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Posts posted by DaveKOTW

  1. Whaaaaaaaaaa? Eddie Guerrero. Hey Vato Loco, how the hell you pull that one of homes? WWE selling one of the greatest, hmmm then again you do have Cena, meh, i'll let it go.

    So...to the real deal stuff. Vampiro is back for Human Torch-ure (like my play on words?) good stuff there. Vampiro/Sting matches are on there way.

    Jarrett losing? pfffft, Wait till he tells Jerry. Sooner than later, he'll have a new company back bitch! lol

    The rappers, well i knew they were gonna win and I like the swerve at the end in true Russo fashion.

    So overall, good stuff, and i'll see you later!

  2. IPB Image

    Major Changes In Developmental Territories

    The World Wrestling Federation has decided to make some modifications to their developmental territories releasing some wrestlers from their contracts as well as bringing in some new faces.

    The Following Wrestlers have been released from their development deals:

    Redd Dogg


    Mark Henry

    Bull Buchanan


    In addition, the World Wrestling Federation have released Billy Gunn. Many believe Gunn's antics during the week were the reason behind his release. Matt " Albert" Bloom has been sent to OVW. There is no conformation if this is the last of the releases. Out of all the wrestlers released, it is thought that Mark Henry was the most costly to the World Wrestling Federation but Henry's lethargic personality coupled with his lack of will to improve was unacceptable to the company.

    There have also been some new signings to developmental territories over the past few days: The majority of these wrestlers were attached to World Championship Wrestling, however it is thought that the reason they weren't signed sooner was because the WWF didn't feel that they were neither over enough to be useful in the Invasion Storyline nor were there gimmicks suitable for WWF TV

    Frank Paris and Allen Jones of the WCW Tag Team "Air Raid"

    Chris Harris

    Carly Colon

    Scott Colton

    All five wrestlers have been told to report immediately to Ohio Valley Wrestling for "assimilation". It has been rumoured that some of the wrestlers required hard bargaining to get them to sign as some of the wrestlers had been offered handsome sums to appear on the independent circuits.


    Tough Enough Winners Speak Out

    Tough Enough Winners Maven Huffman and Nidia Guenard finally speak out to the Wrestling Community about their WWF developmental contracts. Maven and Nidia both agreed on one thing; joining the World Wrestling Federation is a dream come true and neither of them can wait to finally make it in the big time. Maven commented that he was spending tim down in Ohio with guys like himself, learning about what it takes to play in the big time and that it is "Sure As Hell Tough But I love It!" Nidia on the other hand has been spending her time between Ohio and on the road where she has been learning the way of the WWF diva. Nidia commented that WWF Divas are the most beautiful women in the world and she hopes one day to to be the new Chyna or Trish or Ivory. Nidia said that she hoped that one day she could fulfil her dream and become WWF Women's Champion


    Ric Flair and the WWF?

    With David Flair in the developemental roster, many have been wondering if it will be too long before we see the return of the Nature Boy to the WWF? Ric Flair in an interview with the WWF website has said the following:

    Well you know, ever since with WCW went out of business, the Nature Boy Ric Flair has been sitting at home resting up and wondering when the Wrestling World will see the dirtiest player in the game return to National TV. And the answer is, I don't know. Right now, the best product in the World by far is the World Wrestling Federation, that's why when my son asked me, hey said "Dad, Jim Ross and Johnny Ace have been on the phone and they want me to be a part of their developmental programme..should I take it?" I said Woo Son, of course you should! To be the man, you gotta beat the man and the man right now is the WWF Champion". Maybe one day I can get back into the squared circle and rekindle my jet flyin, limo ridin, kiss stealing, wheelin and dealin' woo profile in the WWF too
  3. Despite the unfortunate plot hole with UPN, and the whole WCW/WWF wars, the diary is very well written and the actual shows are pretty entertaining and the feuds are pretty decent. You've got a strong focus on the commentating team in a way that is different to most diaries which is interesting and i'm also interested to see how you develop the younger talent. I look forward to seeing how you continue with this.

  4. this diary really has a unique quality to it. The layout is not of the usual variety but the diary is very entertaining and very easy to get into. You could tell from the get go that that this had the potential to be an interesting read and you have certainly proved this to be the case. The main event of the last show was definately markable and balls vs. tajiri (need i say more). Keep up the good work.

  5. Wow, I have just read through this thing finally and man, I think this is a totally awesome piece of work. I thought Bound for Glory was very impressive and man, I was so shocked that Abyss beat Sting. Maybe, just Maybe, Abyss will one day have the gold? just maybe! I hope so!

    Jarrett screw job was very good. The Angle match was very good although I'm sure Steiner probably cried himself to sleep that night. The Team 3D screw job was also very good. I could go on forever but I very much enjoyed this product. Better booking than TNA itself on many occasions.

    Keep up the top work

  6. Everybody has a Price...Everybody's got to pay

    Figures from Last Week Shows (Commencing December 2nd)

    We got a 7.05 rating for 'RAW'!

    The attendance level was 8009 people.

    We made $320360 from ticket sales.

    The Best match of the night was the Shawn Stasiak vs. Tajiri match that scored at 74% with the general scores for the matches all being rated relatively low for this RAW. However, there were some big scoring segments the most recognised ones being the Vince McMahon one's, his segment with Stephanie picking up 88% in addition to the Main Event of Venegeance announcement that also scored a 92%. Overall, RAW scored an overall score of 72%. The RAW rating has increased substantially.

    We got a 5.72 rating for 'Smackdown!'!

    The attendance level was 9050 people.

    We made $362000 from ticket sales.

    Like RAW, the matches on Smackdown did not score particularly high with the highest rated match of the night being Edge vs. Marc Mero which scored a respectable 76%. The segments however lifted the overall score of the show with the WWF Championship debate getting 98% rating and the Kurt Angle/Vince McMahon segment gaining 93%, Smackdown getting an overall score ot 72% The Smackdown weekly rating dropped from the previous week but is still on the higher scale of scores compared to previous

    We got a 1.62 buy rate for 'Vengeance'!

    The attendance was 18162 people.

    We made $4050000 from pay-per-view revenue.

    We made $1089720 from ticket sales.

    The outstanding match of the night was of course the Fatal Fourway Main Event between Angle, Jericho, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, delivering an over all score of 91%. However, the Dudley Boyz vs. The APA and Spike match and the Edge vs. Shawn Stasiak match also scored respectably coming out with scores of 82% and 80% respectively. Vengeance's overall score was 79% and at present is regarded as successful

    Okay, so we've got through the first month, the direction has been set and the road to Wrestlemania is set. I'm very pleased at the way things have come off so far and I just hope that we can maintain this direction and momentum all the way through to Wrestlemania. I have a good idea in my mind now what the matches will be at Wrestlemania (I really would like to share with you guys but dont want to ruin the suprise) :P so I'm looking forward to pushing on. However, a sure fact is that the Royal Rumble is going to be an interesting write.

    Keep on reading and giving your two cents! Till next week, keep tuned and Enjoy!


    Current Champions

    WWF Champion

    Mr. McMahon

    Intercontinental Champion


    European Champion


    WWF Tag Team Champions

    Dudley Boyz

    WWF Hardcore Champion


    WWF Cruiserweight Champion


  7. IPB Image

    Sunday 9th December 2001

    WWF Vengeance (Part 2)

    Live from Detroit Michigan

    An Interview with the Rattlesnake

    Backstage, The Coach is live with Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Coach does not beat around the bush asking Stone Cold if he is ready for the match of his life? Austin asks back, “the match of my life?” Austin says that he treats every single match up like it is the match of his life, but one thing is for certain, tonight he is going up against 3 of the biggest SOBs in the World Wrestling Federation, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and The Rock. Stone Cold says that the fact of the matter is that the World Wrestling Federation Championship means everything to him. He says it means more to him than his wife, his family, hell it means more to him than his own physical condition and that he will do absolutely anything to get it back. Stone Cold says if that means, beating the living hell out of the three toughest SOBs in the WWF to get the title that was stolen for him 4 week ago, then so be it because Stone Cold Steve Austin is be once again the WWF Champion, whether people like it or not AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE! COS STONE COLD SAID SO!

    It’s Time for the Main Event Recap covering everything from the Winner Takes All Match at Survivor Series to the Round Robin Tournament: It even shows Austin screwing the Rock over at Wrestlemania X7. When we come back to the arena, JR and Tazz hype it up one more time, JR saying that this match is going to be a slobberknocker!

    The main event starts off with the Fink coming to the ring and reminding us that the following match is a FATAL FOURWAY MATCH, all four men can be in the ring at the same time and the first person to make a make a pin fall or makes an opponent submit wins the match. Welcome Vince McMahon and Ron Waterman to the ring, Vince McMahon grabbing a microphone and getting into the ring announcing that with this match being of particular relevance to him, he decided that he and his bodyguard, Ron Waterman will join the commentary team for this match up. Vince then wishes all four competitors the best of luck and officially kicks off the match. The first person to come to the ring is Chris Jericho, the crowd giving Jericho a mixed response, Jericho nevertheless posing for everyone. As soon as Jericho gets into the ring, his music quickly changes for Angle’s and Angle steps down the ramp way, wearing his Olympic Gold Medal to the ring. Angle chooses not to get in the ring with Jericho and he stays on the outside. Suddenly The Rock’s music hits the ring and the fans loudly cheer The Rock as he makes his way to the ring, JR saying that The Rock’s people are with him tonight. Vince disagrees with JR, telling him that he thinks the biggest pop of the night has definitely been for Kurt Angle, JR telling Vince that he is full of crap, Tazz telling JR to calm down. The Rock unlike Angle quickly slides into the ring and salutes the fans. After the Rock is finished The Rock looks at Jericho and Angle, Angle raising his hands not wanting anything to do with The Rock. Stone Cold’s music hits the fans at least equalling the Rock’s pop. Austin marches down to the ring, Austin, like the Rock and Jericho also getting in the ring, Austin keeps watchful eyes on both Jericho and The Rock as he makes his salute to the audience the audience cheering like crazy. The cameras pick up on Vince and Waterman starring almost disapprovingly at Austin as he salutes the audience. When Austin finally gets down, Austin looks over at Vince McMahon both men starring at each other for a second before Austin gives Vince the middle finger and looks back at his two competitors. All three men in the ring circle, Angle staying away Vince McMahon commenting that so far two things are obvious. “One, Stone Cold has no Class and Two; Kurt Angle has a smart game plan”. JR believes what Angle’s got is a case of the chicken but Vince assures him it’s a game plan. Austin goes over to the area of the ring Angle is and tells him to get in the ring, Angle climbing onto the apron but then chickening out. Austin tells him once more, get in the ring, But Angle ignores it. Austin then snaps just as the bell is rung

    Match 7: Number One Contendership for the WWF Championship – Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Austin climbs out of the ring and immediately chases after Angle, while The Rock and Jericho brawl in the ring. Austin and Angle exchange punches on the outside while Jericho manages to hit a quick dropkick on The Rock. Jericho follows this up with a snap suplex going for a quick pin fall attempt but the Rock kicking out on the 2. Meanwhile on the outside, Austin is choking Angle with a Television Cable on the outside, Angle desperately trying to move the cable off of his throat Austin really laying into Angle with punches and stomps. Back in the ring, the roles have quickly reversed The Rock slapping Jericho away like crazy before laying the Smackdown on him Jericho bouncing back straight into a DDT by the Rock. Angle sends Austin into the steel steps on the outside as The Rock makes a pin fall attempt, Angle breaking it up before the 3. Angle grabs hold of The Rock and whips him into the corner choking him away while Jericho hits the baseball slide on Austin knocking him back to the outside as he tries to get in. Jericho then continues his offensive on Austin with a huge suicide dive onto the outside Austin and Jericho both going down. Angle tries to whip The Rock into the adjacent corner but The Rock counters sending Angle into it, Angle coming out and getting knocked down with a clothesline. Angle then gets up and immediately and tries to get back in on the offensive but getting hit with a Samoan drop with The Rock, The Rock managing a 2 on the pin fall attempt. On the outside Jericho hits Austin, leaning against the barricade with, chops Austin’s pectoral region turning red. The fans give a big chair as Austin turns it around and starts hitting Jericho with the back handed chops before clotheslining him down. Austin then hits a monkey flip on Jericho throwing him into the steel pole knocking, Jericho looking like the first of the four to be bust open. Meanwhile back in the ring, Angle hits The Rock with a huge german suplex before going for the cover Austin grabbing hold of Angle’s leg and pulling him off The Rock. Austin gets back in the ring and drags hold of Angle throwing him into the corner laying into him with right hands before stomping a mudhole on him. Austin turns around and gets knocked down with a huge clothesline from The Rock. The Rock drags Austin into the middle of the ring and locks in the sharpshooter on Austin, some fans cheering some fans booing as The Rock tightens the hold Austin desperately trying to get to the ropes. The Rock wants this match bad however and pulls Austin back into the middle tightening the hold some more. Vince McMahon announces that it’s over! “Austin is going to tap”. “BUT WAIT” shouts JR as Chris Jericho is up on the top turnbuckle. MISSILE DROPKICK ON THE ROCK breaking the hold on Austin. Jericho tries to take advantage done on the Austin damage and goes for the cover but The Rock and Angle both pull Jericho off a leg a piece. Both men look at each other surprised to see the other and each other begins to brawl with each other, Angle out manoeuvring The Rock before clotheslining him out of the ring. “Kurt Angle is celebrating like he’s just won the match” shouts JR, Vince saying that what he did was really impressive, he should be happy! Angle too busy celebrating doesn’t realise the dangerous threat lurking behind him and Jericho quickly hits Angle with a full nelson facebuster, Tazz informing us that Jericho likes to call that the breakdown. Jericho goes to cover Angle but this time Austin breaks it up. Austin pulls Jericho to his feet Jericho immediately eye raking the Rattlesnake. Jericho tries to take advantage with an irish whip only to get hit with the Lou Thez press Austin laying hard right hands on Jericho. Austin gets up and walks almost walks into the Angle Slam by Kurt but Austin counters and ends up pushing Angle into the referee. Kurt shocked that he knocked down and turned around to get a second surprise…A STUNNER! “Where is he going?” asks JR to Vince as Angle gets covered……1…..2……….Ron Waterman pulls Stone Cold out of the ring. Vince McMahon stands up clapping as Austin just got screwed. Austin got up and got hit down to the crowd with a huge stiff clothesline from Waterman. Waterman then grabs hold of the rattlesnake and hits him with Waterman’s Sitout Powerbomb as Jericho is back to his feet shaking the referee before going for the cover on Angle………….1…………………….2……………..The Rock breaks up the count. The Rock grabs hold Jericho and punches away hard on him eventually knocking Jericho out of the ring with his huge punches, turning around into an atomic drop from Kurt Angle, Angle following up with a solid uppercut. Angle takes advantage of the situation and climbs up the turnbuckle, everyone one at the announce table going over the previous situations with Angle on the top rope. Can he hit it this time!? HE DOES! Angle hits the Moonsault on the Rock…… “Is IT OVER?” asks JR…….1………..2…………The Rock gets the shoulder up. Angle can’t believe it. Waterman sits back down with Vince, Austin lying motionless on the outside of the ring. Angle on the other hand wants to end this now. HE’S TAKING DOWN THE STRAPS YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! ANGLE LOCK! Angle locks it in and The Rock looks in a lot of trouble……The Rock is trying to get to the bottom rope but Angle wants to break his Ankle. The Rock is close to the ropes……but Angle pulls him back. “The Rock looks like he’s about to tap” comments Tazz, Vince saying that it looks like Kurt Angle is going to be the Number One Contender but The Rock never says die, crawling across the floor. “Can he Make it?” asks JR “YES HE CAN!” shouts Tazz as The Rock gets to the bottom rope. Angle stomps away on The Rock, The Rock looking as he’s in a lot of trouble. The Rock gets a break when Jericho gets back into the match hitting Angle with a hangmans neckbreaker before getting back into the ring himself. Jericho hits the bulldog on Angle. Jericho looks around. LIONSAULT ON ANGLE! IS THIS IT?.........1…………….2…..The Rock breaks up the count. Austin is stirring and Vince gets cautious telling Waterman that he might have to go back and finish the job! Vince is very angry Waterman hadn’t finished it already. Waterman gets back to his feet as Austin is holding onto the apron, JR protesting that it’s not right. Vince says he’s just saying that because he’s not in his predicament but JR is not happy. Waterman goes back for Austin but this time, Austin is ready Austin straight away brawling with Waterman. Austin lifts a knee up to Waterman before sending Waterman into the steel steps. But Austin is finished bashing Waterman’s head across the steel steps before whipping him into the barricade. “By God, The Rattlesnake is Still Alive!” shouts JR. Back in the ring Angle is down and Jericho is choking The Rock in the corner with his boot. Austin climbs back into the ring and Jericho charges at Austin, Austin hitting Jericho with back body drop Jericho falling over the ropes but managing to hang on to them staying on the apron before Austin punches him off. Austin turns around and gets it with a flying clothesline from The Rock. The Rock then whipping Austin into the ropes hitting him with a spinebuster. The Rock gets back up only to get hit with multiple german suplexes ending with a bridge but The Rock kicks out. Angle tries to relock in the Angle Lock but Austin quickly breaks it up. Austin grabs hold of Angle and throws him out of the ring leaving just The Rock and Austin, The Rock slowly getting up. The fans cheer as The Rock and Austin stand off, both men exhausted facing off at each other and the two men start brawling. Austin quickly tries to hit the Stunner on The Rock but the Rock counters and then he goes for The Rockbottom but Austin counters that but only to get hit very quickly with a spinebuster. The Rock has it. He takes off his arm band “YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS NOW JR?!...THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!” shouts Tazz BUT WAIT! ANGLE IS THERE….ANGLE SLAM ON THE ROCK! Angle covers……………1…………..2………..Jericho pulls Angle off The Rock. And Angle and Jericho brawl on the outside. Austin and The Rock are back standing also, the two men brawling in the middle of the ring. The Rock whips Austin into the ropes but Austin ducks the clothesline but on the return he kicks the Rock in the gut…STUNNNEEEEER! Vince McMahon drops his head set and quickly rushes to the ring climbing on the apron. Austin is covering The Rock but Vince is interfering with the referee. “WAIT.....RON WATERMAN IS BACK IN THE RING! HEBNER!!!!” Waterman hits Austin with a LEAD PIPE before getting out of the ring. Vince climbs down as The Rock crawls over and puts his arm over Stone Cold. The referee turns around and starts the count.……1…as Angle sends Jericho into the steel steps….2……….3…..ANGLE COULDN’T MAKE IT IN TIME! The Rock’s music hits the ring as the crowd stand in shock! The Rock bt. Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and Stone Cold Steve Austin at 25.43 to become the WWF Championship Number One Contender(KOTW Score: ****)(KOTW Note: The crowd can’t believe what just happened. Is The Rock working for Vince McMahon? Why Did Vince McMahon screw Austin?) JR asks all these questions as Ron Waterman and Vince McMahon stand on the ramp way, Austin looking at the 2 of them. “DAMN IT! AUSTIN WAS SCREWED OUT OF THE TITLE BY MCMAHON AGAIN!!”

