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Posts posted by THIR13EN²

  1. I'm glade to see that in this years game, there are more legends. It's also good to see that those legends don't have the dumb wrestlemania entrances like they did in HCTP. That was so dumb. I never had an N64, but I had played No Mercy a couple of times, and also enjoyed the one part were u could change all wrestlers apperances. They also had multipule attires too, which I personally think should have been put in SD! vs. RAW. If any game was gonna be like No Mercy, I thought it would have been RAW 2 for X-Box, but again I was wrong. I thought that SD! vs. RAW was gonna be way better then HCTP, and from what I've read, everyone who's been working on the game over at THQ feels that it will...but they aren't the ones who are gonna go out and buy the game, and play it for an hour or two, and then get bored of it.

    The roster list really pisses me off as well. I don't understand how they are gonna work the whole tag-team division...personally, if I was creating this game, I'd have every division, have it's own storylines. This game really needs the new blood. That's what WWE has been working at doing over the past year or so...as we now have Randy Orton as World Champ, JBL as WWE Champ. Heat & Velocity should be included as well...which could be used to build some of the lower talent up. Kidman/London should both be in the game, all the CW from SD! should be in the game. The Bashams, La Res, Eugene, the list goes on and on...if they've been on WWE tv for atleast three to two months, they should be a lock. What happened to the SSlam roster deadline anyway? I thought that in an IGN interview, they said that the final roster for SD! vs. RAW would be the current WWE roster post SSlam. Which means, no Sable, but I could see how she could be left in, but Rikishi should be gone for sure...as should Sakoda.

  2. I thought the reason the zombies could run because they weren't completely dead yet. After a while, their bodies would finally begin to slow down. It was just luck if you'd get attacked by a slow zombie, or a a person who had just been attacked, and turned zombie. I personally don't mind that idea...that the fresh zombies can run, but after a while they'll begin to slow down.

    28 Days Later I enjoyed, and it worked that the zombie/mad humans could run, because they weren't really zombies, just very VERY mad.

    I personally love zombies, and think they are cool...

  3. I thought that Troy had the record for the most money spent on a film...even though I didn't much care for Troy.

    I'm suprised to see Spielberg doing a movie without Tom Hanks! That's pretty much all Spielberg has been doing lately.

    I was really looking forward to another add on to the Mission Impossible series, but I guess that was pushed back.

  4. I think that Rescue Me is a very good show...and I was a little worried about Denis Leary being one of the actors on the show, because personally I thought he wouldn't be able to pull it off, but he has...when I first saw it, I was a little iffy on if it'd make it or not, but it's a very good show. Not as good as Nip/Tuck mind you, but still right up there with it.

  5. I'm so looking forward to this AVP movie coming out next month. Being the very big Predator fan that i'am, I can't wait to see the Predator's kick some major ass in this movie. I just wanted to know what all of you guys think about this movie, and if anyones as pumped as i'am for the release. I do have a feeling that this movie might end up just like Freddy vs. Jason, with there not being a true winner at the end, but maybe that's the best way...to make everyone happy...

  6. I watched it, and I personally thought it was good. I've never really liked Dennis Leary when he's doing comedy, but he showed me that he can really be a solid actor on Rescue Me. I think it will be a good hit this summer...I hope so atleast. I'm also a **HUGE** fan of Nip/Tuck, so yeah, if FX would just get TNA on their channel, they'd be the best!

  7. Just wanted to pass on some information. I'll be working on TNA for a good most part of the day. It should be up by at least Monday afternoon or early Tuesday morning. If there is any kind of feedback, please let me know. Also, if any of you have any suggestions, please feel free to speak your mind. Thanks again

  8. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

    Wednesday Night - Only On Pay-Per-View

    Live From The Asylum, in Nashville Tennessee

    Two Hours Of Total Nonstop Action At Only $9.95!


