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Posts posted by Disengager

  1. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    September 13th, 2005



    WWE - 6.09

    WCW - 5.89

    ECW - 5.49

    TNA - 3.44

    WCW is closing the gap between itself and WWE, coming within .20 of WWE. The general response by WWE is that they are not worried, as they have 3 primetime show's that draw ratings in excess of 6.0 each.

    Adam Windsor debuts

    The wrestling world was shocked by the debut of British sensation Adam Windsor on Nitro last night, especially due to the high profile debut. Windsor's stock has sored due to this. Many are praising Eric Bischoff for his knowledge when it comes to signing wrestling talent.

    Kanyon, Lenny Lane updates

    To quickly update, Kanyon is said to have been doing well in rehab, and is working extra hard so he can return to the promotion. He was recently quoted, saying he can't wait to get back out on the road with DDP. We have learned that Lenny Lane has in fact checked into rehab, citing an on going cocaine addiction.

    WCW purchases Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling

    In a rather strange move, Eric Bischoff and WCW have purchased Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling. Details of the sale are scarce, but it appears as though WCW has bought out all the talents contracts as well. Eric Bischoff was quoted as saying "Anytime I can eliminate competition, rather it's big or small, I will. I hope this sets an example for any wrestling promotion"

  2. user posted image

    WCW Nitro

    September 12th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro<=:=><=:=>


    Meltzer: "Welcome to Nitro everyone, it looks like we're gonna start off with the presence of the #1 contender, Chris Jericho"

    Coach: "What a way to kick off Nitro."

    Chris Jericho does his pose on the ropes while yelling at fans, who are all over him tonight. He grabs a microphone.

    Y2J: "You jackasses boo me like I'm the devil, but in reality, I'm doing you all a favor. I'm destroying the most boring force in wrestling history. You're all too blinded by Hulk Hogan's oiled up muscles and little red and yellow gimmick to see the man is killing professional wrestling. We have a champion who can't even show up television every week. He's hardly a fighting champion. But Hogan's always done just that, the least ammount of work in the ring as possible. But hey, why work when you can just be a lazy son of a bitch and get paid to do it?

    But that's not why I'm out here tonight. No, I'm out here to give some lucky assclown in the back a chance to prove themselves. Everyone always talks trash in the locker rooms, saying what they could do given the airtime, given the opportunity to prove themselves. Well, if one of those jackasses wants to stop talking and come out here, I'm looking for a fight tonight!"

    Chris Jericho does some stretches in the ring, waiting for someone to come out. No one comes out after 15 seconds.

    Y2J: "Just as I thought, there's no one back there who isn't chicken..."

    An unknown theme hits and out comes a young lightweight wrestler with blonde hair, much like Jericho's. He's wearing his wrestling tights and an unbuttoned shirt with a weird design with vibrant colors, much like Jericho as well. The guy doesn't get much of a reaction, as only a couple tape traders in the arena know who he is. Even Jericho doesn't know the man's identity.

    Y2J: "And who the hell are you suppose to be, Y2J Junior? Mini-Me? How cute, a Jerichoholic, just wait backstage and I'll get you an autographed picture and photo after I'm through, kid.

    Wrestler: "You are right, I am a fan Jericho, I'm a big fan. But I'm also a wrestler, and a damn good one at that. And all I want is an opportunity to prove myself. For I, I am Adam Windsor.

    Y2J: "Adam Windsor, eh? Adamn Windsor? What  the hell is a Adam Windsor? You sound british, what are you, some cheap knock off british version of Y2J? You know what, it doesn't matter, get in the ring, let's get a zebra out here, and let me show you why I am, The Highlight of the night.

    <O:83% Chris Jericho lost overness from this segment. Adam Windsor gained overness from this segment. >

    Adam Windsor Vs Chris Jericho

    Windsor plays it cool despite probably being nervous as hell making a nationally televised debut against one of WCW's top talents. Jericho has the size and stregnth advantage, and utilizes both the entire match. Jericho takes on the offensive most of the match, playing it cocky and completely overlooking the kid's potential. Jericho had control most of the match, and this appeared to be just a squash, but near the end, Windsor picked up steam after sidestepping Jericho's missile dropkick. Windsor responded with dropkicks of his own and a clothesline which had jericho rolling to the outside. Windsor went up and over with a splah on Jericho and threw him back in the ring. He climbed up top and hit a beautiful moonsault which only got a 2 count. In control, Windsor waited for Jericho to get up, and called for the superkick, which got a small pop. It looked like the kid might pull an upset here. Superkick attempt, Y2J Grabs the leg and throws him down with authority before slapping on the liontamer, in which Windsor almost immediately tapped out. After the match, Y2J waited in the ring while Windsor got to his feet. Y2J offered his hand, and as Windsor went to accept, Jericho retracted it and slammed it across the side of the face of Windsor, which drew some heat from the crowd following a good match.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    <M:78% C:72% O:75%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Chavo Guerrero vs CM Punk

    CM got a decent reaction almost that of top face would receive. The fans have grown to respect his in-ring ability as well as his character. Chavo on the other hand, had a little heat, but not as much as he should. He needs more airtime, let's hope WCW gets that second TV deal soon or guys like him may look for better opportunities elsewhere. This was a great match, very fast paced and very clean as far as ringwork went. Chavo and CM engaged in the whole "I'll counter your pin with a pin" series which lasted about 9 pinfalls, which lead to a break and approval from the crowd. From there on out, CM retained control for much of the match, and it looked as though he may have had it won, as he caught Chavo uptop by hitting the ropes. Punk tried to climb up top, but Chavo shoved him off. Just then, Colt Cabana and Ace steel came running down to ringside, Ace distracted the ref while Colt hit the ring and threw Chavo off the turnbuckle. CM grabbed Cabana's shoulder and spun him around, yelled at him and threw him through the ropes. CM turned around, only to be on the receiving end of a kid to the stomach and a Chavo spike DDT, which put him down for the 1-2-3. After the match, Cabana got back in the ring and him and CM engaged in an argument. Cabana extends his hand to punk, asking him to just forgive him, but CM would have none of it, turning his back on his stablemate while Ace Steel watched it all go down from the outside.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero

    <M:100% C:57% O:78%>

    We see Eric Bischoff sitting at his desk backstage.

    Eric: "I've noticed that Scott Steiner hasn't defended his US title recently, and it appears as though I've received a request from a worthy challenger, so tonight, in your main event, it will be Scott Steiner, defending his US Title against CHRIS BENOIT. I have another request here, from Whiskey Marc. Whiskey Marc has requested a NO ROPE BARBED WIRE match at Fall Brawl against Ernest "The Cat" Miller. Well Whiskey, I know in Japan those are pretty standard, but let me tell you something, THIS ISN'T JAPAN. However, I'm going to grant your request, although it won't be a barbed wire match, it will be a hardcore anything goes match. Finally, In case you're wondering where he's been, I've given Eddie Guerrero the night off to be with his family while his wife is recovering from illness. That's about all I have here, and I don't want to take up anymore time because we have a great show left for you tonight because that's what Eric Bischoff is all about. Only on WCW will you find great talent from all walks of the world. All styles are reprented in WCW. We're nota cruiserweight only promotion with some washed up bignames, we're not a purely heavyweight wrestling promotion, we're not the home of talentless wrestlers who hit each other with weapons for cheap pops. We're WCW, the best wrestling around."


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Sexxxy Eddy and Ultimo Dragon vs Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak © for the WCW Tag Team Titles

    Stacey accompanied the champs to ringside, dressed nastier then ever, decked out in a leather mini skirt and tubetop. She plants an extremely explicit kiss on each of the champions before exiting the match. The fans aren't quite sure how to react to her. Suprisingly, this was a pretty back and forth matchup for the majority of the match, until O'Haire nailed a low blow kick on Eddy while Jindrak distracted the ref, it went all downhill for the challengers there. O'Haire and Jindrak's cheap tactics were just too much for the challengers. The ending came when Dragon went from a hurricanrana after being whipped into the ropes, but Jindrak reversed it with a sitout powerbomb for the 1-2-3, as the champs celebrate in the ring. They're really on a roll in the recent weeks!

    WINNERS: Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak

    <M:84% C:62% O:73%>

    We're greeted to a video on the tron, it must be time for the Matt Hardy show! Matt comes on the screen, along with Maria, with the The Eifel Tower in the background!

    Matt: "Greetings from Europe! Welcome to the Matt Hardy show! You know, it's so great Eric gave me and Maria time off to take a vacation, we're having an absolute blast! We just wanted to share with you some of the great stuff we've done so far on vacation!"

    Maria and Matt kiss as we go into a montage, showing Matt and Maria at different places in Europe, doing different things. The crowd was BORED out of their mind, as the video lasted nearly 5 minutes. Matt Hardy goes from grueling feud with Kidman to being family man? Has the WCW creative team lost their mind? The video's biggest pop comes when Maria is shown on the beach, obviously being taped by Matt. She bends over to pickup something in the water, which gets about the most interest from the crowd of the entire show. I bet Sophie had her eye on that part of the segment!


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We're back and The ring is set up for the Cat's Cradle, complete with the Cat, who's already in the ring!

    Cat: "Before we get started, I just want to say that I'm not happy with Eric Bischoff booking me in a hardcore match with Whiskey Marc at the Pay Per View. After hearing his request, I want nothing more to do with that freak, I don't want to step in the ring with him, nor do I want to fight him. But anyways, tonight, I have two very special guests, Mr. Colt Cabana, and Mr. CM PUNK!"

    Colt Cabana and CM Punk come out together to The Saints entrance theme, although Punk looks more bored then interested in this angle. They get in the ring.

    Cat: "Now fella's, I've noticed you two apparently have a ltitle beef with each other in the last weeks.  CM, would you like to explain your side?

    CM: "What's there to explain? I'm a fair fighter, I'm better then everyone else. I don't appreciate people running in on my matches, and I don't appreciate people disrespecting legends of this company. I don't need anyone's help to beat anyone in the world, let alone WCW. The Saints should be better then that Cabana, you know better."

    Cabana: "Hold on CM, I'm sick and tired of you thinking you can just tell me how to go about my business. CM, You've always though that you were the leader of the Saints, but that's not true. I'm the one who hosts my own show, I'm the one who's participated in LEGENDARY ROH Battles...I'm the.."

    CM: "Yada yada yada, you know what Cabana, If you want to talk about ROH that's  fine, go ahead and talk about ROH, but that's in the past bro. I've beat you in the past, and I'm not afraid to do it again. If that's what it's going to come down to, if you think you're better then me, I've got news for you pal, you're not. If you want to be the leader of the saints, fine but you're gonna have to win it from me."

    Cabana: "Is that a chall.."

    Before Colt Cabana could finish his statement, Whiskey Marc's music hits and out comes the monster. Cat and Cabana immediately leave the ring, leaving Punk in there alone by himself. Punk is standing his ground as Whiskey steps over the top rope and goes face to face with him.  The two stare at each other, before exchanging blows. Punk gets the better of Whiskey and knocks him out of the ring with a right hand. Whiskey is apparently mad and tries to get back in the ring, but Punk pushes him off the apron as we go to commercial.

    <O:78% Colt Cabana gained overness from this segment.>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Raven vs Rey Mysterio and Amazing Red

    Red and Mysterio were simply too much for Raven alone in this match, and they unleashed a series of high risk assault on Raven in a match in which all Flock members were barred from ringside. Stevie Richards, Billy Kidman and Torrie watched on a monitor in the back, hoping for their leader to pull out a miraculous win, but it didn't look like that was going to happen. Red hit the Satelite DDT, Which set Raven up for the 619, but Mysterio could only get a 2 count, as Raven is definitely a tough competitor. Double whip on raven as both cruiserweights put their heads down, setting up for possibly a back body drop. Big mistake as Raven catches them both with a double ddt. As Raven went for the pin, LODI came from the crowd and held Mysterio's legs, preventing a kickout as Raven stoled this one with a pinfall victory. Raven celebrates his win as Lenny gets in the ring and throws out Mysterio and Red.

    Meltzer: "Lodi broke the stipulation!!"

    Coach: "Ah, austin's just all talk, he didn't mean that"

    The crowd boo's as Raven has cheated his way out of sure defeat.

    WINNER: Raven

    <M:87% C:78% O:82% Rey Mysterio lost overness from this match. >

    GLASS SHATTERS! Out comes Austin atop the ramp, Microphone in hand.

    Austin: "UH AH, Raven, if you thought you were getting off the handle that easy, you're wrong. You thought you could one up Stone Cold, UH AH, you sorry son of a bitch. You had to go and do something I told you not to do didn't you Raven? Let me ask you a question Raven... Is that man a flock member?"

    Raven: "Yes, yes  he is Austin, what are you going to do, Fire him?"

    Austin: "Yes, yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Security, arrest that silly bastard in the purple tights. LODI, YOUR ASS IS FIRED, SECURITY, TAKE THAT MAN AWAY, TAKE THAT MAN AWAY, RIGHT THERE IN PURPLE TIGHTS, YEAH, THAT SILLY BASTARD!"

    Raven can be heard screaming No as security handcuffs Lodi, who looks like he's about to cry. Steve Austin laughs at the top of the ramp as Raven is on his knee's in the ring, screaming "DAMN YOU AUSTIN" at the top of his lungs.


    Backstage, we see Scott Steiner with Mean Gene.

    Gene: "Scott, you're thoughts on facing Chris Benoit tonight."

    Scott: "Lemme tell you something Mean Gene, Chris Benoit is a joke. I'm not concerned with Benoit one bit. I'm going to breeze on by him and injure him yet again. Why would I be scared of a guy who's spent more time injured then he has in the ring mean gene? I'd rather take this time to talk about my opponent at Fall Brawl, Booker T. Book, a couple weeks ago you threw me through a glass window, and you're going to pay for that. I still have cuts on my arms, I had to cancel my pictorial with Flex magazine. You don't understand Booker, you can't do that to an international body building icon like myself. So at Fall Brawl, I'm going to beat you 1-2-3, and I'm going to keep my title, and when it's all said and done, you're going to be the one with the cuts and scars on your body. Now Can you dig that?"


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "It's Main Event time!"

    Coach: "Do you always have to say that?"

