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Posts posted by Disengager

  1. WCW Monday Nitro

    August 1st, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Picture Highlight segment of Bash at the Beach <=:=><=:=>


    And Y2J's pyro hits as Jericho comes out, clearly angered from the events of last night, as Nitro begans without it's normal entrance video and Pyro. The crowd boo's as Jericho does his traditional poses before getting in the ring and grabbing the microphone from Lillian

    Jericho: "Alright all you ass monkeys listen up, cause Y2J is gonna tell everyone a story. In this industry, there are three kinds of wrestlers. First, you've got wrestlers who are just that, they wrestle. There's nothing special about them, at all. They may be good wrestlers, hell, my opponent tonight is a good wrestler. But there's one thing he lacks, he can't entertain the crowd. These guy's may win a title or two, but chances are, you won't see them in many main event situations. About 3/4ths of WCW's roster is filled with these guys. Then you've got the exact opposite. You've got guys that can entertain the crowd. They can talk trash like no other. They can rile up their opponents and excite crowds while doing it. Sound familiar? Yes, this is Hulk Hogan. That low-down, dirty, no selling, hairless wheelchair reject you call champion.

    And then you have Chris Jericho, the highlight of the night. The man who can do it all. I can entertain the crowd, and back up my trash talk with my wrestling. So, if I'm this great, then why did Eric Bischoff screw me last night at Bash at the Beach. I'll tell you why. Because Hogan is a cash cow. He's a household name. Not that Chris Jericho isn't a household name, it's just that I haven't been in a wrestling ring since 1923. Eric Bischoff Realizes that, and because of that, I'm not champion. I'm not champion because he'd rather milk Hulk Hogan's name for all it's worth despite his dimishing wrestling skills and the fact that he moves slower then rush hour traffic. Last night, Eric protected his investment, his $300,000 a month investment. It's disgusting and I'm SICK OF IT. Everyone always says that Chris Jericho is the future of wrestling, CM Punk is the future of wrestling, AJ Styles is the future of wrestling. Well, unlike those two, I'm not the 20 something stallion I once was. I mean, sure, I've still got the looks and charisma, but lets face facts. I don't plan on stepping in

    this ring when I'm 60, trying to mimmick my once former self, unlike the current champ, Hulk Hogan. What more does he have to prove? He can't bow out gracefully like the rest of the guy's he wrestled with in the 50's..he's has to always be in the




    Rey Mysterio interrupts Chris Jericho as he hit the 8 minute mark in his speech.The crowd cheers, obviously sick of hearing jericho, who is obviously furious.

    Meltzer: "Well it's about damn time"

    Kanyon: "Was...was that even in the script?"

    Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio

    Y2J had a mean streak in this one, obviously because the pressures have been mounting for him in the recent weeks. He took it all out on Rey Mysterio in this one. He wasn't himself tonight, as he used his brawling skills more then his speed. He

    hammered away on Rey, hitting forearms, elbows and kicks to the midsection. At one point, Jericho hit the double powerbomb, only to go for a third and have it reversed by a pinning hurricanrana. Although only a 2 count, rey built moment, and almost won the match. Y2J moved out of the way of a 619 at the last second, then hit a running bulldog. Y2J rolled up Mysterio and held the tights for a 1-2-3, drawing boo's from the crowd, as the ref didn't see his cheating ways again!  But Jericho wasn't finished, as he hit Rey with a low blow kick and put the walls of Jericho on him almost immediately after the match. The ref couldn't pry Jericho off of Rey, he was going to make a point tonight!

    BUT WAIT!!! Coming storming down the ramp is Chris Benoit! Jericho doesn't see him, as his back is facing the ramp. Benoit with a clothesline, jericho unleashes the hold and falls to the ground. Benoit picks him up, Irish whip, Jericho ducks the

    clothesline, and stops and goes for a right hand...CROSSFACE!!!! Jericho is yelling and pain and Benoit won't release the hold! Finally, after 20 seconds, Benoit lets go as refs fill the ring. Benoit walks up the ramp, smiling at what he's done to Jericho.

    WINNER: Chris Jericho

    <M:84% C:92% O:89%>

    Backstage, we see Kidman and Torrie Wilson standing by with Mean Gene...

    Torrie: "mmm, you're lookin good tonight Billy.."

    Billy: "One sec babe. Matt Hardy, last night I proved to you that you're not the unstoppable force you think you are. For week's, you threatened me, telling me you were going to destroy me? I think you destroyed yourself, isn't that right Torrie?"

    Torrie: "You see, Me and Billy settled our differences because he needed some insurance, and I needed a man. A man to help me around this promotion. This company is no place for a doll like me to be roaming around alone...so I got some help...in more ways then way. Maria, last night you attacked me during Billy's match. Don't think that I'm not going to deal with you in the future. You made a wise choice not showing up here tonight, you little tramp.

    Billy: "Matt, take note. This is what I have waiting for me every night back at the hotel, what do you have? Or should I say, who has what you had tonight?"

    Torrie and Billy kiss wickedly as we go to commercial.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    We come back and the ring is already set up for the Cat's Cradle. "I'M THE GREATEST" hits the PA system and out comes the Cat Ernest Miller! He gets in the ring and grabs a mic.

    Cat: "Well, I can't say I'm looking forward to this. Last night, this guy easily beat Andrew Martin, and then viciously attacked him after the match. Hell, he even attacked Hurricane, the guy who came out out of mercy to try to save Martin. So

    without further ado, here he is. Whiskey Marc."

    "Grinning Mouths" by Isis hits and Marc makes his way down the ramp, staring down fans in the audience as he makes his way into the ring. He gets in the ring, and stands toe to toe with Cat, dwarfing him.

    Cat: "Ok....uh..Marc...Mr. Stines...umm...congradulations on your debut victory last night.....I had some questions I need to ask you... but why don't you just say what's on your mind."

    Whiskey snags the mike away from cat.

    Whiskey: "What's on my mind? What's on my mind. I've been locked up for a year. I've had plenty of time to think. I'm not hear to talk or think, I'm here to HURT PEOPLE."

    And With That, Whiskey punches Cat Straight between the eyes. Cat hits the ground, that right hand is so deadly. Whiskey picks cat up and puts him on his shoulder . Whiskey Climbs to the second turnbuckle and slowly turns around as he puts Cat in

    the tombstone position. TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER OFF THE SECOND ROPE! Cat is down, and convulsing as EMT's run down to the ring, but are too scared to get in. Marc steps over the top rope and leaves as his theme hits, the crowd booing him as he makes his way to the backstage area.

    <o:82% Whiskey Marc gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial break=:=><=:=>

    Matt Hardy vs CM PUNK

    And we're back and CM Punk is standing in the ring as we're set for the arrival of Matt Hardy. Hardy comes out along with Maria at his side! This is a shocker, we didn't expect her to be here tonight. She's wearing a short skirt and black belly

    shirt, obviously pleasing the crowd. The two get a decent pop as we're ready to go. The bell sounds and this one gets underway. Punk extends his hand, staying true to the ROH Code of Honor. And Matt Hardy accepts!

    Punk played the underdog in this one, as Hardy had the upperhand throughout the match. Punk always managed to counter when it mattered however, moving out of the way of splashes and countering Matt's trademark moves. Matt hit a side effect for a 2 count, and then argued with the ref, thinking he had a 3. Punk hit a dropkick on Hardy, which sent him down. Punk went to work on the legs, applying a leg grapevine. With Hardy's weakened legs later in the match, he went up top, but was too slow as punk caught him in a precarious position. Punk went up top as well and was going for a superplex, but Hardy Shoved him off. OUT COMES KIDMAN. Kidman shoves Matt hardy off the top turnbuckle as Torrie distracts the ref. Punk puts on a Texas Cloverleaf in the middle of the ring. Hardy tries for to get to the ropes, but Punk pulls him back to the middle of the ring, forcing Matt to tap out.

    Meltzer: "Kidman cost him the match!"

    Kanyon: "well, it wasn't the first time, and won't be the last"

    Maria gets in the ring to check on Matt, but Torrie spears her before she gets to him. The two have a catfight as they exchange slaps, rolling around on the canvas before Billy is able to get torrie off of her.


    <M:92% C:75% O:83% >

    Booker T is standing by in his locker room

    Book: "Ya screwed me Raven, ya screwed me dog. Why you gotta be like that man, all selfish. If you wanted a title shot, all ya woulda had to do was ask me bro... everyone knows the bookaman is a fighting champ. But what you did last night, it hurt dog. Scott steiner, his punk ass won't give me a rematch, and neither will Eric Bischoff. So that means, in order for me to shot at the US title, I gotta win the battle royal tonight dawg. I gotsta go through you and 19 other guys, just to get a shot. Aint that some Bull... But bottom line is, The book is gonna win that match tonight, and when I do, I'm coming for ya scott Steiner. I'm coming for ya dawg. Now can you dig that....SUCKAAAAAA.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>


    Eric Bischoff's music hit as he gets boo's from the crowd. 20 wrestlers are standing in the ring.

    Eric: "I'm just out here to address a couple issues. First, What Chris Jericho did was unnacceptable. His comments were against WCW Code of Conduct, and because of that, His ass is suspended for 1 week. *CROWD CHEERS* . But that's not why I'm

    out here. I'm here to announce that all this month, Nitro will feature specialty matches. And the winner of these matches, will receive a title shot at the title of their choice in a match of their choice! Now let's let the carnage began!


    1.  Jody Fleisch (Raven)

    2.  Eric Angle (Raven)

    3.  Colt Cabana (Chavo)

    4.  Big Vito (Jindrak/O'haire)

    5.  Brian Lawler (Jindrak/O'Haire)

    6.  Alext Wright (Chavo)

    7.  Sabian (Booker T)

    8.  Ruckus (Al Snow)

    9.  Ultimo Dragon (Air Paris)

    10. Mark Jindrak (Lenny/Lodi)

    11. Al Snow (Raven)

    12. Lodi (Sean O' Haire)

    13. Lenny (Sean O' Haire)

    14. Lash Leroux (Sean O' Haire)

    15. Air Paris (Booker T)

    16. Chavo Guerrero (Amazing Red)

    17. The Amazing Red (booker T)

    18. Sean O' Haire (Raven)

    19. Booker T (Raven)

    As expected, Booker T and Raven were the last two surviving in this over the top battle royal. However, in the end, Raven came out on top, throwing Booker T over following a lowblow shot. Raven looked up to the ceiling and extended his arms as he

    savored victory. Book couldn't believe he had lost to Raven. Raven grabbed a mic.

    Raven: "What about Raven? What about Raven? I'll tell you about me. Scott Steiner, I'll tell you all about me when I beat your ass tonight for your US Title in a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH. And Booker T, You may claim to be a fighting champion, but I'm a survivor, and I'll survive anyone anywhere. Quote the raven, Nevermore."


    <M:73% C:59% O:66% >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Well ladies and gentlemen, he couldn't be here tonight, but standing by via satelite is the champ. Hulk, are you there?"

    Hulk Hogan is on the tron. The fans go crazy and start chanting his name.

    Hogan: "Let me tell you something Meltzer. Last night, Eric Bischoff stood up for what's right. All the hulkamaniacs saw it. The Hulkster almost got cheated out of the title. But Justice prevailed, like it always does. And I admire Eric Bischoff for

    restarting the match last night. And I admire that Chris Jericho was desperate enough to stoop to such low meassures as to take my title. But let me tell all the fans this. Next week, I'll be there, and I'll be ready for a fight. And since Chris Jericho is suspended, I promise that next week, there won't be any cheating. Cheating is something the Hulkster doesn't stand for, and as far as I'm concerned, No cheater will EVER take the Hulk's world title.

    The fans cheer at the possiblity of Hogan's long title run as the tron fades out. Although there were a few boo's noticeable throughout the arena.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Coach's Music Hits.

    Kanyon: "Why the hell is he here? He's suppose to be fired!"

    Coach makes his way onto the stage.

    Meltzer: "Get his ass out of here, he's not suppose to be here"

    Coach: "I just wanna say that although I lost.. I'm not going anywhere. I didn't agree to that match, that match was made by stonecold, and Eric Bischoff has told me..."

    Austin comes out and hits coach with a steel chair in the back. Coach is reeling, in pain on the ground!

    Austin: "If it wasn't clear to you last night you dumb son of a bitch, let me reiterate. YOUR FIRED!!!!! Security, take this man away."

    With that, Austin grabs coach and drags him off the stage by the arm as the crowd laughs.

    <O:70% Steve Austin lost overness from this segment. Jonathan Coachman gained overness from this segment. >

    Meltzer: It's time for our Main event!

    Scott Steiner vs Raven for the US Title

    Raven comes out to dimmed lights and a purplish blue lighting show as his theme, complete with Raven's caw's plays. Raven gets booed as he get's in the ring and sits in a corner. Scott Steiner comes out to even louder boo's. He is noticeable yelling at the crowd to shut up as he makes his way down the ramp.

    This easily gets worst match at the night. Not that Raven didn't hold up on his end, but that Steiner was obviously showing the effects of his war last night with Booker T. Raven lasted through a 25 minute battle royale earlier and still put up a good fight, getting off a knee to the head in the corner on steiner and a shoulder thrusts to the mid section. Raven and Steiner traded blows with a steel chair at different points in the match. After an extended stay on the outside, Raven whipped Steiner into the steps before taking him back in the ring. Raven hit a bulldog, and went for the Evenflow, but OUT COMES BOOKER T!!! Booker gets in the ring and thrust kicks Raven, sending him to the ground. Book leaves the ring as Steiner covers book for the 1-2-3. After the match, Book reentered the ring and attacked Steiner, and the two are exchanging blows in the middle of the ring!!

    <M:73% C:63% O:68% >

    GLASS SHATTERS!!! Out comes Austin as the fans go nuts, obviously a little bored with their main event. Austin stands up top.

    Austin: HEY HEYYY HEYYYYYYYY!!!!! Can you two jackasses stop fighting for one second and listen? It appears as if we have a conflict of my interest here. While I'd like to watch you two sorry sons of bitches hit each other senses, Stone Cold realizes we got 3 bastards who all want the same thing. Now, usually I'd just tell all 3 of ya's to just go to hell, but that ain't commissioner stone cold talking. In the interest of violence, I think I'll book a match. Eric told me to stop running his show, so I better make this one a good one. Let's see, 3 way elimation, triple threat... ahh I know. How about you three bastards in the ring, in a hardcore match for the WCW United States title. That outta make ole' Eric happy. Next week, you three bastards, anything goes, and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold SAID SO!"

    Austin's music hits as the three in the ring start beating on each other.

    <o:92% Booker T gained overness from this segment. Raven gained overness from this segment. Scott Steiner gained overness from this segment. >


    SHOW RATING: 80%

  2. This is a spoiler for my diary, so if you don't want to know what the future holds, DON'T CLICK THE LINK. If the fact that Hogan has the world title is what's keeping you to stray away from this diary, see the link to find out what the deal with Hogan in my diary and if he's going to have a long title run or not. Once again, THIS IS A MINOR DIARY SPOILER...


