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Posts posted by DaveKOTW

  1. IPB Image

    Monday 12th November


    Round Three

    This week is an important week for the WWF post Invasion. After 2 weeks of the Round Robin Tournament, this week marks the culmination of the battles between WWF Superstars, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. Tonight on RAW, Kurt Angle takes on Chris Jericho in the Main Event in which promises to be an interesting confrontation as both Superstars superstars seemed to be on the same page till last week on Smackdown where Chris Jericho attacked Kurt Angle in his match against Stone Cold. Has Chris Jericho finally got bitter for all the assists he has made for Kurt Angle, and yet him not even being off the mark yet in the tournament? Find out how this all unfolds only on RAW tonight.

    RAW also sees the APA back in action tonight, as they continue their quest for the WWF Tag Team titles tagging with Rob Van Dam to take on the WWF Tag Team Champions Bubba and D-Von Dudley and Key. Key had dominated this current rivalry until last week on Smackdown where Rob Van Dam brough The Undertaker as his partner in the tag team match. WWF Crusierweight Champion is also in action tonight taking on non-another than Steven Richards in a Non-Title Match. Tajiri obviously wants to continue his good form as he waits for a new challenger for the WWF Cruiserweight Title. However, none of these matches could be as shocking as the the match between Lita and Kane. WWF Champion Mr. McMahon proudly booked this match as a No Holds Barred Match allowing Kane free reign to hurt an innocent woman. Can Lita perform an upset or will Kane do exactly the same as he did to the rest of Team Extreme. In addition to a hot action line up, Marc Mero is also scheduled to debut tonight. Who knows what Mero has to say tonight on his return to the WWF.

    Tune in to TNN, the home of WWF RAW

    RAW Card

    Dudley Boyz and Key Vs. Rob Van Dam and the APA

    Tajiri Vs. Steven Richards

    Kane Vs. Lita - No Holds Barred Match

    Chris Jericho Vs. Kurt Angle - Round Robin Third Round Match

  2. Everybody has a Price...Everybody's got to pay

    Figures from Last Week Shows

    We got a 6.89 rating for 'RAW'!

    The attendance level was 7539 people.

    We made $301560 from ticket sales.

    Charles Wright as the Manager of Key went over well with the crowd.

    The best rated matches of the night were The Rock Vs. Chris Jericho (92%) and the WWF Tag Team Titles Match between the Dudley Boyz and the APA (76%). The McMahon/Austin segment also went over extremely well (94%) The Overall show rating was 77%.

    We got a 5.48 rating for 'Smackdown!'!

    The attendance level was 7537 people.

    We made $301480 from ticket sales.

    The Best Matches of the Night were Stone Cold Vs. Kurt Angle (OR: 87%) and Kane Vs. Jeff Hardy (OR: 74%). The round robin announcement and the Shawn Stasiak promo on Edge went over extremely well with the crowd at 87% and 84% respectively he Overall show rating was recorded at 75

    We got a 1.21 rating for 'Heat'!

    The attendance level was 7530 people.

    We made $301200 from ticket sales.

    The Match of the Night was Christian Vs. Perry Saturn at 67%. The women's title match did not go down well with the fans. Jacqueline did not sell well and this hurt the match rating and the fans had trouble getting into the match, even with the aggressive finish scoring only 47%. The total show score was a mere 60%

    All in all the show is going in the right direction. Diamond Dallas Page is being recieved very well and many backstage are believing it is only a matter of time till he recieves a bigger push after his programme with Raven and Credible ends. The backroom staff are also said to be very happy with Shawn Stasiak's progress as he has been getting over considerably well with the fans. The big question on everyones minds is how long the WWF plans to keep the Edge/Stasiak storyline going. Next week is going to be a big week in terms of storylines. The Round Robin Tournament is going to come to a summation one way or another. Marc Mero is set to debut on RAW and Kane will go one on one with Lita. I guarantee you next week is a week not to miss!

    Till next week, keep tuned and Enjoy!

    Current Champions

    WWF Champion

    Mr. McMahon

    Intercontinental Champion


    European Champion


    WWF Tag Team Champions

    Dudley Boyz

    WWF Hardcore Champion

    Rob Van Dam

    WWF Cruiserweight Champion



    Monday 19th November

    Jacqueline Released

    WWF has come to terms on the release of WWF Diva Jacqueline as of today, Nov. 19.

    We wish Jacqueline the best in all future endeavors.

  3. IPB Image

    Sunday 18th November 2001

    Sunday Night Heat

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Sunday Night Heat! I am Kevin Kelly and I am joined here tonight with the former Tough Enough Trainer Al Snow. What a show tonight we have tonight"

    "Kevin, I couldn't agree more and it looks like we're about to kick off right now"

    Where's My Respect?

    The show opens with WWF European Champion, Christian, coming to the ring and grabbing a microphone. On the way to the ring, Kevin Kelly and Al Snow introduce highlights of last Thursday's Tag Team match between Christian and Key and Rob Van Dam and The Undertaker. Anywho, Christian was in no mood for niceties telling the crowd to shut up and listen because he's got something important to say. He says that he's the WWF European Champion, a former Intercontinental Champion. A Multiple Time Tag Team Champion. He says that he's been in TLC Matches, Cage Matches. Ladder Matches and through all the pain, the sweat and the tears. He's got no respect off anyone. He says he's been cheated. He's been cheated by family. He's been cheated by the company and the fans. Hell he's even been cheated by God. He says its just not fair. It's not right. And he's not gonna stand for it anymore. That's why tonight he is going to have an open challenge to anyone who's got the balls to come down to the ring, get into the ring and get the biggest asskicking of their life. Al Snow said to Kevin Kelly now was his time to shine but just as he removed his headset, Perry Saturn's music hit the ring and Saturn came down to the ring. Kevin Kelly mentioned that Al should keep his cool. Al said he can't believe that a man who used to carry a mop got to the ring before him. To a chorus of "Moppy" chants. Saturn told Christian that if he wanted a fight then..."you're welcome". Christian couldn't believe the cheers Saturn got. Christian looked around at all the fans, jesting that they had no clue before cheap shotting Saturn and starting off the first match of the night.

    Match 1: WWF European Champion Christian Vs Perry Saturn

    -(KOTW Note - Title is on the line). Christian starts off with an early advantage after cheap shotting Saturn. Christian tries to end the match quick going for a quick cover after hitting a lariat on Saturn. Christian showed Saturn a lot of disrespect in the early part of the match. Saturn took no more of it though after Christian cockily slapped Saturn across the face Saturn responding with a clothesline. Saturn took advantage from here bouncing Christian against the ropes before taking him down with a solid shoulder block before going for the cover but only for a 2. Saturn continued with some basic offence before hitting a beautiful northern lights suplex going for another pinfall attempt Christian kicking out again on the two. Saturn kept on the offence hitting a swinging neckbreaker on Christian. Christian looked like he was in trouble until Saturn decided to go up top and attempt a diving knee drop, Christian rolling out in the nick of time. Christian got to his feet quickly to take advantage of the high risk kicking Saturn in the midsection before going for his patented Unprettier for the victory. Christian defeated Saturn w/ the Unprettier at 3.53 (KOTW Rating - ***)(KOTW Note - Solid match with good action but the crowd were not particularly in to Perry Saturn).

    After the Match, Kevin Kelly hyped tonight's Main Event between the WWF Cruiserweight Champion Tajiri and X-Pac. Al Snow then hyped the Number 1 Contender's match for the Womens Title tonight between former Alliance and ECW Wrestler Jazz and Jacqueline.

    Recap 1: Kane Vs. Jeff Hardy on Smackdown

    Kevin Kelly then took us back to earlier this week on Smackdown for the match between Kane and Jeff Hardy.

    Brotherly Revenge – Kane Vs. Jeff Hardy

    The match was only going one way from the start. While Jeff Hardy attacked Kane while he was making his way to the ring, Kane’s sheer power outweighed anything that Jeff Hardy to offer. This was seen as early as at the bottom of the ramp where and whip attempt into the steel steps by Jeff was reversed by Kane sending Jeff crashing hard against steel. Kane continued in this fashion chucking Jeff into the barricade before choking him on the outside of the ring with his boot. Can eventually let up and rolled Jeff Hardy into the ring before climbing onto the apron himself. Jeff quickly tried to get back to his feet and fight off the Kane attack but Kane wasn’t gonna take it. Even with stiff right hands while Kane was on the apron, Kane hardly flinched and climbed into the ring before swatting Jeff down like he was nothing but a fly. Jeff got up and bounced off the ropes to give him except momentum but he ran into Kane like he was brick wall. Jeff tried it again and again. But the third time wasn’t so lucky. Kane lifted Jeff over his head and military pressed Jeff up the air before dropping him face first to the mat. Kane looked around. THE END IS NEAR. Kane climbed up the turnbuckle and waited in baited breath. Here it comes…….A FLYING CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL. Kane is back up to his feet and he is looking pissed off. Jeff Hardy is somewhere else but not here. Kane is signalling for it. You know what I mean……CHOKESLAM ON JEFF HARDY! Kane hooks the leg………..1………………2……………..Kane lifts out of the pin. He says it’s not over. Kane stands above Jeff who is trying desperately to get back to his feet. Jeff…No Not Again! CHOKESLAM #2. Kane goes for the cover again……………1……………2………………..Kane gets off again. Kane gets up and grabs hold of Jeff. Jeff can hardly stand. He’s finished. God Damn It Kane, leave him alone. Kane raises back his arm……No Not One More! CHOKESLAM!!!!!!! Kane covers finally……………1…………………………2…………………….3 Kane wins this but not without taking a few years off Jeff Hardy’s life! Lita rushes down to the ring. Her boyfriend is in hospital. Now it looks like her boyfriend’s brother is too. Kane stands in the middle of the ring ready to do his pyro when he stops in mid flow and turns to Jeff. He sees Lita. Kane turns around, Lita unaware as Kane’s head begins to tilt. King shouts “Lita, watch out”. Lita notices Kane’s attention. This is not going to be pretty. Lita stands up holding her hands up as if saying Leave me alone but Kane is no gentlemen. Kane grabs hold of Lita by her top and then grabs hold of her throat when……Mr. McMahon appears at the entrance of the arena with a microphone in one hand and the WWF Championship over the other shoulder.

    Vince – Kane stop stop! I can’t allow you to do that!

    Kane lets go of Lita who quickly gets out of the ring and begins to pull Jeff out of the ring.

    Vince – An unprovoked attack on a woman on Smackdown! Kane, that could do this company serious damage! Hell, there would be feminists everywhere. And nobody wants that happen! By God, it’s another having them as wives and daughters but no more damn it no more!

    Kane climbs out of the ring and starts to pace himself up the ramp tugging on his chokeslamming glove.

    Vince – Wow Wow Kane, Let me finish. As I was saying..an “unprovoked” attack on a woman would be wrong. However, since I know you’re desperate to get on your hands on Lita, this is what I’m gonna do. Next Week on RAW, we’re going to have a match. On one side of the ring we’re going to have Kane, and on the other side of the ring we’re going to have Lita. And that match is going to be No Holds Barred! Yeah! You like that?

    The fans boo loudly as Vince McMahon stands at the entrance, a big smile on his face. Michael Cole says that it’s sick. Tazz just can’t believe it. Kane nods in approval.

    Kevin Kelly say that the WWF Champion Mr. McMahon is almost as sick as Kane although Al Snow disagrees. Al said that if Mr. McMahon was as sick as Kane, then Mr. McMahon would have left Kane to do his business right there and then. Either way, next monday on RAW, Kane goes 1 v 1 with Lita in a No Holds Barred Match.

    Partners in Crime

    Backstage, Hardcore Holly was approached by The Hurricane in the dressing room, who said that since the Alliance had ended and crime was still on the rise, he offers Hardcore Holly the opportunity of a lifetime to join the Hurricane and as he sidekick, battle the forces of darkness in the Wrestling Industry. Hardcore Holly didn't think too much of Hurricane's offer and slapped the Hurricane hard across the face before walking away. That's no way to treat a superhero!

    Match 2: Jazz Vs. Jacqueline

    -(KOTW Note - This is for the #1 Contendership for the Womens Title). Both women struggled to get an opening sequence off and running but nevertheless, Jazz took control early on. Jazz started off the attack with a basic offense but soon got nasty hitting running powerslam on Jacqueline making a quick cover attempt although it only was for a 2. Jazz carried on the offense with a huge running leg drop going for a second attempt at the pin but Jacqueline wouldn't say die. Jacky tried to turn the sides getting some soft offense on Jazz before getting a huge kick in the gut before hitting the Jazz Stinger on Jacqueline suprising the crowd. Jazz then hooked the leg for the three. Jazz defeated Jacqueline w/the Jazz Stinger in 2.49-(KOTW Rating - 1/2*)(KOTW Note - Poor match in which Jacqueline did not sell very well hurting the ratings. Jazz went over well with the audience). After the match Jazz went back for more on Jacqueline lifting her back to her feet to hit her for a second time with the Jazz Stinger getting even more heat of the audience. Jazz told everyone that "She was the Best!" before getting out the ring to a chorus of boos.

    Back at the announce table, Kevin Kelly says that Jazz is one bad ass mother, Al Snow wanting to know if Kevin Kelly was getting racial with him. Kelly said Snow was ridiculous but Snow wanted to know. It's a family show after all people. Kevin Kelly eventually broke the argument reminding fans that next week in the WWF is the culmination of the Round Robin Tournament where Kurt Angle fights Chris Jericho on RAW before The Rock takes on Stone Cold Steve Austin later on in the week on Smackdown. Al Snow says that while all the opponents are great, his money is on the current leader, the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle to win the tournament and go on to face Mr. McMahon for the WWF Championship at Vengeance. Kelly said he was still undecided because it was that close but one thing is for certain. Next week is going to be intense!