    Chris Benoit vs Scott Steiner ©, US Title Match

    Steiner wins the test of stregnth to take control of the match, which quickly turns into a teeder-totter affair, with neither superstar gaining much of an advantage throughout the whole match. Steiner nearly took off benoit's head with a huge lariat in the early going. Midmatch, Benoit muscled Steiner up for 3 german suplexes, but only got a 2 count. Steiner tried to overhead press Benoit up and out of the ring, but Benoit was able to break free and connect with yet another german, which resulted in Steiner landing awkwardly on his head. Benoit went up top to go for the diving headbutt, but steiner was able to roll out of the way. With the ref issuing a mandatory 10 count, both superstars made it up at 9, exchanging punches before Benoit countered one of them with the crossface! We're about to have a new US CHAMP!!! BUT WAIT, Vito comes running into the ring, kicking benoit in the face, the ref calls for the bell, and just as soon after Steiner has been DQ'd, he's tapping like a baby. Vito picks up Benoit, CRUCIFIX BOMB! Steiner's up and applies the Steiner Recliner to Benoit, back turned to the entrance ramp. Benoit is absolutely out of it. Wait.. here comes booker to down the ramp, shot to Vito, who was trying to meet him at the end of the ramp, Vito's down and Book gets in the ring, Steiner unaware of his presence. Book with a kick to Steiners back, steiner turns around, kick to the stomach, SCISSOR KICK! Book Spinaroonies and poses on the top rope to a cheering crowd as we fade out.

    WINNER: Chris Benoit (by dq)

    <M:81% C:81% O:80% Scott Steiner lost overness from this match. The WCW United States title has gained in image. >

    Show rating: 77%

  3. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    September 6th, 2005



    WWE - 6.05

    WCW - 5.81

    ECW - 5.46

    TNA - 5.81

    As you can see, WCW ratings slipped just a bit this week. No one is sure exactly why, as it was a good show that featured an early return from Chris Benoit. Some cite matches between fleisch/sexxxy Eddy and Vito/Birchall, as there is no history between the two. Also, Stacey Keibler and O'haire and Jindrak's segments confused the crowd, as it wasn't apparent to them that this was Stacey's heel turn.

    WCW Releases 3 wrestlers

    WCW has mutually agreed to part ways with Andrew Martin, Shawn Stasiak and Eric Angle. Martin has been unhappy with his role and many said he was out of element in WCW. WCW Creative had no current plans for Stasiak, who was growing unhappy with his role. Eric Angle, who had only made a couple appearances in WCW mutually agreed to end his deal with WCW, as he would rather try his hand at the growing indy circuit. We wish these 3 the best of luck with future endeavors. WCW did leave the door open for return.

    Hulk Hogan's Press conference

    There is a ton of hype surrounding Hulk Hogan's upcoming press conference on thursday. Sources are saying this is a career announcement that will change the face of WCW.

  4. Diary update:

    In an effort to curb the insane ammount of posts this topic has (nearly 70 for 2 1/2 months), I will be changing up the update style a bit.

    Instead of having an update for NODQ, a segment and Nitro preview, I'm just going to combine then into one update. So, basically, one day I'll hope to get up a show, then the next day I'll get that week's nodq,segment and preview up.


    1. How do you feel about this?

    2. How's the diary going so far?

    3. Do you like the writing style and why?

  5. WCW Nitro

    September 5th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "What a jampacked show we have for you tonight live only on Nitro!

    Coach: "Don't even bother changing the channel! Let the action Began!

    Jody Fleisch vs Sexxy Eddy

    What a treat, we're actually gonna see some 1 on 1 cruiser action? This was a fantastic way to kick off Nitro, showing what WCW is all about, which is in ring ability. Fleisch looked impressive and fast as hell, hitting a backspring backflip reverse DDT which got a HUGE pop. A fair 7 minute contest that saw both competitors getting the advantage. In the end, Fleisch telegraphed the 5 Star porn splash and then followed up with the IMPRESSIVE 720 Phoenix DDT for the win. He doesn't bother to stay in the ring and just leaves after getting his handraised.

    WINNER: Jody Fleisch

    <M:78% C:51% O:64%>

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Mysterio's theme hits and out comes Rey Rey and Amazing Red! They pose on the entrance ramp and slap hands before heading to the ring. Wait...from behind on the entrance ramp, The Flock attack them from behind, sending them to the ground. Richards and Lodi irish whip rey and red into the steel guardrails. Rey gets bodyslammed by Lenny as Raven is barking out orders. They get the two in the ring now, and this is not looking good. Superkick by Richards on Red. Raven hits an evenflow on Rey. Kidman up top, SHOOTING STAR on Red. Lodi up top, Elbow drop onto Rey. Lenny and Lodi pick up red and hit him with a double ddt. Raven picks up Rey and throws him to richards. Richards go's for the piledriver, But raven climbs to the second rope, SPIKE PILEDRIVER TO REY! Rey and Amazing Red are down and out in the ring as the flock leaves to a series of boo's. Kidman wraps his arm around torrie on the way out, yelling to the crowd "she's mine!" It's a shame, we were looking forward to this tag match too!

    <O:79% The Amazing Red gained overness from this segment.>

    We go to a video segment now that looks like it's being produced by a High School AV club. on the Screen it read's "Colt Cabana's Good Times and Great Memories". We fade in and Cabana is sitting at a desk.

    Cabana: "Hello wrestling fans and welcome to this addition of Colt Cabana's Good Times and Great Memories, brought to you in part by the second city saints and WCW. The two gentlemen I have on my show tonight hate each other without question. Last month, on an episode of the Cat's Cradle, Whiskey Marc demolished The Cat, Ernest Miller. Then, just a couple weeks ago, Cat returned at Road Wild to cost Whiskey Marc his match between Hurricane and Whipwreck. These two obviously just can't get along, so I must ask the burning question, What gives guys?"

    The camera pans out, and sitting on each side of the desk is Whiskey and The Cat.

    Cat: "Cabana, I know what you're trying to do here, and it won't work. I won't shake that man's hand, that scum. You should still be locked up in jail Marc. You don't belong here and you know it. Go to an ultraviolence company if you want pain and suffering, because that's not what WCW is about.

    Cabana: "Cat cat cat, pal, buddyyyy... I'm the conflict solver amigo. I'm just trying to ease the tension. In fact, it's so tight you could cut it with a knife!"

    Cabana holds up a plastic knife and smiles at the Camera

    Whiskey: "If you want to see a real Knife Cabana..."

    Whiskey Pulls out a switchblade from his back pocket. Cabana makes a face that makes it seem like he's scared but he's not.

    Whiskey: "I've hurt many a men with this knife, but sadly, I won't be doing that to you Cat."

    Whiskey throws the knife off screen.

    Whiskey: "You see, I'm going to make this plain and simple. I'm here because you don't want me here. I thrive off knowing that I make you uncomfortable sitting there. Everyone knows what I've done in the past, there's no denying that. So Cabana, I'm sorry, but I cant kiss and make up with Cat. Instead, I want a match Cat, I want a Violent match. And if you don't accept, I'll hurt you when you least expect it. What I did last month will be nothing compared to what I'll do to you. I want you in a NO ROPE BARBED WIRE match."


    Cat: "Look bro, you're right, I am scared of your creepy ass, and I want to fight your punk ass, but even I'm not crazy enough to fight in that kind of a match. Go back to Japan, YOU FREAK!"

    Cat gets up and walks off camera, leaving cabana to make silly faces while Whiskey just sat in the chair calm as he has been for the entire segment. We're seeing a different side of him.

    <O:77% Colt Cabana gained overness from this segment. Whiskey Marc gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Big Vito vs Paul Birchall

    Welp, this one was just simply a squash just to remind everyone that Big Vito is in fact a badass, as if everyone didn't know. Birchall got in little offense, which is a step back from his recent showings last month in the battle royals and tag team affairs. Damn that WCW management! Vito tossed Birchall around like a ragdoll, hitting the usual heavyweight moves on a lightweight, the overhead press, powerslam, you've seen it a million times on Smackdown. Vito won this one at about the 4 minute mark with a sitout powerbomb. Vito celebrates after his victory as if he just pulled out an upset against a top star. No one is very impressed but the fat bald guy in the front row eating nachos, but he also marked out when the spanish announce team came out before the show started.

    WINNER: Big Vito

    <M:88% C:49% O:68%>

    The Tag champ's music hits as out comes O'Haire and Jindrak with the tag straps. They give vito a look as if they're disgusted by his presence as they pass each other on the ramp. Birchall is being helped out of the ring, selling his beatdown. The champs get in the ring and grab a mic, O'Haire has something to say!

    O'Haire: "Tag champs in the house. We just came out here, cause we have a little annoucement to make!"

    Jindrak: "Mixed with our studly presence, we recently found out... that chicks really dig the gold. With that, we'd like to bring out our newly appointed manager, The best ass in the business.. Stacey Keibler!"

    Stacey Keibler comes out wearing a lot more makeup then usual, wearing a short leather skirt and tight shirt with a weird red logo on it. The crowd isn't sure how to react, as Stacey looks hot as hell as usual, but different, almost sluttier then beautiful. She gets in the ring, but show's her thong clad ass to the fans before stepping through the ropes and grabbing a Mic.

    Stacey: "Thank you for that Mark, you sure do know how to work a girl over. And I mean that, in more ways then one stud. Ever since I met Sean and Mark, I've never been happier. They've taught me to be who I want, rather then what all you want. I  don't have to put on a fake smile or prance around in a bikini for ugly fans anymore. Now I have two manly, studly hellions to prance around whatever I want...or don't want...to wear. I mean seriously ladies, look at your man, then look at my men. One guy just isn't enough for Stacey Keibler. While you're in bed at night, bored while your man's asleep like a baby, me and my boys are out clubbing, or perhaps... just back at the hotel all night long. You see, They needed someone to manage their newly acquired famous lifestyles, and I needed the benefits of having a man.. or should I say, men around me. Oh Sean, you droppped your tag title, let me get that for you."

    With that, Stacey walks over to sean and bends over in front of him, giving him a full view of her ass as she bent over and picked up his tag team title. With that, their metalish entrance theme hit and the trio posed, Stacey on one knee and the two at her sides, titles raised in the air.

    <O:68% >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "I can't believe what I just saw"

    Coach: "Meltzer, that's because you don't hang out with the ladies like coach does. In fact, O'Haire and Jindrak just invited me to their hotel party! I don't even know why I'm still here!"

    Diamond Dallas Page vs Ace Steel

    Another great performance by DDP. Ace Steel is making his in-ring debut at WCW, and puts on quite a show, nailing some high flying offense early in the contest, a pair of drop kicks and a snap suplex. DDP went for a monkey flip up and over, but Ace landed on the ropes and hit a back elbow. But a missed top tope clothesline spelled disaster for Ace, as DDP noticed him favoring his arm. DDP went to work with arm ringers and other submission holds, including an STO, which is something new for DDP, who is showing a different side here in WCW. Here comes the finish, Irish whip by DDP, reversed by Steel, DDP ducks the clothesline, DIAMOND CUTTER!!!

    Here comes Colt Cabana, but CM Punk is not too far behind. DDP goes for the pin, Cabana slides into the ring... BUT CM GRABS HIS LEG. Cabana fights to get to the pin as the ref counts the 1-2-3, with CM preventing Colt Cabana from interfering in the contest. Cabana can be heard yelling to punk, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!". CM Didn't reply, and slowly walked up the ramp, smiling, while the crowd cheered him and DDP, who was celebrating in the ring.

    WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page

    <M:73% C:51% O:62%>

    We go now to Eric Bischoff's office, and Eric is sitting at his desk going over some papers. He takes off his reading glasses.

    Eric: "As some of you may have saw on the internet, Fall Brawl's poster has been released. With that, I'd just like to confirm it's contests. At Fall Brawl, Chris Jericho will face Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight title in a PINFALLS ONLY STEEL CAGE MATCH! Now, some of you are wondering what would happen if Hulk Hogan could not participate in the match, well, in the event of that situation, the title will be forfeited and awarded to the number one contender, whom is Chris Jericho. We expect to hear from Hulk Hogan later in the telecast. I'm looking foward to seeing what he has to say via satelite."


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We come back and see Raven is sitting in the corner with a Microphone.

    Raven: "It seems to me as if WCW doesn't care about Raven anymore. They've turned their back on me, because I have turned my back on all of them. They don't want Raven to wrestle on tv apparently, their collective genius would rather put

    cruiserweights against heavyweights just to watch them get picked apart. They fear that the demons inside me will cause me to injure their precious gems, their talent of the future. If they don't want to book me, fine. I'll just sit here in this very corner until the next time they decide to pay some bills and go to commercial break. WHAT ABOUT RAVEN? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN? WHAT ABOUT.."

    GLASS SHATTERS! Out comes Austin, Steel chair in hand. Austin is walking with authority, he rolls into the ring, and Raven rolls out as Austin runs and tries to hit him with the chair. The crowd cheers as Austin poses on all four turnbuckles before grabbing a microphone.

    Austin: "Raven, you measily mouthed bastard. If you want a match, you've got a match. Next week, You and ONLY you Raven, will take on Rey Mysterio and Amazing Red. And if any of your little outcast sons of bitches come to the ring, they're fired! And here's your fair warning son. If you EVER, EVER, disrupt a live television show again with your "what about me, what about raven"(in a high pitched voice) crap again, I'll make you face that whole locker room you little piece of crap. Now someone get me a damn beer."

    <O:95% Raven gained overness from this segment. >


    Austin gets tossed a couple beers and starts drinking them as he walks up the ramp. Matt Hardy's theme hits and out comes Mattitude and Maria, the happy couple. Austin looks at them at the top of the ramp, before offering Matt a Beer. Matt takes the beer and him and Maria make their way to the ring. Matt goes to drink the beer, but Maria stops him and takes it away, setting it on the announce table after she leave the ring.

    Eddie makes his way out next and gets some serious heat from the crowd, but he loves it.This match was MOTN, a good long 12 minute bout. The opening saw a series of counters that ended with Eddie poking matt in the eyes and taking the advantage. Good technical prowless by Eddie, as he gets off an arm ringer arm drag and an overhead belly to belly in the early going. Midmatch, Matt hit the usual trademark stuff, the sidewinder and the 2nd rope legdrop, which pleased the crowd. Unfortunately, the moves are more crowd pleasing then affect, as Eddie only was down for about a 1 1/2 count. Near the end now, we see matt go for the twist of fate, only to be shoved inth the ropes and have eddie apply a sleeper hold takedown. Eddie rolls out of the ring and grabs the beer that Maria had left on the table. He takes a huge swig of it, and SPITS IT IN MARIA'S FACE. She is screaming like a baby now as the ref goes outside to calm her down. Eddie pulls brass knucks out of his pocket and DRILLS MATT WITH THEM, as he was getting to his feet. The ref comes back in and counts the 1-2-3 as Eddie has stolen this one to retain the title. Eddie laughs at Maria and Matt in  the ring, Maria is now attending to Matt as the ref is as well.

    WINNER: Eddie Guerrero

    <M:86% C:88% O:87% The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We come back and REAL AMERICAN hits the P.A. system. The crowd goes nuts.

    Meltzer: "IS HULK HOGAN HERE?! MY GOD !!!"

    Disapointingly, Hogan appears on the tron, apparently from the comfort of his living room. To his side sits the WCW Heavyweight title, as well as a pair of crutches. His left leg has a very large brace on it.