    Last week was the grueling King Of The Mountain match, that put six of the best competitors in the sport of professional wrestling today in the ring, as they all fought for the biggest prize in the game, the NWA World Heavyweight championship. It was “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett, Raven, & Ron “The Truth” Killings. It all came down to Jarrett & The Truth, as Truth was just about to win the match, Jarrett used a guitar to smash over his head, giving him the advantage he needed to allow him to be able to climb the 15-foot high ladder, and hang the title belt from the ceiling of The Asylum. This past Friday afternoon on the debut of Impact, on FSN, during an exclusive interview with legend “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, Jarrett once again made his presence felt. In the most vial and disrespectful thing a person could do, Jarrett smashed the guitar over the head of the living legend! The Truth came out on behalf of the legend Rhodes, and ran Jarrett out of the ring. This Wednesday night, the Jarrett celebration will begin, as he’ll be crowned the first ever King Of The Mountain. Jarrett has also requested that director of authority Vince Russo come down to the ring, and place the NWA World Heavyweight championship belt around his very waist, in yet another attempt at trying to disrespect authority. What will go down this Wednesday night on Total Nonstop Action Wrestling?

    Matches Announced:


    AJ Styles & Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian & Michael Shane


    Elix Skipper, Hector Garza, & Jerry Lynn vs. Bobby Roode, Eric Young, & Petey Williams


    Amazing Red vs. Heavy Metal vs. Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt


    D-Ray 3000 vs. “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown


    America’s Most Wanted Challenge For The World Tag-Team Titles!!!

    Card Subject To Change

    Don’t miss TNA this week!

    Wednesday, Live, And Pay-Per-View! 8pm ET/5pm PT!

  9. TNA IMPACT! Wrestling

    Friday, June 4th, 2004 - Universal Studios, Orlando, FL

    A video package opens up the show, showing various clips of historic moments in Total Nonstop Action’s history. A camera spans over the jam packed crowd in Studio 21 at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Kicking off the show is a big pyro display. The camera spans back across the crowd, and we get a quick glance of the six-sided ring. Inside the ring is Mike Tenay with a microphone in hand. The crowd barely gives him a second to speak, as they continue to cheer. Tenay welcomes us to the first ever Impact on the Fox Sports Network. He says it’s his great pleasure to start off the show, he then introduces a great legend in “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart! Coming out to a decent pop from the crowd, Hart enters the ring with a microphone. Hart thanks Tenay, and welcomes everyone to Total Nonstop Action. He says that TNA is really going to make an impact tonight, that’s for sure. Tenay asks Hart a few questions, one being what brings him to Impact? Hart explains that he’s there to get the word out about TNA in Florida, and the one person who can do that the best, is “The Mouth Of The South”! Hart & Tenay are interrupted by some too familiar entrance music. The crowd boo as Jonny Fairplay accompanied by the lovely Lollipop & a big man dressed all in black, simply known as Titan, come walking out from the back. Fairplay enters the ring, taking his sweet time. He then takes the microphone from Tenay, and starts talking about how TNA can’t be on television without the most hated man in America. Hart tells Fairplay that he isn’t a pro wrestler, and therefore shouldn’t be in the ring. Fairplay says that if they want an impact, they’ve got it, and ends up leveling Hart with a hard right hand! Tenay quickly checks on Hart as he lay knocked out in the middle of the ring. Fairplay starts to dance around his big bodyguard standing in the corner of the ring. What a way to start off the first ever Impact!

    “The King Of The Mountain” Jeff Jarrett

    Yet another video montage plays, this time recapping what happened this past Wednesday nigh on pay-per-view. Six competitors entered the grueling King Of The Mountain match. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett, Raven, & Ron “The Truth” Killings. This match had everything. All six men took it to the limit, and really showed what Total Nonstop Action was all about. It looked as though every man in the match had an opportunity to capture the NWA World Heavyweight championship. The Truth was just about to retain his belt when out came a mysterious female from the backstage area caring a guitar. This guitar was handed to Jarrett, who then in turn used it to smash over Truth’s head! Jarrett was then allowed to climb up the 15-foot high ladder, hang the title belt above The Asylum, and was crowned the King Of The Mountain! We find out that this Wednesday night, Jarrett will be live, on pay-per-view, as he has demanded that director of authority Vince Russo strap the NWA World Heavyweight championship belt around his waist, himself…


    Amazing Red, Hector Garza, & Sonjay Dutt vs. Bobby Roode, Eric Young, & Petey Williams w/ Scott D’Amore

