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Posts posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. Why is Kevin Smith so obsessed with "ending" the Askew movies? Originally it was a trilogy. Then it was done after Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Now Clerks II is it? He needs to stop pinning himself into statements like this because it makes him look like a liar and somebody who really isn't a man of his word. People like these characters, he doesn't need to keep retiring them. He can make a Jersey Girl type movie then do a Clerks type movie to try and act like he still has some credibility. If he's serious about retiring these characters, kill them off and be done with it.

    Since when did he lose credibility with Jersey Girl? I guess I can see where he did though as it was a total departure for him but i still liked it, maybe because it was a good chick flick. I liked Clerks 2 because it could have been a simple "same shit as before" sequel but instead it ws actually about these characters having to grow up already.

  2. Why is Kevin Smith so obsessed with "ending" the Askew movies? Originally it was a trilogy. Then it was done after Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Now Clerks II is it? He needs to stop pinning himself into statements like this because it makes him look like a liar and somebody who really isn't a man of his word. People like these characters, he doesn't need to keep retiring them. He can make a Jersey Girl type movie then do a Clerks type movie to try and act like he still has some credibility. If he's serious about retiring these characters, kill them off and be done with it.

  3. Boy Meets World was great until Angela showed up. She Ted McGinley'd that show. My favorite years were the Mr. Turner years, Mr. Turner was cool and Topanga was such a babe during those years. Then she got all fat during the college years which were horrible because everybody went crazy and the logic just went right out the window. Like how Mr. Feeny ended up teaching everywhere they went or why Cory lost his mind. And Matthew Lawrence? Puh-lease.

    But this leads to this question?

    Kelly Kapowski or Topanga?

  4. I guess I'm in the minority but on the whole, to me it comes off as a lame attempt to re-create Clerks. The offensive material came off as forced and I'm sick of seeing Kevin Smith's wife in his movies. But I got Randal being Randal so I'm happy.

  5. From this movie, I want more of Dante and Randal. Jay & Silent Bob have been rammed down our throats in 4 other Kevin Smith movies and were even in Scream 3. What made Clerks the movie and Clerks: TAS great was Dante & Randal. We need more RANDAL!!!!

  6. I would love a Texas/USC game, college football needs a good 55-52 National Championship game. But Texas gives up its points as well, Michigan ran up and down on them last year in the Rose Bowl. But to be honest, I haven't seen them at all this year.

    I feel bad for Notre Dame a tad. I have seen them alot this year and they have the offensive talent to compete for a National Championship. Brady Quinn is a helluva quarterback. But, they play that "Ole" defense and then I remember that they are Notre Dame and I stop feeling bad for them and continue to hate them. Because they are Notre Dame.

    I was watching the Michigan game at work. At one point, I was cashing out a customer when Chad Henne was stripped and Penn State took it back for a score, I rolled my eyes at the TV and the customer just laughed. When Henne threw the TD to Mario Manningham (the best receiver you've never heard of) I had to stop myself from screaming like a maniac in front of our customers. Great game and it's always nice to take Penn State down a notch. It was also fun earlier watching the total hack job by Michigan State against Ohio State. John L. Smith is NOT a big game coach. Conference USA this is not. But when it comes to OSU/MSU, it's like watching a war between Canada & France, can't they both lose?

    USC is done with loseable games for the calender year of 2005. 2006 is another story.

  7. This White Sox team impressed the hell out of me. They did everything right, Yeah, they got a few breaks but they took advantage of them, that's what the good teams do. They did it against Boston and did it to the Angels. Anaheim got a break by the umpire allowing that run to score on Figgns' double but didn't get a run out of it. On the other hand, the Sox get that call of the Pierzynski grounder rightly reversed and and they got the go ahead run out of it. They made the most of every situation. And their pitching, that is how they built that 15 game lead up in the first place. Great pitching and playing smart, fundememtally sound baseball. Joe Buck made a real interesting point, the White Sox went to Anaheim for those middle three games and didn't make a single subsitution and I think only made two for the whole series. Pulling Contreas in Game 1 and having Osuna pinch running in Game 2. Weird. I gained a lot of respect for Ozzie Guillen in this series. I'm wondering what the hell happened to K-Rod. He pretty choked out there which is weird considering all the experience he has in the post season.