    Hulk: "Hulkamania isn't running wild tonight, I appologize to you all for that. It's not often that Hulk Hogan does an interview in this condition, as the fans deserve me to be out there in that ring kicking ass brothers. But unfortuanately, that punk Chris Jericho made that a little hard for me to do. You know If there was any sort of chance that I could be there,  I would brothers, but that just can't happen tonight, or next week either. I've seen the best doctors in the world, and they've all told me I have to stay off this leg for two more weeks. But rest assured, I will be at Fall Brawl, and I will kick Chris Jericho's butt in that steel cage. And when the leg drop comes crashing down on across his neck for the 1-2-3 and my hand is raised the victor, that "assclown" will know not the mess with Hulk, the hulkamaniacs, or the phenominon that is HULKAMANIA. Before I go, I have one more announcement to make. This Thursday, The Hulk is holding a press conference, and you're all invited. I have a big announcement to make, and I want all my fans to be there along with all the media and reporters as well! It'll be huge, I promise you this! It's an announcement regarding.."



    Chris Jericho comes out from the back, getting huge heat for what he's just done.

    Meltzer: "Chris Jericho has just cut off Hulk Hogan's interview time"

    Coach: "HAHAHAHA, I LOVE IT!"

    Meltzer: "You would. Folks, It looks like we have main event time here at Nitro!"


    Both competitors in the ring now. This one was a fairly good match, not a great match, but a good one. Book hit a barrage of kicks, but Jericho ducked the big one, a thrust kick, and went for the Liontamer in the early going, but book quickly made it to the ropes. They battled on the outside for a bit, risking countout, but that would be blasphemy for a main event! Jericho gained the advantage on the outside, hitting book's head against the steel guard rail. Inside the ring now, Jericho goes to work on the legs, driving his knee into Book's leg before applying a 1 leg grapevine. Book obviously doesn't tap. Midmatch now and action has picked up, book hits a series of punches, he's gaining moment, off the ropes, roaring elbow, Jericho is down, but Book only gets a 1 count. Knee to the face before he can get up. Irish Whip by book, who puts his head down, only to have Jericho telegraph it, and slam his head into the back of the canvas as Jericho quickly kills Book's moment. Jericho goes for the lionsault, and suprisingly connects. 1 - 2 Kickout, Jericho was as shocked as the crowd was that he hit the lionsault this early. Jericho goes back to work on the leg, which the crowd is apparently growing restless with. Near the end of the match now and Book has finally gotten moment, operating on one leg. Irish Whip, Side kick to Jericho! But that one hurt Book as well! Both superstars are down.

    BUT WAIT, here comes Steiner from the back, US title in hand. The ref is yelling at Steiner, but he's not listening. Book to his feet, and back down, Steiner floors him with the belt as the ref calls for the bell. Steiner goes to work on Book before Jericho regains his composure. They double team Book with a series of kicks. Steiner goes for the Steiner recliner, book is in pain! Jericho grabs the legs and puts a his foot through the locked legs, SHARPSHOOTER. They've got the double submission on Book locked in as the bell is going crazy now. This lasts for about 15 seconds, until "WHATEVER" by Our Lady Peace hits and out comes racing Benoit, taped ribs and all. Steiner and Jericho see this and quickly scatter, they want no part in Benoit at all. Benoit has fended off Steiner and Jericho, who have regrouped near the entrance ramp and are shouting at Benoit, who is shouting right back. The camera fades out as the war of words continues.


    <M:81% C:94% O:90% Booker T gained overness from this match. >

    SHOW RATING: 77%

  6. Bischoff/Spike TV Meeting

    September 1st, 2005

    Spike: "Well, Eric, I'm glad we could come together and get this deal working. All the logistics of WCW's new TV Show on Spike TV have been worked out, and now we just need to settle on a day"

    Eric: "Well, sir, in all honestly, it is my intention to Rival Smackdown! on Thursday nights. I wouldn't have it any other way."

    The board of directors talk quietly amongst themselves.

    Spike: "Well, Eric, we here at Spike would be endulged in a conflict of interest if we gave you a show during the same broadcast time as WWE Smackdown. As you know, we are host Raw on Monday night and would not like to anger them, as we recently came to terms on a new contract. So I will reject your thursday primetime request and counter with a early evening Tuesday slot.

    Eric: "You're joking right? You want WCW to air a show on Tuesday afternoon? 16 hours after Nitro? What kind of a proposal is that? That's ridiculous. This is a slap in the face to Eric Bischoff and WCW. If you don't think we can compete with WWE, You're wrong, and I'd rather take my business elsewhere if you think down on WCW."

    Spike: "Now Eric, this is a professional enviroment. This isn't a storyline, it's business. Please keep your composure during this meeting.

    Eric: "No, No I won't. And No I won't sign this television contract either. Goodbye gentlemen, I'll take my show elsewhere. And don't come begging back to me in 3 months when ECW is dead and WWE is reeling.


    Back in Eric's Office.

    Sophie: "How'd the meeting go Mr. Bischoff? Did we get the show?

    Eric: "No Sophie, we didn't. And I'm glad. I'm glad because those guys are jackasses, they're afraid of a little competition. Vince has them in his back pocket obviously. They're pacifists, pussies.

    Sophie: Pussies sir?

    Eric: "Excuse my language, I'm just a little frustrated. This will be our 3rd month without a second TV Show and the internet wrestling community are on our back about the lack of star power. Hell Sophie, we're going no where basically. Our PI has only

    Sophie: "Ah, you've been reading my reports as well sir. And don't mind the language, I'm use to words like Pussy and Bitch, I hear them all the time. We don't have to stay professional."

    Eric: ..... "Are you trying to tell me something Sophie?"

    Sophie: "Err.. not really. Anyways, who are we going to contact this month about our show? It's apparent USA and Spike aren't interested in our product, and UPN...it would be bad business to have two shows on UPN. We couldn't compete with WWE either on thursday nights. No one is biting on pro wrestling, because it's just an all out war sir.

    Eric: "I know I know. Next month, we will get that tv deal."

    Sophie: "I'm glad we were able to get Stacey Keibler resigned, it would be a shame to lose such...hot.. talent in a period like this"

    Eric: "Yes yes, Has she signed the official contract yet?"

    Sophie: "Not yet, she's been working with the creative team for the last few days, but as soon as she gets a chance to come into the offices, you can rest assured we'll get her nailed."

    Eric: "Nailed?'

    Sophie: "errr... I mean, we'll get her deal nailed down and official."

    Eric: "Sounds good Sophie. By the way, did those "other" contracts pass through the office yet?"

    Sophie: "yes, yes they did Mr. Bischoff. Just wow.

    Eric: "Good, don't go telling the dirtsheets what you know."

    Sophie: "My lips are sealed."

  7. user posted image

    Source: NoDQ.com

    August 30th, 2005


    WWE has OFFICIALLY moved to the Primetime slot! They are now competing head to head with Impact, Nitro and Hardcore TV!!


    WWE - 6.04

    WCW - 5.87

    ECW - 5.44

    TNA - 3.13


    user posted image

    I don't think anything needs to be said...


    WCW's creative team obviously has found something for Stacey Keibler, as she has signed a 2 year deal with the company.


    Honestly, who expected ACE STEEL to show up on Nitro and help Colt Cabana defeat DDP? Two great debuts in two nights, Eric obviously means business.

    Rumor Mill...

    Eric Bischoff has been gloating all week to friends and family that he's hooked "a big one" and is reeling it in. More on this as it develops.

  8. WCW Nitro

    August 29th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro and Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "We are just 24 hours removed from Road Wild and What a show it was Coach!"

    Coach: "You said it Meltzer, what a show indeed."

    "Break the Walls DOWWWWWWWWNNN"

    Out comes Chris Jericho to a thunderous roar of boo's from the crowd. Jericho appears to be very confident and happy as he slowly makes his way into the ring and grabs a mic.

    Jericho: "Last night, the one and only Chris Jericho, the highlight of the night, single handedly took out Hulk Hogan and Chris Benoit! *crowd boo's* . That's right, there's no telling when either of those jackasses are going to be back in this ring, thanks to yours truly, Y2J. And that, Jackasses, calls for a celebration. No more boring Hulk Hogan interviews and no more toothless regression. More time for Y2J to shine like the star he is, more Fozzy live on Nitro, and better yet, more Money for yours truly. Last night, after my victory, Me and the lovely ladies of WCW Painted the town Red, a night on the town to remember. In fact, I almost called Eric Bischoff and told him I couldn't come in to work, but that just wouldn't be me, now would it? That would be.. hell, that would be something that Hulk Hogan would do. And speaking of Hulk Hogan, when that Assclown can't defend his title within 30 days, Eric, you can go ahead and present that belt to me. After all, I am the #1 contender and all, hell, I'm the #1 guy in this business today. Eric, why don't you just join me in my celebration down here and name me WCW Champion right now. Hulk's done, he's over with, I killed Hulkamania at the legs, it's not returning. So Eric, where's that title?"

    Jericho stands in the ring, expecting Bischoff to come out.. but wait, what's this? Eddie Guerrero has came out from the back!

    Eddie: "Hey holmes, I think you're forgetting someone essay. You weren't the only one who beat those two punks last night. You're acting like I'm chopped liver, and I don't like that essay. Eddie Guerrero did just as much as Chris Jericho last night, if not more. If anyone should be #1 contender.. it should be me. I'm not the one that Hulk Hogan PINNED for the wcw title."

    That comment has Jericho angry, as Eddie has now worked his way into the ring, face to face with Jericho.

    Jericho: "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, you just don't know how this business works do you? You and Benoit were the X factors in the match last night. No one cares about you two, Bischoff just threw ya in to screw me out of a 1 on 1 match with Hogan. Thats the business kid, get use to being overshadowed by me. Last night wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last"

    Eddie: "Thats BS holmes and you know it. Eddie Guerrero may not have the flashy sunglasses and $500 silk shirts, but I do my work in the ring. I don't need to be a flashy pretty boy to get over with these people. I don't give a damn about any of them. You dress to impress holmes, but in the end, you're just another pretty boy who can't backup his threats"

    Eric Bischoff appears on the tron.

    Eric: "I knew this would happen and I've already put thought into it. So tonight, gentlemen, you two will go head to head in a 2 out of 3 falls match! How does that sound?!"

    Eddie: "I say you have a deal holmes"

    With that, Eddie gives Jericho a right hand, Jericho hits the mat and just looks at Eddie, as he backs off and leaves the ring to his entrance music. The fans are definitely intrigued by this angle, as anyone who can slap the taste of out Jericho's mouth obviously gets a bit of credit in their book.

    <O:94% Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Ruckus, Sabian, Chavo Guerrero and Jody Fleisch vs Hurricane,Mikey Whipwreck, Sonny Siaki and Amazing Red, 8 man tag scramble match.

    Meltzer: "This is a new type of match here in WCW , let me briefly explain the rules. When one member of a team leaves the ring, another one can enter without a need for a tag. The first to score a pinfall wins it and there are no countouts or disqualifications."

    Fleisch and Siaki start this one out at a blazing pace, with armdrags and head scissors 'a flyin in this one. Fleisch out as Siaki got the advantage. Ruckus got the advantage on siaki and followed a dropkick with a standing moonsault. Midmatch now and a divefest is in progress. Whipwreck, Hurricane, Siaki, Sabian, Chavo and Fleisch are all on the outside and here comes red, off the top rope with a 450! Ruckus is the last one in the ring.. he's running... over the top with a senton, that one took everyone out now. The finish came when Fleisch and Red were the only two in the ring, with Fleisch hitting a top rope reverse frankensteiner on Red for the win.

    WINNERS: Jody Fleisch, Chavo Guerrero, Ruckus and Sabian

    <M:84% C:58% O:71%>

    Backstage we see Matt hardy and Maria. They are both smiling, obviously happy.

    Maria: "You were great last night in your match Matt."

    Matt: "Maria, I'm not the one who's great, you are. These last few weeks, I've had a good time together"

    Maria: "Me too Matt."

    Matt: "So, I was kinda wondering, since we've been spending so much time together and all, if you would possibly like to umm, you know, what's the words I'm looking fo.."

    Maria: "Matt, Shut up and Kiss me"

    It looks like we "officially" have a new couple in WCW, as the two engage in a long kiss.

    <O:61% Matt Hardy lost overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    We're back now and the ring is set up for the Cat's Cradle! Out comes Ernest Miller to a great response. He looks excited to be back and pumped and ready to go. He gets in the ring and kicks over the chairs and wrecks his set!

    Miller: "The Cat is back! Whiskey Marc, get your ass out here, so we can settle this once and for all!"

    The crowd Cheers and Whiskey's music hits as he comes running to the ring. He gets in the ring and immediately trys to take cat down, who's pounding WHiskey with right hands to the back of the head. They tumble out of the ring and through the ropes. Outside, they're exchanging blows, neither getting an advantage. They go into the crowd, still striking one another with right, tangled up. They make their way into the womens rest room! Whiskey whips Cat into stall door, it flys open. They've battled their way to a consession stand now and cat apparently has thrown Whiskey into some sort of Nacho cheese dispenser, as it made a huge mess on the two superstars. They battle out to the parking lot, Cat goes for an Irish whip on Whiskey into the back of a truck, but Whiskey flips him the other way, Cat has taken out the camera man! We've lost picture of this one!

    <O:82% Whiskey Marc gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Rey Mysterio vs Billy Kidman

    Meltzer: "I have to respect Billy Kidman for coming out here tonight after his war last night. We didn't expect him to be here tonight!"

    Kidman is noticeably banged up from his fight last night. Torrie came out with him for this one and stood at ringside, offering her moral support to Kidman. He was a bit slow in the ring, and these two unfortunately didn't put on the highlight reel we would normally expect, but that was with reason. Midmatch now and Kidman only got a 2 count from the face crusher. Rey goes up top and jumps off, riding kidman down to the ground and sitting on his chest and going for the pin. But wait! 3 men come running down to the ring... SUPERKICK by Stevie Richards on Mysterio as the 3 was being counted. The ref calls for the bell, but Lodi throws him out of the ring. Raven in the ring now, EVENFLOW to Rey. Lodi and Stevie Hold Rey as Raven shouts out orders. Billy up top... SHOOTING STAR PRESS!

    Winner: Rey Mysterio by DQ

    <M:82% C:76% O:79%>

    Raven grabs a mic.

    Raven: "WHAT ABOUT US? All you people, you forgot about us. We are the forgotten in WCW. No one cares about us, NO ONE. We are the rebels to society that you all view as different. And we realized that in this company, we would never make it alone. So we have rebanded, and everyone who has ever looked down upon us will pay. For we are, The Flock. Quote the Raven, Nevermore."

