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Posts posted by cthemason

  1. I don't know if I would call it serious but parts of Tales From The Punchbowl are pretty heavy. Also check out The Heckler, it's a semi-serious flat out rockin song. But then again, why does it need to be serious? Primus is just fun to listen to and rock out to, there's no need to be angry. :)

  2. Yeah, it was just too bland for me and I hate Phish so much I could never get into it.

    By the way Tristy, I must say that despite what people will try to tell you, the Brown Album is pretty rockin. One of my favorite Primus albums. So check that out too.

  3. I'd say get anything except Oyseterhead and the Frog Brigade's studio album: Purple Onion. Definately look into Sausage and the 1st 3 Primus albums (Suck on This, Frizzle Fry, Sailing the Seas of Cheese) are better than any of the side projects.

  4. I voted for Real World although after being reminded of 3-South I would've voted other. And I really could care less if MTV doesn't play music videos as there's so many other places to learn see and hear about new music these days even if its not MTV or the Radio.

  5. Pretty good show, like the whole Miami Inc. idea. I fucking hate the SAT though so I'm not too happy to see them with the Tag Titles.

    Card for LPW III: Battle of the Butchers

    - Fans Bring the Weapons: Abdullah the Butcher vs. Necro Butcher

    - LPW Tag Team Titles: The SAT © vs. Homicide and B-Boy

    - #1 Contender for the LPW Heavyweight Title: Justice Pain vs. Supreme vs. Sabu

    - Kaos vs. Roderick Strong w/ GQ Money

    - Round one of the LPW Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament

    A: Super Dragon vs. Altar Boy Luke

    B: JC Bailey vs. Mikey Batts

    C: Matt Sydal vs. Nate Webb

    D: M-Dogg 20 vs. Bobby Quance

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