    And I think it's sorta odd that everyone piled on A-Rod for being a choke artist and yet the hcak jock job by Vladimir Guerrero has gone unnoticed. He went 1 for 20 in the ALCS to finish the post season hitting .184 (7/38) with 1 RBI and is just a .184 career post season hitter with one home run and 7 RBI. Yet, while A-Rod is a career .305 post season hitter with 6 homers and 16 RBI. But I guess it''s just fun to make fun of the Yankees.

  8. ALCS-I could really care less about these two teams but I'm enjoying this series. I'm thinking Chicago is going to wrap it up in 6. They just have better pitching. They have clearly the superior starting rotation, and that's if Bartolo Colon healthy. The Angels rotation is just a wreck. The ChiSox have better hitters too. That lineup one through nine is dangerous. You get past by Vlad and Cabrera, and the Los Angeles Angeles of Anaheim of Orange County of California of America of North America of the Western Hemisphere of Earth are not a threatening offensive team.

    The NLCS is a toss up. The Astros have the best pitching I've seen since the heyday of Maddux, Glavine, Smoltz, & Avery. Brad Lidge is lights out. But, the Cards pitching is not that far behind. So the edge goes to the Red Birds due to these words: Albert Puljos, Jim Edmonds, Larry Walker, Reggie Sanders, etc etc. Cards in 7.

  9. I really wish AOL would just die or give the team back to Ted Turner. Rafael Furcal will be added to the list of Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, Gary Sheffield, Javy Lopez, Mike Remlinger, Chris Hammond of guys AOL has been to cheap to re-sign. The Braves need another starter as Mike Hampton and his $14 billion contract (thank you Colorado) is out untill probably mid-2007. I say bring back Tom Glavine. The guy never should have left. He won 20-games atleast 5 times in Atlanta and a Cy Young award. The guy should finish his career in Atlanta.

    As for my hometown Tigers. They need some help. A top line starter and bullpen help and a centerfielder. So, hopefully Dave Dombrowski gets ahold of Mr. I's checkbook and signs a blank check for Johnny Damon, AJ Burnett, and Billy Wagner or BJ Ryan or even maybe Kyle Farnsworth.

    Mike Piazza is done like dinner in Queens. D-U-N, done. He makes $15 million a year and has bad knees and is old. Can you believe this guy is going into his 14th year? I would not at all be surprised to see him go across town to Yankee stadium. He would fit in perfect, he's old, over the hill, and washed up. Would anyone put it past to Big Stein to give Piazza a 2-year deal worth $10 million to split DHing and first base duties with Jason Giambi?

  10. I saw this and loved it. Dane Cook went chalk, which means he was hilaurios. I heard some different stuff from him which I enjoyed. Dave Attell was his usual self. I've never been a big fan of his. I had no clue who the other was. But in my mind, Greg Giraldo stole the show. I think he's the most underrated stand up in America. This guy needs an HBO special.

    "Man, bitches are the shit!"

  11. That was such a sloppy game. I've been watching baseball for years upon years and have never seen so many badly thrown balls from the outfield to the infield and just overall sloppy play. Plus, the pitching on both sides was just brutal. And the game, nine innings took four hours plus. That was just a brutal game. Alot of runs, the Angels hit the crap out of the ball. But that was not good baseball.

    I'm glad the Red Sox lost because I was so fucking sick of them. In the span of a winter, they became "Yankee fan." Now they can shut up and realize things are back to normal.

  12. I saw Geena Davis plug the show on Monday Night Football, she was standing between Al Michaels and John Madden, looking old and dressed like a man, made me hate the show even more. And the premise of a woman even being Vice President is laughable? And lemme guess, she's a democrat in the show.

    Wrong.....but I guess that's nothing new for you. What does that have to do with the show being good or bad anyways? I thought they explained why she was the VP well.....that's pretty much the only thing they did well.

  13. I saw Geena Davis plug the show on Monday Night Football, she was standing between Al Michaels and John Madden, looking old and dressed like a man, made me hate the show even more. And the premise of a woman even being Vice President is laughable? And lemme guess, she's a democrat in the show.

  14. I saw the opening segment. Lindsay Lohan looked coked out of her mind. So sad.

    Gwen Stefani looked ready to kill someone after she got screwed out of that award. I like Kelly Clarkson and all, but Gwen deserved that.

    And Green Day has been the best overall band of the past decade, so they deserve it.

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