    Raven hits Rey with the Microphone, as Lodie and Stevie are holding him up. They leave the ring, Rey has been busted open!

    <O:94% Rey Mysterio gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Sean O' Haire and Mark Jindrak © vs Al Snow and Steve Blackman, WCW Tag Team title match.

    The champs looked impressive in this one, dominating the match. Al Snow and Blackman worked well as a team, but in the end, the champs were just too much for them, who showed great tag team wrestling. An all around good match here. Al Snow did hit the snowplow on Jindrak, but the menacing O'Haire broke it up. Jindrak and O'Haire got a huge pop when O'Haire hit a springboard clothesline on Blackman, who was on Jindraks shoulders. Double powerbomb on Al Snow leads to the 1-2-3, as the champs celebrate in the ring.

    WINNERS: Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak

    <M:78% C:66% O:72% The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image. >

    <=:=><=:=>Video package from last night's event, urging people to buy the replay<=:=><=:=>

    Colt Cabana vs Diamond Dallas Page

    Apparently, Cabana had requested this match for unknown reasons. It was a pretty solid match too! Cabana was the big underdog in this one, as DDP, The grizzled vet, took the advantage most of the match. There was some good mat wrestling by DDP in this one, who managed to keep Cabana grounded while working the neck. It looked as though DDP was going to win it with a Camel clutch, but Cabana got to the ropes. Cabana distracted the ref, holding his shirt near the ropes, and with DDP's back turned, ACE STEEL entered the RING!!! Twist of Cain to DDP, the ref didn't see it! Ace slides out of the ring and hides. The ref confusedly counts the 1-2-3 for Cabana, who rolls out of the ring and celebrates with Ace Steel! What a debut for Ace Steel, the third Second City Saints member has been reunited with Colt! And what a steal for Colt, this is a HUGE victory for him! DDP is yelling in the ring at the two, He's PISSED!

    WINNER: Colt Cabana

    <M:78% C:62% O:70% Colt Cabana gained overness from this match. >

    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Colt and Ace are walking backstage now when they run into CM Punk, who doesn't look very happy.

    COLT: "CM BRO!!! LOOK Who it is man, Ace! The saints are back!!!"

    Colt and Ace are as happy as ever, and Ace goes to hug CM

    CM: "Whoa whoa whoa. I'm glad your here and all man, but let me tell you two something. This is the big leagues guys. That wasn't Jay Briscoe out there who you two just screwed, that was Diamond Dallas Page, a WCW legend. You don't do that to legends, you beat them cleanly or lose, that's how it goes."

    CM Punk walks off.

    Ace: "Jeez, what's with that guy. He's changed!"

    Colt: "All he cares about anymore is impressing the fans"

    <O:75% Colt Cabana gained overness from this segment. >

    With that, we cut to Booker T backstage talking with some fans. He's signing autographs and whatnot, chatting with the fans, when all of a sudden, Scott Steiner blindsides him, taking him down. He kicks Book, but doesn't keep the advantage for long, as book fights his way up and delivers a series of right hands. Book with a low blow kick! He see's something.  Book picks up Steiner, and TOSSES HIM THROUGH A GLASS WINDOW!!!

    Meltzer: "MY GOD!!!"

    Book: "Steiner, anytime anywhere, that title is coming home with the booka man"

    Steiner is busted WIDE OPEN as book stares at what he's done to the US Champ!


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial Break<=:=><=:=>

    Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Jericho, 2 out of 3 falls for the #1 Contendership to the world title.


    This one starts out fast paced with a series of counters and near pinfalls. They break, and get a great reaction from the crowd. They do it again, mirroring each other this time. Another break leads to another approval from the crowd. The first pinfall saw Eddie go for a dropkick, but jericho grabbed the legs and tried to turn him over for the Liontamer. Eddie rolled him up and grabbed the tights, scoring the first 1-2-3, and Jericho is SHOCKED!


    So Jericho has finally regained composure and takes it slow and methodical, as they tie up. Jericho gains the advantage and goes on the offensive. Jericho gets the missle dropkick, which leads to a near count. Jericho gets the bulldog, but Eddie gets the knees up for the Lionsault. Eddie tries for the 3 amigos, but Jericho reverses it, goes behind and goes for a tiger suplex w/ a bridge! 1-2-3 and Jericho has tied it up!


    The two simply go at it with right hands. Eddie gains the advantage before clotheslining Jericho up and over. They fight on the outside before Jericho picks up Eddie and drills him groin first into the steel turnbuckle post. Back in the ring, Jericho has grounded Eddie, going to work on the legs. Jericho goes for a figure 4, but Eddie shoves him off, jericho bounces off the ropes, only to get a kick to the gut and a ddt. Eddie slowly makes his way up top. FROG SPLASH... MISSED, Jericho rolls out of the way, gets up and hits the ropes.. LIONSAULT CONNECTS! 1 -  2 .. KICKOUT! Jericho goes for the Liontamer, he gets it locked in! Eddie makes it to the ropes and Jericho breaks the hold. Eddie comes running at Jericho, SPINEBUSTER by Jericho. Jericho grabs the legs as eddie tries to fight it, SHARPSHOOTER!! Eddie doesn't want to, but after 30 econds, he taps out to the Sharpshooter, knowing what it did to Hogan last night and not wanting to suffer the same fate. Jericho celebrates in the ring as this one comes to a close

    WINNER: Chris Jericho

    <M:100% C:77% O:88%>

    Show quality: 77%

  9. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    Monday, August 29th, 2005

    WCW "Road Wild" Buy Rate

    early reports indicate that road wild did a .87 buy rate with 11,245 fans in attendence. Overall it was a solid PPV, but with only one title match, many felt as if there was nothing special on the card.

    The Cat Returns!

    Ernest "The Cat" Miller returned last night to help Hurricane and Mikey Whipwreck defeat  Whiskey Marc. We're looking forward to an episode between the two.

    O'haire and Jindrak win tag straps, get promoted

    Look for the newly crowned WCW Tag Team Champs to be working the midcard now following their title victory!

  10. user posted image

    WCW Road Wild

    August 28th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Pre show<=:=><=:=>

    CM Punk makes his way out to the ring before the event officially goes PPV, so we're still in preview time. This is quite a shock, as many fans were wondering about Punk's status for the PPV. He grabs a mic.

    Punk: "If you've been watching Nitro lately, you'd see that I am 4-0 this month. That's right, 4 wins, undefeated. I've "broken away from the pack" according the smarks, just like I did in Ring Of Honor *small pop*. Anyways, why I'm out here is because other then the tag tourney, which me and Cabana WILL win by the way, I don't have a singles match. They left me, CM, out of the spotlight. Can you believe that? So I guess I'm out here to issue an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can defeat me. Not that I think anyone has the balls in the back to challenge me, so I'm challenging any of them."

    Punk flexes in the ring, waiting to see who will come out. The crowd all has their eyes on the entrance area, which replicates a biker gang's club.


    The crowd errupts as Diamond Dallas Page makes his way out from the back. He puts up the diamond cutter symbol and pyro goes off with a 'BANG. DDP pulls a mic out from his shirt pocket.

    DDP: "Kid, you talk a lot of trash, and I know you can back it up. But nobodies better at talking trash and backing it up then DDP. You may be a shining diamond in that ring, but I'm the guy who's gonna cut you right down. "

    CM: "Diamond Dallas Page...a WCW Legend. It will be an honor defeating you tonight."

    DDP: "I wouldn't count on it kid. Everyone remembers back in the day, DDP made everyone FEEL THE BANG!"

    DDP's music hits as he goes back to the back, leaving CM smiling in the ring.

    <O:92% CM Punk gained overness from this segment. Diamond Dallas Page gained overness from this segment.  >

    <=:=><=:=> Intro video and Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Hello everyone and Welcome to WCW Road Wild. What a GREAT show we have for you tonight. A full card with I guess now 8 matches after that challenge from DDP to CM Punk."

    Coach: "DDP's a fool Meltzer. What's he doing here?"

    Meltzer: "I'm as stunned as you, but let's go to the ring for our first of two 4 corner tag elimination matches.

    Lenny and Lodi vs Snow and Blackman vs Big Vito and Scott Steiner vs Ruckus and Sabian in a 4corner elimination match, winner advances to match for WCW Tag team titles

    A rather lackluster way to start off the PPV, As none of these teams got a huge ovation from the crowd. Lenny and Lodi were the first eliminated, as Steiner and Vito simply pummelled them to start the match off. Steiner took Lodi's right off with a

    Running clothesline that inside out him. Vito and Lenny were tangled up on the outside as Steiner went for a pin. No team even bothered to breakup the 3 as Lenny and Lodi were eliminated. Ruckus came in on steiner, who tagged in Snow. Ruckus might have stole the show with this one. He flew around the ring, hitting a springboard bulldog and a flying headscissors, as well as a flip clothesline. He almost completed a triple moonsault from each rope, but on the last one, Snow moved and showed ruckus what a real moonsault was, getting huge elevation on his moonsault and pinning ruckus for the 1-2-3. Steiner and Vito immediately hit the ring as both teams battles as the ref lost control of this one. In the end though, Blackman missed a guilotine, which let to a mule kick and gutwrench powerbomb by Vito for the win.

    WINNERS: Scott Steiner and Big Vito

    <M:74% C:61% O:67%>

    Air Paris and Paul Birchall vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs Hurricane and Whipwreck vs O'Haire and Jindrak in a 4corner elimination match, winner advances to match for WCW Tag team titles

    The crowd came to life in this one, as this was an all out crazy match. Air Paris and Paul Birchall gave it their all, and got a decent ovation when Paris and Birchall hit a double springboard legdrop on Whipwreck. But they were the first eliminated, as Hurricane tagged Punk, who managed to get a double DDT onto the two, hit a superkick on Birchall and then immediately hit a standing backflip splash onto Paris to eliminate them. Punk tagged Cabana after a firemans carry on Jindrak, but Cabana botched an elbow off the top and fell short. O'haire hit the ring and clotheslined punk over the top, and Jindrak grabbed the tights for only a two count. Jindrak tagged Hurricane, who hit a shining wizard on cabana, only to get missle drop kicked by Punk. Whipwreck came in, but Colt rolled him up immediately and the ref counted the 3 despite hurricane being the legal man. The crowd boo'd as they caught the error. It was now down to two teams, and O'Haire and Cabana started it out. O'haire gained an advantage, which led to a superplex on Cabana. Punk breaks up the count with a springboard legdrop. Jindrak threw punk up and over the ropes, but he skinned the cat. In the ring, O'Haire is up top, Cabana is down, SEANTON BOMB! CM in the ring now, going to break up the pin, LOW BLOW by Jindrak as the ref is counting the 3 for the win.

    WINNERS: Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire.

    <M:83% C:62% O:72%>

    After the match, Hurricane and Whipwreck hit the ring as they never left ringside. They attack the victors from behind, but quickly lose control as Jindrak and O'Haire are obviously bigger and far superior at brawling. They throw whipwreck over the top and hit the doomsday device on Hurricane. Whipwreck comes back in the ring and gets a double powerbomb for his effort.


    Meltzer: "Oh no, don't tell me, this match is starting now?"

    Coach: "It's scheduled to!"

    Whiskey Marc vs Hurricane/Whipwreck in an unsanctioned NODQ match

    Whiskey slowly makes his way down the ramp to a series of boos. He has a kendo stick in one hand, and a chair in the other. This is starting to look bad for Hurricane and Whipwreck, who are still down in the middle of the ring. Whiskey gets up on

    the apron and throws his weapons in the ring. WAIT! It's THE CAT from behind with a steel chair to the back! Whiskey felt that one as he falls off the Apron. The cat waits... CHAIRSHOT to the head, as his head goes through the chair, which is now

    around his neck. Cat grabs the other chair in the ring,

    Meltzer: "No cat don't do it!"

    Cat hits the chair around whiskey's neck with the chair in his hand, and Whiskey is clearly in pain. ANOTHER SHOT, AND ANOTHER ONE! Cat picks him up off the ground, and rolls him into the ring. Hurricane and whipwreck are just watching the

    action. Whipwreck up to the top as cat picks Whiskey up off the ground.. Dropkick to the back.. Cat picks him up again, and holds him on the ground, SHINING WIZARD by Hurricane. Cat motions for a ref, here comes charles robinson running down to the ring. Hurricane pins, 1-2-3.Hurricane, Whipwreck and Cat celebrate some much deserved payback on this monster as the crowd roars with approval.

    WINNERS: Hurricane and Whipwreck

    <M:85% C:65% O:75%>


    What a contest this one, as these two beat the hell out of each other. This one was not only a spotfest, but a great match as well. Hardy hit a swinging neckbreaker off the ladder in the early going, but only a couple minutes later, Kidman hit the face crusher off the ladder! Matt set up a table outside the ring mid match, and got on the apron, only to have kidman sunset flip over him and powerbomb him through the table. "Holy shit" chant for that one. As Hardy was getting up, Kidman hit a through the ropes suicide dive on him. He followed that up with an Asai moonsault on a downed Matt. Near the end of the match, Kidman set up a table in the corner, only to get low blow kicked. Kidman is standing near the table, here comes hardy charging, Kidman sidesteps but hardy slides out of the ring. Hardy back up on the apron, verticle suplex attempt by kidman, he has him up, Hardy is kicking his feet, gets free. Hardy has him verticle now, BRAINBUSTER through the table!! 1 - 2...NO, kidman kicks out. We fastforward to end match, with both contestents climbing a side of the ladder. Punches by each contestent, wait.. HARDY has the upperhand, Here comes the SICK BUMP OF THE NIGHT!! He grabs the head.. MODIFIED TWIST OF

    FATE OFF THE LADDER!!. 1-2-3 Matt Hardy wins it, ending the feud and proving to Kidman who the better man really was.

    WINNER: Matt Hardy

    <M:84% C:80% O:82% Matt Hardy gained overness from this feud ending. Billy Kidman gained overness from this feud ending. >

    After the match, Kidman needed help getting out of the ring.


    Both contestents are in the ring and circle one another. CM offers the handshake, but DDP doesn't accept in fear of it being a trick. This was an 8 minute bout, sorta short for PPV, but DDP isn't the wrestler he use to be. CM didn't break a sweat in this match, but he did get his fair share of punches. DDP showed ring rust in this one, as he nearly botched a number of moves and had to be carried through the whole match. In the end, CM Punk got on the shoulders of DDP and got the victory roll

    off for a 1-2-3. DDP, the grizzled veteran, appeared to be frustrated with his performance in this one. After the match, CM extends his hand once again. DDP looks at him for a few seconds, before accepting the handshake and holding CM's hand in the air. The crowd cheers this show of sportsmanship, and CM pats DDP on the back before staying in the ring and posing to the cheers of the crowd. It looks like we might have a face turn coming soon :)


    <M:79% C:79% O:78% CM Punk lost overness from this match. >


    Steiner showed apparent tiredness from the bout earlier in the match, so Vito spent most of the time in the ring. Steiner was sluggish in the ring, which made the US Champ look bad. Jindrak and O'Haire looked in top form, and it was more then obvious the crowd prefered them over Steiner and Vito, despite both teams being heel. The ending saw Steiner go for a double clothesline, only to get a Double DDT. Jindrak dropkicked Vito in the face as O'Haire got the SEANTON BOMB off on steiner for the 1-2-3 , and we have new tag team champions. Jindrak and O'Haire have been on a roll lately, and looked EXTREMELY impressive going over on Steiner and Vito, a more veteran tag team. They celebrate their victory in the ring.