    It’s the debut match for Impact, the first TNA match ever on the Fox Sports Network, and also inside a six-sided ring. Don West & Mike Tenay run down the new rules being enforced with the addition of the six-sided ring. All non-title matches will have a 10 minute time limit, but all title & #1 contender’s matches will have a 20 minute time limit, unless otherwise announced. Out first is Team Canada, lead to the ring by their coach Scott D’Amore. D’Amore waves the Canadian flag high over his head, which gets nothing but boos from the crowd. Bobby Roode, Eric Young, & Petey Williams all enter the ring taunting the crowd. Next out to the ring is Amazing Red & Sonjay Dutt, being lead by their third partner, the team captain of Team AAA, Hector Garza. They get a decent pop from the crowd. Dutt, Garza, & Red all enter the ring, and this match quickly gets underway with Roode, Williams, & Young jumping them from behind. The match starts out with Garza & Roode exchanging blows in the middle of the ring. Garza catches Roode as he comes off the ropes, sending him flying with a big shoulder back toss. Roode quickly tags out to Williams. Garza & Williams exchange blows. Williams comes flying off the ropes and nails Garza with a basement dropkick. Garza goes down, and Williams turns his attention to Dutt & Red. Dutt & Red both try to enter the ring, but are held back by the referee of the match, Mike Posey. This allows Team Canada to triple team Garza in the corner. Garza starts firing back with some hard right hands. He squares off in the ring now with Young. Young goes for a quick superkick, but Garza blocks, and levels him with a lariat. Dutt is tagged in, and he goes to work on Young. He takes to the sky with some big highflying moves. Dutt nails Young with the Hindusault! 1...2..., it’s broken up by Roode. Dutt is sent off into the ropes by Roode, who catches him with a big powreslam. Young tags back out to Williams, at the same time Dutt tags out to Red. Both Red & Williams go back and forth with some fast paced maneuvers. Red catches Williams off guard, and is able to hit the Infared, 1...2..., Young breaks it up. Garza comes in and jumps Young, sending him out to ringside. The match quickly spills out to the outside of the ring. Garza & Young exchange blows. Dutt goes up to the top rope, jumps, and nails a shooting star press off onto both men! The crowd are on their feet. Roode is next, as he springboards over the top rope. Red goes flying over the top rope next, hitting a swanton onto the big mob! The last person is Williams, he goes flying through the middle rope taking everyone down! Finally the action spills back into the ring. Young attempts a top rope elbow drop from the top rope on Dutt, but misses. Roode catches Dutt off guard with a big yakuza kick! Red springboards back into the ring, and catches Roode with a head scissors takedown. Williams jumps Red from behind, but gets attacked by Garza. Garza heads to the top rope in an attempt of the Tornado, but while the referee is distracted, D’Amore smashes the Canadian flag over Garza’s head! Williams nails Red with the Canadian Destroyer in the middle of the ring, follows up the pin, 1...2...3, Team Canada win the match. After D’Amore enters the ring and celebrates with his team.

    Winner(s) via pin fall, Team Canada at 7:55 min


    AMW Want Tag-Team Gold!?!

    Don West & Mike Tenay send it backstage to their broadcast collage for Impact, Jeremy Borash, who’s standing by with the reunited America’s Most Wanted. “Wildcat” Chris Harris & “Cowboy” James Storm will be taking on the team of Glenn Gilberti & Johnny Swinger of the NYC later tonight. Borash asks them about their match. Harris talks about how it’s good that AMW is back together, and they’re going back to their roots. He says that tonight, they are getting back in the hunt for the NWA World Tag-Team titles, which are currently around the waists of Dallas & Kid Kash. Borash asks Storm about losing to Dallas & Storm this past Wednesday night, when he teamed up with “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. Storm tells Borash that the only way Dallas & Kash were able to retain those belts was with the lead pipe that was used over his head, but he’s going to make sure that, that doesn’t happen again. As for Gilberti & Swinger, all he can say is “Sorry About Your Damn Luck!”