    Nitro should be up tommorrow (hopefully). If not, look for it early thursday morning.

  3. Eric's Office

    August 1st, 2005

    Eric:: "So Sophie, tell me something good about the development territory we opened."

    Sophie:: "Well, sir, We just paid $500,000 to open up a new wrestling territory based out of Atlanta. We're going to use this to give our next generation wrestlers a chance to work some matches and develop their skills. It better to have them earning their paychecks rather then hanging out backstage at big events or boring crowds on TV. We currently have 10 of our guys wrestling there."

    Eric: " Sounds Great. Did you finish that report I asked you to compile?"

    Sophie:: "Yes Eric, I finished the scouting report


    Sophie:: "The general concenus of our fans have said that we have better talent as far as wrestlers go. They enjoy our great matches and in ring work as well as our booking."

    Eric: "So you're telling me ...."

    Sophie: "However, ECW has more star power then us. They have a lot of big name workers who are charismatic, but have diminishing in-ring skills.

    Eric: "So then, in the fans general opinion, which is the better promotion?

    Sophie:: "Well, while WWE is obviously on top, fans would rather watch our product then ECW's. Ours is more mainstream and our writing team is extremely better then there's. We're a storyline driven company with great wrestling to back it up.

    Eric: "Kinda like a mix between raw and smackdown?"

    Sophie: "exactly."

    Eric:: "Sophie, tell me some good news. What is USA Networks offering us?!

    Sophie:: "Well, Nothing."

    Eric:: "NOTHING?"

    Sophie:: "With the market the way it is, they weren't sure who to sign on for another wrestling show, so they have decided to wait it out."

    Eric:: "What's our course of action?"

    Sophie:: "To meet with the board from another network and discuss contracts in the middle of the month"

    Eric:: "Sophie...this is a dissapointment. Something's not right. We need a second tv deal to beat Heyman. In your mind, what do you think WCW needs in order to guarantee another TV contract come September 1st?"

    Sophie:: "Honestly Eric, I think you need to push the feuds you have going down the viewers throats. They're craving for these feuds Eric. Go 2 segments a night for each feud."

    Eric:: "But what about the other wrestlers. Their moral will drop if they aren't on television on a normal basis..wait, I got it. Sophie, I'm a genius."

    *Eric grabs his briefcase and puts a few things in it before shutting it.

    Sophie:: "Umm, Eric. There was a problem with Maria's contract, can I schedule her to come into My office later in the week?"

    Eric:: "Umm, yeah, sure . Doesn't the front office handle that? ...Nevermind, do what you have to do, I gotta get ready for Nitro.

    Sophie:: "Oh, I'll do something alright.."

    Eric: "What was that Sophie?"

    Sophie:: "err...nothing. Good Luck boss!"

    Eric Flips on his shades and leather jacket and heads out the door, leaving his office enthusiastic as ever.

  4. user posted image

    Source: Nodq.com

    August 1st, 2005

    WCW impressive in return to Pay per view

    user posted image

    WCW scored a 0.95 buy rate for Bash at the Beach. Almost 12,000 were in attendence to watch Hulk Hogan retain his world title, Eddie Guerrero win the cruiserweight title, and the debut of Raven!

    Benoit returns TONIGHT!

    user posted image

    It is reported that Chris Benoit has been seen walking around the arena before tonights Nitro and will be a part of the show in some sort of way.

    The Rumor Mill...

    Rumors are running wild that due to the state of the industry and all it's craziness at the moment, neither WCW or ECW were able to secure television contracts for a second show. While this is just a preliminary rumor, we'll keep you posted.


    July 31st, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro vid and ABSOLUTELY HUGE Pyro <=:=><=:=>

    We get our first view of the setup, the entrance area is completely redesigned . It is now on the ground, with a mini-tron behind where wrestlers first come out. It is beach themed, with Picnic tables, a Volleyball Net, sand, palm trees, etc etc etc. The ring is brand new, complete with Bash at the Beach skirts and blue ropes. The canvas is black with a bash at the beach logo in the middle. As you look off in the distance, no more then A few dozen yards away is the ocean.

    Meltzer: Hello ladies and gentleman and Welcome to BASH AT THE BEACH. We have a great show for you tonight with 7 matches on the card! But first, we want to show you some video of what happened earlier in our untelevised matchup between the teams of Al Snow and Steve Blackman and Sean o' haire and Mark Jindrak.

    <=:=><=:=> Video Highlights <=:=><=:=>

    HEAD CHEESE (Steve Blackman and Al Snow) vs Mark Jindrak and Sean O' Haire

    O'Haire and Jindrak were strong in this one as they showed a great display of tag team wrestling. Al Snow's ring rust showed in this contest, as he botched a tornado DDT on Jindrak. The majority of the contest saw Jindrak and O'Haire isolating

    Blackman, making quick tags back and forth. The ending however, saw a different story. All Hell broke loose and Jindrak knocked Snow off the apron and he tumbled to the outside. Jindrak and O'Haire wasted too much time connecting with a double

    ddt, playing to the crowd. O Haire went up top and hit the Seanton Bomb, but as he got up, received a Superkick from Al Snow that sent him over the top rope. Jindrak, who had been taunting the crowd, turned around only to get a Snowplow as Snow got

    he 1-2-3 for the win. As Snow and Blackman celebrated to a fairly large ovation considering they were working the curtain.

    However, Jindrak and O'Haire would have none of it, and immediately went to work on Headcheese, hitting the ring and attacking the victors. Jindrak hit a High Dropkick on Al Snow and O'Haire it a Middle Roundhouse Kick followed by a Crucifix Bomb on Blackman, leaving the victors down and out.

    WINNERS: AL Snow and Steve Blackman

    <M:82% C:64% O:73%>

    Meltzer: That was quite a contest, but won't be anything compared to what we have coming up. A 10 man cruiserweight over the top battle royal for a spot in the 4 corners match for the WCW Cruiserweight title!

    "I'M THE GREATEST" hits the PA system and out comes the Cat Ernest Miller! He gets a huge pop. Cat has a seat next to Meltzer.

    Meltzer: "Cat, what are you doing out here?"

    Cat: "Well, I saw neither of your partners were out here, so I figured, hey, this event needs a little bit of myself!"

    Meltzer: "well it's good to have ya out here!"

    Cat: "Good to be here"

    10 MAN Cruiseweight Over the top Battle Royal

    First out comes Paul Birchall, followed by Jody Fleisch, the two who were originally competing for what's on the line in this match. Austin Lee, Air Paris and Brian Lawler follow, as half of our contestants are already in the ring. Chavo Guerrero comes out next to a decent pop. Mr. Aguila comes out to dead silence, who is this guy? Essay Rios, Papi Chulo? Next is Lash Leroux, who gets a decent pop from those who remember him. The amazing red comes out next, he may be the favorite to win

    this. Finally, last but not least, CM PUNK! Even though he's a heel, the fans mark out for his sheer talent.And here we go.

    First eliminated is Mr. Aguila, who eliminated himself as CM Punk ducked out of the way while hung up on the ropes as Aguila went for a cross body. Next Eliminated Brian Lawler, who goes up and over after his attempt to powerbomb Red over the ropes was reversed with a hurricanrana as Red slid under the bottom rope. Birchall gets a pop as he eliminates tag team partner and friend Air Paris by throwing him off the top turnbuckle as he was attempting a high flying move on a fallen CM Punk. Jody Fleisch is next, as CM Punk tosses him up and over as he was attempting to eliminate Lash Leroux, who was holding onto the ropes. We're down to 5, Birchall, Red, Punk, Chavo and Leroux! Chavo and Birchall team up on Leroux,

    eliminating him as he was holding onto the ropes. Birchall celebrates, only to get tossed out by Guerrero. That's a rookie mistake!  Chavo and Punk team up on red, who ducks a double clothesline only to deliver a double DDT to both. He picks up

    chavo and tosses him out. We're down to 2! Punk and Red go at it for a couple minutes before Red hits a flying wheel kick. He goes up top and sets up for a top rope lariat, put Punk catches him in mid air and tries to dump him over the ropes. Red hangs on and now is standing on the canvas outside the ropes. Punk can't get push him off the apron, so he goes for a verticle suplex and tries to bring him back in, but Red lands on his feet and takes off, bouncing off the ropes and hitting a

    cross body on Punk, they both go over the ropes, Red hits the ground, but wait, Punk holds onto the ropes. He SKINS THE CAT!! PUNK IS STANDING IN THE RING, the winner!!!

    Winner: CM Punk

    <M:69% C:53% O:61%>

    Meltzer: "What a match we just saw, and it's going to get even better. Later tonight, CM Punk will take on Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and the man who beat him on Nitro last monday, Sonny Siaki."

    <=:=><=:=> Video Package of Siaki's debut <=:=><=:=>

    Andrew Martin vs Whiskey Marc

    Martin comes out to a mixed reaction of boos and nothing, as no one seems to care about him anymore. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the debut of Whiskey Marc. No one has seen him in over a year. "Grinning Mouths" by Isis plays and here he comes.

    He's carrying a barbed wire baseball bat!!! He looks like vintage whiskey Marc, complete with broken glasses, ripped and stained white t-shirt, pair of yellowish slacks and army boots. Scraggly red Mustache and Red afro as well! He looks a lot

    more buff then when he was last seen. Also new is a scar on his right cheek.

    Meltzer: "This guy's an animal, I don't think Andrew Martin knows what's coming "

    Right as he gets in the ring, Martin attacks him, not wasting any time. But his blows do nothing, as Whiskey is so drunk he doesn't feel a thing. Whiskey whips him into the ropes and Gives him a straight punch right between the eyes as he comes back. That one could be heard all throughout the crowd. Test's nose is bleeding, it might be broken! Whiskey picks him up and sets him up, TOMBSTONE Piledriver. This one is going to be over in a hurry. Marc picks him up and puts him on his shoulder, Oklahoma Slam.

    Meltzer: "He's had enough, ring the damn bell!"

    Whiskey climbs to the top rope. BROKEN BEER BOTTLE SPLASH. This one's over, 1-2-3. The ref quickly leaves the ring as whiskey intimidates him, he's not through yet, he picks him up one more time, WhiskeyBuster, that one was vicious. The fans are starting to boo. While they enjoyed the beatdown on test, this is uncalled for. Whiskey goes outside and grabs the barbed wire baseball bat.

    Meltzer: "What are you doing you heathen. Someone stop this!"

    Here comes the Hurricane! Hurricane hits the ring and attacks Marc from behind. Whiskey Marc turns around and Hurricane puts his hand around his neck and calls for the chokeslam. Whiskey elbows him off and proceeds to plant him into the canvas with a chokeslam of his own. Martin is up, Whiskey smashes him across the back with the baseball bat and he is down. EMT's and Road crew's hit the ring as Marc backs off, just staring at the carnage he left in the ring as a loud chorus of boo's fill the arena.

    Winner: Whiskey Marc

    <M:75% C:43% O:59% Whiskey Marc debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. Andrew Martin lost overness from this match. Whiskey Marc gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial for Nitro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "I don't believe what we just saw"

    Cat: "That guy has some problems"

    Meltzer: "Wait I'm getting something... I've just been informed that tommorrow night on Nitro, you're going to be interviewing him on the Cat's Cradle"

    Cat: *STUNNED*

    Meltzer: "I can't wait for this match, one of these guys is going to get fired!"

    Cat: "Good, they're both annoying!"

    Chris Kanyon vs Coach in a Harcore match (Loser is fired!)

    Kanyon comes up to a pretty good ovation. Perhaps it could be that garbage can of weapons he carried to the ring. Coach comes out next to a series of boo's. It looks as though he may be wearing some kind of foam protective shirt! He gets in the ring and here we go. Coach doesn't have a weapon, and Kanyon has two! A garbage can lid in one hand and a kendo stick in the other. He throws the garbage can lid at coach, who catches it, only to get it flipped into his face by Kanyon hitting it with

    the kendo stick. From there, it was all Kanyon until about midmatch, when Coach got a lowblow uppercut off. Coach went on offense for a couple minutes, connecting with a chairshot to the back and a chop block to Kanyon's leg. Coach got a little

    too cocky though, and laid a stop sign down on the canvas and tried for a piledriver, only to be back body dropped followed by the Flatline on the Stop sign for the win. Kanyon celebrates before waving goodbye to Coach, who is throwing a fit in the

    ring! The crowd breaks out, "NA NA NA NA, NA NA NA NA, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE" as security comes down the ramp to escort Coach out of the building!

    Winner: Chris Kanyon

    <M:47% C:53% O:58% Jonathan Coachman didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. >

    <=:=><=:=> Video Package of Hardy/Kidman feud <=:=><=:=>

    Matt Hardy vs Billy Kidman in a falls count anywhere match

    Matt Hardy gets a HUGE ovation from this crowd, who are ready for this match after all the hype. This one was a great contest between these two competitors, definitely a crowd pleaser. Kidman got in offense early, as he reversed a powerbomb with his

    trademark face jammer. He also got off an early Springboard swinging bulldog, which got a near fall. But once this match went outside, it turned in Matt Hardy's favor, as he used everything available to take out Kidman. The two nearly destroyed the set as Hardy whipped kidman into each of the four fake palm trees. Matt Hardy really took Kidman out of it when he hit the side affect on top of a picnic table. He brought Kidman back to the ring where he set up a ladder following a crufix

    powerbomb. Hardy Bodyslammed kidman and climbed the ladder. It looked as though it may be over, UNTIL Torrie Wilson came from no where and pushed the ladder, sending Matt Hardy tumbling to the ground. But wait, here comes Maria, Maria pulls Torrie off the canvas and the two get into it on the outside!! Maria is hammering away on Torrie. Back in the ring, kidman is up top as Hardy is still on the ground from the affects of falling off the top of the ladder, SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! 1--2--3 Kidman has stolen this one! Kidman breaks up the Catfight as the boo's continue. Kidman and Torrie walk out together, having screwed Matt Hardy out of a win!

    Winner: Billy Kidman

    <M:83% C:76% O:79% Billy Kidman gained overness from this match. >

    Meltzer: That damn kidman. What a cheap..."

    Cat: Now now, don't think that there won't be hell to pay for Kidman and Torrie.

    Meltzer: If I know Hardy, He's not going to be satisfied with this one! Well folks, you can join us at our next PPV, Road Wild, live in a few weeks from Sturges!

    Backstage, we see Eric Bischoff, struggling to get a Vehicle started. The camera zooms out, that's Stone Cold's truck! Stone Cold comes running from a hallway


    Austin starts walking towards the truck, but from behind, Vito and Steiner attack him, they're stomping him on the ground. Eric gets out of the truck. Austin is down at the hands of The Justice Department.

    Eric: "Austin, don't you dare think that I'm just going to let you run my show. Stay out of my business!"