    Love is in the Air

    Backstage, Tajiri was standing beside Torrie Wilson making the finishing touches to his wrist supports. Torrie tells Tajiri that she doesn't know if she's told him this already but she is "very proud of him". Tajiri giggles and says something back to her in Japanese. Torrie tells Tajiri that if he wins, she may have a special victory treat for him later tonight. Kevin Kelly asks Al Snow if it's all of a sudden getting hot in the arena but Al denies it. He says he thinks the temperature is perfectly low, just like Kelly's zipper. Kevin says that is slander. Al tells Kelly just to call the match.

    Match 3: WWF Cruiserweight Champion Tajiri Vs X-Pac

    -(KOTW Note - Title is on the line). Both of the wrestlers started off circling the ring facing each other before finally locking up. Tajiri started off with the advantage with a few knife chops on X-Pac before hitting him with a snap suplex and goes for a quick pin fall attempt but Pac is not about to lose that easily. Both men lock up again. X-Pac goes for the headlock this time. Tajiri tries to counter shoving X-Pac into the ropes but gets knocked down by a shoulder block. X-Pac bounces back against the ropes, Tajiri tries to go for a hiptoss but X-Pac counters hitting a hiptoss of us his own. X-Pac continues the offensive with a spinning heel kick to Tajiri, before celebrating while Tajiri recovers. X-Pac recieved his usual "X-Pac sucks" chants as he taunted the crowd. I guess he loves to know he sucks. X-Pac continues with some of the basic offense moves trying to keep Tajiri grounded but Tajiri eventually got back to his feet trying to get a quick way out of this match with a bridged german suplex. Alas it was only for a 2 count. Tajiri however DID get some momentum from here finishing off with a beautifully time handspring back elbow smash. X-Pac tried to get back some momentum attacking Tajiri from behind and whipping him into the corner. Tajiri however outmanouvered X-Pac locking in the tarantula on X-Pac as soon as he got to the corner. X-Pac eventually is let loose only to walk straight into a Dragon Suplex from Tajiri who goes for the cover again only to get the 2 count. X-Pac looks in trouble as Tajiri sizes him up waiting for X-Pac before hitting the Buzzsaw Kick for the win. Tajiri beat X-Pac w/ the Buzzsaw Kick at 7.05-(KOTW Rating - **3/4)(KOTW Note - Could start to the match. However X-Pac became sluggish half way through. The fans were not really into Tajiri and cost the overall rating of this match up.)

    The show ended with Torrie Wilson coming down to the ring and hugging Tajiri who raised his WWF Cruiserweight Championship belt to the fans. Kevin Kelly and Al Snow wish all the fans a good evening and thank us for joining them! Till Next Week! Peace Out!

  4. IPB Image

    Sunday 18th November 2001

    Heat Preview

    Sunday Night Heat is coming live from Montana showcasing some of the finest talent in the wrestling industry. Check out MTV's Sunday Night Heat


    Christian DEMANDS Air Time

    Jazz Vs. Jacqueline - #1 Contenders Match for WWF Womens Championship

    X-Pac Vs. Tajiri © - WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match

  5. IPB Image

    Friday 16th November

    WWF signs Three Wrestlers to Development Contracts

    The World Wrestling Federation have signed Female Japanese Wrestler Bull Nakano and American Tag Team, the Dupp Brothers to Development Contracts. All three wrestlers have previously held contracts with the WWF; Bull Nakano was contracted with the WWF in 1994 and held the WWF Women's Championship before parting ways in 1995 after being caught in possession with Cocaine. The Dupps both worked previously in a WWF feeder company known as OVW, before being released. The Dupps have supposedly been signed to bulk up the WWF Tag Team Division. All three wrestlers will report to OVW to work on their final product before making their way to WWF TV

  6. This is a very well diary that is straight to the point, very realistic and entertaining. RAW was great. DX and the McMahons were all over it and it was very entertaining. ECW was just as good and I'm looking forward very much to the Sabu Vs. Edge match. I think thats gonna be totally on the money. Smackdown was also excellent. I think you captured King Booker very well and it was a great show to start from with the return of Batista. Three solid shows mate! Can't ask for more! I am really looking forward to next week! Lets hope this version is sweeter to Mick Foley than reality :)

    Good luck!

  7. Another solid show with a hell of a lot of talent. I think Rance is coming across just nicely, you've been working on his well in the last couple of matches. The Canadian connection is working well for you in the main event. Bobby Roode and Petey Williams are amazing talents so its good that you are using them so well. Roode really did a number on Williams. It would definately be good to see Roode Vs. Williams for the heavyweight title.

    btw lol I also enjoyed the triple threat tag team match where the Young Gunnz won by virtue of a count out lol!

    Keep up the good work man! I haven't really read that many MLW diaries before but this one is going really well!

  8. Great Opening Card. I can Imagine Roderick Strong vs. Angle is gonna be a squash mash. Obviously Strong is gonna squash Angle :rolleyes:

    2 Title Matches on the line at Impact. That is definately impressive (ps. I think you mean NWA Tag Titles rather than Heavyweight title for the tag match :P). Suprisingly to see a Heavyweight title defence just before Genesis. But this is a primetime special baby!

    Jeff Jarrett -vs- Sting (NWA World Heavyweight Championship)

    Kurt Angles inring debut -vs- Roderick Strong

    The Naturals -vs- The Latin American Xchange (NWA World Heavyweight Championship)

    "The Somoan Submission Machine" Somoa Joe[ & "The War Machine" Rhino -vs- Christian Cage & "The Monster" Abyss

    Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal -vs- Petey Williams & Austin Starr & 'X Champion' Senshi

  9. IPB Image

    Thursday 15th November 2001


    The show starts off with our presenters, Michael Cole and Tazz welcoming us to a action packed night here on Smackdown. They remind us that tonight is the continuation of the Round Robin Tournament between with Stone Cold going up against Kurt Angle. Tazz reminds Cole that this will be the case as long as the Internet Rumours are not true and that Vince isn't cancelling it. In addition to the main event, Jeff Hardy is set to go 1 on 1 with Kane and Rob Van Dam will face Key in a a tag team match, with each wrestler choosing a partner of their choice. But now it is time for the opening match of the night between KANE and JEFF HARDY!

    Brotherly Revenge – Kane Vs. Jeff Hardy

    The match was only going one way from the start. While Jeff Hardy attacked Kane while he was making his way to the ring, Kane’s sheer power outweighed anything that Jeff Hardy to offer. This was seen as early as at the bottom of the ramp where and whip attempt into the steel steps by Jeff was reversed by Kane sending Jeff crashing hard against steel. Kane continued in this fashion chucking Jeff into the barricade before choking him on the outside of the ring with his boot. Can eventually let up and rolled Jeff Hardy into the ring before climbing onto the apron himself. Jeff quickly tried to get back to his feet and fight off the Kane attack but Kane wasn’t gonna take it. Even with stiff right hands while Kane was on the apron, Kane hardly flinched and climbed into the ring before swatting Jeff down like he was nothing but a fly. Jeff got up and bounced off the ropes to give him except momentum but he ran into Kane like he was brick wall. Jeff tried it again and again. But the third time wasn’t so lucky. Kane lifted Jeff over his head and military pressed Jeff up the air before dropping him face first to the mat. Kane looked around. THE END IS NEAR. Kane climbed up the turnbuckle and waited in baited breath. Here it comes…….A FLYING CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL. Kane is back up to his feet and he is looking pissed off. Jeff Hardy is somewhere else but not here. Kane is signalling for it. You know what I mean……CHOKESLAM ON JEFF HARDY! Kane hooks the leg………..1………………2……………..Kane lifts out of the pin. He says it’s not over. Kane stands above Jeff who is trying desperately to get back to his feet. Jeff…No Not Again! CHOKESLAM #2. Kane goes for the cover again……………1……………2………………..Kane gets off again. Kane gets up and grabs hold of Jeff. Jeff can hardly stand. He’s finished. God Damn It Kane, leave him alone. Kane raises back his arm……No Not One More! CHOKESLAM!!!!!!! Kane covers finally……………1…………………………2…………………….3 Kane wins this but not without taking a few years off Jeff Hardy’s life! Lita rushes down to the ring. Her boyfriend is in hospital. Now it looks like her boyfriend’s brother is too. Kane stands in the middle of the ring ready to do his pyro when he stops in mid flow and turns to Jeff. He sees Lita. Kane turns around, Lita unaware as Kane’s head begins to tilt. King shouts “Lita, watch out”. Lita notices Kane’s attention. This is not going to be pretty. Lita stands up holding her hands up as if saying Leave me alone but Kane is no gentlemen. Kane grabs hold of Lita by her top and then grabs hold of her throat when……Mr. McMahon appears at the entrance of the arena with a microphone in one hand and the WWF Championship over the other shoulder.

    Vince – Kane stop stop! I can’t allow you to do that!

    Kane lets go of Lita who quickly gets out of the ring and begins to pull Jeff out of the ring.

    Vince – An unprovoked attack on a woman on Smackdown! Kane, that could do this company serious damage! Hell, there would be feminists everywhere. And nobody wants that happen! By God, it’s another having them as wives and daughters but no more damn it no more!

    Kane climbs out of the ring and starts to pace himself up the ramp tugging on his chokeslamming glove.

    Vince – Wow Wow Kane, Let me finish. As I was saying..an “unprovoked” attack on a woman would be wrong. However, since I know you’re desperate to get on your hands on Lita, this is what I’m gonna do. Next Week on RAW, we’re going to have a match. On one side of the ring we’re going to have Kane, and on the other side of the ring we’re going to have Lita. And that match is going to be No Holds Barred! Yeah! You like that?

    The fans boo loudly as Vince McMahon stands at the entrance, a big smile on his face. Michael Cole says that it’s sick. Tazz just can’t believe it. Kane nods in approval.

    Vince – Now Kane, if you don’t mind, I’ve got some other business to attend to. So if you don’t mind….

    Vince ushers the way out for Kane who starts to walk up the ramp. Vince walks cautiously down past Kane who stops temporarily as Vince passes, looking back at him before leaving the arena. Vince continues talking from the bottom of the ramp.

    Vince – Now, as you may have heard. I am currently in discussion with the board members of the World Wrestling Federation in regards to the blatant disregard for the rules that one Stone Cold Steve Austin showed me last week.

    Crowd – What?

    Vince – Now Stone Cold! I don’t know how the hell you think things are run in the WWF but they certainly aren’t like the alliance. As far as I am concerned, hell, you’re lucky to even have your JOB!

    Crowd – What?

    Vince – But I’m a decent man!

    Crowd – What?

    Vince – Hell, sometimes I’ve even a giving man. For example, I gave myself this WWF Championship belt right here.

    Vince McMahon smirks at his comments

    Vince – So I am GIVING YOU one week’s notice that as of right now, the legitimacy of this round robin tournament is being discussed. So Austin, and all of the rest of your competitors. You better not screw up because I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon. I giveth. And by God, I can take it away-eth. Consider this your warning.

    Vince McMahon’s music hits before the show goes to break.


    The Marvellous One

    A video showing some of Marc Mero’s greatest matches are shown to hype Marc Mero’s return to the WWF next week on RAW including his match against Faarooq in 1996 where he won the WWF Intercontinental Championship.


    Who’s your partner?

    When the show returns, the show is already set with Charles Wright and Key standing in the ring, Charles Wright with a microphone in his hand

    Wright – Listen up cuz I got something to say.

    The crowd do not quiet down and continue to chant “Key sucks”

    Wright – My name is Charles Wright and I am an entrepreneur. Now when I was signed on by Key to be his “Careers Advisor”, I guaranteed him that I would do anything within my power to take him…straight to the top oh yeah! And Key, tonight! I got you one of the best up and coming wrestlers to be your partner tonight. He is the brother of Edge, the better of the two if you don’t mind me saying and he is the CURRENT WWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you……CHRISTIAN!

    “Christiiiiiian…..Christian….At last, you’re on your owwwwwwwwn” blasts out of the PA system and the fans boo as the current WWF European Champion Christian makes his way to the arena taunting the fans as Wright applauds him in the ring. However, this little celebration is interrupted by Rob Van Dam’s entrance music, RVD appearing at the entrance almost immediately to “RVD” chants.

    RVD – Hey Charles Wright, Key, Kudos man on Christian. He is one tough machine. But you know what man, RVD has a bit of pulling power as well. Yah! That’s why, tonight, R-V-D’s partner is going to be none other than…….THE UNDERTAKER!

    “I am, an American Badass” blasts out of the PA system and the crowd go wild as The Undertaker appears at the entrance of the arena riding his motorbike. “My God” shouts Michael Cole. This night just picked up!


    Mystery Partner Tag Team Match - Christian and Key w/Charles Wright Vs. Rob Van Dam and The Undertaker

    Christian and Rob Van Dam start of the match, Christian looking in a quick headlock showing off to the crowd. Rob Van Dam quickly counters out of it though and takes down Christian with a drop toe hold. Rob Van Dam bounces off the ropes and hits a schoolboy slide into the face of Christian’s face. Rob Van Dam tries a cheeky early pin but Christian kicks with plenty of time. Christian and RVD both get to their feet Christian taking down RVD with a lariat. Christian chokes RVD before being broken up by the referee. Christian taunts the crowd. Christian picks up RVD and whips him into his corner. Christian tags in Key who goes straight to work on RVD with some hard chops in the corner. Key hits a snap mare on RVD followed by a huge kick to the kidney of RVD which echoes through the arena. Key grabs hold of RVD and bodyslams him hard against the mat. Key taunts the Undertaker who tries to get into the ring but the referee stops him. Distracted by The Undertaker, the referee doesn’t notice the double team on RVD, Key covers RVD but only gets a 2. Key hits an elbow drop on RVD before going for another cover but once again a 2. Key goes for a powerbomb on RVD but RVD counters with HURRICANRANA and ROLL UP……….1…………2……………….Key gets out of the attempt, both men getting back to their feet quickly but Key takes RVD back down with a clothesline. Key tags Christian back in. Christian goes back for RVD but RVD tries to kick him away. RVD slides his way across to try and make the pin but Christian grabs hold of his leg. Your going nowhere RVD. ENZIGUIRI! Christian is getting up. Can RVD make the tag………..HE DOES! UNDERTAKER IS IN! Christian runs at the Undertaker and gets taken down with a clothesline, then another. Christian then walks into a fallaway slam. Undertaker goes for the cover………….1…………..2……Christian kicks out. Undertaker looks up and sees Key approaching to try and break up the count. Key pretends he wasn’t even there as Undertaker stands up holding his hands up before quickly escaping through the ropes even with Undertaker on his tail. Undertaker turns around……..LOW BLOW by Christian. Where is Key and Charles Wright going? Christian gets tries to get to his feet as quickly as possible to make the tag out but Key and Wright are hightailing it. They’re leaving Christian behind. Christian turns around and goes straight into the big boot by The Undertaker. The crowd are going wild. Undertaker raises his right arm., you know what is coming next….CHOKESLAM!!!!! Undertaker drags Christian into the middle of the ring and points to RVD before tagging him in….WHAT’S NEXT! 5 STAR FROG SPLASH! RVD goes for the cover……………1………………………2…………………3 RVD and the Undertaker win!