    Abyss w/ Goldylocks vs. Shark Boy

    We head to the ring where the cult favorite Shark Boy is making his entrance to a monstrous pop from the crowd. The roof is almost blown off with how much the fans cheer for Shark Boy. Making his way into the ring, he taunts the fans with the shark boy salute. Abyss is out next, as the lights in the arena go out. Goldylocks leads the monster out from the backstage area, still caring the suitcase full of money, this time the suitcase is handcuffed to her hand! Abyss comes walking out with a huge chain rapped around his neck. He enters the ring with Shark Boy, and this match is officially underway. Referee Andrew Thomas calls for the bell to start the match. Shark Boy tries everything in his power to get an advantage over the monster Abyss, but nothing seems to work. He tries to lock-up, but Abyss tosses him away every time. Shark Boy is sent flying across the ring like a rag doll. Goldylocks cheers Abyss on during the match, screaming wildly. Shark Boy goes to the top rope to try and get an advantage over Abyss, but ends up getting slammed to the mat. Abyss ends up tossing Shark Boy over the top rope, out to ringside. The crowd start a “Shark Boy” chant, which gets him pumped up enough to try yet again to get an advantage. Shark Boy is able to catch Abyss off guard with some speed and quickness. He catches Abyss with a big tornado DDT off the top rope, he then goes for a pin, 1..., Abyss kicks out! Abyss starts to fight back against Shark Boy, and catches him with the Black Hole Slam! 1...2...3, and Abyss picks up the win. Goldylocks enters the ring and raises Abyss’ arm in victory. The match isn’t over there, as Goldylocks orders Abyss to finish Shark Boy off. Abyss picks Shark Boy back up, and gives him the Death Penalty! He gets up, and taunts while Goldylocks just stands laughing in the background.

    Winner via pin fall, Abyss at 4:12 min


    America’s Most Wanted vs. Glenn Gilberti & Johnny Swinger w/ Trinity

    Glenn Gilberti & Johnny Swinger of the NYC come out to some major heat from the crowd. They are accompanied to the ring by Trinity. Gilberti & Swinger enter the ring, as Gilberti is handed a microphone. He starts to gloat that the NYC will defeated the reuniting America’s Most Wanted tonight, and he talks about how much of an embarrassment they are, just as much as “Irish” Pat Kenney & Sonny Siaki. AMW’s music hits, and the crowd go insane. “Wildcat” Chris Harris & “Cowboy” James Storm come out from the back, they hardly waist anytime making their way down to the ring. Once inside, they start exchanging blows with Gilberti & Swinger. Trinity quickly exits, as she doesn’t want to get hurt. Swinger ends up getting clotheslined out of the ring by Harris. Harris & Storm send Gilberti off into the ropes with an irish whip, they then catch him with a nice double shoulder back toss. Gilberti rolls out of the ring, and gets helped to his feet by Swinger. Gilberti, Swinger, & Trinity make their way back up the entrance ramp, as they don’t want any part of AMW. Harris & Storm taunt them, before exiting the ring, and brawling with Gilberti & Swinger on the entrance way. This match finally makes its way back into the ring where Harris & Swinger exchange blows. Swinger catches Harris with a powerslam, and follows up with a quick pin fall attempt, 1...2..., it’s broken up by Storm. Gilberti & Swinger do some double teaming on Harris, before he’s able to fight back, and make the hot tag to Storm. Storm comes in cleaning house. Gilberti jumps Storm from behind, and levels him in the middle of the ring. He does a little dance, taking a page out of his days as Disco Inferno in World Championship Wrestling. As he finishes dancing, Gilberti goes to run off the ropes, but ends up running right into a spear from Harris! The referee ends up getting distracted by Swinger, which allows Trinity to try and interfere. Trinity comes off the top rope, but gets caught by Harris. Harris hit’s a huge fall away slam that sends Trinity rolling out of the ring. Gilberti tags in Swinger, and the two go back to work double teaming both Harris & Storm. The crowd go insane when Storm catches Gilberti with a big superkick. Storm sets Swinger up as Harris heads to the top turnbuckle. The crowd are on their feet as Harris jumps, and nails the Death Sentence! Harris pins Swinger, 1...2...3, Gilberti isn’t able to break the pin in time. AMW celebrate after the match in the ring. That is until they get attacked from behind by the current NWA World Tag-Team champions, Dallas & Kid Kash! Dallas & Kash lay Harris & Storm out with the title belts, leaving them laid out in the middle of the ring. They make their way back up the entrance way with big smiles on their faces. Harris slowly pulls himself up on the ropes, and stares down both Dallas & Kash.

