    Backstage, we see the Highlight of the Night, Chris Jericho, World title on his shoulder as it's apparent he's ready for his match, standing by with Mean Gene. The crowd is all over Jericho.

    Mean Gene: I'm standing.."

    Chris Jericho grabs the mic.

    Chris Jericho: "That's enough, String bean, or whatever the hell your name is. So I just get here from a Fozzy concert earlier, and find out that Eric Bitchoff has put me in a match against Tajiri? I'm sorry junior, but this isn't ECW back when Jericho wasn't the ayatollah of rock and rollah, this is WCW, and I'm world champ. Tajiri? Come on junior, I'm not scared of Tajiri, and as a matter of fact, I'm not scared of those assclowns Benoit or Christian. I heard they're still fighting somewhere in the back playing an aggressive game of assgrab. But never fear Jerichoholics, Y2J won't pull a no-show like Paul Heyman at an alamony settlement, Y2J's in the house babayyy, and tonight, Tajiri, I'll make your ass tap, or I'll break your ankle. And don't even think of spitting your little kool-aid on me Tajiri, my pretty face can't be stained, I have a magazine cover shoot tommorrow!  Because you see Tajiri, guys like me, are in demand. Guy's like you, you just make guys like me look good, jackass.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "What a great match this should be!"

    Coach: "Are you sure you don't want to scream out "MAIN EVENT MAIN EVENT" a million times as if no one else knows?"

    CHRIS JERICHO VS TAJIRI, Non-Title match.

    Tajiri gets a little heat from the crowd, but not as much as Jericho, who has the crowd boo'ing like crazy as he jaws with them on the way down to the ring. Jericho's standing on the apron and is about to do his pose, but Tajiri kicks him between the ropes and pushes him off the apron. Tajiri is about to go up and over, but Jericho grabs the legs and pulls Tajiri outside. Jericho with a couple punches before whipping Tajiri into the ring steps. This one might end in a hurry as it's apparent that Tajiri is hurt after that one. Tajiri rolls in the ring at the 9 count and Jericho is all over him for the next couple minutes, as Tajiri is simply a rag doll. Jericho hits a couple suplexes and a clothesline that takes Tajiri inside out. Tajiri fights back midmatch, and after being irished whipped, hits the backspring elbow . Tajiri goes to work, hitting Jericho with numerous kicks to the side and stomach as he tries to get to his feet. When Jericho finally gets to his feet, he catches Tajiri's leg, but Tajiri hits a stiff enziguri that sends Jericho back down. Tajiri goes up top and tries for a doubl e legged dropkick, but Jericho sidesets as Tajiri hits hard on his back. Jericho goes for the liontamer, but he can't turn him, so he goes for the slingshot, but Tajiri lands on the top rope! Tajiri off the top with a moonsault onto a standing Jericho. 1-2-NO! Jericho is up at 2 and a half as Tajiri tells the ref to count faster. Tajiri whips Jericho into the corner, but Jericho reverses it. Jericho comes charging and misses, uh oh. TARANTULA!!!! Tajiri breaks the hold before the 5 count. Tajiri is stalking Jericho as he's slow to get to his feet. Tajiri goes for the kick of death, but Jericho ducks and shoves Tajiri out of the way.

    Tajiri kicks Jericho in the stomach and puts his leg on Jericho's neck, backflip (what is this move called?), Jericho goes for a clothesline when Tajiri lands on his feet, but Tajiri ducks, BLUE MIST ducked by Jericho and the ref gets a face full. With the ref incompacitated, Y2J immediately hits a low blow before sending Tajiri over the top rope. Jericho starts tearing the spanish announce table apart! The table is ready and Jericho grabs Tajiri and brings him onto the ring apron. The crowd is ecstatic right now as Jericho gets on the top rope and pulls Tajiri to the top with him. They're surely taking their time with this one while the ref is still "out". Jericho sets Tajiri up for a powerbomb and has him ready, Jericho dives off the top rope as TAJIRI GOES FLYING OFF HIS SHOULDERS AND THREW THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE FOR THE SICK BUMP!!! An immediate holy shit chant starts as Jericho and Tajiri are both down.


    COACH: "Tajiri is dead, Tajiri is dead!"

    They stay down for about a minute before Jericho slowly rolls Tajiri in the ring. The ref has started to recover now and Jericho grabs tajiri's limp legs and turns him over for the liontamer. The ref awakens to see Tajiri unconscience and in the liontamer and calls for the bell. Jericho gets his hand raised the victor as medics rush to check on Tajiri as Jericho slowly makes his way up the ramp, looking like he had just been in a car crash as we fade out from a great nitro and match that would definitely win MOTN almost any time!


    <M:88% C:81% O:84%>


  13. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

    - RATINGS -


    WWE - 6.04

    WCW - 5.87

    ECW - 5.48

    TNA - 3.12

    Here they are folks.. Christian and Tajiri definitely caused some excitement in the WCW scene, as well as Konnan, as they've closed in behind WWE Raw, who barely won the ratings war this week by a mere .17 points! Things are heating up as it begans to cool down for winter!


    Ernest Miller's agent has released a press statement, saying that the chances of seeing Miller in active competition again is "highly unlikely" and he is in good spirits as he recovers from the broken neck he suffered from Whiskey Marc at Fall Brawl


    WCW has yet again bought out another federation, this time Rob Black's "small" promotion, Chaotic Wrestling. The company, which featured such stars such as Lobo and Necro Butcher, had lost money in recent months. Once again, no one is sure why Eric Bischoff is just throwing around his money, but we here at NODQ don't like it one bit! Despite terminating the majority of the workers contracts from Chaotic Wrestling, they did sign Adam Pearce, Katsuyori Shibata and Ryuji Ito to open contracts and place them in their development terrority, Atlanta City Wrestling.


    This seems to be the big question on everyone's mind right now, as Heyman is teetering on the verge of being strictly a national company, cutting global tours later this year. Many are wondering how Heyman is able to pay wrestlers such as The Rock, Bill Goldberg, Randy Savage,  Sting, Ken Shamrock and Lex Luger while still turning profit. It was apparent that when making his roster, Paul Heyman chose popularity over talent, which is hurting them when they duel with WCW. Despite having more star power, they have less in ring ability.

  14. user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    Monday, October 10th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and  Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Welcome to Monday Night Nitro here on UPN! What a night in store for you tonight"

    Coach: "What a night? What about last Monday? Tajiri and Christian showed up! We don't even know if Tajiri even works for us!"

    Uh oh.. Christian's music hits and the crowd pops. He looks frustrated as he head down to the ring and gets a mic.

    Christian: "Last Monday, right as the Captain' was about to make it 'happen and win the Heavyweight title from Chris Jerkicho, something unexpected happened. The Timid Wolverine, Chris Benoit threw powder in my eyes, which allowed that assclown Jericho to win last week. Now, I'm not sure how things work here in WCW, but If they're anything like WWE, I think I'm allowed to say this. Chris Benoit, get your ass out here now!!!"

    Not a second goes by before Benoit's music hits and out comes the Canadian Crippler, who walks right down the ramp and gets toe to toe with Christian.

    Christian: "So Chris, you like to interfere in other people's matches huh, perhaps you'd like a match of your.."

    Chris Benoit snatches the mic from Christian's hand.

    Benoit: "Yes, I would like a match against you Christian, and if that's a challenge, I accept. As far as I'm concerned, you're just a speed bump in my path to Chris Jericho. And if you think you're going to be facing him at Halloween Havoc, you're wrong. It's going to be me, winning the world heavyweight.."

    TAJIRI's music hits! Out comes the Japanese buzzsaw as the crowd isn't sure how to react to him. He gets in the ring and grabs a microphone!

    Tajiri: "Tajiri #1 contender, not Benoit, not Creepy...little... (laughter) bastard"

    Christian: "Tajiri, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you can barely speak english, let alone beat me or Benoit, so what makes you think you can beat Chris Jericho.

    Tajiri: "Watch footage."

    Footage is shown on the tron of Tajiri misting Christian, giving Benoit the springboard elbow and kicking Jericho in the head last week on Nitro. Tajiri laughs at the footage.

    Christian: "Alright you little chumpstain, that wasn't funny, maybe I'll kick your ass instead of .."

    5..4...3..2..1.. break the walls down!!!!!!!

    Out comes the champ, Chris Jericho. He stands up on top of the ramp as the crowd is all over him.

    Jericho: "Ah, isn't this cute, you three jackasses all want my world title. Well, I just spoke with Eric Bischoff, and he said that NONE of you are going to get a shot at the title tonight or any night for that mat..."

    Uh oh.. here comes the Boss. He stands on the opposite side of the ramp as Jericho and has a microphone.

    Bischoff: "Y2J, I thought I told you to stop acting like you run MY company. You may be the world champ, but you damn sure aren't in control of ANYTHING in this company. Now, I see we have a problem here. 3 men want the same thing, a shot at Chris Jericho. I started thinking to myself, and determined it would be unfair to make you face all 3 of them in the same night Y2J. But then I remembered that last week, it was unfair that you interrupted mine and Stacey's business meeting. So you know what, I am going to make you face all 3 of them. At Halloween Havoc, it will be Chris Jericho defending  the WCW World Heavyweight title against TAJIRI, CHRIS BENOIT AND CHRISTIAN IN A FATAL FOUR WAY MATCH!!!"

    The crowd pops as the 3 superstars in the ring look happy. Jericho, on the other hand, looks downright miserable.

    Bischoff: "As for tonight, it sounded like we have a challenge. So tonight, in that ring, Christian will take on Chris Benoit in 1 on 1 competition. And in the interest of fairness, if Tajiri or Chris Jericho interfere in that matchup, they'lle automatically be eliminated from the 4 way matchup. Oh and Chris, don't think that's your easy way out either, because if you do interfere, the other 3 competitors will still be competing for your title!"

    Oh man, Jericho is pissed after hearing that as Bischoff's music hits and he heads to the back. In the ring, it looks as if things may break down, but all 3 superstars leave the ring, satisfied by what they've heard.

    <0:79% Chris Jericho lost overness from this segment. Tajiri gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Lawler receives a small pop from the crowd, although bigger then Windsors. Lawler has the size advantage here and should clearly be the favorite in the eyes of many. Unfortunately, the crowd wasn't really into this one, and it was a shame, because they put on a pretty decent matchup. It was a great show of wrestling, despite not many memorable moments, the two just went out and did their job. Lawler hit the missle dropkick at the 4 minute mark but only got a 2 count. Windsor won this one via Superkick after ducking a clothesline at the 6 minute mark. After the match, the two shake hands in a show of sportsmanship.


    <M:74% C:55% O:64% Brian Lawler lost overness from this match. Adam Windsor gained overness from this match. >

    Before the two can leave the ring, Matt Hardy's music hits! It looks like we're gonna have this match right now!!


    O'Haire comes out with Stacey at his side, looking as hot as ever. Matt points to her before the match starts, yelling leud things at her, however, O'Haire attacks him as the bell sounds. These two put on a great match, as O'haire tried hard not to waste too much energy given his tag team title match later tonight. Matt Hardy with a swinging neckbreaker followed by a 2nd rop leg drop at the 3 minute mark for a 2 count. At the 5 minute mark, O'Haire held Matt in the air for a good 20 seconds before dropping him with a brainbuster!! 2 count on that one as Matt's shaken up given the rush of blood to the head. Matt tried fighting back, but O'Haire just proved to be too much for him. Matt went for the twist of fate, but O'Haire reversed with a jawbreaker then a big boot to the face. Following that, Matt fell victim to the Seanton Bomb for the 1-2-3, which definitely made Stacey Happy. O'Haire and Stacey walk up the ramp hand in hand after the victory, as it's apparent they have to start preparing for the tag title match later in the night.


    <M:75% C:73% O:74% Matt Hardy lost overness from this match. Sean O'Haire gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    GLASS SHATTERS! Out comes Stonecold as the crowd goes wild. Austin grabs the chair that the ring announcer was sitting on outside the ring and sets it up in the ring and sits down.