    And with that, the Justice Department walks off, leaving austin down on the ground.

    <o:82% Steve Austin lost overness from this segment.>

    Eddie Guerrero vs CM Punk vs Sonny Siaki vs Rey Mysterio in a 4 corners

    This one easily wins match of the night honors in an all out spotfest. Hurricanrana's, Tornado DDT's, Plancha's, moonsaults and backflips, mixed with amazing counters put this one over the top. Following Eddie Guerrero getting thrown over the top,

    Rey Mysterio dove onto him from the top rope. Then Siaki cannonballed over the top onto the two. Finally, CM Punk did a shooting star press onto all 3 on the outside. In the end though, it looked as though CM punk had it won as all the contestents were down and Punk hit a Shining wizard onto Rey Mysterio. However, Siaki threw him over the top and hit the Siakilypse on Punk on the outside, which might have been spot of the night. Inside the ring, Eddie Guerero hit the Froggy on Rey for the 1-2-3 as Siaki couldn't break up the 3 count in time.

    Winner and NEW WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION: Eddie Guerrero.

    <M:85 C:81 O:83 Eddie Guerrero debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=> Video Package of BookerT/Scott Steiner feud <=:=><=:=>

    Scott Steiner © vs Booker T for the WCW US TITLE

    Book came out to a strong ovation here, While Steiners antics earlier in the evening attacking Austin drew him quite a bit of heat. This one was a back and forth contest. Steiner hit an impressive press slam on Book, but failed to capitolize, instead,decided to do pushups in the ring. Steiner hit a couple Mean clotheslines before Book ducked a third and retaliated with right hands and a spinning heel kick following an irish whip. Book hit a kneedrop to the face before pushing his luck by attempting a belly to belly. Steiner would have none of it as he got Book in a bear hug, almost getting a submission victory. But book fought out of it and superstars caught each other with clotheslines. Both made their way up before the 8 count and booker got the advantage, blocking punches and countering with his own. Book kicked Steiner in the midsection, setting him up for the Scissor kick, but Steiner moved, and on a retaliation, Book went for a side kick, only to miss and hit the ref. With the ref down, Steiner hit a TBONE suplex after blocking a booker T kick. But wait, out from the crowd comes RAVEN!!!!!!!


    Raven gets in the ring and grabs steiners arm. Steiner turns around, Kick to the stomach, EVENFLOW! Book is getting up now, EVEN FLOW DDT to booker as well. Raven stands in the ring as he received a mixed reaction of cheers and boo's from the crowd, both excited and angered at his arrival. Raven outstretches his arms and holds his head up in the air. The ref awakens and see's the chaos and calls for the bell, this one's a no contest through interference.


    <M:84% C:94% O:90%>

    <=:=><=:=> Long, boring package of the Hogan/Y2J feud <=:=><=:=>

    Lillian: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"

    CHRIS JERICHO VS HULK HOGAN © for the WCW World Title

    The crowd goes wild. "BREAK THE WALLS DOWWWWWWWN" hits and out comes Y2J to a thunderous ovation of boo's. The crowd is really letting him have it. Following a delayed entrance, Real American hits and out comes Hogan. The crowd goes nuts, as

    they always do, chanting his name as he posses up top as the pyro goes off. With World Title around his waste, he enters the ring and rips his shirt off. Jericho's back in the ring and the referee holds the title up in the air t show whats at stake.

    Once again Hulk starts the match with the upper hand after winning the test of stregnth. Too bad Jericho is too cocky to backdown from a challenge or else he would have avoided that encounter. Hogan with a mix of clotheslines, right hands and

    simple takedown holds at the beginning of this match. But the tides turned into Jericho's favor after Hogan went for a big boot too early in the contest, as Jericho easily ducked it and went to work. Jericho with a body slam and a choke hold onto

    Hogan, Jericho is risking DQ! Hogan with an irish whip, but Jericho hits the flying Forearm. Jericho with a running bulldog, he calls for it..LIONSAULT! We may have a new world champion! 1-2...kickout with authority, Hulk is Hulking up! UH OH!!

    Jericho's shots are worthless as Hogan is to his feet. Jericho off the ropes, HE TAKES OUT THE LEGS, HOGAN GOES DOWN!!!! Jericho has found a way to counter the Hulk Up. Jericho grabs Hogans legs and goes for the pin, putting his own legs on the

    top rope, 1-2-3... JERICHO WINS IT!! The referee grabs the title belt and hands it to Jericho, he didn't see the feet on the rope!

    "I'M BACK, AND BETTER THEN EVER".. Here comes Bischoff!

    Eric: "Oh no you don't Jericho. Just because that Zebra in there didn't see your feet on the ropes doesn't mean I didn't. Referee, Restart this match!"

    Jericho throws a fit as the ref takes the belt away from him and the bell sounds as this one is restarted. Jericho goes to work on Hogan with stomps while hogan gets back to his feet. He Irish Whips hogan, only to have it reversed and then followed

    up by a powerslam. Hogan does the hand to the ear, he's calling for it. Hogan off the ropes, LEG DROP MISSES and Hogan is down. Jericho is going for the walls of Jericho, but can't turn Hogan. Hogan reaches up and gets jericcho in a pinning

    rollup.. 1...2...3

    The crowd goes wild as Hogan has retained his title in a controversial manner. Jericho can't believe it, he's throwing a baby fit in the ring as Hogan begans walking backwards down the entrance isle. The ref raises Hogans hand as the victor as Hogan leaves with the world title, leaving Jericho throwing a tantrum in the ring!


    <M:67% C:100% O:90%>

    SHOW RATING: 74%

  6. Bash at the Beach Preview..

    Saturday, July 30th, 2005

    Meltzer: Hello wrestling fans, Welcome to the official Bash at the Beach preview. WCW's Bash at the beach comes to you live tommorrow night from Tampa Bay, Florida. Over the course of the next half hour, we'll bring you up to date on the matches scheduled for Bash at the Beach, as well talk about some new matches added this week!

    user posted image


    Following Paul Birchall and Jody Fleisch's draw, leaving the 4 way cruiserweight title match without a 4th contest, Steve Austin has booked a 10 man cruiserweight battle royal, with the winner earning the 4th spot in the battle. All we know is that Birchall and Fleisch will be in the battle, leaving the 8 other contestants a mystery.


    Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio and Sonny Siaki will battle along with 1 other  opponent (winner of the battle royal) in this 4 corners match. In order to win, you must pin your 3 opponents. The winner will take home the cruiserweight championship

    AL SNOW AND STEVE BLACKMAN Vs Sean O' Haire and Mark Jindrak

    This one should be an interesting contest. A couple weeks ago, Al Snow saved his former partner from sure destruction at the hands of O'Haire and Jindark. This tag match should be an interesting one to say the least.

    Whiskey Marc vs Andrew Martin

    Whiskey Marc is out of jail, and that can only mean one thing, Hell to his opponent. Andrew "Test" Martin will be the unlucky victim for Whiskey, as he makes his WCW Debut!

    Chris Kanyon vs Coach in a Loser leaves WCW HARDCORE match

    Plain and simple, WCW isn't big enough for the both of them. The winner will take over the commentating job on Nitro, and the Loser, well, the loser will look for work elsewhere!!!

    Matt Hardy vs Billy Kidman in a Falls Count Anywhere match

    These two have a mutual hatred for each other, as they've shown in the recent weeks. With Kidman now cleared to return to the ring, Matt Hardy has said he plans on giving Kidman a beating past just the match! Will Matt's words hold true to his promise?

    Scott Steiner © vs Booker T for the U.S. Championship

    Booker T was outraged after Eric Bischoff awarded the US title to Steiner on the first episode of Nitro. With Booker firmly believing that the belt belongs to him, can he recapture his once former Gold?

    and in our main event....

    user posted image

    Hulk Hogan © vs Chris Jericho in a rematch for the WCW HeavyWeight Championship

    This one should be a war, plain and simple. It all started after Hogan defeated Jericho on the second episode of Nitro to capture the world Heavyweight title. After the match, Jericho turned on Hogan, issuing a fierce beatdown which sparked a riot after the event. The following Nitro, Jericho then attacked Hogan during his celebration ceremony. But Hogan would have his revenge, running in after Jericho's match on Nitro last week. But he wasn't done. He then proceeded to floor Jericho with the world title, the one thing Jericho's obsessed with. Steve Austin then proceeded to book the rematch that the world can't wait to see! Will Jericho prevail and be world champ again, or will Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania run wild one more time?!

    All this and more at WCW Bash at the Beach 2005, Live from Tampa Bay, Florida, Sunday July 31st, only on Pay Per View. I'm Dave Meltzer, we'll see you at the beach!

  7. user posted image

    Source: nodq.com

    Date: Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

    WWE Wins again, but ratings slip.

    WWE once again wins the Monday night wars, but their ratings slip just a little. WCW, on the other hand, hurt themselves by hyping up Jericho's match, only to have GILLBERG get squashed. Many fans were in such disgusting, they tuned into ECW to see RVD battle AJ Styles in a ladder match, missing the hogan/jericho/austin segments. Meanwhile, TNA is dangerously close to dipping down below the 3 mark! Thing's aren't looking good.


    WCW - 5.81

    ECW - 5.45

    TNA - 3.08

    Late Night

    WWE - 6.04

    Benoit almost ready to return!

    user posted image

    Rumors are running rampant about Chris Benoit. Some say he could be a part of Bash at the Beach Sunday Night. However, it is more then likely for him to make his return on the Nitro the next night. Either way, the future is interesting!

    Sonny Siaki debuts in wcw!

    user posted image

    The first attack to NWA TNA by WCW has sent shockwaves through the wrestling world. In a conference last week, Eric Bischoff told Vince Mcmahon to watch Nitro...could this talent theft be a sign?

    Kanyon...and Stacey?

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Although Kanyon did save Stacey from the Likes on Coach on Nitro, we're being told that this was a one time thing, and the only reason he did was to continue his feud with coach. Do you actually think the WCW creative team would stick Stacey with him?!

    Bash at the Beach 30 minute Hype show Saturday!

    user posted image

    ON DEMAND will be airing a free 30 minute Bash at the Beach Hype show all this weekend!

  8. WCW  Nitro

    Monday, July 25th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro <=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: Hello everyone and Welcome to Nitro! What a jampacked show we got for you tonight, and we kick it off with the first match in our 8 man cruiserweight tourney.

    Coach: That's right Meltzer, these guys are so excited that they're already in the ring!

    Jody Fleisch vs Paul Birchall

    What a contest this was, as both stars battled back and forth. This one was more of a spotfest then a wrestling match, with each superstar flying across the ring left and right. Fleisch hit a superkick, yet birchall kicked out somehow. Birchall hit an amazing moonsault yet Fleisch kicked out. The end of contest saw both superstars go tumbling off the top turnbuckle and both landing akwardly, as Bichall was unable to counter a Hurricanrana with a powerbomb. The nasty spill followed by a referee 10 count for the draw.

    Win: Draw (10 count)

    <M:85% C:41% O:63%>

    Meltzer: Our first matchup in the tourney...a draw? How will this affect the four way at bash at the beach?

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Matt Hardy's entrance music hits as he comes out, ladder in tow. He sets the ladder up in the ring and grabs a microphone and climbs up top.

    Hardy: "Anyone remember what Matt Hardy does with these?"

    *crowd pops*

    Hardy: "I hurt people with ladders. Not tables, not chairs, Ladders. Back in that...Other promotion, Me and my brother defeated teams like the Dudley Boys and Edge and Christian countless times. And in a falls count anywhere match, there are no rules. That means, this ladder here, completely legal. Kidman, I'm going to hurt you, I'm going to hurt you in ways you've never been felt before. You think that...."

    With that, Kidman comes from the crowd and gets in the ring and pushes the ladder over. Matt Hardy lands on his feet! Hardy with the clothesline up and over that sends kidman to the floor. Matt Climbs up top and dives onto Kidman as he's getting to his feet. He throws kidman back into the ring. Swinging neckbreaker.  Hardy sets up the ladder and throws up the V1 sign. LEG DROP off the ladder. Kidman is down and out! Hardy gets huge pops as his music hits and he leaves the ring.


    Meltzer: My god I can't believe what we just saw. Kidman has been layed out again at the hands of Matt Hardy.

    Coach: That Matt Hardy, what a no good cheater.

    Meltzer: What are you talking about, the man attacked Hardy last week! Folks, coming up next, our second match in our cruiserweight tourney. More importantly, The debut of Rey Mysterio!

    Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero

    Mysterio was extremely over with the crowd, making his WCW debut. Chavo got a little heat, but not as much as he should be getting. This one was quite a contest. Any other night, it could have been Match of the night caliber. Chavo was unable to hit the Gory Bomb, as Mysterio Reversed it with a pinning hurricanarana. Following the 2 count, Rey went to work, hitting a head scissors, which set up the 6-1-9. Afterwards, Mysterio celebrates his debut victory.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    <M:87% C:79% O:83%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Stacey Keibler's entrance music hits and out comes the leggy blonde to a huge ovation. Maybe it's because she's wearing a schoolgirl outfit?! She gets in the ring and gets on the mic..

    Stacey: "Well, a lot of you are wondering where I've been since WCW's debut and why I haven't been on the show. I got so many cards and emails asking if I was ok. Well, the truth is, I just needed a little me time. After our photo shoot in Haiwaii, I was spent. All that posing and changing takes a lot more work then people realize. And I just needed some time to relax and have fun. But I'm back now and...

    Coach starts walking down the ramp, Mic in hand.

    Coach: "Stacey, Stacey, Stacey, baby, damn you are looking quite fine tonight."

    Coach gets in the ring.

    Coach: "But seriously honey, these fans don't care about where you've been or what's going on in your personal life."

    Crowd Boos.

    Coach: "All these fans care about are the two things that made you famous. That pretty little face, and those lucious, long legs that lead straight up to that fine ass. Damn you got ass girl. How about you bring that fine ass over here and let coach spank it. You've been a bad girl Stacey.

    Stacey Laughs at coach..

    Stacey: "Coach, you know us Divas like you and all. But Coach, in all seriousness, I don't like you like that. When it comesright on down to it, you're kinda creepy.

    Coach: "Creepy? I'm Creepy? You don't know what Creepy is Stacey."

    Coach approaches stacey and grabs her and pulls her tight to his body as she struggles to get away.

    Coach: "Now how about you shutup and give the Coach a kiss? You know you can't resist"

    Coach is about to force Stacey to kiss him! She struggles with all her might, but it's worthless, coach is just too strong. Just as the worst is about to come, KANYON'S music hit, and Coach turns around, letting go of Stacey as she scurries out of

    the ring. Kanyon gets a huge pop from the crowd as he he comes charging down the isle and rolls into the ring. Coach has gone from bully to scared dog as he's backing up. Right hand from Kanyon, followed by another. Kanyon Irish whips coach and hits a nasty shoulder block. He picks him up, FLATLINER! Coach is out and Stacey comes back into the ring and hugs Kanyon, who is reluctant at first before embracing her. The two leave hand in hand. As they make their way up the ramp, they raise their

    hands in the air as the crowd pops.