    What happened Next…

    As Vince and Ron Waterman walk up the stage, a very familiar piece of music is heard in the arena, which shocks everyone in the arena, most of all, Jim Ross. “What the….That’s Jerry Lawler’s Music!” At the entrance to the arena stands the King with a microphone, Vince McMahon turning around looking in absolutely surprise, Waterman grabbing a mic from the sound man near the bottom of the ramp and handing it to Vince. Lawler asks the people in the back to cut his music as Vince McMahon makes the first move. Vince starts off by telling Lawler that he is pleased to see him but what the hell are you doing in this arena? Earlier tonight you handed in your RESIGNATION EARLIER TONIGHT! Lawler plays dumb saying “I guess I did didn’t I”, Vince continuing “so If you wouldn’t mind, tell me what the hell you want or GET THE HELL OUT MY ARENA”. Lawler tells Vince that he wants to take him on a little journey back to the 70s and early 80s in professional wrestling. Lawler tells Vince that in case he had forgotten; Wrestling in those days was very different to what it is today. Lawler looks to the crowd explaining that back in the day, there used to be different territories across the US, and for each territory, there was a wrestling promotion. Now when Vince McMahon’s Father was in charge of the company which we now call “the World Wrestling Federation”, the WWF was a North Eastern Territory that was part of a National Wrestling Alliance, an alliance that the majority of the wrestling federations were a part of. However, as Vince’s Dad got older and had to retire, Vince McMahon broke away from the NWA. Vince McMahon was too good from the national alliance and Vince McMahon wanted to become solo. Why? Because the territories were poor? No! Because it was easier? Not really. “The reason Vince McMahon wanted out was because Vince McMahon is consumed with greed. Vince McMahon wanted the money”. Lawler says that just like the Vince McMahon of today, Vince McMahon enjoyed nothing more than to choke the life out of his competition. “And What I found so funny during the WCW days is when the WCW poached talent from the WWF, Vince McMahon took it as personal insult. But Vince, when you decided have a syndicate TV show and break the territorial boundaries….you poached anything and everything you could…you’re nothing but a hypocrite. “Ric Flair ring a bell to you people? Yeah Vince, one of your successful steals after putting everyone out of business”. Vince McMahon says that Jerry Lawler can’t make these slanderous accusations about him! It’s a ridiculous accusation, but Lawler said that he isn’t finished. Lawler tells everyone to jump forward to the year 2001, when he, a legendary wrestler of his generation, had been demoted to nothing more than a full time colour commentator. Lawler says that at the start of the year 2001, everything was looking bleak. He lost his job, he lost his wife. But then, one day it struck him. “Sitting down, watching RAW, I realised that, Vince McMahon would never allow competition again. It would be impossible to ever compete with a company like the World Wrestling Federation. Hell lets face it, if any talent comes out of the independent federations, it gets eaten up by the corporate monster that is WWF before anyone could ever make a name for themselves. You just can’t compete anymore. And I thought, hell, I helped make Wrestling. I am part of this legacy. Hell, I was part of Sports Entertainment before the name even came about.” Vince tells Lawler that he better have a point with all of this because he’s starting to lose his patience. Lawler continues “When you want a piece of pie, why make another one when there is one starring in front of you…and that’s what I did Vince. I bought Shane and Stephanie’s piece of the World Wrestling Federation”. Vince looks shocked the fans cheering like crazy. “…..THAT’S RIGHT! JERRY THE KING LAWLER NOW OWN’S 50% OF THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION! I guess that makes us Partners! 50/50 Partners!” Vince McMahon, as does everyone looks in absolute shock as Lawler’s music plays in the arena. “Jerry Lawler is the Co-Owner of the WWF” calls JR, “How does this affect the World Wrestling Federation? Jerry Lawler??”

    The last shot we see is of Vince McMahon’s stunned face before the show fades to black”

  8. IPB Image

    Sunday 9th December 2001

    WWF Vengeance (Part 1)

    Live from Detroit Michigan

    We kick off with a special edition of Heat, presented to us by none other than the legendary Al Snow and Ivory who welcome us to Detroit Michigan. The two interact with the fans, discuss WWF Vengeance. Ivory asks many of the fans who would they like to see win the Main Event of Vengeance for the Number One Contendership match, Many of the fans going between Stone Cold and The Rock with a few hoping for Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle. Ivory and Al report that the atmosphere is absolutely wild here tonight and everyone is totally excited but now, NOW! It's time for the main event of Heat and it's for the WWF Women's Championship. We get sent to the arena where we are welcomed by JR and Tazz who is filling in for Jerry Lawler since he resigned for the WWF earlier today and we are reminded that we are about 12 minutes away from WWF Vengeance! Are you excited? I am!

    Heat Main Event: WWF Women’s Championship Match – Trish Stratus © vs. Jazz

    (KOTW Note – Jazz hits the ring first making shouting profanities at the crowd. Some members of the audience boo her while some just ignore her. JR comments that Jazz is one of the toughest women wrestlers of all time, legitimately brutal, and a strong competitor. Tazz humorously remarks that she’s brutal in more than one way which makes JR start to laugh. Trish hits the ring to a huge response from the crowd! This is Trish’s first title defence since she won the title at Survivor Series. Trish climbs into the ring and salutes the crowd, Jazz watching on with a hunger in her eyes). As soon as Trish gets down from the turnbuckle Jazz immediately attacks her with a forearm smash invoking boos from the crowd. Jazz picks Trish up by her hair and whips her into the ropes before Jazz hits her down again with a second hard smash, Trish yelling as she hits the crowd. “I’M THE BEST!” shouts Jazz, picking up Trish again by her hair, Tazz talking about how Jazz’s intensity is something that not many people could match, Jazz quickly following that statement with a very stiff inverted facelock elbow drop on Trish before going for the cover getting a 2 count on the Women’s Champion. Jazz gets back to her feet taunting the crowd telling the fans that the bitch is back before turning around and beating Trish over the back with clubbing blows, Trish desperately trying to get back to her feet. But Jazz wasn’t going to let up locking in the Jazz Stretch on Trish, Trish screaming in agony. JR questioned whether for the first time since WWF Backlash 2001 that a title has changed hands on Heat! Tazz believed it was looking possible but Trish didn’t tap. Jazz, impatient dropped Trish with a facebuster and then went for a cover……………1………….2……..Trish got her foot in the ropes. JR believed that Trish was a lucky lucky woman and Tazz did too. Jazz gets up looking furious at the referee Jack Doan running backwards from Jazz……but WAIT Trish grabs hold of Jazz she’s got the roll up….1….2…..3 Trish wins!!! Trish bt. Jazz to at 5.45 to Retain the WWF Women’s Championship-(KOTW Score: **) The Fans go wild as Trish grabs hold of her title belt, Jazz stunned in the middle of the ring. JR says that Trish is a fighter, she has shown it time and time again and she really deserves that title. “No Doubt” follows Tazz, “Trish is one tough cookie and what a way to build up to Vengeance”…”WAIT A SECOND” shouts JR as someone attacks Trish from behind on the ramp way with a steel chair. “IT’S LANCE STORM” identifies Tazz, everyone in the arena surprised and disgusted with Storm’s actions. Storm grabs hold of the Women’s Title belt looking at it in his hand, as Jazz stands in the middle of the ring herself looking confused. Storm carries the title belt into the ring and goes face to face with Jazz, Jazz asking what the hell is going on. Storm smiles at Jazz and the boo’s get even louder as Storm hands over something no one could have possibly imagined. “Lance Storm has just handed Jazz the WWF Women’s Championship belt”. Tazz is shocked. Jazz looks down at it and smiles back at Storm before turning around and raising the belt in her hands, the fans booing loudly….but it wasn’t the end. Jazz turns to thank Storm but what she gets is a SUPERKICK TO THE FACE! JR and Tazz go crazy, no one in their right minds has an idea what the hell is going on. Lance Storm gets out of the ring grabbing a microphone. “What the Hell Is Going on Tazz?”

    Do I have to repeat myself?

    Storm gets back into the ring; microphone in hand as loud boos filling the arena. “If I can be serious for a minute……….without being interrupted” the boos escalating to a new level as Storm stands in the centre, his face deadly seriously. “If you people shut up, I will explain to you my actions here on Sunday Night Heat”. The level of boos however doesn’t drop but that doesn’t stop Storm from telling us what he’s thinking. Lance says that the reason he attacked these two women here this evening is quite simple and that is because women wrestlers make a mockery of the wrestling business, a business that he loves so much. Lance says that these women pace around the ring, wearing push up bras and hot pants and pretend to be people like him. “But wrestling is not a joke and neither am I” Lance Storm firmly puts forward. Lance ones again reaffirms that he is not a comedy act, he is not about bells and whistles. Lance Storm is about pure wrestling and it is a CRIME AGAINST NATURE that Lance Storm has been left off the line up for Vengeance tonight. “But that’s okay….because come the Royal Rumble, everybody will know exactly what Lance Storm is all about. Storm’s music hits as he drops the mic, posing to the irate WWF fans as Heat comes to an end. JR says that it looks like Lance Storm has staked in next months Royal Rumble. (KOTW Note – Lance Storm is getting real over with the fans now as we expect to see Storm back on Main TV). Tazz can’t believe how fired up Storm, it’s an intensity like he’s never seen before. “Speaking of intense Tazz, we are moments away from WWF Vengeance and by God it’s going to be a Slobberknocker!” These are the final words from our announce team as we make way for WWF Vengeance 2001.


    Vengeance Intro

    The Rock:

    This is My Night

    Kurt Angle:

    This is My Night

    Stone Cold:

    This is My Moment

    The Rock:

    This is My Opportunity

    Kurt Angle:

    To prove to the world that I’m best in this business

    Chris Jericho:

    This is My Moment

    Stone Cold:

    This is My Opportunity

    The Rock:

    To prove to the World…..

    Chris Jericho:

    To prove to the world that I am the Greatest

    Kurt Angle:

    To prove that no one can beat me

    The Rock:

    …….that I am the most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment

    Stone Cold:

    At Survivor Series, my Championship was taken for me and I will stop at nothing to get it back


    Ever since No Mercy, everyone has asked whether Y2J Chris Jericho can win the BIG ONE! Tonight I prove them wrong!


    During the Invasion, I was part of Team Austin, or Team Rock. Always Number two in this business. Well tonight is my night!

    The Rock:

    Stone Cold, at Wrestlemania you screwed the Rock out of his title…But when its all said and done, when the Dust has settled, when the smoke have cleared. The Rock will once again become WWF Champion.

    Stone Cold:

    Tonight I get my Vengeance


    Tonight, Vengeance will be mine


    Tonight I get MY Vengeance

    The Rock:

    Tonight, The Rock will get his Vengeance


    We hit straight off the arena, pyros going off everywhere.

    ”Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to WWF Vengeance. We are Live him from the Sold Out San Diego Sports Arena. Beside me is the one and only Tazz, Tazz what a line up we have tonight!”

    “Tonight is off the hook JR. The card is stacked and I for one am totally excited!”

    “Not to mention that tonight Tazz, tonight we’re going to find out who’s Vince McMahon’s new business partner is! Man I can’t wait”

    Match 1: WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match – Tajiri © vs. Marc Mero

    (KOTW Note: JR points out when Mero hits the ring that this is going to be his first Cruiserweight Title Match. Mero gets heavily booed by the audience and he is eating it up. When Tajiri hits the ring, both JR and Tazz notice that Tajiri is in fact coming to the ring once again by himself. Tazz believes that maybe this Marc Mero interference has destroyed the relationship between Wilson and Tajiri. JR says that he hopes that’s not the case. When both men are in the ring, the tow of them face off and the crowd getting hyped up for the first match of Vengeance). Mero and Tajiri lock up and Mero quickly takes the strength advantage charging Tajiri in the corner. Mero beat down on Tajiri with hard fists and boots before whipping him hard into the adjacent corner Tajiri hitting the turnbuckle hard and dropping down to the floor. Mero immediately starts posing in the ring causing the crowd do not like Marc Mero and they respond in kind as he takes it some more of the hate before going back to Tajiri who tries to fight back but is quickly slowed down by an eye rake. Mero takes down Tajiri with a clothesline and goes for an early pin but he only gets the 2 count. Mero gets back to his feet grabbing hold of Tajiri by the head before hitting him with a perfectly manoeuvred vertical suplex. Mero climbs through the ropes and hits Tajiri with his patented slingshot leg drop some of the crowd clapping the move as Mero goes for another cover on Tajiri but again only a 2. Mero grabs hold of Tajiri and hits him with a snapmare before quickly locking in a chin lock. Mero makes sure the hold is tight the referee carefully monitoring Tajiri. Mero pulls hard on the head of Tajiri, JR commenting that the chin lock is an effective move if done correctly, and causes strain to the tendons in the neck. Tazz says Mero seems to be doing a good job of the move Tajiri looking in deep trouble, trying to find a way to get out of the move. Eventually Tajiri manages to get use of his body trying to lift himself off the ground, Mero trying to force him back down but Tajiri refuses to stay down. Elbows, fists, he’s throwing the whole of his locker at him. Mero slows him down with a hard left hand before whipping him into the rope going for a clothesline but Tajiri ducks off against the other ropes, Tajiri hits the springboard elbow smash. Tajiri hits Mero with one clothesline, then another clothesline. Tajiri tries to take advantage and goes for a springboard moonsault. Mero second guesses the move and gets out of the way but Tajiri lands on his feet. Mero comes back for him but Tajiri uses his quick feet kicking the hell out of Mero. Mero gets whipped the ropes behind Tajiri, Tajiri ducks the Mero counter clothesline getting behind him before hitting Mero with a beautiful dragon suplex. Tajiri goes for the cover……….1…………….2………..Mero gets his foot on the rope. Tajiri nor the crowd can here. “Oh Wait Tazz” shouts JR. “Torrie Wilson is here!” Tajiri gets off the floor and sees Torrie standing at the entrance. Tajiri gets back to his feet and walks to the edge of the ring looking on confused….”WAIT! WATCH OUT TAJIRI!” Tajiri gets rolles up by Mero……………1……………….2………………….2.9 Tajiri kicks out both men quickly getting back his feet. Mero clotheslines down Tajiri. Mero gets to his feet and looks back at the entrance but Torrie isn’t looking particularly happy. Mero goes back to Tajiri who is trying to get back up, Mero beating him back down hard with his hard fists and positions himself behind Tajiri. Mero hits a german suplex on Tajiri but Tajiri counters it and lands behind Mero. Mero swings around trying to halt Tajiri but Tajiri kicks Mero in the gut before locking in the front face lock….BRAINBUSTER! Tajiri goes for the cover the whole audience counting………1………..2………..3. “By Gawd! Tajiri Retains the Title!” shouts JR, Tazz commenting that Tajiri took a page out of his old ECW days! Tajiri bt. Marc Mero to retain the WWF Cruiserweight Championship at 14.45-(KOTW Score: ** ¾)(KOTW Note – Both Tajiri and Mero went over will in this match and the WWF Cruiserweight Championship gains in image). After the match Tajiri quickly climbs out of the ring to grab hold of his Cruiserweight title the fans cheering heavily as Tajiri retains the gold. But as Tajiri is celebrating, the cameras go back to the entrance where Torrie Wilson was standing, but she’s gone! Tajiri gets back into the ring looking around the ring to see if she’s there but no one, not even the announcers saw her leave. “Tajiri is looking frantic!” comments Tazz, Tajiri wanting to celebrate his title retention with his girlfriend! Tajiri realising that she’s no longer there and then looks at Marc Mero who is just getting up. “Mero is smiling damn it! What the hell is Mero smiling about?” states JR! “Something is not right here” adds Tazz as the show goes to a break.

    During the break the WWF advertises the forth coming PPV, Royal Rumble coming Live from the Philips Arena, Atlanta Georgia.

    When we return, Tazz and JR recap on the previous match, talking about how Torrie almost cost Tajiri the title and what happened after the event. JR puts forward the possibility that it was Torrie’s intention to screw Tajiri out of the title but Tazz believes if that was what she wanted, she would have definitely tried to stop the pin by Tajiri. “Either way Tazz, we are moments away from our next match and this one is for the WWF Hardcore Championship. It’s Key versus the WWF Hardcore Champion, Rob Van Dam as we go to a feud recap.