    Austin: "I figured I'd sit here and be a lazy bastard rather then stomp around the ring tonight. Speaking of lazy bastards, Stone Cold was ready to whoop some flock ass last week, but Raven decided to skip out on showing up. If Raven wants to try to play headgames, that's fine. I can sit out here everynight and call him to the ring, I got all the time in the world Raven, but unfortunately for you, you don't. You see, you can't avoid me forever. So I suggest you get your sorry carcass to this ring right now cause Stone Cold doesn't plan to sit here all night.

    Austin waits, and waits and waits.. Finally, Raven comes out, Flock behind him. Austin cuts off the flock's entrance music.

    Austin: "You dumb sons of bitches, I called out Raven, not the flock. Nobody wants to see all you little bastards out here, so get to the back."

    The Flock scurries to the back, afraid that Austin will book them in a match vs Whiskey Marc or something. Raven gets in the ring, and gets a microphone.

    Raven: "fair enough Austin, I've graced you with my presence. It's apparent to me that there's still a little bit of animosity between us from when I beat you at the pay per view a few weeks ago.."

    Austin: "You're damn right there's animosity you dumb son of a bitch. You're little band of bitches interfered in that damn match."

    Raven: "Austin, you can't respect the concept of having followers. All of your life, you've been a follower. You've followed instructions all your career. You don't understand, when you fight one bird, you fight the entire flock, and if you can't understand that, maybe I'll beat it into you."

    Raven goes for a right hand, Austin catches it and hits a right of his own and 2 more, Austin goes for an Irish whip, but it's reversed..DROP TOE HOLD ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR! Raven rolls out of the ring as Austin is quick to his feet with an apparent busted nose. Raven smiles as he walks up the ramp and AUSTIN IS PISSED!


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    yet another match in the Punk/saints story as WCW obviously see's the great quality these guys put forth in their matches. Great match here, as DDP looked good in tag team action. The match saw numerous tags from Steel and Cabana who isolated CM for the majority of the match. Cabana reversed punk's hurricanrana with a sitout powerbomb that only got a 2 count. After roughly 4 minutes of being isolated, CM finally got off an enziguri on Steel and made the hot tag to DDP, who cleaned house with right hands on steel and Cabana which took them both down. DDP with a clothesline that sends steel up and over, but Cabana get a dropkick to the back. Cabana goes up top as DDP gets to his feet. Cabana dives off the top rope, possibly going for a shoulder block.. but uh oh.. DIAMOND CUTTER!!! DDP hit him the diamond cutter in midair. DDP with the cover and this one's all over, 1-2-3, a victory for Punk and DDP as they celebrate together in the ring.


    <M:83% C:73% O:78%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    An amazing High flying affair here that saw thsese two lightweights flying around the ring in what will be remember as one of the fastest matches in recent memory. Fleisch and Mysterio reversed everything that was thrown at them, and neither actually hit anything big in the opening minutes. A lot of arm drags, hiptosses, up and overs and misses. Fleisch got a rollup and grabbed the tights, but Mysterio got a kickout. Mysterio scored the first real offense of the match, a flying head scissors at the 3 minute mark.  Fleisch went outside to regroup, but Mysterio went through the ropes with a suicide dive. Mysterio gets on the apron.. SPRINGBOARD BACKFLIP, Fleisch catches him and drives him right into the ring post back first! Fleisch rolls mysterio back in the ring and gets to the top rope. 450 Splash misses however as Fleisch goes crawling to the ropes. 619 attempt by mysterio, Fleisch moves out of the way, but not before mysterio gets behind him. Mysterio on the shoulders and trys for a rollup, but Fleisch hits an electric chair drop! 1-2-NO. Fleisch with an irish whip, reversed, mysterio with a drop toe hold that sets him up for a 619, which connects. Here comes the west coast pop! Wait, Fleisch reverses with a sitout powerbomb! 1-2-NO! Fleisch sets up and springboards off the ropes, attempting a 720 phoenix DDT. Mysterio stands his ground however, and hits an armdrag! Mysterio springboards and drops the dime. 1-2-NO! Mysterio goes for it one more time, WEST COASAT POP, CONNECTS! 1-2-3 and the champ retains in what was a great match!


    <M:95% C:71% O:83% The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Eddie Guerrero's theme hits and out comes the tag team champ, holding both belts! Eddie grabs a mic as the crowd boo's.

    Eddie: "Eric Bischoff said I could have anyone I want as a tag team partner. And I thought about it long and hard amigos, I did. And so tonight, I'd like to introduce you to the man I chose, someone Eric Bischoff knows quite well, someone who likes to get bowdy bowdy and rowdy rowdy, KONNAN!!"

    Konnan comes to the ring in typical fashion as the fans boo him.

    Meltzer: "Konnan? that's TNA talent! has Eric signed yet another wrestler?"

    Konnan gets in the ring and hugs Eddie Guerrero, who has handed him one of the tag team titles. Eddie and Konnan hold the titles up in the air. Konnan gets on the mic and does his little spiel, but not beforeO'Haire and Jindrak's music hits, interrupting him.

    <O:75% Konnan gained overness from this segment. Eddie Guerrero lost overness from this segment. >

    KONNAN and EDDIE GUERRERO© vs Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire

    Jindrak started this one out and was all over Konnan, connecting on early offense before slowing it down with a headlock. Konnan broke free and got the tag to Eddie, who really took it to Jindrak, hitting punches, chops and a couple clothesline. Jindrak scurried to his corner and tagged in O'Haire. Midmatch, O'Haire had been in the ring for about 4 minutes and looks completely winded as Konnan goes to work on him, hitting a vert suplex and a couple elbow drops. He barely gets the shoulder up after 2. Eddie and Konnan take advantage of O'Haire's tiredness, not letting him get a tag to Jindrak, who desperately wants back in the match. Stacey gets on the apron to argue with the ref, but she is bumped off by O'Haire following an irish whip. Jindrak goes to check on her as Konnan hits a powerslam and makes the tag to Eddie, who heads up top and hits a frogsplash for the 1-2-3 before Jindrak can make the save. After the match, it's apparent that O'Haire and Jindrak are upset, as they're exchanging a few words in the ring before leaving together with Stacey, who's a bit shaken up after that bump


    <M:83% C:77% O:80% The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image. >

    Backstage, we see Scott Steiner talking to Eric Bischoff backstage.

    Steiner: "Look, I'm fed up with this Eric. What ever happened to the loyalty I had for you huh? You're not making this easier on any of the boys Eric."

    Bischoff: "Scott, you know damn well that's what killed WCW, too many backstage politics and favors being done for certain individuals, I'm not like that any more. I give everyone the opportunities they deserve. I made you the leader of my justice department, if you're not able to compete with guy's like Booker, why don't you go after the tag titles?"

    Steiner: "What the hell are you talking about Bischoff. Not able to compete? I'm the freak of nature, I can defeat anyone in that ring. The hell you talk down to me Eric, I outta punch your lights out right now just for saying that!"

    Steiner grabs Bischoff by the collar and raises his fist. Before he can throw a punch on the cowering Bischoff, security breaks it up. Bischoff regroups as Steiner is being held by cops and security.

    Bischoff: "You know what Scott, you need a little break. Until you hear from me, consider your ass suspended! You get your ego in check and your head straight or you won't be coming back either."


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Backstage, we see Tajiri, throwing kicks at a punching bag. He's throwing thunderous kicks at it as he's obviously fired up for something. WAIT! Out of NOWHERE comes Chris Jericho, who absolutely floors Tajiri with the world title. Jericho gets down along side the fallen Tajiri and holds the belt to Tajiri's face.

    Jericho: "Is this what you want Tajiri? You want my title? WELL FORGET ABOUT IT JUNIOR. This is my belt, MINE, not yours. Do you understand me Tajiri? You son of a bitch!"

    Jericho gives him a couple more kicks for good measure before leaving.

    <O:78% Chris Jericho lost overness from this segment. Tajiri gained overness from this segment. OOF.. again.>

    Meltzer: "My god what an attack on Tajiri, the champ is absolutely furious. Well folks, we've come to our main event!"


    The fans were split as these two faces took to one another, great mat wrestling in the early going. It was apparent benoit was working the arm in the early going while Christian was just trying to gain any sort of upperhand he could. Early in the match, Christian went for the unprettier, but Benoit managed to get off 3 rolling german suplexes that absolutely took the life out of Christian. Benoit called for the headbut early, but Christian got to his feet and superplexed Benoit off the top! Christian slowed the match down with a 1 legged boston crab. Midmatch, the fight had spilled to the outside. Benoit hit a snap suplex on the steel ramp that Christian totally oversold. Benoit whipped Christian into the stairs before rolling him in the ring and going for the pin, only to get a 2 count. Benoit with an Irish whip and he puts his head down. Christian kicks benoit and hits the ropes, powerslam by Benoit. 1-2-NO!. Christian gains the upperhand and whips benoit to the corner. here comes Christian attempting a splash, but only gets  a face full of ringpost. Benoit with a release german suplex. Benoit goes up top and connects with the swandive headbutt! 1-2-NO! Benoit is slow to his feet and picks up Christian. He goes for a verticle suplex, but Christian breaks free and out of no where HITS THE UNPRETTIER! Christian with his hand draped over Benoit, 1-2- 2.99999999 kickout!!! The two are both up and Christian goes for a right hand, CROSSFACE!!! Benoit has the crossface locked in and Christian is in some serious pain as he struggle to go for the ropes. Christian finally makes it to the ropes and the hold is broken. Benoit gets behind Christian and has a reverse waistlock, Christian goes behind with a waistlock of his own. Christian leapfrogs onto the shoulders and turns around, so now that he's facing Benoit. Benoit goes for a running powerbomb, but it's reversed into a facebuster!!! Christian picks him up one more time and hits yet another unprettier and hooks the leg, 1-2-3 and Christian wins it! The two are both tired after such a great match. Christian celebrates as Nitro goes off the air.


    <M:99% C:70% O:84%>

    SHOW RATING: 77%

  15. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, October 4th, 2005

    - RATINGS -


    WWE - 6.03

    WCW - 5.83

    ECW - 5.47

    TNA - 3.12

    Ratings are in and TNA dips deadly close to 3.00 mark. Nothing new up top however, as the global federations are still duking it out.


    Ernest Miller's surgery last week was deemed a success. However, doctors are saying that it's highly likely he'll never be able to step foot in a professional wrestling ring again.


    Chavo Guerrero is back home as he's learning to deal with his broken leg. There is no timetable on his return at this time.

    Christian, Tajiri and more..

    NODQ.COM had been expecting something big given the recent meetings between Paul Heyman and Vince Mcmahon, but no one could even imagine the debut of not one, but two superstars from rival promotions in WCW. Eric Bischoff hit one out of the park, as he was able to sign Christian and Tajiri to written contracts, a definite blow to ECW and especially WWE, who were expecting Christian to feud throughout the summer with their current champion, John Cena.

    WCW Calls up Brian Lawler

    Brian Lawler, who had been unhappy in WCW's development territory has been called up to the roster. It is unknown what his role will be in upcoming shows.

    WCW to purchase more promotions?

    Rumor has it that WCW owner Eric Bischoff may flex his muscles and be in the market to shut down more wrestling promotions, as he's been scouring the market to see which owners are willing to negotiate takeovers with him. Although, we can only guess Bischoff is interested in corporate takeovers rather then taking over assets and contracts.

  16. user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    October 3rd, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and  Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    "Break the walls dowwwwwwnn.."

    And out comes the World Champ with a smile on his face and world title around his waist. Let's see what he has to say.

