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Posts posted by THIR13EN²

  1. It’s good to get some comments on the diary, even if they aren’t that great. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that it’s been a long time sense I’ve got a diary rolling that I really enjoy. This has been a great diary for me, I’ve got many things booked for future shows. I know that a lot of you think that I haven’t changed anything, but if you read the some of the results you’ll notice that I have changed some little things.

    Just to let you guys know, I’m not one of those guys that starts up a WWF/E diary, and switches wrestlers from roster to roster, has some asinine backstory, or hires wrestlers that would never belong in the company in the first place. As some people may enjoy that, I like to go with the more realistic approach, that’s why I had kept some of the current bookings for my first couple of shows, and changed little/miner things.

    As for my backstory, I had talked it over with numerous people, mainly only one guy I trust. I came to the conclusion, who is the one person other then Vince Russo that could head up the booking team, I didn’t just come up with one name, I came up with two…Eric Bischoff & Paul Heyman. Heyman has a history, and was once booker for SmackDown!, so I choose to put him in that position again. As for Bischoff, I think he’s a great guy, and did great things for WCW, and I feel that he’s loads better then Brian Gerwitz.

    So I thought I’d just point those few little things out, and give a little insight on what I’m trying to accomplish with this diary. I hope you guys enjoy it, and more comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. user posted image


    Judgment Day is only a few weeks away, and what a pay-per-view it is shaping up to be. Only a few days away from John Bradshaw Layfield taking on Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Title, in a no disqualification match, that is as long as both men stay 50 feet from one another! Last week JBL challenged Eddie to face him one-on-one this Thursday Night, but will Eddie accept, and put his WWE Title and match at Judgment Day on the line? SmackDown! General Manager Kurt Angle has promised to strip Eddie of the title.

    If that isn’t enough, this past Saturday night on Velocity, Booker T requested a match to prove that he was worthy enough to face The Undertaker at Judgment Day. Booker requested a 2-on-1 handicap match with Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio of the Full Blooded Italians. He said that if Undertaker can do it, he can to.

    Matches Announced:


    Jamie Noble vs. Matt Cappotelli ©


    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty

    NOTE: Winning team faces WWE TAG-TEAM Champions at Judgment Day!


    Booker T vs. The FBI

    And finally…

    John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

    Card Subject To Change

    All this, this Thursday Night at 8/7 CT on UPN!

  3. user posted image

    Notes from 5.11.04 RAW

    Just now getting back from RAW, and boy was it a great show. Everyone was really into the show, and there were some great matches that took place. The HP Pavilion was jam-packed, and only but a few seats were empty throughout the arena.

    Dark matches

    Lita def. Alexis Laree

    Chuck Palumbo & Test def. The Hurricane & Rosey

    A-Train def. Maven

    Garrison Cade def. Steven Richards

    RAW had started out with Shelton Benjamin & Triple H, and the crowd loved the match. Benjamin was totally over with the fans, and they went crazy when Shawn Michaels came out to interfere in the match. There was a lot of words exchanged between Shawn Michaels & Triple H that didn’t get on camera during the break. When Michaels was taken out of the arena by the police escort, that was the last that anyone had saw of him for the rest of the show.

    One of the other big matches of the night was the Intercontinental Title match between Edge & champion Randy Orton. The crowd was also really into this match, it also got more over with the crowd as Ric Flair was at ringside. Edge & Orton put on one hell of a match, many expected Edge to win, but Orton cheating for the victory got him some major heel heat after the match was over.

    The steel cage match was yet another highlight match of the night. Chris Jericho & Christian truly beat each other down during the match. It was good to see Jericho pick up the victory. After the show went off the air, and the cameras stopped rolling, Jericho continued to celebrate on the top of the cage. Surprisingly Triple H came out telling Jericho that he wouldn’t get a World Title shot before him, and that next week he’ll see him in the 20 Man Over-The-Top Battle Royal! This brought out the rest of the locker room, who ended up brawling, to hype next week’s #1 contender’s match.

    To the disappointment, there was no Chris Benoit on the show. A few people said they had seen him in the parking lot, but I never got the chance to actually see. All in all a good show, with next week shaping up to be no exception.

    Clip of the Night:

    user posted image

  4. user posted image

    DATE: Monday, May 10th, 2004

    VENUE: HP Pavilion, San Jose, California

    HOSTED BY: Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross

    A video montage showing a recap of last week’s RAW is shown. Showing clips from the huge World Title main event between challenger Shawn Michaels and champion Chris Benoit. We see Triple H come out at the end of the show and lay Michaels out with the Pedigree, just as he was about to finish off Benoit! After the show, we see Michaels & Trips in a very intense stare down. RAW opens up with the usual pyro display, the camera pans over the red hot crowd as we are LIVE, at the HP Pavilion, in San Jose, California. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross welcome us to the show, as they run down tonight’s jam-packed card top to bottom. Not wanting to waist anymore time, we jump right into our first match of the evening, Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H in one-on-one action!

    Singles Match

    Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H

    Triple H makes his entrance first to nothing but boos from the crowd. He taunts the crowd a little before Shelton Benjamin comes out. Benjamin comes out to a thunderous pop. Trips doesn’t want to waist anymore time as he jumps Benjamin once he enters the ring. The bell sounds, and this match is underway. Trips continues to beat down Benjamin for the first few minutes of the match, with Benjamin not able to get any offense in. Trips nails Benjamin with a huge Arn Anderson like spine buster, then proceeds to remove the turnbuckle pad in the corner of the ring. The referee tries to stop Trips, but he doesn’t pay any attention to him. While Trips argues with the referee, Benjamin comes from behind with a roll-up, almost picking up the quick victory! Trips flips out, as he continues to beat down Benjamin once again. Trips even sets up for the Pedigree, but Benjamin is able to block, and reverse it into a shoulder back toss. Trips lands hard on the canvas. Benjamin climbs to the top turnbuckle, but is cut off by Trips who runs into the ropes, crotching Benjamin on the top rope. Trips climbs to the second turnbuckle, sets Benjamin up, and nails a huge superplex! He tries for a quick pin, but Benjamin kicks out. Trips starts to flip out, as he isn’t able to put Benjamin out for the 1, 2, 3. He pulls Benjamin up to his feet and goes to irish whip him into the corner without a turnbuckle pad, but Benjamin is able to reverse. Trips goes flying head first into the exposed turnbuckle, busting him open!

    As Trips stumbles back from the corner, Benjamin dropkicks him from behind. Benjamin quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle, jumps, and nails Trips with a flying elbow drop, but it isn’t enough to put Trips away. Benjamin & Trips exchange blows for a few minutes, with Trips getting the upper hand. Benjamin gets laid out in the ring, as Trips tries to force him to submit to the indian deathlock. Trips wrenches the submission in hard, as Benjamin slowly fights his way out of it. Benjamin & Trips exchange chops now, with Benjamin getting the upper hand. He whips Trips off into the ropes. As Trips comes rebounding off the ropes, he goes for a clothesline at the same time Benjamin goes for a clothesline as well. Both men lay each other out with a double clothesline. This is when Ric Flair comes running down to ringside. Flair jumps up on the ring apron and starts arguing with the referee that Trips should have the match won by now. This only distracts the referee, while Shawn Michaels comes out of the crowd, slides into the ring, and nails a staggering Trips with the Sweet Chin Music! The crowd goes insane, as Michaels quickly slides out of the ring. Benjamin slowly crawls over, and covers Trips. The referee notices the pin, and makes the 1...2...3! Benjamin wins the match, thanks to the interferences from Michaels.

    Winner: Shelton Benjamin

    [72%] [82%] [76%]


    Coming back from the commercial break, we see Shawn Michaels exchanging words on the ramp way with Ric Flair who is trying to help an injured Triple H inside the ring. Eric Bischoff’s music hits, and he comes walking out from the back yelling at Michaels. The crowd boo Bischoff, as he demands an explanation for Michaels’ actions! Michaels is handed a microphone, and he tells Bischoff that he was just getting his revenge on Trips after what he did to him last week on RAW by giving him the Pedigree in the middle of that ring, costing him the World Title. Flair grabs a microphone, and tells Bischoff that what Michaels did was unacceptable, and that he should be arrested, and suspended from RAW! Bischoff tells Flair that he agrees with him, so that’s why he’s going to suspend Michaels indefinitely, until further notice. A police escort comes walking out from the back behind Bischoff as they go walking down the ramp to escort Michaels out of the arena. The crowd don’t like this idea, as they continue to boo, showing their support for Michaels. As Michaels is being handcuffed, Trips grabs the microphone away from Flair, and says that they should lock him up tight, because if he got his hands on Michaels, there is no telling what he would do. Michaels flips out, and goes running down to the ring, attacking Trips! The crowd goes crazy. Michaels & Trips brawl back and forth, with Flair trying to get in the middle. The police escort jump Michaels, and drag him out of the ring. Bischoff tells the police escort to take Michaels away, and keep him locked up, because he is a loose cannon! As we head into break, we see Michaels being handcuffed, and dragged away.


    Backstage; Evolution is backstage complaining to Eric Bischoff about what just happened between Shawn Michaels & Triple H, and that it’s the third time that Shelton Benjamin has gotten a win over “The Game”. Ric Flair says that they can focus on Benjamin later, tonight they need to concentrate on Randy Orton defending his Intercontinental Title against Edge. Bischoff says that he’ll make it up to Trips next week on RAW by giving him a shot at the World Title! Trips gets a big smile on his face, as Evolution start to celebrate. Flair says that they can’t celebrate yet, as Batista’s match is next. Trips tells Batista to destory Tajiri. Batista pumps himself up before leaving the locker room, and heading to the ring…

    Singles Match

    Batista vs. Tajiri

    This match starts out with a stiff clothesline from Batista. Keeping the upper hand throughout most of the match, Batista uses his strength and power against Tajiri. Tajiri tries to use some quick kicks to gain some kind of offense, but Batista just levels him with yet another clothesline. The match continues after a couple pin fall attempts by Batista, but Tajiri finds some way to kick out of them. Tajiri manages to even nails a springboard back elbow smash on Batista. Tajiri sets up for the Buzzsaw Kick, but Batista ducks, then levels him with yet another stiff clothesline. Batista sets Tajiri up for the Sitout Powerbomb, but Tajiri blows the green mist! The crowd pop as Batista drops Tajiri, and stumbles around the ring holding his face. As the referee checks on Batista’s condition, Garrison Cade comes running out from the back. He jumps up on the ring apron and nails Tajiri with a stiff forearm! Cade then jumps down off the ring apron, and heads back up the ramp way. Tajiri stumbles back into a huge standing spinebuster from Batista which allows him to pick up the victory!

    Winner: Batista

    [53%] [58%] [81%]

    Backstage: Jonathan Coachman is shown celebrating as Garrison Cade comes running up. The Coach talks about finally getting his revenge against Tajiri, and says it’s all thanks to Cade. The two go heading down the hallway, continuing to celebrate.


    Stacy Keibler comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. She enters the ring, and is handed a microphone from Lilian Garcia. Stacy talks about the new Diva “South of the Border” DVD that is out in stores, then asks if everyone would like to see a few clips? The crowd agrees by cheering for Stacy. A video clip showing various clips of the WWE divas are shown. After the video, Stacy asks if the crowd would like to see more? They agree as Stacy starts to do a little striptease dance in the ring. Stacy doesn’t get very far when Gail Kim & Molly Holly come walking out from the back. The crowd boo Gail & Molly as they enter the ring getting in Stacy’s face, pushing her around. Molly grabs Stacy’s microphone and starts complaining about how they weren’t booked for RAW. She then hands it over to Gail, who says that even though she beat Victoria, the Women’s champion, in a non-title match, she doesn’t get a title shot. The two start to beat Stacy up, until Victoria comes out to make the save. Victoria nails Gail in the back of the head with the Women’s Title, then starts to beat on Molly. Jazz comes out next to join up with Gail & Molly against Stacy & Victoria. The numbers game plays a factor, until Nidia comes out to help even the odds. Gail, Jazz, & Molly hightail it backstage as Nidia, Stacy, & Victoria help each other back to their feet in the ring.