    Match 2: WWF Hardcore Championship Match – Rob Van Dam © vs. Key (w/Charles Wright)

    (KOTW Note – The recap really seemed to do justice for this match with Key and Wright getting serious heat from the audience when they hit the ring. Van Dam on the other hand got a huge pop from the crowd, the crowd really behind Van Dam tonight. Van Dam didn’t waste any time tonight, getting straight into the ring and this match was off before the bell was rung). Van Dam went straight for Key attacking him straight with his fists before whipping him into the ropes before clotheslining him out of the ring. Wright quickly attacked Van Dam from behind knocking him down to his knees. Wright beat Van Dam down with hard shots before whipping Van Dam into the ropes, Van Dam ducking the clothesline attempt by Wright before hitting with a clothesline. Van Dam doesn’t want Wright though, he wants Key. Van Dam finds him on the outside of the apron, Van Dam taking him down to the outside of the ring with a running drop kick. Van Dam looks around the arena…R-V-D suicide dive onto the outside onto of Key both men crashing, bodies on the concrete floor. Van Dam goes for a cover……….1………….2………Key gets his shoulder up. Van Dam gets back to his feet before hitting Key with a corkscrew leg drop going back for another pin but once again the 2 count. Van Dam grabs hold of Key and hits him with stiff punches whipping him into the crowd barriers. Van Dam continues his assault. Van Dam hits Key with an Inverted Suplex onto the barricade before climbing back into the ring. Van Dam wants this. Corksrew Leg drop off the apron onto the hanging Key. Van Dam goes for another cover………..1…………2……………Wright breaks up the pin. Wright grabs hold of Van Dam and he whips him into the steel steps, Van Dam crashing hard. Wright tells Key to get back to his feet and finish the job pointing over to the announce tables. Key stumbles back to his feet and walks over to Van Dam as Wright walks over to the Spanish announce table pulling off the cover and pulling out the monitors. Key grabs hold of Van Dam’s head and bounces it off the announce table the crowd heavily booing Key. Key doesn’t care and hits it again Van Dam’s head bouncing off hard. Wright directs Key’s action Key grabbing hold of Van Dam and lifts him up onto his shoulders, Tazz remarking that it looks like a powerbomb is on its way but Van Dam tries to fight out with hard fists, can Van Dam get out of this, he can Van Dam hits a DDT onto the mat. Van Dam covers…………1………2…… Wright quickly breaks up the count. Wright grabs hold of a steel chair; Van Dam is in trouble here as Wright dictates this match for Key. Wright swings...VAN DAMINATOR by Van Dam the chair crashing into the face of Wright. Van Dam gets back to his feet he’s looking exhausted. Van Dam turns around….LOW BLOW by Key. JR comments on the cheapness of the move but Tazz responds, “desperate times call for desperate measures JR!” Key grabs hold of Van Dam and lifts him up onto his shoulders, everyone knows what’s coming! EVERYONE IS BEGGING NO! POWERBOMB THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNE TABLE! “MY GOD!” shouts JR, he can’t believe it. Van Dam’s title may be over. Wright is getting back to his feet telling Key to pin him but he doesn’t want to. Key wants more. Key grabs hold of Van Dam by his hair and he throws him back into the ring the crowd noticing Van Dam is busted open. “Now Key is directing the traffic” shouts Tazz as Wright gets back into the ring as Key is shuffling under the ring for something. Key pulls out a Triple H special! It’s a sledgehammer! Key slides back into the ring and tells Wright to hold Van Dam up. Wright does so… “Van Dam is in real trouble now!!!!”. Key swings, but VAN DAM GETS OUT OF THE WAY AND KEY CRASHES THE SLEDGEHAMMER INTO THE GUT OF WRIGHT. Key drops the sledgehammer he can’t believe it….ROLL UP!......1…..2…….2…9 Key KICKS OUT! Both men are once more back to their feet and they are both on their last cylinders, Key and Van Dam both trading punches, Key whips Van Dam but Van Dam counters and Van Dam hits Key with a clothesline, then another, than another. Van Dam body slams Key to the ground. “Van Dam has a second wind here” acknowledges JR and he’s right. Van Dam hits the ROLLING THUNDER on KEY! Van Dam is back to his feet. R-V-D once more. Van Dam climbs up to the top rope. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH TIME! HERE IT COMES! WRIGHT HITS THE TOP ROPE AND VAN DAM SLIPS. Wright goes over Van Dam and beats down on him. Wright shouting it Key to get back up. Key stumbles to his feet, Wright telling him to finish this off now! Key grabs hold Van Dam! KEY IS STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING VAN DAM MOUNTED! THE VICTIMIZER!..............1……………..2……………….3. Key bt. Rob Van Dam at 16.41 to become the NEW WWF HARDCORE CHAMPION-(KOTW Score: ***)(KOTW Note – Key continues to gain big in the overness with Van Dam although Van Dam’s image may have been hurt slightly by losing this match). The segment ends Key hugging his WWF Hardcore Championship belt before being joined by Charles Wright at the bottom of the ramp, JR saying that Van Dam was screwed out of his title belt! It’s just not right!


    Backstage, Vince McMahon is in his private room chatting with Ron Waterman when The Coach enters the room, wondering if he could have a word with Vince. Waterman gets on his guard by Vince tells its okay... “It’s just the Coach” The Coach wants to know how Vince McMahon is feeling about the PPV so far, Vince responding that he feels that so far, the show has been excellent and he’s gut instinct is that it’s only going to get better. The Coach then asks Vince how he’s feeling about the new business partner being revealed tonight. Vince responds that while he is not happy that this fact is being announced on the last PPV of the WWF calendar, Vince welcomes any new competition and that he is confident that like the WCW and ECW, he is going to crush this new competition like the bug that they are. Waterman nods his head like the trained poodle that he is, as does the Coach, Vince asking The Coach if he has any other questions. The Coach indeed does and asks Vince which WWF Superstar he least like to face for his WWF Championship. Vince argues that while that question is a tough one, he wouldn’t be able to answer because all four components are worthy competitors. “That’s bull crap” responds JR, “We all know he’s afraid of Austin!” Tazz says he is unsure with JR’s analysis saying that Vince could be telling the truth. “Tazz, you never trust a devil and by God, you never trust a McMahon!” The Coach thanks Vince for his time, Vince happily smiling as The Coach leaves.

    JR reminds us that later tonight, we have a Fatal Four Way Match for the Number One Contendership for the WWF Championship between Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. We then cut to a clip showing The Rock entering the arena with his bag, Tazz and JR both agreeing that The Rock does look focused. JR says that it’s almost time for the elimination match and this match has building up over some time.

    The show goes to a Dudley Boyz vs. Spike Dudley & the APA promo recapping the last few weeks.

    Match 3: 3-on-2 Tables Elimination Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships – The Dudley Boyz © vs. the APA and Spike Dudley

    (KOTW Note: The first to hit the ring in this match was the Dudley Boyz holding their belts in one hand while carrying a table between them with the name Spike spray painted on it. They received some moderate heat as they came to the ring, Bubba shouting to D-Von when they got inside the squared circle “THIS ONES FOR SPIKE, D-VON!” Oh my brother…testify. The APA received a huge cheer when they arrived in the arena with both Bradshaw and Faarooq raising their arms to the crowd. Spike ran down to the ring ahead of the APA, this match is ooooon!) As soon as Spike slid into the ring both of the Dudleyz immediately went for him both sharing punches on the runt of the litter Spike. Bubba and D-Von double whipped him into the ropes both men waiting for the return but Bradshaw and Faarooq grabbed the ankles of both men pulling them to the outside of the ring. Bubba paired up with Bradshaw while Faarooq paired with D-Von all four men brawling. “Watch out!” shouted Tazz as all four men noticed, too late, a suicidal Spike diving over the top rope onto all four men the crowd rising to their feet cheering. Spike Dudley gets back to his feet and starts going for D-Von Dudley beating him away with hard fists directing him around the ring. Spike tries to throw D-Von into the steel steps but D-Von counters and Spike crashes in while the APA hit the double spinebuster on Bubba on the other side. D-Von goes under the table and sets up a table for Spike which D-Von attempts to put him through with a back body drop but Bradshaw and Faarooq move the table out of the way and Spike hits the ground. D-Von gets back to his feet and Bradshaw meets D-Von with a boot to the face. Bradshaw rolls D-Von back into the ring and Bradshaw gets back in telling Faarooq to get a table. Bradshaw goes for the clothesline from hell on D-Von but Bubba grabs hold of Bradshaw’s foot but D-Von hits him with a corkscrew elbow smash to the face. Faarooq climbs in and attacks Bubba with some hard shots before walking into the Bubba bomb by Bubba Ray Dudley that immediately slows down Faarooq’s actions. Bubba and D-Von both grab hold of Bradshaw and throw him to the outside of the ring before immediately looking for the one and only Spike. Both Dudley Boyz members go back to the outside to find a busted open Spike that obviously hit the steel steps harder than they thought. Bubba stomps away on Spike as D-Von sets up a table, Bubba lifting Spike onto his shoulders. JR notes that it looks like Spike is going to get powerbombed through the table but Spike’s hard shots on Bubba cause Bubba to drop him and Spike gets a quick breather before D-Von is back on top of him. D-Von drags Spike across the ring and bounces his head on JR and Tazz’s announce table leaving Spike leaning on it. Tazz moans that Spike is spilling some blood on the table. Bubba meanwhile is setting up some tables on the outside of the ring. D-Von grabs hold of a steel chair and cracks Spike over the head with the chair. Bradshaw on the other gets out and starts brawling with Bubba, Bubba ending up on the end of a neckbreaker from Bradshaw. D-Von continues the chair use cracking it over the head of Bradshaw coming to the aid of his brother. Bubba and D-Von use the steel post as their friend throwing Bradshaw into it before grabbing the table they opened earlier and dragging it closer to Spike. Bubba grabs hold of Spike and rolls him on the table, D-Von climbing onto the apron. JR comments that it looks like D-Von is going to table a leaf out of RVD’s book but WAIT HERE COMES FAAROOQ, Faarooq knocking D-Von off the apron onto Spike both men going through the table. Spike’s been eliminated. Faarooq can’t believe it holding his head in the middle of the ring. Bubba tries to capitalise attacking Faarooq back in the ring with some clubbing shots. Bubba tries to whip Faarooq into the ropes but Faarooq counters knocking Bubba down with a shoulder block. Faarooq throws Bubba into the corner beating away on him with some right hands. Faarooq then whips Bubba hard into the other corner Bubba going face first into the turnbuckle. Faarooq grabs hold of a table and sets it up in the corner of the ring leaning against the turnbuckle. Faarooq goes over to Bubba and starts to lift him up but Bubba is trying to fight back with punches to the gut. Bubba gets up and starts to fight back, Tazz commenting that the Dudley Boyz have so much fight in them, you never know when they’re done. Bubba tries to whip Faarooq into the leaned up table but Faarooq counters it and Bubba almost goes flying in but manages to stop him self shouting “wow wow wow!” Faarooq charges back but Bubba hits him with an elbow to the face before hitting Faarooq with a cutter. Bubba grabs hold of Faarooq and scoop slams him through the table eliciting boos from the audience. Faarooq is eliminated. JR says he can’t believe it! Tazz says that the Dudley Boyz are the table masters and that no one in this business can beat the Dudley Boyz in their match. “It would be like a guy from Canada trying to make good old JR hot sauce…It’s just not possible”. Outside of the ring, D-Von and Bradshaw are brawling D-Von crashing into the barricade. Bradshaw is too late to counter a double axehandle off the apron and the Dudleyz quickly regain control. Bubba grabs Bradshaw and rolls him back in the ring before giving orders to D-Von. The Dudley Boyz set up a table on the outside before sliding a table in the ring. Bradshaw tries to get back to his feet as the Dudleyz re-enter the ring, Bubba taking it to Bradshaw as D-Von sets up the table. Bubba and Bradshaw exchange punches. Bubba tries to whip Bradshaw into the ropes but Bradshaw counters and hits Bubba with a short arm clothesline. D-Von comes to the rescue but he hits the same fate. Bubba gets back to his feet to get hit only to get chucked out of the ring before D-Von gets hit with a fallaway slam. Bradshaw gets back to his feet and grabs hold of D-Von. Bradshaw lifts D-Von onto his shoulders and is walking over to the set up tables……….can he do it? BRADSHAW just powerbombed D-Von through a table. D-Von is eliminated. Bradshaw has even the score! “WATCH OUT BRADSHAW!” shouts Tazz before Bubba hits Bradshaw with the chop block to the back of the leg. Bubba is all mouth as he beats down on Bradshaw. Bubba slowly lifts hold of Bradshaw shouting out to the crowd but Bradshaw starts to fight back, the fans cheering with hope. But Bubba eye rakes Bradshaw. Bubba whips Bradshaw hard into the turnbuckle. Bubba walks over cockily and hits Bradshaw hard with a back hand chop echoing around the arena. Bubba hits a second chop even more louder than the first. Bubba cockily insults Bradshaw before slapping him across the face. Bubba then walks out of the corner taunting the crowds telling them all to “Suck It” before Bradshaw charges out of the corner hitting a clothesline so hard that people are surprised Bubba’s head is still on. Bradshaw climbs out of the ring and grabs hold of one of the tables made up and closes the legs so he can put it in the ring. Bradshaw gets back into the ring, albeit looking like he’s suffering with some serious back pain, with the table and sets it up next to a turnbuckle. Bradshaw grabs hold of Bubba and pulls him over to the table, Tazz adding “Bradshaw can end this match right now by powerbombing Bubba through the table”. Bradshaw sets Bubba up and lifts him up but Bradshaw’s back buckles almost immediately Bradshaw dropping Bubba back to the ground the fans not happy! “Damn it Bradshaw! Damn it! You’re so close!” shouts JR, Tazz adding that Bubba is not the lightest of men. Either way, Bradshaw is going for it again. CAN HE DO IT? The fans all of a sudden start cheering as Spike Dudley is seen running down to the ring “Wow! Look JR! Spike’s here!” says Tazz as Spike slides into the ring. BRADSHAW LIFTS BUBBA….LOW BLOW FROM SPIKE! “What the? WHAT THE HELL?” Shouts JR. Bubba dropping to the floor again this time looking at Spike confused. Spike stands over Bubba and HE PUTS OUT HIS HAND….JR screams “WHY SPIKE WHY?” Spike tells Bubba what to do and Spike climbs up the turnbuckle as Bubba rolls Bradshaw onto the table holding his legs down. “WHAT’S SPIKE DOING NOW??” shouts Tazz, “DAMN IT!” responds JR! Spike taunts the crowd before hitting a DIVING DOUBLE FOOT STOMP on Bradshaw through the table. The Dudley Boyz bt. The APA to retain the WWF Tag Team Championships at 19.56-(KOTW Score: ***1\4)(KOTW Note – The Titles gained Image with both teams going well over with the fans).

    The segment ends with D-Von making his way back to the ring and all three of the Dudley Boyz raising each their arms in Union above the defeated APA., JR and Tazz both lost for words.

    An Olympic Dream

    Backstage, the Coach greets us and tells that us that he’s trying to talk to Kurt Angle. The Coach knocks on the door with a big gold star on, but there is no response. The Coach waits for a few seconds then knocks a second time, The Coach apologising. “May I help you” is heard coming from behind the Coach…The Coach turns around to see Kurt Angle. The Coach tells Kurt that he was trying to get a few words from him, Kurt responding with the comments, “I thought you would….after all, I am the only Olympic Gold Medallist in this business…so, what can I do you for?” The Coach tells Kurt that as usual, it’s an honour to interview him but, he and the fans want to know whether Kurt Angle has a strategy tonight. Kurt laughs off the question remarking that a man of his intelligence would obviously have a plan. But Kurt says he’ll lay it down for all us “lay people” out that there and that is at the end of the night, if anyone tries to get in the way of Kurt Angle becoming the Number One Contender for the WWF Championship, they’re going to walk out of Vengeance with a BROKEN FREAKIN’ ANKLE! “Oh it’s true, It’s Damn true!”

    We go back to the arena JR saying that Kurt Angle is looking fired up for tonight’s main event! Tazz agrees completely saying that since the Invasion, Kurt Angle has changed. He’s become more aggressive, more focused and quite frankly deadlier than ever. JR says well that match is later on tonight but coming up next is a feud that has been building up over the last few weeks. It’s Test versus The Undertaker

    We got to a recap of the Undertaker/Test Feud. Is Test scared of The Undertaker? It certainly looks that way.

    Match 4: Test vs. The Undertaker

    (KOTW Note: Test came down to the ring first and Tazz asked JR if he thought that Test was in fact afraid of the Undertaker. JR said he would be surprised if he wasn’t as very few aren’t. “The Undertaker is a phenom!” Test looks anything but calm when he was in the arena man, the fans giving Test a hard time. Taker came to the ring to a huge applause from the audience riding down to the ring on his motorbike. Taker looked ready to go. All that was left was the bell to ring and we had a fight on our hands). Test and Taker locked up in the middle of the ring, Test trying to overpower Taker twisting his arms making out he had the cocky strength advantage the crowd booing his cockiness before Taker all of sudden powered up, the surprise on Test’s face as Taker quickly turned his arms back around and now Test was the one in pain the crowd going nuts. Test broke up the hold with a kick to the gut of the Undertaker before hitting him with a few huge punches before whipping him into the ropes coming back and knocking Test down with a shoulder charge. Test got back to his feet Taker allowing him to get back to his feet. The two men locked up in the ring and Test charged Taker into the corner of the ring beating him down in the corner with a few fists. Test walked into the middle of the ring slapping his forearm explaining exactly what he was going to do before charging into the corner Taker getting his foot up, Taker quickly following up with a running DDT. Taker goes for the cover on Test but he only gets 2. Taker gets back to his face and he hits Test with some hard elbows twisting Test’s arm around going over to the corner of the ring shouting “OLD SCHOOL!” Taker connects with the move Test crashing down to the floor once more, Taker kicking him with his boot. Taker gets to the ground and locks in the dragon sleeper on Test JR commenting that Taker wants to keep this match going at his own pace. Test is looking in trouble the fans stamping on the floor. Test tries to get out of the move using his elbows and his fists to fight out. Taker eventually lets go of the hold as Test gets back to his knees Taker breaking away, Taker bounces against the ropes and kicks Test in the face before going for another cover but Test only gets a 2. Taker grabs hold of Test and throws him out of the ring the referee beginning the 10 count as the fans cheer on the Undertaker, raising his arms to the crowd. Test is slowly getting back to his feet Tazz remarking that Taker looks like he’s stalking Test. Taker gets out of the ring and walks next to Test carefully choosing which of his fists to use cracking Test in the head once, no twice. Taker grabs hold of Test’s head and goes to crash it against the announce table but Test counters and slams Undertaker’s head in the table. Test grabs hold of Taker and throws him hard into the steel steps the referee getting out of the ring and telling Test to get back in the ring. Test grabs hold of Taker and throws him back into the ring. Test hit Taker with a full nelson slam shocking the crowd Test mouthing off that he isn’t afraid! Test climbed the top turnbuckle and posed again for the audience before hitting Taker with an elbow drop…………..1…………………….2………………………2.9 Taker got his shoulder up. Test bangs the floor with his hands! “He can’t believe it” shouts JR. Test gets back to his feet slowly, fatigue clearly hitting Test also slapping his thigh Tazz immediately identifying that Test wants to end this match with the big boot right now. Taker looks surprisingly out of it. HERE COMES THE BIG BOOT BUT TAKER DODGES, Test having to bring his leg down quickly to avoid hitting the ropes, he turns around TAKER GRABS HIS NECK! “CHOKESLAM” shouts JR! but Test counters quickly with a boot to the midsection. “WHAT THE HELL IS TEST DOING?” Test grabs hold of Taker by the neck….CHOKESLAM BY TEST! “My God! Test taking a page out of the Undertaker” Test goes for the cover………….1……………..2………………………..2.9 Taker kicks out the crowd going nuts. Test can’t believe that he can’t put away the Undertaker. Test gets back to his feet hitting the ropes as Taker struggles to get back to his feet grabbing hold of Test’s pants. Test grabs hold of Taker by the head and sends shots to the head Taker trying desperately to get back to his feet. Test kicks Taker in the gut. Test goes for the pumphandle slam but Taker slides down the back, Test turns Taker has hold of Test by the throat again Test kicks him in the gut again and whips Taker back into the ropes but Taker comes back with hitting Test with a running DDT. Taker gets back to his feet and raises his arm back again. JR asks Tazz if Taker will be third time lucky! TAKER GRABS TEST BY THE THROAT! HERE IT COMES! CHOKESLAM! But Taker isn’t finished! He is shaking his head. Taker grabs hold of Test by the head and lifts him back up. Taker kicks Test in the gut and raises his arm up in the air. “LOOKS LIKE TEST IS GOING FOR HIS LAST RIDE!” shouts JR Tazz asking if Taker has the strength! HERE IT COMES! IT CONNECTS! TAKER COVERS TEST THE FANS COUNTING………….1……………………2…………………3. The Undertaker bt Test at 16.34-(KOTW Score: ***)(KOTW Note – Test went over big time in this match up, and some would argue finally getting the respect that Test deserves). After the match, the Undertaker gets back to his feet raising his arms to the standing ovation from the audience both JR and Tazz saying that Test really brought his A-Game to the Undertaker tonight but The Undertaker managed to do enough to win it. Taker climbs out of his ring and gets back onto his motorbike driving back up the ramp. The last of Taker is seen Taker stopping one more time, raising his arm before driving to the back while Test slowly gets back to his feet his hands on his head.

