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Posts posted by HeartlineTwist

  1. That's it i went to see it again last night and took my 11 year old brother this time he was blown away and he was mouth was open most of the way through it...and yeah i'm planning a 3rd visit which would be a new record for me.

    I hear you. I want to go see this at least one more time on the IMAX.

  2. I went to see Final Destination 4 in 3D (I like the deaths) and it was awful. All they did was have a little bit of blood flying at you, or random objects. Wasn't anything spectacular.

    But I'm just back from Avatar and it blew me away. Incredible, and it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good not in 3D. I think it depends on the film really. Something like Avatar is that much better when it's in 3D but for most films it just seems unnecessary.

    That's basically what the difference is and you can usually tell which application of 3D a film will use.

    Directors are learning that 3-D can be used for immersion instead of a gimmick. Cameron wants to turn around and make a 3-D drama just to prove he can. Disney's animated movies have been really good about not using 3-D as a gimmick of "hey, this is popping out at you," but I think Avatar is the first live action movie recently to not use 3-D as a gimmick. I would say that in the animated movies, it is unnecessary to see it in 3-D, but as far as Avatar is concerned, you're INSANE if you're not seeing it in 3-D (damn the surcharge!) and you're even more insane if you have the option to see it on the IMAX without driving too far and you don't.

    The movie is THAT visually stunning.

  3. Thanks, Numbahs, but GA took care of it already. Question for anyone though - how would this properly be written?

    Mr. Foreman sits in his chair again and pulls out another folder from the same desk drawer. He opens the folder and slides a piece of paper across the desk towards Mathew.

    Is that correct? I am working on adding more detail instead of the "enter, exit, enter, exit" formula.

    It seems like you can get rid of a lot of those words based on them being repeated actions or references to a location.

    My fix, which may not be "correct" would be as follows:

    "Mr. Foreman sits back down and removes another folder from the drawer. He removes a piece of paper and slides it across the desk towards Matthew."

  4. One bit of advice...

    I would suggest working on one thing at a time. Some people can do it. I definitely can't.

    I think it's much better to plow through something, finish it, and let it sit while you work on the next thing. I have a lot of projects open right now as a result of working according to my daily mood. It has really stunted my progress. Sure, things are getting done, but once sequence at a time.

    I have four feature-length screenplays, two spec television episodes, multiple outlines for original series and a partridge in a pear tree going right now.

    Don't be that guy.

    Agreed. I have a feature length screenplay that is still getting cleaned up and what I counted as TWELVE ideas that I think are good enough to develop. I've started writing bits of some of them in my very informal, non-screenwriting way, but still being in college kind of puts a damper on the writing aspect. That, and I'm taking a Playwriting Workshop course next semester toward my Creative Writing Minor, so I don't want to burn myself out. But, with that said, I'm fairly excited about the things I have going on.

    As a word of advice that I've read in I think every book I have, when you do finish something and get it in the sort of condition where you think it can go off somewhere, it's a good idea to have either another screenplay waiting in the wings or to have a pitch for another screenplay because if they like the writing but not the script (or even if they like the script), they might be interested in whatever else you have.

  5. If you're serious about screenwriting, I would highly suggest investing in Final Draft. Short of that, The Screenwriter's Bible, The Hollywood Standard, and The Complete Screenwriter's Manual are all some fantastic books that I own.

    As far as contests are concerned, Script Savvy seems pretty legitimate as a monthly contest, and the in-depth feedback option looks like the best kind of bang for that low of buck that I've found.

  6. I'm all over this. I love screenwriting. I'll be back later.

    EDIT: As a note having read a couple of books and taken a couple of college classes on the matter, those scripts that have been submitted for consideration are slightly different format and style wise. For example, the scene numbering and stuff like that is usually left out, and camera directions are almost always omitted unless they are absolutely important.

    As for planning and pre-writing, I've recently been trying this weird screenplay/fiction combo that helps me write faster and "see" the stuff play out in my head.

    I'll be back here in a while. Maybe I'll be the first person to post something of my own.

  7. The first trailer has been released today since it's "Avatar Day" and you can view it here.

    I think it looks pretty cool but the saturation of the Avatars is a bit too much, I think. Overall though, should be an epic movie.

    The saturation is partially because the 3-D glasses dulls down all of the colors in the first place.

  8. Loved the movie as well. Went out and saw it on opening day, the theater wasn't as packed as I thought it would be. I read some reviews on it before heading into the theater, so I knew it wasn't going to be a flat out comedy, so I was not disappointed. It was very polished and the best Apatow film I've seen yet. I agree the Eminem/Ray Romano scene was absolutely hilarious.

    Anyone that's seen a Judd Apatow film should understand it's not going to be flat out comedy. Hell, the running time should clue you in that much.

    Still, loved the movie. Fantastic cast.

    • Like 1
  9. That trailer's fucking dire and destined to invoke inappropriate laughter when shown in theatres. Dennis Quaid couldn't be more awkward.

