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Posts posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. The Chargers did themselves in with a lot of stupid things such as the Drayton Florence headbutt penalty and the 4th down play Hasselhoff mentioned, but the Patriots did get away with a few things that they should have been called on.

    Besides the Rivers incident, the last touchdown New England scored, the player pushed off and they didn't call it.

    And Marty was clearly signalling for a time out when the Patriots were going to convert yet the refs didn't stop the play or null the conversion and make them do it again after the time out. If someone is signalling a time out before a play goes off, you're supposed to call the time out before the play starts or nullify it, not ignore the time out signal completely.

    I expected the Pats to win, anyway, but not because of bad officiating.

  2. And the Pats are in the championship game. Maybe next year, Charger fans. (Y)

    Yeah, the refs handed the Pats the game by not calling a penalty when Rivers got decked right in front of them, then the Chargers' kicker blew his first FG attempt at home in 2 years.

  3. Brady Quinn is fucking overated. Not to mention we have chance to draft a Galloway type receiver in Ginn. We take that. Let the Browns have Quinn. Raiders get Russel, Lions get Smith, Browns can have quinn and we will take Ginn. Then it's nothing but defensive players for the rest of the draft.

    Oh and here is something I want clarifaction on. I just watched the Dallas/Seattle, Safety rulling nad they explainded why it was ruled like that. Here's what I want to know.

    THe ball is forced loose, It is out of bounds when a player in bounds catches it while it is still in the air, however his foot was on the out of bounds line. It was a seattle player, so how the fuck is that a safety?

  4. Detroit fans everywhere are praying Oakland drafts Quinn.

    JaMarcus is THE player in this draft.

    And similarly, expect the Raider Nation to be praying to whatever gods they pray to that Oakland drafts JaMarcus. Incidentally, when is the NFL Draft set for? I'd like to watch it, honestly.

  5. Cowher resigned, not retired. He usually got an extension with two years left on his deal and didn't get that this year. He wanted his salary to be near or on par with Mike Holmgren and the Rooney's refused. (Can't say that I blame them, $8 million to fucking coach, please) He'll sit out the final year of his deal with Pittsburgh and then have his pick of coaching jobs for 2008.

  6. So, Jim Mora REALLY likes the University of Washington, eh? Sounded like he's ready to have Ty Willingham clipped.

    Yeah. He did a subsequent interview where he said he was kidding about what he said on the radio show, because he realized he stuck his foot in his mouth. Its obvious that he wasn't joking, though.

    On Cold Pizza yesterday during the _& 10 portion of the show, Skip and the other guy (Tony something or other; is Woody sick or on vacation or something this week?) discussed it, with Skip coming to Mora's defense because he's been on the same radio show and it gets pretty crazy and he thinks Mora got caught up in the moment.

    Mora is likely done after this season, no matter how the Falcons do the rest of it. His father's comments about Vick being a coach killer (which is true, in my opinion) were bad enough, but he just dug his own grave with this incident. And I doubt the U of W will be in any hurry to fire Willingham to hire him.

    Bottom line: Jim Mora is fucked.

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