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Posts posted by DaveKOTW

  1. IPB Image

    When was the greatest era of wrestling? Is it now? Definately not, was it in the 80s. Probably to some but..to many, the definitive time in which the wrestling industry changed was in the 90s. More specifically, the beginning of ECW and the Monday Night Wars. Vince McMahon has said it, Eric Bischoff has said it. "The Monday Night Wars brought out the best in both WCW and WWF because both Companies really had to work hard to make the best product available. Vince McMahon has since argued that while WCW has disappeared, he still competes. But competing against baseball and against UFC is not like competing against a rival of the same produce. Vince has tried it all. 2 brands, didn't work. ECW, didn't work. Is it possible to have the same quality of programming now that the Monday Night Wars are over?

    ....I believe it to be possible

    Judge for yourselves..........

  2. I actually saw the press conference on tv. It was funny cos the whole team was wearing the kit and there but the CEO of AIG only wanted to shake the managers, David Gill and Wayne Rooney's hand and he nodded and Ronaldo, everyone else he pretty much didnt pay any attention to lol

  3. yep. Forgot to Mention Poyet and Vialli too. Man I loved Vialli. I remember when he was manager and we had all that money flying around (not compared to the likes of the day)...and my mates and I were playing football and my mate was a Hammers fan lol..we were debating who was better, Vialli or Di Canio..man..that guy must have been stoned lol


    Nah, I'm sick of seeing all the Chelsea glory hunters think their team is the best in the fucking land. Honestly, ask any of them to name a player from their 97 team and they wouldn't have a clue. I'd love to see their faces drop, but then again, Utd are just as fucking bad.

    its nice to hear people talk about my team in such a complementary way. I think the boys in blue are gonna hold on against United although i've got respect for United. Come too far to lose it now <_<

  4. I think if its Mclaren, we are screwed. I mean, managing Middlesbrough is one thing...and given his match tonight, he's a good manager. But its not exactly the same as international competition. I think you need a guy that knows that football league system very well and isnt one whose afraid to look around. McLarens answer to everything is to buy brazil.

    Rochemback, Doriva, Pogatez, there are others im sure lol

  5. Dont think there actually is any doubt to that. I think that as soon as the Old left backs went, he was in the mix with Cole and Bridge and basically, he got totally shafted although I dont think it helped that he also was being played in a different position.

    I think the odd part was that if you remember when Sven was trying to accomodate both Bridge and Cole in the team and he played Bridge in ML and Cole DL. Ironically, for one, why not the other way around considering Cole was a ML that retrained to be a DL and Bridge is a natural DL. Even better, why not have played Barry instead?

  6. We do lack flair. The closest we have is Milner (for this season) and Davis is pretty much our midfield guru now. Hendrie can win matches, but O'Leary isn't giving him a chance anymore. We have great experience, really. With McCann, Barry, Mellberg, Phillips, Angel, Sorrensen, Hughes, etc in there. They just need direction, proper coaching, management and tactics.

    Without meaning disrespectful to your team, I actually meant like, players who had experience of winning stuff lol

    Phillips isnt Mr. Succesful :ohwell:

    2 Prem Clubs prior/2 lots of relegation :w00t:

    I think Mellberg is great though. And I've always been a big fan of Barry and Hendrie. Milner is pretty good and I think that Davis is fantastic (purely cos i put him on my fantasy league team as a reserve at the start of the season thinking meh, its a way to save money and he's come out like he has :) )

  7. Gonna start you off with a bang

    The only place to be

    Every other Saturday

    Is strolling down the Fulham Road

    Meet your mates and have a drink

    Have a moan and start to think

    Will there ever be a blue tomorrow?

    We've waited so long

    But we'd wait for ever

    Our blood is blue and

    We would leave you never

    And when we make it

    It'll be together, oh oh oh

    Chelsea, Chelsea

    We're gonna make this a Blue Day

    Chelsea, Chelsea

    We're gonna make this a Blue Day

    We've got some memories

    Albeit from the Seventies when

    Ossie and co. restored our pride

    Now we've got hope, it's not a dream

    We'll keep the Blue Flag flying high

    We've waited so long

    But we'd wait for ever

    Our blood is blue and

    We would leave you never

    And when we make it

    It'll be together, oh oh oh

    Chelsea, Chelsea

    We're gonna make this a Blue Day

    Chelsea, Chelsea

    We're gonna make this a Blue Day

    Now even Heaven

    Is blue today, you should

    Hear the Chelsea roar

    Hear the Chelsea roar...

    hell motherfrickin yeaaaaah :D

  8. :lol::lol: What match was it...I think it was West Brom Vs. Birmingham this season, it had to be the worst match I have seen in a long time. I think I actually just had a sleep and I was like totally awake when the match started but by the end of it, I was desperately trying to keep my eyes open. I just find it kinda funny how Bruce had such an ego on him last year (the oh yeah, I could have the Newcastle job if i wanted it but nah) and now he's about to be reunited with his friends in the Championship lol

    And taking his talentless shit son Alex Bruce with him. The 2nd best present we have given them recently.

  9. :lol::lol: What match was it...I think it was West Brom Vs. Birmingham this season, it had to be the worst match I have seen in a long time. I think I actually just had a sleep and I was like totally awake when the match started but by the end of it, I was desperately trying to keep my eyes open. I just find it kinda funny how Bruce had such an ego on him last year (the oh yeah, I could have the Newcastle job if i wanted it but nah) and now he's about to be reunited with his friends in the Championship lol
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