    <O:75% Chris Kanyon gained overness from this segment. Jonathan Coachman gained overness from this segment. Chris Kanyon's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Chris Kanyon gained overness from this turn. >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Eddie Guerrero vs The Red Red

    What a contest this was. This one could almost be called a clinic as these two not only put on a high flying showcase, they also put on a technical clinic. As Guerrero hit the second of the 3 amigo's, Red reversed into triple bulldogs, but on the third bulldog, Eddie got off the third amigo for only a 2 count. Eddie went for an overhead belly to belly, but red landed on his feet and bounced off the ropes, but eddie caught him with a samoan drop. Eddie Hits the froggy for the win. After the match, Eddie Guerrero continued the assault, locking in the lasso from el passo, which instantly had red tapping before refs and road agents broke it up.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero

    <M:87% C:76% O:81% Eddie Guerrero is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. -- whoops, forgot to change it>

    Backstage, Booker T is standing by with Maria

    Maria: "Booker, last week you beat Vito and Steiner in a handicap match"

    Booker: "You bet I did. I took those two suckas out like they were nothing, NOTHING! Scott Steiner, you talk a lot of trash, but in reality, you can't back up a word you say dawg. Book's got yo number, he's always had yo numba. But, there's one numba I don't have. So Maria, why don't you hook the booka man up wit your number."

    Maria Blushes.


    We come back to Meltzer and The Coach at the commentators table.

    Meltzer: "Oh Brother. Well coming up next, CM PUNK, one of brightest young stars in our company, is in action, but Coach, we don't know who his opponent is"

    Coach: "What does book have that I don't? Huh? Nothing!"

    CM PUNK vs ??????

    CM Punk's music hit and he comes out to a chorus of boo's. He stands in the ring as he awaits his opponents. The lights in the arena go out and slowly yellow lights come on on the entrance ramp, as well as smoke starts to appear. The smoke fades,

    IT'S SONNY SIAKI!!!!!!

    Meltzer: "THAT'S SONNY SIAKI! What's he doing here?! He's a TNA GUY!!!!

    Coach: "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!!"

    Eric Bischoff comes out from the back

    Bischoff: "Ladies and gentleman, I'd like you to meet my latest acquisition. Stolen directly from NWA TNA, The incredible, Sonny Siaki!!!!"

    The crowd pops huge for Siaki as he makes his way to the ring and gets in. This one should be fantastic. And what a match it was, easily winning match of the night. Everyone thought that Punk had spoiled the debut of Siaki when he hit the Devil's

    Lock DDT early in the match, but Siaki kicked out. Punk did everything in his will to put Siaki away, but just couldn't do it. He hit a wrap around DDT followed by a fisherman suplex, but only got a two count. Siaki got the better of a sideheadlock, as he irish whipped Punk and low bridge punk as he tumbled to the outside. Siaki then hit a springboard hurricanrana to Punk on the outside before getting him back in the ring and hitting Siakalypse Now for the win. After the match, Punk refused a handshake from the crowd, drawing even more heat from the crowd.

    Winner: Sonny Siaki.

    <M:98% C:66% O:82%>

    Backstage, Booker T is in his locker room packing his bag. He gets jumped from behind by Scott steiner. Scott lays into booker with mounted right hands. Book can't defend himself, as he's just being pummeled. Steiner picks up book and tosses him

    right into a bathroom stall door!

    Steiner: "I can't back anything up huh? I'm all talk huh? 6 Days booker. 6 days until your ass is sorry you ever said that."

    Steiner has left Book down and out in his locker room!


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    We come back from break and immediately are welcomed with Y2J's countdown as the crowd's boo's can be heard over his pyro. And out comes the rockstar. He doesn't even bother to do his ring poses and just gets in the ring, not even playing to the crowd. Jericho grabs a microphone.

    Jericho: "So you ass clowns want to turn your back on me eh? Well, I'll turn my back on you. No more posing, no more autograph signings, no more Fozzy Concerts for your jackasses (Cheers from the crowd). From now on, I'm Chris Jericho, the

    wrestler. That's all. No more playing to the fans in my interviews, no more helping the good guy's win, none of that. And no more HULK HOGAN. That balding monkey has MY WORLD TITLE. That title belongs to me. Hogan decided to not even show up tonight. He's scared of Y2J, just like my opponent for tonight. Like I said, Eric Bischoff can throw ANY Johnny Jobber at me and I'll come out on top, guaranteed. So come on jackass, get out here and let's get this over with"

    A foot stomp can be heard of the sound. Followed by another one. The crowd get's excited. Could it be? The music hits, yes, it's the man's music. The familiar pyro begans going off as we await the bald headed man who won 168 straight matches to emerge.

    Meltzer: "IT'S..IT'S...IT'S GOLDBERG!!!!!"

    COACH: "HE'S HERE!?!!!

    Jericho is scared in the ring. He can't believe that yet again he's going to have to go through another mega star! The camera pans back to the pyro. Out of the pyro emerges a man in just black wrestling trunks and black boots with a bald head.



    Jericho is all smiles, point and laughing as Gillberg makes his way to the ring, complete with goldberg poses and all. The crowd is booing heavily as the imposter makes his way to the ring.

    Meltzer: Damnit, Eric Bischoff is a no good...

    Coach: Watch it Meltzer..

    Chris Jericho vs Gillberg.

    Gillberg immediately gets in the ring and goes for the spear, only for it do nothing to Jericho. Gillberg with numerous shots to the midsection. They do nothing as Jericho shoves gillberg's head back and Gillberg goes tumbling to the ground. Jericho doesn't even bother making this an extended squash, as he hit's the double powerbomb and puts one foot on Gillberg and flexes his arms for the 1-2-3.  But wait, Jericho's not done. He puts on the Liontamer on Gillberg, who's immediately tapping out.

    He's not letting go!! Jericho's lost it.

    But wait!! Real American hits and Hogan comes running down the ramp to a roaring ovation. He hits a clothesline, and another, and one more. He whips Jericho into the ropes. Big boot! The crowd is going wild. Hogan puts his hand to his ear, the fans want to see it. Hogan takes the world championship off from around his waste and  hits the ropes, LEG DROP!! Jericho is down.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    <M:66% C:70% O:68%>

    But Hogan's not done yet. He picks up his world Title and poses with it while Jericho is still down. As Jericho starts to get to his feet, Hogan puts the straps of the title in back of the gold and the crowd pops as they know what Hogan's about to do. Hogan runs at Jericho and Floors him with the world title. Jericho is laid out!! Hogan starts playing to the crowd as his music hits, He posses on all 4 sides of the ring...

    <O:100% -- YES!!!!>

    GLASS SHATTERS!!! Stone Cold's theme hits as he comes to a huge ovation, possibly bigger then Hogans. He hoists the middle fingers up in the air while standing at the top of the ramp. He pulls a Mic from out of his pocket.

    Austin: "You are a couple of stubborn sons a bitches aren't ya? Last week, you talk about Jericho's childish antics hogan, then this week, you go and attack the man after his match. And you Jericho, you pretty boy. All you seem to do is run your little mouth about how you should be champ. Well, if you want to be champ, you're gonna have to earn it. So I guess my only question is, If you want to see Hulk Hogan and Chris Jericho go 1 on 1 at bash at the beach, gimme a hell yeah"

    Crowd: "HELL YEAH!!"

    Austin: "Alright, then it's settled. Hogan and Jericho will fight at Bash at the Beach for the WCW World Title.Now you two bastards get out of my ring, I got some damn beer to be drinking in there."

    Austin heads down the ramp as Jericho rolls out of the ring and Hogan leaves the ring from the other side. Austin pulls up the ring skirt and pulls out a chair and a cooler from under the ring. He throws them both in the ring, sets up the chair,

    sits down and starts drinking Beer!!! Austin is making a mess in the ring as his music hits once again.


    Meltzer: Jericho, Hogan, Bash at the Beach! What a show it's gonna be, What a PPV..DON'T MISS ITTTT...."

    And we fade out..

    SHOW RATING: 80%

  9. Coming soon, a ficticious wrestler by the Name of Whiskey Marc will be making his debut in WCW. To get you better aquainted with this wrestler, I have written up his biography.

    Name: Whiskey Marc

    Age: 32

    Weight: Heavyweight (290lbs)

    Height: 6'6"

    Nationality: American

    Disposition: Heel

    Gimmick: Badass

    Stats: Over: 55, Brawl: 90, Speed: 65, Tech: 73, Charisma: 100

    Finishing Maneuver: Whiskey Buster (dominator)

    Secondary Finisher: Broken Beer Bottle Splash (5 star frog splash)

    Other Moves: YagerBomb (sitout powerbomb), Last Call (chokeslam), Overflow DDT (evenflow)

    Biography: Born in the back of a abandoned taxi cab in New York city to a street hooker and The late, great, The Fox (from the Man Show), Marc was shipped off to Africa in an airplane Mixup. There, he learned the culture of their people. More importantly, he learned to get along in life by himself. At the tender age of 6, he joined an illegal underground child boxing league, which is where his brawling skills come from. He also developed a drinking habbit at the age of 9, as he found it was the best way to ease the pain of his battles. That is how he got his nickname, Whiskey. At the age of 16, he came back to America where he fell in love with the likes of Hulk Hogan and other WWF superstars. He knew what he wanted to do with his life.

    He learned all he knows from various backyard wrestling federations. He wrestled in the US Indy circuits for much of the early 90's before a promoter in Japan took notice of him. He fought in death match tourneys in much of japan, but his scars can tell you the story of those. For years, he was one of Japans biggest attractions, but that wasn't the life for him. He wanted to be known in the United States.

    When he returned to the United states in early 2000, he had an encounter with the Insane Clown Posse after a local indy show Detroit. Since then, he's had a very personal feud with the two that got him noticed in the states. ICP and Whiskey have fought many unsanctioned battles which have resulted in numerous trips to the ER for each of them. They hate each other with a passion, inside AND outside of the ring. In 2004, at ICP's special yearly JCW wrestling event, they called Whiskey out. Whiskey came from the crowd with a vey large samurai sword in hand. What he did to ICP was far beyond any sort of death match antic, it was flat out assault with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced to prison for 1 year, and after recently getting out, was signed by none other then Eric Bischoff in the new WCW. When will this crazed lunatic make his debut? Find out, by tuning into WCW Nitro!

  10. WCW.COM Nitro Preview

    Sunday, July 24th, 2005

    user posted image

    Last week, we saw Hulk Hogan's celebration ruined at the hands of Chris Jericho. With Jericho in action this week, we have to wonder how the champion will respond...

    The Cruiserweight championship 8 man tourney starts tonight and we have confirmed 7 of the 8 contests. The tourney looks like this...

    Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero

    Eddie Guerrero vs The Amazing Red

    Mr. Aguila vs Paul Birchall

    CM Punk vs ??????

    Scott Steiner and Booker T continue their rivalry....

    Plus, Stonecold is in the house!! How will Eric Bischoff Respond?!!!

    Don't miss this jampacked episode of NITRO! We expect great wrestling and The Bash at the Beach card to start filling up.

  11. 3 Way Phone Conference (Mcmahon/Heyman/Bischoff)

    July 22nd, 2005

    Mcmahon: Hello Gentleman

    Heyman and Bischoff: Hello Mr. Mcmahon

    Mcmahon: Eric, I see your the front runner of the new monday night wars, behind yours truly of course.

    Bischoff: What can I say, I'm poised for success

    Heyman: Poised for something anyways.

    Mcmahon: Knock it off Heyman. With your childish antics, I'm starting to regret giving you another chance.

    Heyman: I have my tactics.

    Bischoff: As long as you stay out of my business, you can do whatever the hell you want.

    Heyman: As long as your competing with us on Monday Night, you'lle always be in my business.

    Mcmahon: Speaking of Monday Night, I see that my little problem, TNA, is no longer a problem. I've spoken to a couple "friends" if you will within their promotion. They're about to fall to the national level!

    Bischoff: That's great news Mr. Mcmahon. Although, I won't be satisfied until another certain garbage promotion falls to national as well.

    Mcmahon: I said enough arguing damnit. That's not why I called this conference. I called this conference as a fair warning to either of you

    Heyman and Bischoff: .....

    McMahon: It's widely rumored that we're having a bit of trouble getting some of of our.. more popular wrestlers to resign with us due to the state of the industry. They may have ideas that the grass is greener on the other side. Well, this is fair warning, if either of you try to sign any of these guys, there will be HELL to pay. Understood?

    Heyman: Loud and clear mistake Mr. Mcmahon

    Bischoff: Vince, I sense fear in your voice.

    McMahon: I'm not playing damnit, eric.

    Bischoff: Oh, but I am. I'm cut throat Vince. I'm your new worst enemy. You may be slaying one dragon in TNA, but you used a monster in WCW to kill it. And we all know monsters are bigger and badder then dragons.

    McMahon: What are you saying Eric?

    Bischoff: All I'm saying is I think you should watch Nitro this week. You'lle see exactly why you should be afraid.

    *Bischoff hangs up*

    Heyman: Vince, if I may, perhaps me and you could some sort of... I don't know...Alliance to take out wcw before it grows?

    McMahon: I got rid of you guys to get you out of my hair. You're the last man I'd want to work with Heyman. Especially after you stole THE ROCK from me, How dare you even talk about a partnership.

    *Vince hangs up*

  12. user posted image

    Source: NoDQ.com

    July 19th, 2005

    What's new? WWE on top again, WCW Dominant

    The ratings are in, and once again, WWE is riding high in their late night slot. Experts are saying that if they competed with ECW, WCW and TNA in the primetime slot, WCW might have overtaken them already. In other news, WCW comes out #2 for the 3rd consecutive week, while TNA is left reeling from another loss.


    WCW - 5.86

    ECW - 5.44

    TNA - 3.10

    Late Night

    WWE - 6.09

    WWE Vengence Buy Rate

    WWE Vegence was live on PPV July 17th, 2005. The results are in and they pulled in a 1.68, setting the bar high for ECW and WCW's upcoming PPV's.

    Air Paris moving on up...

    Air Paris has been promoted to the low midcard thanks to the fan response he's received in his tag matches with Paul Birchall. Many wonder how this will affect the team, as birchall is not gaining as much popularity as Paris, despite amazing in ring work.

    Where's Stacey Keibler?

    Stacey Keibler, one of WCW's original 12 defecting stars, has yet to appear on WCW television. We must question Eric Bischoff's tactics as to why he'd leave such a hottie like Stacey off of TV. Must be a character repackage?

    Heyman wrong again!