    Winner – Rob Van Dam and The Undertaker

    RVD gets back to his feet and walks up to the ring side closest to the exit. Key and Charles Wright stand at the entrance sending a b-line to RVD, RVD begging them to come back. Key is half tempted but Charles Wright tells him to keep cool.


    No Regrets

    The cameras go over to the announce table. Michael Cole says that in a second we are going to live to the Titan Towers where Shawn Stasiak is going to make a statement with regards to his actions last week on RAW. Tazz says that if Stasiak was as tough as he makes out, he’d be here tonight making this announcement. Cole agrees. The camera eventually goes over to Stasiak who for some reason is dressed in his wrestling attire even though he’s miles from the arena.

    Stasiak – Hey Edge? How’re you doing? Enjoying life at home resting the injuries I caused you? I bet you are. What can I say? You call me out! I’ll come out! You insult my ability! I’ll destroy you. Edge, I can take you down any day of the week and twice on Sundays. I am the Son of Stan Stasiak. I am a second generation wrestler. The Son of a Champion. I have wrestling talent in my blood. Understand me, I want glory and I will step over who I need to, to get it. It just so happens that guy is you Edge. So rest up nice…get all better. Come back if you want to. Challenge me if you dare. My name is Shawn Stasiak and I am the Mecca of Manhood…The Future of Wrestling….

    The transmission ends and some jeers are heard in the crowd. Strong words by Shawn Stasiak


    Singles Match - Justin Credible w/Raven vs. Diamond Dallas Page w/ Big Show

    Justin Credible starts off the most aggressive taking DDP to the corner. Credible delivers some strong right hands to DDP. DDP turns the page quickly to a big response for the crowd beating the living hell out of Credible leaving him slumped in the corner. Bang! Justin Credible runs out the corner and takes off the head of DDP with a huge clothesline going for a cover………….1……..2..DDP kicks out. DDP gets back to his feet a little dazed and locks up with Credible. Credible dries to get behind DDP but DDP hits some strong elbows into Credible making him let go. DDP whips Credible into the ropes before taking Credible down with a drop toe hold. DDP climbs up to the top rope and goes for a flying leg drop to the back of Credible’s head. DDP goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Raven tries to get into the ring but immediately attracts the attention of Big Show who shakes his head at Raven. Raven looking concerned drops back off the apron. He’s been told! DDP gets back to his feet and hits a belly to back inverted slam on Justin Credible. He’s telling the fans its over. Justin Credible is in serious trouble here. DDP is standing and waiting. Justin Credible slowly gets up. HERE IT COMES! DIAMOND CUTTER!. ............1… …………….2…………………..3…Justin Credible rolls out of the ring holding his head to join Raven while DDP and Big Show celebrate in the ring.

    Winner - DDP


    Going Top of The Table – Oh It’s true! It’s damn true!

    Kevin Kelly – Ladies and Gentlemen I am backstage with KurtAngle, Kurt how are you feeling about tonight?

    Kurt Angle – How am I feeling? Well Kevin Kelly, I am feeling great?

    Kevin Kelly – Why’s that?

    Kurt Angle – Why’s that? Why’s that? Because tonight Kevin, tonight, Kurt Angle is going to go top of the Round Robin Tournament clutching ever closer to the dream of becoming WWF Champion once again Wooo!

    Kevin Kelly – What do you think Stone Cold Steve Austin’s chances are tonight?

    Kurt Angle – Pretty slim! I mean no disrespect, the guy is a great competitor but lets look at the facts Kevin, I am an Olympic Gold Medallist. I won the medal with a broken freaking neck. I am a World Champion in Amateur Wrestling. I am a 2 time WWF Champion and a former WCW Champion. I am the sole reason the WWF won the Winner Takes All battle with the Alliance at Survivor Series. I am the real deal and that is why, tonight, I am walking out with another 3 points and leader of this Round Robin Tournament. Oh It’s True! It’s damn true! Woooo!

    Kurt Angle walks away leaving Kelly excited about the upcoming match. Kurt Angle Vs. Austin IS NEXT!


    Round Robin Round Two – Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

    Kurt Angle and Austin start off brawling in the middle of the ring, Kurt Angle whips Austin into the ropes but Austin hits Angle back with a Lou Thez Press. Austin is beating the hell out Stone Cold. Angle gets up quickly and gets out of the ring but so does Stone Cold. Stone Cold grabs hold of Austin and throws him into the barricade. Austin grabs hold of Angle and lifts him up before dropping him onto the ring barricade. Austin pulls Angle around the outside of the ring smashing Angle’s head against the barricade. Austin gets to the announce table. I hope Angle likes the announce table because his head is going in that too. No wait. Angle counters and smashes Austin’s face into the announce table. Angle uppercuts Austin before knocking him down with a clothesline. Angle starts to the strip the announce table and the turns to Austin but Austin gets low blowed by Austin. Austin gets back to his feet and whips Angle into the steel steps. Austin then continues with his stereotypical Austin stomps on Angle. Austin throws Angle into the ring and gets back into the ring himself. Austin grabs hold of Angle and puts him in the corner. Austin delivers hard chop after hard chop. Angle pokes Austin in the eye and turns it around. Angle hits Austin with hard chops. Angle irish whips Austin into the opposite turnbuckle. CRASH! Damn That had to hurt. Angle follows it up with a huge follow up clothesline. Angle covers……………1………………..2……………Austin kicks out. Austin gets up and walks straight into a belly to belly suplex by Angle. Angle gets onto of Austin and locks in the camel clutch on Austin. Austin looks in pain as he tries to make his way to the ropes. Austin can he make it? YES HE CAN! Angle lets go and jumps up and down he’s waiting for it..It’s Angle Slam time. Austin gets up……ANGLE SLAM! ANGLE HAS IT…………….1…………….2……… AUSTIN KICKS OUT…..Angle gets up and pushes the referee back asking him what the hell is going on….WAIT A SECOND! CHRIS JERICHO IS RUSHING TO THE RING WITH A CHAIR! Jericho slides in the ring and stares at Angle and then looks at Austin who is trying to get to his feet. Jericho walks over to Austin and raises the chair……..Jericho hits ANGLE with the steel chair. Jericho drops the chair and turns to Austin. Jericho takes the feet from under Austin and locks in the WALLS OF JERICHO. AUSTIN IS TAPPING! “IF YOU SMEEEEEEEEELALALALA WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING” The fans go wild as The Rock pelts down to the ring. He slides into the ring so quickly. Jericho drops Austin and goes for The Rock but The Rock hits him hard, right hand after right hand. The Rock slaps Jericho right out of the ring. The Rock turns….IT’S ANGLE…….ROCKBOTTOM! The Rock is cleaning house. Rock WAIT! The Rock turns around! STUNNEEEEER! AUSTIN HIT THE STUNNER ON THE ROCK! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Austin stands there in the middle of the ring. All 3 of his rivals are down.

    Outcome - Double DQ

    The show ends with the camera focusing on Austin’s face as the logo comes up before the screen fades to black.

  10. IPB Image

    Thursday 15th November 2001

    Smackdown Preview

    Round Robin Discontinued?

    After a gruelling match last monday on RAW between The Rock and Chris Jericho, The Rock cemented his position in the WWF Championship Race. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Chris Jericho. Despite his best efforts and the efforts of others, it is now mathematically impossible for him to become the Number 1 Contender. At least so he thought. Rumour has been spreading backstage that due to the actions of one Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mr McMahon may discontinue the round robin in favour of another option.

    One match that is going ahead for certain tonight is the Smackdown Opener between Jeff Hardy and Kane. Last week on Heat, Kane manhandled Matt Hardy. Tonight, Jeff promises to get revenge for his brother who suffered a bad back injury as a result of the match. In addition to this one on one encounter, Rob Van Dam returns tonight in tag team action with a wrestler of his choice Vs. Key and his Mystery Partner. Diamond Dallas Page will also go in one on one action tonight against former ECW Star, Justin Credible. All this and more only an WWF Smackdown!

    Current Card Line Up

    Jeff Hardy Vs. Kane

    Rob Van Dam and ? Vs. Key w/Charles Wright and ?

    DDP Vs. Justin Credible

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Kurt Angle - Round Two of Round Robin???

  11. IPB Image

    Monday 12th November

    RAW Live from Montana

    The show kicks off live from the Monster Park Arena in Montana; we are live with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler who both anticipate one hard hitting action including the WWF Tag Team Championship Match between the APA and the Dudley Boyz and the main event match, Round II of the Round Robin Tournament, Chris Jericho Vs. The Rock.

    Last Chance Saloon

    The show kicks off with the Y2J countdown and the fans go wild. Chris Jericho is in the house. Jericho walks down to the arena posing and taunting the fans. Man that guy is an egomaniac. Jericho climbs into the ring and grabs hold a microphone, clearly with something on his mind.

    Jericho: Hey Hey, now settle down. Now I know what all you jerichoholics out there are thinking, you’re thinking can Y2J do it? Can Y2J win the big one? Well you assclowns are going to find out yourselves tonight, when Y2J Chris Jericho beats the holy hell out of The Rock.

    “Rocky” chants begin in the arena.

    Jericho: And you know what makes tonight sweeter? What makes it sweeter is that tonight, it’s last chance saloon. The loser of this match will not be the number one contender for the WWF Champion. And that’s why, when I win the match, not only will I prove to all of you that I am the best damn wrestler this business has to offer, I am also going to take away the only thing that the Rock loves…..the WW

    “IF you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllalalala what the Rock is cooking?” blasts out of the PA system and the fans go wild as The Rock enters the arena standing at the entrance looking down at Jericho, Jericho now with a smile on his face.

    The Rock: Chris Jericho, did I hear you correctly?

    Chris Jericho: Yeah you…

    The Rock: Wow wow wow. Let The Rock get this straight. Y2J Chris Jericho, the self proclaimed Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla, thinks that he’s gonna stop the Rock from winning the WWF Championship?

    Chris Jericho: Yeah I….

    The Rock: IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK! The only thing that matters is that tonight, live on Monday Night Raw, is that The Rock is gonna come down to that ring in Monster Park, Montana, he’s gonna get in it, walk around staring face to face to Chris Jericho, and then he’s gonna take his boot, turn it sideways and…..

    Chris Jericho: Stick it straight up my candy ass! Wow Rocky you’re so original! Do you have anymore? How about Just Bring It Jabroni!

    The Rock raises his eyebrow at Chris Jericho.

    Chris Jericho: Rocky, the only thing that matters is that tonight, in front of all these assclowns, is that Chris Jericho is gonna beat the holy hell out of the “people’s champion” and that will be something that you, and all these people are going to neeeeeveeeeer…….

    The Rock: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever forget! Chris Jericho. Just Bring It you little punk ass bitch!

    The Rock’s music hits again as he leaves the arena, the fans cheering loudly. AND THE NIGHT HAS JUST BEGUN!

    WWF Tag Team Championship Match – The Dudley Boyz © Vs. The APA

    Bubba and Bradshaw kicked off the match, Bradshaw starting off the strongest. Bradshaw took Bubba down to the mat hard stomping on his midsection before tagging in his partner who continued with much of the same. Faarooq brought Bubba to his feet, giving Bubba the opportunity to fight out whipping Faarooq into the corner but Bubba’s secondary charge only met the turnbuckle. Faarooq continued the assault bashing Bubba’s head against the steel poll. Faarooq tagged Bradshaw back into the ring who then choked Bubba in the corner. Bradshaw then whipped Bubba into the ropes before going for the big boot before going for the cover but D-Von broke up the count. D-Von grabbed hold of Bradshaw and tried to whip him into the ropes only to be countered before being dropped to the outside by Faarooq who dropped the ropes. Faarooq climbed down from the apron and started brawling away with D-Von. Bradshaw picked up Bubba before dropping him again with some huge hits. Bradshaw whipped Bubba into the ropes and went for the clothesline from hell but Bubba ducked and hit a huge neckbreaker on Bradshaw leaving both men down in the middle of the ring, stirring slowly. While the focus is on in the middle of the ring, a crash is heard and Faarooq is seen in the middle of some parted steel steps. D-Von is on his knees on the outside of the ring looking exhausted while the two men in the middle of the ring look exhausted. Both men now in the middle of the ring. Bubba is up first and gets the first shot but Bradshaw’s looks stronger. Then another! Then another. D-Von is up onto the apron as Bradshaw whips Bubba into the ropes. He’s going for it!

    Jim Ross – My God Look who it is!

    King – Spike, what the hell are you doing here?

    Spike Dudley runs down the ring with a chair in his hand as the sound of Bubba getting smashed with the clothesline from hell is heard!

    Jim Ross – Bradshaw has Done it!

    D-Von is scrambling back into the ring but is halted by Spike’s huge chair shot. The power of that shot is echoed by the look on D-Von’s face. The referee is already at a 2 count when…wait…he stops….

    King – What?

    The referee climbs out of the ring and walks up to the ring announcer telling the time keeper to ring the bell.

    Jim Ross – What in God’s name is going on?

    Lillian – Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has informed me that due to outside interference, the winner of the match, by disqualification is…the Dudley Boyz!

    Bubba sits up in the middle of the ring, battered and bruised with a sadistic smile on his face while Bradshaw looks in total shock. Faarooq looks despairingly at Spike who looks like he’s just lost the winning lottery ticket at the Dudleyz music plays through the arena.

