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Posts posted by HeartlineTwist

  1. Fuck the challenge tower mission where you have to use FUCKING BARAKA to defeat Sheeva, Goro, and Kintaro in one health bar (with a little bit of regen after victory). Goro, Kintaro, and Kahn don't need fucking x-ray attacks that eat up 50+% of your health.

  2. One question: are those ending movies which one can get for beating Arcade mode mute for some fighters? I mean, there is no sound in both Cage's and Sektor's endings, there was some in Cyrax's... Just wondering if it is supposed to be like that, or if it's some kind of bug or whatever. Haven't finished the mode with different characters yet, just those three, and it struck me as something weird...

    No clue. I've only done it with Liu Kang and Raiden.

  3. I decided to see what my special spam could do to the Ladder on Expert mode...not much, as it turns out. Seriously...FUCK THAT. Absolutely ridiculous. Back to medium from whence I came. I only got like 2 or three matches up the ladder. Scorpion on Expert is ridiculous to fight against.

  4. Yeah, you definitely have to turn into playing like a little bitch to beat the bosses in this game. AKA, a normal Mortal Kombat game. Especially since you can't stagger your opponent and they will be able to disrupt a combo onslaught WITHOUT using a breaker. You either have to jump around them (cross jumps), teleport for characters that can, and spam ranged special attacks, etc. or a combination of all three things.

    That said, you can fuck up Kahn's shit with Raiden once you get the timing down on the teleport and the flying slam thing. Kung Lao handles pretty well for those purposes.

    I love the x-ray attacks for how brutal they look. Fatalities are expectedly AWESOME, although I haven't done really any of the stage fatalities. I'm so glad they included a fatality mode in training to make it easy for players like me that want to see what all of the regular fatalities look like. I do NOT regret purchasing this game.

    Some great highlights so far.

    BABALITIES being back in. Absolutely fantastic and a very unexpected surprise. I wish they had thrown Friendships back in as well, but that's fine.

    Challenge Tower can be a bitch, as are the two on one matches in Story mode, especially any time Quan Chi is involved, that fuck.

    I love Shang Tsung's fatality that let them recycle the Joker's intended fatality from MK vs. DC Universe

  5. While that's true, unless you're directing it yourself, what you're imagining in your head and what the director is going to create is usually going to be two different things. When you write a novel, you need to be as descriptive as possible when it comes to the setting and character actions. That's more of a directors job when it comes to film, though, unless it's something that is completely necessary to the plot of your story.

    You don't have to be a fantastic writer to "wow" someone with your script. You have to have a fantastic story.

    You do have to have a fantastic story, but you also need to be a pretty decent writer.

    Sure, your concern isn't camera angles or even really transitions or the technical side of the issue. And writing in specific reactions/emotions for characters can be somewhat troubling, but having a great story AND a great voice are very important. How you go about describing your setting and story tonally can work wonders for the screenplay. Yes, you don't need details like "A red phone sits on Hank's table beside his couch" unless that phone is really important, but you probably shouldn't excise all details because that's really the time for the voice to come through.

    I think a screenplay that shows a really good example of the voice of the writers is the screenplay for (500)Days of Summer.

    And I echo what's been said about the monster movie idea.

  6. Reboot? Really? The third one isn't out yet and they're already talking reboot?

    What's wrong with just continuing the story from where Nolan leaves off with The Dark Knight Rises? Especially if he'll be around to consult with. It doesn't make any sense, unless DC wants their superhero movies to all follow a similar, more cartoony style so that they can work in The Justice League movie.

    To be honest, I'd rather not see other directors try to shoehorn in their version of Batman to the world that Nolan has created, even if he's sticking around as a consultant. Especially depending on how Nolan chooses to end this. I have a feeling that Nolan is going to handle this one in a way to give the his envisioning of Batman some resolution, and I don't want the studio trying to rein Nolan in so their next movie makes narrative sense.

  7. Because the paper glasses in almost every circumstance were the OLD SCHOOL red-cyan anaglyph versions of 3-D, which were technologically inferior to the sorts of 3-D they were pulling off in theaters. For example, the Coraline "3-D" release prior to the 3-D TVs. That said, I'm not a fan of the current tech for the 3-D TVs, but that's just me apparently. I think after some refining, the technology will improve greatly.

    That said, there are VERY few movies that I've seen where the 3-D was just better, especially because very few movies I've seen in 3-D in theaters have properly compensated for the amount of brightness/vividness of colors that is cut out by the lenses.

  8. I'm offended that there's no love for the animated version...

    But Two Towers all the way. First is pretty slow, and the third one would have taken it by a landslide if I wasn't still pissed as how long the fucking ending...S dragged out. When I went to see it in theaters for the second time, I walked out thirty minutes early because I didn't need to see all five endings again.

  9. My review (some spoilers):

    Boobies (a lot). Asses (a lot). Gore (a hell of a lot). Gianna Michaels cameo. Ving Rhames. Christopher Lloyd being awesome. In 3-D.

    In all seriousness, this movie is understandably campy, and as such, it's quite fun. While I'm sure the scientifically inclined will rip apart the premise of the movie, if you don't dwell on it, you don't really ruin any of your fun. The acting was all decent-to-good with a few people that were excellently cast (Jerry O'Connell). The piranhas look...well...I really haven't decided how I think the piranhas look. The CGI in some spots is pretty bad. The 3-D in some spots is pretty gimmicky, but that was pretty much to be expected.