    Once again, ECW owner paul Heyman tried to hurt WCW's ratings by announcing that Mick Foley would be the big surprise. Well, like he predicted Edge as the mystery opponent, he was wrong yet again. Fans are now aware of Heyman's cheap tactics, which puts Heyman and ECW in a terrible position.

  13. WCW Monday Night Nitro

    Monday, July 18th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro <=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: Hello everyone and welcome to Nitro

    Coach: What a show it should be tonight

    Kanyon: *sounds like he's talking with his mouth full* You said it coach

    Coach: Dorito's and pepsi at the commentators table, I've seen it all meltzer.

    Kanyon: *BURP*

    Coach: ugh.

    Real American hits as the crowd goes wild. after a delayed entrance, here comes the man! Hulk Hogan comes out and stands at the top of the ramp, World championship around his waist. He poses at the top of the ramp as pyro goes off. The fans are going wild, The hogan chants have already started. As hogan starts to walk down the ramp, two rows of cops began following him out, circling the ring as Hogan gets in it. Inside the ring, Hogan rips off his shirt and poses for the crowd as balloons fall from the rafters.

    Hulk: "You know something brother, it's been a long time coming, but I can say, it feels good to be back on top! And it feels even better...that I did it by defeating some snot nosed punk in Chris Jericho! That's why I brought out all this security.

    Tonight, it's the Hulksters night, it's the Hulkamaniac's night. And not anyone is going to ruin it. Now last week, after the match, Chris Jericho took it upon himself to attack me with a steel chair. If Chris Jericho still wants a piece of Hulkamania, he can have it, but he better be man enough to look me in the eye and say it. These guys nowadays, they hit each other with chairs, they run in on each other's matches, they steal each other's girlfriends. That's not a feud. So if Chris Jeri..."

    As Hogan is continuing his speech, one of the officers slides under the bottom rope. He attacks Hogan from behind. Hogan and the officer roll around on the canvas, each trying to get an advantage. The rest of the officers come into the ring to try to break up the fight. They grab each of the two contestants as the attacking officer's hat and fake moustache are now on the ground. It's Chris Jericho. He's ruined Hulk Hogan's celebration ceramony. The cops keep the two apart as they clearly want to tear into each other.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    We are treated to a replay of what just happened as Nitro comes back on the air.

    Eric angle vs Sexxxy Eddy

    This one was a back and forth contest for the majority of the match. The ending saw Eric Angle going for an angle slam, which got reversed by Eddy into a victory roll. Following a DDT, Eddie went up top, yet angle tried to copy his big bro by flying up the turnbuckles and attempting a belly to belly, but he was unable as Eddy shoved him off the ropes and then hit the 5 Star Porn Splash for the win. Afterwards, Eddy extended his hand for a handshake following a great contest, however, it was denied as Angle simply left the ring.

    Winner: Sexxxy Eddy

    <M:75% C:45% O:60% Eric Angle lost overness from this match. Sexxxy Eddy gained overness from this match. >

    Gene Okerland is backstage with Matt Hardy

    Matt: "Mean Gene, it goes like this, The Angelic Diablo is fed up with Billy Kidman. At Bash at the Beach, I'll have my vengence, as I plan on taking kidman out for good. Falls count anywhere Mean Gene, you know what that means? That means I can take his sorry ass out to the water and Pin him. And after I pin him, I'll keep him pinned underwater, so he'll be out of my hair for good!"


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    As we come back, the ring is already set up for this week's Cat's Cradle

    The Cat: "Welcome to another addition of the cats cradle. Now, If I may, I'd like to show you all some footage from last week. If you'd all turn your attention to this brand new, 40" LCD I like to call to call "The Cat's Eye", I'd like to roll that footage.

    The footage shows Torrie's heel from last week followed by the kick she gave Coach.

    The Cat: ooooh, can we see that shot once again?

    The footage shows the swift kick to coach again, Kanyon laughs uncontrollably at the announce desk

    The Cat: And with that, I'd like to make an announcement before she comes out. Torrie can try that maneuver on me, but all she'll be hitting is a brass cup. And with that, Torrie, make your way out here.

    Torrie hits the stage to a chorus of boo's. It's also not helping that she's wearing a long dress that doesn't reveal anything, legs included. She grabs a mic.

    Torrie: "Don't worry cat, even if you weren't wearing a cup, I'd need a direct shot on such a target so small. Many of you are wondering why I did what I did to Maria, well, I'll be honest, I hate little bimbo's like her. Everything is handed to her on a silver platter. She didn't work her way up from nothing, one Diva search was all it took. Some glam shots and an application form. All my wrestling carer, I've been told that if I wanted to make it, I'd needed to have the fans support. Well not anymore. My Daddy won a lot of a money betting on horses this year and told me to do whatever the hell I wanted to do. Well I did it. I'm sick and tired of coming out here week in and week out and smiling and waiving to you disgusting, fat, repulsives fans while showing off my body for the world to see. I won't do it anymore.

    The Cat: "But Torrie baby, you have such a curvy boday hon, why wouldn't you want to show it off?"

    Torrie: "I'm sick and I'm tired of only being just another slut in this company. I'm better then Maria. I'm better then every diva and I can do whatever I want.

    And with that, Torrie storms off the set.

    <O: 83% Torrie Wilson debuted her new gimmick, it got a positive response. Ernest Miller gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Mark Jindrak w/ Sean O'Haire vs Steve Blackman

    Jindrak dominated most of the match, as O'Haire was able to distract Blackman for much of the match. As blackman picked up a bit of steam and hit the ropes after setting up Jindrak for the Gullentine, O'haire hit him with a chair across the back. The ref called for the DQ as O'Haire hit the ring. Jindrak and O'Haire take turns stomping away on a fallen Steve Blackman, but Al Snow came running down the Isle, clearing the ring and making the save for his once former tag team partner.

    WINNER: Steve Blackman By DQ

    <M:75% C:61% O:68%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    In the ring is a huge gift wrapped box. The box is probably 5 feet by 5 feet, it's literally huge. The wrapping is black with none other then wwe logos on it. Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring and looks at the box.

    Bischoff: "My my, what do we have here? To Eric from Vince? Is this an early christmas gift? You know Vince, you are great and all, but I really don't need a huge picture of you. I've seen your ugly face too many times as it is. Now let's get this over with and see what's in this dumb box!"

    Eric walks over to the box and begans to unwrap it. He's now got all the wrapping off and goes to open the top, The top burts open. It's STONE COLD, STONE COLD!!!! Eric is in shock. Austin smiles before pummelling Eric with right hands. Here it comes, STUNNER on Bischoff. Steiner hits the ring, Austin grabs him and throws him up and over the ropes. Vito is in the ring now. Kick to the stomach, STUNNER!!! Vito is down and rolls out of the ring. Austin grabs the microphone.

    Austin: Miss me Eric? You Dumb son of a bitch. When Vince Mcmahon approached me a few weeks ago and asked me if I wanted to work for Eric Bischoff, I thought he was joking. Then Vince said, "Well now Stone Cold, the man did fire you, how would you like to make his life a living hell." And I thought about it. I drank a beer, and another, and another, and another, I drank 3 more beers, 4 more beers, 5 beers, ah hell, I drank the whole damn case. I called Vince Mcmahon back up and said "Sure, I'd love to drink beer and make Eric's life a living hell. And with that, I come to you Eric as your new commissioner, appointed by none other then Vince Mcmahon. Jeez Eric, maybe you should start reading the contracts you signed you dumb son of a bitch. When Vince gave you all that money, you signed a deal that let's him hire and fire guys for your show at will, you sorry bastard. You thought that you'd just run this place the way you wanted to. NA AH.

    But let's get down to business. I was looking over this list of talent you got here, and noticed you got all these little bastards who like to jump around the ring, but no title for em to compete for. Well hell, I like to watch little bastards jump around the ring, so let's go ahead and get the ball rollin' here. Starting next week on nitro, we're gonna put 8 of these little bastards in a tournament, and the winners are going to face each other in a 4 corner match for the BRAND NEW WCW Cruiserweight title. And That's the bottom line, cause stone cold said so.

    And with that stone cold's theme hits as he calls for beer. He drinks beer in the ring as we go to commercial.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Eddie Guerrero and The Amazing Red vs Paul Birchall and Air Paris (AIR RAID)

    Eddie Guerrero was a suprise partner for Amazing red. Eddie received a huge pop as his music hit the arena. These two guys have had a little bit of history in their past. Birchall and Paris also received a small ovation from those who remembered them from their spectacular their match last week. This match was all speed as all 4 contestents flew around the ring. The ending saw Eddie Guerrero hit the 3 amigos for a victory as Red and Birchall battled outside the ring. After the contest, Eddie and Red celebrated their win.

    Winners: Eddie Guerrero The Amazing Red

    <M:82% C:52% O:67%>

    HEEL TURN!!! Eddie Guerrero attacks red from behind as the two are celebrating. Eddie Guerrero with a fierce powerbomb on Red. Eddie Guerrero is going up top, FROG SPLASH!! Eddie grabs a mic.

    Eddie: "You think this is what I wanted Holmes? To be stuck with these, these, these jobbers? Eddie Guerrero is a main event wrestler, not a tag team wrestler with the likes of these guys. Eric, I warned you to not leave me off the show. I warned you not to ignore me. You didn't listen vato, and now you've got a problem on your hands.

    <O: 76% Eddie Guerrero lost overness from this segment. The Amazing Red gained overness from this segment. Eddie Guerrero's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this turn. >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Matt Hardy vs Andrew Martin

    This one was quite an interesting affair, with Andrew "Test" Martin a heavyweight and Matt Hardy a cruiserweight. In the end, however, Martin missed the big boot, which allowed Hardy to hit a twist of fate for the victory. After the match, Kidman came running down and attacked Hardy. After a sickening spinning heel kick, Kidman connected with a shooting star splash on Hardy, adding fuel to the fire.

    Winner: Matt Hardy

    <M:74% C:71% O:72% Andrew Martin is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.>

    Backstage, booker T is standing by with Gene Okerland.

    Booker: Scott Steiner, last week, you attacked me after my match and revealed your little partnership with Big Vito and Eric Bischoff. Well tonight, all the cards are on the table. No more surprises, sucka. Tonight, instead of watching behind my back for one of you suckas, I got both of ya in the ring. And I aint scared, nah, the book aint scared of nothin. So tonight, Scott Steiner, Big Vito, The Book is coming for ya. Now can you dig that............ SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

    <O:80% >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Booker T vs Scott Steiner and Big Vito

    As expected, Booker T got the worst of this one as Vito and Steiner worked well as a team, making quick tags to one another and using cheap tactics that nearly got them disqualified. However, in the end, Booker T got the better of the two, as Big Vito accidently connected with a clothesline on Scott Steiner, allowing book to his a side kick and a scissor kick on Vito for the win. Afterwards, Booker celebrated in the ring as we end this episode of Nitro on a high note!

    Winner: Booker T

    <M:76% C:78% O:77%0>

    SHOW RATING: 74%

  14. WCW.COM Nitro Preview

    Sunday, July 17th, 2005

    user posted image

    The echos can still be heard throughout the arena. The fans chants, silenced by a sickening chairshot. What will Hulk Hogan do on his first Nitro as world champ? How will he respond to Chris Jericho? Does Jericho have the guts to show his face?

    Vince Mcmahon will have Eric Bischoff and company on watch as they expect the arrival of Vince's "present" to Eric Bischoff. What will it be? When will it be?!!!

    As booked by Eric Bischoff, our main event will feature a handicap match! Booker T will take on both Scott Steiner and Big Vito

    Also on the card:

    Sexxxy Eddie vs Eric Angle

    The Cat's Cradle w/ Torrie Wilson

    Eddie Guerrero is in the House!

  15. WCW Press Conference

    July 14, 2005.

    Eric Bischoff has a seat at a table with loads of Microphones and recorders. Flash bulbs go off as roughly 200 news and media reporters are there.

    Bischoff: As you may have seen, following Nitro, our website went offline for nearly 36 hours. We have been bombarded with calls, emails, yada yada yada, so we called a press conference for Q and A only. Let's take some questions.

    Random Reporter: Mr. Bischoff, What made you bring Hulk Hogan Back?

    Bischoff: Hogan has always been a good friend and I felt that he hasn't received the respect he deserves in the last few years. No one wants to see bad guy Hogan anymore. That's old, that's out of style. I'm here to let Hulk Hogan go out the way he came in. And must I  say, didn't he look great?

    Random Reporter: Don't you think he's a little old to be your world champion?

    Bischoff: No, no I don't. I think that as long as he can still perform in the ring, he's perfect. Let's be honest, Hulk's in ring work has never been his high point. His charismatic image hasn't lost a step in his age.

    Random Reporter: But why not Chris Jericho?

    Bischoff: His time will come, trust me, I'm sure. Hogan was the better man, it's really that simple. There's no conspiracy, Jericho flat out lost.

    Random Reporter: But what the attack afterwards?

    Bischoff: It was henious and completely uncalled for....and I loved every second of it. That's the business folks. That's ratings for ya.

    Random Reporter: Speaking of ratings, how do you feel about Paul Heyman potentially costing you your first victory over WWE in the rating wars in 8 years ?

    *Bischoff takes off his sun glasses*

    Bischoff: Paul Heyman can listen loud and clear. If he ever, EVER, makes any announcements on his show regarding WCW, I will personally sue his ass for every dime that he's worth. Paul Heyman is not a good promoter, nor an owner. We've seen his product, it's crap. WCW is all about athleticism, ECW is all about drinking beer and hitting each other with weapons. It's glorified backyard wrestling on a big budget. Two guys on my roster, Josh Prohibition and M-Dogg 20 could go over to ECW and win their world title right now. I don't want to be associated with that crap.Next Topic

    Random Reporter: Speaking of TV... How's your next TV deal going?

    Bischoff: We'll make an announcement on August 1st.

    Random Reporter: How do you respond to accusations that WCW will lose money in it's first month?

    Bischoff: I'm uhhh, really not concerned. Next question.

    Random Reporter: Vince Mcmahon said he has a present for you on the next Raw. Can you enlighten us?

    Bischoff: I am just in the dark as you on this issue. I'm not sure what it will be, but hey, the way I see it, he's doing me a favor. Everyone's so curious as to see what this big present is, hell I'm curious too! How bad could it be? Is he going to send me a copy of Mae Young's latest DVD broadcasted through our tron?

    *crowd laughs*

    Bischoff: Look guys, bottom line is, I'm having a blast. It's been a great ride to see all my hardwork paying off. But honestly, I'm sick of being in the limelight. At some point, I'm going to have to start working backstage and take some time off. I want to travel the...

    Random Reporter: Hey BISCHOFF

    Everyone in the room turns to the very back. It's none other then Paul Heyman.

    Heyman: What would you do if I said that Mick Foley will be at the next Nitro and will be the big surprise vince has in store for you as he'll be the NEW co-gm in your soon to be announced roster split?