    <M:80% C:75% O:77% Scott Steiner lost overness from this match. Mark Jindrak gained overness from this match. Sean O'Haire gained overness from this match. The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image. >

    BOOKER T vs RAVEN for #1 contendership of the US Title

    These two have somewhat similar styles, and their paths haven't crossed since old WCW days, so the fans were interested to see what these two can put on. The match saw Raven nearly getting DQ'd numerous times, refusing to break simple holds before the 5 and choking booker to a 4 count. Raven busted booker open with a closed fist punch to the face, which also nearly got him DQ'd. With blood in his eyes, Book was out of his usual element, and Raven managed to pull off the knee to the face in the corner, which only worstened the injury. Raven went for a running bulldog, but Book sidestepped and Raven went into the ropes with a thud. Book took the advantage now, and eventually hit the scissor kick and a spinaroonie, but only got a 2 count. Raven hit a low blow, the ref didn't see it, EVENFLOW.. but book kicks out at 2. Book with a chop the midsection, another Scissor kick attempt...Raven sidesteps, Book with a Kick to the stomach, EVENFLOW ON RAVEN!!!! Book climbs up top, HARLEM HANGOVER!!! 1 - 2 - 3, Book wins this one and will face Scott Steiner in the near future! We see Steiner in the back,who has his shoulder wrapped heavily in ice. He's disapointed and cursing at the monitor as Book is in the ring celebrating

    his win!


    <M:80% C:86% O:84%>

    <=:=><=:=>MAIN EVENT<=:=><=:=>


    Eddie and Jericho made seperate entrances, while Benoit and Hogan came out together, decked out in the same gear nearly. You can tell Benoit is excited for this one, as he's doing Hogan's poses along with him. In the ring, they do the poses. Benoit and Jericho will be starting this one out. After Benoit got the upper hand, he tagged in Hogan, and Jericho doesn't want any part of him as he slaps Eddie's back for the tag. Hogan gains the advantage on Eddie as expected. Hogan has an armringer as he tags in Benoit, who goes to work with kicks and punches on Eddie. Benoit with a snap Suplex. Benoit is working the arm, but Jericho breaks it up. Midmatch now, Jericho is dominating on Benoit, as he just hit a missle dropkick to Benoit on the apron. Jericho brings him back in the ring, running Bulldog. Jericho GOES FOR THE LIONSAULT, misses, Benoit makes the tag to Hogan! Hogan in and hammering on Jericho. Irish whip from Hogan, BIG BOOT! Eddie in now, breaks up the count.

    Jericho barely gets a tag to eddie, who gets 2 of the 3 amigos off on Hogan..those were sloppy. 3rd Amigo coming..Hogan blocks, HOGAN VERTICLE SUPLEXES EDDIE UP AND OVER THE ROPES. Jericho goes to attack Hogan, but is taken to the matt By

    Benoit...CROSSFACE! The ref has lost control of the match. Hogan and Eddie are battling on the outside, Jericho makes it to the ropes and Benoit breaks the hold. Eddie has control of hogan on the outside after slamming him into the steel turnbuckle post. Eddie with a lowblow on Benoit back in the ring as Jericho distracts the ref. Eddie throws Benoit up and over.

    Hogan back in the ring. Jericho kicks, but it's no good.. here comes Hulk, He's HULKING UP! Jericho off the ropes as Hogan to his feet.. CHOPBLOCK to the leg, and Hogan is down. Jericho straps on the LIONTAMER in the CENTER of the ring! Hogan is in obvious pain. Hogan makes it to the ropes, but Jericho pulls him back. Eddie has Benoit incompacitated on the outside following a whip into the steps. Hogan isn't tapping and not trying for the ropes anymore. After nearly 2 minutes of the hold, Jericho changes it up, crossing hte legs and stepping through, turning the liontamer into the SHARPSHOOTER!!! Jericho sits back as far as possible on Hogan, who's now yelling in more pain then before and has no choice but to TAP OUT TO JERICHO'S SHARPSHOOTER. Jericho CELEBRATES this HUGE victory on Hogan, who has now rolled to the outside and is being assisted by trainers. Jericho and Eddie celebrate in the ring, as we get a shot of benoit holding his ribs and trainers attending to Hogan. Jericho can be heard yelling "I'M KING OF THE WORLD" as a series of boos fill the arena.

    WINNERS: Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho

    <M:89% C:91% O:90%>

    Meltzer: "MY GOD, JERICHO HAS BEAT HULK HOGAN!! Hogan could be hurt!!!!! Benoit could have cracked ribs! Folks thanks for ordering, see you on Nitro tommorrow night!"

    Show quality: 77%

  11. (I decided to not do graphics, so thats why this is up now instead of tommorrow)

    user posted image


    Saturday, August 27th, 2005

    Meltzer: Hello everyone I'm Dave Meltzer and this is the free Road Wild preview coming to you only on Pay per view. What a GREAT show we have for you, let's briefly run down what's on the card.

    8 Team tournament for the WCW Tag Team Titles.

    Eric Bischoff has made a mini tournament for the new wcw tag team titles, 8 teams will compete in 2 seperate 4 corner tag team elimination matches, with the winners facing each other later in the night. We do know that O'Haire and Jindrak, Vito and Steiner, Hurricane and Whipwreck and CM Punk and Colt Cabana will be in this tournament. Who will will join?

    Hurricane and Mikey Whipwreck vs Whiskey Marc.

    Last month, at Bash at the Beach, Hurricane attacked Whiskey Marc while he was destroying Andrew Martin. This Sunday, Whiskey will take on both Hurricane and Whipwreck in an Unsanctioned NODQ match.

    Booker T vs Raven for the #1 Contendership for the US Title

    This is an Eric Bischoff sanctioned match he made after Raven and Booker both eliminated each other in a battle royal in which the winner would receive a shot at any title they wanted. You have to know that Scott Steiner will be watching this one

    Matt Hardy vs Billy Kidman in a TLC Match

    Hardy and Kidman settle their feud once and for all in a TLC Match at Road Wild. These two have been at each other's throats for the last few weeks, and tonight, they find out whoe the better man is, once and for all.

    and in our main event...

    Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit and Hulk Hogan

    This one should be an all out war, as it's apparent these guys absolutely hate each other. Chris Jericho is angry that this was not a singles match with him taking on Hogan for the world title, so look for him to take out that frustration on Hogan. Eddie and Benoit butted heads a couple weeks ago and haven't been out of each other's buiness since. This one will be a tag team match of epic porportions. Who will walk out champ? Better question.. who will be able to walk out after this one is over?!

    All this plus more, only at WCW Road Wild, Sunday, August 28th, 2005!

  12. user posted image

    Source: Nodq.com

    Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005



    WCW - 5.85

    ECW - 5.47

    TNA - 3.13


    WWE - 6.02

    WCW nearly secures second TV Deal

    World Championship wrestling is on the verge of obtaining a second weekly television show. More on this story as it develops!

    Injury updates on Andrew Martin

    Andrew Martin is still out with a broken Nose following his match with Whiskey Marc at Bash at the Beach. Wearing a mask would be out of the question, as he had to have reconstructive surgery on that area of the face, and it is very fragile.

    WCW Still can't come to terms with Stacey Keilber

    Stacey Keibler and WCW still cannot come to terms on a new deal, as Stacey's contract is on the verge of expiring. WCW hopes to be able to sign her to a realistic deal before her contract expires.

  13. WCW Nitro

    August 22nd, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro video and Pyro<=:=><=:=>


    Eric Bischoff makes his way out to a small series of boos and a small "You suck" chant.

    Bischoff: "It has come to my attention that last week, when I wasn't here, we had a few problems that I need to address. In the battle royal last week, Raven, and Booker T went over at the EXACT same time. I have heard both of their arguments and after hearing they both want a shot at the WCW US TITLE, I decided, I just can't do that. I can't force Steiner to defend his title against multiple opponents again, *crowd boo's* So that is why, at Road Wild, Booker and Raven will square off, and the winner will get a shot at the WCW US Champion Scott Steiner at the next Pay per view. But tonight, let's shake things up a bit shall we. Tonight, Booker T and Raven, will TEAM UP, to take on Scott Steiner and Big Vito, in tag team warfare! "

    O'Haire and Jindrak's theme hit and out they come, into the ring. Bischoff is a little shocked, as is the crowd.

    O'Haire: "So Eric, WCW's been around for about 2 months now...and I have just one question.. Where the hell are the tag titles?"

    Jindrak: "We've been rocking face in the tag team division since day one, and we don't even have a belt to fight for!"

    Bischoff: "You two bring up a valid point...which is why.."

    GLASS SHATTERS! Out comes out Austin as we get the first huge pop of the night, Austin gets in the ring and takes the mic from Jindrak.

    Austin: "I appologize for interrupting, Eric, Please continue"

    Eric looks reluctant, Austin clears his throat and Eric continues.

    Eric: "Which is why, at Road wild, we're going to have 2 4 Corner tag team elimination matches, and the winners will go on to fight each other later on in the night, for the new WCW Tag Team Titles."

    Jindrak and O'Haire look happy, and leave the ring.

    Eric: "Well, with that being said, that about takes care of.."

    Austin: "AH AH AH, HOLD ON A MINUTE ERIC .... What are you going to do about your main event, you dumb son of a bitch.."

    Eric: "Well, Austin, What would you do? You're the commish around here, you take care of it."

    Austin: "WHAT? Stone Cold gets to book a match?"

    Eric: "Go ahead Austin, let's see what you can conjure up"

    Austin: "Well alright *AUSTIN THINKS* In your main event, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho will battle.. Chris Benoit.. and.. what's that man's name.. HULK HOGAN!"

    The crowd goes nuts.

    Eric: "It sounds like a match! See Austin, I can be a fair and giving guy."

    <O:84% >

    Eric: "But I do have one more piece of Business to take care of. See, I have signed someone, someone who I think will fit in very well here at WCW. But more importantly, someone from E C W. *CROWD CHEERS* . This guy cost me a lot of money, and I think you'lle like him... ladies and Gentleman....


    Richards makes his way down to the ring, The crowd is obviously disapointed, as Richards isn't much of a suprise to anyone.

    Stevie grabs a mic.

    Richards: "Hi Paul! Miss me? I bet you do! Now you don't have a guy you can use to screw week after week in order to get your talent over, you son of a bitch. But because I'm a nice guy, I'll do you one last favor. Eric, Paul always wanted you to have this..."

    STEVIE KICK TO BISCHOFF! Bischoff goes through the middle ropes and Austin laughs as Stevie does poses in the ring.

    <O:84% Steven Richards gained overness from this segment.  >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>


    What a dream match this is. These two have NEVER crossed paths in the past, so we're in for real treat here. And what a match it was. They pulled off some nice chain wrestling in this one, getting applauses on 3 different occasions. The end of this

    one saw Hardy hit a neckbreaker, and go up top for the leg drop, but Punk managed to get up and fight his way to the top, hitting the Pepsi Plunge for the finish. After the match, as both contestants layed on the ground, tired and battered, Kidman ran in and started attacking Matt Hardy with a barrage of kicks Kidman had set Hardy between his legs for some sort of powerbomb, but Punk hit spinning wheel kick on Kidman, which sent him to the outside. Matt was confused by CM's actions, but

    thanked him for the save


    <M:93% C:82% O:87%>

    Punk leaves the ring, but Matt Hardy isn't done yet. Matt grabs a Mic.

    Matt: "KIDMAN, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This Sunday, RoadWild, Me and you, TABLES, LADDERS, CHAIRS. What do you say?"

    Kidman has a Mic and is resting up against the announce table. His mouth is busted open after that wheel kick.

    Kidman: "I say, you're on."

    The crowd cheers and we go to commercial

    <O:62% Matt Hardy lost overness from this segment.  >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    We come back, and Chris Jericho is standing in the ring with a Mic.

    Jericho: "A travesty has occured. A monumental screw job has taken place, and Chris Jericho is right at the front of it all. That ASSCLOWN Steve Austin has booked... a tag match at the Pay Per View? I'm the number one contender damnit. It's NOT FAIR. That jackass Hulk Hogan doesn't have to defend his title at Road Wild? THAT'S CRAP AND YOU KNOW IT ERIC. What the hell do I have to do get that title away from the oldest man in professional wrestling? Am I going to have to...yeah.. I know, that's it. I'll just win one of Eric Bischoff's little "Battle Royals" so I can take the belt away from Hogan TONIGHT! The Highlight of the Night is ALWAYS on top of things, Eric. I'm always one step ahead of the game, an endless bag of tricks if you will. So, I guess.. what I'm saying is, let's get these 19 jackasses out here, so I can throw them out of the ring, 1 by 1!"

    <O:100% >

    With that, the Ring starts filling up with superstars as we prepare for our final battle royal in Eric Bischoff's invitational.


    Order of Elimination

    1. Mark Jindrak (Benoit)

    2. Steve Blackman (Vito)

    3. Rey Mysterio (Eddie Guerrero)

    4. Amazing Red (Eddie Guerrero)

    5. Sean O' Haire (Chris Benoit)

    6. Colt Cabana (Scott Steiner)

    7. Eric Angle (Chris Jericho)

    8. Lash Leroux (Vito) 

    9. Lenny Lane (Steiner via double clothesline)

    10. Lodi (Steiner via double clothesline)

    11. Ultimo dragon (Chavo Guerrero)

    12. Jody Fleisch (Chris Jericho)

    13. Whiskey Marc (Eddie, Chavo and Jericho)

    14. Big Vito (Eddie Guerrero)

    15. Air Paris (Chris Jericho)

    16. Chavo Guerrero (Chris Jericho)

    17. Scott Steiner (Benoit

    18. Chris Jericho (Chris Benoit)

    19. Chris Benoit (Eddie Guerrero)

    The stars were out tonight and everyone had gold on their mind as this battle royal was by far the BEST of the four. It was shocking see Benoit eliminate O'Haire so early, as he had been dominating these. Perhaps the loss of his partner was the cause? The fans were glad to see Steiner eliminate lenny and lodi via double clothesline. In the End, Jericho skinned the cat, but Benoit still managed to eliminate him by bumping into him while he was hanging. As Benoit laughed at Jericho's babyfit on the outside, Eddy pulled off a dropkick to the back, which sent Benoit up and over. Benoit and Jericho batttled on the outside as Eddie grabbed a mic.