    Backstage: we see Nidia, Stacy Keibler, & Victoria talking about being jumped by Gail Kim, Jazz, & Molly Holly. Johnny Nitro comes walking up to the three divas with a big smile on his face, he informs them that they’ll have a six women tag later tonight against Gail, Jazz, & Molly, so they better get ready for their match.

    Backstage: Chris Jericho is seen walking down the hallway, when he’s stopped by Todd Grisham. Grisham asks Jericho how he is feeling about tonight’s steel cage match. Jericho tells Grisham that he’d like to know how Triple H gets a shot next week at the World Title, instead of him, like Eric Bischoff promised. Though, he isn’t going to worry about it tonight, tonight he’s 100% focused on his match with Christian. He says that he hasn’t been more ready for a match in his entire career.

    WWE Intercontinental Title Match

    Edge vs. Randy Orton © w/ Ric Flair

    Randy Orton comes out with Ric Flair first to some major heat from the crowd. He enters the ring and shows off the Intercontinental Title that is around his waist. Flair even shines the belt up while they wait for Orton’s opponent. Edge is out next to one of the biggest pops of the night. The crowd go crazy as he makes his entrance. He comes sliding into the ring, and heads right up to the top turnbuckle to taunt the crowd. Orton goes to attack Edge before the match even gets started, but the referee holds him back. Edge jumps back down into the ring, tossing his jacket out to ringside, then handed his World Tag-Team belt to the referee. The referee tries to take the IC Title from Orton, but he won’t give it up. Edge & Orton get face-to-face in the middle of the ring exchanging words. They then begin to brawl back and forth. Edge gets the upper hand on Orton throughout the beginning of the match. Orton wrestles half of the match with the IC Title still around his waist. This match sees Edge try to finish things early by nailing Orton with a huge missile dropkick from the top rope! Orton is able to kick out, and slowly fight back, he even goes for the RKO, but Edge blocks it, sending Orton off into the ropes. Edge & Orton continue to fight throughout a commercial break, with neither man able to get the upper hand. Flair tries to get involved, and almost gets banned from ringside by the referee.

    As Flair argues with the referee on the ring apron, Edge sets Orton up for the Spear, only Orton moves at the last second, this is when Edge clips Flair! The Spear on Flair sends him flying down to ringside, getting a huge pop from the crowd. Edge happened to nail Flair just right that he ended up flying out of the ring through the middle rope. Orton decides to take the match out of the ring, and begins to brawl with Edge at ringside. Edge ends up getting irish whipped into the steel steps, then rolled back into the ring. Orton follows Edge back into the ring, and nails him with the RKO! He goes for the quick cover on Edge, rolling him over, and hooking the leg, but somehow Edge gets his foot on the bottom rope. Orton is shocked, as well as everyone in the audience. Edge slowly starts to fight his way back. He nails Orton with the Edgecution, then sets up in the corner for yet another Spear attempt. Orton slowly stumbles up to his feet, but sees the Spear coming again, and side steps. Edge nails the turnbuckles, and stumbles back into a roll-up from Orton. Orton cheats by holding onto Edge’s tights, which the referee doesn’t see. The referee makes the count, giving Orton the win, allowing him to retain his title. Orton quickly grabs his IC Title, and hightails it backstage. Edge gets back up to his feet with a frustrated look on his face, as he’s just been cheated out of the title.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    [81%] [90%] [91%]


    Backstage: William Regal is watching Eugene warm-up, as Eugene gets ready for his in-ring debut against Rob Conway of La Résistance later tonight. As Eugene continues to warm-up, Eric Bischoff approaches Regal. Bischoff says that Regal has done a great job in preparing Eugene for his debut, but they both know that he isn’t going to win tonight. Regal is a little shocked at what Bischoff is getting at. Bischoff tells Regal to make sure that there is no chance of Eugene winning, and if he does that, he’ll reinstate Regal to the RAW active roster. Regal understands where Bischoff is going, and he won’t let him down. Bischoff thanks Regal, and wishes Eugene the best of luck.

    Six Women Tag-Team Match

    Gail Kim, Jazz, & Molly Holly vs. Nidia, Stacy Keibler, & Victoria

    An alright six women tag-team match between both teams. Gail Kim & Victoria start out the match fighting back and forth, exchanging blows. Victoria even goes for the Widow’s Peak to try and end the match early, but Molly Holly is able to break it up. Jazz is tagged into the match, and she starts to clean house. She nails Nidia with a vicious looking DDT in the middle of the ring, but the pin fall attempt is broken up by Stacy Keibler. Stacy gets tagged in, and she uses her long legs to get an advantage. She even nails Molly with a spinning heel kick, but it isn’t enough to score the win. Victoria is tagged back in as she goes up against Molly. Molly ends up getting her wig ripped off during the match, but she flips out and starts brawling with Nidia at ringside. As the referee is distracted with the catfight, Gail is able to use the Women’s Title on Victoria, then lock on The Bytch submission to score the victory! Gail, Jazz, & Molly celebrate as they head backstage after the win. Nidia & Stacy help Victoria back to her feet in the ring, as both teams have a quick stare down. Gail taunts Victoria, that she’ll have the Women’s Title sooner then later.

    Winner(s): Gail Kim, Jazz, & Molly Holly

    [49%] [56%] [55%]


    Video: It’s now time for the SmackDown! Rebound, as we take a quick recap of what happened last week on SD!. We see René Duprée attack Torrie Wilson to get at John Cena, then put Cena through the announcer’s table with a powerbomb! The Undertaker is shown taking out both the Full Blooded Italians in Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio. Booker T is shown visiting a psychic to find someway that he can defeat Undertaker at Judgment Day. Eddie Guerrero flips, and ends up attacking both The Dudley Boyz with a steel chair.

    Backstage: Todd Grisham is standing by with Christian, Trish Stratus, & Tyson Tomko. We’ve already heard Chris Jericho’s reactions, now it’s time to hear from Christian. Grisham asks how Christian feels about tonight’s steel cage match with Y2J? Christian tells Grisham that he’s the man who beat Jericho at WrestleMania XX in Madison Square Garden, so there is nothing he can’t do. He reminds everyone that he’s got the girl, and he’s got the backup, the one thing he’s never had though is a shot at the gold. Christian asks why Jericho should be getting a shot at the World Title, and not him? He tells Grisham that after tonight, he’s going to be facing Chris Benoit for the championship belt! Trish notices Lita at the coffee table down the hallway, and tells Christian that she’ll catch up with them later…Trish comes walking up to Lita to consol her after what happened last week with Kane. Lita thanks Trish, that’s when Trish starts screaming, and tells Lita that Kane is right behind her. Lita freaks out, but when she turns around, no one is there. Trish starts laughing, until Lita tackles her across the coffee table! Lita & Trish brawl until road agents pull the two apart. Matt Hardy holds back Lita, while Trish has to be contained.


    Singles Match

    Matt Hardy w/ Lita vs. Val Venis

    Lita & Matt Hardy come out from the back to a decent pop from the crowd. Lita is still shaken up after what just happened before the last commercial break backstage with Trish Stratus. Matt tries to calm Lita down as they enter the ring for the next match of the evening. They await Matt’s opponent, that is when Kane shows up on the titan-tron. Matt’s opponent tonight was scheduled to be Val Venis, but he’s been laid out backstage by Kane. Kane has a big smile on his face as he tells Matt that he won’t be wrestling tonight. He then tells Lita that she is looking very beautiful. Lita & Matt start to freak out. Kane reminds Lita about what they had talked about last week, that if she didn’t decide, he would hurt everyone she cared about and loved! He tells Lita that she’s got one week to decide, yes or no. Next week he wants his answer, or this and much, much worse things will continue to happen. Kane walks away leaving Val for dead backstage. Back in the ring, we see Lita & Matt are still freaking out, as Matt tries to calm Lita down yet again.

    Winner: No Contest



    Singles Match

    Eugene w/ William Regal vs. Rob Conway w/ Sylvan Grenier

    Eugene makes his entrance with William Regal, to a huge pop from the crowd. The fans have started to grow on Eugene over the past couple of weeks. Eugene enters the ring and starts running the ropes as the referee calls for the bell to start the match. Rob Conway tries to get Eugene to lock up with him, but Eugene just ends up running circles around him instead. Conway finally gets angry enough that he just pushes Eugene down. Eugene starts to cry, but gets right back up to his feet, and takes Conway down with a shoulder tackle. Eugene starts getting all technical on Conway, to the surprise of the crowd, and Regal at ringside. Regal starts to cheer for Eugene as he gets the upper hand on Conway. Conway starts to get frustrated that he can’t out wrestle Eugene, so he starts to cheat. Sylvan grabs Eugene by the foot, as he’s running the ropes, making him trip in the ring. This upsets Regal, that he goes running around the ring, nailing Sylvan with a hard right hand! The crowd go crazy. Conway starts yelling at Regal from inside the ring, which distracts him long enough that Eugene comes from behind with a roll-up. The referee makes the count, giving Eugene the 1...2...3! Eugene wins his first match as the crowd go crazy. He celebrates, rolls out of the ring, and gives Regal a big hug. Regal can’t help himself, as he has a big smile on his face.

    Winner: Eugene

    [59%] [52%] [81%]


    Video: a montage of Chris Benoit’s career is shown, from his days training in the Hart Family Dungeon, to his days in WCW. We fast forward to WrestleMania XX in Madison Square Garden to the triple threat World Heavyweight Title match putting Benoit against both Shawn Michaels & Triple H. Benoit wins by submission, after Trips taps out to the Crippler Crossface. After the match, WWE Heavyweight champion Eddie Guerrero joins Benoit in the ring, as the two celebrate the victory.

    Eric Bischoff’s music hits yet again, and the crowd boo as he comes walking out from the back with his personal assistant Johnny Nitro. He happens to have a microphone in hand. Bischoff thanks the fans for that very warm hearted welcome, he then says that he’s not out here for them, but to promote next week’s RAW, which will be LIVE, from the Sports Arena in San Diego, California. He says that after what happened earlier tonight, Lita will be taking on Trish Stratus in one-on-one action. The fans pop for that announcement. Bischoff says that, that isn’t all, that there will be a huge 20 man over-the-top battle royal to determine who goes onto Bad Blood to face the World Heavyweight champion, Chris Benoit! He says that it’s now time for the main event, and to bring down the steel cage, it’s time for Chris Jericho vs. Christian.

    Video: yet another promotional video is shown hyping the RAW brand debut of the A-Train. We see clips from some of his matches on the SmackDown! brand. The words “he’s coming to Monday Night’s” is shown, it also says that he’ll make his debut, next week!


    Steel Cage Match

    Chris Jericho vs. Christian w/ Trish Stratus

    During the commercial break the steel cage is lowered around the ring. Christian makes his entrance first alongside him is Trish Stratus. The two slowly circle the cage, before entering it. Christian checks the cage walls as he awaits his opponent, Chris Jericho. Jericho is out next, getting a huge pop from the crowd. He slowly makes his way down to the ring, taking his time, sizing up the cage. Jericho checks the cage door before entering with Christian & Trish. He exchanges some words with Christian & Trish, even scaring Trish out of the cage. Trish quickly exits, as the referee locks the door behind her. As Jericho watches Trish, Christian attacks from behind, jumpstarting the match. Jericho tries to fight back, but Christian just starts diving him head first into the walls of the steel cage. Christian sends Jericho flying head first into the cage, which ends up busting him open, surprisingly early in the match. While Jericho is down, Christian tries to climb the cage by climbing up on the top rope. As Christian tries to find his footing, Jericho gets back up to his feet, catching up with Christian halfway up the cage. The two start brawling back and forth exchanging blows, until Jericho catches Christian with a russian leg sweep off the side of the cage! Both Christian & Jericho are laid out in the ring with Trish cheering on for Christian to get to his feet first. Christian does, and starts stomping on Jericho as he’s on his knees. He stops to taunt the crowd, that’s when Jericho catches him with a lightning quick enzugiri. Nailing the move out of the nowhere, it’s like a second wind. Jericho starts to climb the cage now.