    Jericho: "Tonight, is a very glorious night. And how appropriate, because tonight marks the first night of Monday Night Jericho!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, Hulk Hogan has left the building, never to return. And why's it so glorious you ask? Because now, Eric Bischoff no longer has an immortal icon to look to for ratings, Eric Bischoff no longer has the cash cow that is Hulkamania, Eric Bischoff can no longer deny me of the spotlight I so rightfully deserve. As Heavyweight champion, Eric Bischoff is no forced to recognize me as the top man in his company, with no questions asked. My reign at the top has officially began, it's Jericho's show, Jericho's company, and most importantly, Jericho's spotlight. After years and years of being forced to wait in the wings, put over other wrestlers and be overshadowed by stars that weren't as good as me, weren't as charasmatic either! But now, The Highlight of the Night truly can live up to the name, because I'm officially the man that sells out the arenas, that draws those tv ratings, that sells the most t-shirts. I am Chris Jericho, wcw World Champion, King of the World, Highlight of the ni..."

    "Don't close your eyes" hits and the fans go absolutely apeshit.

    Meltzer: "That's... that's.... thats..."

    Coach: "It Can't be!"

    YES! Captain Charisma himself is here and on NITRO!!! A Christian chant break out immediately breaks out as Jericho is shocked and angered at the same time. Once again, someone has interrupted him in the middle of his segment! The champ gets no respect. Christian has a mic.

    Christian: "Before you finish that Sentence, I'd just like to remind you, that you may be the higlight, but I'm the Captain who makes it happen! (crowd chants). I must admit though, you've got yourself a pretty nice playground here Chris. You've got a nice little setup, primetime airtime, hey look, you even have the WCW Heavyweight title. Well let me tell you something Chris, I'm the playground bully, and I take whatever I want, whenever I want. And that belt around your waist, I'm liking what I'm seeing, so you can either give it to me, or I can take it, the choice is yours."

    Jericho: "Oh no you jackass, you're not taking anything. Three months Christian, three months it took me to pry this title from the cold dead hands that were Hulkamania, and I'm not about to lose it to you, or to anyone! So take your assclown self and go to the locker room and wait your turn to be humiliated by the force that is Y2J."

    Christian: "Well, Mr. Y2J, I'm sorry to inform you, but my turn is NOW! In a stipulation in my very, very lucrious contract that I signed for Eric Bischoff, it clearly states that Christian gets a world title shot whenever he wants, wherever he wants. And I want my shot, TONIGHT!"

    Christian's theme hits and the champion is reeling as he's kicking the ring ropes in frustration. The crowd is absolutely shocked at what they've witnessed, and apparently we have a main event now!

    <0:89% Christian debuted his new gimmick, it got a negative response. ARG.>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Sonny Siaki vs Jodi Fleisch vs Ultimo Dragon vs The Amazing Red

    During this high flying elimination affair, we're told that this match could have major implications regarding the cruiserweight division, interesting. As you would expect, this match was an amazing display of speed and high risk, as all 4 superstars gave it their all. The match featured a one upsmanship by Red, Siaki and Fleisch, as they each dove out of the ring more brilliantly then the last. Dragon was eliminated first when Fleisch hit the 720 DDT at the 5 minute mark. Red was the second eliminated after Fleisch attempted a back body drop on Red, only to have him try to land on his feet, but not before Siaki caught him with a sitout powerbomb! Siaki and Fleisch went at it for 2 more minutes. Fleisch missed a springboard legdrop, and Siaki caught him with a standing moonsault with a pin for a 2 count. The finish saw Fleisch hit a springboard frankensteiner with a pin for the 1-2-3. After the match, we see Fleisch celebrating for a brief moment.


    <M:85% C:61% O:73%>

    Backstage we see Matt Hardy walking with a vengence. He catches Sean O'Haire off guard backstage.


    Sean: "What the hell do you want?"

    Matt: "You're little bitch attacked my girlfriend and now she doesn't even want to come back to Nitro"

    Sean: "Boo hoo hoo, what are you going to go, cry about it with her at home?"

    Matt: "No, I'm challenging you to a match, next week, you or Mark, it doesn't matter, I'll kick either one of your asses."

    Sean: "Is that some sort of a threat matt? You're nothing, you're a joke, I'll see you next week, bitch!"


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    CM Punk/Adam Windsor vs Ace Steel and Colt Cabana

    Windsor and Punk get a pretty big pop from the crowd tonight, who don't seem to care as much about cabana and steel. None the less, this as an absolutely crazy affair, as we get a great mix of brawling, technical wrestling and High risk offense rolled into one. CM and Cabana hooked it up midmatch with an extra long series of counters that ended with punk stealing a page from Windsor and hitting the kryptonite Crunch out of no where for the 2 count. Near the end of the match, with Windsor and Cabana the legal men, it broke down in the ring and turned into war. Cabana had thrown CM Punk over the top rope right as Windsor hit a super kick on Ace Steel. Cabana rolled up Windsor and grabbed the tights for the 1-2-3! Cabana and Steel have stolen this one as Windsor is clearly frustrated in the ring.


    <M:88% C:66% O:77%>

    Backstage, we see Eric Bischoff sitting in his desk writing something when there's a knock at his door, it's Stacey Keibler. Keibler is wearing one of her mini mini skirts and a shirt that shows her awesome stomach. Eric is quite surprised.

    Eric: "Well Stacey, and to what do I owe this visit?"

    Stacey: "Oh, nothing really Eric, just wanted to stop by and say hi, maybe get a match if you wanted to give me one, but I better do a little stretching first"

    Stacey puts her leg up on Bischoff's desk and grabs the sole of her boot with her hands. Eric obviously likes what he see's. Now she's bending over in front of his desk, toucher her toes!

    Eric: "Wow..uhh..you uh....wanted to be in a match?"

    Stacey: "Oh, I didn't want to be in a match Eric, but I know a couple guys who do. O'Haire and Jindrak really want their rematch for the tag team titles Eric."

    Eric: "Tag team titles eh? I may need a bit more convincing.."

    Stacey walks behind Bischoffs desk and sits down on it. She puts her long legs on Bischoff's shoulders.

    Stacey: "Is this enough convincing Mr. Bischoff?"

    Eric: "Yes, yes, this is fine, this is fine. Alright Stacey, you've got your match for next week."

    With that, Chris Jericho comes bursting through the door, interrupting their little pow wow. Stacey is quick to get off the desk. She gives Chris a look before walking out the door satisfied."

    Eric: "Don't you know how to knock Chris, I was conducting business."

    Jericho: "The only business you were conducting Eric was the illegal kind. I thought I told you to get rid of all the prostitutes backstage."

    Eric: "Jericho, what do you want?"

    Jericho: "Why the hell is Christian here and why does he think he's getting a title shot?"

    Eric: "Ah, yes, Christian, my latest aquisition. Listen Jericho, my hands are tied, it's in his contract, if he wants a title shot tonight, I have to give it to him."

    Jericho: "Alright Eric, you want to play games, you want to play games huh? I'm gonna destroy your latest aquisition, and after I do, I'm not going to put up with things like this anymore, got it?"

    Jericho goes storming out of Eric's office.


    Backstage, we see Steve Austin, complete with bandage on his head from last week's assault, walk into a locker room. Inside the Flock are immediately to their feet and ready to fight, but Raven is noticeably absent.

    Austin: "AH AH AH, Wait a minute you sons of bitches. Stone Cold aint here for a fight tonight. I'm here to announce a fight. Kidman, you little bastard, you ready for a fight, cause you're up next!

    Kidman: "Who's my opponent?"

    Austin: "Don't ask questions son, get in that ring, now now now. Don't question Stonecold's decisions!"

    Richards: "Don't worry Billy, we got your back."

    Austin: "NAH UH, NONE OF THAT. If any of you bastards interfere in the match, you're gonna have to face Kidman's opponent next week!"

    Kidman looks aggrivated but cocky as he heads out of the locker room.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Kidman comes out first and is waiting in the ring for his opponent. UH OH!! Whiskey Marc's music hits and out comes the monster. Kidman is scared shitless in the ring, and I don't think any of his fellow flock members are going to want to help him either!

    WHISKEY MARC vs Billy Kidman

    One word. Squash. A 2 minute match that saw Kidman get beat like a little ragdoll all around the ring. Austin has apparently found a solution to solve the Flock's run-in problems! Kidman sells everything Marc throws at him, a couple powerful clotheslines, a stiff boot to the face that busted Kidman's nose open, an absolutely sick powerbomb and the finish, The Whiskey Buster. Marc wins by pinfall as he gets heat from the crowd. After the match, he grabs a microphone.

    Whiskey Marc: "To all the superstars in the back, you've seen what I can do. Andrew Martin is so scared of me that he left WCW, and last Sunday, at Fall Brawl, I ended Ernest Miller's career. I'm too hardcore for this promotion, and I'm too tough for any of you to take me down!"

    Winner: Whiskey Marc

    <M:86% C:48% O:67%>

    Backstage in a locker room, we see O'Haire and Jindrak talking. Stacey walks in on the middle of the conversation.

    O'Haire: "I can't wait for next week, I'll destroy Matt Hardy.."

    Stacey: "Huh? Next week, I just got you guys a shot at the tag team titles."

    Jindrak: "Really..who's Eddie's partner?!!!"

    O'Haire: "I just accepted a challenge against Matt Hardy for next week?"

    Stacey: "Sean.. you knew I was going to talk to Eric about the tag titles."

    O'Haire: "Oh well, I'll have two matches then, you've seen me Stacey, 2 matches? No big deal, I'll beat matt and then we'll win the tag titles. You've seen my stamina stacey"

    Stacey: "Oh yes, I have..speaking of which.."

    We better uh..leave the room before we get fined by the FCC!

    <0:80% Mark Jindrak gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Did you hear that Coach, tag team title match next week! Coach?"

    Coach has apparently left the broadcast booth in search of Jindrak and O'Haire's lockerroom.


    Eddie hits the ring and grabs a mic.

    Eddie: "Rey Mysterio, you hurt Chavito essay. You put him outta action and now I gotta find another partner holmes. Tonight, I'm gonna hurt you, I'll make you feel poor Chavito's pain. I'll make you feel my Latino Heat!!"

    Rey rey comes running down the ramp and we have ourselfs a cruiserweight title match. A solid 14 minute contest that saw Eddie use his size advantage on Rey in the early going. At the 2 minute mark, Rey took a solid bump as Eddie suplexed him over the top rope. However, Rey took control, as he hit a jawbreaker across the top rope and a springboard headscissors. Rey went for the 619 early, but Eddie moved out of the way and took control. At the 8 minute mark, Eddie Guerrero hit a simply awesome top rope hurricanrana and almost got the 3, but Rey Kicked out. Following that, he successfully hit the 3 amigos, but Rey got the foot on the ropes during the pin. The conclusion saw Eddie miss a frog splash and crawl to the ropes in pain. Mistake by Eddie however as Rey hit the 619!! Rey is setting up for the West coast pop, but Eddie catches him and it looks like it may be a powerbomb... but Rey reverses with a pinning frankensteiner.. 1 - 2 - 3 and we have a new cruiserweight champion!!! Rey Rey celebrates in the ring as the crowd roars in approval. Maybe now Rey will get some much needed TV time!


    <M:85% C:88% O:87% Rey Mysterio gained overness from this match. The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Book gets a huge pop, as it's apparent he's more over then ever following his feud ending victory against Scott Steiner. Steiner, on the other hand, get's heat from the crowd and jaws with fans who are teasing him about his title loss. This match fell way short of their Fall Brawl performance, despite the crowd being heavily into it. Book had the advantage in the early going, which caused Steiner to break away many times, getting increasingly frustrated each time. After roughly 3 minutes of this, Steiner finally got control on an eye poke and took to Book with a belly to belly suplex. Only a 1 count on the pin and Steiner actually argues with the ref on it! Book regains and control and there's no looking back. Chops to the chest, followed by an irish whip then a clothesline. Book then hits a spinning heel kick as Steiner gets to his feet. Book kicks Steiner in the stomach and calls for it, but Steiner rolls out of the way and gets out of the ring before Book can hit the Scissors kick. Steiner is walking up the ramp! He can be heard yelling "To hell with this" as he walks up the ramp as the ref starts counting him out! The crowd chants with the ref, 7- 8 - 9 - 10, and the bell sounds as Steiner is completely gone now! The ref declares Book the champ. Although confused, he celebrates his win.