    As Test is leaving the arena, JR and Tazz discuss the night so far Tazz saying that Vengeance has been a hell of a night so far and it’s only going to get better. JR seconds that and says that we are moments away from a match with one of the most unusual backgrounds of the night between Kane and Team Xtreme. Tazz adds that since the Survivor Series, Kane has felt that he’s been disrespected by the World Wrestling Federation and the fans and that tonight he is out to prove a point to everyone. JR says that for some reason, Kane has it in his head that it is people like the Hardy Boyz are part of the reason he’s getting no respect because they are “Too Pretty, Kane promising to scar the entirety of Team Xtreme tonight. Tazz adds that Kane is definitely one sick guy and who knows who’s going to come out of this match up tonight.

    Match 5: 3-on-1 Handicap Match - Kane vs. Team Xtreme

    (KOTW Note – Team Xtreme came out to the ring first to a small pop from the crowd Matt and Jeff standing in front of Lita as to protect her. JR says that Team Xtreme have been through every type of match you could think of but he doesn’t think that anyone could ever be prepared for what Kane wants to put them through. Tazz says that the Hardyz better bring their A-Game tonight as they’re going to need it. Kane’s pyros go over and the arena temperature raises as the Big Red Monster Kane hits the arena. Kane walks down to the ring slowly tugging on his glove as he stares directly at Lita. JR says Kane is the most dangerous monster the WWF has ever seen with his debut being one that many long term wrestling fans will never forget). Kane gets in to the ring and all 3 members of Team Xtreme come down on Kane like a tonne of bricks Matt and Jeff quickly whip Kane into the ropes before knocking Kane down with a double dropkick. The referee orders 2 of the people out of the ring but Matt and Jeff continue at Matt quickly hitting Kane with a twist of fate. Matt takes Lita out of the ring and Jeff jumps up to the top turnbuckle, the fans going insane. HERE IT COMES! SWANTON BOMB! Jeff covers…………..1……………2 Kane pushes Jeff off him with power sitting straight back up. “My God” JR says shocked as the Hardy Boyz just through their best at Kane and Kane barely got pinned for a 2. Jeff tried to beat down on Kane but Kane was getting back to his feet and no one could stop him. Jeff looked around and didn’t know what bouncing off the ropes to hit a clothesline but Kane didn’t even move grabbing Jeff by his throat straight away! “IT COULD BE OVER” shouted Tazz but Jeff used his brain and kicked Kane down below. Jeff went for a second clothesline off the ropes but this time Kane knocked him down hard with a stiff boot to the face the crowd noticing the stiffness. Kane turns around and sees Matt on top of the turnbuckle Matt going for a cross body but Kane simply catches him before military pressing him in front of the fans and then chucking him to the outside Matt landing hard on the barricade on the outside. Lita climbs off the apron and quickly goes to check on Matt everyone including the crowd and announcers concerned on how Matt Hardy’s neck snapped back. Lita shouts for EMTs even Tazz getting out of his seat to go check on Matt leaving JR to call the show alone. Meanwhile Jeff Hardy is alone in the ring. This doesn’t look good for Jeff as Kane raises his arm back. CHOKESLAM by Kane, Kane covers Jeff……1………….2………………..3 Kane wins. Lita looks on in the ring as Kane gets back to his feet, EMTs trying to put Matt onto a stretcher. Kane bt. Team Xtreme at 4.52(KOTW Score: ***)(KOTW Note – Jeff Hardy doesn’t look like he’s going to be competing for the WWF title anytime soon losing a bit of credibility after the easy loss). The camera changes focus watching Lita and the EMTs carry Matt Hardy on a stretcher up the ramp, Tazz rejoining JR on the commentator. Tazz says to JR that he doesn’t want to speculate but Matt Hardy said he couldn’t feel his legs and the EMTs were speculating that Matt may have a broken neck. JR says that he hopes Matt is okay, Lita looking very upset. “WAIT” shouts JR Kane attacking the EMTs and Lita at the top of the ramp, Lita getting knocked down with a shot to the head from Kane. “Kane is NOT done here” says Tazz as Kane pushes the EMTs away, the EMTs dropping Matt to the floor. Kane bends his head to the side looking down at Matt Hardy in a Michael Myers-esque way. Kane grabs hold of Matt dragging Matt to the side of the entrance way sitting him up, Matt shouting, Kane pointing at Lita. “What the hell is on Kane’s mind NOW!?” asks JR as Kane goes back to Lita grabbing hold of her by the hair. Matt is shouting at Kane “Please Kane! Please Kane Don’t do it!” Kane grabs hold of Lita by her neck and moves over to the edge of the ramp shouting abuse at her, Matt Hardy watching on, pleading! “STOP KANE! GOD DAMN IT STOP!” shouts JR. Kane looks around the fans booing loudly, they all know what is going to happen! KANE CHOKESLAMS LITA OFF THE RAMP DOWN INTO THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SPARKS GOING OFF EVERYWHERE!” Kane stands at the ramp edge looking down at Lita, devoid of emotion his head to his side. Matt Hardy is seen crawling to the side, shouting “You B*stard!” Kane just stands there. “I HOPE YOU’RE DAMN HAPPY KANE! I HOPE YOU’RE DAMN HAPPY!” shouts JR, Tazz adding that Kane has got exactly what he wanted tonight. “Kane could have ended the careers of both Matt and Lita Tazz! HE COULD HAVE ENDED THEIR DAMN CAREERS!” The last thing we see before we go backstage is Kane walking off, as if nothing has happened, EMTs rushing to Lita as Matt sobs in the corner calling for help.

    We go to a commercial break

    “Don’t be a bonehead. Don’t be clown! Whatever you do! Don’t try this it home. Leave the Danger to Mick Foley…Please”

    When we return JR and Tazz recap over the last match. After the recap, JR says that Matt and Lita have both been put in ambulances and they will get back to us as soon as they have more information and that he and Tazz and all the fans wish them well. Now however, it is time for the next match and this one is for the Intercontinental Championship.

    Match 6: WWF Intercontinental Championship Match – Edge © vs. Shawn Stasiak

    (KOTW Note – Shawn Stasiak was the first person to come to the ring and he received a huge amount of heat from the audience. Shawn Stasiak was certainly over with the audience tonight, JR saying that the audience tell it as it is and the WWF Fans certainly detest Shawn Stasiak. Tazz said it is probably something to do with the fact that he is a former WCW wrestler but JR has another opinion. “It’s because he’s a jackass!” When Edge hits the rings, the fans scream. Tazz says that the fans are really behind Edge and that you have to believe that Edge is one day going to be the WWF Champion. JR says he has no doubt in his mind that this major singles title is the first of many for this great young superstar.) Edge and Shawn Stasiak face each other off in the year, Stasiak sending a b-line straight to Edge. Edge smiles and takes it all loosening his arms, Stasiak telling the ref to check Edge to make sure he doesn’t have any weapons on him. Edge and Stasiak both end up being searched, Stasiak looking uncomfortable although he was found to be clean. Stasiak and Edge eventually lock up Stasiak quickly getting Edge in a head lock talking down on Edge. Edge tries to get out of it with his arms before eventually taking Stasiak down with a side suplex. Edge and Stasiak get back lock but and Edge has a whip attempt countered only for Stasiak to get the head lock back on Edge. Stasiak, this time, wrapping his legs around Edge and taking him to the ground. Edge crawls slowly and grabs hold of the bottom rope, JR commenting that it looks like Stasiak is trying to slowly wear down Edge with locks and holds. Tazz adds that this type of wrestling doesn’t look pretty but it damn sure is effective. Stasiak gets back to his feet after he’s made to break the hole and hits Edge with a couple of elbow drops before dropping down and choking Edge. The referee pulls Stasiak off, Edge quickly trying to get back to his feet but Stasiak soccer kicks Edge in the torso. Stasiak pulls Edge by his hair talking smack to him before hitting him with an upper cut shifting him into the corner of the ring. Stasiak taunts the audience before hitting Edge across the pectoral region with a back handed chop the stereotypical sound echoing through the arena. Stasiak celebrates at the chop before hitting a second one, Tazz commenting that Stasiak seems to be enjoying himself in the ring. Stasiak’s arrogance quickly got the better of him however as when he went back to the third chop Edge was ready leading to the positions before reversed and Edge hitting the chops at Stasiak. Edge then did his own celebrations with the crowd before hitting Stasiak thrusting Stasiak with a turnbuckle tackle. Edge was happy at that move gaining some good momentum before hitting the dazed Stasiak with a bodyslam that almost picked up the three. Edge got back to his feet and stomped away at Stasiak before climbing up the turnbuckle motioning for Stasiak to get up before hitting him hard again this time with a missile drop kick, Edge going a second pinfall attempt but again only the 2. Edge lifted Stasiak back up, Stasiak trying to fight his way out but Edge managed to slow him down with a knee to the gut, Edge whipping Stasiak into the ropes only to get hit with a running drop kick. Edge then got hit with a neck snap JR commenting that once again, Stasiak takes a page out of the Mr. Perfect play book before going for a cover but he only gets a 2. Stasiak got Edge back to his feet hitting Edge with an atomic drop before followed quickly with a clothesline and the audience began to realise that the mood was changing, Stasiak just missing out on the pinfall after the clothesline the fans thinking it was over. JR said he thought there was going to be a new Intercontinental Champion right there. Stasiak grabbed hold of Edge by the hair, Edge once again trying to get out with punches, Edge getting the advantage of Stasiak chucking him into the ropes before attempting to hit the downward spiral, Stasiak countering before hitting a DDT. Stasiak for some reason delays on the pinfall attempt, Tazz believing that if he had actually made the cover he’d have got the three, but Stasiak blames the referee for a slow count rather than his mistake. Stasiak says that he’s had enough and he climbs out of the ring first grabbing the WWF Intercontinental Championship and then telling Hugo of the Spanish announce team to get his ass up as he wants his chair. Stasiak slides the chair in the ring and the referee before getting in the ring himself the referee quickly grabbing hold of the chair getting straight out of the ring to take it back… “BUT STASIAK STILL HAS THE DAMN BELT!” Stasiak stands over Edge grasping the belt BUT EDGE HITS STASIAK WITH A LOW BLOW! Edge grabs hold the WWF Intercontinental Championship belt and then the bell rings! “What the..what the hell happened?” asks JR. “I I don’t know…..The referee called for the bell” says Tazz. The referee goes over to the ring announcer that informs the audience that due to Edge’s use of foreign objects, the winner of this match by DQ is Shawn Stasiak Shawn Stasiak bt. Edge by DQ at 15.34.-(KOTW Score: ***)(KOTW Note - Stasiak continues to impress). After the match, Edge gets out of the ring and tries to explain to the referee what happened but the referee wants none of it as Stasiak stumbles out of the ring at the outside holding his arm raised. Tazz says that Shawn Stasiak just got a victory over the WWF Intercontinental Champion. JR says that Shawn Stasiak is nothing but a lousy cheat!

    The Next PPV is the Royal Rumble coming Live from the Philips Arena, Atlanta Georgia.

    This is Not Over!

    Backstage, The Undertaker is at a coffee machine putting some quarters in. As he’s putting in the coins, Molly passes saying “Hey” to the Taker, Taker responding politely. “Damn” he says. “…My God Damn coins!” Taker looks around and grabs hold of a guy with a WWF shirt on asking him if he knows how to open it but the young guy has no idea and looks quite scared. Taker shakes his head and bangs the machine. “All I want is a damn drink” he mumbles. But Taker gets more than drink when out of nowhere *CRACK* Taker drops down to his hands and knees. “IT’S TEST!!” cries JR, Tazz shocked as to what he’s seeing. Test takes a second shot dropping Taker down to the ground complete, Test throwing the chair to the ground afterwards. “THIS IS NOT OVER TAKER! THIS IS NOT…OVER!” as Test disappears from the scene of the crime as people come to check on The Undertaker, the Undertaker shouting Test’s name before we cut back to the studio.

    JR and Tazz welcome us back briefly discussing what just happened moments ago between Test and The Undertaker. JR says that any hope Test has of being left alone by The Undertaker have now been ruined because you can be damn sure that Taker isn't going to let this die. Tazz says that maybe Test doesn't want to let it die, Tazz feeling that Test was rather unlucky in his match tonight. "Maybe Test does too and wants to settle the score?? Who knows?". JR says either way, Test vs. Undertaker is not over.

    The announcers inform us that we are moments away from the Main Event of Vengeance, a Fatal Fourway between four of the biggest superstars in World Wrestling Federation History all who want one more shot at the WWF Championship.................


  9. IPB Image

    Jerry Lawler resigns from the WWF?

    It has been reported that Jerry 'The King' Lawler has handed in his notice to WWF Officials with immediate effect according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. It has been reported that Lawler was not particularly comfortable with the WWF set up since returning to RAW after a 6 month absence. It is thought that Tazz will act as colour commentator for tonight's WWF Vengeance as a result. No official statement has yet to be made on the WWF.com website.


    New Jack announces he has signed with the WWF at XPW event

    According to some fans that were in attendance at a recent XPW event, New Jack has been quoted as saying after a match that this is his last match for the XPW as he has just signed a wrestling contract with the WWF. New Jack has been working the indy circuits since the end of ECW and has often stated that he was looking to get back into the big leagues.


    Billy Gunn has an altercation with another Wrestler backstage

    It has been reported that WWF Superstar Billy Gunn was involved in a legitimate backstage fight earlier this week on Smackdown with non-other than Matt "Albert" Bloom. Billy Gunn aka Monty Sopp has apparently been unhappy with his use over the last few months, neither playing an important role during the Invasion as well as afterwards being paired with Chuck Palumbo. Some say that Palumbo use on Smackdown with Sopp acting as no more than a cheerleader was the final nail in the coffin. It was thought that Sopp actually started the fight with Bloom, both men ending up brawling and having to be pulled apart by a large group of people - Sopp is thought to now be sporting a black eye but Bloom came out relatively unscathed. It has yet been disclosed what action the WWF will take on both of these wrestlers...more to follow

  10. PPV feedback time and firstly overall, a very good show (the only disappointing part is that I didn't get to see Jonny Storm :()

    Good opener between Styles and Fleisch with some good spots, AJ going over Jody.

    I knew I should have listened to my gut, Colt beating Jacobs was fine and Jacobs going nuts was definately interesting.

    Glad to see McGuiness go over an OVW boy. I'd have been disappointed to see it any other way.

    Good to see the Kings of Wrestling go over. Hope you continue the Aries/Strong use mind you.

    Very solid wrestling match next up between Danielson and Daniels with the right man. Good to see that you're continuing to push the right man in the right direction.

    The main event was extreme. A bloody encounter with the excessive chair shots and anythign else you can think of.

    In what would have probably been the show stealer of the night, Super Dragon and B-Boy put on an excellent match. I'm glad to see Dragon get a continued push. Good way to end it, just make sure you finish it off now with a Corino/Cide match.

    Like I said, overall it was very enjoyable. Looking forward to the next installment.

  11. ROH Vendetta

    ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels

    -Danielson has been on a role and I don't think Daniels is going to have what it takes to stop him. Plus it's not really been a focal point of the show.

    ROH World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Match

    Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. “The Kings of Wrestling” Chris Hero and Claudio Castognoli

    -Kings of Wrestling have been on a Mega-push as of late. While Strong/Aries have been used well, I think it's time for a title change

    ROH Pure Title Match

    Nigel McGuiness vs. “Shooter” Brent Albright

    -Albright is too new, too green and too uncool to beat McGuiness

    Bloody Boston Brawl

    Homicide and Samoa Joe vs. Adam Pearce and Steve Corino

    -Pearce and Corino have the edge (my gut tells me). Homicide will probably lose the match for them, with Pearce getting the win. Joe won't lose it though.