    Getting all the way to the top, Christian grabs onto his foot from back down in the ring. Jericho tries to kick him off, but Christian keeps on holding on. Christian finally drags Jericho back down into the ring. Both Christian & Jericho are standing on the top rope trying to balance, yet knock the other one off. Christian gets the upper hand, and somehow manages to nail his finisher, the Unprettier! This knocks Jericho out cold. This is when Trish pulls a second pair of keys to unlock the cage door out between her breasts. She opens the door and enters the cage to help Christian. Trish helps Christian to her feet, she then pulls out a pair of handcuffs out of her back pocket! The crowd boo as Trish tries to handcuff Jericho to the cage. That is when Jericho fights back, grabs Trish’s legs out from under her, and locks her in the Walls of Jericho! The crowd go crazy. Tyson Tomko comes running out from the back and enters the cage. He goes to big boot Jericho, but he sees it coming. Jericho ducks out of the way, but locks Tomko with the handcuffs, then cuffs him to the cage! Christian slowly pulls himself up on the ropes, then goes running at Jericho. Jericho catches Christian in the Walls of Jericho! Tomko isn’t able to help Christian, and Trish is laid out in the corner of the ring holding her back in pain. Christian tries to fight out of it, but can’t. He even crawls his way to the cage door, to maybe pull himself out, but Jericho just drags him back inside where he is forced to submit, giving Jericho the win! The bell sounds, as the referee raises Jericho’s arm in victory. Jericho climbs up to the top of the cage and celebrates as RAW goes off the air.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    [77%] [88%] [93%]

    Overall Rating: 72%

    “RAW” scored a 5.74 rating.

    Attendance level was 7530 people.

    $301200 was made from ticket sales.


    DATE: Sunday, May 9th, 2004

    VENUE: American West Arena, Phoenix, Arizona

    HOSTED BY: Al Snow & Jonathan Coachman

    The opening of Sunday Night HEAT starts with Al Snow & Jonathan Coachman welcoming us to the show. They heavily hype tomorrow night’s RAW, which will be held, LIVE, at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California. Running down the card, they talk about how Chris Jericho & Christian will go at it one last time, this time in a 15 foot high steel cage! The Coach then talks about how Triple H got payback on Shawn Michaels last Monday Night on RAW, and tomorrow night he’ll face Shelton Benjamin one-on-one. The two argue over who’ll win, saying that the last two matches between Benjamin & Trips, Benjamin has won. The Coach thinks that Trips will win, so he can go onto face Chris Benoit for the World Title at Bad Blood.

    Singles Match

    Jazz vs. Nidia

    The fans really get behind Nidia during this match. Jazz & Nidia go back and forth for a good few minutes, before Jazz starts to get the upper hand. Using her power and strength, Jazz lays Nidia out with a vicious DDT. Going for a quick pin fall attempt, but Nidia is able to kick out. Nidia gets a little offense in, before being laid out yet again by Jazz. Jazz heads to the top turnbuckle, jumps, and nails Nidia with a leg drop, but that still isn’t enough to keep Nidia down. Once again, Nidia gets more offense in, this time getting the upper hand on Jazz. The crowd really enjoy Nidia, and cheer as she heads up to the top turnbuckle for a moonsault. Jazz cuts Nidia off, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and nails a super back drop off the top rope onto Nidia! She goes for another pin fall attempt, this time scoring the 1...2...3.

    Winner: Jazz

    [60%] [61%] [60%]


    We see a recap of the happenings between Kane & Lita that have happened over the past couple of weeks. This past week Matt Hardy was a special guest on Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel, where he asked for Lita to join him in the ring, only Lita had been strapped to a chair backstage by Kane in the boiler room. Lita was shown on the titan-tron, and she told Matt that she didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, and that they shouldn’t see each other, only she was being forced to say those things by Kane. Matt couldn’t stand around and let Kane do that to the women he loves, so he went running backstage to find Lita! Once he did, he freed her, and held her in his arms to protect her, only Matt seemed unsure that he would be able to do that against a monster like Kane…


    Singles Match

    Garrison Cade vs. Grandmaster Sexay

    This match starts off with both men locking up in the middle of the ring. Garrison Cade starts off by locking Grandmaster Sexay up in a side headlock. GMS fights his way out, then pushes Cade off into the ropes. As Cade rebounds, he catches GMS with a short arm clothesline. The two exchange blows for a few minutes, before GMS gets the upper hand, hitting Cade with a powerslam, followed by him making his way up to the top turnbuckle for the Hip Hope Drop. GMS taunts the crowd, as he puts his goggles on, only he takes a little to much time, allowing Cade to get back up to his feet. Cade crotches GMS on the top rope, then heads up top hitting a top rope superplex! Cade tries covering GMS, but is unable to pick up the victory. GMS slowly starts to fight back again, this time heading up to the top turnbuckle to nail Cade with a missile dropkick. GMS goes for a back drop suplex, but Cade reverses it into a cross body. Cade gets the upper hand on GMS, then heads to the top turnbuckle, nailing a huge Flying Elbow Drop to finish him off. He pins GMS, and picks up the win.

    Winner: Garrison Cade

    [68%] [62%] [75%]


    Video; a promotional video airs hyping the RAW debut of the A-Train. Showing clips of him squashing various talent on the SmackDown! brand. The words “he is coming to Monday Night’s”. This video promotes A-Train as a bad ass monster who will run through the roster!

    Singles Match

    Rhyno vs. Val Venis

    An excellent match is put on by both Rhyno & Val Venis. The crowd really get into the match, as it is tonight’s main event on Heat. Great back and forth action, as the match starts out with the two brawling, and exchanging blows. Rhyno gets the upper hand, as he uses his strength against Val. He sends Val into the ropes with a irish whip, then takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Rhyno tries for a couple early pin fall attempts, but Val is able to fight out of them. He even tries to end the match early with the Gore, but Val moves at the last second, sending Rhyno flying into the corner post! At this point in the match, the moment changes in favor of Val. Val goes to work on the previously injured neck of Rhyno. He nails multiple suplexes, followed by a blue thunder bomb. Val then tries to lock Rhyno up in the Venis Fly Trap submission hold, but Rhyno fights his way out. Val heads up to the top turnbuckle, and nails the Money Shot, but surprisingly enough Rhyno kicks out! He locks shocked, then goes to pull Rhyno up to his feet. Rhyno slowly starts to fight back, handing out some hard right hands. He drops Val with a powerbomb, then sets up for the finish in the corner of the ring. Val slowly stumbles up to his feet, walking right into the Gore! Rhyno covers, and gets the 1...2...3.

    Winner: Rhyno

    [80%] [74%] [86%]


    World Heavyweight Title Match

    Chris Benoit © vs. Shawn Michaels

    Shawn Michaels makes his entrance first, to a very good reaction from the red hot Phoenix, Arizona crowd. Making his usual ring entrance, with all the fireworks. Chris Benoit makes his way out next, to an even bigger pop from the crowd. Everyone in the crowd is behind both men, as we get ready for the huge World Title match. Once Lilian Garcia gets done announcing both men’s stats before the match, the referee calls for the bell to officially start the match. Benoit & Michaels start off by exchange some vicious chops to the chest. These chops are exchanged back and forth for a good 5 minutes. Benoit ends up getting the upper hand. Michaels starts fighting back with some hard right and left hands. Benoit fires back with a chop to the chest, then delivers a very well executed snap suplex. A pin fall is attempted by Benoit, but Michaels quickly kicks out. Not wasting anytime, both Benoit & Michaels get right back into the match. This time Michaels gets the upper hand, and even goes for the Sweet Chin Music. Only a little early in the match for the finish, Benoit sees it coming, and reverses it into a DDT, planting Michaels head first into the canvas. Benoit tries for yet another pin fall attempt, but Michaels kicks out.

    Coming back from a quick commercial break we see Michaels going to work on Benoit’s legs, he even locks on a figure four leglock, but after having the submission hold locked in for a few good minutes, Benoit is able to reverse. Michaels is forced to break the submission hold, and the two pull themselves up on the ropes. Benoit & Michaels go running off the ropes, taking each other down with a double clothesline! The two are laid out for a couple seconds as the referee starts to count for a double count out. Michaels makes it to his feet first by pulling himself up on the ropes. As Benoit stumbles up to his feet, he gets nailed with a flying forearm smash from Michaels. Taking a lot out of Michaels, he and Benoit are once again laid out in the middle of the ring, that is until Michaels kick-flips back up to the delight of the crowd. Michaels starts to get his second wind, and heads to the top turnbuckle. Once up top, Michaels signals for the flying elbow drop, he then jumps, but Benoit had the move scouted and was able to move out of the way!

    Benoit & Michaels continue to brawl back and forth in the match, until Benoit gets the upper hand on Michaels. Laying Michaels out in the ring, Benoit now heads to the top turnbuckle to the delight of the crowd. Going for the swandive headbutt, Benoit attempts, but Michaels is able to move out of the way at the last second! Benoit ends up busting his nose while attempting the move. Michaels sets up for the Sweet Chin Music once again, this time he goes for the move, but Benoit ducks and hit’s the referee! As the referee goes down, Michaels is shown with a shocked look on his face. That’s when we see Triple H come running out from the back to boos from the crowd. Trips rolls into the ring, swings Michaels around, and gives him the Pedigree!The roof in the American West Arena is almost blown off with how heated the crowd reaction is. Trips quickly rolls out of the ring, and heads back up the ramp way. While Michaels is laid out in the middle of the ring, Benoit slowly rolls over laying his arm over his fallen opponent. The referee finally comes to, to make the count. Trips interferences gives Benoit the win, allowing him to retain the title! After the match, Benoit is handed the World Title belt. The referee raises Benoit’s arm in victory as Michaels & Trips have a stare down. Michaels pulls himself up on the ropes, and says that he’ll get Trips next week!

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    [85%] [82%] [86%]

    Overall Rating: 64%

  6. user posted image


    This will be one RAW you won’t want to miss, as this week is jam-packed, starting off with the final confrontation between Chris Jericho & Christian. As they go one-on-one in a 15 foot high steel cage! These two men know each other inside and out. Also, what role will Trish Stratus play during the match, and we can’t forget Christian’s bodyguard Tyson Tomko.

    If that’s not all, all of Evolution will be in action with Batista taking on Tajiri in singles action, Triple H faces Shelton Benjamin one-on-one, and Randy Orton puts his Intercontinental Title on the line against Edge! If Edge is able to win his match, and become champion, he will become a double champion alongside his World Tag-Team partner and also double champion, Chris Benoit.

    Finally, it’s been two weeks sense Eric Bischoff’s personal assistant Johnny Nitro announced it, this Monday Night it will be Rob Conway of La Résistance taking on Eugene in his RAW in-ring debut!

    All this and much, much more tonight, LIVE, on Spike TV!

  7. user posted image

    News & Rumors for 5.8.04

    - Big Show will be heading back on the road with the SmackDown! brand for this weekend’s house shows. He’ll be working light for the first couple of weeks, to make sure his knee injury doesn’t effect him, or get any worse then before.

    - Alexis Laree will be on the road with the RAW brand this weekend as she’ll be working programs with the Women’s champion, Victoria. WWE have really been pleased with the work of Alexis for the past several months, and there is a good chance we could be seeing her debut soon on TV.