    Jim Ross – My God! Spike what have you done?

    King – I always knew he was an idiot!


    You think you’re special?

    Edge is backstage chatting to some backstage staff.

    Edge – Hey Guys, I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve got a match against X-Pac

    Steve Lombardi - Give em hell Edge!

    Edge – Hey Steve, no one can give them more than your hair cut but hey! I’ll give it ago

    Edge turns around and starts to make his way to the arena when all of a sudden, a door behind him opens. IT’S SHAWN STASIAK! Stasiak cracks the steel chair in hand over the head of Edge. Stasiak then drops the chair on the floor and grabs hold of Edge.

    Stasiak – You like Steel Edge? You like steel?

    Stasiak throws Edge head first into a sliding door on, a huge crash of skull on steel. Stasiak beats down on Edge in the corner before Sgt. Slaughter and some other staff pull Stasiak off the downed Edge. Edge looks like he’s bleeding.

    Stasiak – You want to disrespect me Edge? What the hell are you? Huh? You’re nothing! NOTHING! My name is Shawn Stasiak and I am the Mecca of Manhood!

    Stasiak spits on Edge and walks off while EMTs rush to the scene to treat Edge.


    Mero is Coming

    A video is seen with Marc Mero sitting down in a studio looking straight on at the camera

    Mero – You all know who I am! I’m the Marvellous one and I want to talk to you about a certain…lovely lady…who is currently walking around the locker rooms and baby, you’re looking pretty unhappy. I can’t imagine a guy like that can do it for a beautiful woman like you. That’s why I’m coming back to the WWF. I’m coming back to make it right. Next week on RAW. You’ll see..You’ll see


    The cameras go back to the ringside announce table. King reminds the fans that in a week’s time, Marc Mero is re-debuting in the WWF. JR says he’s still sick to his stomach with what happened to Edge. King and JR recap the moment, JR commenting that this is far from over and he hopes Edge is okay.

    Every Key Has It’s Lock

    The arena lights dim and Key’s music hits the arena, Key making no time in hitting the arena followed by none other than the Godfather to the ring. Key walks around the ring to the announce table while The Godfather gets into the ring, Key collecting a microphone and then handing it over.

    Godfather – My Name is Charles Wright and I am an Entrepreneur. I play with risk and god damn it! I make money. That’s why I hired the future of the World Wrestling Federation. He is 315lbs. He is 6ft 4 inches tall. And he is the FUTURE HARDCORE CHAMPION! His name is KEEEEEEEEY!

    Key’s music hits again and Key taunts the crowd before Scotty 2 Hotty’s music hits the arena and we have a match


    None Title Match - Key Vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

    Key dominated the early onset of the match flinging Scotty around the ring. Scotty valiantly but hey was as useful as a rag doll. Key early on hit a huge backbreaker on the former 2 Cool member covering him but only getting a 2 count. Key continued on the offence pounding Scotty down on the ground before going for the turnbuckle. Key is going to finish this quickly as he taunts the crowd at the top of the turnbuckle before going for a flying somersault senton…BUT SCOTTY MOVES and Key crashes against the mat. Wright shouts instructions to Key but Key has slowed right down. Scotty gets to his feet slowly but faster than Key. Scotty hits Key with a huge right hand, Key shaky. Scotty hits him again and he wobbles some more. Scotty then bounces off the ropes and takes down Key to the canvas with a huge flying clothesline. The fans are hugely behind Scotty. Scotty sizes up Key…Key is trying to get back to his feet but Scotty hits a two handed bulldog. YOU KNOW WHAT TIME ITS….W……….O………..R…………………..M……OOH OOOH OOOH….Scotty goes for the chop drop but Key rolls underneath the ropes. Key grabs himself up and swings at Key but Key ducks before hitting a hangman’s neckbreaker on Scotty. Key is back in the ring and this time he is sizing up Scotty. Scotty be careful. Key to the gut…Key lifts Scotty onto his shoulders…POWERBOMB! Key covers Scotty………1……………2………………..3…………Key picks up the win.

    Key is celebrating in the middle of the ring while Charles Wright taunts the crowd…..BUT WAIT…LOOK…IT’S RVD! RVD shoots past Charles Wright and RVD goes head first straight for Key. RVD and Key brawl in the middle of the ring, RVD quickly getting the advantage before whipping him into the rope, Key running into an RVD dropkick. RVD gets up and knocks Wright off the apron before turning and hitting the sneak attack of Key with a super kick. Van Dam looks around before jumping the turnbuckle. YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. 5 STAR FROG……Out of nowhere Wright pushes RVD off the turnbuckle getting a lot of heat from the crowd. Wright quickly gets into the ring and drags Key out of the ring as both men end up escaping through the crowd.

    Winner – Key



    The cameras go backstage to Kevin Kelly who is joined with Jeff Hardy

    Kevin Kelly – Ladies and Gentlemen, I am live here with Jeff Hardy who has just returned from inside the reclusive WWF Champion’s office, Vince McMahon, Jeff why were you visiting Mr McMahon?

    Jeff – Well Kevin, I went into Mr. McMahon’s office for one thing. PAYBACK! Last week on Heat, my brother Matt Hardy was put into a match up with Kane. Matt had done nothing to Kane, there were no grudges. But last week, Kane intentionally tried to hurt Matt. And I’m just not cool with that. That’s why this week on Smackdown, I am challenging Kane to a 1 on 1 ma…

    Kevin Kelly puts his hands to his ear piece.

    Kevin Kelly – Jeff, we have to cut you off, something’s going down in the ring

    The camera shoots back to ringside where Stone Cold’s music is glaring through and Austin is storming down to the ring. JR notes that Stone Cold looks mad as he enters the ring, King stating that this should be interesting.

    Stone Cold – Eh Eh…

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – I said Eh Eh!

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – Now Stone Cold came down to the ring because he’s got something on his mind.

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – I said Stone Cold came down to the ring because he’s got something on his mind.

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – It involves Kurt Angle

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – I said it involves KURT ANGLE

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold - You know the Olympic Gold Medallist, Mr “I won the tiddlywinks tournament” with a broken freaking neck Angle…He makes me sick!

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – I said he makes me sick!

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – So Angle, you little sumbitch, why don’t you get your ass out here so I can stomp a mud-hole in it.

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold – Come on Kurt!

    Stone Cold waits with the fans on edge, waiting for Kurt Angle but there is no response..

    Stone Cold – Ok Ok, you wanna play it like that do ya? Well If the people of Montana wanna see Kurt Angle get a mudhole stomped in him, gimme a HELL YEAH!

    Crowd – HELL YEAH

    Stone Cold – Now get your ass out here….

    All of a sudden Vince McMahon’s music hits the arena and the fans begin to boo like crazy. Vince McMahon appears at the entrance to the arena surrounded by 6 security guards.

    Vince – Stone Cold, you want to stomp a mud hole in Kurt Angle?

    Stone Cold – yeah!

    Vince – You do, do ya?

    Stone Cold – You damn right I do!

    Vince – Well Steve let me make this clear to you. While I am the Chairman of the board, I say what goes. And, I strongly feel that you, getting into a fight tonight, well, it could strongly jeopardise your fitness, who knows you might get hurt

    Crowd – What?

    Vince – Shut Up!

    Stone Cold – So..what you’re saying is that I can’t fight tonight?

    Crowd – What?

    Stone Cold looks at the crowd

    Stone Cold - Vince McMahon doesn’t want me to wrestle tonight! Well Vince, me and you go way back. I’ve got one thing to say to you.

    Stone Cold puts his middle fingers up to Vince McMahon.

    Vince – Well Stone Cold, since you wont do what I ask of you. Then I will force it upon you. Security, escort Mr Austin out of the building.

    The security and Vince McMahon walk down to the ring side. When they all get to the base, McMahon orders the security into the ring. Stone Cold doesn’t take this light and he begins to brawl in the middle of the ring with the 6 security members…..STUNNER! on one member. STUNNER! on another one. Stone Cold clotheslines another guy out of the ring. WAIT STONE COLD TURN AROUND. Vince McMahon smashes the WWF Championship belt into the head of Austin and Austin goes down to ground busting him open. The remaining security men jump on Stone Cold.

    Vince – God damn it Austin! I warned you! There is going to be hell to pay Austin! Hell to Pay!

    Vince looks at the security guards

    Vince – Get him the hell out of my sight!

    Vince McMahon’s music hits as the security dragged a dazed Austin out of the ring. Austin looks up, blood coming from his head....he’s smiling. Austin is smiling damn it!


    Bang! Out of Order! – DDP and Crash Holly Vs. Raven and Justin Credible

    DDP and Justin Credible started the match up with Justin Credible trying to slow down DDP with a wrist lock. DDP got out of the hold and pushed Credible away who then swung back with a huge right fist. Then all hell broke look and the two men started brawling at a fast pace. Justin Credible started to get the advantage trying to whip DDP into the ropes, only to get hit on the return with a flying clothesline. Credible got up and slide out of the ring to stand on the outside next to Raven who look like a team of hikers who just realised their map is wrong. Crash and DDP stand in the ring telling them to bring it. Credible cautiously got back into the ring and locked up with DDP. DDP overpowered once dropped Credible to the floor who immediately went over to tag in Raven. DDP let Crash into the match also. Crash and Raven hook up, Raven getting behind Crash and hooking up the waist lock. Raven drops Crash to the ground and locks in an armlock, Crash trying to reach for the rope. Raven lets up and drops down on Crash with an elbow drop. Raven lifts Crash and throws him into the corner before going to the opposite end and insults DDP. DDP tries to get into the ring in retaliation distracting the referee so that Credible and Raven can double team on Crash. Raven tags out to Credible who chokes Crash in the corner some more only to be stopped by the ref. Credible hits a backdrop on Crash before going for the cover only to get a 2 count before Crash gets the shoulder up. Justin Credible throws Crash out of the ring and then tries to provoke DDP making the referee have to stop them while Raven stomps the hell out of Crash on the outside. The referee notices eventually that something is going on but Raven claims he’s innocent and Justin Credible climbs out of the ring and throws Crash back in. Credible covers again but once again only a 2 count. Credible tags back out to Raven who goes back for Crash but this time, Crash tries to fight out with some strong punches. Crash is back to his feet, can he make the tag, Crash whips Raven into the ropes, waiting for the back body drop but instead gets knocked down by Raven’s clothesline. Raven covers……….but only a 2. Raven walks back over to Credible to tag him in, Credible deciding to taunt the crowd before getting into the ring, but LOOK, Crash is crawling over to DDP. Credible grabs hold of Crash’s leg to try and stop him, can Crash make it…..ENZIGUIRI…..COME ON CRASH! HE MAKES THE TAG! DDP runs into the run taking Credible down with a clothesline, then Raven, then Credible again, then Raven again, Credible tries another quick attack but DDP steps sideways and uses Credible’s momentum to chuck him out of the ring. Raven attacks DDP from behind pushing him forward, Raven spins DDP around and whips him into the ropes, but DDP comes back FLYING CLOTHESLINE. Credible drags Crash off the apron. Crash LOOK OUT! SUPERKICK BY JUSTIN CREDIBLE. DDP is up. He’s waiting, HERE COMES THE DIAMOND CUTTER! Credible climbs up onto the apron. NO WAIT Raven counters and pushes him forward into Credible. DDP knocks Credible back off the apron, DDP turns around….EVENFLOW DDT! Raven has it……..he covers…………1……………2……………………..3…. RAVEN AND CREDIBLE WIN! Raven climbs out of the ring and joins up with Credible at the walk way while DDP is crouched in the middle of the ring, shocked at what just happened.


    The Proposition

    Chris Jericho is in his dressing room making the final arrangements for the main event when there is a knock at the door.

    Jericho - Who is it?

    Angle - Hey dude it’s me, Kurt Angle!

    Jericho - Hey Kurt? What’s up?

    Angle - Nothing much, did you see what happened to Austin?

    Jericho - Yeah that jack off got what he deserved

    Angle -Tell me about. But hey about your match….

    Jericho - You had chance to think about my proposition

    Angle - Yeah, I’ve even got an answer for you, oh it’s true! It’s damn true

    Jericho - And it is?

    Angle - In the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin…..OH HELL YEAH!

    Jericho - Cool, I’ll see you out there!

    Angle nods as Chris Jericho walks passed him. JR wonders what the hell these two are up to. Isn’t it obvious JR?