    Nudity fans, there's LOTS of it, including a pretty long scene with two fully nude(!) women swimming around underwater to classical music.

    Gore fans, there's a lot of it. A hell of a lot of it. I know this next part is going to sound odd, but the gore and how it is executed makes up a lot for the weak points of the movies because while there are some over the top gory things that probably wouldn't actually be able to physically happen in real life, the scene when the piranhas finally attack the part of the lake with spring breakers is pretty horrifying in the destruction the little devils cause to the human body.

    As for plot(lol), it's pretty fairly basic and cookie cutter, but on a personal level, that's okay. True, I often find myself desiring more, but when I went to see Piranha 3D, I knew I wasn't in for an Inception-esque plotline. And if any of you go to see it, you won't be either.

    Final verdict, though: I really felt as if the premise just simply couldn't support the weight of 90 minutes of running time. This is apparent through a bunch of brief shots and scenes that focus more on boobies and asses than anything else. Even with that end-game in mind, I still enjoyed the movie for what it was, and don't really think the ten bucks I dropped on it was better spent anywhere else.

  10. If you're a fan of Madden and have the cash it isn't a bad investment in my opinion. The announcing is 1000570769867y4896546587465798 times better, the GameFlow system once customized is something I'm a fan of (at least on offense), and the game itself runs quite smooth. Really just depends on your cash at hand I would guess, is it worth upgrading for 10 to 11?

    I got to play a few hours of 10, and I would say the various improvements and tweaks and stuff made since last year definitely make it worth it, even if you refuse to play with Gameflow.

    So, if you liked Madden 10 and are itching for what I would consider to be a BETTER Madden game by enough of a margin to drop $60 on it, sure.

    If not or if there are other games you have been dying to play, go for those and either wait for Madden's price to drop or just sit it out till next year.

  11. See, I was semi-fortunate insofar as I never got to FINISH the original BioShock, so I didn't think that BioShock 2 was godawful (I actually liked it... :unsure:)

    This, on the other hand, looks fucking epic. Hard/foolish to speculate at this point, but are we leaving behind a city in the sea for a city in the sky? Even if not, art direction like whoa, so fuck yeah!

  12. ^ yup. Played one game. Guy was Oregon and spent all his alloted time substituting in the fucking fast WR as QB and doing the bullshit online schtick. Really fucking annoying.

    I'll pop on every now and then just for something different but I haven't seriously played online (outside of dynasty) in a few years because of this crap.

    Even worse now that blocking actually works exponentially better. I humor myself into thinking that this is the way those people actually play the game.

    EDIT: I'll stick to FPS or racing games or something for online multiplayer. At least then I feel like I have some sort of proper control or viable countermeasure. And excluding people that exploit and hackers and whatever, I tend to think I actually died to a player with some skill instead of "lol, my WR qb sure runs fast with my entire offense moved up onto the line to make a wall"

    • Like 1
  13. Played my first game online against another player last night. Likely to be my last game. I had forgotten since playing Madden online last year that most people just decide to do silly things to win as opposed to playing close to how an actual football game would go. Oh well.

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  14. I just like how the general theme of the film is "As long as you're alright with the situation that you're living in, it doesn't matter if it's a dream", whereas in most films that touch upon that subject real life is just a cold and heartless place that is nothing like the comfortable dreamland. It's just a really optimistic film that is really, REALLY, well made.

    Because who actually cares if he's in limbo if he's there with his kids? So it's a bad thing that he's spending pretty much eternity with his kids before waking up and living his life again?

    He's already explained that the reason his wife went batshit crazy was because he planted an idea into her head in the first place... it's not as if he's going to do the same thing now he's learned his lesson.

    Didn't say that it was a bad thing at all. I'm just curious in thinking out the story, especially because I am DEFINITELY inclined against thinking that anything I've been discussing recently is in any way, shape or form a plot hole or an oversight on Nolan's part. Just using others as a sounding board to bounce thoughts and ideas off of.

    I mean, hell, I think Cobb's happiness is clear enough. He couldn't give two shits at the end whether or not the top fell over or not because he saw his kids and that was that.

  15. I don't mind the new method of calling audibles, because I like that it gives you more choice of plays. Hot routes and O-Line shifts are annoying though beacuse the button presses are imprinted in my head and I just can't get them fast enough.

    As counter-intuitive as it may be, I think this MAY be something that plays out slightly different in the actual retail version. I think they're more about giving you a taste of something new to see what the response to it is.

  16. Whether it's all a dream or not, can we stop calling Mal 'Mol'?


    As regards the ending, I think it's possible that although the whole film is not a dream, them waking up on the plane is just another level down from the Cobb/Old Saito one. Possibly.

    See, that's something I've considered, but my issue with that is that that would mean that the limbo that Cobb and Ariadne and Fischer go to isn't the REAL limbo at all because our understanding is that limbo is supposed to be the absolute bottom and that's why Mal's and Cobb's architecture and world they built was all still there. But I've been having this nagging feeling that maybe that WASN'T the real limbo, but then we have to extrapolate the consequences of killing yourselves in that level.

    So, do we think that Mal/Cobb's "limbo" is the same "limbo" at the end of the film, or is that "limbo" something that Cobb constructed himself at the end of the film, creating a false "limbo"? I mean, I find it sort of odd that Cobb wakes up on the shores of "limbo" twice because that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

    I wonder if Nolan will discuss any specifics about these sorts of ideas in the commentary.

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