    - Kenzo Suzuki promo videos have started to air, hyping his SmackDown! debut. Hiroko will also debut along side her husband as planed when he was scheduled to appear on the RAW brand, but those plans changed. There is a good chance that Suzuki will take the place of Tajiri as leader of the Kyo Dai stable.

    - The Chris Jericho/Christian feud is scheduled to come to an end in the next few weeks heading into Bad Blood. There are a lot of people backstage who are happy with Christian current character, and there is a good chance he could be inline for a major push. As for Jericho, it is unsure who he’ll be facing in the next few weeks.

    - The Shawn Michaels/Triple H feud is long from over as seen from this past Monday Night’s RAW when Triple H cost Michaels the World Title match against Chris Benoit. There is a rumor going around that these two good feud all the way through Survivor Series! Triple H is said to be schedule to leave after Bad Blood.

    Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been hard at work getting RAW & SmackDown up these past couple of days. If anyone has any ideas for future storylines, or anything, I’m all ears. I should have Heat up not later then tomorrow afternoon.


    DATE: Saturday, May 8th, 2004

    VENUE: Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona

    HOSTED BY: Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews

    Velocity is kicked off with a big pyro display, as we are welcomed to the show by the hosts Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews. The quickly run down the events that went down this past week on SmackDown!, and the events that happened just one weekend ago at a SD! house show in El Paso, Texas involving Eddie Guerrero’s mother. The condition of Mrs. Guerrero is recapped, and she is doing very well after recovering from a mild-heart attack at the hands of John Bradshaw Layfield. This past Thursday Night on UPN, we saw Eddie challenge JBL to a no disqualification stipulation for their match at Judgment Day. During JBL’s interview with Michael Cole & Tazz, he accepted the challenge, but also laid out a challenge of his own. SD! General Manager Kurt Angle is worried that the main event for Judgment Day is at risk if either man gets involved with one another, so neither man is allowed 50 feet from the next. JBL’s challenge to Eddie, is that next week on SD! they face off in the parking lot of the arena, this meeting between both men, will not be sanctioned by the WWE!


    Singles Match

    Mark Jindrak w/ Theodore Long vs. Orlando Jordan

    Mark Jindrak comes out first with his manager Theodore Long. Jindrak is in the ring showing off his muscles, flexing in a mirror set in the corner of the ring. Orlando Jordan makes his entrance next, getting a fairly good pop from the crowd. Jindrak & Orlando start off the match by brawling back and forth for a good few minutes. Orlando has the upper hand through a good portion of the match, until Jindrak starts to use his power and strength. Jindrak nails Orlando with a huge superkick, which almost takes Orlando’s head off. He goes for a  pin fall attempt, but Orlando is able to kick out at the last second. Jindrak gets upset, and starts tossing Orlando around the ring like a rag doll. Orlando stumbles back up to his feet, and gets nailed with the M.J. Delight as Jindrak comes spring boarding off the top turnbuckle! After the match, Long enters the ring and celebrates with Jindrak, and he flexes to the camera.

    Winner: Mark Jindrak

    [62%] [55%] [70%]

    Video; a promotional video is shown hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki. This video shows Kenzo in the background, and the words, he’s a true warrior flashing in front of the screen.


    Singles Match

    Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson

    Before the match can even begin, René Duprée comes down to ringside, joining Michael Cole & Tazz at the announcer’s table for commentary. This match starts out with a catfight between both Dawn Marie & Torrie Wilson. The two go rolling around in the ring, scratching, and pulling and one another’s hair. Torrie gets the upper hand on Dawn, pulling her to her feet, then irish whipping her off into the ropes. She levels Dawn with a stiff clothesline, then tries for a cover. While Dawn & Torrie battle it out in the ring, René talks more about how he’s going to beat John Cena at Judgment Day for his United States championship. He says that Cena is the perfect example of every American, they suck! To the surprise of the crowd, Cena comes walking out from the back. He gets a thunderous roar from the crowd. Cena gets in the face of René. While the two exchange words, Dawn & Torrie come rolling out of the ring once again pulling at one another’s hair. Dawn ends up pushing Torrie right in between Cena & René. René pushes Torrie to the ground, then takes a cheap shot at Cena! This calls for a disqualification, giving Torrie the win.

    Winner: Torrie Wilson

    [59%] [78%] [15%]

    John Cena tackles René Duprée and the two begin to brawl at the ringside area for a good few minutes. People just come running from the back trying to pull the two apart, but are unable. René is able to get the upper hand, and sends Cena flying head first into the corner post of the ring, this results in busting him wide open! He continues the assault on Cena, while he continues to bleed. Working on the cut on his forehead, René begins to beat down on Cena. René russian leg sweeps Cena into the ring apron, then begins to pull everything off the announcer’s table. Once the table is clear, René pulls Cena to his feet, and powerbombs him through the table! René is finally able to be pulled away, as EMT’s check on Cena. Torrie also tries to help, as Cena is lifted onto a stretcher, and wheeled out of the arena.

    Backstage; Funaki is standing by with John Cena. He asks Cena how he feels after the attack from René Duprée this past Thursday Night? Cena says that he’s a little banged up. Funaki asks about Angle booking him in a non-title match for next week. Cena does a little rap on Angle, then says he’ll be ready for that match, and his match at Judgment Day against René when he retains his United States championship.


    Tag-Team Match

    Akio & Sakoda vs. Billy Kidman & Paul London

    A great fast paced match between both teams. A lot of back and forth action, along with some great highflying action by Akio & Paul London. We see Kidman & London with the upper hand through most of the match. Kidman almost picks up the win after hitting Sakoda with the BK Bomb, but Akio is able to break the pin up quickly. Kidman tags in London, as he starts cleaning house. London nails Akio with a huge dropsault, then follows up by climbing to the top turnbuckle. He sets up for the shooting star press, but Sakoda crotches him up top. Akio heads to the top turnbuckle with London, and nails him with a top rope hurricanrana. Akio & Sakoda double team London some more, before Akio heads up to the top turnbuckle himself, sets up, and nails the Dai Time! It isn’t enough to get the win, as London kicks out at the last second. Akio & Sakoda double team London some more, but that’s when Kidman comes in. Kidman tosses Sakoda over the top rope while London lays Akio out in the middle of the ring. Kidman & London both head up to the top turnbuckles, and nails huge stereo Shooting Star Press to capture the win! They both celebrate their win, as the referee raises their arms in victory.

    Winner(s): Billy Kidman & Paul London

    [62%] [43%] [82%]


    Singles Match

    Jamie Noble vs. Spike Dudley

    It’s announced before this match, that the winner will face the newly crowned Cruiserweight champion Matt Cappotelli, this Thursday Night on SmackDown!. Jamie Noble & Spike Dudley have a decent back and forth match, with Noble getting the upper hand. Spike almost scores the win early on in the match by nailing Noble with the Dudley Dogg out of the corner, but Noble is able get his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin fall attempt. Noble slowly starts to fight back. Spike heads up to the top turnbuckle, but gets crotched. Noble climbs to the top turnbuckle with Spike, nailing him with a top rope DDT! Spike finds someway to kick out at the last second to the shocking amazement of the crowd. A small “Spike” chant starts up. Noble locks Spike up in the Trailer Hitch submission, forcing him to tap out, giving him the win. It looks like Noble will face Matt for the CW Title this Thursday.

    Winner: Jamie Noble

    [68%] [61%] [75%]


    Video; Booker T is shown walking into some kind of voodoo shop at night. He takes a look around at all the funky things in the store, until he runs into a psychic lady by the name of Mama Sandre. She tells Booker to take a seat and she’ll tell him what his future holds. Booker asks about Judgment Day, and if he wins against The Undertaker. Mama Sandre tells Booker that she’ll be straight with him, there is no chance of him winning the match against “The Dead Man”. Booker freaks out. Mama Sandre tells Booker that there is one thing he can do to insure his safety, and that there is one weakness the dead don’t know about. Booker asks what he needs to do, because he’ll do anything. Mama Sandre tells Booker that he must take dirt from the unmarked grave, as this is the only thing that will give him the power! Booker takes a little bag given to him by Mama Sandre, and quickly leaves the voodoo shop in seek of the unmarked grave.

    Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews talk about last week’s SmackDown!, saying that it was a great show, but this week, the last week before Judgment Day will be even better. They talk about the Booker T/Undertaker match at Judgment Day, and how The Undertaker beat the Full Blooded Italians this past Thursday Night. This week on SD!, Booker has requested a match with Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio to prove that he is just as tough as Undertaker, and he’ll beat the two in a 2-on-1 handicap match!

    Video; for the second time tonight we see Booker T. This time he’s walking through the dark, in a very spooky graveyard. Booker starts talking to himself about how this is such a bad idea, but he ends up stumbling across the unmarked grave which he was told about by the psychic. Booker takes some of the dirt, and puts it in a little bag. He doesn’t waist anytime and hightails it out of there as fast as he can. Once Booker leaves, the camera focuses on the grave where we see a hand immerge from the ground!


    Video; a black screen with the words “He’s Coming…To Save Your Souls” is shown. We see Mordecai in the background looking up to the heavens. In a deep voices, Mordecai says that the Judgment Day is upon us.

    WWE Tag-Team Titles Match

    Charlie Haas & Rico © w/ Miss Jackie vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty

    Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty make their entrance first to a pretty decent pop from the crowd. They look to recapture the Tag-Team Titles tonight against the same men they lost the title to just a few weeks ago, Charlie Haas & Rico. Haas & Rico, accompanied by Miss Jackie make their entrance next to an even bigger pop from the crowd. The two have been getting more and more over with the crowd every week. This match starts out with a lot of comedy between Rico & Scotty. The two go back and forth, until Scotty tags in Rikishi. Rikishi throws around his wait to get the upper hand on Rico, but every time Rikishi tries to use his ass, Rico enjoys it. Haas is finally tagged into the match, and helps get the upper hand in the match with his pure wrestling skill. Rikishi tags in Scotty. Haas & Scotty go back and forth, with Haas trying to lock on his Haas of Pain, but Scotty is able to fight his way out of it. Jackie tries to distract, but gets knocked down in the corner of the ring. Rikishi sees his opportunity, and goes for the Stink Face, but Rico quickly drags Jackie out of the way, trading places. Rikishi notices the switch, and gets a discusted look on his face. He ends up backing up into a roll-up from Haas, which allows him to pick up the victory for the team! After the match, Haas & Rico celebrate with Jackie. Jackie raises both men’s arms in victory. Rico grabs Haas’ ass as they leave. Both Rikishi & Scotty are disappointed as they slowly make their way to the back.

    Winner(s): Charlie Haas & Rico

    [73%] [69%] [77%]

    Overall Rating: 62%

  9. user posted image

    Notes from 5.4.04 SD! Tapping

    The Tucson Convention Center was just about full this week for the SmackDown! tapping, and boy what a show it was. I’ve been the past couple of SD! tappings and out of all of them, this one was the best.

    Dark matches

    Mordecai def. Shannon Moore

    First off, I’d like to say that Mordecai has been getting some great reactions from the crowds over the past couple of weeks, and the reaction from the Tucson crowd was no different. A Mordecai vintage played during the show, and it looks like he’ll be debuting at Judgment Day!

    Kurt Angle got some of the most heat during the show, the second most heat was from Paul Heyman & The Dudley Boyz, and finally from Rene Dupree when he pushed Torrie Wilson so he could attack John Cena.

    Some of the top babyface pops of the night were for Eddie Guerrero & John Cena. Cena gets cheered more and more every time I see him, it’s a matter of time before we see him in the main event. Rey Mysterio also got a lot of cheers when it came out as Rob Van Dam’s replacement.