    WINNER: Booker T

    <M:73% C:91% O:85% The WCW United States title has gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Christian comes out first to an absolutely huge pop, it's apparent this guy is gonna fit right in with the WCW crowd. Jericho out next, and he's lost his smile, as he's clearly upset he had to defend his title tonight. The two start off with some mat wrestling before Jericho goes for the Liontamer and Christian gets to the ropes as they finally break. Collar and elbow tieup and Jericho gains the advantage and goes to work. Midmatch, we see Jericho go for a double underhook, but Christian breaks free and manages to pull off a DDT as both superstars go down for the 10 count. They're up and exchanging right hands after 8, and Christian gets the upper hand and following an Irish whip, back body drops Jericho out of the ring. The two brawl on the outside for a little bit, Jericho getting the upperhand after slamming Christian's head off the guardrail. Back in the ring. Jericho goes for a lionsault, but it's way too early, as Christian roles out of the way. Jericho lands on his feet, only to get dropkicked by Christian. Christian with a russian leg sweep and a pin that only gets a 2.

    We're at the 14 minute mark of this match, and both superstars are both clearly tired. Christian has the upperhand here after hitting a couple suplexes and a body slam. Christian behind, but Jericho reverses and goes behind. WAIT!!! Benoit is walking down the ramp! Christian goes behind Jericho as Benoit's appearance caught y2j off guard. Y2J Runs towards the ropes, Christian holding on. Jericho ducks, AND BENOIT HITS CHRISTIAN WITH A FACE FULL OF POWDER!!! Christian is blinded in the ring and the ref goes outside to deal with Benoit. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Jericho hits a low blow on Christian as Benoit walks up the ramp after being ordered out of the arena by the ref. Jericho with a quick rollup and the ref is back in the ring. 1-2-3 and Jericho has won this one due to Benoit's mistake. BUT WAIT! Benoit's not done, Benoit hits the ring and attacks Jericho. Christian back to his senses now and we have a double team on the champ. This could get ugly as Benoit and Christian are stomping away on Jericho. Benoit uptop, SWANDIVE HEADBUTT!!

    MELTZER: "I think a fan just jumped the guardrail.."

    Amongst the chaos, someone gets in the ring, we're not sure though..GREEN MIST to CHRISTIAN, who's been blinded again.


    Although the crowd is excited at the arrival of another unexpected surprise, Tajiri has hit the ring to save Jericho apparently. Benoit irish whip's Tajiri, SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW!! Benoit is down and out of the ring, along with Christian who is trying to see straight. Jericho is just now starting to get up, and Tajiri turns around and takes notice... SWIFT KICK TO THE HEAD!!! Jericho is out after that absolutely stiff kick to the head. A japanese-ish theme hits, obviously Tajiri's as the crowd is shocked at what they just saw, and so is Meltzer."


    <M:96% C:90% O:93%>


    <show rating: 80%>

  17. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, September 27th, 2005

    Ratings are in, and it's another clean win for WWE with WCW roarin' right behind them


    WWE - 6.01

    WCW - 5.85

    ECW - 5.48

    TNA - 3.17

    Hulk Hogan "officially" retires

    It is official, as of October 1st, 2005, the immortal icon, Hulk Hogan, is no longer apart of the WCW active roster or staff. We wish him the best in all future endeavors.

    Update on Ernest "The Cat" Miller

    Ernest Miller had surgery on his neck early tuesday morning. It has been confirmed he suffered a broken neck following a botched piledriver at Fall Brawl. Early doctor analysis points towards Miller's in ring future in serious jeopardy, if not completely over. Miller's agent should issue a statement in the near future.


    We have breaking news for you straight from the sources. It appears at tonights house show in San Francisco, CA, Chavo Guerrero substained a broken leg at the hands of Rey Mysterio during their match. Fans at the show have said that the injury occured after Rey failed to protect Chavo on a suplex and landed akwardly. We have no further information on this matter or how WCW plan to handle their tag team title situation, as Chavo is part of the tag champs with Eddie Guerrero.

    WCW Development Territory update

    Austin Lee, Mr. Aguila, M-Dogg 20, Chaz Warrington, Josh Prohibition, Chance Beckett, Kenny B. , Takao and Enygma are all improving quite well in WCW's development territory, Atlantic City Wrestling. According to head booker Tom Pritchard, they are showing signs of improvement while getting over with the small crowds they draw for their weekly shows.

    Raven to work less dates

    Raven's request to work strictly pay per views has been granted by WCW owner Eric Bischoff. Raven, who turned 43 this month, feels as though he can no longer put on the entertaining matches he has been known for on a weekly basis and would rather still continue to develop his character as an on-air personality limited to wrestling at pay per views. He does, however, intend to work nearly every pay per view, unlike other none wrestlers such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, who only wrestle at major events and rarely in singles competition.

  18. user posted image

    user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    September 26th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and  Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Hot off the heels of Fall Brawl, we have new tag champions, a new US Champion, but most importantly, a NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, in that of Chris Jericho

    Coach: "And what a shakeup it was Meltzer. We had 8 great matches last night, some that ended in controversy, and others that were a finishing point for feuds. I can't wait to see what's going on tonight!"

    Hogan's music hits, and following a delayed entrance, the man of the night comes out! Hogan receives probably the biggest ovation for any superstar in years. A Hogan chant immediately starts as he makes his way down to the ring following ripping off his shirt at the top of the entrance ramp. Hogan's in the ring and has a mic, but the crowd is still chanting. A "Please don't go" chant starts, and after about 2 more minutes of Hogan sucking up the glory in the ring, he speaks.

    Hogan: "Alright, last night, At Fall Brawl, Chris Jericho defeated me 1-2-3 for the world title inside of a steel cage. While it may not be something all of you like, I know when I'm upstaged, and last night, Chris Jericho was simply the better man. We pulled out all the stops, but in the end, his youth proved to be a vantage point for him, and his stamina allowed him to pick up the win. I'm disappointed, but I'm not discouraged. And being the man that I am, I ask that you come out here, so that I can shake your hand."

    Hogan waits in the ring for 20 seconds, it's apparent that Jericho is not coming out here, and the crowd begans to boo.

    Hogan: "Even after you beat me, and I'll admit you were the better man, you can't shake my hand on my last WCW show ever. Jericho, you are a disgrace. I'm not going to let someone like you ruin my night. Tonight, in this very ring, Eric Bischoff said I could have any type of match I want as my final match in WCW against whomever I wanted. So I made some calls, we got some flights set up, and I decided, that I wanted a tag match. Not only did we fly in an old friend, brothers, we flew in a couple guys as my opponents as well. These two guys, we revolutionized the sport in the 90's. But just so everyone knows, this a one night only matchup, and you won't see me or these 3 guys in a WCW ring next week, next month or possibly anytime for that matter. Tonight, Hulk Hogan will bow out gracefully how I began my career, with my hand raised the victor!"

    Hogan's music hits and he soaks up the glory for a few more minutes before leaving the ring.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Windsor, who is still looking for that first win here in WCW has a tall task ahead of him, taking on Ace Steel, who is accompanied by Colt Cabana at ringside. Windsor is growing in popularity week by week here in WCW, as he receives a solid ovation. A great match to kick off action here on Nitro, with Windsor taking the upper hand in the early going. That all changed though when Cabana distracted Windsor, allowing Steele to pummel him with a clothesline to the back of the neck. Near the end of the match, Windsor was setting up for the Kryptonite Crunch, which prompted Colt Cabana to get on the ring apron, distracting the ref. From out of the crowd, CM Punk hit the ring, chair in tow, and delivered a sickening chair shot to Ace Steel. Windsor up top now and he hits a top rope elbow drop as the ref counts 1-2-3. After the match, Cabana and Punk both hit the ring, Cabana went for a clothesline, but punk ducked it, kicked Cabana in the stomach, and drove him to the mat with a DDT. Windsor celebrates his first victory in WCW while the two remaining Second City Saints lay down and out on the canvas.

    Winner: Adam Windsor

    <M:80% C:41% O:54%>

    Windsor leaves the ring, and CM Punk is standing on the top of the ramp. Cabana rolls out of the ring and grabs a mic.

    Cabana (while holding his head): "CM, Windsor, next week, you two, us, tag match."

    Punk can be heard shouting "you're on"

    <0:68% CM Punk lost overness from this segment. Ace Steel gained overness from this segment. Adam Windsor gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!!!!!!"

    Out comes Chris Jericho, complete with WCW Heavyweight title! Jericho has an ear to ear smile on his face as he makes his way down to the ring, cock and arrogant as ever. As he gets in the ring, balloons and confetti fall from teh sky  and he poses with the title on the turnbuckle before grabbing a mic.

    Jericho: "Tonight, is going to the BIGGGGGGGEST celebration in the life of Y2J. And how appropriate, as last night, I beat one fo the biggest wrestling icons for the BIGGGGEST prize in professional wrestling, The World Heavyweight Championship! Finally, Finally, Finally it's Chris Jericho's time to shine babay.... But don't worry, I'll still be your hero, I'll be your immortal Icon, I'll be the man your children can look up to and strive to be like. Hell, I'll even.."

    "Whatever" hits and out comes the Canadian Crippler, cutting Jericho's celebration speech WAY short. Jericho is furious in the ring. Benoit stands atop the ramp.

    Benoit: "You'lle what Jericho, Be a charismatic Jackass and bore these people for another 20 minutes? If you want to celebrate tonight Jericho, why don't you celebrate with a title defense, against the Crippler, Chris Benoit??"

    Jericho: "Benoit, on any other night, I'd tell you to go piss off, but tonight, you've gotten to me. You've ruined my celebration, you've ruined my night, the Jerichoholics hate you for it ,and so do I. I'll defend the title against you tonight, but after I beat your ass, don't come crying for a rematch, JUNIOR!"

    Benoit: "Oh, don't worry Jericho, I won't need a rematch. After all, you'll be the best damn one night champion in the history of the sport, pal."

    Jericho is furious with that comment as Benoit's music hits and the crowd approves of what we've just seen!

    <0:75% Chris Jericho lost overness from this segment. (ARGG, damn you benny!)>

    Backstage, we see Stacey Keibler along with the former tag team champs, Jindrak and O'Haire.

    O'Haire: "I cant believe this man. We weren't even pinned and we still lost the titles."

    Jindrak: "And instead of granting our rematch clause, Bischoff booked us against..Al Snow and Steve Blackman? This is ridiculous, we've beat these guys a thousand times"

    O'Haire: "I'm so furious right now, I can't believe that. Eddie gets out of giving us a rematch because he has a cruiserweight title match. That's such CRAP!"

    Stacey: "Boys, boys, boys, we all know we're not going to get those tag titles back by complaining. And as long as Eddie Guerrero has that cruiserweight title, you know he'd rather defend that then face you two studs. He knows that him and Chavo can't defeat you two. No one can defeat you two, not under my managerialship. I say, we go out there and make short work of those two, and afterwards, we go back to the hotel room and celebrate, if you know what I mean.."

    O'Haire: "Oh, I know what you mean Stacey. She's right Mark, let's let the Guerrero's have their little fun playing with our belts, we can take them out any day of the week!"