    I saw District 9 (fucking fantastic) at midnight. The theater was fairly full. We ALL laughed at the trailer. This just looks ridiculous.

    • Like 1
  10. Just to fill people in on the whole point of the Death Eaters getting in... in the book, they come into Hogwarts and cause mass destruction, rather than just messing up the Great Hall. They terrorize the entire building. While in the film, they essentially came in to do something Draco could've done himself, the whole point in the book was that the attack they unleashed on the building was much larger than anything Draco could do. Basically, it just a case of the film leaving out something rather important to the story.

    Jairus, while this is the part of the book that I would have loved to see a solid chunk of the movie devoted to in literal adaptation, it REALLY isn't important to the story. I mean, it begs the question of why they are there, but it doesn't functionally achieve anything by NOT being there. The book fans miss out on all the teachers and some students banding together while epic mayhem ensues, but I can see why it was cut way down.

  11. I posted that aaaaaages ago, and forgot that the smoke monster appeared as Alex when I made that post, until Matt reminded me. Now it makes sense and yeah, it's probably the answer. But I don't like it.

    Fair enough. I almost think it's a pity because this last season is probably just going to piss a lot of people off because of expectations, etc.

    For example, I think there are a lot of "questions" that don't have final relevance that won't be dealt with because they were never supposed to be questions in the first place.

    But, still, it should be good.

  12. If anti-Jacob is the smoke monster I'll feel a bit cheated. I don't see any logic in him being the smoke monster really.

    Is there a reason it doesn't make sense? I mean, we can surmise that Smokie has been manifesting himself as people on the island, then again, I suppose NotJacob could be doing that as well.

  13. I'm not sure what to think of the movie. It pissed me off as much as the Order of the Phoenix's last 20 or so minutes because what was a fucking awesome part of the book is cut down to very little, which is even more so apparent here. But, meh. I would rank this as a strong second behind the third movie.

  14. I dunno man, railguns can shoot shit up to seven times the speed of sound (thanks Wikipedia). A projectile flying that fast should fuck up almost anything.

    I think it was the fact that what should have been a really epic fight with all of the Autobots having to team up to take the fucker down is ended by a fucking railgun which took like....no effort.

  15. Well, I don't think the finale is conclusive in so far as "whatever happened, happened." Sure, the doctor DID get his hand crushed and all that jazz, but that all happened before Juliet set off the bomb. As some of the characters said, maybe they CAUSE the incident and that's always happened, but then again, maybe not.

    An interesting thing that I've seen circulating around but I don't think anyone has mentioned here are the flashblacks for those in '77 (except for Miles). We got flashbacks for Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Jack, Hurley, Jin, Locke, and Juliet (I know Locke wasn't in 77, but meh). Jacob was present in all of them except for Juliet. Not only that, and I have watched closely to confirm, but for every person that Jacob visits in a flashback, he physically touches them in some way. Sometime, it's very slight (he barely touches Hurley's arm and his fingertips are touched by Sawyer when he takes the pin), but it's there. Juliet never gets touched, though. Is she a variable in that sense? I also think it's interesting because Jacob seems to be really, REALLY big on free will.

    Another thing that I noticed was that I think that, at the very least, the other dude from the beginning has taken the form of Locke and Christian. I would also be quick to add Alex to that list (think of how convenient it is. Impostor Locke wasn't in that scene at the same time and Alex told Ben to do whatever Locke said.) Past that, I think the other dead people we've seen on the show are also this same entity vis-a-vis their dead bodies being on the island at some point.

    To a certain extent, I also think Jacob has an ace in the hole. He was rather complacent about his death, and I don't know if that is merely his nature or if there is a loophole to the loophole.

    All in all, I thought it was a great finale, but with Locke being really dead, thinking back on it, he went out like a bitch and that seems like such an unfitting end for such an awesome character.

    I think next season is going to be awesome, and I think that the logo change is a perfect symbol of things yet to come and a reflection that this is going to be a different show with a "different" island.

    As a brief aside, Jacob tells Jack in reference to the vending machine that sometimes things just need a little push...hrmm.
  16. This week's episode:

    GAH! Why the fuck are you keeping kid Ben alive, it makes no fucking sense. You know that he kills hundreds of people when he grows up - would you keep a dying baby Hitler alive if you knew what he'd become?

    And who did the guy that was talking to Richard at the end say they should ask, he said "we shouldn't do this without asking ____ first, if Charles finds out..." Edit: Actually, it was probably Ellie as in Elouise.

    Nice to see Locke back too, but I don't like this idea that the Others seem to make you one of them (especially since Juliet converted to the survivors' side) although I get the feeling it might be something to do with Smokey.

    Who says he does? The episode where Lapidus and Sun saw Christian had an Otherville and dock that looked surprisingly in tact given what we've seen happen to the place last season. What if things are already drastically changing. On the other side of the coin, who's to say that if they had killed him that the purge wouldn't have still happened for some other reason?