    The Undertaker also got one of the biggest pops of the night, especially when he won his match.

    After Eddie Guerrero came out and accepted the challenge from John Bradshaw Layfield, he laid out The Dudley Boyz a few more times before heading backstage with Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley helped Paul Heyman back up, and they headed backstage shortly after. All in all, it was a very good show.

    Clip of the Night:

    user posted image

  10. user posted image

    DATE: Thursday, May 6th, 2004

    VENUE: Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona

    HOSTED BY: Michael Cole & Tazz

    The show doesn’t start with it’s normal opening montage, or any special video showcasing the events of what happened last week. It opens with Michael Cole standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand. The crowd is at a small roar, as Cole begins to talk about the events that happened this past weekend at one of their House Show’s in El Paso, Texas. A small little video clip shows Eddie Guerrero bringing his family into the ring after celebrating a victory in one of his matches. Notably Eddie brought his mother into the ring for an early mother’s day gift. That’s when John Bradshaw Layfield ruined the party. JBL came out clocking Eddie with the WWE Title, then turned on Eddie’s mother, resulting in giving her a mild heart-attack. A helpless Eddie, and his family could only watch on in disbelief as Eddie’s mother was taken out by medical personal. Cole tries to publicly apologize on behalf of the SmackDown! brand, but is cut off by Kurt Angle who is wheeled out from the back by Luther Rains. Angle says that he’s been on the phone all day with the Guerrero family checking up on the condition of Mrs. Guerrero, but in no way should anyone be apologizing on behalf of the SD! brand. Not Michael Cole, not himself Kurt Angle, nor should John Bradshaw Layfield. As a matter of fact, the one person who should apologize is Eddie Guerrero himself! The crowd don’t agree as they start a huge “You Suck” chant. Angle says that he knows Eddie is beside himself, but there is no way that he’ll let the main event for Judgment Day be in jeopardy over this situation. That’s why he’s putting a restraint on both Eddie & JBL until May 16th. If either man happens to lay a finger on one another he’ll be forced to take action. Angle doesn’t even care if Eddie is champion, if he attacks JBL in anyway, he’ll be stripped of the WWE Title, and FIRED! Before Angle can say another word, out comes John Cena to a huge pop from the crowd just as we head off to the first commercial break of the night…


    Kurt Angle never took his eyes off of John Cena, as he made his way down to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd. Cena was handed a microphone, and talked about how sorry he was for the Guerrero family. He then started to bad mouth Angle, getting the crowd to yet again start up a big “You Suck” chant. Cena did a rap on how much Angle sucks as General Manager, and even said how much he’d like Stephanie McMahon back with her big jugs! He plays off the Tucson, Arizona crowd a little more before Angle finally had enough. Angle told Cena how he truly feels about him, then wishes him luck tonight in his U.S. Title match against Danny Basham…

    WWE United States Title Match

    Danny Basham w/ Doug Basham vs. John Cena ©

    Danny Basham comes out with his brother Doug to face the current United States champion, John Cena. The match turns out to be surprisingly good, with all the fans rallied behind Cena. Cena & Danny go back and forth, move-for-move for a good few minutes before Danny gets the upper hand by nailing Cena with a vicious looking implant DDT. Danny tries to score the win with the help of his brother Doug. Doug distracts the referee numerous times during the match, which allows Danny to cheat, and get the advantage over Cena. As Doug distracts the referee, Danny rolls out of the ring, grabs the U.S. Title belt, and goes to use it on Cena. Cena sees this coming, and is able to duck at the last second. He comes up behind Danny, and nails him with the Throwback! Cena has taken to much of a beating from Danny during the match, that he doesn’t have the strength to make a pin fall attempt. Once Cena gets enough strength to pull himself up on the ropes, he goes over to where Danny lays on the mat. As Cena goes to pull him up, Danny jabs him in the eye! Cena grabs his faces, and stumbles back into the corner of the ring. As the referee attends to Cena, Danny & Doug switch places. Cena goes back over to where Doug now lays on the mat. He happened to catch the switch between brothers, and begins to beat down on Doug. Cena pulls Doug up to his feet and tosses him over the top rope, he then slides out of the ring, grabs Danny who is catching his breath, rolling him back into the ring. Danny stumbles up to his feet, walking right into the F-U from Cena. Cena covers, and picks up the win.

    Winner: John Cena

    [70%] [72%] [66%]


    Video; Booker T is shown walking into some kind of voodoo shop at night. He takes a look around at all the funky things in the store, until he runs into a psychic lady by the name of Mama Sandre. She tells Booker to take a seat and she’ll tell him what his future holds. Booker asks about Judgment Day, and if he wins against The Undertaker. Mama Sandre tells Booker that she’ll be straight with him, there is no chance of him winning the match against “The Dead Man”. Booker freaks out. Mama Sandre tells Booker that there is one thing he can do to insure his safety, and that there is one weakness the dead don’t know about. Booker asks what he needs to do, because he’ll do anything. Mama Sandre tells Booker that he must take dirt from the unmarked grave, as this is the only thing that will give him the power! Booker takes a little bag given to him by Mama Sandre, and quickly leaves the voodoo shop in seek of the unmarked grave.


    Back from commercial we see Chavo Classic & Chavo Guerrero make their way down to the ring to nothing but heel heat from the crowd. Once in the ring, Chavo takes a microphone and begins to gloat about how no one had stepped up to face him tonight for the Cruiserweight Title. He talks about how he’s beaten every cruiserweight on SmackDown! for the title belt, even Rey Mysterio. Matt Cappotelli comes walking out from the back to a decent pop from the crowd. A lot of people remember Matt from the Tough Enough series. Chavo & Chavo Sr. both have shocked looks on their faces, as Matt makes his way down to the ring. It looks as though Matt will be making his debut tonight on SD!, and what away to make your debut, by facing the Cruiserweight champion for the title…

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Chavo Guerrero © w/ Chavo Classic vs. Matt Cappotelli

    Matt Cappotelli catches Chavo Guerrero off guard during this match, with his surprising knowledge, and skill. Chavo tries everything to gain the advantage during this match, he even cheats, but that ends up backfiring. With surprisingly quick speed, Matt tries to capitalize, and score the victory early in the match by rolling Chavo up numerous times. Matt heads to the top turnbuckle, and even nails Chavo with a flying cross body, followed by a pin, that’s when Chavo Classic gets involved in the match. Classic tries to distract the referee long enough for Chavo to get a roll up on Matt. As Chavo rolls Matt up, he holds onto the tights for leverage, but Matt is able to kick out! Classic goes crazy at ringside. He goes running over grabbing the title belt, then slides it into the ring as he jumps up on the ring apron distracting the referee once again. Matt nails Chavo with a perfectly executed dropkick, gets up, and forearms Classic right off the ring apron. Chavo grabs the title belt, and goes to use it on Matt, but Matt sees it coming. He is able to duck the shot from the belt, and get a quick roll-up on Chavo for the 1...2...3! Once the match is over, Matt is handed the Cruiserweight Title, and celebrates. Chavo rolls out of the ring, and helps his father to his feet. The Guerrero’s flip out as they go walking backstage, as Chavo has lost the CW Title to a jobber, in his first match on SmackDown!.

    Winner: Matt Cappotelli

    [68%] [66%] [70%]


    Backstage; we see Kurt Angle looking into the camera in his office, with Luther Rains by his side. Angle talks about how Booker T is scheduled to take on The Undertaker at Judgment Day, and that Undertaker is the special attraction that you don’t want to miss when you attend a SmackDown! event. Last week it was announced that tonight Undertaker would be in action, and his opponent, or opponents will be non-other then Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio of the Full Blooded Italians! And that match, is right now…

    2-on-1 Handicap Match

    The FBI vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer

    Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio are both shown in the ring shocked, as they had just found out that they were going to be forced to take on The Undertaker in a 2-on-1 handicap match. All the lights in the arena were shut off, as smoke began to billow into the ring. Nunzio & Stamboli both watch in aw as Paul Bearer slowly comes walking out from the backstage area caring his urn. The crowd goes completely insane, cheering for the Undertaker as he appears shortly behind. Once Undertaker enters the ring, the lights come back on, and the smoke begins to dissipate. As the bell sounds to start the match, Nunzio & Stamboli quickly try to rush “The Dead Man”. Undertaker gets double teamed in the corner of the ring, until he begins to fight back with hard right hands. These right hands send Nunzio flying back across the ring, but Stamboli continues to lay in on Undertaker. Undertaker grabs Stamboli by the neck, and backs him up into the middle of the ring, dropping him with a Chokeslam! Trying to finish the match early, Undertaker goes for the pin fall, but quickly broken up by Nunzio. As Undertaker gets up to his feet, he chases Nunzio out of the ring. Stamboli slowly pulls himself up to his feet, and the Undertaker continues to go to work.

    A couple more pin fall attempts on Stamboli brings Nunzio back into the ring to break it up. Undertaker has finally had it with Nunzio, as he takes chase. Running around the ring a few times, Nunzio finally rolls back inside, but gets caught by Undertaker’s big boot! Stamboli attacks Undertaker from behind, and sends him off into the ropes. As Undertaker rebounds off the ropes, he catches Stamboli with a flying clothesline. Undertaker rises back up to his feet, and stocks Nunzio. Nunzio slowly stumbles back up to his feet, and right into a Chokeslam from Undertaker! Undertaker doesn’t stop there, as he begins to stock Stamboli. Stamboli slowly stumbles back up to his feet, and right into the Tombstone! He proceeds to finish the match by crossing Stamboli’s arms, and pinning him. The referee counts, 1...2...3, and Undertaker wins. Once the match ends, Paul Bearer enters the ring holding the urn high in the air. Undertaker goes down to one knee, and holds his head up high, reaching for the urn. Thus getting yet another big pop from the crowd.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    [74%] [69%] [79%]

    Video; for the second time tonight we see Booker T. This time he’s walking through the dark, in a very spooky graveyard. Booker starts talking to himself about how this is such a bad idea, but he ends up stumbling across the unmarked grave which he was told about by the psychic. Booker takes some of the dirt, and puts it in a little bag. He doesn’t waist anytime and hightails it out of there as fast as he can. Once Booker leaves, the camera focuses on the grave where we see a hand immerge from the ground!


    Backstage; Josh Matthews is standing backstage with Matt Cappotelli, who is now the new Cruiserweight champion! He asks Matt how it feels to be champion, after his first match? Matt says that it’s a great honor to be champion, and that he’s there to prove to everyone he’s got what it takes to make it. Eddie Guerrero is shown coming out of his locker room down the hallway. Josh goes running after Eddie to get a few words from him, and what he thinks about what Kurt Angle said earlier tonight? Eddie tells Josh that Angle is laid out in a wheel chair, that he has no right to be telling him it’s his fault for putting his mother in that position. As for his match at Judgment Day, he’s putting out a challenge to John Bradshaw Layfield. He tells JBL that if he’s all the man he says he is, then he’ll face him for the WWE Title in a no disqualification match!

    Singles Match

    Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson

    Before the match can even begin, René Duprée comes down to ringside, joining Michael Cole & Tazz at the announcer’s table for commentary. This match starts out with a catfight between both Dawn Marie & Torrie Wilson. The two go rolling around in the ring, scratching, and pulling and one another’s hair. Torrie gets the upper hand on Dawn, pulling her to her feet, then irish whipping her off into the ropes. She levels Dawn with a stiff clothesline, then tries for a cover. While Dawn & Torrie battle it out in the ring, René talks more about how he’s going to beat John Cena at Judgment Day for his United States championship. He says that Cena is the perfect example of every American, they suck! To the surprise of the crowd, Cena comes walking out from the back. He gets a thunderous roar from the crowd. Cena gets in the face of René. While the two exchange words, Dawn & Torrie come rolling out of the ring once again pulling at one another’s hair. Dawn ends up pushing Torrie right in between Cena & René. René pushes Torrie to the ground, then takes a cheap shot at Cena! This calls for a disqualification, giving Torrie the win.