    <0:81% Mark Jindrak gained overness from this segment. Sean O'Haire gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    This one was pretty much an extended squash in an attempt to show that Jindrak and O'Haire are in fact a menacing force, as if we didn't already know that from the enormous push they've received in recent weeks. Jindrak and O'Haire were all over headcheese in this match with a barrage of power moves, ariel assaults and double team work. In one of the bigger spots of the match, Snow managed to "monkey flip" Jindrak over the ropes while standing on the apron. However, when going for a springboard backflip onto him, Jindrak caught him and drove him shoulder first into the ring post. In just slightly under 5 minutes, O'Haire and Jindrak picked up the victory via a Sean O'Haire sitout powerbomb on Steve Blackman. After the match, the victors promptly left as it was quite apparent Al Snow was a bit upset over his partner being pinned.

    Winners: Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire

    <M:84% C:67% O:67%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    EDDIE GUERRERO© VS SONNY SIAKI , Cruiserweight title match

    Any other night, this would easily have earned MOTN honors, but tonight being a special night, it didn't, as we have two matches let tonight. A great high flying affair that really showcased the cruiserweight division's stregnth in this company. They did it all for 12 minutes, played the reversal game, which ended with both of them going for dropkicks in the early going. They did the fight outside game, which ended with Eddie hitting a hurricanrana off the ring apron to Siaki, who was on the floor. They did the irish Whip over/under a couple times, both with Siaki gaining the advantage, once by dropkicking eddie and the other hitting a northern lights, which was extremely impressive but only got a 2 count. The ending saw Siaki going for a top rope hurricanrana, only to have Eddie reverse into a pinning powerbomb. Eddie gets his feet on the top rope as the ref doesnt see it, counting the 1-2-3 as Eddie has cheated his way to another win!


    <M:85% C:82% O:74% The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image. >

    Backstage, we see Austin screech to a hault in his black pickup truck. He's obviously pissed off after Raven defeated him last night. Austin reaches into the back of the truck to grab something, but he is attacked from behind! It's the Flock in full fledged force. They go to work on Austin playing the numbers game. Reese slams Austin back first into the truck. Raven is yelling out orders and Steven Richards, Billy Kidman, Lodi and Reese attack Austin 4 on 1. It appears as if raven has something in his hand! Lodi and Kidman hold Austin in place, Raven is gonna take his head off with a 2 by 4!!! Austin ducks and starts to fight back, but is immediately hammered by Reese, who throws him up into the truck bed. Raven gets in the bed and grabs Austin.. EVENFLOW!!! Raven gives him a couple more shots for good messure before the Flock leaves, leaving Austin a mess in the back of his truck while the road crew and EMT's check on him

    <0:88% Stevie Richards gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    The Crippler gets a large response, while Jericho just gets the usual, an arena full of boo's, with the exception of the true diehard Jericholic's of course! This one lasted 14 minutes and what a match it was. Following a good 4 minutes of counters and mat wrestling, this one finally picked up. It was apparent in the early going that each man was attempting to weaken a part of their opponents body, Benoit going for the shoulder and Jericho working the legs. Meltzer hypes the fact that the Crossface and Walls of Jericho are the two deadliest submissions in all of wrestling, I don't know if I'm buying that! Jericho caught the missle dropkick for a 2 count midmatch. He tried for the double underhook to the leg, but Benoit broke free and went behind, hitting a german suplex. Jericho fought off the second with a back elbow and hit the ropes, only to have his own moment work against him, as Benoit threw him over the top on the way back. Outside now, Benoit catapults Jerichoface first into the ringpost. Back in the ring now and at the 12 minute mark, things are going in Benoit's favor, as following a bodyslam he goes up top for the swandive headbutt..which connects!! Benoit was slow to a pin however, as it allowed Jericho to get a 2 count. Benoit grabs Jericho's legs, he might be trying for the Walls of JEricho!!! Jericho shoves him off and he lands in the corner. Jericho goes behind Benoit, he might be going for a suplex of his own, wait a minute, Benoit gets behind Jericho..GERMAN SUPLEX, he holds on, ANOTHER, he holds on and picks jericho up one more time, going for a third, wait a second though.. LOW BLOW KICK, The ref clearly saw that and he's calling for the bell.

    Jericho has been disqualified but I don't think he cares, as he goes outside and grabs a chair. Chairshot to benoit's legs as he's down, followed by two more. Jericho grabs the legs and puts in the Liontamer as the crowd boo's while the bell goes off like crazy. The fans are disgusted how this one has ended, and are even more disgusted by Jericho's assault. The road crew is finally able to pry Jericho off, who immediately goes for his belt before leaving to a course of boo's.

    WINNER: Chris Benoit (by dq)

    <M:100% C:87% O:83% Chris Jericho lost overness from this match. Chris Benoit gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>


    Hulk Hogan and ??? vs ???? and ?????

    Meltzer: "I can't wait to see what Hogan has in store for this one night only tag team match. This is Hogan's final match in WCW, It should be something special."

    Hulk Hogan is suprisingly the first one out and the crowd goes wild yet again. Hogan poses as an amazing pyro goes off, greater then that of the pyro that went off before the show! Hogan gets in the ring and plays to the crowd, doing the usual poses before grabbing the microphone.

    Hogan: "Like I said, this is a one night only thing, with that, I'd like to introduce my tag partner. Let me tell you something though, I broke into the business with this guy, and we've stayed great friends ever since. I felt that for my final match, it should be with the guy who I had some of my first matches with, a true megamaniac,  BRUTUS "THE BARBER" BEEFCAKE!!"

    Beefcake comes out decked in red and yellow as he receives a small pop from the older crowd in attendence. He gets in the ring and the two hug, as they haven't tagged up in years.

    Hogan: "Now let me tell you something about these OTHER dudes we're facing tonight. If it wasn't for them, wrestling wouldn't be where it is today. There would have been no WCW, because without us, WCW would have never been competition to WWE. I'm talking about... The Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash!"

    They come out to NWO music and WHOA! They get massive heat from the crowd, as it's quite apparent that the fans want no part of them in WCW at all. The boo's they get are almost as equal as the boo's Jericho got earlier on. They get in the ring and taunt the crowd a bit before we get a ref in here and this one get's underway.

    Hogan and Hall start this one out, and Hogan easily wins the test of stregnth. We've still got 20 minutes left, so this one is obviously going to start slow. Hogan with an early headlock on hall. This lasts for about 30 seconds before Hall reverses with a back suplex. Hogan no sells and immediately gets up as Hall tags Nash. The two stand toe to toe before going at it, delivering right hands to one another. Hogan gets the best of the exchange, but Nash with a knee to the gut and takes control. Body slam by Nash followed by an elbow drop that misses. Hogan tags in beefcake who takes it to nash with an arm ringer and an irish whip before hitting a clothesline. Midmatch now, and Hogan and Beefcake have been dominating this match. Hogan in against Nash and the big man has been grounded following some beefcake elbows to the inside leg. Hogan with a bodyslam on the big man and immediately goes for the Legdrop, but Nash rolls out of the way and tags Hall as Hogan tags beefcake. Hiptoss by beefcake, followed by another, and another. Hall gains the upperhand with a poke to the eyes and sets up for the Outsiders edge. He has Beefcake up! But beecake breaks free, russian leg sweep. 1-2- Nash breaks it up. Tag to Hogan, who hits a shortarm clothesline. 1-2-Nash breaks it up again but Beefcake is right there and attacks Nash as the two tumble to the outside! Hall with a lowblow to Hogan as the ref deals with Nash and Beefcake.

    Irish Whip by Hall, weak powerslam, here's the cover, 1-2-UH OH! Hogan kicks out with Authority and here we go. He's Hulking UP and there's nothing Hall can do. Hulk is completely Hulked up now and one final no sell on the right hand and Hogan points to hall before waiving his finger. Right hand, followed by two more, Irish Whip, BIG BOOT!!!!!! Hogan Calls for the leg drop. On the outside, Beefcake and Nash are fighting on the ramp. Hogan hits the ropes and comes back, flash bulbs go off like CRAZY as Hogan gets air and hits the Legdrop. Hogan covers, 1 - 2 - 3!!! Hogan has won his final match and the crowd goes insanely wild. Beefcake back in the ring now and the two celebrate their win as Real American hits. But wait.. we still have 5 minutes left!!


    <M:53% C:73% O:59%>

    The lockerroom starts to clear as everyone from WCW, heels included, come to the ring! The ring has filled up with superstars, with the noticeable absence of Chris Jericho. Hogan grabs a microphone.

    Hogan: "This is, my extended family. Everyone in this arena tonight, everyone watching around the world, everyone who made my career possible. Everyone who I've ever stepped in the ring with, living or dead, you've all been part of the best life a guy could ever have."

    Hogan is in tears now as the superstars and the crowd cheer.

    Hogan: "Before I go, there's some guys I want to give my blessing to. Chris Benoit, you're like a brother man, the last 3 months we've been out on that road together, and it's been good times brother. We've been through a lot with WCW in the 90's, the WWE for a couple years, and now here, thanks for everything. Stone Cold, if there's anyone I'd rather have the fans remember more then me as the greatest wrestler in WWE history, it's you man. Brutus, I love ya brother, you know that. Hang em up man, we've got the rest of our lives to live. There's one final guy I want to praise before I leave this company. CM Punk, you're young, you're charismatic, you understand this business and you're one hell of an athlete. You're going to make a great WCW World Champion some day. You put on matches I could only dream of putting on. This guy, all these guys, are talented guys. Eric Bischoff has an eye for talent, and let me tell you something, everyone in this ring, is worthy of the Hulksters praise. As well as all of you, the fans around the world, thank you, it's truly been a blessing."


    With that, Nitro goes off the air a few seconds later, with Hogan receiving a thunderous overation from the crowd and superstars.

    SHOW RATING: 74%

    ----- OFF AIR -----

    Nitro is officially off the air, and the crowd is still chanting Hogan's name. Jericho's music hits!! What the hell is this, he's not out to ruin the celebration is he. The superstars in the ring stand tall as Jericho makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring, belt on his shoulder. Austin offers him the microphone, but he declines, instead going face to face with Hogan. Jericho's seriousness doesn't last long, as he soon breaks down and hugs Hulk Hogan. Tears can be seen in Jericho's eyes, as it's apparent he's very grateful that he has been chosen as Hogan's successor. Jericho hands the world title to Hogan as he holds it up in the air, reminding us that this is all a story and that Jericho has a huge ammount of respect for Hogan. Jericho and Brutus Beefcake Hoist Hogan up on their shoulders as he holds up the World Title as Real American hits and the crowd cheers Hogan for one final time.

  19. I'm not sure what direction I'm taking as far as the relationship between WWE and Vince's control over WCW and ECW. I can promise you things like that won't happen often, if at all anymore. I felt it'd be cool to have someone to be able to butt heads with Bischoff on-screen, and Austin, being a WCW alumni, fit that role.

  20. guess who couldn't wait until tommorrow to post this? haha. I've had it written up for almost 2 days now, I just couldn't wait until I woke up to post this...

    user posted image

    WCW Fall Brawl

    September 25th, 2005

    PRE SHOW (dark match)

    Adam Windsor vs Paul Birchall

    These two came out for a 12 minute match before the show started to get the crowd going, and it's fair to say they did their job. Both up and coming faces in the promotion, a win could prove to be a big stepping stone here. These two are fairly evenly matched. Birchall hit a standing star press midmatch to the first big pop of the night, but only got a two count. Windsor actually took control of the matchup for the majority of the match. They hit each other with a double clothesline which took them both out to an 8 count. The ending saw Windsor go for the Kryponite Crunch, only to have Birchhill to get a rollup for the 1-2-3. Windsor is now 0-3 in WCW, still looking for that first win. Never the less, he's been impressing crowds with his ringwork and above average charisma. The crowd approves of the after match handshake.

    Winner: Paul Birchall

    <M:78% C:37% O:57%>

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and absolutely huge Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "The stage has been set, here we are, in L.A. at the Staples Center for what should be a pay per view of epic proportions. Battles will be fought and winners will step away victorious!! "

    DDP's music hits, and we have our first match of the night.