    And with that, security grabs Heyman and starts dragging him out of the building

    Bischoff: GET HIS ASS OUT OF HERE. I WANT HIM GONE. *waits for crowd to calm down* .. Ladys and Gentlemen, we all know Heyman's underhanded tactics. We know he likes to spread a lot of rumors, we know he reads every dirtsheet on the internet. Don't believe the guy, that's my only advice. I've got to go, this is a disaster...

    and with that, Bischoff leaves the stage as the crowd chatters amongst themselves.

  16. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    July 12th, 2005


    The Monday Night ratings are in and it's another clean victory for WWE, with NWA TNA once again feeling the wrath.


    WCW: 5.85

    ECW: 5.48

    TNA: 3.11

    Late Night:

    WWE: 6.07

    ]Heyman's prediction wrong, ECW fans question tactics..

    At the beginning of Hardcore TV, Paul Heyman announced that Chris Jericho's mystery opponent for the world title would be none other then Edge himself. While his announcement slightly hurt the ratings of WCW, His prediction was wrong, potentially hurting himself in the long run. Although WCW came out as #2 again, reports indicate that Bischoff is FUMING at Heyman.

    Whipwreck to receive Push.

    Last night we saw Mikey Whipwreck debut a new gimmick in that of a superhero. We have learned that WCW Creative control plan on using Mikey on the midcard more often now, as he was working the lower midcard in the past.

    Experts confused by WCW

    Eric Bischoff made promises of a new, better WCW. However, with the World Title around the waste of Hulk Hogan, many wonder how much truth Bischoff's statements actually have.

    Riots errupt outside Arena, spark investigation.

    Following the events of last night's Nitro, we can report that a group of roughly 20 angry young men started a riot in the parking garage by vandalizing more then 10 WCW superstar's cars. Although the riot was eventually contained and 4 men are in custody, an investigation is underway.

  17. Hogan is using his Real American theme ...

    When it comes crashing down, and it hurts inside,

    ya' gotta take a stand, it don't help to hide,

    Well, you hurt my friends, and you hurt my pride,

    I gotta be a man; I can't let it slide,

    I am a real American, Fight for the rights of every man,

    I am a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life!

    I feel strong about right and wrong,

    And I don't take trouble for very long,

    I got somethin' deep inside of me, and courage is the thing that keeps us free,

    I am a real American, Fight for the rights of every man,

    I am a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life!

    Well you hurt my friends, and you hurt my pride,

    I gotta be a man; I can't let it slide,

    I am a real American, Fight for the rights of every man,

    I am a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life!

    I am a real American, Fight for the rights of every man,

    I am a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life!


    Monday, July 11th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro <=:=><=:=>

    The fans go wild as our first shots of the arena come from the cranes located on top of the tron, offering a unique view of the entire arena as well as the ring.

    David Meltzer: Hello wrestling fans and Welcome to Nitro, what a show we have for your tonight!

    Jonathan Coachman: It's HOT in Miami tonight.

    AIR FARE (Paul Birchall and Air Paris) vs The Flying Hurricanes (Takao and Kenny B)

    An unknown theme begans playing, out comes Air Paris and Paul Birchall. They seem to be the faces of this match, although they receive little crowd reaction as they are unknown to most casual wrestling fans.

    Lilian Garcia: Making their way to the Ring, Air Paris and Paul Birchall, AIR FARE.

    Coach: "AIRFARE? What kind of a name is that?"

    Meltzer: "These guys can Fly Coach"

    A dark and Doomy music hits the PA system, and out come Takao and Kenny B, the Flying Hurricanes. Both teams are in the ring and here we go.

    Takao and Paris tie up, both struggling for an advantage. Takao has Paris backed into the ropes, the ref breaks it up, but it's not a clean breakup and takao with a kick to the gut. Irish whip, Paris ducks a clothesline only to be hurricanrana'd on the way back. Tag to Kenny, Takao has a bearhug on Paris. Kenny hits the ropes, dropkick to the back of Paris. Kenny with the upperhand as he goes for a double underhook, which connects. Kenny with mounted punches to Paris on the ground. Kenny makes

    the tag to Takao, who goes up and over for the slingshot splash, quick pin but Birchall breaks it up, which allows kenny and takao to double stomp paris as the ref deals with Birchill. Takao with a whip into the corner on Paris, followed by a corner

    barrage, which has Paris sitting in the corner. This has been all Hurricanes in this match. Takao goes for a bronco buster but Paris moves out of the way. Here's his chance. With all his energy he makes the hot tag to birchall, who is eager for action. Clothesline to Takao, Kenny Enters, receives a clothesline, another clothesline to takao, followed by another for Kenny. Birchall has got the crowd behind him now as he's fired up. Birchill with a standing dropkick that sends Kenny to the outside. Here comes Takao, powerslam by Birchall. Birchall hoists Takao up on his shoulders as Paris climbs the top rope. Paris hits the moonsault onto Takao, who's on Birchall's shoulders, MID AIR COLLISION!!! Birchall gets the cover for the win as AIR RAID gets a nice ovation, seemingly impressed the crowd and made a few fans. Air Raid celebrates in the ring as we head backstage.

    Winners: AIR RAID (Paul Birchall and Air Paris)

    <M:76% C:25% O:50%>


    Paul Heyman is standing in the ring as an ECW chant fills the arena. Paul is obviously finishing up a speech.

    Paul Heyman: "...Oh, and don't bother tuning into WCW's big main event either. Those who were expecting a huge surprise will surely be disappointed. I have confirmed reports that Chris Jericho's mystery opponent tonight is none other then the man of the moment, EDGE!"

    The crowd Breaks out in a chant: "BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT." The fans are obviously angry that Edge has apparently signed with WCW rather then defecting to ECW to be with his Girlfriend, Lita.


    Backstage, we see Hurricane with Mikey Whipwreck.

    Hurricane: "I'm telling you Mikey, Me and you, we'd make quite the team. Just look deep down inside of you, you'lle find the super hero inside of you yet!"

    Mikey: "Come to think of it, I always liked comic books as a kid. Then I set them on fire."

    Hurricane: "What do you say man?"

    Mikey: "Its always good to have someone watching your back. Let's do this."

    Hurricane grabs Mikey with one arm and they "Fly" off screen together.

    <O: 61%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>


    "CAN YOU DIG IT, SUCKAAA" hits as Booker makes his way onto the stage. Following his pyro, we are treated to a highlight package of last week's confrontation with Scott Steiner and Booker T. A slow Metalish song hits the PA system as Big Vito

    comes out looking quite buff.

    Coach: "Book is gonna have his hands full with this one!"

    Book and Vito stare each other down in the ring, coming face to face. Vito with a punch, blocked by book, who returns the favor, delivering right hands to Vito. Booker has him on the ropes, side Kick to the midsection. Irish Whip, but Vito Reverses, Booker comes right back with an axe handle on Vito.  Booker tries to take out the big mans legs, putting a modified half crab on him. Vito is in pain but makes it to the ropes. Book runs across the ring as Vito starts to get up, Here comes Book, charging. Vito rolls out of the ring, drawing boo's from the crowd. But Book will have none of it, going up and over, landing on Vito. Body Slam by Booker on the mats. Book climbs back in the ring to break up the 10 count. Book goes for an Irish whip into the steps, but Vito reverses, sending book crashing into the metal steps. Vito looks under the ring.

    Meltzer: "Thats a Kendo stick! That's not allowed in this match"

    Coach: "Why don't you tell him that to his face"

    And with one swing, Vito puts Booker down. The ref calls for the bell, Book wins by DQ. But Vito's not through yet. He rolls Booker back in the ring and we get a close up of Booker's face. He's been busted open.

    WINNER BY DQ: Booker T

    <M:78% C:76% O:77%>

    Scott Steiners music hits as he leisurely walks down the ramp, US Title around his waste. But back in the ring, Vito hits a powerbomb on Book before Steiner enters the ring. Steiner pulls something out of his trunks. It's Brass knuckles!

    Meltzer: "Cut it out, he's had enough"

    Vito holds Book, who's already on Dream street. Steiner connects right between the eyes on Book. Vito picks book up and tosses him out of the ring. Eric Bischoff's music hits and out comes the owner with a mic. He stands at the top of the stage as the music fades.

    Eric Bischoff: "I'd like to introduce to you, my new Justice Department. Scott Steiner and Big Vito. These two will help me to weed out the trouble makers in WCW. Good job boys, I hope you enjoy the items you requested back in your private locker room."

    the Crowd Boos tremendously as the two leave to a new theme song, obviously for the new stable.

    <O: 84%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    Coach is standing in the ring as we return from commercial break.

    Coach: "oooh boy, it's hot in Miami! But it's about to get even hotter. If I may, Ladies, please make your way to the ring.

    New signee Maria's theme hits as she makes her way to the ring, wearing an extremely tight shirt that cuts off right above her belly button and a short jean skirt. Next is Torrie, who's all smiles in a white tanktop and short pair of jean shorts. She enters the ring and here we go.

    Coach: "I must say, you ladies are looking DAMN fine tonight. I see you've both got tans going for you, enjoying the fine Florida beaches eh? Well, Mr. Bischoff has given me access to his beachhouse, so tommorrow you know, if you want, you can come sunbathe at my place.."

    The girls look at each other and laugh.

    Coach: "But that's for another time. Tonight, we're here for a Diva Dance off! Torrie, your up first, strut your stuff. "

    The lights dim into a shade of blue as a seductive pornish song hits. Torrie struts her stuff. She slowly removes her shirt, revealing An american flag bikini. She's all smiles, as is the crowd.

    Coach: "Maria, lets see what you got!"

    And with that, Maria takes center stage, throwing her hair back and forth, making a number of sexy poses. She slowly bends over, revealing a thong to the crowd, but not to the camera. This is UPN, that wouldn't Fly! The crowd roars in approval.

    Coach: "I think we have a winner. Maria, the new comer, congratulations girl!"

    Maria is excited as her and Torrie hug in the middle of the ring.

    <O:65% Maria Kanellis gained overness from this segment. >

    Torrie acts as if she's about to exit the ring, but turns around attacks Maria. What's this? Torrie is obviously upset as she lashes into Maria, slapping her face as she's still on the ground. Coach tries to break it up, but to no success, as he is slapped by Torrie. LOW BLOW KICK, Coach is down on the ground, rolling in Pain. Torrie Blows kisses her hand, before slapping her backside with it, in a show of disgust. Torrie draws heat from the crowd, who are clearly upset that their favorite of the two is in pain, being attended to by trainers.

    <O:63% Maria Kanellis gained overness from this segment. Torrie Wilson's turn was completed, and she is now a heel. Torrie Wilson gained overness from this turn. >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    And we're back. We're treated to a replay of the events that just transpired. Kanyon's theme hits and he has a seat next to Meltzer.

    Kanyon: "Remind me to thank Torrie the next time I see her."

    Meltzer: "I didn't know you were allowed to even talk to the Diva's"

    Kanyon: "You watch your Mouth Meltzer. You know this is suppose to be my job.

    Meltzer: "You don't even have journalistic credentials!"

    Kanyon: "And Coach does?"

    Meltzer: "Point taken, now lets get back to action!"

    The Hurricane and Whipwreck vs West Hollywood blondes (Lenny and Lodi)

    Lenny and Lodi make their way to the ring, looking as glamorous as ever, both sporting pink and purple tights as well as fishnet shirts.

    Kanyon: "Hey Meltzer, I think you'd fit right in with these guys!"


    And here comes Hurricane and Whipreck. Whipwreck is decked out like a super hero, much like superman with a blue suit, except with a giant M on it. The two play to the crowd, posing as they make their way to the ring.Lodi gets on the mic as the superhero's enter the ring.

    Lodi: "Look at these guys, they look ridiculous. (crowd laughs at the hypocritical statement). Come on Lenny, let's show em who the real heros are."

    Hurricane with a dropkick onto Lodi as he was handing the mic to the ring announcer outside. Hurricane goes up top right away, but lenny shakes the rop and hurricane falls into an unappealing position. Lodi climbs up to the second turnbuckle, he might be going for a suplex here. Hurricane with punches before shoving Lodi to the ground. Lodi gets up, Hurricane off the top, Tornado ddt attempt but it's reversed, hurricane lands on his feet. But Lodi hits a gut wrench slam. Tag to Lenny, as no double team effort is made. Lenny with Kicks to Hurricane and a standing clothesline. Standing legdrop by Lenny. Lenny picks up Hurricane and takes him to the ropes. He rakes his eyes across the top rope. Lenny on the offensive here as he picks up hurricane. Piledriver is reversed by a back body drop by Hurricane, who then makes the tag to whipwreck. Mikey climbs up top before jumping off, riding Lenny to the ground, shades of rey mysterio there. Where is he anyways? Mikey is on fire here.

    Irish whip, Reversed by Lenny but Whipreck hits an armdrag reversing that as well. Lodi comes in illegally, but is met by hurricane. Meanwhile, Whipwreck hits a DDT on Lenny. Lenny's on his knees, trying to get up, SHINING WIZARD by the Hurricane.

    Whipwreck picks him up, he could be going for it here. WHIPPER SNAPPER! 1-2-3 as Lody couldn't make the save in time.The winners do superhero poses to the crowd as the fans cheer.

    Winners: Hurricane and Mikey Whipwreck

    <M:79% C:67% O:73%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>

    The cat is already in the ring, which has been decked out for this week's cat's cradle.

    The Cat: "Last week, my show got cut short by an egotistical maniac, but this week, its back. And Eric Bischoff has told me the Cradle is here to stay! With that, let's get straight to the dirt. Last week, this man suffered a concussion as a result of his opponent working stiff. I'd like to bring him out and ask him a few questions, so Kidman, if you would please."

    Kidman comes out to a chorus of boo's. Kidman's past choices have continued to haunt him. Kidman makes rude motions to the crowd, arguing with some members as he makes his way into the ring.

    The Cat: "Now Kidman, we all know about Matt Hardy and his recent relationship troubles. But why would you go and stick your nose in his business?"

    Kidman: "Well, Cat, it's like this. Everyone has an opinion. As a wrestling fan, I commented on the situation on my website. And now Matt Hardy, being the crybaby internet nerd that he is, is taking it personal. Simple as that."

    And with that, Matt's music hit as he comes on, not even posing at the top of the ramp, headed straight towards the ring with fierce intensity.

    Matt: "Internet Nerd? I don't care where you say it, here, the internet, backstage. If you talk trash, the angelic Diablo will make you pay. That concussion last week, that'll be nothing compared to what I can do to you tonight."

    The Cat: "Matt, you bring up a good point. Kidman, what is the extent of your injury?"

    Kidman: "Doctors have told me that I can't wrestle for two weeks."

    The crowd Boos as Kidman yells at them

    Kidman: "And Matt, just between you and me. If Lita was to ever hit on me, you know I'd hit that in an insta.."

    Matt Hardy has had enough. Kick to the stomach, TWIST OF FATE. Kidman is out again!