    Winner: Torrie Wilson

    [59%] [78%] [15%]

    John Cena tackles René Duprée and the two begin to brawl at the ringside area for a good few minutes. People just come running from the back trying to pull the two apart, but are unable. René is able to get the upper hand, and sends Cena flying head first into the corner post of the ring, this results in busting him wide open! He continues the assault on Cena, while he continues to bleed. Working on the cut on his forehead, René begins to beat down on Cena. René russian leg sweeps Cena into the ring apron, then begins to pull everything off the announcer’s table. Once the table is clear, René pulls Cena to his feet, and powerbombs him through the table! René is finally able to be pulled away, as EMT’s check on Cena. Torrie also tries to help, as Cena is lifted onto a stretcher, and wheeled out of the arena.

    Video; a black screen with the words “He’s Coming…To Save Your Souls” is shown. We see Mordecai in the background looking up to the heavens. In a deep voices, Mordecai says that the Judgment Day is upon us.


    It’s now time for the satellite interview with John Bradshaw Layfield, so we can hear his statement from what happened this past weekend with the Guerrero family. JBL join Michael Cole & Tazz who announce that Mrs. Guerrero has just been released from the hospital, and cleared to return home earlier this afternoon. Cole asks JBL about how he feels about what happened at the SmackDown! House Show. JBL tells Cole that Kurt Angle said it best earlier tonight by saying that it was all Eddie Guerrero’s fault for bringing his family into the square circle, which is no place for an elderly women like his mother to be. He then clears his name by saying that he’s not the kind of person who would put his family in danger like that. As for their match at Judgment Day for the WWE Title, he heard the challenge Eddie Guerrero laid out earlier for the no disqualification stipulation, and as unmoral as it is, he accepts! Not only is he accepting Eddie’s challenge, he’s got a challenge of his own, for next week’s SD!. He knows that Angle has ruled that neither he nor Eddie can touch each other until Judgment Day, but if Eddie is any kind of champion, he’ll accept the challenge to face him one-on-one, unsanctioned by the WWE! That way Eddie won’t have to wait until May 16th, he won’t even have to worry about Angle stripping him of the WWE Title, he’ll save Eddie the pain of losing it in Los Angeles at the STAPLES Center, LIVE, on Pay-Per-View. JBL tells Cole & Tazz that he guarantees his stock will rise come Judgment Day, when he gets the victory!


    Backstage; Paul Heyman comes walking into Kurt Angle’s office. Angle tells Luther Rains to please escort Heyman out of the building, but Heyman has something to say to Angle that is very important. Angle asks Heyman what he wants. Heyman tells Angle that he knows they don’t like each other, but knows they both have great minds and think alike. Angle agrees, and tells Heyman to continue. Heyman says that he has taken it upon himself to answer on behalf of The Dudley Boyz as their newly hired manager. He feels that Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley are both not safe, from not being injured in tonight’s main event, with Eddie Guerrero not 100% mentally. Angle tells Heyman that he is totally right, and that he’ll take care of it right away. He whispers something into Luther’s ear, then tells him to go get Rob Van Dam’s replacement partner. Luther leaves Angle’s office, as Heyman has an evil smile on his face. Heyman thanks Angle, and tells him that he’s got a match to prepare for.

    Tag-Team Match

    ? ? ? ? & Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley Boyz w/ Paul Heyman

    Rob Van Dam makes his entrance first to a big pop from the crowd. He enters the ring, and waits for his partners to come out, but there is no one. Ring announcer Tony Chimel tells RVD that he doesn’t know who it will be. The Dudley Boyz come out next, followed by their new manager Paul Heyman. Heyman tells Bubba Ray & D-Von to tear RVD apart. Bubba & D-Von slide into the ring and both start attacking RVD before the bell sounds. RVD still doesn’t have a partner, and it is scheduled to be a tag-team match. RVD tries to fight off both men, and he does with a couple quick kick, he then drops D-Von with a spinning back heel kick, followed by a couple roundhouse kicks to Bubba. As RVD taunts the crowd, Bubba & D-Von attack from behind. That’s when Rey Mysterio’s music hits, and he comes running out from the back as RVD’s replacement partner! Rey doesn’t waist anytime, as he springboards over the top rope, nailing both Dudley Boyz with a double dropkick. The bell sounds as D-Von & Rey start off the match inside the ring. The two exchange blows, as D-Von irish whips Rey off into the ropes. Rey comes rebounding off, slides under D-Von’s legs, then dropkicks him from behind. He climbs to the top turnbuckle, jumps off, and nails D-Von with a missile dropkick.

    As the match continues on through the last commercial break of the show. RVD has D-Von laid out in the middle of the ring. He climbs up to the top turnbuckle and sets up for the 5 Star Frog Splash, that’s when Bubba comes running at RVD on the ring apron, but RVD jumps, and nails him with a back heel kick, knocking him off to ringside! As RVD sets up to springboard out of the ring, D-Von attacks him from behind. D-Von drops RVD with the Saving Grace, and tries for a pin fall, but it’s quickly broken up by Rey. While Rey & RVD had the upper hand in the match, Heyman tries to interfere. This allows Bubba & D-Von to do some serious double teaming on both of their opponents. Bubba & RVD battle back and forth in the ring for a while. RVD heads back up to the top turnbuckle, but he gets crotched. Bubba sets RVD up, and nails a huge Bubba Cutter off the top rope! At the same time D-Von & Rey are exchanging right hands at ringside. Rey sends D-Von into the steel steps, as Bubba covers RVD in the ring. Rey slides into the ring to make the save, but Heyman holds onto his foot. The referee doesn’t see this, and makes the count, giving The Dudley Boyz the win!

    Winner(s): The Dudley Boyz

    [87%] [81%] [94%]

    The Dudley Boyz both jump Rey Mysterio as Paul Heyman continues to hold onto his feet. Bubba Ray & D-Von irish whip Rey off into the ropes, and drop him with the 3-D in the middle of the ring! This doesn’t set well with the crowd, as The Dudley Boyz get booed. Heyman jumps up on the ring apron, and orders Bubba & D-Von to finish off both Rey & RVD. D-Von rolls out of the ring and pulls out a table. The table is set up in the middle of the ring, as Bubba & D-Von get ready to give RVD the 3-D, that’s when Eddie Guerrero makes the save! Eddie rolls into the ring with a steel chair in hand. He nails Bubba upside the head, then D-Von falls victim to a chair shot next! Heyman tries to stop Eddie by reasoning with him, that is until Eddie clocks him with the chair as well! Eddie has laid out Heyman & The Dudley Boyz, then gets on the microphone and accepts JBL’s challenge for next week to end the show.

    Overall Rating: 75%

    “SmackDown!” scored a 6.23 rating.

    Attendance level was 7515 people.

    $300600 was made from ticket sales.

  11. user posted image

    News & Rumors for 5.5.04

    - Eddie Guerrero has been pushing for Vince McMahon to look into signing Konnan sense WrestleMania XX. Konnan has been doing great over in NWA: Total Nonstop Action as part of the Spanish announce team. He also has many friends in the World Wrestling Entertainment, including that of Rey Mysterio and of Eddie Guerrero. The role Konnan would be playing would be unsure, but many feel that he isn’t in the best shape of his career, and that Vince feels he’d be best only as an announcer.

    - A Hardy Boyz return, scheduled for the future? As Jim Ross’ last act as Vice President of Talent Relations, he was working on possibly bringing back Jeff Hardy to the WWE. The only thing holding back Jeff from returning is his constant drug problem. Though this problem could already be solved, as WWE has remarketed the trademark name “The Hardy Boyz”.

    - Top female performer from Japan, Takako Inoue received a WWE tryout match this past Monday Night before RAW against Trish Stratus. WWE was said to be very pleased with this match, and we could very well see her brought back for yet another tryout in the near future.

    - Injury update; Shawn Michaels was pretty banged up after his match with Chris Benoit this past Monday Night on RAW, during the World Title match. HBK is said to be fully 100% again, but he will be working light during this weekend’s RAW house shows.

    - Many within the WWE are expecting this month’s pay-per-view Judgment Day to drop in buy rates due to John Bradshaw Layfield headlining the show with Eddie Guerrero. Everyone knows that JBL is not ready for the main event spot, and there is a good chance that if the ppv doesn’t do well, that the blame will be put on Eddie. The one person behind the JBL push is, non-other then Vince McMahon himself.

    - The RAW creative team has decided to drop Kenzo Suzuki‘s gimmick, and switch him over to SmackDown! as soon as possible. Not only has Kenzo been switched from RAW to SD!, Nova has as well. The rumors of Nova being placed on RAW have changed, and he will now be apart of the cruiserweight division on the SD! brand. Matt Cappotelli has been getting praised for his work at recent SD! house shows. There is a good chance we could be seeing him brought up soon.

  12. user posted image


    From the shocking events that happened during this past weekend’s SmackDown! House Show, we’ll hope to hear an update on the current condition of Eddie Guerrero’s mother. John Bradshaw Layfield has also agreed to a sit-down interview via satellite, to speak on his side of the story, on what happened during the confrontation between him and Eddie at the show.

    Even under a great deal of stress, Eddie Guerrero’s mental condition is surly not a 100%, but he will be in action by orders of SD! General Manager Kurt Angle. Eddie will team with Rob Van Dam to take on The Dudley Boyz in tag-team action!

    If that’s not all, SD! GM Angle has also ordered that the special attraction of SmackDown!, “The Dead Man”, The Undertaker be in action!

    All this, this Thursday Night at 8/7 CT on UPN!

    If anyone has any thoughts or comments, I'd love to hear them. SmackDown! will be up later this afternoon, I will also have News & Rumors up in just a few minutes.

  13. user posted image

    Notes from 5.3.04 RAW

    Just got back from the RAW show in Phioenix, and boy was the crowd hot, why shouldn’t they have been with the excellent World Title main event between Shawn Michaels & the champion Chris Benoit! If only Triple H hadn’t gotten involved, it would have made for a great way to end the show with a clean victory for that match. Anyway, here are some notes from the show…

    Dark matches

    A-Train def. Navajo Warrior

    Molly Holly def. Erica Porter

    Chuck Palumbo & John Heidenreich def. Derrick Neikirk & Jack Bull

    There wasn’t much to comment on during the RAW telecast, until it came time for the main event. All though Chris Jericho did one of the biggest pops of the whole show, next to Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels.

    After RAW went off the air Chris Benoit challenged Triple H to step in the ring. Triple H accepts and ultimately ended up tapping out to the crippler crossface! This sent the crowd home happy. Shawn Michaels didn’t stick around once the cameras stopped rolling, as he was helped backstage by a group of trainers.

    Clip of the Night:

    user posted image

  14. user posted image

    DATE: Monday, May 3rd, 2004

    VENUE: American West Arena, Phoenix, Arizona

    HOSTED BY: Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross

    A video montage starts off the show, firstly recapping Chris Benoit winning the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania XX in the huge Triple Threat match against Shawn Michaels & Triple H. Next we see clips of the rematch at Backlash where Benoit retained his title by forcing Michaels to tap out to the crippler crossface! Tonight, these two men will square off LIVE, here in the jam-packed American West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona. Fireworks explode throughout the arena, as the camera pans over the electric crowd, who are on their feet ready for RAW to get underway. JR & The King welcome us to Monday Night RAW, and quickly go into hyping up tonight’s HUGE main event World Heavyweight Title match against two of the top competitors in the sport today! Not wasting anymore time, we jump right into our first match of the evening…

    Six Man Tag-Team Match

    Batista, Randy Orton, & Triple H vs. Edge, Shelton Benjamin, & Tajiri

    The match starts out with a lock up between Edge and Triple H. Trips scores the early advantage as he goes to work on Edge’s injured hand. This allows Evolution to capitalize early on in the match against the babyfaces. Batista is tagged in to show off some of his power and strength. This is where Shelton Benjamin’s quickness and speed come into effect as he uses it against Batista to get the upper hand. Benjamin nails Batista with a huge missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle, but as soon as Benjamin gets the upper hand for his team, Evolution cuts him off. Randy Orton is tagged in, and he goes to work on Benjamin, keeping him grounded in Evolution’s corner. Some triple teaming takes place on Benjamin as Edge & Tajiri rally for him to make the tag. Trips pulls Benjamin to his feet, and sets up for the Pedigree, only its to early in the match to finish him off. Benjamin shoulder tosses Trips, but uses to much strength, and collapses.