    "Oldschool wcw" encounter

    Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit

    Benoit and DDP both come out to solid pops as we start off Fall Brawl with a face vs face bout. Benoit started with the upper hand and immediately went to work on the arm, grounding DDP with an armbar. That set the pace for the match, which proved to be slow and methodical, as both superstars must have agreed to ground rules before the match. Throughout the match, no punches or kicks were delivered, as they tied up with tests of stregnth numerous times rather then exchanging blows. Midmatch saw DDP go for a vert suplex, but his arm was too weak and Benoit got off a snap vert suplex of his own. Benoit was relentless on the arm, and you could tell DDP was growing frustrated constantly being grounded to the mat. At the 10 minute mark, the match picked up, and DDP got some offense off with a powerslam. Hooked the leg, but only a 2 count. Benoit went for a single arm ddt at the 12 minute mark, but DDP reversed with a nothern lights suplex, which got a 2.9999. DDP went up top at the 14 minute mark, which is quite rare for him. He went from a clothesline to a woozy Benoit, but the rabid wolverine went for the Crossface. DDP immediately inched his way to the ropes, as he wanted no part of the crossface. Now into the 16 minute mark, Benoit has the upper hand and goes for the diving headbutt, only to have DDP roll out of the ring. The ending came at the 21 minute mark when DDP went for the diamond cutter, only to fall victim to triple german suplexes, with the final one ending with a pinning attempt. 1-2-3 and Benoit has won this GREAT dual to start out this match. After the match, the two shake hands to a great ovation.

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    <M:84% C:68% O:76%>

    <=:=><=:=>Video of Cabana-Punk escalation in recent weeks<=:=><=:=>

    CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

    Cabana came to the ring accompanied by Ace Steel, but Punk objected, and the referee sent Steel packing to the back. This was a great encounter, as these two definitely compliment one another in the ring. A great long series of "You counter my move I counter yours" to start this one out, with arm drags, hiptosses and near falls a flying in the opening minutes. Cabana with a poke to the eyes following that, which put him in control. At the 5 minute mark, Cabana went for the standing hurricanrana, Punk tried to counter with a running powerbomb, only to have Cabana hit him with a face buster. At the 8 minute mark, Punk regained control after a textbook dropkick right to the face. It busted Cabana's mouth open, obviously a bitten tongue or something unexpected. Punk hit a legdrop right across the throat before going for top rope moonsault, which surprisingly hit for a 2 1/2 count. Punk retained control with a headlock, cabana pushed him off, bounce off the ropes, cabana hits the mat, now Cabana up and over , Cabana goes for the hurricanrana again, reversed into a sitout powerbomb. 1-2-No.

    Punk goes up top and waits for Cabana to get to his feet. Missle dropkick..dodged by Cabana. Cabana with a quick pin. 1-2-No. Frustrated, Cabana tries a pin again, 1-2-No. At the 12 minute mark, Cabana hits the Colt 45, and everyone, including Cabana thinks he has the upset. 1-2- NO! CM up at the last second. Cabana is in firm control of this one, Irish Whip, PINNING FRANKENSTEINER..1-2 NO! CM kicks out again!!!! Cabana is extremely frustrated now, arguing with the referee. Cabana goes up top, but Punk hits the ropes, putting Cabana in a precarious position. Punk up top, Cabana fights him off once, but Punk scales the ropes again, a couple shots to the back, PEPSI PLUNGE!!! 1-2-3 as Punk is declared the winner. Both lay on the canvas for a few seconds, tired and beaten, but gets to his feet to celebrate.

    But his celebration is broken up by Ace Steel, who attacks him from behind. We have a 2 on 1 situation now, as Cabana and Steel go to work on Punk. Cabana hits the kryptonite Crunch across the knee. Steel off the top with an elbow drop as Cabana gets a chair. SICKENING CHAIRSHOT to CM Punk, who has been floored and busted open. Steele sets up the chair on CM's face, Cabana goes to the 2nd rope, LEGDROP TO THE CHAIR!!! Punk may have won the match, but tonight, it appears the Second City Saints have won the war, for the time being

    Winner: CM Punk

    <M:93% C:75% O:84%>

    <=:=><=:=>Highlight package of the Cat-Whiskey rivalry<=:=><=:=>

    Hardcore-Anything goes match

    Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs Whiskey Marc

    The Cat looked very reluctant to make his way to the ring, he's obviously not looking forward to this one. Whiskey out next to a array of boo's. He's carrying A BARBED WIRE BASEBALL BAT. Whiskey gets in the ring and goes to immediately hit Cat with it but Cat gets out of the ring in a hurry. When the match finally started, Cat got in some quick offense with a series of kicks, but it was no good, as they barely made an impact on Whiskey. There on after, it turned into a pure Squash, with Whiskey assaulting Cat with a barrage of chairshots, Kendo stick shots and other various weapon shots that Cat sold well. Midmatch, Whiskey set up a chair in the ring, and set Cat up for a tombstone. He stands on the chair before delivering the tombstone. Cat is busted open as that one completely destroys the chair as Cat's head bounces off of it. Whiskey goes up top, Broken Beer bottle splash. This one is over as the ref counts 1-2-3. After the match, Whiskey wasn't done, As he went to the outside and returned with his barbed wire baseball bat. He hits Cat with it a couple times in the back as Cat completely oversells the attack. Whiskey puts the barbed wire bat in the middle of the ring and picks cat up, POWERBOMB onto the bat. Cat acts like he's in complete pain despite the fact that there aren't many visable scratches and slashes on his back from the wire, which is obviously not truely barbed wire. Whiskey lays a chair down in the ring and picks up cat again, JUMPING PILEDRIVER!! Oh shit, something went wrong, as 3 refs immediately hit the ring and check on Cat before immediately motioning for EMT's. We definitely have a situation in the ring, as Whiskey exits the ring, trying to play off the situation by laughing all the way up the ramp as his music hits. He jaws with fans for a few minutes, obviously trying to keep attention to him rather then in the ring.

    Meltzer: "Folks, they're bracing Cat with a neckbrace right now, it looks as though he may have substained a neck injury following that piledriver.

    Coach: "Going into this one we knew it was going to be brutal and bloody and a mess, but I don't think anyone, including this monster knew this was going to happy. I mean, hopefully this wasn't his intent and hopefully Cat will be alright

    Meltzer: "We here at WCW want to echo that once again, this is not a wrestling angle or any type of storyline. We're keeping our cameras off of the ring. This was not scripted and right now.... EMT's are attending to Ernest Miller in the ring, who has substained some sort of neck injury, and all we can do at this time is pray for Cat's well being."

    Cheering can be heard throughout the arena, as obviously Cat has been or is being stretchered out of the ring.

    Winner: Whiskey Marc

    <M:75% C:70% O:72% Ernest Miller lost overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>Jindrak/O'Haire Hype video<=:=><=:=>

    <=:=><=:=>Halloween Havoc Hype video<=:=><=:=>

    Backstage, we see Hulk Hogan with the Heavyweight title around his shoulder standing by with Mean Gene. The crowd pops huge

    Gene: "Hulk Hogan, tonight you defend your title against Chris Jericho in what could be your last match."

    Hogan: "You're right Mean Gene, and let me tell you something brother. Last week, when I floored Chris Jericho with this very title, it felt great. The adrenaline was pumping, emotions were high, and I hit that punk where it hurts the most, his ego. Chris Jericho hates losing, and let me tell all the Hulkamaniacs, that tonight, Chris Jericho will hate it even more when I beat him in that steel cage. And when it's all said and done, I'll be walking out of that cage the WCW Heavyweight champion, with Chris Jericho flat on his back after witnessing, after experiencing the wrath that is...HULK-A-MANIA."


    Triple Threat tag team match for the WCW Tag Team titles

    Los Guerreros vs O'Haire and Jindrak© vs Hurricane and Whipwreck

    The champs come out with Stacey Keibler, who is wearing a skirt that doesn't even cover her thong clad backside. The crowd enjoys this very much. Los Guerreros with a bit of heat from the crowd. The fan favorites in this one where the underdogs, Hurricane and Whipwreck. The match was very fast paced, yet surprisingly, the tag champs, being the biggest members of the match, were able to keep pace. O'Haire had started the match out against Hurricane, who had quickly tagged in Whipwreck. Eddie tagged himself in, while O'Haire made the tag to Jindrak. Midmatch, The champs regain control after Eddie and Chavo had set the pace for the match, utilizing quick tags and keeping Whipwreck in their corner for the time being. Chavo had set whipwreck up in the corner and went for a running knee of some sort, but ventured off too far and O'Haire tagged himself in. O'Haire and Jindrak double teamed Chavo, sending him to the floor. meanwhile, Eddie saw this and tagged himself in, meaning Whipwreck had time to recouperate.Eddie and O'Haire went at it for a few minutes. Eddie went for a german, but received a huge back elbow as O'Haire was just too strong. Eddie out of the ring as O'Haire sends him up and over with a clothesline. From there on out, the match became a messy brawl, as the ref lost control of this one. The last 5 minutes of the match saw pure mayhem. Legally at this point, Eddie and Hurricane were the legal men in the match, but I don't think that mattered, as O'Haire nearly got a pin on Chavo. Back in the ring, Hurricane hit the eye of the storm on Jindrak as Chavo dropkicked O'haire, sending him to the outside. Chavo up and over, landing on O'haire. Back in the ring, Eddie kicks Hurricane in the stomach, DDT. Eddie's going up top, FROG SPLASH! 1-2-3 and Los Guerreros have literally stolen the tag titles from O'Haire and Jindrak, who lost them without even being pinned! Eddie is now a double champion, flaunting his tag team and Cruiserweight gold as the Guerreros celebrate their victory in the ring. Jindrak and O'Haire are yelling at the Guerreros. They're clearly angry they've lost their tag titles without even being pinned!

    WINNERS: Los Guerreros

    <M:84% C:77% O:80% The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image.>

    <=:=><=:=>Booker-Steiner feud video<=:=><=:=>

    WCW US Title Match

    Booker T vs Scott Steiner

    This feud has been hot ever since it started. Suprisingly, Vito pulls a no show, as Steiner comes out alone. This was an all out brawl, as action quickly spilled to the outside. Steiner got the upperhand on the outside with a a shot onto the steel guard rail and a whip into the steel steps. They nearly got counted out before making their way back into the ring. Steiner slammed Book's head into a turnbuckle a couple times, but the third was blocked and Steiner received a mouth full of turnbuckle padding. Booker took the upper hand, delivering a set of chops before getting off a spinning heel kick following an irish whip. Only a 2 count, and book applies a headlock. At the 11 minute mark, following a hard shot to the back, Steiner applies the Steiner Recliner. Book struggles, but after 30 seconds makes it to the ropes. A little later on, both connect with a double clothesline, crashing to the ground. They get up after a 9 count and start exchanging blows, Book gets the upperhand. Knee to the gut, Book goes for the Scissor kick, which is steiner sidesteps. Belly to Belly by steiner. 1-2-NO! Steiner goes for another Belly to belly suplex, and it connects. 1-2-No. Steiner goes for a third, elbow to the head, Book hits the ropes, HUGE LARIAT by steiner as it rings book inside out. The crowd is stunned after that one, it looked pretty stiff. 1-2-NO. Steiner Whips book into the ropes and puts his head down! SCISSOR KICK!!! Book with a spinaroonie and a pin. 1-2-...2.999999, Steiner kicks out at the last possible second. Book goes up top, Steiner goes up there as well, They're on the very top rope, and Steiner might be getting a superplex off..Book shoves him off, he lands with a thud. Here it is, HARLEM HANG OVER!!!! 1 - 2 - 3 AND WE HAVE A NEW US CHAMP as the crowd goes nuts for Booker T, who celebrates in the ring with one of the biggest Spinaroonies in recent memory!