    Battle of Alliances

    B Boy vs. Super Dragon

    -Just been in the Main Event, Super Dragon for the win via a brick to the head

    Grudge Match

    Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Jacobs

    -my gut tells me Cabana but Jimmy Jacobs push could start here :shifty:

    Tag Team Dream Match

    Jody Fleisch and Johnny Storm vs. “The Briscoe Brothers” Jay and Mark Briscoe

    -Go Team Britain. Not really much for build up. Briscoes don't seem to play that much with the big boys plus i'd say that the Brits definately have the superior ring ability so i'm going for them.

    Four man survival

    Jack Evans vs. Jay Fury vs. Matt Sydal vs. Delirious

    -Delirious has been on a pretty decent push as of late...i dont see that coming to an end tonight.

  12. Okeydokey, to the show

    Great opening number with the Juice. I totally have no idea what the Juice did to get the punihment of Petey Williams but I guess we'll find out later.

    Rikishi/Carlito was fine

    Boody Roode over Heidenreich, the Roode push continues. I guess this means Heidenreich isni't going to get a push.

    Back to Carlito. Matt joins ship. Awaiting to see what happens...

    LAX destroy Carlito and Matt. Lol either Matt will sign and get revenge or Matt is a serious pussy.

    Flair/JBL signing is fine with Lance Hoyt love at the end. I'm not the greatest fan of Lance Hoyt but I dont like Flair's chances now.

    Overall decent for a weekly show. The PPV should come out well!

    Good luck!

  13. Feedback

    OK so we start with a huge tag team match between LAX and Team 3D. The 3 on 2 advantage was just too much for 3D and LAX destroyed them. No way this is over yet.

    More build up for the mystery partner? who is it?

    I'm not the biggest fan of Hoyt but I like what you're doing with him, I do like the Hoyt/Diamond stuff.

    Cornette seems to be coming across quite well at the moment. The end match up with AMW and cool, im looking to see where you go with that at the PPV.

    As for the main event, that was great. Good choice of mystery man although ALTHOUGH if you had chosen Chavo Classic, I would have saluted you forever. At least it's not Rick Steiner.

    Overall a very cool show and a show that seems to be going from strength to strength. I am expecting big things of the PPV. :)

  14. IPB Image

    The Finalised Vengeance Card

    Vince McMahon faces his destiny when the new co-owner of the WWF is announced

    Fatal Fourway Number One Contendership Match for the WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    WWF Intercontinental Championship Match

    Edge© vs. Shawn Stasiak

    Singles Match

    The Undertaker vs. Test

    WWF Hardcore Championship Match

    Rob Van Dam© vs. Key (w/Charles Wright)

    A 3-on-2 Elimination Tables Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles

    The APA and Spike Dudley vs. The Dudley Boyz©

    (If the APA and Spike win, the APA become WWF Tag Team Champions )

    WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Tajiri© (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Marc Mero

    3-on-1 Handicap Match

    Team Xtreme vs. Kane

    Heat Main Event - WWF Women's Championship Match

    Trish© vs. Jazz

    ................Everybody has their Vengeance

  15. IPB Image

    Thursday 6th December 2001

    Smackdown live from Detroit Michigan

    ”Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to WWF Smackdown Live from Detroit, Michigan. My name is Michael Cole and I am joined here with Tazz, hey Tazz!”

    “Hey Cole, what an action packed line up we have tonight, Edge vs. Marc Mero, Kane vs. Kai en Tai. Not to mention the WWF Championship Debate later on tonight, Cole Smackdown tonight is going to be immense!”

    “I totally agree with you buddy and what a totally fitting way to have what could be over very last Smackdown. Who knows what this new buyer is going to do? He may make cuts Tazz, you might be one of them!”

    “If I’m going down Cole, you’re going down with me!”

    ”Thanks Partner! Anyway lets get on with the show!”

    Match 1: WWF European Championship Match – Rikishi © vs. Hardcore Holly

    (KOTW Note – Rikishi came down to the ring with WWF European Championship and grabbed a mic. Rikishi said that since Christian has used up his rematch clause, the WWF European Championship currently has no contenders. Rikishi said that he doesn’t want to be remembered as one of these Champions that never defended the belt and so, he put forward an open challenge to anyone in the back that had the balls to step in the ring with the Kish. Welcome Hardcore Holly to the arena, mic already in hand. Holly told Rikishi that it takes balls to do what he just did and have an open challenge on a Championship belt and I respect that. Holly stopped talking as he got into the ring. “But Rikishi, let me make one thing clear to you, I may respect you…..but I don’t like you” Hardcore then slaps Rikishi across the face and the crowd goes wild as the two men begin to brawl in the middle of the ring). Bob Holly gets the upper hand on Rikishi with his hard punches before whipping Rikishi into the ring ropes and hitting Rikishi hard with his forearm smash. Rikishi gets stomped on by Holly before he turns around and taunts the audience raising his arms in the air. Holly waits for Rikishi to be in the primed position before hitting Rikishi with a patented Holly dropkick before going for the cover but Rikishi kicks out on the 2. Hardcore Holly chokes away on Rikishi, telling some rowdy fans to screw themselves before going back to choke Rikishi some more. Holly raises Rikishi and pushes him into the rope tying him with the ring ropes before hitting Rikishi with a cheap kick to the midsection leaving Rikishi hanging on the ropes. The referee tries to untangle Rikishi as Bob Holly climbs up the turnbuckle from the outside. Tazz remarked that Hardcore Holly is a badass that probably wouldn’t break a smile to his wife, Cole agreeing with him instantly as Holly marks up Rikishi’s head for an axehandle takedown. Holly however is not aware that Rikishi is aware of him and on the drop Rikishi grabs Bob and hits him with a beautiful belly to belly suplex. Both men get back to their feet but this time, Rikishi takes control whipping Holly into the ropes before hitting him with a Samoan Drop. Rikishi goes for the cover on Holly, Tazz thinks it over but Bob Holly kicks out. Rikishi whips Holly into the corner and goes for the corner splash but Holly quickly gets out of the ring the fans booing. Holly walks away wiping sweat of his forehead as Rikishi climbs out of the ring and attacks Holly from behind with a shot to the head. Rikishi then goes for a whip into the steel steps but Holly counts the whip and throws Rikishi straight into them. Rikshi is spread over the steps and looks in extreme pain as Holly walks over to the announce table. Holly puts a finger at Tazz, Tazz immediately standing up telling him to point his finger at someone else “you big goon”. Holly pushes Fink off of his chair and folds it up walking back to Rikishi still folded it up over the stairs. Both the announcers shout in protest as Holly smashes the steel chair into the skull of Rikishi busting him open as the referee rings the bell for the DQ. Rikishi retains the WWF European Champion via DQ at 9.45 Hardcore Holly is not finished with Rikishi even after the bell is rung and hits Rikishi again the fans and the commentators loudly protesting. Hardcore Holly once again tells the fans to shut the hell up as he goes under the ring and pulls out a table setting it up. After the table is set up, Holly goes back to Rikishi and beats him down some more hard shots before rolling him onto the table before getting back into the ring and slowly climbing the turnbuckle. Immediately everyone knows what is about to happen but no one can step in. Hardcore Holly, the man who a year ago broken his arm, hits a diving leg drop down on Rikishi through the table, both men crashing to the ground. The fans can’t help but shout “Holy Sh*t” as the EMTs run down to the ring, Hardcore Holly getting back to his feet as the come to see the two competitors. Holly stands over the destroyed Rikishi as Holly stands over grinning. Holly then pushes all the aids out of the way and slides his hand over the face of Rikishi before spreading some of his blood on his chest. The fans reserve loud boos for Holly as Cole comments that Hardcore Holly is a sick sick man! Tazz totally agrees but that is why he is called “Hardcore” Holly.

    It’s Okay Mr. McMahon

    We go backstage to see Vince McMahon’s room, Vince sitting on his sofa, his face in his hands as his new bodyguard Ron Waterman walks up and down the room looking frightfully bored. All of a sudden, the door to Vince’s office opens and Waterman gets on his guard only to see its Kurt Angle. “Cool down big guy” says Kurt, “Mr. McMahon man and I are best buddies”. Vince isn’t so happy to see Kurt asking him what the hell he wants. Kurt tells Vince that he knows that life is sucking for him at the moment, oh it’s true. But Kurt says it’s all going to be okay. Vince asks Kurt how he could possibly know it, but Kurt puts its down to his intelligence, integrity and intensity. Kurt tells Vince to look at it this way, “who’s going to stop you?” Kurt says that recently, Vince had destroyed the Alliance, a combination of ECW’s and WCW’s finest, and before that, Vince destroyed Paul Heyman’s ECW and hell, Vince even beat Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff’s WCW. Kurt tells Vince that he should tell this guy to bring it on and just like Vince did the other times, whip their ass. Vince looks up and starts smiling. “Hell Kurt you’re right” he says, getting back to his feet, Angle quickly following. “It doesn’t matter who it is, at Vengeance, I will look that son of a bitch in the eye and say, hell, I’m Vince McMahon”. Kurt tells Vince he’s glad he’s cheered up and tries to give Vince a hug but Vince tells Kurt he’s officially out of hugs for the time being. Kurt understands and tells Vince that he’s gotta go and prepare for this debate tonight. Vince wishes Kurt good luck as Kurt waves goodbye and leaves the locker. The camera remains on the gleaming smile of Vince McMahon, bringing Tazz to argue that with motivational skills like Kurt Angle has, he should be WWF Champion. Michael Cole laughs and we got a commercial break.

    After the commercial break, Cole and Tazz welcome us back telling us that we are moments away from a huge match up between former WCW superstar Chavo Guerrero Jr. and The Undertaker.

    Match 2: The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    By the time the show returned, Chavo Guerrero Jr. had already arrived in the ring and had grabbed hold of a mic. Chavo said that finally, after much negotiating with Vince McMahon, Chavo is finally the holder of a WWF contract and Chavo had said it was a proud moment for him and his whole family. Chavo said that the reason he was in the WWF was for one reason and that was to be a winner, unlike everyone in the audience tonight. Chavo said that this is why, tonight, he is going to beat the Undertaker. Hit the Undertaker, Michael Cole saying that Taker had finally heard enough. Taker got into the ring and stood up close to Chavo and looked down on the small Cruiserweight. Chavo didn’t back down though. “Come on TAKER! COME ON! MAKE ME FAAMOUU..” Take grabbed hold of Chavo by the throat and lifted him straight to the corner of the ring before beating him with hard fists knocking him down to the corner. Taker walked away and raised his arm to the audience, the fans eating this up. Taker splashed Chavo in the corner Chavo dropping down into the corner, looking like he had already lost all the fight, Taker not backing down choking him out with his boot till the referee pulled away. Taker was furious, giving Chavo an evil stare before going back to Chavo. Taker grabs hold by the throat and throws him into the middle of the ring, shaking his head as Chavo desperately tries to get to his feet. Taker raises his right arm in the air, the crowd totally into Taker as Tazz remarks “you know where Chavo is going now!” “On his Last Ride Tazz” Cole responds as Chavo is lifted into the air….”Wait!!!!!!! IT’S TEST!” shouts Cole out of nowhere appears in the ring attacking Taker from behind, making him drop Chavo and the bell ringing. Test keeps on the offence hitting Taker with huge fists. Test tries to whip Taker into the ropes but Test reverses WAIT RUNNING BIG BOOT INTO THE FACE OF TAKER! The commentating team can’t believe it as Test raises his arms in the air standing over a floored Undertaker. “It looks like Test is ready for Vengeance” admits Michael Cole as Test’s music is played through the arena, the fans not looking happy. The Undertaker bt. Chavo Guerrero by DQ at 3.43

    Good Luck for Later Tonight

    Marc Mero is backstage looking at himself in the mirror admiring his physique when he is halted by a blond woman appearing in the mirror’s reflection. It’s TORRIE WILSON! Torrie comments that Mero is looking in fine shape at the moment, something Mero seconds. Torrie says that she’s heard that Mero has got himself a match tonight against Edge, telling him that this could in fact be his break into the big times, something he was never really able to achieve in his life time before. Mero tells Torrie that she totally underestimates him but if she’s going the way he thinks she’s going, then there will definitely going to be some good times ahead. Torrie smiles and wishes him good luck once more before kissing Mero on the cheek, before walking off, Mero staring as she leaves. “What was that about?” asks Cole, Tazz himself stunned. “I I don’t know Cole?”

    The cameras go to the backstage entrance where The Rock is seen entering the building. Cole reminds the fans that later tonight, we have the WWF Championship debate. The camera then shoots back to the ring as it’s time for our third match.

    Match 3: Kane vs. Kai en Tai.

    (KOTW Note – Kai en Tai are actually seen enter the ring this time unlike earlier this week on RAW, however they receive an equally big cheer from the crowd. Cole says that this is a practice match for Kane who this Sunday on Vengeance goes one on one with the Team Xtreme. Tazz says that Kai en Tai are two tough SoBs and despite common thought that they are not strong competitors, these guys will take it to you. Cole says that may be but Kane is not your ordinary competitor, Kane hitting the ring half way in between Cole’s speech. Kane is getting huge heat from the crowd). Both members of Kai en Tai attack Kane at the start of the match, trying to get an early match advantage on him but this move fails miserably as an early whip into the rope ends with a double clothesline by the big red monster. Kane then grabs hold of Funaki and whips him into one turnbuckle before whipping Taka into him. Kane totally focused hits them both with a huge splashing squashing both of them together. Kane grabs hold of Taka and military presses him before dropping him outside the ring leaving him alone in the ring with Funaki. Kane grabs hold of Funaki, tilting his head to the side almost watching the fear in his face before finally grabbing hold of his neck and hitting him with a huge chokeslam before going for the cover Kane bt Kai en Tai in 2.13 After the match Kane grabs hold of Taka who is getting back to his and hits him hard with an uppercut. Kane then grabs hold of Taka and whips him into the steel steps of the corner of the ring. Kane goes over to the announce table and pulls off the top before grabbing hold of Taka and dragging him over “Please Kane! Don’t do this” shouts Michael Cole but his pleading was futile TAKA GETTING POWERBOMBED STRAIGHT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE. Kane stood over the downed body tilting his head, Cole and Tazz both getting as much distance as they can. Kane then turns around and sees Funaki starting to get up and Kane immediately goes and grabs a chair. Tazz says that Kane has totally flipped as Kane slides into the ring, chair in hand, Funaki unaware of what is coming for him. Kane smashes his boot into the face of Funaki, Funaki’s head crashing down to the mat but Kane isn’t done there. Kane hits Funaki hard across the right arm with the steel chair a couple of times before dragging the motionless body close to a corner of the ring. “THAT’S ENOUGH KANE” shouts Michael Cole as Kane puts Funaki’s head into the chair, just like Stone Cold did to Kurt Angle prior to Unforgiven 2001. “KANE! NO!” shouts Michael Cole but WAIT! LOOK! It’s The Hardy Boyz. Matt and Jeff quickly slide into the ring causing Kane to get down off the turnbuckle to meet the two of them, Matt and Jeff attacking him simultaneously. The two Hardyz quickly get an advantage whipping Kane into the ropes before hitting him with a double drop kick. “WAIT! LOOK TAZZ! LITA IS HERE AS WELL!” Matt Hardy grabs hold of Kane…..TWIST OF FATE! Jeff Hardy is up top! SWANTON BOMB! BUT SO IS LITA! MOONSAULT BY LITA! Michael Cole is almost in hysterics as the three members of team extreme have taken down Kane. Team Xtreme quickly extract Funaki from the ring, Jeff and Lita carrying him to the back as Matt calls EMTS to check on Taka. Just when Matt, Jeff and Lita think they have come up with the solution to defeat Kane, something happens that shocks the lives out of them. Kane sits up. All of Team Xtreme, plus Funaki stare in shock as Kane is once again back to his feet. “Can anyone defeat Kane?” asks Michael Cole…”Who the hell knows!” asks Tazz. “We’ll be right back!”

    The Rattlesnake is here

    When the show returns, Michael Cole and Tazz tells us that during the break, Stone Cold Steve Austin has just arrived in the building. This is what he had to say:

    “What the…Coach, I been in this damn arena five minutes and you ask Stone Cold what he thinks about this WWF Championship Debate tonight? Well Stone Cold will tell you what he thinks; he thinks it’s a piece of trash. Vince McMahon, the Chairman of the Board, the WWF Champion says he’s got testicles the size of grapefruits…eh eh…Stone Cold wouldn’t be surprised if they are the size of the peanuts. Stone Cold Steve Austin doesn’t do debates. Stone Cold does ass whoopings and I swear to God, if that mealy mouthed Son of Bitch Kurt Angle gets in my face just once, I’m going to stick my foot so far down his ass that he’ll be singing till the 4th of July? Is that enough? Now Get Lost”

    Austin pushes the Coach aside and walks out looking in a foul mood. Michael Cole says he’s glad he’s not got the Coaches Job Tonight.