    Meh, I'm pretty sure he lives since they've taken him to Richard and he says that they can fix him but he won't remember anything, that was their way of working around that. Otherville was pretty much still in tact last season wasn't it, or am I forgetting something?

    As in who says he's still going to kill all those people. Maybe he won't now.

  17. This week's episode:

    GAH! Why the fuck are you keeping kid Ben alive, it makes no fucking sense. You know that he kills hundreds of people when he grows up - would you keep a dying baby Hitler alive if you knew what he'd become?

    And who did the guy that was talking to Richard at the end say they should ask, he said "we shouldn't do this without asking ____ first, if Charles finds out..." Edit: Actually, it was probably Ellie as in Elouise.

    Nice to see Locke back too, but I don't like this idea that the Others seem to make you one of them (especially since Juliet converted to the survivors' side) although I get the feeling it might be something to do with Smokey.

    Who says he does? The episode where Lapidus and Sun saw Christian had an Otherville and dock that looked surprisingly in tact given what we've seen happen to the place last season. What if things are already drastically changing. On the other side of the coin, who's to say that if they had killed him that the purge wouldn't have still happened for some other reason?
  18. I was reading a news article about the leak today, and one of the people they interviewed made a good point: the people that downloaded the movie are most likely people that were never going to pay for it in the first place or the very people that will have their asses in the seats at least once to see it in theaters, if not multiple times.

    If a fucking work print is the deciding factor for anyone, then wow. Regardless of how plot stuff is handled...I mean...honestly. Look at the trailer. It's pretty obvious what kind of plot this movie is going to have.

    I mean, shit, why not just read the Wikipedia page and write your review from there?

    That said, I don't have any interest in the work print. I have limited interest in the movie, but I will go see it on a big screen, as intended. Hell, if I COULDN'T see it in theaters, I probably wouldn't EVER watch this movie.

    Also, I'll jump out and say that anyone that downloaded the movie and is hating on the movie is obviously Internet savvy enough to have known for a while that Deadpool is getting all sorts of properly fucked by the movie. This shouldn't exactly be a surprise.

  19. I didn't mind the sex scene, as I thought it was one of the most ideal nerd-romance fantasies ever. You're a superhero, banging a superheroin on your flying ship just after saving dozens of innocent people. Fucking ace.

    I will say though that the "climax" made me hang my head in shame.

    For clarity's sake, of the movie, the sex scene, or both?

  20. For everybody saying that they wish "X and Y was included from the book" etc, wait for the DVD. Snyder has said he filmed EVERYTHING from the book, but they had to cut alot to make the time limit. The DVD will be a film version of the book, basically, complete with the Tales of the Black Freighter cut into it, and the missing scenes from the book.

    Judging from the 3.5 hour runtime I'm hearing thrown around and having recently read the graphic novel, I doubt the extra time is going to be a catchall.

    As for the sex scene, I would argue it is important. Granted, I have yet to see the movie, but recently finished reading the book, and that part was kind of important for the characters involved.

  21. Watchmen brings so many damn questions to mind it's impossible to just review it in a few words. It's incredible, even with moments that kinda made me go "Well, that wasn't needed...."

    I mean, forget BLUEPENISLAWL and take this for what it is. I mean, I never saw the comics, and only found out the ending in the film differed slightly after looking it up on IMDB after seeing it last night. Anyway though, holy shit! I mean, even with the prison scene with the guys arms getting sliced off ( I mean, there's MORE METAL! CUT AROUND HIM!) I took most of what happened in the film pretty positively. Some random thoughts though.

    How did Rorschach's magic head-sock work?

    Why kill Rorschach? I mean, he was that protester in the first half of the film, and most of the general public just ignored him. Who would really believe him now? He was the coolest character and got the oddest death in the film.

    So, were supposed to be sad at Comedians funeral. Someone killed him, and it's OBVIOUSLY NOT THE GENTLE MILLIONAIRE OH NO! Lets see some of Denn- I mean Comedians history.....

    Oh, he's a rapist and shoots pregnant women. Why are we sad when he dies?

    Because he created the being that helped save the world?! Oh, I get it. Dr. Manhattan needs to witness a miracle! His love was created by a fucking asshole, so he can't believe the odds of her being born. I'll buy it! I get it!

    But....Dr. Manhattan coming back means nothing anyway.....so now Comedian has no point again.....

    Fuck you movie!

    I liked how for the most part this could been seen as a realistic look at "Superheros" in the real world (except for Dr.Manhattan) I took the Comedian thing for a bit to be how even though he was a fuckhead he still had a heart, and that not everyone gets to be that fairy tale character. It's a realistic look on life....

    Wait, there's a blue guy who is pretty much a god.

    FUCK YOU MOVIE! Lets me rationalize something!

    It was one incredible movie, but I don't think I could see it again for a long time.

    Yeah, but that's sort of how the book is. I finished reading it this morning, so I'm not just talking out of my ass. I can't wait to see this with my friend sometime this week. Had it not been for her, I would have been there at midnight.

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