    Winner: Booker T

    <M:73% C:93% O:86% Booker T gained overness from this feud ending. Scott Steiner gained overness from this feud ending. The WCW United States title has gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=>Raven-Austin video package<=:=><=:=>

    Grudge Match

    Raven vs Steve Austin

    Raven gets some heat from the crowd as he comes out and simply sits in the corner. The crowd simply errupts when Austin comes out, as this is his first match in years. Austin comes out in his typical wrestling gear, he's in phenominal shape despite being out the ring for a while. This was simply a bar room brawl, right hands, kicks, elbows and clotheslines flying in the early going. Austin Back body dropped to the floor, which got a huge pop. Outside now, Austin whips Raven face first into the steel turnbuckle post. Austin grabs a monitor from the announce table and hits Raven right between the eyes. Apparently we're not going to have any DQ's or Count outs. Austin clears the announce table, and pulls Raven atop of it. Pulling piledriver and the table breaks as we get a Holy shit chant from the crowd. After about a minute, Austin rolls Raven into the ring and goes for a pin, which Raven gets a shoulder up. It's Austin from here on out, connects with a Lou Thesz Press and goes to work on Raven, pounding him with right hands. Raven tries to recover in the corner, but Austin stomps a mudhole into him. Austin with the two finger salute, kick to the stomach, STUNNER!!

    WAIT! Before Austin can go for a pin, here comes Kidman with a chair, Kick to the Stomach, STUNNER!.The chair goes flying into the middle of the ring. Lodi hits the ring, STUNNER!. Here come richards, Austin kicks him in the stomach and throws him over the top. Uh oh, here comes big Reese. Austin looks up at him before striking him  with right hands. Austin goes for an Irish Whip, reversed by Reese, Austin ducks the clothesline, kick to the stomach, STUNNER ON BIG REESE!! Austin turns around, only to get kicked in the Stomach by Raven, EVENFLOW ON THE CHAIR!!!! Raven hooks the leg and grabs the tights, 1...2...3 Raven has stolen this one and rolls out of the ring before Austin can get to his feet. Raven and the flock regroup on the steel ramp is Austin is FURIOUS in the Ring. Raven clutches the back of his head while laughing his way up the ramp. You can bet this one isn't over, not by a longshot.


    <M:88% C:88% O:87% Raven gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>Long Jericho-Hogan package<=:=><=:=>


    Chris Jericho vs Hulk Hogan

    The cage is in place and here we go! Chris Jericho is the first one out, getting huge heat from the crowd before climbing his way into the ring. Real American hits and the crowd goes absolutely nuts. Here comes the champ, in his last Pay Per View match! Hogan rips off the shirt as Pyro goes off on the entrance ramp. Hogan takes his time getting to the ring as the crowd has already broken out with the Hogan chants, which can be heard completely drowning out Real American. Hogan walks around the ring, testing the durability of it before entering via the door. Referee Charles Robinson holds up the belt as another referee locks the cage and we're ready to start this one.

    Jericho hasn't learned from the past, as he eagerly goes for the test of stregnth..wait, he has learned, kick to the stomach and Jericho has the early upper hand. Jericho immediately tries to ram Hogan's head into the cage within the opening minutes, but Hogan plants his foot on the cage, blocking the attack. Elbow to the stomach by Hogan and Jericho is the one getting his head rammed into the cage. Hogan picks up Jericho and rams him head first into the other side of the cage. Hogan wastes no time, hitting a quick body slam, but missing an elbow drop. Jericho goes for the legs but Hogan kicks him back, Jericho bounces off the ropes, small package by Hogan gets a 1 count as the two break, with Jericho regrouping. Collar and Elbow tie up, With Hogan powering Jericho into the corner. The ref gets in between them, it looks like we might have a clean break, but no, Jericho with a poke to the eyes and Now Jericho is the one slamming Hogan head first into the Steel cage. Jericho with a DDT and a pinfall, only gets a 1 count. Jericho goes to work on the neck, applying a neckvice to Hogan. Hogan fights up, eventually hitting Jericho with a back suplex. Hogan with a whip, Jericho ducks the clothesline, ducks another, BIG BOOT! Hogan goes for the cover, 1-2- NO.

    Hogan goes with another whip, back body drop, Jericho lands on his feet and goes behind Hogan. Hogan runs towards the rope, Jericho still with a waste lock applied, roll up, 1-2-No. And now it's Hogan regrouping, but Jericho goes right after him. Kick to the Stomach by Hogan, and another body slam. Hogan picks up Jericho and sets him in the corner.  He climbs the ropes and puts his fist in the air, as the crowd counts the punches. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 .... 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18- 19-20. Hogan dismounts and Jericho flops right to the canvas as the crowd cheers. Hogan calls for the leg drop, Hogan off the ropes, LEG DROP... MISSED! Jericho moved out of the way, and uh oh, Hogan may have landed badly on that leg! Hogan is wobbling around, limping around the ring. Jericho quickly takes note and takes out Hogans legs from under him. Hogan back up. He grabs Hogans leg, dragon screw! Hogan is in pain. Jericho taunts Hogan by doing the hand to the ear pose, Jericho off the ropes, he's gonna try a leg drop! Jericho misses and UH OH... HULK STARTS TO HULK UP!! Jericho is delivering Right hands, but it's no good. Hogan is up and is no-selling everything, including the ankle injury! Hogan points at Jericho. Irish Whip by Hogan, big boot! Hogan off the ropes, LEGDROP CONNECTS!! 1 - 2 - NOOOOO!!!! Jericho with a kickout at the last second, and Hogan is shocked. Hogan picks up Jericho and goes for an irish whip, Jericho hits the ropes, it looks like Hogan might be going for a Samoan drop.. nope, Jericho dives and grabs Hogan's head. RUNNING BULLDOG! Jericho hits the ropes and bounces off.. LIONSAULT!!!!! 1-2- NOOOO!!! Now it's Hogan kicking out of the high risk move. Jericho gets Hogan to a verticle Base, Double underhook suplex to the knee. Jericho climbs up onto the ropes, and climbs about 2 more feet of the cage, Jericho leaps off, elbow drop, shades of HBK!!! 1-2-No!!!! Jericho is reeling now, He corners the ref and starts yelling at him. Jericho is gonna punch the ref!!!

    Hogan with a schoolboy, here we go. 1 -- 2 --- KICKOUT! Jericho is furious and goes to work, stomping on Hogan. Jericho picks up hogan, Vert suplex. Jericho off ropes, LIONSAULT CONNECTS!!! 1 -- 2 -- -- 3!!!!!!!!!!!! The bell sounds and Jericho is the most surprised man in the building. He's overwhelmed as the crowd is completely stunned to Pure Silence. Jericho clutches the belt with both hands and holds it close as he falls to his knees. Jericho climbs on top of the cage and holds up the title as the crowd boo's him.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    <M:65% C:100% O:89% >

    Meltzer: "CHRIS JERICHO HAS FINALLY DONE IT. He's beat the immortal Hulk Hogan 1-2-3 in what might be hailed as Feud of the year. What a great match folks, we've got a new champion. DON'T MISS NITRO TOMMORROW NIGHT, It should be great. What will Hulk do on his last Nitro? GOOD NIGHT FOLKS!!!!"

    Show Quality: 82%

  21. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    September 20th, 2005



    WWE - 6.05

    WCW - 5.81

    ECW - 5.46

    TNA - 3.14

    TNA took an absolutely huge dive this week as they decend to 53% National, a loss of nearly 65 percentage points since July 1st. Other then that, things look about normal.

    Major shakeup in the title scene

    Sources are reporting that CM Punk may be headed into the main event scene in the coming months due to his face turn and overness with the crowd. Chris Benoit, on the other hand, may be the one losing his main event position to Punk. Despite great in ring work, his backstage segments are not getting over with the crowd, which is causing a lose in overness with the crowd. Some are citing that he's being overshadowed by Chris Jericho, who's more over with the crowd and boasts a similiar in ring style to Benoit. However, the wildcard here is IF Jericho wins the world title. Look for a feud between the two if so,which has been rumored ever since the first Nitro. Although once again, rumors of new talent may in fact cause a delay in this feud. Only time will tell.

    Reese Debuts

    Ron Reese, a former Flock Member, made a very unimpressive debut, jobbing to the likes of Lodi in an elaborate setup of a match. Apparently, Raven was able to slip an unsigned memo to Eric Bischoff urging him to sign the talent without proper scouting being done. Bischoff obliged, and now we have Reese in WCW. Many skeptics are angry with this move, as WCW recently released talent like Eric Angle and Shawn Stasiak, who's in ring ability are far that of Reese's.

    WCW Increases production costs

    Recently, WCW has increased their production budget, resulting in far greater highlight packages, audio equiptment that makes in-ring sounds more audible, and a new crane rig that allows for above ring shots. The new equiptment has been impressing fans, as they definitely prefer it over WWE's same ole' setup and ECW's more Amateur style production.

  22. I'm really liking this diary. You've got AJ and Daniels in there, who are almost a must for any indy fed to get seen. You've got a good mix of guys, not just top talent, which is definitely respectable, as I've seen most indy diaries usually just go with top talent in their feds. Not sure about the whole Victory thing, he starting to kind of be like a John Danzig type guy.

    Either way, keep it up, love the format. Can't wait to see who you put the belt on, but I have a pretty good idea who's going to end up fighting for it.

  23. yes, yes, please post predictions...

    World title match (steel cage, pinfalls only)

    Chris Jericho vs Hulk Hogan

    Us Title match:

    Scott Steiner vs Booker T

    Grudge Match:

    Raven vs Steve Austin

    Tag Team Title Match:

    Los Guerreros vs Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire vs Hurricane and Whipwreck

    CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

    Anything goes Hardcore match

    Ernest Miller vs Whiskey Marc

    "Oldschool WCW" Encounter

    Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit

    The person who gets the most right, gets to book something in the diary (not telling what to anyone else but the winner).. In the event of a tie.. I suppose the first one who posted their predictions first will be the winner.. only fair way I can see to choose it.

  24. user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    September 19th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Welcome to Monday Nitro, we have an amazing show for you tonight as we're on the road to Fall Brawl"

    The caws of Raven's theme hits, and out comes out the leader of the Flock. He extends his arms and looks up to the rafters as the crowd boos. He grabs a mic and gets in the ring, sitting in the corner in usual fashion.

    Raven: "Last week, an injustice of proportions equal to that of a nazi consentration camp occured. An injustice that proves just how prejudice and how rightously ridiculous this companies authority is. Last week, a member of my rebellion, a noble minion of my parade of darkness, Lodi, was fired by none other then Stone Cold Steve Austin. It may not be known, but this isn't the first time Austin has attempted to screw me over. When I had my run in WWE, Austin did everything within his corrupt star power to get guys like me fired from the promotion. He feared us, he was the big badass of WWE, and everyone else who could take a beating and still walk away that night was a threat to him. Even though he's not an active wrestler anymore, I'm still a threat to him. Well Austin, let me tell you something, Lodi is here tonight, and he has a meeting with Eric Bischoff later in the night. But me, well, I want a meeting with you, right here, right now. Austin, I'm calling you out!"

    Within seconds, Austin's music hits and out comes Austin, walking a straight line to the ring, he looks like he's all business tonight. He gets in the ring.

    Austin: "You called out Stone Cold?"

    Raven: "Yeah, that's right, I called out Stone Cold."

    Austin: "Well hell son, don't just stand there, get it all off your chest you sorry son of a bitch."

    Raven: "The only one who should be sorry around here is you. You should be sorry for all the talent from ECW you held down throughout the years. You should be sorry for acting like you're pro-ECW, only to bury those guys when they made it to the bigtime. You should be sorry..."

    Austin:" "Stone Cold should be sorry? Stone Cold should be sorry? Did I hear you correctly? Listen here you measily mouthed darkside bastard, you should be sorry for callin' out Stone Cold. If you call a man out, that can only mean one thing, you're looking for a fight. I was checking the Fall Brawl lineup, and noticed you don't have a match. Well hell son, Stonecold would love to whoop your ass at the Pay per view. So this Sunday, I'm gonna fight ya, in a one on one match. A ONE on ONE match, let me spell that out for ya Raven. If any one of your bastard flock members come to the ring, there will be hell to pay.