    Winner(s) via pin fall, America’s Most Wanted at 8:04 min


    Mike Tenay is once again in the ring with microphone in hand, as this looks a lot familiar to how the beginning of the show began. Talking about the list of accomplishments of the person he’s about to introduce. Tenay says that this man is the millstone of the National Wrestling Alliance, the person he’s talking about is “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. Coming out to a monstrous ovation from the crowd, Rhodes makes his way down to the ring, and enters, shaking hands with Tenay. The interview starts off with Rhodes cutting a promo about how great it is to be in Orlando. Rhodes pumps up the crowd by talk a little about the great talent that Total Nonstop Action brings every week, live on pay-per-view, and now with Impact every Friday afternoon! He lists some great talents like “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, America’s Most Wanted, Jerry Lynn, Ron “The Truth” Killings, & the list goes on. Tenay goes to ask Rhodes a few questions about his career when he’s cut off by “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett! The crowd turn from cheer, to nothing but boos as the new NWA World Heavyweight champion makes his way out on the stage with a microphone in one hand, and the title belt up over his shoulder. Jarrett slowly makes his way down to the ring, clapping his hands together, as he acknowledges Rhodes’ great accomplishments as a legend of the sport. He & Rhodes get face-to-face with each other in the middle of the ring. They exchange a few words, before Jarrett starts to talk about how Rhodes isn’t the King Of The Mountain, he isn’t the current NWA World champion either, but “The Chosen One” is. Rhodes badmouths Jarrett, but not before getting smashed over the head with Jarrett’s guitar! Tenay gets chased out of the ring by Jarrett. Jarrett picks his microphone back up, and starts yelling that Rhodes is nothing but a has bin and a never was, just then Ron “The Truth” Killings comes sliding into the ring. The two exchange blows, as the crowd cheer for the Truth. Truth kicks Jarrett in the stomach, and goes for the axe kick off the ropes, but Jarrett quickly grabs his belt, and rolls out of the ring. Truth grabs the microphone and yells at Jarrett that he’s got his belt, and he wants it back! Jarrett & Truth stare one another down, as officials help a bloody Rhodes to his feet in the ring.


    Who’s The 4th Competitor?

    Sending it back once again to the broadcast collage Jeremy Borash, who is joined by director of authority Vince Russo. Borash interviews Russo, asking him about the whole Jeff Jarrett situation. Russo says that he might be living off the fact that he’s just recaptured the NWA World Heavyweight championship, and that he’s the King Of The Mountain, but what he’s asking for is unreasonable. He says that he’s got a question for Jarrett, and asks him how long it will be before he loses the belt again? Borash asks about who will be the 4th competitor in tonight’s #1 contender’s “x” division match. Russo tells Borash that this man helped make the “x” division what it is today, as tonight, the 4th competitor in tonight’s main event will be non-other then “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles!

    Four Way #1 Contender’s “X” Match:

    AJ Styles vs. Chris Sabin vs. “Primetime” Elix Skipper vs. Michael Shane w/ Traci