    A Van Dam Surprise

    Back to ringside and Michael Cole says that it’s now time for Key and Charles Wright to give Rob Van Dam the surprise they promised him last Monday on RAW. The show goes into a recap. Tazz has no idea what it could be but, like Jerry Lawler, he is very hopeful for something from Kelloggs. “Maybe it’s Tony the Tiger?” Tazz says. Key and Charles Wright waste no time on their entrance, Wright quickly grabbing the mic and telling the fans that this is the moment they have all been waiting for. “So without Further Adieu, Welcome ROB VAN DAM! Van Dam hits the ring, getting huge backing from the WWF Fans. Tazz notes that Key has been starring at Van Dam since he arrived in the arena. Cole says that he Key must know that he has something to prove in the WWF, especially after how his previous spell went. Wright tells Van Dam that he’s going to love this clip, and he’s sure that it’s something close to his heart. Van Dam nods, unsure of what to expect. Wright starts to play the clip but as soon as it starts, requests the footage is paused because he’s got a question to ask Van Dam. Wright asks Van Dam how often he visits his family in Battle Creek. Van Dam says that he was going to but because he wasn’t on the show, he stayed at home. Wright looks at Key and then begins to smile. CHECK THIS OUT! Van Dam immediately notices that the footage is of his parent’s house. Van Dam looks back at Key and Wright who tell him to keep watching as Wright and Key are in the front garden, it’s dark. Wright tells Key to be quiet as this need to be perfect as both men approach the house. Both men go to the front door of the house, and Key hides to the side of the door as Wright knocks on the door. Van Dam turns around asking what the hell is going on but Wright tells him to keep watching, a big smile growing on the face of Key. Back to the footage, Wright knocks on the door and an oldish man answers the door. He asks who Wright is but Wright simply responds if he is Alex Szatkowski. The old man again asks who is asking but Wright simply responds that he is an old friend of his Son, Rob. The old man says that Rob doesn’t like there no more and begins to close the door but Wright stops the door from closing. Wright insists that Van Dam’s father isn’t giving him much of a choice but Van Dam’s father puts him straight. “If you don’t get off my property….I’ll call the cops!” Wright holds his hands up telling him okay and Wright walks away. But…just when Van Dam thinks his Dad is okay, Key barges the door down knocking Van Dam’s father flying. Key then grabs hold of the old man, Wright instructing him what to do as Key hits the Victimizer (Canadian Backbreaker Drop) on Van Dam’s father. Rob Van Dam stunned at quickly turns around and takes down Wright with a clothesline. Key tries to fight him but Van Dam is on fire, and Van Dam punches the hell out of Key before whipping him into the rope and hits Key with a dropkick. Van Dam turns around and gets FLOORED WITH A CHAIR by Wright. Wright, like with Van Dam’s Father, instructs Key as Key grabs hold of the floor Van Dam before hitting the Victimizer on him too! Key and Wright pose over the floored Van Dam both men raising their arms as Key goes into Vengeance Michael Cole calls Charles Wright a conniving sick individual who he hopes gets his comeuppance at Vengeance.

    And your Answer Is?

    We go backstage to the APA’s office, Faarooq, Bradshaw and Spike all sitting around the table smoking cigars, drinking beer and playing cards when Bubba Ray and D-Von come into shot, walking through the side rather than the door. Faarooq looks at Bradshaw stunned that they didn’t use the door, Bradshaw trying to point it out to them but Bubba doesn’t look like he’s in the mood to play. Bubba smiles at Spike before looking at the APA asking them if they have come to a decision. Spike looks at the APA in confusion asking “what the hell are they talking about?” Bubba looks at D-Von and looks back the APA. “You haven’t told him?” D-Von enquires to which Spike becomes more concerned, retorting the question to the APA. Bubba doesn’t mess about telling Spike that on RAW, they proposed a 3-on-2 Elimination Tables Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles at Vengeance, between him and the APA and the Dudley Boyz. Spike immediately shook his head. “No way” he said, as Bubba and D-Von looked between him and the APA who weren’t as sure. “Well Spike, we never asked you, did we?” comments Bubba before looking back at the APA. “Do we have a deal?” Bradshaw bashfully accepts, Spike looking on displeased as the Dudleyz smile on. The Dudleyz tell them all that they’ll then see them at Vengeance departing leaving the fuming Spike alone with the APA. Spike shakes his grabbing the remainder of his beer before walking out also leaving Faarooq and Bradshaw by themselves. Bradshaw looks at Faarooq asking him if they made the right decision, Faarooq opting to take another puff out of his cigar……... “Damn!” The show takes another break advertising WWF Vengeance which is only 3 days away.

    Match 4: WWF Intercontinental Champion Edge vs. Marc Mero

    (KOTW Note – When the show returns, Marc Mero is already making his way to the ring, as Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us back to the arena. When Mero gets into the ring, Mero climbs up the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the audience provoking more boos. Edge then hits the ring to a huge response from the crowd. Edge doesn’t waste time dropping his belt as he runs to the ring sliding in……”This match has just kicked off!). Edge and Mero kick it off straight with brawling in the middle of the ring, Edge sends Mero to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Mero ducks bouncing off the other side before hitting Edge with a running drop kick. Both men get back to their feet quick Mero hitting Edge with a capture suplex before going for an early cover but Edge kicks out quickly. Edge gets back to his feet only to get clotheslined back to the ground. Mero grabs hold of Edge’s arm and locks in an armbar trying to hyperextend the arm. Edge looks in early trouble here. Mero is back and beats down Edge with first. Michael Cole comments that Marc Mero has some of the strongest left handed punches in the business before Mero bodyslams Edge down to the ground. Mero continues the offence hitting Edge with a springboard moonsault before going for another cover but only getting a 2. Mero looks up arguing at the referee before going for another cover but once again, it’s a 2 count. Mero gets back to his feet and tries to lift Edge up but Edge starts to fight back, with shots to the midsection. Edge gets back to his feet, shots to Mero, Edge tries to whip Mero into the ropes but Mero counters it, Edge comes back and Mero swings for him but he ducks hitting a falling neckbreaker on Mero. Edge goes for the cover but only gets a 2 on Mero. Cole comments that there have been a lot of near falls early on in this match. Tazz says that anyone, anytime, anywhere could get that final move that could end this match, the line is that thin. Edge whips Mero into the corner of the ring before hitting him hard against the turnbuckle with a shoulder charge. Edge raises his arms to the crowd, the crowd totally behind Edge as he goes back to Mero. Edge whips Mero across the ring to the adjacent turnbuckle. He attempts a second shoulder charge but this time Mero gets out of the way Edge crashing straight into the corner. Mero taking advantage rolling up Edge for the pin but Edge kicks out on the 2. Mero hits Edge down with a nice forearm smash. Mero climbs out of the ring. “What’s Mero’s plans now?” shouts Cole, Tazz commenting that this doesn’t look good…..Slingshot Legdrop. Mero must have it…………..1……………2………Edge kicks out. Mero can’t believe it. He tries for the cover again but once again only a 2 count. Mero gets back up and bodyslams Edge hard down against the mat before posing to the crowd, the fans booing him hard and loud. Mero climbs up the turnbuckle, Tazz mentioning that Mero has used Moonsault’s in the past to end his matches. Mero is signalling his intent. Mero goes for the Moonsault but Edge gets the knees up, Mero writhing in pain rolling around the ring. Edge gets back to his feet quickly hitting the rising Mero with the Edgecution. Edge goes for the cover………1…………….2……………………………2.9 Mero gets the shoulder up. This time, it is Edge who can’t believe it. Edge pulls himself up. He wants to hit the spear. Mero is trying to get back to his feet! “THE END IS HERE TAZZ!” shouts Michael Cole. Mero gets up………SPEAAAAAAAAR! “ITS OVER!” remarks Tazz as Edge covers……………..1……………………2………………………3. Edge bt. Marc Mero at 12.37. The fans go crazy as the WWF Intercontinental Champion climbs the turnbuckle raising his title to the fans, Tazz and Cole commenting how good an Intercontinental Champion. However the mood changes quickly as Edge and the audience spot Stasiak at the entrance to the arena clapping Edge on. Stasiak makes a b-line for Edge sweeping his arms around his waste. “Stasiak wants that title belt and at Vengeance, he will get that opportunity!” says Michael Cole. “…And Cole, it’s going to be a Rocketbuster!” More Commercial Time!

    The WWF Championship Debate

    When the show returns, Michael Cole and Tazz welcomes us back informing us that standing by in the ring is the WWF Champion and Chairman of the Board, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and his new bodyguard, Ron Waterman. The ring has been dressed up with 5 lecterns, 2 each side of a big black one which Vince McMahon climbs onto Waterman standing right beside him. Vince welcomes the fans to the WWF Championship debate, telling them that with 3 days before Vengeance, what better way than to build up the show than a good old fashioned debate. The crowd starts to chant “We want Wrestling!” but Vince doesn’t back down looking at Waterman coming back at them. “SHUT UP! Now, before I was rudely interrupted, allow me to introduce the 4 challengers!” The Countdown begins and Chris Jericho hits the ring. Jericho poses at the entrance despite boos from the audience. When Jericho enters the ring, he makes a b-line for Waterman before shaking the hand of Vince. “Looks like Jericho isn’t a fan of Waterman Tazz” states Michael Cole while Tazz “Who is? Waterman’s got a face only a mother would love!” Jericho gets to the podium on the far right tapping the microphone moments before Kurt Angle hits the ring. Kurt gets a mixed response from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp, Kurt having a big smile on his face for Vince, Vince responding in kind, Cole commenting that the two of them must be in love. Kurt shakes the hands of both Vince and Waterman before standing on the left side, closest to Vince. Jericho points his finger at Angle making a quick insult behind Vince causing Angle to retaliate but Waterman holds Angle back telling to chill out as The Rock’s music hits the ring. The Rock gets a huge response from the audience, The Rock walking quickly down the ramp, wearing sunglasses and all as he makes his way to the ring. Vince comes to great him holding his hand out, but The Rock just stares at him before continuing on saluting the audience. Meanwhile, Jericho and Angle are still at it behind them. The Rock takes the podium position on the left side next to Angle also making a comment to him, Jericho applauding The Rock’s comment. “It looks like No One is a Big Fan of Kurt Angle here tonight” remarks Tazz. Before Michael Cole can respond, the Glass Shatters and the fans get on their feet as the former WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin hits the ring. Vince doesn’t even both to make headway with Austin starring at him as Austin climbs into the ring and does the four corner salute at the fans. Austin walks over to the Rock and insults him before having a dig at Angle who tries to butt in. “Austin isn’t out to make friends here tonight” says Michael Cole as Austin finally takes his place next to Jericho.

    Question #1

    An increasingly nervous Vince McMahon thanks all the competitors for participating in this spectacle and that he hopes this, will aid the fans in who they support at Vengeance. So onto the first Question…..And this is addressed to everyone. “Why do you think are the Most Suitable Person to be WWF Champion?” Angle answers the question immediately butting in before anyone is even selected. “Thank you Mr. McMahon for such a great Starter Question” Austin calls him a jackass under his breath as Kurt continues to talk “Mr. McMahon, I think I would be the most suitable WWF Champion because I have all the necessary attributes to be the WWF Champion. Firstly, there are my 3 I’s, Intensity, Integrity and Intensity, which together build me up to be one hell of a role model to all these people….And Hell Vince, Just look at these people, They Need a Role Model! Oh it’s true. It’s Damn True!” Austin shakes his head, Vince asking him if he’d like to say something. Stone Cold rubs his head with both of his hands before looking back at Jericho before looking at Vince. Austin tells everyone that he doesn’t have a statement of his own but he has a little question for Kurt Angle. Vince asks if he would mind sharing with the audience, Angle insisting that he does. Austin says that he just wants to know how a man that claims to have Intelligence and Integrity can speak such a huge amount of crap in a couple of sentences. Austin says that Angle gives him an I of his own and that is Irritability. Angle says if anyone is getting annoyed, he’s annoyed…annoyed that Austin can’t hack that he’s the better man than him. Austin tells Angle to come up to his face and tell him. “I Will” says Angle. “Come ON THEN” responds Austin back and forth before Jericho finally. Jericho says that he finds it amusing that the two of these assclowns are arguing over who is the better Champion when it comes down to it, all four of them know who would be the best WWF Champion, just like all those Jerichoholics out there know, that Chris Jericho would be the greatest WWF Champion the world has ever seen. Angle and Austin both laugh at Jericho’s comments, Austin telling Jericho that he’s full of crap, Angle repeating him. “You’re a Jackass” continues Austin, Angle repeats, Austin turning his head around to look at Angle. “You’re a Jackass Too!” Angle looks shocked immediately asking why he’s a jackass. Vince McMahon looks at Waterman before looking around at them, The Rock the only one remaining quiet. Vince tells the group to halt it, and forward the question to the Rock who looks straight back at Vince. Slowly, The Rock removes of his glasses before sniffing the air……….”Finaaaaaaaaaaalllllly The Rock HAS COME BACK! TO DETROIIIT Michigan” the crowd responding loudly. The Rock says that he’s been sitting back, listening to his three “opponents” and he’s got one question for all of them and that is….. “What in the BLUUUUUUUUE HELL ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT?” The Rock says it’s simple and that the fact of the matter is that all four of them can discuss who is going to be the WWF Champion but when the dust has settled, the smoke has cleared the WWF Champion is going to be none other than the people’s champion, The Rock.

    Question #2

    Vince tries to settle everyone down telling saying that he has a second question, and that is, “Who do you think is going to be your most difficult opponent in the match up?” Angle once again barges straight telling the audience that he feels that he doesn’t fear anyone and at the end of the day, the toughest opponent in that ring is Kurt Angle. Austin adds that Kurt Angle is the biggest cry baby in the match up as well. Angle comes back with “if anyone’s a cry baby, then you’re a cry baby”. Austin and Angle start the whole “Am Not” “Are too” back and forth action before. Vince tells them both to shut the hell up. Vince asks The Rock what his opinion is. The Rock says that it doesn’t matter who the opponent is, he says it could be Kurt Angle, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Robert Downey Jr. or Julia Roberts, It doesn’t matter to the Rock….Austin butts quickly telling The Rock that if there is anyone he should be scared of, then it’s Stone Cold Steve Austin, reminding The Rock that the last time they were in a WWF Championship Match, Austin whooped his ass all over the arena. The Rock reminds that last time they were in a Championship Match; Austin needed the help of Triple H, Vince McMahon one chair and one sledgehammer. The Rock then adds that the last time The Rock and Austin met properly in the ring, The Rock whooped Austin’s ass to end the WCW/ECW Alliance at Survivor Series. Austin tells The Rock that if he wanted to he could whoop his ass right now, The Rock telling Austin to “Bring it”. Austin knocked down his stand and the two men went face to face in the middle of the ring, Vince pleading with them both to calm down before out of no where Angle and Jericho jumped the two of them, Angle hitting a German Release Suplex on The Rock and Jericho clotheslining Austin out of the ring. Vince and Waterman don’t want anything to do with this leaving the ring quickly as Angle twirls around in the ring celebrating his successful attack. Angle however celebrated too early spinning around to get hit with a dropkick from Chris Jericho sending the announcers into hysterics as the crowd booed both athletes. Jericho grabbed hold of Angle and locked in the WALLS OF JERICHO Angle’s face immediately turning to distress. Jericho tightens the hold and Angle begins to tap….BUT WAIT. THE ROCK IS BACK UP…..ROCKBOTTOM ON JERICHO! “The Rock is looking Mad!” comments Tazz as a figure slides back into the ring! “WAIT! ROCK LOOK OUT” shouts Cole…STUNNNNNNNER by Austin. Michael Cole and Tazz recap and what just happened in the ring, the camera focusing on Austin as he celebrates in the ring with all 3 other competitors out in the middle of the ring. “Who will be the number one Contender at Vengeance? Stone Cold? The Rock? Kurt Angle? Chris Jericho? I for one can’t wait to find out!”


    The show ends with one final segment backstage a camera following Vince McMahon and Ron Waterman walking away from the arena entrance, Vince McMahon telling Ron Waterman that it is moments like that in Wrestling where money is made. “No risk! Just cash! And that is why I am a certified Billionaire”. Suddenly, Vince McMahon’s phone rings and Vince excuses himself telling Waterman that this is his brokers and he needs to take this call. Vince quickly answers the phone. “Hello, I hope you have good news for me?”….. “what?”….. “and YOU TRIED?….”…. “HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?”… “GOD DAMN IT!” Vince snaps his flip phone shut. Waterman runs up to Vince asking him if everything is okay, Vince evidently not as his skin turns white….....Vince remaining silent… “Mr. McMahon?” repeats Waterman, Vince lunging for the nearest seat he can find. “I need some medical help here” shouts Waterman across the hallway some EMTs running towards Vince as Vince sits down, white as paper. As the show comes to close, Vince McMahon mutters something to an EMT while they are trying to get through to him…the EMT asks him to repeat it again, Vince this time making it perfectly clear….

    He has a partner….

  16. IPB Image

    Thursday 6th December 2001

    Smackdown Preview

    Three days from Vengeance

    For Mr. McMahon, RAW this week must have felt like he'd been knocked back 6 months to the start of Invasion! However, the Invasion threat was silenced in a very short space of time. This threat is a more real threat than threatens to destroy the lives of many of the current WWF employees. Who is responsible? No one knows. The only reminance this person is a small company found in the South. With Mr. McMahon close to having an equal partnership with this man, Mr. McMahon must be extremely worried. There is nothing he can do to stop this takeover and no one to pre-empt the danger before Vengeance. What does this man, or woman have planned?

    With all this in mind, tonight's Smackdown may be the last Smackdown where Vince McMahon Jr. is the sole leader of this company and what a night planned. Tonight we are going to have a WWF Championship Debate where all four competitors will face off against each other to put forward, to the fans, why they deserve the WWF Championship shot. As you know, the WWF fan support is one of the major factors that gives the WWF superstars that extra 5% motivation that might ultimately help them become the Number One Contender. Also tonight, Charles Wright and Key have a special suprise for Rob Van Dam directly from Battle Creek Michigan. What is the suprise and what role will it play in the title match this Sunday at Vengeance? Also in action tonight, the Big Red Monster Kane will take part in a 2-on-1 handicap match against Kai En Tai in a Vengeance warm up match. His brother, the Undertaker will also be in action tonight as he put against Chavo Guerrero Jr. In addition, after the match between Tajiri and Shawn Stasiak on RAW, this time WWF Intercontinental Champion Edge will go one on one with the Number One Contender for the WWF Cruiserweight Championship Marc Mero in a non-title match. Can the Mero do exactly the same as Stasiak did and overcome their opposition tonight?? And what will The APA's answer be to the Dudley Boyz Table Elimination Match Proposition be? Find out only on Smackdown!