    Eddie: "Tonight.. oh yes holmes..tonight, I end the career of Hulk Hogan! Hogan, I'm coming for the belt, and after I win it, I'm taking you out, FOR GOOD!"

    Benoit and Jericho are a little shocked at the statement, especially Jericho, as they've been broken up by road agents.


    <M:70% C:66% O:68%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    We come back See O'Haire still in his wrestling gear, along with Stacey Keibler. She's obviously not comfortable in his presence, as he's trying to hit on her or something. Chris Benoit comes through a door.

    Benoit: "Hey, what the hell are you doing, leave her alone."

    O'Haire: "Benoit, you bastard, you eliminated me. You cost me my shot at the World title"

    Benoit: "Ahh, poor baby, what are you gonna do, Cry about it?"

    O'Haire: "I want you tonight, in a 1 on 1 match, in that RING!"

    Benoit: "You just made the biggest mistake of your life. Come on Stacey, I'll take you to your car"

    Benoit and Stacey leave together, as O'Haire obviously looks pumped for his match.

    <O:71% Chris Benoit lost overness from this segment. >


    Booker and Raven obviously weren't comfortable working as a team, as each other tagged themselves in during the match, rather then making conventional tags. They did work well though, as both dominated when in the ring. The ending of this one saw it turn into mayhem, with all 4 contestants in the ring. Raven Missed a clothesline on Steiner, but NAILED Book, as Vito held off Raven,steiner made the cover for the 1-2-3 on Book, Holding the tights in the process. after the match, all 4 contestents went at it still, with Raven somehow emerging victorious of the battle, as he Evenflowed Book as steiner and vito ran off


    <M:76% C:81% O:79%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>


    This is a huge opportunity for O'Haire, but unfortunately, he couldn't cash in, as this was ALL Benoit. Almost a squash really, but not nearly as bad. O'Haire got in a little offense, unfortunately, Benoit got in a lot more. Benoit with the diving headbutt following a snap suplex for the 1-2-3. Benoit celebrates his win after the match.


    <M:85% C:72% O:78%>

    Backstage, we see Whiskey Marc in his locker room.

    Whiskey: "I see that Hurricane nor Whipwreck have responded to my challenge last week. That's alright, I can understand that. They're probably so scared they didn't bother to show up. Everyone's scared of me. I'm a legend in that ring to those who know me. I've done things that people can't began to fathom. I've hurt people, I've ended careers. WCW is too tame for me, that's why I need to wrestle two guys at a time. I mean, I'm a Big Japan Deathmatch champion.. and.."

    HURRICANE AND WHIPRECK ATTACK WHISKEY MARC! Whipwreck has a frying pan, that kid is crazy! RIGHT UPSIDE THE HEAD, Whiskey is hurting with that one.


    The crowd pops hard, as Hurricane is obviously angry.

    Meltzer: "UNSANCTIONED NO DQ? He's crazy, Whiskey will kill them!"

    Coach: "Good, two less bug to squash"

    <O:84% Whiskey Marc gained overness from this segment.  >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "It's main event time here on Nitro!"

    Eddie Guerrero vs Hulk Hogan© for the WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE

    Eddie is out first, and he gets huge heat from this crowd. Real American hits, out comes Hogan and the fans go nuts.This guy's popularity certainly isn't dwindling despite what's happened in recent weeks. There's a noticeable bandaid covering up a cut on Hogan's head from the attack last week, but it's not bothering him.

    And here we go. Eddie tries to outpower hulk, and fails miserably. Hulk takes control for most of the match, hitting the usual body slams, clotheslines, shoulder tackles, the easy stuff. Eddie gets off a russian leg sweep following a go between the legs midmatch, which is where he took control. Eddie hit the springboard backsplash on hogan, which lead to a near fall. It was looking like Eddie Guerero might have this one won, but following a dropkick, Hogan started to Hulk Up, and nothing Eddie could would stop him. Here comes Jericho with a chair, CHAIRSHOT! Hogan is down as the ref calls for the bell.

    Meltzer: "DAMNIT HIM"

    Jericho Raises the chair as if he's going to hit hogan while he's down

    Meltzer: "DON'T DO IT JERICHO!"

    Benoit comes running out...CROSSFACE on Jericho, he didn't see Benoit. Eddie breaks it up, but Hogan is back to his feet. We have a brawl on our hands, as Benoit and Hogan and Eddie and Jericho are going at one another.


    And the camera fades out on the action in the ring..


    <M:69% C:94% O:86%>

    Show quality: 78%

  14. user posted image

    WCW.COM Nitro Preview

    Sunday, August 21st, 2005

    We're on the Road to Road Wild as it's just 7 days away! So far, the only confirmed match we have is Whiskey Marc vs Hurricane/Whipwreck... so look for the Road Wild card to start filling out.

    Last week, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho left Hulk Hogan and Chris Benoit bloodied and battered. Eddie and Jericho have formed a DEADLY alliance against Hulk Hogan apparently, and Chris Benoit is obviously sickened by the lack of respect.

    Raven and Booker T both went over the top rope at the exact same time in our battle Royal last week. How will Eric handle the matter? Who will get the title shot and at which? This one's bound to get interesting..

    Matt Hardy and Billy Kidman have been in each other's faces for the last month or so, expect that to continue in some form. Especially given that Matt Hardy has a match this week against CM Punk, who's been on a roll as of late!

    Steve Austin said last week on Nitro that he was going to CALL OUT the boss, Eric Bischoff... this one should be interesting.

    Also on the card...

    The Final 20 man battle royal in Eric Bischoff's invitational

    Also In the house: Whiskey Marc, Scott Steiner, Stacey Keibler

  15. Bischoff-Heyman Phonecall

    August 17th, 2005

    Bischoff: "Alright Heyman, I got your message, what did you want?"

    Heyman: "Sooo.. Eric.. how's the wife and kids?"

    Bischoff: "Cut the small talk Paul."

    Heyman: "What.... I can't care about what's going on in a competitors life?"

    Bischoff: "Enough crap Heyman, why did you call?"


    Bischoff: "Hey, don't worry, you're not the only guy I've stolen from in the last week, and you certainly won't be the only guy I'll have stolen from in the coming months."

    Heyman: "Eric, you can't win anything without buying your way out of it. But we both damn sure know that Vince is looming overhead. You can't buy him out, and you damn sure can't buy ECW out, you son of a bitch."

    Bischoff: "Hey, it's not my fault your talent just DOESN'T LIKE YOU. Everyone knows what Paul Heyman is all about. Keep his top guys happy while still bringing in new talent, ignoring the middle man"

    Heyman: "You know that's a god damn lie Eric"

    Bischoff: "just like everything that comes out of your mouth"

    Heyman: "You know what...if you want to steal talent, that's just fine. Go ahead, I don't care, take whoever you want. The fans won't blame ECW, they'll blame the wrestlers who took your payoff. Guys in ECW are replaceable Eric, just remember that.


  16. user posted image

    Source: Nodq.com

    August 16th, 2005

    Ratings dip yet again

    Even the return of Chris Jericho couldn't bring Nitro's ratings up, as all shows saw yet another small dip in their ratings. While WWE came out on top, nothing seems stable.


    WCW - 5.84

    ECW -  5.45

    TNA - 3.11


    WWE - 6.03

    WCW Signs new talent

    WCW has signed two new workers, yet details have not been announced as to who they are. We expect to see these two debut soon.

    Stacey Keibler contract issues

    WCW is having a hard time coming to an agreement on a contract with Stacey Keibler, who only has 1 full month left on her contract. Further, WCW creative control is having a hard time finding a role for Stacey in the already packed Nitro.

  17. WCW Nitro

    August 15th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro video and Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "Hello everyone and welcome to Nitro as we get set for what should be a spectacular show"

    Coach: "You said it Meltzer, this one's shaping up to be great"


    And out comes out Booker T as he's clearly frustated and has something on his mind.

    Booker: "Yo yo, Lemme holla atcha dog. Scott Steiner, last week, LAST WEEK, you yet again weaseled your way out of defeat. Worst of all, I find out that the only way the booka man gets a shot at your title, is if I win the battle royal tonight, cause yo punk ass won't accept my rematch. But that's alright, that's alright, if you wanna be a chumpstain champion, that's cool dawg, that's cool. Cause tonight, the bookaman is gonna win that battle royal tonight, and when I do, I'm coing for yo ass Steiner, and there aint a damn thing you..."

    Steiner is behind book... he came from the crowd. He's holding the US Title. Book turns around, Steiner goes to lay him out...but Booker ducks... Side kick!! Steiner is down and now Booker is holding the US title. Steiner slow to his feet..BAM, He's back down, as Steiner is down and Book is holding the US Title following that horrific, yet well deserved shot to the face with the title. Book's music his and he stands over Steiner and holds the title up in the air. Afterwards, he leaves with the title.

    <O:91% Booker T gained overness from this segment. Scott Steiner gained overness from this segment. >

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break, then replays of book's shot on steiner <=:=><=:=>

    Hurricane and Mikey Whipwreck vs Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak

    This was a VERY good match. Jindrak and O'Haire stuck to heel tag team tactics, by keeping Whipwreck in their corner for quite a long time, not making tags, and almost getting DQ'd a number of times. In the end, Hurricane went for the Shining wizard, but O'Haire caught the leg and flipped Hurricane, who did a backflip only to get nailed by a HUGE spin kick by O'Haire as Jindrak got the better of Whipwreck on the outside. O'Haire gets the pin for the 3 count.

    After the match, as O'haire and Jindrak made their way up the ramp, Whiskey Marc's music hit and out came out the ex-prisoner...he gave O'Haire and Jindrak the stairdown before heading to the ring. Inside the ring, Hurricane is just now getting to his feet, but Whiskey demolishes him with a huge clothesline that took him inside out. Whipwreck is still out on the outside. Marc picks him up...WHISKEY BUSTER, Hurricane is lifeless on the canvas. Whiskey grabs a microphone.

    Whiskey Marc: "Hurricane, I remember what you did to me at bash at the beach. You thought you could be Mr. Hero and save Andrew Martin. Well that didn't happen, did it? So here's fair warning. At Road Wild, I want you and I want your little bitch of a friend, in any kind of a match."

    Whiskey throws down the microphone and gives a final kick to the back for good measure.

    Winners: Marc Jindrak and Sean O' Haire

    <M:91% C:69% O:80%>

    Backstage, we see Chris Benoit reading a copy of the new issue of WCW Magazine. Eddie Guerrero walks up, but Benoit pays no attention.

    Eddie: "So, you're reading my interview in there holmes? It's pretty good essay."

    Benoit: "No, I'm not. I'm reading about how Hulk Hogan defeated that punk Chris Jericho a month ago."

    Eddie: "Hulk Hogan? Hulk Hogan? He's washed up, he's finished, read about the best wrestler in the company holmes..Eddie Guueeerero. "

    Benoit: "Let me tell you something. Hulk Hogan isn't washed up. He's still going holmes, he's the world champ, you better show some respect. And as far as the best wrestler in the company goes...why don't you put that title and your curiserweight title on the line in a match against me tonight Eddie... if you think you're soooo good, essay."

    Eddie: "You want a shot at eddie guerrero? You got your shot amigo. Just don't go crying to the writers of your precious, "WCW MAGAZINE" when I pin you 1-2-3."

    Eddie Walks off as Benoit goes back to reading the mag.

    <O:75% Chris Benoit lost overness from this segment. Eddie Guerrero lost overness from this segment. (OOF?!)>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    20 MAN OVER THE TOP BATTLE ROYAL (Winner gets a shot at any time he wants.)

    glass shatters! Out comes Austin. Austin makes his way to the ring to a thunderous ovation.

    Austin: "I came out here, to watch some bastards throw each other out of this ring, and drink some beer... and I've got the beer.. so let's get the bastards out here!"


    1.  Lenny (Siaki)

    2.  Air Paris (Fleisch)

    3.  Eric Angle (Raven)

    4.  Mikey Whipwreck  (O'Haire/Jindrak)

    5.  Big Vito (Cabana)

    6.  Colt Cabana (O'Haire)

    7.  Sabian (Booker T)

    8.  Sonny Siaki (Ruckus)

    9.  Ultimo Dragon (Ruckus)

    10. Jody Fleisch  (Booker T)

    11. Paul Birchall (Jindrak)

    12. Lodi  (Leroux)

    13. Lash Leroux (Booker T)

    14. Ruckus (O'Haire/Jindrak)

    15. Sexxy Eddie  (O'Haire/Jindrak)

    16. Mark Jindrak  (Booker T)

    17. Sean O' Haire (Raven)

    18. Rey Mysterio  (Raven)

    19. Booker T/Raven

    With Stone Cold at ringside, watching the action, O'Haire and Jindrak worked as a team in this battle royal, they've really began to develop a liking for these matches. In the end though, it came down to Booker T and Raven. The two battled for a few minutes. Raven hit the Evenflow DDT, which put Book out on his feet, reeling against the ropes. When Raven Went for a clothesline, they both tumbled to the outside, hitting their feet on the floor at the EXACT same time. They both argued as to who won, and refs raised both of their hands.

    Austin: "Well, it looks as though we have a conflict of interest. Both of ya bastards eliminated each other. Now I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that BOOKER T won the match... *big crowd pop* ...but since Eric Bischoff isn't here, and told me if I make any decisions, I'll be stripped of my commissioner's title, I just can't do that... *crowd boo's* .. So I guess what I'm saying is, you two can both go to hell as far as I'm concerned, and Eric can deal with this mess next week."

    Austin Kicks book in the stomach, STUNNER! He gets up, Kick to raven, STUNNER! Stone Cold laid out both men and poses on all four turnbuckles as his music plays.

    WINNER: ???? BOOKER T and Raven ??????

    <M:72% C:59% O:65%>

    Jericho is standing by with Mean Gene.

    Gene: "Chris Jer..."

    Jericho: "Yes yes yes, Chris Jericho, WCW's #1 bad boy, is back. Miss me assclowns? I don't know if any of you saw, but Nitro's ratings...wooo..way down without the highlight of the night. That'll teach bischoff to suspend me. Anyways, last week, Hogan decided to spread his BS Gospel on the world. And what I fail to realize is How in the hell you people don't fall asleep. I had to Tivo his speech last week, fell asleep right after I made the popcorn I tell ya. Anytime that guy gets a microphone, I nod right off. Entertaining, please. I'd like to see Hogan entertain a crowd like the ayatollah. He couldn't last 1 song at a Fozzy concert. Not that he's welcome there or anything. The last time we played Talahausee, Hogan brought his daughter to my show... true story. She's a biggggggggg Jerichoholic. Oh and for the record...gimme a call in a couple years doll, we'll make some highlight reels together.