    Matt Hardy: "Bash at the Beach, me and you, Falls count anywhere!"

    And with that, Matt Hardy throws up the V1 sign as his music hits.

    <O: 76% Billy Kidman gained overness from this segment. >

    Meltzer: "We go backstage, where Gene Okerland is standing by."

    Okerland: "I'm standing next to Chris jericho, the man that will compete tonight for the world heavyweight title."

    Jericho: "Hold on their, Junior. I need no introduction, I'm the King of the World, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, The Highlight of the Night. The people know who I am. Hell, even people in ishkabishabakabooastan know who Y2J is. But what they don't know is who I'm going to be facing tonight for the world Title. And you know what, neither do I, but the general consensus tells me that it doesn't matter. Everyone knows what I'm done in my career. I've beaten every major star in this business time and time again. I've climbed the mountain and climbed it again. I'm the best in this business, hell, I took that assjob Chris Benoit out for a month in his first WCW match last week. And that's exactly what I'll do tonight to whichever Johnny Jobber Eric Bischoff has in store for me tonight. And if you don't like it, You can kiss my ass."

    <O: 99% Chris Jericho gained overness from this segment. >

    We cut to Eric Bischoff, who is in his office on a cell phone.

    Bischoff: "Yes Vince, I understand, ok, I'll be expecting it next week. Goodbye"

    Steiner: "What did that old fool want?"

    Bischoff: "He said he had a "present" for me next week.

    Steiner: "A present?"

    Bischoff: "Whatever it is, just be on the lookout next week."

    Steiner: "You got it boss."

    <O: 75%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial <=:=><=:=>


    Meltzer: "Here we go, main event time!"

    Lilian: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WCW Heavyweight championship of the world. "

    "BOOOM" The pyro hits "BREAK THE WALLS DOWwwN." Jericho hits the stage as charismatic as ever. He motions to a imaginary belt around his waste as if he's already won the match. As he makes his way to the ring, the crowd is going wild. The anticipation has grown. Jericho has been in the ring for 10 seconds now, the delayed entrance is killing the crowd.






    Excited yet?





    The familiar licks of a song everyone in the arena immediately recognizes hits. The crowd goes absolutely nuts. It's pandamonium in Miami.

    Kanyon: "MY GOD, THATS..."

    Meltzer: "NOOOO, IT COULDN'T BE,.."

    "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside..."

    AND HERE COMES THE LEGEND, THE MAN HIMSELF HULK HOGAN!!! The crowd is in absolute awe, Red and Yellow is running wild tonight!! Hogan tears his shirt off as pyro from above and below hits. "HOGAN, HOGAN, HOGAN" the crowd yells at the top of their lungs. Hogan bows to the crowd. Jericho has gone weak at the knees and is sitting on the canvas. The only man he's never defeated. He cant believe it. Hogan makes his way into the ring.

    (this is where you all stop reading in disgust :-) )

    Meltzer: "I don't believe my eyes. Its Hulk Hogan, Hogan's Here, Hogan's here, the red and yellow is back!"

    Hogan Poses for the crowd in the ring while his name is still chanted. The fans absolutely love Hulkamania. No matter what this guy does, he'll always be a hero to all. Jericho is now standing. Referee Charles Robinson opens a briecase he's been

    holding, and holds up the WCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BELT for the crowd to see. Y2J and the Hulk stare each other down. Hulk extends his hand to Y2J. Y2J Looks down before reluctantly accepting. A great show of sportsmanship. Jericho is still in

    shock as the two start circling each other.

    Collar and elbow tie up which Hogan easily wins and shoves Jericho to the ground. Jericho tries again, only to receive the same result. Y2J regroups on the outside before getting back in the ring. He goes for another approach and tries to amatueur

    wrestle hogan, grabbhing him by the waste. Hogan looks down at Jericho and waves his finger and Y2J tries with all his might to take Hogan down. Axe Handle to the back and Jericho hits the ground. Jericho is back up immediately as hogan throws a right hand, and jericho is back down on the ground. Hogan goes for Jericho, but jericho backs to the ropes, which leads the ref to break it up. Jericho gets back on his feet and starts to Walk towards Hogan, which Hogan responds the same way. Jericho Kicks him in the mid section. Irish Whip from Jericho and hogan can't block the drop kick. Hogan crawls his way to the ring ropes, but Jericho is smarter, as he bounces off the ropes and comes back with the leg through the ropes, choking Hogan on the bottom rope.

    It's all offensive for Jericho now, as he gives an inside elbow drop to the groin of hogan, followed by another, before a stomp to the gut. Jericho puts one foot on Hogan and flexes, going for the cocky pin. 1 COUNT only, Hogan will have none of

    that. Jericho picks up hogan, Body Slam, then goes right back to work with a reverse chinlock. Hogan gets to his feet with jericho still applying the hold, Irish whip by Hogan, Jericho bounces off the ropes and comes back with aa flying forearm, Hogan is woozy as he's resting up against the ropes, Jericho takes him up and over with a clothesline, sending hogan crashing to the floor. Outside, Jericho plays the heel, slamming hogans face into the ring twice. Then he rolls him back in the ring. Jericho attempts The Liontamer, but Hogan shoves with the feet, followed by a drop toe Hold, Jericho hit his face hard on the canvas. Uh oh, Hogan hits the ropes, He could be trying to end it here. Hogan gets elevation as he goes for the signature leg drop, but jericho rolls out of the way as Hogan goes crashing to the ground. Jericho's quick to his feet and notices Hogan lying on the ground. He runs to the ropes, LIONSAULT!!!!

    Meltzer: "THE LIONSAULT, IT'S OVER!!!!!"


    Meltzer: "HOGAN'S HULKING UP!!!!"

    Jericho can't believe it. He notices what's happening is his worst nightmare. Hammering Hogans head. Hogan will have none of it, no selling each blow and building up steam. Jericho is still attacking, finally attampting a clothesline that just bounces off of Hogan. Hogan Looks at him as he's done to countless opponents before. He points to Y2J. Irish Whip on Jericho. We've seen this before, BIG BOOT. Jericho is laid out. Hogan does the arm to the ear.. he's calling for it. Hogan hits the ropes, and here it comes. BIG LEG DROP!!! He covers Jericho.

    1...2...KICK OUT


    Hogan is kind of shocked. Although Y2J i still down, Hogan surely though he had the win He picks Jericho up, Irish Whip, he's going for another Boot. Ducked by Jericho who hits the ropes and comes right back. Powerslam by Hogan. Hogan hits the ropes

    once again, here it comes again.. LEG DROP!!!!!! Hogan covers Jericho, 1......2........3.

    The crowd is going completely wild as Hogan is champion once again. The Hogan chants immediately start up as Hogan Poses in all 4 corners with the belt as Jericho is still down. Jericho rolls outside as Hogan poses in the middle of the ring with the belt. No one can quite believe it yet. "HOGAN, HOGAN, HOGAN" fills the arena. Hogan fans around the world, young and small are united in cheers as the icon has once again captured the heavyweight title, way past his prime, but still looking great as ever.

    BUT WAIT.... Jericho has chair. No one bothered to see him regrouping on the outside. He's in the ring, standing behind Hogan. BAM, With a sick chairshot, Hogan is laid out and down. Jericho continues the assault  with  the chair, pummelling a fallen Hulk Hogan. The arena has filled up with a chorus of boos. Jericho flips hogan over, WALLS OF JERICHO!! Hogan is tapping out, but Jericho won't release the Hold. After what seems like an eternity, Jericho lets go. Jericho raises both hands in the air. Trash is flying into the ring from all sides of the arena. The fans are distraught, booing just as loud as they once cheered as Jericho is doused in Beer and trash. Jericho notices the crowd is ready to lynch him, and makes his celebration short lived and exits the ring. As he walks up the ramp backwards, the camera pans in on him, as he's smiling at what he's done.


    as we fade out.

    <M: 67% C:97% O:87% Chris Jericho's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Chris Jericho gained overness from this turn. The World Heavyweight title has gained in image. >


  19. I hear you... I know that would NEVER EVER happen, so this diary isn't exactly true to real life. The backstory is the weakest part of this story. I've got some pretty fresh sorylines for the next couple months planned out.

    Also, just a note. The upcoming Nitro will probably shock some people. Just go with it. Trust me on it. I know what I'm doing here.


    Sunday, July 10th, 2005

    user posted image

    WCW is back! Last week's Nitro saw Chris Jericho defeat Chris Benoit in a Ladder match for the #1 Contendership. Owner Eric Bischoff's "Mystery Opponent" will battle Y2J for the WCW Heavyweight title in the main event. Speculation is running wild as to who this opponent may be. Rumors are flying, as many wrestling insiders have predicted that the mystery man is a defector from NWA TNA. Who will it be?

    Booker T is in action tonight! But the more important question is, will Scott Steiner be present as well? After their exchange last Monday, things could get Hot in Miami!

    Also on the card..

    Takao and Kenny the Bastard vs Paul Birchall and Air Paris

    The Cats Cradle!

    Jonathan Coachman hosts a Nitro Diva Dance Off!

    and more. DON'T MISS WCW NITRO, Live on UPN @ 8PM, EVERY MONDAY.

  21. Bischoff's Office

    Friday, July 8, 2005

    Sophie: Mr. Bischoff, did you get the television ratings I faxed to you earlier in the week?

    Eric Bischoff: You bet I did. I wasn't expecting a 5.8 share AT ALL. And best of all, Extremely Crappy Wrestling is right where they belong, losing to Eric Bischoff once again.

    Sophie: But at the expense of one of your main event wrestlers

    Bischoff: Benoit is a horse, he'll be back next month for sure. That bump he took, that would have crippled most wrestlers. I love it.

    Sophie: I hope you don't plan on ending every show with a sick bump Eric. Our roster will get quite small in a hurry.

    Bischoff: No no, you start off with a bang Sophie. Everyone knows that. Plus, with who I've got onboard for the World Title Match, our ratings are going to sore!

    Sophie: Oh, please do tell.

    Bischoff: Oh No, The last time I gave you secret information, it turned up on a dirtsheet the next day. With this 4 way war, there's no way I'm telling ANYONE anything I have planned.

    Sophie: Oh, I see.

    Bischoff: Any word back from any of those TV Stations yet?

    Sophie: Well, we received letters back from Spike, WB, USA and NBC.

    Bischoff: NBC? Are you joking?!

    Sophie: They are interested in our product, as it appears wrestling is back in the mainstream eye.

    Bischoff: This is great, we'll make millions. Do you have any idea the ratings we could get on NBC?

    Sophie: If I may sir, that wouldn't be the best choice. We'd have to tame down our already tame product. No more sick bumps off of ladders and whatnot.

    Bischoff: Point taken. We still have until the end of the month to make a decision correct?

    Sophie: That is correct. Perhaps we should wait another Nitro or two and see if any other interests pop up.

    Bischoff: Well, Sophie knows best.

    Sophie: Thanks boss. Hey, what about the new talent?

    Bischoff: What do you want to know about them? You haven't done your research on Birchall and Enygma? Or do you want to meet the legendary Al Snow or something?

    Sophie: No no, what about that Maria girl? I saw her portfolio, it's quite impressive.

    Bischoff: Eh?

    Sophie: I mean her photo portfolio.

    Bischoff: ... Go on

    Sophie: Errr.. nothing. I better get back to the desk.

    And with that, Sophie leaves Eric's office. Eric sits down at his desk right as the phone rings.

    Bischoff: Hello?

    Paul Heyman: Hello BISCHOFF.

    Bischoff: Hello HEYMAN. And What do I owe this pleasent suprise?

    Heyman: "I saw the ratings, I bet your squeeling like a hog"

    Bischoff: "Its more of an evil laugh really. The squeeling would be better appropriate for you"

    Heyman: "Enough! I've just came to let you know that on Hardcore TV, we're going to kick off the show by announcing the Surprise contestent in your World Title Match."

    Bischoff: "How did you find that out?"

    Heyman: "Oh, don't worry about that, I have my faithful within your company. You can BANK ON IT."

    And with that, Heyman hangs up, and Bischoff sits at his desk with a blank stare.

  22. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Tuesday, July 5th, 2005


    Good afternoon wrestling fans. The preliminary TV ratings are in, and it doesn't look pretty for NWA TNA. Following weeks of ratings hovering between the 4.40 and 4.75 marks, TNA's ratings have fallen nearly 1.5 points. This news is bound to be cause for concern the TNA higher ups. WCW edged ECW  by .4 of a point in the shows respective debuts. Many experts are citing the hype surrounding the Jericho-Benoit match, as well as solid interviews and segments.



    NWA TNA's "IMPACT": 3.14

    ECW's "Hardcore TV": 5.50

    WCW's "NITRO": 5.88


    WWE "RAW" 6.07


    user posted image

    WCW.COM has confirmed that Chris Benoit will be out for the rest of the month following a nasty bump that saw Jericho throw him off the with an overhead belly to belly. Benoit landed akwardly. Although an MRI came back negative, results showed a deep tissue bruise in his lower back.

    WCW signs more talent!

    user posted image

    As if last week's signings weren't enough, WCW has signed more talent to their impressive roster. WCW scooped up Al Snow immediately after WWE free'd him from his open deal. Also defecting from WWE is Maria Kanellis, who was fired from WWE after an incident backstage involving a group of male fans. Paul Birchall is also making the switch after requesting leave from WWE. He felt as if he was being used improperly and no longer wanted a development deal. They also have agreed to terms with Charismatic Brawler Engyma.

    The Rumor Mill

    It is rumored that the challenger facing Chris Jericho for the heavyweight title on next week's Nitro could possibly be talent stolen from NWA TNA! Next week's Nitro comes to us live from Miami, Florida. With TNA opperating from Orlando, a talent theft in their own backyard would be a HUGE blow to the company

    Feud update

    After last night's Nitro, it's apparent a program between Kidman and Matt Hardy has started. Although we haven't been able to confirm it, Chris Kanyon and Jonathan Coachman could be engulfed in a war of words. Although it's purely speculation, we do expect a continuation from Last Nights quarrel to continue. It's also pretty much cofirmed that Booker T and Steiner will be working together in the coming weeks.


    Monday, July 4, 2005

    8 'o Clock has rolled around and here we go. On WGN, NWA TNA's IMPACT! can be fouNd. On Spike TV, ECW's Hardcore TV is making it's debut. However, we're tuned into UPN to see the re-debut of MONDAY NIGHT NITRO, Live from Hotlanta, Georgia.

    And with that, Nitro's opening video begans. "Trust" by Megadeth greets our ears as a montage of  highlights from both from old wcw and wwe is shown. As the entrance video ends, we are treated to a brand new completely redesigned set. Much like WWE's, WCW's tron is a huge rectangle, with steel sides. The stage area is all metal, with a ramp much like WWE's. However, on each side of the of the stage, there are very small walkways that are connected to circular metal areas. The ring is brand new, complete with NITRO and WCW Logos on the skirts. The ropes are classic red and the rings dimensions are slightly larger then WWE's. The announce tables is on the opposite side of the stage. The spanish announce table is on one of the circular areas on the the stage. I guess they had enough of constantly being the victim of a broken announce desk!