    With that, Austin kicks raven in the gut, STUNNER!!!

    Austin: "And that's the bottom line, cause Stone cold SAID SO!"

    Austin leaves to a loud ovation as Raven recovers from the stunner in the ring with a smile on his face.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Adam Windsor vs Jody Fleisch

    Windsor got a small pop, not quite as much as the heat Fleisch got, but decent given this is only his second week in the company. A great match these two put together, as Fleisch hit a pinning frankensteiner early in the match for only a 2 count. Windsor reversed a german suplex by landing on his feet and hitting a tiger suplex for only a 2 count. Near the end of the match, Windsor hit the superkick, and went for the cover, hooking the near leg, allowing Fleisch to get the far leg on the ropes. The ending came when Fleisch hit a front flip takedown off the top, landing on Windsor's chest (aka Molly Holly's finisher), and went for the pin, grabbing the ropes as the ref counted the 1-2-3. Fleisch stole this one as Windsor was quick to his feet and played the "what happened?!" game with the crowd.

    WINNER: Jody Fleisch

    <M:86% C:51% O:68%>

    Backstage, we see Stacey, talking to Maria. Stacey looks quite bored.

    Maria: "So after we went to London, matt said, "why not go to belgium too?" and so we did, it was great fun there, the belgium waffles were simply the best. We also took a trip to amsterdam was well, boy you wouldn't imagine how many people do drugs there, it's crazy, I was sure not to let Matt do any, although we did go to this rave like nightclub and I lost Matt for a couple hours, but you know, he's like that and all. Britian was fantastic, Big Ben is so huge, oh, I got you something!"

    Maria turns her back to Stacey, who now pretty much just looks like a rocker rebel slut. With Maria bending over shuffling through her purse, Stacey grabs her by the hair and rams her head first into the lockers in front of her. No real shock here to the crowd, although a big "AHH" could be heard throughout the Arena.

    Stacey: "You know what Maria, that's alright, you can just keep it, you little skank."

    With that, Stacey leaves Maria down on the ground as EMT's and Paramedics and Matt Hardy go to check on her.

    <O:72% Maria Kanellis gained overness from this segment. Stacy Keibler's turn was completed, and she is now a heel. Stacy Keibler gained overness from this turn. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak © vs Hurricane and Whipwreck, WCW tag team Title match.

    These two teams hook it up once again in a fine match. Hurricane and Whipwreck actually had the champs reeling until Stacey stuck her two cents in, tripping Hurricane after he bounced off the ropes. Midmatch, The champs were still struggling for control, but just then Eddie and Chavo Guerrero came rushing into the ring, attacking both Hurricane and Jindrak who were in the ring. O'Haire and whipwreck come in to try to break it up, and we have  3 team brawl on our hands! Hurricane and Whipwreck have made their way to the outside. Dropkick by chavo onto jindrak that sends him out of the ring, and Eddie clotheslines O'Haire over the top, as Los Guerrero are in the ring, Eddie with mic in hand.

    Eddie: "This Sunday amigos, we want a shot at those tag titles. Los Guerrero's are the best tag team in the world title, this Sunday, we wanna prove why holmes."

    Chavo: "Me and my brother, we settled our differences. We need to stick together in WCW. This company is cut throat. So we agreed, if he watches my back, I'll watch his. And this Sunday, you better have someone watching your back, cause you'lle be too busy watching your titles."

    Los Guerrero's music hits as the crowd boo's them. They broke up a great match in the making, and have apparently reformed. Some in the crowd think this is a way for Eddie go tget outta defending that WCW Cruiserweight title.

    WINNER: No Contest due to interference

    <M:92% C:70% O:81% The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image. >

    Backstage, we see Lodi standing by nervously standing in Eric Bischoff's office, who's sitting at his desk thinking.

    Bischoff: "You know what, I think I will give you an opportunity to earn your way back into WCW. I just signed some talent, and tonight, I think you'lle face him, and if you beat him, I'll reinstate you. But if you lose, you're fired for good Lodi."

    Lodi: "Thank you boss, you won't regret this, I promise. I'll show you why I'm WCW to the bone!"


    The camera's cut to Scott Steiner now, who is getting ready for his match in his dressing room.

    Steiner: "Booker, he think's he's badass, I'll show him why I'm US champ."

    He starts punching a wall.

    Steiner: "Booker, this is your face"

    Steiner is trying to pump himself up, talking to himself as he pounds on this wall with his fists. All of a sudden, Booker jumps him from behind. They go at it for a few seconds before the road crew breaks them apart, resulting in a big mess of staff inside the crowded room as we go to commercial


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Well, Coach, we just learned of a new match for Fall Brawl. It will be Los Guerreros fighting Hurricane and Mikey Whipwreck and The tag champs, O'Haire and Jindrak, in a triple threat tag team match for the WCW Tag team titles!"

    Coach: "I'm looking forward to that one!"

    Bischoff appears on the tron.

    Bischoff: "I know earlier in the week, I granted DDP a rematch against Colt Cabana, but I've changed my mind. I have decided, to make the affair grow a little. That is why DDP will now team up with Ernest "The Cat" Miller to take on Ace Steel, Colt Cabana and Whiskey Mar in a handicap match. And CM Punk, if you're watching, I'll give you the opportunity to prove your allegiance, you can either make this a 3 on 3, or a 4 on 2, the choice is yours.

    The Saint's music hits and out comes Cabana and Steel, who draw heat from their recent run-ins and cheating. Next out is Whiskey Marc, this is just scary, even Cabana and Steel are leary of him. The Cat is the next one out, he seems a bit nervous to be in the same ring with Whiskey, and Marc detects it. DDP comes out next, and following his pyro, he gets in the ring as well. Everyone's waiting on CM Punk, which side will he choose? Will he be loyal to the Second City Saints, or will he abandon their cheating ways. 10 seconds now, and we have no sign of punk, as Cat and Cabana look to start this one out. WAIT! Punk's music hits, here he comes!! The crowd pops as Punk makes his way to the ring, and he's in the ring now with Cat and Cabana. He's standing in the middle of them, which side will he choose?!" RIGHT HAND TO CABANA and the crowd pops hard, as CM has officially turned face.

    <O:71% Colt Cabana gained overness from this segment. Ace Steel gained overness from this segment. CM Punk's turn was completed, and he is now a face. CM Punk gained overness from this turn. >

    CM PUNK/DDP/Ernest Miller vs Colt Cabana, Ace Steel, Whiskey Marc.

    CM takes it to Cabana in the early going. Cabana makes the tag to Whiskey, but CM Stands his ground. The two go at it, exchanging right hands, with Whiskey having the obvious height and weight advantage. Whiskey gained the upperhand, and his team took the advantage from there on out. Midmatch, Cat got the hot tag from CM, who broke free from the punishment he had taken from each of the 3 members of the opposite team. But Steel tags in Marc. They stare down before going at it. Action spills out to ringside as the ref has lost all control of this match now and isn't sure who's legal. CM Punk up over the top with a suicide dive that took out Cat, Mark and Ace Steel. In the ring, Cabana gets hit with a Diamond cutter out of no where as the ref just gives up on figuring out who's legal and counts the 1-2-3 for the victory, as DDP gets some sweet revenge on Cabana. After the match, CM Walks out with DDP, as DDP can be heard saying "you're not too bad kid." Whiskey and Cat battled their way through the crowd.

    WINNERS: CM PUNK, DDP, And Ernest Miller

    <M:80% C:69% O:74%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Following what just happened, Eric Bischoff has booked yet another match for Fall Brawl! It will be CM Punk taking on "Classic" Colt Cabana!"

    Coach: "WOW! Those two should light it up!"

    Lodi is in the ring, waiting for his mystery opponent, this "new talent" that Bischoff just signed. He has to win this match, or he's fired for good, but if he wins, he's reinstated!. A new theme hits and out walks an absolutely huge man, wearing just wrestling boots, a pair of jean shorts, and a weird, Yeti - like match. The ring announcer announces him as "Giant Yetti."

    Meltzer: "I don't know much about this Giant Yetti characer, but I did get his stats. He's 6'11" and weights around 330. You're thoughts coach?"

    Coach: "Lodi is going to die before he gets fired"

    Meltzer: "Interesting analogy"

    GIANT Yetti vs Lodi, Lodi's job on the line

    Giant Yetti gets in the ring and Lodi is scared. The bell sounds and Yetti walks to the middle of the ring and extends his hand. Lodi walks up to him and goes to shake his hand, but instead gives him a right hand, and what the hell... Yetti hits the ground hard. Lodi with a quick cover.. 1-2-3!!!!

    Meltzer: "What the hell is this? What the hell?"

    Yetti gets up and rips off the mask, it's REESE, an ex-flock member. Only the more hardcore fans know who he is, but the Flock knows damn sure who it is, as Raven and company hit the ring to celebrate. They've screwed over WCW once again.

    Winner: Lodi

    <M:56% C:39% O:47% Giant Yetti lost overness from this match. >

    Backstage, we see Chris Benoit getting ready for his match, with DDP sitting in the locker room, winding down from his match tonight.

    DDP: "Man, doesn't it feel great to be back in WCW Chris, without all the BS. Eric running things like how it use to be back in the heyday.

    Benoit: "I know what you mean, I'm enjoying it myself. No more backstage politics either.

    DDP: "Hey man, what do you say, This sunday, me and you, one on one, friendly competition, neither of us have a match. Let's do it 1998 style."

    Benoit: "1998 Style eh? Does that mean you'lle have your long curly locks and We'll be the show opener? Of course, I'd have to job to you in the end, cause ya know, little guy's like me can't make it in this business!"

    They both have a good laugh.

    Benoit: "Alright, you got a deal man."

    They shake hands as we go to commercial.

    <O:77% Diamond Dallas Page gained overness from this segment. >

    Coach: "It's main event time here on Nitro!"

    Meltzer: "Hey, that's my line!"

    Chris Benoit/Booker T vs Scott Steiner/Chris Jericho

    So, standard industry rules tells us whoever wins this one will lose at the PPV eh? What a great match it was, a back and forth contest that lasted nearly 12 minutes. In the early going, Benoit got the crossface on steiner, only to be broken up by Jericho. Midmatch, Jericho and Benoit got into an interesting conflict. Both weren't the legal men in the ring, yet somehow, Jericho had managed to get the sharpshooter on Booker at the same time Benoit got the crossface on steiner. They both stared at each other, neither willing to break the hold to attack one another, which actually got a cheer from the crowd, as they shouted at each other. Finally Jericho let go, attacking Benoit and the two went at it on the outside, each slamming each other's head into the guard rail, in the ring, Book hit the scissor kick, but Jericho with a springboard legdrop to break the pin. Steiner eventually got the tag to Jericho as book got the tag to benoit, and they are each a house of fire, exchanging right hands as they tangle up. Jericho shoves benoit into the corner, but the ref got in the way, as he was the one who felt the wrath of the two. With the ref down, Jericho hit a low Blow. Jericho goes for the lionsault and connects, but there's no ref.

    WAIT! Hogan comes running down to the ring, World title in hand. The crowd pops huge, as no one was even aware he was here tonight. Hogan goes to hit Jericho with the title, Jericho ducks, but Hogan plants the title into his face when he turns around! Hogan off the ropes, LEG DROP! Benoit starts to awaken alittle and drapes an arm over Jericho as HOgan awakens the ref while Book distracts Steiner on the outside. 1-2-3! Book and Benoit win it as Hogan starts walking up the ramp, staring at Jericho, who's just now starting to move around, holding his head. Hogan raises the title above his head as the crowd roars in approval as we fade out.

    WINNERS: Chris Benoit and Booker T.

    <M:84% C:87% O:86%>

    Show quality: 73%

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