    The crowd Boo's HARD at Jericho's last rant..

    Jericho: "And then we got the big question, who attacked Hulk, will he be here tonight? All the internet nerds can't stop typing, so let me shut them up. No, Hulk Hogan won't be here, he's too busy being spoonfed in some random hospital along with Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Kevin Nash and the rest of the Wheelchair World Order. Funny how that works out eh? Let's face it, the man can't stand toe to toe with Chris Jericho. No one in this company can, which is why.. I don't have a match tonight. But that's alright, I got a Fozzy concert in a couple hours, so all you assclowns can kiss my ass."


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "This one is going to be a real fast paced match"

    Coach: "Isn't Chris Jericho great?"

    Meltzer: "He's definitely a phenominal athlete, a bit too egotistical though"

    Coach: "When you got the skills to pay the bills, you can say whatever you want meltzer! It's Great"

    Meltzer: "Yeah, that's not what you were telling Kanyon when he was around"

    Coach: "Shut up Meltzer, that chump aint got nuthin on the coach!"

    Sonny Siaki vs Billy Kidman

    Siaki came out to a huge ovation.. it's a shame they're not using him more. Like Meltzer said, this match was quite the high flying spectacle. Kidman almost had the upset early, but he missed the shooting star, which got a "Holy Shit" chant from the crowd. Near the end of that match, Kidman had regained control and it looked like it was over, But MATT HARDY came running down to the ring with Maria.. Maria distracted the ref by planting a big kiss on him, while matt hardy hit a TWIST OF FATE! Siaki covers Kidman for the 1-2-3.

    Winner: Sonny Siaki

    <M:76% C:67% O:71%>

    After the match, Matt Hardy is continuing the assault on Kidman. He climbs to the second rope... HE MISSES WITH THE LEGDROP..Kidman on his feet.. kick to the midsection... TWIST OF FATE!!!!! Hardy is down, and Kidman laughs as he leaves, while Maria checks on her man.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    CM Punk Vs Booker T

    CM comes out to a mixed reaction, the crowd is split. Despite CM's heel like antics, they respect the hell out of him as a wrestler, which is definitely a good thing. Book comes out to the usual reaction... but what's this.. he still has the US TITLE! Steiner has to be furious.

    Book took control of this match, as he has the height and weight advantage here. But CM didn't just lay down the whole match and go through the normal motions, he pulled out a couple fantastic moves in a double underhook backbreaker and a springboard reverse neckbreaker which got a huge pop. In the middle of the match, Steiner and Vito came out and watched, which distracted booker enough to almost lose. In the end, Steiner retrieved his US Title and Bashed Book in the head as the ref didn't see, which lead to a CM Roll up for the 1-2-3. After the match, CM Extended a handshake, and Book accepted, as CM explained to Book that he didn't want to win via the interference, a good show of sportsmanship.


    <M:84% C:87% O:86% Booker T lost overness from this match. CM Punk lost overness from this match. ("What?! this isn't ROH? :-( )>

    Austin appears on the titantron.

    Austin: "Stone Cold figured he'd take this time to address an ongoing problem. See, it's situations like these where Stone Cold would like to take his boot and stick it straight up Scott Steiner and Vito's ass. But thanks to that bastard Eric Bischoff, Stone Cold can't do that. As commish, Stone Cold has limited authority as to what he can actually do, and that PISSES ME OFF. Eric Bischoff, next week, your gonna march your little ass into that ring, and next week, You're gonna face Stone Cold man to man, and if you can't tell Stone Cold to his face why you insist on not letting Stone Cold do his job, Stone Cold's gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass. And after I'm done, I'm gonna get on my little cell phone, call up the big son bitch Vince Mcmahon, and tell him exactly what I think of Eric Bischoff and WCW."

    The crowd cheers as we go to commercial.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    Eddie Guerrero© vs Chris Benoit for the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Coach: "This one's gonna be a show stealer"

    Meltzer: "You can say that again!"

    Coach: "Uh no thanks, but I will say this, WCW Nitro is brought to you in part by.. yada yada yada"

    Chris Benoit comes out first to a fairly loud ovation, the fans love this guy. Eddie come out next to thunderous boo's, they obviously didn't like him dissing on Hulk Hogan earlier. What a match this was, unlike their bout at ECW One Night Stand a couple months ago. Eddie was a lot more agressive in this match, hitting a barage of aerial moves, while Benoit went for the submission style, working the shoulder and neck the whole match. This one was shaping up for match of the year candicy as it hit the 12 minute mark. The ref goes down after getting squished in the corner following an Benoit Irish whip to Guerrero. With the ref out, Jericho comes running down from the back, steel chair in hand. he gets in the ring, swings, misses benoit.. but Benoit hooks him up..CROSSFACE!!! Eddie Climbs the top turnbuckle...FROGSPLASH onto Benoit. Eddie goes for the cover, but there's no ref. He picks up the chair and goes for a shot to Benoit's back...benoit trips him up, CROSSFACE! Eddie's tapping but the ref is still out.. JERICHO with a chairshot to Benoit's back, and another to his front. Eddie covers him as Jericho revives the ref. The ref is up with the slow count... 1......2......3. The bell sounds and Guerrero is victorious.

    After the match, Jericho is stomping away on Benoit as Guerrero recovers. Eddie with a springboard backsplash. Eddie drags him the center of the ring...Here goes Jericho.. LIONSAULT! Now here comes eddie, who straps on the Lasso from El Passo

    Meltzer: "Damnit, he's had enough, will someone stop this damn beating!"

    Hogan comes running down to the ring as the crowd goes wild, as no one expected him to be here. He gets in the ring and charges towards Eddie, but Jericho catches him before he makes it. Double leg takedown, WALLS OF JERICHO!!! Eddie has the lasso strapped in on Benoit, Y2J has the walls on Hogan, neither are letting go!

    WINNER: Eddie Guerrero

    <M:100% C:86% O:93%>

    Jericho finally lets go and goes for the chair. Eddie Releases the hold on Benoit and Holds Hogan.. FLYING CHAIR SHOT FROM JERICHO!! Benoit is back on his feet! SICKENING chair shot from Jericho. Y2J and Eddie Guerrero stand in the middle of the ring and shake hands. Hogan and Benoit are busted wide open. Y2J has a mic now.

    Jericho: "Alright you assclowns, you want confessions, you'lle get confessions. Eddie, why don't you tell these people a little story."

    Eddie: "Last week... Chris Jericho gave me a call and asked if I could do something for him...and I did it holmes.. I did it very vell. Last week.. I was the one who took Hogan out. I was the one who put the immortal icon in the hospital. These two, these, these, vato's think they're tough. Benoit, you aint nothing. And you, Hollywood Hulk Hogan...you aren't worth your weight in SHIT holmes"

    Meltzer: "He can't say that!"

    Coach: "That's a $50,000 fine!!!"

    Meltzer: "Those sons of bitches"

    Coach: "You can't say that"

    Meltzer: "The Hell I cant"

    Eddie's music hit as Jericho and Eddie shake hands, leaving Benoit and Hogan in the ring down and out.


    Show quality: 81%

  18. user posted image

    WCW.COM Nitro Preview

    Sunday, August 14th, 2005

    He's back! Chris Jericho is fresh off of suspension! What will he do? What will he say? Better question, will Hogan be in the house and did Jericho have anything to do with his attack last week?!

    Last week, Scott Steiner cheated his way through what surely should have been his last night as US Champion, as he survived Booker T, Raven and Chris Benoit in a 4 way elimination match. You have wonder how Booker will respond to being screwed out of the title yet again! CM Punk has a tough challenge this week in the form of Booker T, you have to bet Scott Steiner will be watching this one closely!

    WCW Commissioner Steve Austin will be in the house. Eric Bischoff, however, will not be in the house! Because of his absence, Bischoff has made it clear, if Steve Austin uses his commissionary powers in any sort of way, Austin will be stripped of his commissioner title. How will Austin respond?

    Also on the card:

    Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak battle Hurricane and Mikey Whipwreck

    Bischoff's 3rd of 4 20 man battle royals, the winner gets a shot at the title of his choice!

    Billy Kidman takes on Sonny Siaki

    and a lot more!!

  19. To: Employees, Staff and All wrestling personal

    From: Eric Bischoff, WCW Owner

    Date: August 12th, 2005

    RE: Status of World Championship Wrestling

    Hello All,

    Recently, there have been a few rumors floating around the internet regarding the WCW - USA Television deal that fell through. I'd like to address these rumors by saying that the agreement with USA was not accomplished due to a mutual agreement. There are rumors that say that USA was not interested in our product, but rather, our competitors product. Those rumors are in fact false, as the deal was only one signature away from being a done deal.

    As far as WCW's second show goes, I guarantee that by September 1st, 2005, WCW will in fact have a second show on national television. Ultimately, it is our goal to compete with the WWE on Thursdays. However, it is my understanding from the board of directors that that may not be the best decision as of right now. This does not mean that we feel we couldn't compete with WWE. It just means that from a business standpoint, that may not be the best option.

    Also, many of you are questioning our status with ECW. We are at war with this company. Currently, neither promotion is ahead of one another. I've misjudged Paul Heyman and have concluded that ECW may not be as easy to kill this time. Unlike last time, we cannot steal their talent, due to contracts. Also, ECW is now more popular then ever given the huge push it received in WWE in June.

    Finally, I'd like to say we are a very solid financial company and continue to make a lot of money each week. WCW will always ensure that it can cover it's overhead costs before making financial decisions that could impact the company, whether it be signings, tv deals, sponsorship deals, etc. In return for our guaranteed financial security, we ask our on-air wrestlers and personality to refrain from any incidents involving moral. Moral is something that is very important to us here at WCW, and while it's impossible to fit a roster of 55 guys into a 2 hour weekly show, we try out best to get everyone airtime.

    Thank you, we look forward to a bright future in the wrestling business and a bright future in working with each and every one of you.

    With Regards,

    ~ Eric Bischoff

  20. user posted image

    Source: NODQ.COM

    August 9th, 2005

    Correction from last week:

    We here at NODQ.com would like to extend an apology to all wrestling fans for stating that NWA tna's show, Impact! did not air last week. We overlooked the fact that they had already fallen to a national level, so their ratings did not make it into our inbox! All is fixed, and we now receive their weekly ratings starting next week.

    Weekly ratings down this week!

    Here are this week's ratings, which are down significantly from last week's. WWE wins the monday night war again, with WCW still hot on their trail.


    WCW: 5.85

    ECW: 5.47

    TNA: N/A


    WWE: 6.05

    Kanyon Checks into rehab

    Sources are saying that Chris Kanyon has left WCW while still under contract to enter rehab to kick an on-going drug problem. There is no timetable for his return. We wish him the best of luck.

    WCW Booking team facing problems

    It is being reported that because the deal with USA TV for a second WCW did not fall through, the WCW booking team is having a hard time making time for their talent, while still developing their story lines. This is one of the main reason's why Eric Bischoff declared this "special months" and that each show is featuring a battle royal, in order to get wrestlers air time. However, the battle royals have been exciting and the crowds have been into them.

  21. WCW Nitro

    August 8th, 2005

    <=:=><=:=> Intro video and Pyro<=:=><=:=>

    "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside...."

    And Nitro kicks off with our World Champion coming out to the ring as the fans go nuts. Hogan poses with the WCW world title.

    Meltzer: "The fans absolutely love this guy"

    Hogan gets in the ring and does some  more poses before grabbing a microphone

    Hogan: "HULKAMANIA IS RUNNING WILD TONIGHT!!!.. You know something brother, I know that there's someone sitting at home tonight, wishing he was here. But he's not. And that man is Chris Jericho. Let me tell you something about Chris Jericho. He is a punk, a no good, egotistical, only cares about himself Jerk. And I'll be damned if I let someone like that beat me, let alone represent the company I work for as world champion. I'd rather hand this belt over to Vince Mcmahon himself then let Chris Jericho beat me for it.

    Let me tell you something else about Y..2..J, He does it all for the money. Ever since Fozzy got popular, he loathes being away from the music scene. But you know why he does it? Because Eric Bischoff cuts him big fat checks every week. And he claims that the hulkster is in it for the money? Look brothers, I have enough money to get this country out of debt if I wanted to. Donald Trump's fortune is drawfed compared to mine. I come out here, week in and week out for the fans, not the money. I still want to be a part of something that I love, something that I helped build. I helped build sports entertainment to be the way it is today, and I helped build the foundation of WCW that KICKED Vinces ass in the ratings.

    But let me tell you something, that's not why I'm out here. Later on tonight, I'm going to stand in this ring, and whoever has the courage to come out and face me, I'll give them a title shot. Anyone in the back, not just your guys like Eddie Guerrero and CM Punk..anyone. Hell, even Eric can come out here if he wants! Bottom line is, Hulk Hogan is a fighting champion and tonight, I'll prove to the world why I am, WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION."

    And with that, Hogan leaves the ring to his name being chanted by the crowd as we go to commercial.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    20 MAN OVER THE TOP BATTLE ROYAL (Winner gets a shot at any time he wants.)

    Eric Bischoff appears on the tron

    Eric: "Like last week, we're gonna have ANOTHER battle royal. And these will continue all month long, because Eric Bischoff is a fair man and wants to give EVERYONE a shot at any title they want!"

    And with that.. the battle begans..


    1.  Big Vito (O'Haire)

    2.  Brian Lawler (Eddie Guerrero)

    3.  Jody Fleisch (Benoit)

    4.  Mikey Whipwreck (Lash Leroux)

    5.  Lash Leroux (Sexxy Eddie)

    6.  Mark Jindrak (Lenny)

    7.  Ultimo Dragon (Rey Mysterio)

    8.  Sonny Siaki (E. Guerrero)

    9.  Lodi (Benoit)

    10. Sexxy Eddie (Cabana)

    11. Sabian (Angle)

    12. Ruckus (O'Haire)

    13. Lenny (O'haire)

    14. Eric Angle (O' Haire)

    15. Colt Cabana (Benoit)

    16. Rey Mysterio (E. Guerrero)

    17. Chavo Guerrero (E. Guerrero

    18. Sean O' Haire (C. Guerrero)

    19. Eddie Guerrero (Benoit)

    Once again, Sean O' Haire puts up a VERY impressive showing, eliminating 4 men and being one of the final three. Eddie and chavo had formed a team much throughout the battle, and after they had eliminated Rey, Eddie backstabbed and eliminated Chavo. In the end, Benoit managed to toss Eddie over after he missed a froggy, claiming victory. He grabbed a Microphone


    The crowd goes wild at Benoit's demand.