    Benjamin & Trips both make the hot tag to their team mates. Tajiri comes in red hot taking out both Batista & Orton with some lightning quick kicks. The crowd really gets pumped. Tajiri sets Orton up for the Buzzsaw Kick, but is nailed from behind by Trips. We see Edge head to the top turnbuckle, and take Trips out with a top rope spinning heel kick. Edge doesn’t waist anytime as he quickly jumps back up to his feet. Batista gets nailed with the edge-o-matic, while Orton gets clotheslined along with Edge himself, to the outside of the ring. Tajiri attacks Trips as he pulls himself up on the ropes. He quickly locks Trips up in the tarantula, getting a huge pop from the crowd. Batista & Benjamin exchange blows in the ring. Benjamin irish whips Batista off into the ropes, but Batista is able to reverse. Rebounding off the ropes, Benjamin gets caught by Batista’s standing spinebuster!

    Batista stands over Benjamin’s fallen body. Benjamin quickly rolls out of the ring when Tajiri attacks Batista from behind. Tajiri throws out a couple quick kicks, but Batista just kicks Tajiri in the stomach, stopping him dead in his tracks. Batista lifts Tajiri up, and goes for the Sitout Powerbomb, only Tajiri blows the green mist in his eyes! Batista drops Tajiri, and goes rolling out of the ring. Trips attacks Tajiri from behind, and finishes him off with the Pedgiree. Benjamin climbs to the top turnbuckle, jumps, and catches Trips with a flying clothesline. Benjamin jumps back up to his feet to celebrate, but out of nowhere Orton nails the RKO. Orton tosses Benjamin over the top rope, and taunts the crowd. Edge slides into the ring, and sets up in the corner, until Orton turns taking the Spear! Edge makes the quick cover on Orton, scoring the win for his team.

    Winner(s): Edge, Shelton Benjamin, & Tajiri

    [68%] [77%] [75%]


    JR & The King talk about the shocking events that happened at a SmackDown! House Show over the weekend, involving Eddie Guerrero’s family. Eddie had just won his match and had brought his family into the ring to celebrate his victory. He wanted to bring his mother into the ring as an early mother’s day gift, that’s when John Bradshaw Layfield came down to ringside with a few words to say to Eddie. JBL ended up leveling Eddie with the WWE Title belt. All of Eddie’s family, but his mother were able to get out of the ring in time. That’s when JBL turned his attention to Eddie’s mother. JBL had grabbed her by the hair, this violent act was to much for her heart to handle, resulting in a mild heart-attack! Eddie’s mother’s condition is currently stable, but she will continue to stay in the hospital for continuing observation.

    Backstage; Evolution were complaining to Eric Bischoff about losing their match to Edge, Shelton Benjamin, & Tajiri. Triple H told Bischoff that Evolution was better then those guys, and bigger stars at that. Bischoff had the perfect idea. Next week, LIVE, in San Jose, California it would be Triple H taking on Shelton Benjamin one-on-one. Not only that, but Batista would face Tajiri in singles action, and Randy Orton would put the Intercontinental Title on the line against Edge! Batista & Triple H were both happy with this decision, only Orton wasn’t to happy about having to put the title on the line against Edge.


    Coming back from the commercial break we see La Résistance standing in the ring waving around their French flag, to nothing but boos from the red hot crowd in Phoenix. A huge USA chant broke out as Rob Conway tried to cut a promo on how he was going to beat Eugene in his debut match, next week on RAW. Conway says that wrestling is no place for the handicap, and that Eugene would lose just like their opponents tonight…

    Tag-Team Match

    La Résistance vs. Rosey & The Hurricane

    Getting a great reaction from the crowd on their entrance, Rosey & The Hurricane are able to put on a decent match with Rob Conway & Sylvan Grenier of La Résistance. To start things off, Conway & Sylvan double team Hurricane throughout the match, allowing them to keep the upper hand. Hurricane is able to fight both men off, but Conway keeps him pretty well grounded in his corner. The hot tag is finally made to Rosey, who comes in cleaning house. Throwing around his wait, until Conway & Sylvan nail him with a double standing spinebuster! Sylvan goes for the pin fall attempt a few times, but it’s broken up by Hurricane. Hurricane even catches Sylvan with a shinning black. Rosey & Sylvan slowly crawl their way to their corners where they make tags to both Conway & Hurricane. Conway & Hurricane exchange blows in the ring. Conway levels Rosey with a hard right hand, sending Rosey crashing down to ringside. Hurricane catches Conway off guard with a superkick, but gets attacked from behind by Sylvan. The referee forces Sylvan back out of the ring, as he isn’t the legal man, this allows Conway to grab the French flag brought to ringside by La Résistance before the match. While Hurricane isn’t looking, Conway uses the flag as a weapon to smash across his back! Conway tosses the flag back out of the ring, and covers Hurricane to score the victory.

    Winner(s): La Résistance

    [57%] [62%] [66%]


    Singles Match

    Kane vs. Steven Richards

    Steven Richards, who is already in the ring, waiting his opponent is shocked to find out that it’s actually Kane! Kane doesn’t waist anytime getting down to the ring, and starting the match. Richards tries to jump Kane, but Kane just levels Richards with a vicious upper cut. Kane pulls Richards up, and irish whips him into the ropes. As Richards rebounds off, he gets nailed with a big boot. Kane continues the vicious assault by continuing to beat down on Richards in the ring, tossing him around like he’s nothing. Richards slowly stumbles back up to his feet, walking right into a Chokeslam from Kane! Kane drops Richards hard in the middle of the ring, but doesn’t finish Richards off. He pulls Richards back up to his feet, this time giving him the Tombstone! Kane covers, 1...2...3, picking up the win. Once the match ends, Kane quickly rolls out of the ring, and goes running backstage.

    Winner: Kane

    [64%] [73%] [73%]


    Kicking off another great installment of the Highlight Reel, Chris Jericho has invited Matt Hardy as his special guest for tonight’s Monday Night RAW. Before he gets to introducing Matt, Jericho talks a little about how Eric Bischoff has promised him a shot at the World Heavyweight Title, and how it’s about time that he’s gotten his shot, as he is a former Undisputed champion himself. He doesn’t care who wins the title tonight, whether it be Shawn Michaels or Chris Benoit, he’s going to face one of them at Bad Blood! Jericho now brings out his guest, Matt Hardy, who gets a big pop from the crowd. Matt comes out, and thanks Jericho for inviting him onto his show tonight, and that he’s got a very special announcement to make. He talks about Lita, and how long they’ve been together, that time together has been the best of his whole life. Matt asks for Lita to come down to the ring, but shockingly she doesn’t show. Matt asks again, but still no Lita. That’s when Lita is shown on the titan-tron. Strangely she’s in a dark room with tears running down her face. Lita tells Matt that she’s sorry, but their relationship isn’t going to last, and that she can’t see him anymore. Matt doesn’t understand, but knows what’s going on when Kane shows up on screen. He tells Lita that after he’s done with her, she’ll forget all about Matt. Matt goes crazy when Lita starts screaming for him. He goes jumping out of the ring, and hightailing it backstage. Jericho has been left all alone for his Highlight Reel segment. As he stands there, Tyson Tomko comes running out from the crowd. Tomko slides into the ring, and smashes one of the chairs from Jericho’s Highlight Reel set across his back! The chair shatters into peaces as Tomko continues the assault. The crowd boo as Christian & Trish Stratus come walking out from the backstage area all cocky. They slowly enter the ring and begin to taunt Jericho. Christian tells Tomko to pull Jericho to his feet. Tomko lifts Jericho up, allowing Trish to kick him between the legs! The crowd go so crazy that they could almost start a riot, after what Christian & Trish do to Jericho. Christian slaps Jericho around a little while he rolls around on the mat, he then pulls him up to his feet again, this time finishing him off with the Unprettier! Christian, Tomko, & Trish celebrate, as Jericho’s fallen body lay in the ring.


    Backstage; Matt Hardy is rushing down the hallway franticly looking for Lita. He runs into one of the backstage staff members, but they don’t know where Kane or Lita are. Matt continues his search, until he ends up in the boiler room. He finds Lita strapped down to a chair. Matt frees Lita, and helps her up to her feet. Lita is scared, and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Matt. Matt tries to reassure Lita, but he’s worried what Kane will try to do next.

    Singles Match

    Gail Kim w/ Molly Holly vs. Victoria

    Gail Kim & Victoria start the match off with a lock up, which quickly turns into a side headlock on Victoria. Victoria fights her way out of it, and pushes Gail off into the ropes. As Gail rebounds, she comes back fighting. The two brawl back and forth, with Victoria hitting Gail with a nice looking vertical suplex. Molly Holly tries to interfere by grabbing Victoria by her foot. The referee steps in between the two, and stops Molly. This allows Gail to come from behind with a roll-up on Victoria, which only gives her a two count. Gail has the upper hand from this point on in the match. She plants Victoria with a snap DDT, but still isn’t able to score the pin fall victory. Victoria fights back, nailing Gail with a hard clothesline. She sets up for a standing moonsault, shakes her ass a little, then nails the move. Victoria tries for a quick cover, but Molly pulls Victoria off. Victoria gets back up to her feet, and starts arguing with Molly. Molly jumps up on the ring apron distracting the referee & Victoria. While Molly has their attention, Gail rolls out of the ring, and grabs the Women’s Title belt. Victoria gets frustrated with Gail, and goes to pull her into the ring by her hair, but this only pulls off Molly’s wig! The crowd go crazy, until Victoria turns to take a title shot to the head. Gail tosses the belt back out of the ring, then locks Victoria up in a submission hold. Still knocked out from the title shot, the referee checks to see if Victoria can still continue, but her arm drops three times, this gives Gail the win.

    Winner: Gail Kim

    [55%] [62%] [63%]

    Video; in Part 1 of William Regal’s training regime, he tries to teach Eugene the basics of wrestling. Eugene ends up screwing around, making Regal very angry. Regal finally gets Eugene to pay attention long enough to do a couple holds. Eugene ends up giving Regal an arm drag, which floors him. Regal is shocked that Eugene was able to perform such a move with such ease. Regal finally tells Eugene that he’s ready for the final lesson.


    Video; Part 2 of William Regal’s training program opens up with Eugene running the ropes with Regal watching on in disgust. Regal calms Eugene down, and tells him that he’s ready for his match with Rob Conway, but only first if he can beat him in a match. Eugene tells Regal that he’s ready. The two lock up, but before Regal can perform a move, Eugene takes him to the mat with a takedown. Eugene locks Regal up in the STF, forcing him to tap out! Regal tells Eugene that he’s more then ready. Eugene jumps up and down in joy, as he’s ready for his in-ring debut, next week.