    Round Robin Round 2 - Chris Jericho Vs. The Rock

    Chris Jericho hits the ring first accompanied by none other than your Olympic Gold Medallist. Jericho is looking confident as ever today. Jericho says something to Angle and he nods before Jericho enters the ring posing for the fans. The crowd however burst into cheers when The Rock enters the ring, he truly is the people’s champion you know? When The Rock enters the ring, The Rock and Jericho try to stare each other when Jericho, slips up with his arrogance telling the Rock to Just Bring It. The Rock’s response is not a friendly with a huge right hand to kick off this battle. The Rock stars off by beating the holy living hell of Chris Jericho, with a load of right hands followed by a huge clothesline which nearly knocked Jericho out of his boots. The Rock immediately taunted for the Rockbottom but Jericho knowing better slid of the ring and stood on the outside looking in at a pissed off Rock. Kurt Angle go on the apron on the other side diverting The Rock’s attention momentarily before jumping back down, allowing Jericho to slide in and attack The Rock from behind. Jericho wiped The Rock into the ropes before taking him down with a knee to the midsection. Jericho got behind The Rock and locked him in a chin lock. The Rock eventually got to his feet unloosening the grip with some elbows before allowing him to turn round but Jericho hit a cruel I rake to The Rock. Jericho whips the Rock into the ropes but The Rock comes back with a huge spear. The fans go insane as The Rock pummels away at Jericho. The Rock then grabs hold of Jericho’s legs, he’s going for the Sharpshooter! THE ROCK LOCKS IT IN! SHARPSHOOTER ON JERICHO! Jericho looks in a lot of pain. Jericho manages to eventually get to the ropes and The Rock has to release the hold turning around and listening to some abuse from angle. The Rock goes back to Jericho only to get hit in the crotch. The Rock hits Jericho again to change back the momentum and tries to Irish whip him into the ropes but Jericho counters the move and The Rock instead goes in. Angle grabs hold of The Rock’s foot, the referee not noticing. Angle raises his arms in ignorance as The Rock turns around and walks straight into a huge drop kick from Jericho. Jericho goes for the cover but only gets a 2. Jericho grabs hold of The Rock and beats him down with before hitting The Rock with a good old fashion release suplex before going for another cover but once again only a 2 count. Jericho looks surprised and goes for another cover but a 2 again. Chris Jericho climbs up top. Jericho is waiting for The Rock to rise…MISSILE DROP KICK ATTEMPT! But The Rock dodges a bullet. Jericho is back up. The Rock tries to go for a rockbottom but The Rock counters…JERICHO HITS THE ROCKBOTTOM INSTEAD! The fans go mental. Jericho covers The Rock………1…………………2………………..2.9 The Rock kicks out. Jericho can’t believe it. Neither can Angle on the outside. Jericho gets up and looks at the referee protesting, “IT WAS THREE”. Jericho in anger strikes the referee, Earl Hebner, down. Jericho goes over to the dazed Rock but The Rock grabs hold of Jericho’s feet and twists him upside down IT’S THE WALLS OF JERICHO! Look at Jericho’s face! Jericho is tapping! BUT THE REFEREE IS OUT. Kurt Angle is in the ring and knocks the head off of The Rock. Angle standing behind….ITS THE ANGLE SLAM! The Rock has to be finished. Angle gets out of the ring and calls up the ramp for another referee to come down. Mike Chioda quickly obliges running down the ramp as fast as he can and slides into the ring with the already covering Jericho……………..1………………………….2……………………The Rock gets a shoulder up. Jericho looks at the referee again, he is stunned. Jericho kicks THIS REFEREE IN THE GUT and he throws him to the outside. THAT’S TWO REFEREES NOW! Jericho stomps away at the Rock, before lifting him off the floor and giving him abuse. Angle tells Jericho that he has an idea and grabs a steel chair. Jericho smiles and tries to stand the Rock up. Angle slides back in the ring and Jericho sets The Rock up for the beating. Angle swings……THE ROCK MOVES AND ANGLE HITS JERICHO! Jericho goes flying across the ring, dangling over the ropes and Angle is stunned. Angle turns around…….ROCKBOTTOM ON ANGLE! Jericho has been busted open. Jericho turns busted open and all and goes back for The Rock……SPINEBUSTER! It’s in the middle of the ring too. YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS….ITS TIME FOR THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MOVE IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT! THE PEOPLES ELBOW! AND HE HITS IT! The Rock hooks Jericho’s leg. Hebner is coming too and notices the pinfall attempt! “Come on Earl” shouts JR…………1……………….2………………………………..3 The Rock wins!

    Winner – The Rock

    All three men are battered and bruised! But The Rock is the last man standing. Jericho is out. Who will take the lead on Smackdown? Angle or Austin? Who knows? I know one thing though! I can’t wait to find out! The Rock saluting crowd is the final image the broadcast airs before fading to black!

  12. Wow, that was a great show, and No Mercy really looks like it's coming on well. Personally my favorite storyline is the Benoit/Chavo/Kennedy storyline and I think thats got some major potential. I think you are certainly bringing both Benoit and Kennedy up into the title picture again and it would be sweet to have some King Booker Vs. Benoit matches maybe in the future. I'm not a huge mark for Undertaker generally but I think you are utilising him well.

    As for the Challenger for the World Heavyweight Title, I am stumped. Personally, I will cry if it's Maven lol, but I've got a sneaking suspicion that it might indeed be The Rock. The only reason to go against that gut instinct is that i'd be amazed if a wrestler of that calibre comes to the Roster and loses his first match back. I would imagine therefore it to be someone a little less important and I reckon you have purposely avoided that. Maybe Rey Mysterio?

    Keep it up!

  13. IPB Image

    Monday 12th November


    Round Two

    After the opening round matches on Smackdown! last week, RAW live from Montana will host the first of the second round matches right here live between The Rock and Chris Jericho. Both WWF Superstars last week experienced defeats, Chris Jericho losing to Stone Cold while The Rock lost to the hands of Kurt Angle albeit through some distraction by Y2J. There is no love lost between these two competitors so this match should be a Slobberknocker!

    Also, after Key made is in ring debut last week on heat, he will now face Scotty 2 Hotty in a 1 on 1 match up. Who knows what will happen tonight, especially considering he attacked Rob Van Dam last week on Smackdown! In addition to this high octane action, the APA will team up to go against the Dudley Boyz for the WWF Tag team titles. All this and more on RAW.

    RAW Card

    Dudley Boyz © Vs. APA for the WWF Tag Team Championship

    Edge Vs. X-Pac in a Non-Title Match

    Key Vs. Scotty 2 Hotty in a Hardcore Rules Match

    Raven and Justin Credible Vs. DDP and Crash Holly

    The Rock Vs. Chris Jericho in Round Robin Action

  14. Everybody has a Price...Everybody's got to pay

    Figures from Last Week Shows

    We got a 6.43 rating for 'RAW'!

    The attendance level was 7037 people.

    We made $281480 from ticket sales.

    Shawn Stasiak went over well with the crowd.

    The best rated matches of the night were The Rock Vs. Test (OR: 76%) and The Dudley Boyz Vs. Spike and Scotty 2 Hotty (OR: 74%). The Marc Mero hype video didn't impress too much. The Major Announcement regarding the WWF Championship got the biggest ratings of the night as well as the end of the show brawl. The Overall show rating was 81%.

    We got a 5.36 rating for 'Smackdown!'!

    The attendance level was 7027 people.

    We made $281080 from ticket sales.

    The Best Matches of the Night were Stone Cold Vs. Chris Jericho (OR: 89%) and The Rock Vs. Kurt Angle (OR: 92%). The round robin announcement got the biggest response of the night. The Marc Mero promo tonight got a decreased response than on RAW. The Overall show rating was recorded at 72

    We got a 1.21 rating for 'HEAT'!

    The Match of the Night was Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Raven at 78%. Key's wrestling debut was thought to be uninspiring. However the Kane turn did keep interest and the Matt Hardy Kane Match was respectable

    All in all an entertaining week of WWF entertainment. There is backstage rumours that Kane is demanding a push after his recent heel turn. There is also some question as to the length of Key's tenure with the company. It is thought that he is currently on a 6 month contract and it is currently unknown, given his current form how long he will remain on WWF TV. After the ending of the major invasion storyline, it is currently unknown what the WWF intends to do with much of its talent and there has been the suggestion that soon there could be releases considering the WWF has been hiring new talent.

    Till next week, keep tuned in and I hope you are enjoying the show!

    Current Champions

    WWF Champion

    Mr. McMahon

    Intercontinental Champion


    European Champion


    WWF Tag Team Champions

    Dudley Boyz

    WWF Hardcore Champion

    Rob Van Dam

    WWF Cruiserweight Champion


  15. IPB Image

    Sunday 11th November 2001

    Sunday Night Heat

    Sunday Night Heat kicks off with the commentating team of Kevin Kelly and Al Snow welcome everyone to the show. We've got a hell of a night on our hands including a fully loaded Main Event between Kane and Matt Hardy.

    The Show kicks off with the match between Bubba Ray Dudley Vs. Faarooq. Kevin Kelly explains that this is a warm up match for the forthcoming RAW match for the WWF Tag Team Championships. Al Snow adds that The APA have a history of getting their noses involved in Dudley Family Business, a prime example being the last time the APA won the tag titles. Spike Dudley screwed the Dudleyz that night to enable Bradshaw and Faarooq to become Tag Champs.

    The Warm Up - Faarooq Vs. Bubba Ray Dudley

    The fans started off reasonably strong in the opening match up, with both fan rallying for Faarooq and some good heat on Bubba. Faarooq started off the match in control using his power to drive Bubba Ray backwards using his fists as his main source of weaponary. Bubba too well accustomed to the art of fist fighting and Bubba eventually got some good shots on Faarooq before taking him down to the ground with a forearm smash telling him to suck it. Bubba kept on the offensive slamming Faarooq down hard to the mat. Bubba tried the pin attempt but only a 2. Offensive strength does turn around quickly though and all it took was a mistimed elbow drop from Bubba Ray enable Faarooq to roll out of the way and get to his offensive using a forearm attack to pound the life out of Bubba. Faarooq slammed Bubba hard to the ground before climbing the turnbuckle inch perfectly waiting for Bubba to get to his feet before hitting a huge double axehandle the cranium of Bubba. Faarooq tried to set up the dominator on Bubba but Bubba's weight enabled him to to counter the move, before eyeraking Faarooq and shoving him into the ref before Faarooq regained some control clotheslining down Bubba. From the crowd emerged D-Von Dudley. D-Von slid into the ring and attacked Faarooq from behind punching him from behind. Faarooq tried to whip D-Von but D-Von countered it before hitting the 3D! Bubba Ray covered...........1.................2.......................3. Bubba Ray Dudley wins.

    Winner - Bubba Ray Dudley

    After the match, Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von continued the assault until Bradshaw's music hit to a huge eruption from the crowd and the Dudleyz scattered! This match is far from over!


    Crash: I Can Take Him

    The cameras go backstage to see Crash Holly walking up and down next to Hardcore Holly talking about his match.

    Crash: This is my big chance Hardcore Holly, this is my big chance. Night after Night being overlooked. Tonight, I get a chance to beat Key and once again put my name forward as a legitimate contender for the WWF Hardcore Title.

    Hardcore Holly: You what?

    Crash: Yeah! you heard me Hardcore! I'm going after the Hardcore Title! You know I haven't held a championship belt since, since..Jerry Lynn took my Light heavyweight title belt off me, gosh I dont even know how long ago now.

    Hardcore Holly shakes his head and walks up to Crash Holly looking down at him.

    Crash: What?

    Hardcore Holly slaps Crash across the face and leaves the locker room, the camera focusing on Crash. Crash holds his face confused. His match is next!


    Key Debuts - Crash Holly Vs. Key

    This match was a perfectly acceptable wrestling match with both wrestlers having good chemistry. Crash tried to get the early offensive on Key but Key was just too strong throwing Crash to the ground. Crash wasn't want to quit and kept on the offense before he really pissing off Key, crashing him down to the ground with a huge chokebomb. Key hooked the leg but only got a 2 count. Key grabbed hold of Crash and lifted him onto the turnbuckle stiffing Crash with some strong punches before climbing the turnbuckle in an attempt to superplex Crash. Crash however wasn't having any of it, and raked the eyes of Key before hitting him with a huge hurricanrana off the turnbuckle onto the mat and hooking the legs of Key but just barely got the 2 count. Crash and Key both got back to his feet, Crash trying to take it to Key with some strong punches but Key took him back with some right hands of his own. Key whipped Crash into the ropes and Crash tried to counter going through the legs of Key before jumping on his back trying to choke him out but Key simply dropped onto his back crushing Crash against the canvas. Key, who is very irritated now grabs hold of Crash and shouts "THATS IT" before hitting a huge standing powerbomb on Crash. Key gets down and hooks the leg for the 3.

    Winner – Key

    The focus then goes back to Kevin Kelly and Al Snow who discuss the recent developments regarding the status of the WWF Championship on RAW

    Vince: Sure you can try! You can insult my business. You can throw my title belts in the trash. Decieving the fans that you are the number one business. Controversy creates cash right? Well, Bischoff, Turner, Russo, Shane and Stephanie, this title belt, just like your business plans has rendered itself obselete. And just like you do with any item that has no value. You take it out with the trash!

    Vince McMahon drops the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt in the trash can, the fans going insane.

    Vince: And now to the important business. Ever since the Survivor Series match was made, I was wondering. After the WWF overcomes the Alliance, who is going to be the Wrestler that takes hold of the WWF title belt, grabs it by the balls and takes the WWF forward into the future. Hell I thought long and hard about it. And the way I saw it, I had options. Would it be a proven champion, a people's champion. The multi time WWF Champion and former WCW Champion, The Rock? Would it be an olmypic gold medalist? Would it be a talented Canadian, trained from Stu Hart's dungeon, a multi-time Intercontinental Champion in Chris Jericho? Hell would I show mercy upon the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin allow him to keep the Championship that he so succesfully defended? Now don't get me wrong! I thought long and hard about this, and after many hours, I came to the conclusion that only one person embodied the skill, the power, and hell the talent to hold this championship belt. Therefore, it is my duty to inform you that the NEW, WWF WORLD CHAMPION IS NONE OTHER THAN......................VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON! And THATS THE BOTTOM LINE, COS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SAID....

    All of a sudden, the sound of glass shattering hits the arena and the fan's scream.


    Stone Cold runs down to the ring and slides in and immedietly and dives on Vince McMahon throwing right hands to the face of Vince McMahon. Vine McMahon gets grabbed hold of and thrown into the corner of the ring before Stone Cold starts to stomp a mudhole in him.


    Kurt Angle quickly slides into the ring and attacks Stone Cold from behind knocking him forward. Kurt grabs hold of Stone Cold and whips him into the ropes, then grabbing hold of Stone Cold and hitting him with a belly to belly suplex on Stone Cold. Kurt Angle turns around and then gets hit with a hug right hand! ITS THE ROCK! The Rock slaps away at Kurt Angle, before hitting Kurt Angle with a huge spinebuster. The Rock takes off his elbow pad and stands over the motionless Kurt Angle, HERE IT COMES! THE PEOPLES ELBOW! The Rock hits the Elbow, the crowd going wild. The Rock gets up, not noticing the motioning Chris Jericho on the top turnbuckle. The Rock turns around.......MISSILE DROPKICK BY CHRIS JERICHO! Chris Jericho gets to his feet b-lining the downed Rock, before turning around. STONE COLD STUNNER ON JERICHO! Jericho bounces hard on the ground as Stone Cold gets to his feet sending his b-line to Chris Jericho. Stone Cold gets to his feet and looks around for Vince McMahon before noticing him at the outside of the ring crouched down. Stone Cold stretches through the rope and grabs hold of Vince McMahon by the hair, Vince Looking shocked, but as he turns around, he swings something metallic at Stone Cold cracking him on the head. Vince McMahon climbs back down off the apron and then holds the metal object in the air.