    Confirmed Match Line Up

    Rikishi in Singles Action

    Kane vs. Kai En Tai

    Marc Mero vs. Edge

    The Undertaker vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    The WWF Championship Debate

  17. IPB Image

    The Card (Current)

    Fatal Fourway Number One Contendership Match for the WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    WWF Intercontinental Championship Match

    Edge© Vs. Shawn Stasiak

    Singles Match

    The Undertaker Vs. Test

    WWF Hardcore Championship Match

    Rob Van Dam© Vs. Key (w/Charles Wright)

    WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Tajiri© (w/Torrie Wilson) Vs. Marc Mero

    3-on-1 Handicap Match

    Team Xtreme Vs. Kane

    More Matches to be announced this week

  18. IPB Image

    Monday, December 3rd, 2001

    Raw Is War Live from Battlecreek Michigan

    Special Announcement

    The show kicks off backstage in Vince McMahon’s office where Vince greets that viewers and fans inside the arena to WWF RAW. Vince says that contrary to people’s beliefs, he is still in charge of the World Wrestling Federation. He is also, still the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Vince also says despite threats of his company, legacy being hijacked by another businessman, Vince guarantees that by the end of Smackdown, he will own all the remaining shares that are currently up for grabs. Vince rhetorically asks, “How could Mr. McMahon be so sure that he will have these shares by the end of Smackdown?” Vince grins at the camera before straightening his tie and brushing his suit. “Because Blood is thicker than Water”. But Vince isn’t finished. Vince tells the audience that “in the interest of fairness” there will be a Number One Contendership Match for the WWF Championship at Vengeance. The competitors for the match will be The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. However fans should note two things. Firstly the date in which that competitor can cash in their Number One Contendership is at the discretion of the World Wrestling Federation Chairman. Secondly, for the sake of providing a quality match at Vengeance, all of the Championship Contendership Match are barred from competing tonight. If ANY of the competitors turn up tonight, they will be immediately escorted from the building. Thank you.

    Finally the WWF RAW credits roll before we hit ringside with all of the pyro glory.

    ”Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to WWF RAW Live from Battle Creek, Michigan. My name is Jim Ross. Beside me is Jerry the King Lawler and King, we are in for one hell of a night tonight!”

    “Shawn Stasiak Vs. Tajiri, Kai En Tai Vs. The Dudley Boyz! I can’t wait JR!“

    “Not to mention the return of Vince’s baby Daughter, Stephanie McMahon returning to a WWF ring for the first time since she tried to put her Daddy out of business! Who knows what’s going to happen tonight?!”

    Match 1: The WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz vs. Kai En Tai

    (KOTW Note - Kai En Tai hit the ring to a very small response from the audience although they tried to work the crowd when they got into the ring. The Dudley Boyz however recieved some good heat from the audience, in particular Bubba who stopped half way down the ramp and telling a bunch of fans calling him to screw themselves before catching up to D-Von). Kai En Tai tried to catch the Dudley Boyz by suprise attacking them from behind Funaki pairing up with D-Von and Taka with Bubba but the Dudley Boyz quickly took advantage D-Von hitting Funaki down with a corkscrew elbow smash while Bubba taking Taka down with a huge uppercut. Funaki was then clotheslined out of the ring by D-Von who continued to brawl with him on the outside as Bubba started the match Taka in ring. Bubba took Taka straight to the corner using some strong back handed chops to the pectoral region of Taka, Taka's hits echoing through the arena. Bubba mouthed off to Taka continuously during the match, to King's confusion. "I thought Kai En Tai couldn't talk english? why the hell is Bubba even bothering?" JR couldn't answer. Either way, Bubba almost got a quick pin moments later hitting a huge powerslam on Taka but only getting a 2. Bubba decided against complaining and tagged D-Von taking advantage of the double team with a 2 man flapjack on Taka D-Von going for another cover but once again only a 2. Funaki tried to help out his tag team partner, trying to get back into the ring but he was faced by the large torso of Bubba knocking him straight back down to the ground telling him to stay down. King continued to complain to JR explaining how pointless it is threatening a man who doesn't understand you. He said it was like talking to Al Snow. D-Von went back on the offensive nailing Taka with right hands before tagging Bubba in once more. D-Von raised the blanked out Taka and whipped him into the ropes hitting the 3D putting TAKA out of his misery, Bubba making the cover for the 3. The Dudley Boyz bt. Kai En Tai in 3.23-(KOTW Score: **)(KOTW Note - The Dudley Boyz went over will with this beat down although it was abundantly clear that Kai En Tai are not over at the moment and are not gripping the fans interest).

    A Proposition

    After the match, the Dudley Boyz grabbed hold of some mics and set themselves back in the ring to the suprise of the announcers. Bubba told the fans to shut their mouths and respect the WWF Tag Team Champions. This just made the crowd louder but this didn't stop the Dudleyz making their announcment. Bubba said that as this proposition concerned the APA, he wanted to invite the former WWF Tag Team Champions out to the arena. The APA accepted this offer and Bradshaw and Faarooq quickly arrive at the entrance of the arena asking the Dudleyz to explain themselves as they make their way to the ring. Bubba advised them to be patient because the way him and D-Von see it, this proposition certainly is a greater risk to them, than it is to the APA. Bubba says its simple. The APA have something that the Dudleyz want, and the Dudley Boyz have something that the APA want. The Dudley Boyz have the WWF Tag Team Titles and the APA have their brother, Spike Dudley. Bubba says that since he and D-Von can't seem to get their hands on that little jackass without the APA getting involved, Bubba says that they don't leave them much of an option except to propose a match that could "benefit" both parties. Bubba says that's why at Vengeance, the Dudley Boyz are challenge the APA and Spike to an ELIMINATION TABLES MATCH. Bubba says the rules are simple; if the APA win, they get the WWF Tag Team Championships. But if they lose, Little Spike Dudley goes THROUGH A TABLE! "OH MY BROTHER, TESTIFYYYYYYYYY!" shouts D-Von in response. The APA stall in their response but before the could give their answer, Bubba halts them. Bubba sympathises and tells the APA that he understands that an offer like this is bound to take some time to think about,that's why they want them to ask Spike, have a few beers, and get back to them on Smackdown. The Dudleyz theme hits again and they leave the ring leaving Faarooq and Bradshaw, almost unsure of what the right thing to do is? JR tells the King that he feels that the Dudleyz have set the APA up. The King thinks JR is just paranoid and that the Dudley Boyz have just offered the APA a fair offer. "Sure", King clarifies, "it's their type of match, but remember, its a 3 on 2 handicap match...you've gotta even these things up". JR remains suspicious however as the show goes to a commercial break.

    The Hardyz want Kane Tonight

    The show returns backstage in Vince McMahon's office where Vince is pacing up and down, looking at his watch. The door opens behind Vince and he stalls, back to the door, a grin appear. "Stephanie!" he shouts as he turns around with his arms open wide to greet not Stephanie, but MATT and JEFF HARDY! Vince's facial expression quickly returns immediately asking the Hardy Boyz what brings them to his office at a time like this? "Revenge" shouts Matt Hardy to the suprise of Vince who isn't exactly sure what to expect. Matt says that a couple of weeks ago, Kane intentionally hurt himself, his brother Jeff and his girlfriend Lita. Matt then says that not only does Kane want to beat the living hell out of us, but he wants to physically scar is and that aint right. Matt goes on telling Vince that what hurts him the most isn't the intent, isn't the pain but the reason behind it and that Kane thinks that the Hardy Boyz can not wrestle.....that the Hardy Boyz got into the WWF because of their looks and not because of their blood sweat and tears...not because of their dedication and innovation to the wrestling business. Matt says it's time to show Kane just who the Hardy Boyz exactly are. Matt says that at Vengeance, he wants it to be Kane Vs. The Hardy Boyz in a 2 on 1 handicap match. Vince McMahon halts Matt Hardy from making any more comments telling him to just shut up and listen. Vince says incase Matt hadn't noticed, he is Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the WWF Chairman of the Board, the WWF Champion and as he is these things, he believes he deserves some respect. However, Vince says that he has 2 problems with the Matt's proposal. Firstly, Kane's threats. Vince says that by Matt and Jeff Hardy putting themselves directly in the ring with Kane, any physical injury caused by Kane are their problems and if Kane damages their body or breaks their neck, it is their own fault and that that the WWF will not be held responsible in anyway. Vince adds that also, if there physical state is to such a degree that they can longer be functional or hell marketable, they he will be free to fire them without ramifications because the Hardyz subjected themselves to this. Vince says the Second Problem is Lita. Vince believes that as Lita has also been heavily involved in this dispute with Kane, that she should be added to this match "in the interest of fairness". "Therefore..." Vince says, "at Vengeance, it will be a 3 on 1 Handicap Match between the entirity of Team Xtreme vs. Kane...have a nice day". Matt steams off evidently unhappy leaving Jeff alone with Vince. Vince, confused stares at Jeff, before asking him if there is anything else he can do for him, but Jeff just smiles and waves before turning around and leaving closing the door behind him. After the door finally closed, Vince shakes his head..."Strange Kids".....

    The following message is sponsered and endorsed by Mr. McMahon

    The shot opens up at the entrance to the famous Binder Park Zoo, one of the areas of interest in Battle Creek "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to one of the focal points of Battle Creek Michigan" says a voice which is later recognised to be that of Charles Wright, who walks into camera shot with man he manages, Key. "Welcome to Binder Park Zoo, one of the Biggest Zoos in the who of Michigan....Home to the Wild Africa Exhibit". "Now you may ask, why are Charles Wright and Key welcoming us to Binder Park Zoo? and the answer to that is simple....this Sunday, at Vengeance, my boy Key is going one on one with Rob Van Dam for the WWF Hardcore Champion, a native of Battlecreek, Michigan, so we thought we'd take a tour of the town and find out a little bit more about his background...allow Key to demonstrate" Key turns around and grabs hold of a little kid eating some Cotton Candy and asks him what he thinks of Rob Van Dam. The kid looks at him oddly as Key urges him to give him an answer. The Kid then does something unsuspecting and stamps on Key's foot shouting "you suck" before running off into the zoo. Charles Wright smiles and tells the audience that this is exactly what Rob Van Dam is about....lacking class. Charles Wright tells the camera to follow him and Key and the two enter the zoo. The footage shows a variety of shots of the two of them looking at different animals. Firstly, we see Charles Wright and Key laughing at a giant bore, Key telling the tour guide that he could take it in a fight. Next up, Key snatches some giraffe food from a 6 year ol girl and throws it into the giraffe pen calling her a loser. The next scene we have Key and Charles Wright looking at this weird black animal, which the tour guide tells Wright is called a Cephalophus niger. Wright absolutely flips out telling him that "racism is not a virtue", moments before Key clotheslines the hell out of him. The clip finally comes to an end with the two men back outside the zoo, Key eating some cotton candy as Charles Wright tells us to tune in for more later tonight!! After the promo is over, JR tells King that he thinks that Charles Wright is one of the most disrespectful men in this industry. King agrees telling JR that he can't believe that a guy who was the self proclaimed pimp of the WWF has now stooped to such lows. JR agrees before plugging in WWF Vengeance once more.

    Match 2: Shawn Stasiak vs. the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Tajiri

    (KOTW Note - Tajiri hits the ring first and is not accompanied to the ring by Torrie. During his entrance, the cameras go backstage to Vince McMahon's office to watch Vince McMahon have a very heated phone conversation with The Rock. Vince tells The Rock that he doesn't care that they are his people and that he'll get his chance to state his claim for the WWF Championship this Thursday on Smackdown in a WWF Championship Number One Contendership debate. The cameras head back to the ring and to watch Shawn Stasiak hit the ring to a number of heavy boos from the fans). Stasiak and Tajiri lock up straight away Stasiak trying to slow Tajiri down with a head lock but only for Tajiri to counter with a solid suplex. The crowd go wild as Tajiri takes control of the match taking Stasiak down again with a handspring elbow smash before going for the cover but only getting a 2. Tajiri continues on the offense beating him down with some punches before whipping him into the ropes and hitting the TARANTULA that early into the match. Tajiri eventually lets go to the urge of the referee, Stasiak in such real true so soon...BRIDGED SUPLEX pin fall attempt..................1.....................2..........................2.9 Stasiak just kicks out. Stasiak tries to get back to his feet but Tajiri is quick...he wants to end this match now, Tajiri goes for his finisher but Stasiak dodges it, but he doesnt dodge a kick to the gut. Stasiak is whipped again into the ropes but this time Stasiak comes back with a knee lift to the head of Tajiri. Stasiak desperately needs to get some momentum back into this match and quickly. Stasiak locks in the abdominal stretch on Tajiri trying to squeeze the life out of the Japanese Buzzsaw. Stasiak continues to build his dominance by clotheslining Tajiri out of the ring. To both announcers suprise, Stasiak climbs up top. "What the hell is Stasiak doing King?" shouts JR, King unsure himself as Stasiak marks himself up on the rising Tajiri. Stasiak goes for a double handed axehandle to the outside of the ring knocking Tajiri down hard. JR says that the momentum on that axehandle would have been huge! Stasiak rolls Tajiri back in the ring and goes for the cover but Tajiri kicks out on the 2. Stasiak cant believe it. Stasiak stomps away at Tajiri shouting at him, telling him that he can't do anything. JR is disgusted at the actions of Stasiak as whips Tajiri into the ropes but Tajri bounces back with a SPRINGBOARD ELBOW SMASH. Tajiri goes back but Stasiak charges at Tajiri knocking him straight into the corner with a rugby like charge before men start to brawl. Tajiri hips onto the turnbuckle, King commenting that it looks like Tajiri is after a swinging DDT as Stasiak climbs the turnbuckle himself. Tajiri is trying to fight out, so is Stasiak, who is going to take advantage of this? It looks like Tajiri has the advantage, know wait, Stasiak, what the hell is he trying to do? SUPERPLEX by Stasiak. The crowd cheer in appreciation as both men crash down to the ground. The referee starts the 10 count with Stasiak starting to rise on the 4 while Tajiri desperately tries to get back to his feet using the ropes for leverage. Stasiak looks like he's taunting for his finishing move, can Tajiri get out of this? Stasiak kicks Tajiri to the gut Stasiak hits the Fisherman's suplex on Tajiri. Stasiak goes for the pin................1.........................2..............................3 Shawn Stasiak bt. Tajiri at 13.45-(KOTW Score: ***1/2)(KOTW Note: A Top match showing the value of both these competitors to this company). After the match Stasiak hold himself up using the ropes and waves to the back. JR acknowledges that this doesn't look good for Tajiri as Marc Mero sprints down to the ring and Mero and Stasiak start a 2 on 1 attack on Tajiri. Mero quickly hit the TKO on Tajiri to the displeasure of the fans before the Intercontinental Champion came to the ring scaring both Mero and Stasiak out of the ring. JR and King both agreed that Stasiak and Mero were nothing but cowardly and JR declared that he hoped that Stasiak gets the hell kicked out of him at Vengeance.

    Backstage with the Man Who Isn't scared

    Test is backstage making himself a coffee when Stacy comes into the picture. Test looks at Stacy awkwardly asking her what she wants, Stacy confused asking Test if everything is okay? Test ask her to tell him if everything is okay, but Stacy doesn't understand. Test wasn't suprised telling her that he'd like to thank her for delivering him to the Undertaker last week on Smackdown. Stacy didn't know what he was getting at, so Test made it abundantly clear by pulling out the note she gave him last week. "This" he says handing it to her. Stacy said that he's mistaken. She said she was given this note by one of the hair girls backstage, she asked if I could deliver it to Test since the two of them were friends. "Oh" Test remarked as Stacy went on to say that she merely thought it was something to do with Test getting his hair straightened, something that didn't go down with Test very well, telling Stacy that his hair is naturally straight. Stacy said that it doesn't matter, because that's not why she is here. Stacy said she is here because she heard a rumour that there is somebody not very happy with him at the moment and has some unfinished business with him to take care of tonight. Test gets all panicky asking who it is but Stacy tells him thats all she knows. She tells him to ask Ivory because that's the person that told her is in the first place. Stacy tells Test that she has to go but tells him to relax...."you're spilling your coffee..." Stacy walks away as Test notices a puddle of coffee on the floor.

    Battle Creek Part 2

    We go back to the town of Battle Creek Michigan in front of the "Underground Railroad Sculpture". Charles Wright immediately informs us that the statue behind him represents all those that helped slaves escape bondage. Wright tells the audience that he thinks that it's nasty he feels that this statue is politcally correct because he knows that bondage still goes down here in Battle Creek. "Hell, Key spotted a store selling bondage equipment just 5 minutes ago....these people are as filthy as hell itself". Wright went though, saying that Battle Creek wasn't just about second rate sports teams, zoo's and bondage, Wright says that Battle Creek is also about...."Frosties" Key interupts. Charles agrees. Battle Creek is also the headquarters of Kelloggs cereal! "That's Grreaaaaaat" shouts Key, Charles Wright not impressed. Wright says that this is not all. Despite having the whole day to go around this crappy town and look around at all their lack of accomplishments, Wright and Key had one more thing from Battle Creek to show everyone. However, they are not going to do that tonight. They're going to do that....this Thursday on Smackdown! "And Van Dam...." says Wright, "you'll find this one VERY interesting". The camera cuts and we go back to the commentary team. JR and King speculate as to what Key and Wright are going to bring with them on Thursday. King hopes its a big box of cereal cos the King's day can't be complete without cornflakes. ". JR sighs and tells the fans that they'll be right back.

    The show goes to a commercial break once more advertising WWF Vengeance.

    A Moment Ago

    When the show returns from the commercial break, JR informs us that while we were away, the following happened backstage. The camera goes backstage and shows Test sneaking out of his locker room, poking his head through the door to see if anyone is around before carefully walking out. Test makes his way down the corridor mumbling something about not being afraid of nobody when out of nowhere, Test gets hit from behind with a steel chair the noise of steel of skull echoing through the corridor. "HEY PUNK!" shouts a voice. "IF YOU WANT ANYMORE, I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU IN THE RING" the camera zooms out to notice that the man who has just attacked Test was CHUCK PALUMBO!