    Eric Bischoff & Johnny Nitro come walking out on the stage to boos from the crowd. Bischoff thanks all of his loving fans for the warm welcome, but says that he’s got a more important matter to discuss then the fans. He runs down the current card for next week’s RAW, which will be held in San Jose, California. Already signed for the show is Batista vs. Tajiri, Eugene vs. Rob Conway, Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H, & Edge vs. Randy Orton for the Intercontinental Title. But that’s not all, as next week, that very ring will be surrounded by a 15 foot high steel cage! These two men will go one-on-one for the last time, next week they will settle their differences, it will be Chris Jericho vs. Christian!

    Video; a promotional video airs hyping the RAW debut of the A-Train. Showing clips of him squashing various talent on the SmackDown! Brand. The words “he is coming to Monday Night’s”. This video promotes A-Train as a bad ass monster who will run through the roster!


    World Heavyweight Title Match

    Chris Benoit © vs. Shawn Michaels

    Shawn Michaels makes his entrance first, to a very good reaction from the red hot Phoenix, Arizona crowd. Making his usual ring entrance, with all the fireworks. Chris Benoit makes his way out next, to an even bigger pop from the crowd. Everyone in the crowd is behind both men, as we get ready for the huge World Title match. Once Lilian Garcia gets done announcing both men’s stats before the match, the referee calls for the bell to officially start the match. Benoit & Michaels start off by exchange some vicious chops to the chest. These chops are exchanged back and forth for a good 5 minutes. Benoit ends up getting the upper hand. Michaels starts fighting back with some hard right and left hands. Benoit fires back with a chop to the chest, then delivers a very well executed snap suplex. A pin fall is attempted by Benoit, but Michaels quickly kicks out. Not wasting anytime, both Benoit & Michaels get right back into the match. This time Michaels gets the upper hand, and even goes for the Sweet Chin Music. Only a little early in the match for the finish, Benoit sees it coming, and reverses it into a DDT, planting Michaels head first into the canvas. Benoit tries for yet another pin fall attempt, but Michaels kicks out.

    Coming back from a quick commercial break we see Michaels going to work on Benoit’s legs, he even locks on a figure four leglock, but after having the submission hold locked in for a few good minutes, Benoit is able to reverse. Michaels is forced to break the submission hold, and the two pull themselves up on the ropes. Benoit & Michaels go running off the ropes, taking each other down with a double clothesline! The two are laid out for a couple seconds as the referee starts to count for a double count out. Michaels makes it to his feet first by pulling himself up on the ropes. As Benoit stumbles up to his feet, he gets nailed with a flying forearm smash from Michaels. Taking a lot out of Michaels, he and Benoit are once again laid out in the middle of the ring, that is until Michaels kick-flips back up to the delight of the crowd. Michaels starts to get his second wind, and heads to the top turnbuckle. Once up top, Michaels signals for the flying elbow drop, he then jumps, but Benoit had the move scouted and was able to move out of the way!

    Benoit & Michaels continue to brawl back and forth in the match, until Benoit gets the upper hand on Michaels. Laying Michaels out in the ring, Benoit now heads to the top turnbuckle to the delight of the crowd. Going for the swandive headbutt, Benoit attempts, but Michaels is able to move out of the way at the last second! Benoit ends up busting his nose while attempting the move. Michaels sets up for the Sweet Chin Music once again, this time he goes for the move, but Benoit ducks and hit’s the referee! As the referee goes down, Michaels is shown with a shocked look on his face. That’s when we see Triple H come running out from the back to boos from the crowd. Trips rolls into the ring, swings Michaels around, and gives him the Pedigree!The roof in the American West Arena is almost blown off with how heated the crowd reaction is. Trips quickly rolls out of the ring, and heads back up the ramp way. While Michaels is laid out in the middle of the ring, Benoit slowly rolls over laying his arm over his fallen opponent. The referee finally comes to, to make the count. Trips interferences gives Benoit the win, allowing him to retain the title! After the match, Benoit is handed the World Title belt. The referee raises Benoit’s arm in victory as Michaels & Trips have a stare down. Michaels pulls himself up on the ropes, and says that he’ll get Trips next week!

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    [85%] [82%] [86%]

    Overall Rating: 72%

    “RAW” scored a 5.27 rating.

    Attendance level was 7544 people.

    $301760 was made from ticket sales.

  15. user posted image


    In what is being called “Defense in the Desert”, Shawn Michaels will go one-on-one with the current World Heavyweight champion, Chris Benoit in the main event! These two have been billed as the two top athletes in the sport today, with countless five star matches under their belts over their a lustrous career’s as professional wrestlers. Tonight everything will be on the line, will the “Rabid Wolverine” be able to retain this title belt, or will the “Heartbreak Kid” become champion?

    Raw is Jericho, as “Y2J” hosts another installment of the Highlight Reel. This will Jericho’s special guest is Matt Hardy Version 1.0!

    All this and much, much more tonight, LIVE, 9/10 CT, on Spike TV!

    Raw will be up shortly...followed by SmackDown! no later then tomorrow or first thing Monday.

  16. user posted image

    Bischoff Resigns With WWE

    For the past several months rumors have been running wild on weather or not Eric Bischoff would resign with World Wrestling Entertainment. The once most hated man by Vince McMahon, has now become Vince’s favorite guy to go to backstage over the past year being with the company. By many, Bischoff was thought of as the one who ultimately killed World Championship Wrestling, while on the other hand, many saw him as the man who took a nothing company, and made it #1 over the WWE. One thing is for sure, Bischoff has a mind for the business, and surprisingly enough the WWE has capitalized on this!

    The current WWE creative team troubles backstage have been getting worse, and the ratings show these troubles. Currently running head of the creative team on the Raw brand, former “Vice President of Relations” Jim Ross has been booking and writing the shows for Monday Night’s. JR had recently retired from his duties as VP, and now having to take over the position of Brian Gerwitz has been to much for him, so Vince was forced to bring in someone else that could handle the job, surprisingly enough that man was Eric Bischoff.

    Many people are surprised that Eric Bischoff resigned with the company as part of the creative team, as he has said numerous times that he would not work backstage as part of the staff. It appears that Bischoff & Vince have become good friends, and was able to talk Bischoff into working another year with the WWE booking & writing shows like he once did. What is ironic, is that just earlier this week, Stephanie McMahon-Levesque had stepped down as head of the creative team on the SD! Brand so she could take time off, this allowed for Paul Heyman to take her position as well.

    Who would have ever thought that two former competitors of the WWE would be working backstage creatively? What will this bring to the table in weeks to come for the company, and will this new staff change make a difference in ratings, we’ll just have to wait and find out.

  17. user posted image

    user posted image


    World Heavyweight Champion - Chris Benoit

    WWE Intercontinental Champion - Randy Orton

    WWE Women’s Champion - Victoria

    World Tag-Team Champions - Chris Benoit & Edge


    A-Train [HEEL]

    Batista [HEEL]

    Chris Benoit [FACE]

    Chris Jericho [FACE]

    Christian [HEEL]

    Chuck Palumbo [HEEL]

    Edge [FACE]

    Eric Bischoff [HEEL]

    Eugene [FACE]

    Gail Kim [HEEL]

    Garrison Cade [HEEL]

    Grandmaster Sexay [FACE]

    Ivory [FACE]

    Jacqueline [FACE]

    Jazz [HEEL]

    John Heidenreich [HEEL]

    Johnny Nitro [HEEL]

    Kane [HEEL]

    Lita [FACE]

    Matt Hardy [FACE]

    Maven [FACE]

    Molly Holly [HEEL]

    Nidia [FACE]

    Randy Orton [HEEL]

    Rhyno [HEEL]

    Ric Flair [HEEL]

    Rob Conway [HEEL]

    Rosey [FACE]

    Shawn Michaels [FACE]

    Shelton Benjamin [FACE]

    Stacy Keibler [FACE]

    Steven Richards [FACE]

    Sylvan Grenier [HEEL]

    Tajiri [FACE]

    Test [HEEL]

    The Hurricane [FACE]

    The Rock [FACE]

    Tommy Dreamer [FACE]

    Triple H [HEEL]

    Trish Stratus [HEEL]

    Tyson Tomko [HEEL]

    Val Venis [FACE]

    Victoria [FACE]

    William Regal [FACE]

    user posted image


    WWE Heavyweight Champion - Eddie Guerrero

    WWE United States Champion - John Cena

    WWE Cruiserweight Champion - Chavo Guerrero

    WWE Tag-Team Champions - Charlie Haas & Rico


    Akio [HEEL]

    Big Show [HEEL]

    Billy Gunn [FACE]

    Billy Kidman [FACE]

    Booker T [HEEL]

    Bubba Ray Dudley [HEEL]

    Charlie Haas [FACE]

    Chavo Classic [HEEL]

    Chavo Guerrero [HEEL]

    Danny Basham [HEEL]

    Dawn Marie [HEEL]

    Doug Basham [HEEL]

    D-Von Dudley [HEEL]

    Eddie Guerrero [FACE]

    Funaki [FACE]

    Hardcore Holly [FACE]

    Jamie Noble [HEEL]

    John Bradshaw Layfield [HEEL]

    John Cena [FACE]

    Johnny Stamboli [HEEL]

    Kurt Angle [HEEL]

    Mark Jindrak [HEEL]

    Miss Jackie [FACE]

    Mordecai [HEEL]

    Nunzio [HEEL]

    Orlando Jordan [FACE]

    Peal Bearer [FACE]

    Paul Heyman [HEEL]

    Paul London [FACE]

    René Duprée [HEEL]

    Rey Mysterio [FACE]

    Rico [FACE]

    Rikishi [FACE]

    Rob Van Dam [FACE]

    Sable [HEEL]

    Sakoda [HEEL]

    Scotty 2 Hotty [FACE]

    Shannon Moore [FACE]

    Spike Dudley [FACE]

    The Undertaker [FACE]

    Theodore Long [HEEL]

    Torrie Wilson [FACE]

    Ultimo Dragon [FACE]

  18. user posted image

    Big Creative Differences Inside WWE

    It turns out that not everyone has the same opinions when it comes to future storylines and gimmicks in the World Wrestling Entertainment creative team. In a meeting backstage before Raw this past week, it was reported that Brian Gerwitz, Bruce Pritchard, & the chairman of the WWE himself Vince McMahon got into a verbal argument over what they thought should happen in future storylines in the company. Note that Gerwitz has not been on Vince’s bright side for several months with Raw ratings being in the toilet for the better part of the year. Being head write for the Raw brand, all of the blame is put on Gerwitz for not putting on high quality shows that the fans want to watch. A lot of people have even been questioning Gerwitz’ nolige of the sport itself. As for Pritchard, there is a long list backstage of people who don’t like the man, but for weeks Vince has been giving the green light for all of his ideas.

    This argument is said to be have been a long time coming, and that many people feel Vince has finally seen the light, and is concerned about the very future of his company. Vince has always tried to keep an open mind at where he saw the WWE ten years from now, but with the current ratings slump, Vince could have a very hard time seeing past WrestleMania 21. Currently Gerwitz has been cleared of all his active duties as head of the Raw creative team, and the job has been picked up by former “Vice President of Talent Relations” Jim Ross for the time being.

    If that’s not enough to shake things up creatively on Raw, surely the next few weeks for SmackDown! will be no better as Stephanie McMahon-Levesque has stepped down as head of creative team for the brand. Due to Stephanie’s recent surgery, and wanting to spend more time with her new husband, she made the decision to step down. The big question would be, who’s more qualified to take the head position and replace Stephanie? That person would be Paul Heyman. With the plans of creating a third brand, rumored to have been a remake of the old ECW, put on the back burner. Stephanie & Vince McMahon both felt that Heyman is most qualified for the job. This change will surly come and fresh news, and should boost the low morale on the SD! brand, which has been down for several months sense the draft lottery.

  19. I got this game this weekend, and been playing it throughout the day today (sunday)

    I personally find it a very fun game at times, kinda hard to figure some things out, that or I'm just dumb

    I personally can't wait fo r the super-villians game to come out

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