    King:Look JR! Vince just used a lead pipe on Stone Cold!

    JR:DAMN IT KING! Stone Cold is busted open!

    JR:I still can't believe it! Vince McMahon is the WWF Champion Again!

    JR:It's sick King! Vince McMahon has become consumed with power! Consumed Damn it!!

    The show ends with Vince McMahon walking back up the ramp, WWF Championship over his shoulder as the four main contenders for the WWF Championship lay motionless in the ring.

    Kevin Kelly then went onto say that after the madness on RAW, Mr. McMahon wanted to set the record straight about who was going to be the number one contender for the WWF Championship by declaring that there was going to be a round robin tournament.

    The screen changes to a table showing the current scores on the doors. Currently first place is tied between Kurt Angle and Stone Cold Steve Austin with 3 points each while Chris Jericho and The Rock currently have 0 points.

    This coming RAW, live from Montana, things are about to heat up even more when The Rock goes 1 v 1 with Chris Jericho. Then, on Smackdown next Thursday, Stone Cold Steve Austin will go 1 v 1 with Kurt Angle, a match up which could decide who is going to face Mr. McMahon at Vengeance. Al Snow it’s a tournament of a life time and for one, he is very excited but now it was time for the next match.


    Former Alliance Members Battle it Out - Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Raven

    DDP and Raven lock it up with the majority of the fans behind DDP, although there was a glimmer of the old ECW faithful around. Raven started the match off strongly with an arm lock on DDP but DDP had too much in-ring experience to fall for the old Raven tricks. DDP whipped Raven into the corner of the ring but the follow up attack was halted by a huge elbow. Raven turned the corner and started beating the life out DDP before climbing through the ropes, grabbing hold of DDP’s head and hanging him out to dry. Raven continued his momentum dragging DDP down and splitting him through the middle with the ring post. Damn sure his wife isn’t gonna be happy about that one. Raven got back in the ring quickly and tried to make a cover out of that one but only got a 2. Raven drags DDP into the middle of the ring before dropping a knee on DDP’s neck. Raven then gets down to the ground and chokes DDP, being warned by the referee for his conduct. This doesn’t stop Raven from doing it again however. Raven covers DDP again, but once again only a two count. Raven chokes DDP some more, this time the referee pulling him off him, telling him “it’s your last chance!”. Raven frustrated grabbed DDP by his head but DDP fought back. One Punch, two punches, three Punches, both men are now back on their feet, Raven raked his eyes. Raven whips DDP into the ropes but DDP comes back with a diving clothesline. Both men get up, DDP with the advantage; some more punches followed by a spinning punch by DDP. DDP waits. Raven is nowhere to be found…DIAMOND CUTTER! BANG! DDP covers Raven and gets the 3. DDP gets to his feet, the fans are right behind him. But Wait. There is Justin Credible. Justin Credible attacks DDP from behind clubbing blows to the back of the head but DDP doesn’t go down. Credible whips DDP into the ropes but he also gets hit with a clothesline. Credible is getting back to his feet and DDP is ready. “Come on” he says! “Come on!” DDP is ready for it. WAIT, RAVEN TURNS HIM AROUND! EVENFLOW D DT BY RAVEN! Raven floors DDP and gives him a mouthful as Credible stands behind him!

    Winner - DDP


    Kevin Kelly and Al Snow can’t believe what’s happen. Al Snow says that this is the mentality of the ECW product. You can kill WCW but ECW will not die. Kevin Kelly says he hopes that the same can be said about Matt Hardy who is about to face a very aggressive Kane.

    The show goes back to an earlier tonight clip where Kevin Kelly is seen trying to talk to Kane but Kane simply pushes him aside and continues walking. Our Main Event is Next!


    The Big Red Monster is Unleashed – Kane Vs. Matt Hardy

    Matt Hardy came down to the ring and looked concerned for the match that was next. He even jumped when Kane’s music hit. Kane stepped into the ring and Matt Hardy sprinted off to the start hoping to catch Kane off on the wrong foot with a strong quick attack but Kane just stood there and took it. Matt paid for his eagerness when grabbed his hand before crushing it right in front of Matt’s face before hitting a huge uppercut on Matt knocking him down to the ground. Matt got back to his feet quickly and tried to attack Kane again but this time Kane grabbed hold of Matt by one hand and flung him into the corner before beating the holy hell out of him. Kane then put matt on the turnbuckle and punched him off with a huge left hand, Matt falling straight to the outside. Kane climbed out of the ring and went straight to Matt who was trying to crawl to the announce table, Kane lifting him up and smashing his head against the table hard. Kane threw Matt Hardy back into the ring before getting back in himself. Matt tried to get back to his feet again but Kane stomped hard on Matt keeping him down. Kane says THAT’S IT and begins his assault up the turnbuckle. HERE IT COMES! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! Kane gets back to his feet and moves his right arm back. Matt Hardy is just about back to his feet, he can hardly stand….IT DOESN’T MATTER! CHOKESLAM! Kane covers Matt……..1………..2……………3

    Winner – Kane

    Kane stands over Matt Hardy furious before setting off his pyros while Kevin Kelly says that is one pissed off Monster! Al Snow says that he wouldn’t like to get in the ring with Kane at the best of times but tonight, the fire was unleashed inside of him! Thank you for watching Heat! And Goodnight!

  16. IPB Image

    Sunday 11th November 2001

    Heat Preview

    Sunday Night Heat is coming live from Chicago showcasing some of the finest talent in the wrestling industry. Check out MTV's Sunday Night Heat


    Bubba Ray Dudley Vs. Faarooq - Bubba Ray Dudley and Faarooq both requested this match as a warm up to the hugely anticipated encounter on next week's RAW

    Key Vs. Crash Holly - Hardcore Rules

    Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Raven

    Kane Vs. Matt Hardy

  17. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and ??? vs. Sting, Lex Luger, and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

    Like it has been said, these guys are needed for the story to continue. Plus the fact that we have another member on the way, its one of those things where the unknown is the key to victory

    WCW World Heavyweight Title Match! The Giant vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - Special Referee: Ric Flair

    you're selling savage really well but I cant help but have the Foley feeling about his promos. Looks tough. Looks deadlier than ever. But still will lose

    Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers

    My heart says the Steiner's but after the previous result, I've got a feeling it's gonna be harlem heat

    Dog Collar Match! The Nasty Boys vs. Public Enemy

    A shot in the dark with the Public Enemy

    Non-Title I Quit Match! Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan

    Never ever would expect to hear Benoit say I quit

    Konnan vs. Lord Steven Regal

    I was unsure again but I have got a feeling that its gonna be Konnan

    WCW Cruiserweight Title Match! Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio, Jr.

    In usual bookings, i'd say Dean Malenko, but as its WCW booking and you can never be sure on anything, i've got a sneaking suspicion its gonna be Rey Rey. He's on a role

  18. IPB Image

    Thursday 8th November 2001


    The show starts off with our presenters, Michael Cole and Tazz welcoming us to a action packed night here on Smackdown. They remind us that tonight there is going to be an offical announcemnent regarding the WWF Championship #1 Contender as well as a Hardcore Championship Match between RVD and Steven Richards and the WWF debut of Shawn Stasiak. We can hardly wait.

    A Special Announcement from the WWF Champion

    Mr. McMahon starts our night off, with the WWF Championship belt resting over his right shoulder as he makes his way to the ring with 6 bodyguards. They all enter the ring guarding each corner, with 2 at the side of him and he trades his Championship belt with one of them for a WWF mike.

    Vince: If I could have your attention for a moment, I have an announcement to make concerning the status of the WWF Championship Number One Contender

    The fans boo Vince as normal

    Vince: Now last Monday Night, I made the decision to hand the WWF Championship belt to the man who embodies the WWF. A man who carries the soul of the WWF. A man that can take the WWF forward into the 21st Century. And I felt the only man that could do that a job, the only man that could satisfy my needs as WWF Championship would be....me. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. And who could disagree? I don't think any of you fans could be the WWF Champion. The WWF Champion has to be someone who is going places. Lets face it, the only place you lot are going is to the.....job centre to draw your dole money...thats right. But, I am a fighting champion. I am an honorable champion. That's why I have decided to put the title on the line.........

    The fans go crazy at the idea of the title being on the line

    Vince: Just not tonight! Thats why at WWF Vengeance, I Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the Chairman of the board, is going to go one on one with one of 4 men. And they are......Kurt Angle. Chris Jericho. The Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    The stadium is torn between Austin and Rocky chants.

    Vince: But how am I to decide who is the honorable one? I'll tell you how. We're going to have ourselves a Number One Contendership Round Robin tournament starting off tonight! THATS HOW! Tonight, Stone Cold will face Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle will face The Rock. Then Next Monday on RAW, The Rock will face Chris Jericho, followed by an Austin Angle headliner. And so on. A win gets you 3 points. a Draw gets you 1 point. And the winner gets you the biggest prize of all. A WWF Championship shot. Oh and did I mention. The first match is RIGHT NOW!

    Round Robin Match #1 - Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Chris Jericho

    Chris Jericho starts off on the offensive taking Austin to the mat and locking in an armbar. Austin tries to get out of it but only gets kicked to the gut, Jericho following up with a bulldog before a pin attempt. Only a 2 count. Jericho desperately tried to keep Austin to the mat beating him over the back of his head before going up top and hitting him with a missile dropkick. Another pinfall attempt but once again. Only a 2 count. Jericho grabbed hold of the rising Austin and beat him with some more fists, before whipping him into the turnbuckle. Jericho attempted to a running elbow into Austin but Austin dodged a bullet fighting back with some rough right hands. Up yours Jericho. Another fist. Austin grabbed Jericho off the floor, bringing him to his feet, watch out Austin. A dirty eye rake. Jericho hops onto the turnbuckle. Hurricanrana attempt but Austin counters it into a huge powerbomb. Austin covers.......only a 2. Austin grabs hold of Jericho by the hair and puts his middle finger up to him, here...STUNNER TIME, no Jericho counters it pushing Austin away. Jericho goes for a clothesline but Austin ducks bouncing off the ropes into a LOU THEZ PRESS. Beating the holy hell out of Jericho. Austin grips Jericho and he throws him to the outside talking trash. Hope you like the taste of metal Jericho. BAM. STRAIGHT INTO THE STEEL STEPS. Hope that tasted good. Austin carries Jericho over to the announce tables. Why dont you say hello to Mr Table Chris? Wham. Nothing like the taste of plastic in the early evening. Why not have some more. Jericho counters and slams Austin's head into the desk. Jericho treats Austin to an uppercut before throwing him hard into the ring post. For good measure he treats him to it a second time. The referee is warning Jericho. Jericho rolls Austin back into the ring and gets in himself. Jericho grabs hold of Austin, he wants to lock in the Walls of Jericho but Austin squirms to the ropes grabbing on. Oh no you don't Stone Cold. Jericho pulls him away but he doesn't expect a roll up attempt by Austin..........1..............2.........Jericho gets out quickly. Jericho gets up and clotheslines Austin back down. Jericho goes straight over to the turnbuckle. He starts to undo the pad but the referee is pulling him back. Jericho is trying to to fight the referee off of him. Crack! Oh No. Jericho knocks the referee down! The ref is out. Jericho is smiling! Jericho unbuckles the turnbuckle and goes back to the rising Austin. Jericho tries to beat him back down but Austin starts to fight back. One Punch. Two Punch! LOW BLOW BY AUSTIN. Jericho drops holding his jiblets! Man that's gotta hurt. Austin gets up. middle finger time baby! STUNNER! Austin goes for the cover.......but the ref is down. Austin goes over to the ref to try and get him up but the referee doesnt want to move. Austin turns around and goes back to Jericho only get to hit with A LOW BLOW BY JERICHO. Jericho takes the legs from under Austin and goes for the WALLS OF JERICHO. Austin is streaming in pain. AUSTIN is CRAWLING FOR THE ROPES He's nearly there..Nearly......JERICHO PULLS HIM AWAY..IT'S GOTTA BE OVER.......AUSTIN TAPS...THE BELL IS RUNG. The referee is signalling the end of the match and Jericho celebrates.

    Finkel: The Winner of the Match, as a result of disqualification....STONE COLD STEVE AUUUUUUUSTIN!

    Jericho turns around. He's stunned. "He tapped" he shouts. "He tapped". Jericho is furious.


    Meromania will run wild

    A collection of clips are shown showing Mero beat down his oponents.

    Mero: Just because I'm Marvellous. Doesn't mean I can't get wild sometime. Marc Mero is coming. And i'm a bad bad man.


    The commentators tell us that Marc Mero is debuting soon. Tazz says he can not wait!