    Match 3: Test vs. Chuck Palumbo

    (KOTW Note: When the segment ended, we went straight back to the ring with Chuck Palumbo already waiting in the ring, with the One Billy Gunn standing at ringside. Test's music hit to a loud reception of boos, Test looking a little dazed from what just happened). Test got into the ring and Chuck really started off on the aggressive hitting Test with some hard punches before taking Test down with a lariat. Chuck beat away at Test with some huge fists before trying to go for the cover but only getting a 2. Chuck got back to his feet and whipped Test against the ropes before trying to hit a belly to belly suplex but Test managed to get out of his grip, blinding him with an eye rake before going back against the ropes and walking straight into a fallaway samoan drop by Chuck. Chuck went for another cover but once again only got the 2. Chuck was getting impatient and decided to do something that would ultimately be very stupid. As Billy clapped on the outside, Chuck Palumbo began to climb the turnbuckle, bringing on the comment from JR that Chuck is very agile for a man of his size. However, there was going to be no aerial assault today from Chuck as Test hit the ropes dropping Chuck onto the top of the post crippling him for enough time for Test to gain the advantage. Test quickly hit the turnbuckle, before taking a page out of Bradshaw's book hitting a beautiful fallaway slam on Palumbo, with both men crashing hard against the mat. Test got back to his feet first and stood by the downed Chuck who was struggling to move. Billy Gunn got on the apron shouting advice to Chuck but this lasted for approximately 5 seconds before Test made Billy eat big boot. Test returned to the rising Chuck to finish the match off with a huge pumphandle slam for the 3. Test has won 3 in a row now! Test bt. Chuck Palumbo in 5.24-(KOTW Score: **1/2)(KOTW Note: Billy Gunn and Chuck are not particularly working very well at the moment. Chuck is definately more over than Billy right now and I am yet to decide their future). After the match, Test stands in the middle of the ring looking down on the hurt Chuck Palumbo before raising his arms. However, as soon as Test raised his arms, "Dead Man Walking" came out of the PA system and to the crowd's suprise, The Undertaker appeared at the entrance without his motorbike, mic in hand. Taker told Test that he thought he'd walk out with a mic rather than ride his bike because he knowing Test, he'd have probably run away before he even got off his bike. Taker said that Test has been impressive as of late, winning matches comfortable. "But" Taker said, "if you think its going to be that easy with the Deadman, then Test, you've got another thing coming". "One thing is for sure Test, whether you run, hide, scream or fight before Vengeance, once you do step into my yard, and you stare into the eyes of the devil, i'll make you famous!" Taker raises his arms up the audience, Test looking on in utter fear as Taker makes one finally look around the audience before leaving.

    Stephanie is here!

    JR says that we are now going to the parking lot where we believe Stephanie McMahon has arrived. Camera swifty goes to the parking lot where Vince McMahon is standing by with Bruce Pritchard and what looks like Johnny Rodz. Vince tells them both that tonight is the night that "we fix this" as a black limo pulls up next to the three of them. The driver gets out of the car and goes to open the door but Vince barges in front of him and opens the door himself............but it's not Stephanie as the words "Well Well Well" are heard from the car...it's JOEL GERTNER! Gertner thanks Vince for opening the door getting out of the car and patting Vince's buddies across the back telling Vince that he just couldn't wait to see what was going to happen tonight with the hottest daughter in Sports Entertainment. "Mr. McMahon does not look happy" remarks JR as Gertner sweeps his hand through his hair. Gertner asks Vince when the whole thing gets going but Vince tells Gertner just to be patient, because Stephanie isn't here yet. However, Vince says there is something that he'd like to talk with Gertner about but "why don't we go discuss that in the ring?". Vince tells Rodz and Pritchard to remain there and wait for Stephanie as Gertner and Vince walk to the ring. The show then goes to another commerical break.

    Foolish acts warrant severe retaliation

    When we return, JR welcomes us back to the show, explaining that if we've just tuned in, Vince McMahon has asked Joel Gertner to join him in the ring. Vince and Gertner both grab microphones and Vince begins by telling him the reason he has asked him to join him in the ring is to do with a little conversation the two of them had last week on Smackdown. Gertner tries to recall asking Vince if it was the one about Vince having to choose a Number One Contender by Vengeance. Vince is pleased Gertner remembered, but Vince says there was a particular part of that conversation that was important to him and he asks the people backstage to roll the footage.

    Last Week on Smackdown:

    .....Once Gertner is handcuffed, Vince demands that the security wait just a second, as he has a message for him and his boss. Vince tells Gertner that his boss can make all the threats he wants because he’s not gonna be partners with nobody and as far as he’s concerned, that’s the end of that. Vince then goes onto say that if Gertner EVER shows his face in the WWF again, he will suffer the consequences of his actions. A Final EC Dub chant is said as Gertner is pulled out of the arena and Vince’s music hits.

    Vince looks back at Gertner repeating what he said saying "if you ever show your face again in the World Wrestling Federation, you will suffer the consequences of your actions". Gertner, looking slightly nervous, asks Vince to spill the beans.....tell him who he's got backstage who's going to beat the living hell out of him? Kane? Key? The Big Show? because Gertner tells Vince that he can sue and he will if he has to. But Vince just tells him to shut up, taking off his suit top and tells Gertner that he himself is going to beat the living hell out of him, slapping Gertner hard across the face. Gertner hit Vince back with a slap of his own and the crowd didn't know what to expect before the 2 men started brawling in the ring. Vince. JR shouted "SOMEBODY COME OUT AND STOP THIS MADNESS!" Gertner used the rings on his right hand to his advantage using them to bust open Vince giving him that extra advantage, the confident Gertner soon after got back to his feet before saluting the crowd. However, this looked to be the end of Gertner's luck as he turned and walked straight into a low blow from Vince McMahon as a figure slid into the ring, the crowd booing excessively. "Who the hell is that?" shouted JR, the King unsure either! "Is that....is that Ron Waterman?" The Man stands behind Gertner jumping up and down, causing Gertner to freeze. Gertner slowly turns around Waterman grabbing hold of him immediately and hitting him with a huge SITOUT POWERBOMB! Vince McMahon then covers Joel Gertner and tells Waterman to count..........1............2.........3 Vince's music hitting the ring as Waterman helped the WWF Champion and Chairman of the board back to his feet before raising McMahon's arm. The King applauded telling JR that this was Vince's first win as WWF Champion but JR looked less than impressed. Things however were about to pick up.

    Not what he was expecting...

    Just as Vince was celebrating his impromtu Victory, a familiar tune stopped Vince and everyone in the arena in their tracks as "My Time" blasted across the arena. Stephanie McMahon appeared at the entrance of arena. Stephanie, dressed in a black suit and blue sweater underneath, gleamed as she made her way down the ramp and getting into the ring, everyone but Vince and Waterman unhappy to see her.....well, excluding King. JR said with bitterness in his voice, how a month ago, this woman wanted to put her family, and the company that helped her grow up, right out of business. King said he was happy to see her but JR's tone wouldn't change. Vince started straight away with the charm, telling her how well she is looking and he is glad to see her in the ring. Stephanie said that she was grateful for his complements. Vince proceeded to ask how Hunter was to which Stephanie said that he's a couple of months away from full recovery. Vince then introduced Stephanie to Ron Waterman, his new personal bodyguard. "A bodyguard?" Stephanie enquired. Vince told her that you never know. Vince cleared his throat before continuing "now the niceties are over with, it's time to get down to brass tacks....". Stephanie said she was glad he was cutting out the crap because she said that she hadn't just come here to listen, and that before he makes his little speech about how he wants to buy her World Wrestling Federation shares from him, she's got something an announcement of her own to make. Ron Waterman notices that Gertner is trying to get back to his feet and asks Vince if he should finish him off but Vince shakes his head and tells Stephanie to go on. Stephanie says that Vince thinks that he can just invite her back into the ring after destroying her business, destroying her life, destroying their families life and everything is going to be okay, then Vince can just think again. And as for Shane, he thinks the same. That is why she is so late tonight. Because earlier tonight, Shane and Stephanie were having an informal dinner meeting with the senior executive of BT enterprises where they SOLD our stake of the company to him for a very reasonable value. "That's why Daddy, this Sunday, Shane and I are going to have OUR VENGEANCE, and take away the only thing that means something to you....the World Wrestling Federation!" "My Time" hits once more on the PA system as Gertner sits on the rope allowing Stephanie to leave the ring while JR is having kittens on the outside. "King, THIS WAR BETWEEN THE MCMAHON'S IS GOD DAMN NOT OVER! HOW CAN THE SINS OF A FATHER? A HUSBAND! CAUSE SO MUCH DAMAGE! MY GOD!"

    The last shot before the show fades to black is Joel Gertner standing at the entrance of the arena holding up the arm of Stephanie McMahon.

  19. IPB Image

    Monday, December 3rd, 2001

    Raw Is War Preview

    Mr. McMahon Presents

    Last week on WWF TV was a difficult week in the year of McMahon. However, Mr. McMahon guarantees to put things starting with his baby girl Stephanie McMahon. Mr. McMahon has been said to have had an epiphany last week on Smackdown and he feels that tonight is the right night to put things right with the McMahon family. Find out how that unfolds only on RAW.

    Mr. McMahon has also informed WWF.com that there are some pre-booked matches for the fans pleasure. First off, fresh off the back of their match against the APA, the Dudley Boyz will go one on one with Kai En Tai. It is common knowledge right now that the Dudley Boyz are desperate to get their hands on Spike Dudley, but with the APA protecting Spike and their desire to once again be the WWF Tag Team Champions, will the Dudleyz cough up the belts to get a shot at their brother? In addition, after the finish of the tag team match between Stasiak/Mero and Edge/Tajiri, Stasiak has vowed to get revenge on behalf of Mero on Tajiri tonight. Can Stasiak aid Mero's quest for the Cruiserweight title or will Tajiri embarress Stasiak 6 days before Vengeance. Vince McMahon has also granted Key and Charles Wright a camera crew tonight as they produce a very special suprise for Rob Van Dam. All this and more, only on RAW!

    Tonight's Line Up So far

    The Dudley Boyz Vs. Kai En Tai

    Shawn Stasiak Vs. Tajiri

  20. Everybody has a Price...Everybody's got to pay

    Figures from Last Week Shows (Commencing November 26th)

    We got a 6.76 rating for 'RAW'!

    The attendance level was 8007 people.

    We made $320280 from ticket sales.

    The Vince McMahon segments regarding why he cancelled the round robin tournament was the best scoring segment of the week. Marc Mero and Shawn Stasiak are continuing to gain momentum into Vengeance also. The best match of the night by far was The Rock Vs. Austin in the arm wrestling match recieving 84%. However the highest scoring legitimate match of the night was Shawn Stasiak Vs. Kurt Angle at 76. The Joel Gertner debut also reached the high score of 79 giving the show and overall score of 78. The Raw TV score has dropped this week

    We got a 5.90 rating for 'Smackdown!'!

    The attendance level was 8027 people.

    We made $321080 from ticket sales.

    The Best of the night was once again the Kurt Angle/The Rock Vs. Stone Cold/Chris Jericho Match at 91% when they face Funaki and Val Venis in a team bonding session (OR:83). With the exception of the Rikishi/Steven Richards match, all of the match ratings were over 70%. The highest scoring segments of the night was the Joel Gertner/Vince McMahon segment and Kurt Angle's interview prior to the main event , giving Smackdown an overall score of 74% The Smackdown Rating is on the up.

    We got a 1.21 rating for 'Heat'!

    The attendance level was 8014 people.

    We made $320560 from ticket sales.

    The Match of the Night was Christian Vs. Rikishi at 74%, with Lance Storm's match closing following giving Heat an overall score of 70% The Heat Rating is also on the increase after slumping last week.

    Right now, we are one week away from Vengeance, and the shows are tying up nicely. The card is pretty much set, the feuds are bubbling, and we have enough to keep us going to and beyond the show. I hope you are still enjoying and keep on reading.

    Till next week, keep tuned and Enjoy!

    IPB Image

    The Card (Current)

    WWF Intercontinental Championship Match

    Edge© Vs. Shawn Stasiak

    WWF Hardcore Championship Match

    Rob Van Dam© Vs. Key (w/Charles Wright)

    WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Tajiri© (w/Torrie Wilson) Vs. Marc Mero

    The Undertaker Vs. Test

    More Matches to be announced this week


    Current Champions

    WWF Champion

    Mr. McMahon

    Intercontinental Champion


    European Champion


    WWF Tag Team Champions

    Dudley Boyz

    WWF Hardcore Champion

    Rob Van Dam

    WWF Cruiserweight Champion


  21. ECW is your best show in my opinion. I'd love to see an ECW over ride of smackdown and raw ... I feel your best characters are in ECW and your most believable heat is in ECW

    If you can get the characters on raw and smackdown to have a 'true feel' to them like they ECW guys do, then all three of your shows will be very good

  22. Hey dude,

    First off overall the show was pretty decent. Had some solid matches and good build up with everything set up in the right way.

    Good to see Romeo and Co get the tag team championship belts. I very happy with that and I was also happy to see the best of 5 series go on for one more match. That's also been very well booked.

    Jacobs/Whitmer storyline is definately no way near finished right? I am looking forward to see how far you can with that. I am sure you can get a pretty heavy match out of the two of them! BUT.....

    I swear to you, as the show went on, I was more and more confident that Roode was going to go out champion, but what!!!! was I in for a suprise. Steen also went over cleanly! geez. You must really rate this guy. The only thing I've seen from him is in CZW and I guess the reason you made him champ partly is get over a guy that wasn't hyped up by another brand? An all canadian main event too!

    Like I said, overall man, I really enjoyed the show, I just can't get over that main event.

  23. Sadly I also lost my feedback so I guess i'll have to revist in a short form (sorry dude but overall...I loved the show)


    Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin - Your typical TNA opener with 2 solid wrestlers. Glad to say that Sabin went over and it was a top notch start. Plus it wasn't a car wreck either so I am grateful for that :)

    Roode Vs. EY - personally it was solid. I love Roode's work so I always have a positive on a Roode match but I also liked the way you used EY. Expected finish.

    3D won the elimination tag which was pleasing. They are supposed to be one of the best tag teams ever, you need to give them that respect. Good to see the James Gang going out like they should do, first. Kip and BJ are rather boring and I wish they'd Outlaw the Outlaw. AMW and 3D going as the final two always is a good way to end it, and the finish was solid. Good job.

    Senshi retained, I'd have been suprised if Lethal had won. Lethal is ready just yet.

    The Gauntlet Match was sweet, with a few suprises chucked in for good measure. Starr eliminating Jarrett is a sure way to make a name out of Starr, plus, he was one of the last guys to get eliminated. Very impressive. The match ending with Abyss Vs. Joe was definately one of the best ways to end it, and with a very suprising end to it too. Man who the hell knows how that is gonna turn out.

    Good to see Christian/Rhino feud continuing. Good segment with Nash following.

    Brown/Sting was a no brainer. If Brown had won, I'd have said it was a huge shock but the fact it was before the Angle match meant that it wasn't going anywhere exciting. Good match though and poor Monty loses again lol.

    The Angle match, well, I had my suspicions by the end at let me tell you why. Firstly, if you look at the two groupings, you'd say, Steiner...hmm..Angle Styles Daniels, the better wrestlers. However, LAX have been instrumental recently and are on a good run. So Angle losing his second match, big shock! I sure bet he complained to the bookers here as Kurt Angle is far bigger than any of these "hacks". LAX should be given the time to grow and you've doe that nicely although seeing Rick Steiner turning up at the end, while your stereotypical end to a TNA show, Steiner doesn't hold much talent IMO. Nevertheless, it will be good to see a Steiner brothers reunion.

    Overall a good show which I really enjoyed. I can't wait for your next dose of c-c-craziness! Keep the hard work up dude

    So overall very good PPV

  24. Time for Feedback from Me (Second Time Lucky you damn board) - January 4, 2007

    Team Stinger

    Well what can I say. This was definately an amusing segment. Something about Sting saying Slapnutz, lol, it's just wrong but yet so right. Either way. Joe and Angle on the same page. Thats gonna be gold. Although if they lost, i'd expect rioting in the arena lol...with Jarrett anything is possible

    AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. Black EnterTainment (Monty Brown and Ron Killings) w/Elix Skipper

    Very solid opening match. Brown/Killings/Skipper together is definately awesome. I've got the strangest feeling in my gut that the end is near for Styles and Daniels. Either way, it's going to be interesting to see if i'm right.

    A Hint on the Mystery Man?

    Great Promo. As long as it's not Lex Luger, I'll be happy. Randy Savage would definately be humerous mind you......oh yeaaaaaaaaah dig it.

    House of Fun

    Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to freak hour starring James Mitchell, Abyss and of course Raven. Great Segment. I especially like the screaming. Mitchell is always gold although i'm not always sure for the right reasons...he would have been great in Big trouble in little China.

    Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young

    Well Well Well.......If Joel Gertner isn't Bobby Roode's new manager. Sweet business i'd say. As for poor EY, I think he might be in for a bit of a slapping. Roode is on his way to greatness and i wouldn't like to be in his way. Maybe Gertner can buy himself a new coat now he's got a star on his hands.

    The Paparazzi vs. Team Jackass (Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt)

    From the moment I saw this match up, I never really had any faith in Dutt/Lethal winning and damn I was right. Shelley and Nash are a great combo, and it's going to be interesting how these boys are used in the future. Maybe we can even get a little Nash shoot on Bischoff down the line. Come on Big Lazy!

    The Shazarian Return

    Another Mystery Man, wow TNA is so full of Mystery. Either way, it's great to see this back in the fold again and I cant wait for it to get under way.

    Who Will Lead Team Sting?

    Trouble In paradise. The fans are doubting if they can stay together? Can they work as a team? or will they implode. (is starting to doubt initial prediction of Team Sting winning lol)

    Austin Starr and Senshi vs. Chris Sabin and Petey Williams

    Just like it's said on the tin. A Great match up that is bound to entertain. Good to see Starr getting over with Senshi. Starr is certainly a popular one.

    More Like Bore Machine

    All I'm gonna say is, Christian should have kept his mouth shut. But Christian isn't going to do that. I just felt at this time that I was gonna see myself saying GORE GORE GORE! later on. Good booking.

    Team 3D is just a Bunch of Gringos

    I'm gonna be honest, reading this promo really made me want to play GTA San Andreas. This was a very good segment that would entice anyone into this feud and you can't say anymore than that to be honest.

    Christian Cage vs. Rhino

    Exciting and entertaining match up that gave me the ending I was looking for...well not exactly but at least Rhino won lol. Certainly makes you wonder about Team Jarrett's quality compared to Team Sting although Sting's team has that implosion factor if you kind of overlook the distate between Cage and Jarrett. I'm totally undecided. Poor Christian though and his mood swings. A Great match to end the show with.

    Dude this book is great, you make the show so entertaining, in my opinion, it's probably more entertaining than actually watching TNA lol. Then agan, TNA never excited me much on the TWC but you know what i mean. Keep up this gem and I will continue to follow! Good luck mate.

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