    <M:62% C:62% O:61%>

    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "We know go to taped interview from earlier, with Matt Hardy talking about kidman"

    Matt: "I am sick, and I am tired of billlllly Kidman. So Billy boy, you better be listening, because I'm going to make this short, and I'm going to make this sweet. Tonight, I'm going to take you, and that little tramp that's running around with you, and I'm going to make you wish you never got involved in my business. I can't stand people like you who get involved in MY, MY , MYYYYYYYYYY Personal life. Tonight, we may be in a tag team wrestling match, but one of us is going to leave as if they were just in a car wreck."


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    Torrie/Billy Kidman vs Maria/Matt Hardy in mixed tag action

    This one is fairly simple, only the guys can wrestle the guys, and the girls can wrestle the girls. Torrie wanted to start this one out, but as soon as Maria obliged in got in the ring, she ran to Kidman, so the guy's started this one. And for much of the match, it was the guys. But following a swinging neckbreaker, Hardy tagged in Maria, which meant Torrie HAD to fight Maria. Right as Torrie got in the ring, Maria speared her, taking her to the ground. The two rolled around on the ground for a little while before eventually going to the outside. Billy and Matt went at it in the ring, but the ending saw Matt come away victorious after a Twist of Fate. Torrie screamed from the ramp as Maria made her way back in the ring, celebrating with Matt Hardy, as the two seemed to be awfully flirtatious around each other.


    <M:41% C:72% O:62% Torrie Wilson lost overness from this match. Matt Hardy gained overness from this match. Maria Kanellis gained overness from this match. >

    As Matt and Maria come up the ramp, Eric Bischoff's music hit. He comes out and gives Maria the staredown, admiring her

    beauty, she seemed creeped out. Eric begans to speak.

    Eric: "As you can see, we only have one announcer and no color commentator. Why you ask? Because Kanyon is no longer with this company. It's not that he's fired, I would never fire talent like Kanyon given the wrestling war between us and other promotions, but he decided he needed some time to sort through personal problems. And maybe you're asking "Well, Ernest Miller did a good job at the PPV, why isn't he out here? Well, That freak Whiskey Marc destroyed him last week. He's not going to be with us for quite some time, if at all. After getting demolished, he was rushed to the hospital, and now has numerous internal injuries. So with that, I have found a suitable replacement that I have hired! I'd like to bring him out right now"

    Coach's music hits and out comes the Coach to numerous boo's.

    Meltzer: "Coach is suppose to be fired!"

    Coach: "Ah, thank you Eric. I'm glad you didn't let the travesty of me being fired take place. It would be a shame if WCW lost such priceless talent like myself. You know, I could have went to E...C..."

    GLASS SHATTERS!  Out comes Stone Cold. He stares directly at Eric and Coach.

    Austin: "So, this is how's it's going to be Eric? Everytime I make a decision, you reverse it? I fired that man that'sstanding right next to you. I don't give a damn who's the color commentator. Ah hell, I'll be color commentator. It's not that hard Eric. Well, Answer me ya dumb son of a bitch"

    Eric: "Stone Cold, you may be my commissioner, which I might add, I never wanted. But around here, I have the final say in ALL matters. This is my company Steve, not yours. Coach, you may have a seat at the commentators desk."

    Coach leaves the confrontation and joins Meltzer.

    Eric: "You will not be firing any of my talent. Is that understood?"

    Austin: "Stone Cold Steve Austin doesn't follow directions well Eric. Stone Cold doesn't respond to anyone's threats, unless you're looking for a fight. Are you looking for a fight Eric?"

    <O:79% Steve Austin lost overness from this segment. >

    Chris Benoit's music hit and out comes out the Crippler.

    Benoit: "I'm looking for a fight tonight. More importantly, my shot at the United States title. So what's it going to be Eric? I won that battle royal, when do I get my match?

    Eric: "Well, Chris, I'm going to go ahead and reverse another one of Stone Cold's decisions.."

    Stone Cold looks furious at Eric Bischoff

    Eric: "Tonight, instead of a 3 way for the WCW US title, it will be a four way! Chris Benoit, RAVEN, Booker T and Scott Steiner in a 4 way No disqualification match!"

    The crowd cheers as Benoit smiles as he walks to the back a happy man.

    Eric: "And that's the bottom line, Because Eric Bischoff Said SO!"

    Eric's music hit as Austin is left at the top of the ramp, both angry and dumbfounded.


    <=:=><=:=> Commercial break <=:=><=:=>

    WHISKEY MARC VS Al Snow/Steve Blackman

    Whiskey makes his way to the ring to serious heat, the crowd is really giving it to him. Headcheese come out to a small pop, they're still a relatively new team, despite their past history. This match was made by Eric Bischoff as punishment to Whiskey for what he did to Cat last week.But unfortunately, it wasn't punishment, it turned into an all out slaughter. Whiskey was both unphased and dominant in this match, as he took out the tag team in only a matter of minutes, 3 minutes to be exact. Whiskey took quite a few blows, but when head cheese went for a double clothesline, Whiskey Ducked it, only to lay them both flat with running running fists to the face. The ending of this one saw Whiskey Powerbomb Al Snow, deliver a brain buster to Blackman, who landed on snow, and then finally, Whiskey hit the Broken Beer Bottle Splash onto both of them for the 1-2-3. After the match though, he wasn't finished. He picked up Al Snow and put him in a Tazmission like submission hold. But instead of falling to the ground with him, he lunged him backwards, like a german suplex, but with the submission still held on. After that, He left the ring, as Blackman signaled for help for his partner.

    WINNER: Whiskey Marc

    <M:76% C:59% O:67% Steve Blackman lost overness from this match.  >

    Backstage now, Mean Gene is seen knocking on Hulk Hogan's dressing room door. There's no answer. That's weird, he's scheduled for an interview right about now. Mean Gene opens the door, but is frightened by what he sees. Hulk Hogan has been laid out and is lying on the ground, unconscience!! Mean gene yells for help with the horrific scene in the locker room. EMT's come in and the cameras keep rolling as they tend to Hulk Hogan. This continues for about 3 minutes, before we hear "We have to get him to a hospital, cut those cameras" and the camera's cut to commercial in a shocking scene.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial break=:=><=:=>

    Second City saints and Blackout vs Hurricane/Mikey Whipwreck and Air Raid

    So we have 4 vs 4 TAG match, meaning 1 pin fall wins it. This match was pretty much off the wall, with action everywhere. The ref lost order within the first few seconds and from there, all hell broke loose. In the end, Birchall and Air Paris battled

    on the outside with Cabana and Sabian, while in the ring, CM punk was sitting up top as Whipwreck was attempting a superplex

    of some sort. At the same time, Ruckus hit a springboard back elbow on Hurricane as CM got an eye rake in on whipwreck and PEPSI PLUNGE!!!!!!!

    Meltzer: "MY GOD WHAT A MOVE!"

    This one's over, 1-2-3 as CM Punk is gaining notoriaty in WCW, and in a hurry!

    WINNERS: Colt Cabana, Ruckus, Sabian and CM PUNK

    <M:82% C:50% O:66% >

    Backstage, Maria is standing by with Big Poppa Pump, who has Vito at his side.

    Maria: "Scott, tonight you've got to defend your title against 3 guys.."

    Steiner: "Don't you think I know that Maria? The deck is always stacked against the genetic freak Scott Steiner. So now I've got to defend my title against 3 guys who aren't exactly slouches. You've got Chris Benoit, who could tear one of my arms out of it's socket... and who would want to see that? Then you've got Raven, a man who feels no pain whatsoever. Finally, you've got Booker T. Yes, Booker T. let me tell you something about Booker T. I HATE BOOKER T. I hate his cocky attitude, I hate his spinaroonie, I hate everything about him. And last week, he acts like he did me a favor in costing Raven the US Title. Big Poppa Pump needs no help, doesn't want any help, and tonight, is gonna go out there and beat the hell out of anyone who tries to take my title.


    <=:=><=:=>Commercial break=:=><=:=>

    Meltzer: "It's main even time!!"

    Raven comes out first to a series of Boo's. He's really been gaining heat since debuting, despite not saying much. Next out is Benoit, who is VERY over with the crowd, as this is his first match back from injury. Booker comes out to a decent pop, not quite as big as Benoit's, but still a crowd favorite none the less. Finally, the champ comes out with Vito at his side. No one is very impressed by either of them, as the fact that they're bischoff's goons is really hurting their image.

    CHRIS BENOIT VS RAVEN VS BOOKER T VS SCOTT STEINER, elimination match for the US Title.

    This is an elimination match. This match was pretty good, at least the crowd was into it. Raven was the first one eliminated, as Booker managed to get off a scissor kick, and then Benoit made Raven tap via Crossface as Steiner took to Booker before he could cover. Next eliminated was Benoit, who was unfairly eliminated after Vito held his feet when steiner pinned following a shoulder block. This got HUGE heat from the crowd, as Benoit was screwed out of his shot.

    So we're down to Book and Steiner.. gee.. how'd that happen? They battle for a couple minutes, neither getting a real advantage. Irish whip from steiner on book, book ducks the clothesline, MAFIA KICK, HE CAUGHT THE REF! The ref is down and here comes vito from behind with a clothesline. The two double team Book with the ref out as the fans boo tremendously. Steiner gets on the second rope as Vito hands Book to steiner... POWERBOMB! Vito awakens the ref and slides out of the ring as he counts the 1-2-3. Steiner cheated his way through this one. But HERE COMES BENOIT, back in the ring. Steiner tries to clothesline. CROSSFACE!!! Benoit has the crossface locked in and won't let go. Vito to make the save... Spinning heel kick by Book. Benoit isn't letting go as book gets a chair.Just as Vito's getting back up, Book SLAMS him in the back with the chair and he goes rolling out of the ring. Benoit whips Steiner to book, CHAIRSHOT! Steiner is layed out. Book looks at Benoit and nods in agreement. They were both screwed tonight, and they made Vito and Steiner pay for the cheap win. Book and Benoit stand in the ring over a fallen Steiner as we fade out.

    Winner: Scott Steiner

    <M:79% C:86% O:83% >

    Show quality: 76%

  22. user posted image

    WCW.COM Nitro Preview

    Sunday, August 7th, 2005

    Last week we saw Booker T return the favor, costing Raven his US Title match against scott steiner, like Raven had done the night before to Booker at Bash at the Beach. Following the match, commissioner Stone Cold book a 3 way hardcore elimination match for the US title between the 3. This main even will surely be crazy.

    Matt Hardy and Maria will meet Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson in MIXED tag team action! Billy cost Matt his match vs CM Punk last week, you have to bet Matt is looking for revenge!

    With Jericho suspended, Hulk Hogan has said that he'll be on Nitro. What will he do with Jericho not around to interrupt him?

    Also on the card...

    We have 8 man tag action as The Second City Saints (cabana and punk) and Blackout (sabian and ruckus) take on Mikey Whipwreck, Hurricane and Air Raid (birchall and paris)

    A 20 Man over the top battle royal, with the winner receiving his shot at ANY WCW title.

    Whiskey Marc in a HANDICAP match vs Al Snow and Steve Blackman!

    Much more!

  23. Winnipeg Daily News

    August 5th, 2005

    The REAL side of professional wrestling

    Professional Wrestler turned rockstar Chris Jericho is going to have some time to think about his actions. Jericho, a Winnipeg native, recently broke World Championship Wrestling code of conduct on their show, Nitro, this week. Following a rare, unscripted 8 minute verbal assault earlier this week on a live television show, WCW Nitro, on fellow wrestler and current WCW Champion Hulk Hogan, WCW Owner Eric Bischoff and the board of directors immediately slapped him with a 2 week suspension.

    "His actions were unjust, uncalled for, and more importantly, untrustworthy. His comments to Hulk Hogan were above any wrestling angle. Chris Jericho has a pure hatred for Hulk Hogan beyond the ring. " Said WCW Owner Eric Bischoff.

    Bischoff, who announced the suspension later on in the show, was very upset with Jericho's actions.

    "It's not something you do to legends in this business."

    But on the other side of the fence, Chris Jericho feels his actions were justified and that WCW staff is just overreacting to the issue.

    "Eric Bischoff will tell you whatever you want to hear, but the bottom line is, Chris Jericho on Nitro is ratings for Eric. Nitro put up huge ratings last week, and I'd like to think I significantly contributed to that."

    While Nitro did score a 5.87 in the Nielsen ratings, Jericho did put the company in an akward position. The show started out with Jericho coming out and grabbing a microphone. From there, he started talking and doing an unscripted interview. It was finally cut off after about 8 minutes when Jericho's microphone was cut off and his opponent came out.

    "Everyone knows this is sports entertainment." Bischoff said."Yes, we do have writers , very talented writers at that. While we encourage our wrestlers to come up with their own material and get it approved by the writers, we don't encourage blatant attacks on fellow wrestlers on live television"

    "Do I feel my actions were justified? Yes, I do. I'm being punished because I gave everyone a hard dose of reality that some people don't want to hear. " Jericho said. Too many guys get held down by veterans in this business and it disgusts me to no end. These guy's don't hold titles or shine in the spotlight until the ends of their careers, just because you have the much older veterans still hanging around."

    Jericho's point is logical, as there are still many wrestlers aged 40 or over who are still in the limelight. Regardless, Eric Bischoff believes that if they can entertain a crowd, they deserve to be there.

    "Not everyone is going to be as great in the ring as Chris Jericho or Eddie Guerrero. Not every superstar is going to put on 5 star matches." Bischoff said. "But regardless, I think the crowd doesn't mind too much as long as they're being entertained. That is what we set out to do, and I hope we accomplish our goals week in and week out."

    WCW Nitro airs from 8 to 10 pm on UPN and is currently battle ECW's "Hardcore TV" and NWA TNA's "Impact".

  24. user posted image


    August 2nd, 2005


    WCW wins the primetime war again.  However, WWE won the overall war, thanks to their latenight slot. The big story here is that TNA CANCELLED THEIR MONDAY NIGHT SHOW. Perhaps they've finally suffered defeat?


    WCW: 5.87

    ECW: 5.50


    Late night:

    WWE: 6.10

    Benoit returns!

    user posted image

    Chris Benoit returned to wcw last night, confronting the man that put him out of action for a month, chris Jericho. Jericho and Hogan still have a program going. One might wonder how Benoit fits into the world title picture scene.

    CM Punk getting HUGE push

    user posted image

    CM Punk has LEAPED from the lower midcard to the upper midcard over the course of 3 weeks! Punk is getting huge ovations despite being a heel. Although he hasn't done anything to draw heat, his gimmick is drawing a a bit of heat. He credits his great matches as of late to his popularity

    Raven debuts in an unspectacular way

    user posted image

    Despite a strong debut at bash at the beach, the following night on Nitro, Raven made his debut in the 20 man battle royal. While some SMART MARKS  :D are calling it a weak debut, Raven has debuted almost immediately into the US championship scene.

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