    WWF Hardcore Championship Match - Rob Van Dam Vs. Steven Richards

    The match starts off in the same fame as the last both men going at it. Richards tries to out grapple RVD but RVD counters him and tries to end the match quickly with a bridge. Richards and RVD both get to their feet and Van Dam does he's "RVD" taunt. Richards and RVD get back into their elbow tie up Richards trying to drive RVD to the corner. RVD quickly turns the tables sticking Richards in the corner throwing some fists the way of Richards. Van Dam goes to the other corner attempting to splash Richards in the corner but Richards gets out of the way. Van Dam continues his momentum climbing up the turnbuckle to the top, before Richards pushes him off onto the guard rail. Van Dam looks hurt as Richards climbs out. Richards slams Van Dam onto the guard rail twice more before Van Dam drops to the floor holding his ribs. Elbow drop by Richards, and he goes for the cover, but he only gets a 2 count. Richards grabs hold of Van Dam and rolls him back in the ring before going under it to gets some trash cans. Richards tries to push the trash can in the ring. It won't get in. WHAM! Van Dam drops the trash can into the face of Richards. Van Dam seizes his opportunity and hits a suicide dive over the ropes. Richards moves and Van Dam once again goes face first into the guard rail. Richards crouches down. He says its time. HERE IT COMES THE STEVIE KICK ON VAN DAM. Richards goes for the cover...........1...............2................2.99999 Van Dam kicks out. Richards looks up at the referee dispondent. Richards covers him again but only gets a 2. Richards grabs hold of Van Dam and roles him back in the ring before climbing up the turnbuckle. It looks like he's going to take a page out of Van Dam's book. He taunts the crowd....R.....V......D before GOING FOR THE 5 STAR FROG SPLASH. VAN DAM ROLES OUT OF THE WAY...... Richards crashes into the mat. Richards and Van Dam both lie down on the canvas both in pain. The crowd stomp and clap as both men start to get back to their feet trading punches. Van Dam starts to get the advantages with some kicks. Van Dam goes for a superkick but Richards catches his foot....ENZIGUIRI by Van Dam. Van Dam gets up and taunts the crowd. HERE IT COMES..ROLLING THUNDER........VAN DAM IS ON A ROLL! Van Dam looks up at the turnbuckle. Is it TIME..IT IS...5 STAR FROG SPLASH.........1......................2.......................3 VAN DAM WINS.......WAIT A SECOND..........WHO'S THAT IN THE RING? IT'S IT'S....KEY! the 325lb THUG GETS INTO THE RING AND IMMEDIATELY STICKS HIS BOOT RIGHT INTO VAN DAM'S FACE! KEY GRABS HOLD OF VAN DAM BY THE HAIR AND LIFTS HIM UP FOR A HUGE FALLAWAY SLAM. Key climbs out of the ring and goes under the table pulling out a TABLE before sliding it back into the ring. Key sets up the table keeping Van Dam down on the canvas with some big boots. Key grabs hold of Van Dam! GOD NO! NO! DON'T DO IT! KEY POWERBOMBS VAN DAM THROUGH THE TABLE. KEY STANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING OVER THE DESTROYED VAN DAM ARMS RAISED IN THE AIR!


    Edge has a message for Stasiak

    Kevin Kelly: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here live with the WWF Intercontinental Champion, Edge. Edge why do you think Shawn Stasiak attacked you on RAW this week?

    Edge: Well Kevin, it's simple. You see. Shawn Stasiak is the type of guy that I don't know......sucks.

    Kevin Kelly: Sucks?

    Edge: Yeah he has a serious case of sucktitude. But he's no different from any of the others who are jealous of Edge's era of awesomeness. You see. When they see me. They see A 2 time intercontinental champion. A multi-time Tag team champion. King of the ring and they think, damn, why do I suck and Edge get all this glory. Kevin Kelly, its nothing more than good old common jealousy. Now just so we are clear with our good friend Mr Stasiak, I am going to spell it out nice and simply for him. Stasiak. I know that in your two bit WCW, every single time you wanted something, you could just run out and attack someone from behind. Hell that's practically the creed of WCW. But I suggest if you want a piece of me, or better still, a piece of this title. I'm right here waiting.


    Shawn Stasiak's WWF Debut - Shawn Stasiak Vs. Val Venis

    Shawn Stasiak fires off some right and left hands. Stiff chop lights up Val. Shawn Stasiak hits some punches. Stasiak hits a huge fallaway slam on Val before hooking the leg for a two count. Stasiak picks up Venis and whips him into the ropes before hitting him with a belly to belly suplex with a bridge. There's a two count on the pin. Stasiak starts to lose his cool and decides to go up to end this match. Val has second things and he grabs the ropes knocking Stasiak off balance before climbing the ropes here. What's Venis thinking? SUPERPLEX. Val hooks the leg. There's a two count on the pin. Val tries to keep Stasiak down with some brutal punches before tying to go for a suplex of his own but Stasiak counters, clubbing Val over the back of the head knocking him forward. Stasiak grabs Val's head and hits a HUGE IMPLANT DDT ON VAL. Stasiak covers.....1....2....3

    Winner - Shawn Stasiak

    Stasiak climbs out of the ring to some huge boos by the crowd looking around at the arena. Stasiak grabs hold of an Edge sign in the crowd and rips it in half insulting the crowd as he makes his way back up the ramp. This is not over


    Next Week on RAW

    Michael Cole and Tazz announce after the match that they have a news announcement from backstage. Moments ago, a fight broke out between the APA and The Dudley Boyz after the Dudley Boyz started slapping around Scotty 2 Hotty backstage. Therefore, next week, Live on RAW its going to be The Dudley Boyz Vs. The APA for the WWF Tag Team Championships. It's gonna be a slobberknocker


    Just Bring It

    Kevin Kelly: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here live with one of the four contenders of the Round Robin Tournament for the #1 Contendership for the WWF Champion, The Rock....Rock, how are you feeling about your match tonight?

    The Rock grabs the microphone off Kevin Kelly, sniffing the air

    The Rock: FINNNNNNNALLLLLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO......SMACKDOWN. Now Kevin Kelly, The Rock wants to answer your question about how he's feeling but before that, the Rock has a question for you, and that question is.....What in the BLUE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?

    Kevin Kelly: Huh?

    The Rock: Don't play dumb with The Rock Kevin Kelly, The Rock wants to know why in the blue hell you smell like crap? what the hell are you wearing?

    Kevin Kelly: D..D...Dior

    The Rock: D....D..Dior? Get the hell away from me. Just get the hell away.

    The Rock pushes Kevin Kelly out of the camera shot

    The Rock: Kurt Angle, Olympic Gold Medalist. Former WWF Champion. Current Asshole. The Rock has got a message for you. The Rock hears that you've been telling people backstage that our olympic hero was the reason that the WWF beat the Alliance. The Rock hears that Kurt Angle thinks that he is the most deserving Number 1 Contender. Well the Rock thinks that Kurt Angle, you should take your boot. Turn it sideways. Shine it up real nice and STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS. Because Next PPV, Vengeance. The Rock is going to walk in, Number 1 Contender. And The Rock is going to come out WWFFFFF Champion. IF YOU SMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT THE ROCK ISSSSSSSSSSSS COOKING!

    The Rock throws the microphone down. The Rock Vs. Kurt Angle is NEXT!


    Round Robin Match 2 - The Rock Vs. Kurt Angle

    The Rock and Angle start off in a huge fast pace with quick two and fro action across the ring. The Rock takes Angle down with a huge spear after Angle whips the Rock into the ropes. The Rock gets back to his feet quickly and lifts Angle up, before whipping him into the corner of the ring. Kurt dodges out of the way of Rock's further offence raising the albow before taking The Rock down to the ground with a chop to the back of the knee. Angle picks up The Rock and hits him with a huge belly to belly suplex The Rock bouncing all of the ring, Angle taunting the fans. Angle continues to attack sending boots to The Rock. Angle picks up The Rock, The Rock trying to fight back before Angle eye rakes him. Angle hits some upper cuts on The Rock before trying to whip the Rock into the ropes but The Rock counters the irish whip, bending down for the return back body drop. Angle halts the whip, and kicks The Rock into his face before knocking him down with a big clothesline. Angle goes for the cover........1..........2...........The Rock gets his shoulder up. Angle gets back to feet and bodyslams The Rock to the mat. Angle walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs up top. He goes for a moonsault, but The Rock roles out of the way. Angle tries to get back but is met with strong hands from The Rock. One....Two......Threeeee...Angle gets knocked to the outside of the Ring. The Rock climbs outside the ring and he cracks Angle's head on the barricade, one twice, no thrice. The Rock hits a huge uppercut on Angle sending him to the ground. The Rock then raises Angle from the floor and goes for a whip into the step. Angle counters the whip and The Rock goes flying into the steps. Angle follows up slamming The Rock's head into the steal steps for good measure. Angle rolls The Rock back into the ring, getting in quickly and going for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Kurt gets up to his feet and rolls down his wrestling attire. He's signalling for the Angle Slam. The Rock is stumbling. The Rock gets up and THE ANGLE SLAM connects. Kurt Angle covers............1.................2..........................2.99 The Rock kicks out. Kurt Angle cant believe it. Kurt grabs hold of The Rock by the head and tries to pick him up. He wants to go for a second Angle Slam. The Rock fights back with some elbows to the head. Angle vision blurs. The Rock strikes out of his claws with some strong fists. One two.....The Rock goes for a rock bottom but Angle counters with some elbows of his own and he tries to whip the Rock into the ropes but the Rock counters. ANGLE COMES BACK! SPINEBUSTER! The Rock slides his arm pad off. You know what time it is! ITS TIME FOR THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! THE ROCK GETS IN MOTION! WAIT. THERE IS CHRIS JERICHO ON THE APRON. THE ROCK KNOCKS JERICHO STRAIGHT OFF......WAIT KURT ANGLE HITS IN THE SMALL PACKAGE.........1..............2....................3 KURT ANGLE WINS! The Rock can't believe it. Kurt Angle climbs out of the ring quickly as The Rock stands at the edge of the ring staring at Chris Jericho.

    It will be The Rock Vs. Chris Jericho Next Week on RAW. Michael Cole says its gonna be HUGE!

  19. IPB Image

    Thursday 8th November 2001

    Smackdown Preview

    Who is the Number #1 Contender for the WWF Championship?

    Last Monday on RAW, Mr. McMahon shocked the wrestling world when he proclaimed himself as the new WWF Champion, as he embodies everything that this business is about. Mr McMahon however is completely aware that every Champion needs a #1 Contender. Who will be the suitable candidate? Find out only on Smackdown!

    Also, after viciously assaulting Edge on RAW, tonight, Shawn Stasiak makes his official WWF in ring debut when he goes one on one with Val Venis. You can be sure that Edge will be keeping an eye on that match. Steven Richards will also be in action tonight as he challenges Rob Van Dam to a rematch for the coveted Hardcore Championship.

    All this and more tonight on Smackdown

    Current Card Line Up

    Rob Van Dam © Vs. Steven Richards - WWF Hardcore Championship Match

    Shawn Stasiak Vs. Val Venis

  20. IPB Image

    Monday, November 5th, 2001

    Raw Is War

    Making a Statement The Rock Vs. Test

    The Rock came to the ring with one thing on his mind and that was to make an impact. Both men started the match face to face before Test told The Rock to "Bring It". The Rock exploded knocking Test to the ground before whipping him into the ropes with a strong right elbow. Test got up and stumbled straight into a Samoan Drop by The Rock who quickly went for the cover but only got a 2 count, and Test rolled out of the ring holding, The Rock staring at him. Test wanted no more of The Rock but the Rock wasn't gonna stop slided out running after Test who quickly sprinted away around the ring before sliding back in. Test jumped quickly against the ropes attempting to smash The Rock with a hard forarm but the Rock speared Test to the canvas hitting him with some right hands. The Rock got up giving Test a mouthful before picking him up by the hair and whipping him into the ropes. Test grabbed on and hit the unexpecting Rock with a kick to the gut before taking The Rock to the canvas with a swinging neckbreaker. Test got to his feet and stomped down on the Rock with big boots full before signalling ot the unsupportive crowd that he was going up top. Test climbed up taunting the crowd, before diving for the diving elbow but The Rock rolled out of the way to thoe high support of the fans. The Rock was up first, hitting the rising Test with some right hands with some right hands whipping Test into the ropes and hitting him with a flying clothesline. The Rock got up straight away and went straight for The Rock bottom but Test got out with an elbow, and whipped the Rock into the ropes and swung for the Rock but The Rock ducked, span Test around and hit a huge DDT. The Rock crouched again as Test got back to his feet dazed...ROCKBOTTOM. The Rock hooked the leg.......1.......2.....3

    Winner: The Rock


    After the match The Rock grabbed hold of the mic breathing heavily deciding to address the fans.

    The Rock - Finally The Rock has come back to Chicaaaago! Now The Rock understands that tonight, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the Chairman of the WWF, the "Genetic Jackhammer" tonight is going to make an announcement regarding the WWF Champion. Now The Rock is slightly confused as to why an announcement needs to be made because in The Rock's eyes, the thing to do is simple. WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, World Heavyweight Champion, the Rock. 1 on 1. Vengeance. The Winner becomes the WWF Undisputed Champion. Winner takes all. Two biggest selling Wrestlers on the roster. Unfinished business. Wrestlemania 17. Stone Cold Steve Austin screwed The Rock. It's the way it should be. And if Chris Jericho or Kurt Angle has a problem with that, then you know what, Just BRING IT! IF you Smelllllllllllalalalalalala What The Rock isssssss Cooking!

    The Rock's music hits, fans cheering as he drops the mic before leaving the ring


    The cameras go backstage to Vince McMahon's locker room, Vince McMahon standing in the middle of the room holding the WCW Heavyweight Championship belt.

    Vince: Doesn't matter who you are. Whether your Ted Turner, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, damn it, it doesn't matter if your name is Shane McMahon. I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon and no one can stop me and tonight is no exception. Tonight! I am finally burying the legacy of WCW once and for all!