    An amazing fourth of July fireworks display goes off at the top of the stage.

    David Meltzer: "Hello everyone I'm David Meltzer and along side me is "The Coach" Jonathan Coachman coming to you LIVE from Atlanta Georgia. What a show we..

    And with that, Eric Bischoff's entrance music hits and the owner comes out with all smiles, holding a briecase.

    Coach: "Stand up and shut up and show some respect to the Boss Meltzer."

    Bischoff makes his way to the ring and takes control of the Microphone.

    Bischoff: "Let me just say. It's DAMN good to be back. We're gonna win this war if it kills me. You know, when I was Co-GM on Raw, I had enough. If I had to run that talentless cesspool they call sports entertainment for one more month, I would have gone crazy. Although I respect him, I questioned Vince's decisions every week. His actions made me look like an idiot. Giving Triple H what he wanted week in and week out no matter how much the fans booed. In a way, I almost wish Nitro ran Head to head with Raw, so He could see exactly how much people are sick of the product he offers. But that's the Mcmahon way huh? If it works, don't change it. Well here at Nitro, we're all about innovation and progress. We're here to change the wrestling scene, offer Indy workers a chance to shine in front of a large television audience. It's not the same 10 guys on TV over and over week in and week out.

    But that's not why I'm out here. The contents of this briefcase are much more important. And I'm going to give it to someone who stuck with this company before WWE bought us out. Scott Steiner, Come on down."

    Scott Steiner's theme hits and he comes out, decked out in his chainlike headgear, wrestling tights and no shirt to a Chorus of boo's. He does his signature pose at the top of the ramp before entering the ring.

    Bischoff: "Scott Steiner. You look great man. And as a welcoming gift to Nitro, I'd like to offer you the contents of this briefcase."

    Bischoff hands Steiner the briefcase, who promptly opens it and grins. Out of the briefcase comes a belt, but not just any belt. It's the WCW US Title!

    Bischoff: "I'd like to introduce to you, your new WCW United States Champion, SCOTT STEINER!"

    Steiner straps the belt around his waste and takes the Microphone from Bischoff. But before he can say anything..


    Meltzer: "IT'S BOOKER T!"

    Coach: "What's he doing out here?'

    Booker: "Cut the music. Bischoff, I don't know if you remember correctly, but when WWE bought this company, I WAS WCW US CHAMPION. Hell, I was WCW WORLD CHAMPION, but you've gone ahead and made your match for that already. So if your going to play favorites, that's fine, suckaa. But if he's your champ, Then I want to be the first to win my belt back. Now can you dig that?"

    Steiner: "Oh I can dig it. You want a shot, you got a shot. But not tonight. Sunday, July 31st, at WCW's first pay per view, Bash at the Beach.

    Booker: "Bash at the Beach huh? Yeah, I can dig that. Booker T vs Scott Steiner for the United States title at Bash at the Beach. Your on."

    and with that, we fade into commercial break, leaving Steiner and Bischoff in the ring.

    QUALITY: 88%

    Blackout (Ruckus and Sabian) vs Youthanazia (Josh Prohibition and M-Dogg20)

    Both teams are out for the win as each are making their respective Debuts. Ruckus with an Arm Drag on M-Dogg but misses a standing moonsault. M-Dogg trys one of his own but misses as well. A series of counters by each as neither gets the upper

    hand. Mdogg hits a spinebuster but only gets a 2 count. Tag to Josh, who misses a springboard drop kick on Ruckus. Tag to Sabian, who irish whips Joshonly to be irish whipped himself. DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE. Both stars are down. Each tag their partners. Ruckus and Mdogg come charging , Rukus ducks the attack, goes behind, Pinning German Suplex, 2 count. Mdogg is woozy after that one. Josh enters the ring illegally, only to get a back body drop by Ruckus. M-Dogg with the cheapshot as

    the ref is trying to get Josh out of the ring. Sabian goes up top, cross body on M-DOgg. Sabian bounces off the ropes, Up and over plancha onto Josh Prohibition on the outside. Ruckus is setting him up, Sitout POWERBOMB! 1-2-3. This one's over as

    Blackout celebrates.

    Winners: Ruckus and Sabian

    MATCH: 84%

    CROWD: 43%

    OVERALL: 63%


    Back in the Ring, Ernest Miller is in the ring, which has been decked out with chairs, a monitor and leppard skin rug.

    The Cat: "Welcome to The Cat's Cradle. I'd like to welcome my guest..."


    Chris Jericho's Pyro hits and out comes the Highlight of the night himself.

    Chris Jericho: "The Cat's cradle? Are you Kidding me? Bischoff wouldn't let me host the Highlight reel on Nitro, but he gives you the Cat's Cradle? You wannabe Jerichoholic. You aren't the rockstar, you weren't the first undisputed heavyweight champion, you're not main eventing the first Nitro. Who the Hell do you think you are, Junior?"

    The Cat: "I'm following orders from Mr. Bischoff Sir. I'm just doing my Job."

    The Cat is obviously Nervous and distraught

    CJ: "And So am I."

    With that Jericho takes cat down, and although Cat puts up a struggle, Jericho Locks in the Walls. Cat immediately taps as

    Y2J is unrelenting. Refs and road agents come running down to pry jericho off of cat. Jericho Stands on the bottom rope "I'M

    THE KING OF THE WORLD BABY" as we go backstage.

    QUALITY: 83

    Ernest Miller gained overness from this segment.

    Gene Okerland: "Matt Hardy, you requested.."

    Matt Hardy: "You're damn right I requested this time. Kidman, I don't know who hell you think you are, but the commentary on your website about my recent relationship hardships was completely unnecessary. Here you are, a guy who couldn't even handle Torrie Wilson, and you're telling me that Lita was too good for me. I'll show you what the Angelic Diablo is all about.

    QUALITY: 82

    -- Commercial --

    Sean O' Haire vs Steve Blackman

    Both superstars are returning to television after being released from WWE. Blackman with a chop, which is followed by an O'Haire chop of his own. We have a chop war on our hands as the competitors exchange blows. Blackman goes for a roundhouse kick, blocked by O' Haire, as he hits an enziguri. O' Haire off the ropes, blackman jumps over him, then ducks under him, but feels the wrath of an O' Hair flip clothesline. Bulldog by O' Haire as he clearly has control of this matchup. O haire grabs the legs, but he's pushed into the ropes. Blackman with a rollup, only a 2 count as O'Haire is quick to his feet, but so is Blackman. Collar and Elbow tie up, O'hair easily wins it and attempts a gut wrench suplex. Blackman blocks, goes behind Back Suplex. What's this, Blackman is going up top, we haven't seen this before. Blackman misses with a leg drop, which allows O' Haire to hit an overhead Belly to Belly. O' Haire climbs up top, Seanton Bomb, but blackman rolles out of the way. O' Haire rolls to the outside and grabs a chair. Here comes Mark Jindrak! The ref is tied up with O' Haire as Jindrak hits a DDT on Blackman. O Haire uptop again, SEANTON BOMB. It's over. 1-2-3 . Jindrak gets in the ring and looks at O'Haire before they hug

    each other. They've been reunited!

    Winner: Sean O' Haire

    MATCH: 73

    CROWD: 62

    OVERALL: 67

    -- Commercial --

    WHO BETTA DEN KANYON? hits as Kanyon comes out to a mixed reaction.

    Kanyon: "You know, there's something that's been bothering me lately. When I signed with this company, I was told I would be the color commentator for Nitro. However, that changed when that little weasel Coach used his magic powers (Kanyon makes a blowjob motion) on Eric Bischoff. I.."

    The camera pans to coach, who is standing behind the announce desk.

    Coach: "Oh shut up Kanyon. Nobody cares about you. You're a joke, you've always been a joke. And now you want my job? I got this job because I'm loyal to Mr. Bischoff. Something that you'd know nothing about"

    Kanyon: "Loyalty eh? What do you know about Loyalty? You kiss anyone's ass who's bigger then you."

    Coach: "Thats not true."

    Kanyon: "Prove it."

    With that, Kanyon leaves the ring and confronts Coach, who's obviously scared. Kanyon Raises his fist.

    Coach: "Ok ok, fine fine. DON'T!!! 3 Announcers it is then."

    Kanyon has a seat and puts on the a headpiece.

    Kanyon: "Now that that's settled, let's enjoy this match.

    Coach: *sighs* (in a dull voice) "Yeah, this one should be good"

    QUALITY: 64

    MATT HARDY VS Billy Kidman

    The competitors exchange blows before Matt Hardy Hits a stiff standing clothesline. Matt Hardy with a Missle Dropkick,

    Kidman's really out of it after that clothesline.

    Kanyon: "that Looked about as stiff as one of those shots you gave JR Coach."

    Coach: "Oh shut up."

    Matt Hardy whips Kidman into the ropes, back body drop. Hardy Hits a leg drop, followed by another. Kidman is completely out of it. Matt Hardy Lifts Kidman up. Twist of Fate. Matt goes for the pin, but pulls him up after a two count. Another twist of FATE! Matt hardy exits the ring and grabs a chair. The ref yells at him. Matt gets in the ring, and right as Billy Kidman gets up, He's put right back down with a chairshot. RING THE BELL, it's over, as Kidman wins by DQ. But Hardy's not done. Hardy takes the chair up top with him.

    Meltzer: "NO NO NO"

    Kanyon: "YES YES YES!!!"

    Matt hardy off the top rope with a leg drop with the chair under his legs. He connects right on Kidman's face. Matt hardy has gone crazy!! He leaves the ring as EMT's rush to Kidman's aid as a commercial comes on.

    MATCH: 82%

    CROWD: 68%

    OVERALL: 75%

    Billy Kidman Gained Overness from this segment

    Eddie Guerrero is shown on the tron.

    Eddie: "It's time to spice up Nitro with a little Latino Heaaaaaat. Who wants to see Eddie Guerrero in that ring tonight? "

    The crowd roars in approval.

    Eddie: "Well that's too bad because Eric Bischoff didn't book me tonight! This is fair warning holmes, If you ever leave me off another show again, there will be hell to pay. I'm Latino heat, the best wrestler on this roster. I WILL NOT be treated like this Holmes."

    And with that, Eddie storms off screen.

    QUALITY: 84%

    in the ring, the contestents are ready for their match.

    Second City Saints (Colt Cabana and CM Punk vs Ultimo Drago/Amazing Red) -- TORNADO TAG MATCH

    Cabana and Punk with tandem Irish Whips and clotheslines, which are ducked, Dragon and Red with tandem drop kicks to the back that send the two into the ropes, tandem powerslams on Punk and Cabana. Dragon whips Red into the ropes then elivates him high in the air.. DROPKICK on punk. Dragon with a Clothlesine over the ropes to cabana. Dragon Climbs up. Moonsault onto a standing cabana. As they get to their feet, here comes Red. bounces off the ropes, jumps onto the top rope, great balance by the youngster, splash onto the two. As the three get back to their feet, here comes CM, grabs the rope, up and over, lands backwards onto the apron, SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT.

    All 4 contestants are down on the outside. Red and Punk get to their feet and fight up the ramp and through the curtains! Meanwhile, Dragon and Cabana are exchanging blows on the outside. Dragon whips cabana into the stairs. The Ref counts to 10 before dragon can get back in the ring. We have a double countout. What a match!

    MATCH:  84%

    CROWD:  63%

    OVERALL: 73%

    Chris Beniot is shown walking to the ring. Here comes the main event!

    OVERALL: 69

    Chris Benoit lost overness from this segment.

    ~ Commercial~

    Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho #1 contendership Ladder Match

    Benoit's music hits as the Rabid Wolverine hits the stage, looking as intense as ever. He takes a look at the ladder that's been placed outside already set up before entering the ring. He looks up, the briefcase that contains the number 1 contendership contract hangs above. Jericho's entrance music hits as the Ayatollah makes his second appearance of the night.

    After doing his poses, Jericho enters the ring. The bell sounds, here we go!

    The two canadians circle each other before tying up, neither gets an advantage. Jericho goes for the punch, blocked, CHOP by Benoit. Jericho is pain following that hard chop. Benoit whips jericho into the corner. Another Chop, followed by 3 more.

    Jericho's chest is candy apple red. Benoit whips Jericho to the other turnbuckle but it's reversed. Jericho hits a clothesline in the corner. He sets the wolverine up top, but beniot punches out of it and sets Jericho on the top turnbuckle instead. Benoit could be going for a Hurricanrana here! But Jericho reverses into a top rope powerbomb! But he's not done yet! He picks benoit off the ground, DOUBLE POWERBOMB. We haven't seen that in years. Jericho hits an elbow, and another

    quick elbow before sliding out of the ring. He's going for a chair. Jericho gets back in the ring and raises the chair above his head, Low blow by Benoit has Jericho on the ground. Benoit grabs the chair, Chair to the back. Benoit goes outside and grabs the ladder. As he's fumbling with it, trying to get it under the rope, Jericho retaliates, Dropkicking the ladder. Y2J goes outside, snap suplex onto the steel ramp. Jericho brings the ladder in the ring and sets it up. As he starts to climbs, beniot gets back in the ring. Beniot grabs onto Jericho. GERMAN SUPLEX off of the Ladder. Here comes another. Benoit Looks behind him, noticing the position he's in. Release German Suplex into the ladder. Jericho's head got the worst of that affair.

    Beniot signals for the end and climbs up top. He dives off for the diving headbutt, but wait, his head meets steel as Jericho grabs the chair and holds it, Beniot's head bounces off of the chair. Jericho runs towards the ropes, LIONSAULT!!! This one

    could be over. Y2J sets up the ladder and begans climbing. But wait, Beniot gets on the other side. Beniot starts climbing. Both are approaching the top of the ladder. Blows by Jericho on Beniot. Benoit headbutts Jericho as the ladder begans to

    shake. Bother are now as high as they can get on the ladder. Jericho with an eye rake. Jericho grabs both sides of benoit.

    Meltzer: "OH MY GOD, NO JERICHO, NO."

    With that, Benoit takes one of the sickest bumps ever broadcasted on Monday Night, as he is overhead belly to belly suplexed by Jericho directly to the ground. With that, Jericho looks up and pries the briefcase from its harness, falling off the ladder in the process. Jericho clutches the briefcase on the ground as the bell sounds. Both superstars are beaten and battered, but it's over. Jericho emerges victories, Clutching the briecase. As his music hits, he celebrates. He Climbs the turnbuckle and motions to a belt around his waste before raising both hands in the air.


    The image of Jericho on the turnbuckle fades out.

    MATCH: 96%

    CROWD: 91%

    OVERALL: 93%

    Chris Benoit has sustained an injury as a result of a bad bump!


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