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The Chief

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Everything posted by The Chief

  1. wel at least one person replied with a decent answer. i'd recomend: waiting game rough landing holly holly wood died sure thing falling and "how i go" if your into soft ballad type songs. ryan duets with the dixie chicks singer on it
  2. anyone picked it up yet? i got mine. personally i dont think its as big as ocean avenue and im really pissed at the fact the violins have all but dissapeared in a lot of tracks but otherwise im pretty happy with it and i can still listen all the way through without a skip (sometimes down on my head needs one tho lol) probably rough landing holly, waiting game and how i go are the ones id say are best. critics don't seem too pleased with the album though, K! gave it 2K's, but the review was pretty stupid seeing as he got a lot of details wrong, didnt sounds like he knew anything. (please no "yellowcard suxxorz teh azz", "yellowcard are shite" posts, i already know their hated by some people)
  3. i want to make an alex cancerman/whale found washed up on the beach joke, but i cant think of one oh and the harold soundbites make this worthwhile alone http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/neighbours/game...flingingfrenzy/
  4. another superbly done episode. hahaha, awesome spoiler on whats happening in aussie:
  5. wel, another theory ive come up with is - was the note really for izzy? it could be for anyone on that plane. the bomber had to have access to seating plans, or if the seating was random, there'd be no way of making sure izzy would get it
  6. oh wow awesome episode today. my number one bomber guess was karl as just it doesn't make sense to hurt susan especially since he gave them the tickets (which means he knew she'd be on) the other characters but none make sense: -max, steph, boyd hoyland - toadie, stuart, ned - harold, lou - timmins family - lynne/joe but all those guys have someone they love on board. my only other guess is that dude who wanted to buy izzy's scarlett bar. spoiler for next week or two (this spoiler does not reveal the bomber btw lol):
  7. well feb 5th is on a sunday so it would make sense. anyone know what happened to the 4400 on sky? i dunno if the last episode they showed was the last? as for plots, i started on 24 from season 4 and had no trouble at all (except the one time when i didnt know who tony almeada (sp?) was) ive just finished through season 1 and about to start 2, but i doubt i will now with 5 on the way
  8. hi, i dont want to start a huge discussion, someone else start another topic. i heard its starting in the USA tonight? the first 4 hours or something, anyone know when its coming out in UK? please no spoilers. im asking this because i have season 2/3 on dvd and i wanna know if i have time to watch at least one of them. i know they only last 24 hours, but i got exams and dont think i can even manage one episode a day.
  9. plenty of happenings starting this week, i wont spoil it, but its big. if youve read one of those soap mags you'll know what im talking about i saw a clip on the net a while back after it came on in aussie, pretty sweet i thought
  10. new found glory yellowcard the academy is... (out already but "officially" released in UK in february) evanescence greenday(read somewhere we might get one.dunno??) something corporate (apparantley)
  11. lol, the way everyone was shocked, and paul couldnt care lol
  12. Waw, i just went on wikipedia now. Major Huge Spoiler. Plus Video Clip! http://www.ibubble.net/neighbours/ beware MAJOR SPOIILER!
  13. Yea i saw it at lunchtime today, pretty good episode with karl and izzy. i can only remember two people coming back today (except for annalise of course) : they are:
  14. timmayyy, i heard that spoiler on the wikipedia site that was posted a little earlier in the thread. and damn, i missed todays ep. (tuesday) anything good?
  15. Wow! :blink: Big Spoiler BTW (not even aired in aussie till end of october i think)
  16. wel, think of it this way, why pay £60 for british, when you can get hong kong for £20 ??
  17. yeea but i like carrying spares with me. i doubt there would be a problem with USA/Asian batteries on UK machines right? since those ebay members selling them are delivering to UK and europe. anyone able to confirm?
  18. Hi, im thinking of buying a PSP but i have a few questions. Whats the difference between importing or not. Has it been built like a gameboy, where there was no problem playing USA games on an UK machine etc, or does PSP only play things from its own country. i also want a battery you see, and there are ones on ebay, but they are imported from hong kong, so i dunno if i'll have any compatibility issues. thanks
  19. boulevard of broken songs pwns yoo all
  20. damn. its more corrupted than the white house. i was running out of space with all the PES replays i had, so i was transfering them all onto pen drive with "Max Drive" software. when i try and delete them it just says delete failed
  21. hi, does anyone know of a way to completley format ps2 memory cards? i was transfering shit with my usb pen drive and something went wrong. anyway i have like 6mb of corrupted saves which are clogging up my MC and the normal "Delete" function wont do it any other way i can clean it up?
  22. The Chief

    Harry Potter

    I thought this video was pretty funny. If anyone doesnt want want any spoilers on what happens in end of the book DO NOT watch this lol. http://www.filefarmer.com/Xizer/pottercrash.MOV [sAVE TARGET AS] or http://forum.ebaumsworld.com/showthread.php?t=82235 Basically, 1am when the book goes on sale, the guy with the video shouts to the kids what happens, its hilarious "YOU BITCH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
  23. oh no lol. why cant you play? did i mention its awesome?
  24. Hey. i made these two siggies for my battlefield 2 account on another forum. rateage: and
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