    Family Values WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Dudley Boyz © Vs. Spike and Scotty 2 Hotty

    Spike and D-Von started the match, attempting to get the early offensive but with out joy. The Dudleyz intended to teach Spike a lesson on respect and D-Von wasn't about to do it quickly. D-Von hit Spike with stiff shots before hiptossing Spike into the corner tagging Bubba in. Bubba knocked Spike down to his knees with stiff punches. Bubba executed a snapmare on Spike before elbowing him in the head before tagging D-Von back in, The Dudleys wanting quick tags. D-Von bodylsammed Spike to the ground time after time knocking the air out of him before taunting Scotty 2 Hotty. Scotty tried to fight back but it only distracted the ref from the double team on Spike. Bubba bodyslammed Spike into the centre of the ring sending a b-line to Scotty before bouncing off the ropes and going for a leg drop but Spike rolled out of the way Bubba dropping on his backside and Spike dove over to try and tag Scotty in but the Dudleys were too quick pulling Spike back into the middle of the ring allowing Bubba to hit a stiff elbow to the back of Spike. Bubba went for a quick cover but only got a 2, before tagging D-Von back in. D-Von whipped Spike against the ropes and went for a spinning elbow but Spike ducked bouncing off the other ropes and hitting D-Von with a diving axehandle. D-Von got up and got hit with a drop kick. Bubba got in the ring as Spike got up and knocked him down with a forearm smash. Scotty dived into the ring past the referree and attacked Bubba knocking him back. Scotty tried to whip Bubba into the ropes but Bubba reversed it and Scotty swung instead. Bubba bent down for the back body drop but Scotty held onto the ropes before kicking Bubba in the face. Scotty grabbed hold of Bubba by the head and threw him to the outside. Bubba got to his feet and looked up. Scotty jumped over the ropes and hit Bubba down with a suicide dive to the outside. D-Von is up in the middle of the ring waiting for Spike to get up. D-Von went for a DDT but Spike got out of it and jumped back against the ropes and attempted a flying clothesline but D-Von flapjacked him. D-Von goes over to the turnbuckle and tries to go for a high flying move but Spike grabs the ropes and D-Von slips. Spike climbs up the turnbuckle and starts hitting D-Von with right hands before D-Von pushes him off. D-Von gets his feet back and goes for a flying axehandle on Spike but Spike meets him with a dropkick in mid air before going for the cover but only gets a 2. Bubba and Scotty are on the outside fighting before Bubba eye rakes him and throws him into the steal steps. Spike notices Bubba trying to get back into the ring and goes over to stop him only to get hit with a hangman's neckbreaker leaving him open to D-Von who's waiting behind him for his patented DDT. D-Von covers.........1.............2............3

    Winners - The Dudley Boyz


    The Coach: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am live here backstage with Kurt Angle, Kurt, who do you think should be the new WWF Champion?

    Kurt Angle: Who? Wha? Who do I think should be new WWF Champion?

    The Coach: Yah

    Kurt Angle: Well, thats the stupidest question I've ever heard. The WWF Champion should be a man's who's got integrity, a man's who's got intensity, a man's who got intellegence. But hey, you want specifics. Lets say, this guy has the integrity to stick with his employer, no matter how many hugs he gets. A man who's got the intellegence to out smart the alliance into thinking he was one of them. A man who's got so much intensity that he single handedly defeated the Alliance and Survivor Series to make the WWF the dominant brand. Yeah. You got it. The perfect WWF Champion right now would be, none other than yours truely Kurt Angle. Oh It's true! It's damn true!

    The Coach: What about someone like the Rock, do you think that he woulds be a suitable champion?

    Kurt Angle: The Rock? didn't you here what I just said? Don't get me wrong, the Rock is a good guy, but he's a bit simple. Hell, could you see the Rock winning an olympic gold medal with a broken freaking neck? exactly! Now Vince McMahon is a smart guy. And he knows that the only person that is suitable to take this company further is an olympian. And gosh Coach, there is only one Olympic Gold Medalist in this company now isnt there?

    The Coach: Yeah but...

    Kurt Angle: Exactly! Now if you don't mind, I've got a few calls to make!

    Kurt Angle walks off leaving the Coach to stew


    Hardcore Heaven WWF Hardcore Championship: Rob Van Dam Vs. Steven Richards

    Richards started the match off with a huge intensity attacking Rob Van Dam on his way down to the ring. Richards dragged RVD to the bottom of the ramp way and straight away threw Van Dam into the steps. Richards grabbed hold of RVD and hit him with some stiff shots before rolling him into the ring and goig under the ring to get some supplies. He pulls out a kendo stick and a table. Richards drops the covering and gets hit with a school boy from Van Dam knocking him to the ground. Van Dam salutes the crowd before hitting a suicide dive over the top onto Richards. Van Dam gets up and grabs Richards before bodyslamming him onto the ramp before attanding to the table. RVD turns around and gets cheap shotted by Richards, Richards raking the eyes. Richards whips Van Dam into the guard rail, Van Dam going in head first. Richards goes right back to work, picking up RVD before dropping him on the rail hitting Van Dam's midsection. Richards gets onto the apron and does the RVD taunt before going for the patented leg drop but Van Dam moves out of the way, making Richards crash into the barrier. RVD gets up and cracks Richards with a right hand before whipping him into the ring post. Richards has been busted open. Van Dam rolls Richards into the ring before going for a cover but he only gets the two count. RVD snapmares Richards before hitting him with a drop kick to the back, covering him a second time but only a 2 count. Van Dam picks up Richards and bodyslams him, before hitting the rolling thunder on him, the fans cheering, before going for a third cover. a 2 count again. Van Dam hits a good belly to belly suplex on Richards before climbing up and going for the one legged moonsault but Richards rolls out of the way to the outside. Richards goes over to the ring announcers table and picks up a chair before heading back to the ring. Richards is made to eat chair by a schoolboy by RVD. RVD slides outside and hits Richards with a few more stiff fists before sliding both him and the chair back into the ring. Richards slowly gets up as RVD holds the chair in his hands. RVD chucks the chair at Richards but Richards catches it, looking smug, but RVD jumps against the ropes and drop kicks the chair into the face of Richards. Richards lies flat on the floor with the chair on top of him. RVD takes his chain, he goes up top. 5 STAR FROG SPLASH.......1.........2.........3

    Winner - Rob Van Dam


    He's Coming

    A vignette is shown of a man working out in a gym. Apparently he's the stuff that women's dreams are made of and he's coming to the WWF. No one can beat the marvellous one! Mark Mero is coming!!


    Who's going to be the Next IC challenger? Edge Vs. Lance Storm

    Storm starts off strongest taking Edge to the corner from the tie up choking Edge against the turnbuckle. Storm taunts the crowd before going back only to have the tables turned as Edge puts him in the corner and starts beating down on him. Storm gets whipped into the opposite turnbuckle and Edge goes for the spear. Storm dives out of the way and Edge gets his shoulder parted by the steel. Edge gets pulled out of it and gets hit with a gutwrench suplex by Storm. Storm continues the assault with some kicks to the back of the head. Storm goes up top and waits for Edge to slowly get to his feet before hitting Edge was a stiff drop kick taking Edge to the ground. Storm smugs before going for the cover but only gets the two. Storm keeps Edgew down with a stiff elbow to the head before locking in a dragonsleeper on the floor. Storm eventually lets off before hitting a sliding dropkick into the face of Edge and going for a cover but only gets a 2. Storm stands over Edge and grabs hold of Edge's legs and and tries to lock him into the boston crab but Edge fights out of it and quickly gets to the ropes. Storm pulls back Edge and drops him face first on the mat. Storm grabs hold of Legs again and this time locks in the crab. Edge looks in serious trouble, wait Edge rolls him up........1...........2...........thr Storm kicks out both men get to their feet and Edge knocks Storm down with a clothesline, then another. Edge has got second wind. Storm tries to slow him down by countering an irish whip before Edge just hits back with a forearm smash. Storm gets up and gets hit with an implant DDT. Edge gets up and stands in the corner, the crowd are going wild. Storm gets to his feet. SPEAR! It's gotta be over...........1..............someone is seen running down to the ring with a chair.......2................the count is broken up with a chair shot and the ref rings the bell.

    Winner - by DQ, Edge

    JR:What the hell is going on here?

    King:It's Shawn Stasiak! What the hell is Shawn Stasiak doing here?

    Stasiak hits Edge again over the back with the steal chair as Storm rolls out of the ring. Edge tries to get back to his feet as Stasiak waits for him chair in hand. Edge doesnt know where he is. A THIRD CHAIR SHOT. Stasiak raises the chair to the crowd!

    JR:This is a sick heinous act King. A sick heinous act!


    The camera goes backstage to a bunch of the roster including Chris Jericho hanging around a TV Screen.

    Chris Jericho: I'm telling you assclowns, tonight, Vinny Mac is gonna make me the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion! And the WWF will never ever be the same again!!!!


    Taking Out the Trash

    Vince McMahon hits the arena with both the WWF and the WCW title belts over his shoulder. The ring has a red carpet on it and in the middle of the ring is a podium with a lectern and trash can in the middle of the ring. Vince McMahon climbs into the ring and stands over the trash can smiling before climbing the steps to the lectern with a big smile on his face.

    Vince: Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight is a very special night. In March, it was my intention to take hold of the WCW and squeeze the life out of it, firing every one of the superstars that had attempted to put me right out of business. I could have never have expected things to turn out the way they did. That night changed the face of wrestling. It changed it. When my disgrace of a son Shane barged his way right through the pecking line and stealing the WCW right from under my nose. And not only did he do that. No he didnt. After taking away my investment. He then conspired with my baby daughter, Stephanie and tried to kill my creation. But just like Ted Turner, just like the Federal Government. Just like Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff. You can't beat me.

    Vince detached the microphone from the stand and moves towards the trash can leaving the WWF title on the lectern.

    Vince: Sure you can try! You can insult my business. You can throw my title belts in the trash. Decieving the fans that you are the number one business. Controversy creates cash right? Well, Bischoff, Turner, Russo, Shane and Stephanie, this title belt, just like your business plans has rendered itself obselete. And just like you do with any item that has no value. You take it out with the trash!

    Vince McMahon drops the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt in the trash can, the fans going insane.

    Vince: And now to the important business. Ever since the Survivor Series match was made, I was wondering. After the WWF overcomes the Alliance, who is going to be the Wrestler that takes hold of the WWF title belt, grabs it by the balls and takes the WWF forward into the future. Hell I thought long and hard about it. And the way I saw it, I had options. Would it be a proven champion, a people's champion. The multi time WWF Champion and former WCW Champion, The Rock? Would it be an olmypic gold medalist? Would it be a talented Canadian, trained from Stu Hart's dungeon, a multi-time Intercontinental Champion in Chris Jericho? Hell would I show mercy upon the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin allow him to keep the Championship that he so succesfully defended? Now don't get me wrong! I thought long and hard about this, and after many hours, I came to the conclusion that only one person embodied the skill, the power, and hell the talent to hold this championship belt. Therefore, it is my duty to inform you that the NEW, WWF WORLD CHAMPION IS NONE OTHER THAN......................VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON! And THATS THE BOTTOM LINE, COS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SAID....

    All of a sudden, the sound of glass shattering hits the arena and the fan's scream.


    Stone Cold runs down to the ring and slides in and immedietly and dives on Vince McMahon throwing right hands to the face of Vince McMahon. Vine McMahon gets grabbed hold of and thrown into the corner of the ring before Stone Cold starts to stomp a mudhole in him.


    Kurt Angle quickly slides into the ring and attacks Stone Cold from behind knocking him forward. Kurt grabs hold of Stone Cold and whips him into the ropes, then grabbing hold of Stone Cold and hitting him with a belly to belly suplex on Stone Cold. Kurt Angle turns around and then gets hit with a hug right hand! ITS THE ROCK! The Rock slaps away at Kurt Angle, before hitting Kurt Angle with a huge spinebuster. The Rock takes off his elbow pad and stands over the motionless Kurt Angle, HERE IT COMES! THE PEOPLES ELBOW! The Rock hits the Elbow, the crowd going wild. The Rock gets up, not noticing the motioning Chris Jericho on the top turnbuckle. The Rock turns around.......MISSILE DROPKICK BY CHRIS JERICHO! Chris Jericho gets to his feet b-lining the downed Rock, before turning around. STONE COLD STUNNER ON JERICHO! Jericho bounces hard on the ground as Stone Cold gets to his feet sending his b-line to Chris Jericho. Stone Cold gets to his feet and looks around for Vince McMahon before noticing him at the outside of the ring crouched down. Stone Cold stretches through the rope and grabs hold of Vince McMahon by the hair, Vince Looking shocked, but as he turns around, he swings something metallic at Stone Cold cracking him on the head. Vince McMahon climbs back down off the apron and then holds the metal object in the air.

    King:Look JR! Vince just used a lead pipe on Stone Cold!

    JR:DAMN IT KING! Stone Cold is busted open!

    JR:I still can't believe it! Vince McMahon is the WWF Champion Again!

    JR:It's sick King! Vince McMahon has become consumed with power! Consumed Damn it!!

    The show ends with Vince McMahon walking back up the ramp, WWF Championship over his shoulder as the four main contenders for the WWF Championship lay motionless in the ring.

  21. IPB Image

    Patiently Waiting

    Many Wrestling fans of the last 10 years will remember the ill-fated evening of Monday, December 18th 1995. The channel, TNT. The Show, Monday Night Nitro. It was a night no one would ever forget...especially Vince McMahon. Alundra Blaze aka Medusa was a three time WWF Women's Champion at the time she stepped into Nitro and the fans watched in shock as she dropped the covetted WWF women's championship belt into the trash. Contreversy creates cash they said. Well tonight, Vince McMahon is going to exact his revenge when he dumps the now defunct WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt in the trash, just like Alundra Blaze did cementing himself the one and only figure head of the Wrasslin Business. But this is only part of the McMahon agenda tonight as tonight, Vince McMahon guarantees that a WWF Wrestler will become the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion. Does this mean the end for Stone Cold Steve Austin? or will the rattlesnake succumb to whatever to remain the champ? Find out only on RAW

    Tonight's Card

    The Rock Vs. Test

    Rob Van Dam Vs. Steven Richards - WWF Hardcore Championship Match

    The Dudley Boyz © Vs. Scotty 2 Hotty and Spike Dudley - WWF Tag Team Championship Match

  22. The Roster

    (Key - Red is Face, Blue is Heel)

    Main Event

    Steve Austin

    The Rock

    The Undertaker

    Triple H (Injured)

    Kurt Angle

    Chris Jericho

    Booker T

    Upper Midcard

    Big Show

    Chris Benoit (Inactive)


    William Regal






    Jeff Hardy

    Matt Hardy


    Rob Van Dam

    Bubba Ray



    Lance Storm


    Rhyno (Inactive)

    Lower Midcard

    Al Snow


    The Godfather

    The Hurricane


    Spike Dudley


    Tommy Dreamer


    Val Venis

    Billy Gunn - Inactive

    Chuck Palumbo - Inactive

    Big Bossman - Inactive

    Hardcore Holly


    Molly Holly




    Billy Kidman

    Crash Holly




    Perry Saturn

    Chavo Jr

    Hugh Morrus


    Justin Credible

    Steven Richards

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