    It’s now time for the main event of Impact. Before this match even gets started, the current NWA:TNA “X” Division champion Frankie Kazarian comes out, joining Don West & Mike Tenay for commentary. “Primetime” Elix Skipper comes out as one of the first competitors of the match. He gets a pretty decent reaction from the crowd. Skipper enters the ring, and waits. Michael Shane accompanied by the lovely Traci make their way out, getting some small heel heat. He enters the ring with Traci, and taunts the crowd, as he waits for the last two opponents. Chris Sabin is out next to a big pop from the crowd. As Sabin makes his way down to the ring, the crowd start a “Hail Sabin” chant. Sabin climbs into the ring, and raises his arms in the air, as the crowd members continue to chant. Finally, all the lights in the arena go out. A video montage plays, which leads to the entrance of “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles. The 4th and final competitor in the match. A huge pop from the crowd brings out Styles, who makes his way down to the ring. Once inside, the match is announced as a #1 contender’s match, with the winner facing Kazarian at TNA’s 2nd Anniversary Show. Senior referee Rudy Charles calls for the bell to start the match. All for men start off by locking up in the center of the ring. Skipper & Styles, while Sabin & Shane. All four men exchange blows in the ring. Skipper sends Styles off into the ropes with an irish whip, but Styles catches him with a dropkick on the return. Shane goes to irish whip Sabin into the ropes, but Sabin reverses, kicks Shane in the stomach, and drops him with a DDT. Sabin goes for the first pin fall of the match, 1...2...but it’s broken up by Styles. Skipper attacks Styles from behind. He beats down on Styles in the corner. Sabin & Skipper pull Styles to his feet in the center of the ring, and nail a double suplex. Skipper goes for a quick pin, 1...Sabin pulls Skipper off of Styles and pins him for himself, 1...Skipper pulls Sabin off. Sabin & Skipper both start to exchange blows in the ring. As they brawl back and forth, Shane comes flying off the top rope, catching both men with a double missile dropkick. Styles is able to pull himself up on the ropes. Shane comes running up, and clotheslines himself and Styles over the top rope, out to ringside. As Shane pulls Styles back to his feet, Skipper springboards out of the ring, taking out both men. The crowd is on their feet, as Sabin comes running, he goes running up the turnbuckle, jumps off the top rope, and lands on all three men on the outside! Sabin is the first person back up to his feet, as he rolls Shane back into the ring. He sets Shane up for the Future Shock, nails it, and pins. 1...2...Styles breaks the pin fall attempt, bring springboarding into the ring from the ring apron, and landing on both Sabin & Shane with a 450 splash! Styles jumps back up to his feet, and taunts the crowd, only he gets jumped from behind by Skipper. Skipper sends Styles off into the ropes with an irish whip. Styles is able to springboard back flip off the ropes, slip up behind Skipper, and plant him with a diving reverse DDT. Sabin attacks Styles from behind, and gives him the Sabalizer (uranged backbreaker)! He pins, 1...2..., but Styles kicks out. As Sabin gets to his feet, Shane catches Sabin with the Sweet Shane Music! Shane doesn’t pin, instead he heads to the top turnbuckle, and sets up for the Picture Perfect Elbow Drop. Skipper cuts Shane off, then climbs to the top rope alongside him. Shane & Skipper exchange blows standing on the top rope. The crowd are on their feet, as they are waiting for one or both of them to fall. Skipper is able to shove Shane off, as he ends up landing on the top rope, crotching himself. Walking the ropes, Skipper gives Shane, the New School. Sabin is back to his feet, as Skipper tries to give him the Play of the Day, but it’s reversed. Sabin catches Skipper with the Cradle Shock! He doesn’t pin Skipper, as Styles is back up to his feet. Sabin kicks Styles in the stomach, and sets him up for the Future Shock. As he lifts Styles into the air, somehow he flips up behind him. The crowd is shocked as Styles lands on his feet. Sabin turns around, right into a kick to the gut, followed by the Styles Clash! Styles rolls Sabin over for the pin, 1...2...3! The crowd go crazy. Getting his hand raised in victory, Styles celebrates his victory. As the show is coming to an end, Kazarian & Styles have a stare down. These two will officially meet one another for the “X” Division title at TNA’s 2nd Anniversary Show!

    Winner via pin fall, AJ Styles at 15:30 min

    Overall Rating: 68%

  10. Pro Wrestling Insider

    NWA:TNA Notes & News For 6.3.04

    - Everyone is hyped for the big debut of Impact on the Fox Sports Network tomorrow afternoon. All the TNA superstars loaded onto a charter flight post the pay-per-view this past Wednesday night, bound for the Universal Studios’ lot in Orlando, Florida. Tonight will be the initial tapping of the event, and it will be aired tomorrow at 3PM. There are a lot of people hoping that Impact, makes an impact, no pun intended. As this television deal, even though it doesn’t have the best time-slot, could mean bigger and better things for Total Nonstop Action in weeks to come.

    - The King Of The Mountain match went over better then expected. AJ Styles, Chris Harris, Jeff Jarrett, Raven, & Ron Killings all got praised for their effort put into the match, even though it ended with Jarrett going over with the help from a mystery women simply known as Minsa (former Gorgeous George aka George Frankenstein from WCW). No major injured came out of this match, even though everyone was pretty banged up. Jarrett is expected to be on the Impact tapping, it is unsure who he’ll be feuding with over the next month for the NWA World Heavyweight championship. We hope to find out tomorrow afternoon.

    - The feud between Team NWA captain Jerry Lynn and the coach of Team Canada, Scott D’Amore will continue to rage on over the next couple of weeks. Expect these two to have a blow off match very soon. There is a chance that D’Amore could go over Lynn. Management is said to be very high on Team Canada, and they are expected to get some kind of push in the coming weeks leading into both the “X” Division & World Tag-Team title belts.

    - Team Mexico’s captain Hector Garza is said to be in the middle of signing a written deal with Total Nonstop Action. Many people are very pleased with Garza’s style of wrestling ever sense coming in for the “X” Cup tournaments as part of Team AAA. Garza has impressed a lot of people with his good attitude backstage, he has also been helping out the younger talent, and AAA promoter Antonio Pena.

    - “Wildcat” Chris Harris will be heading back to the tag-team division. America’s Most Wanted will reunite tomorrow on Impact when they take on the team of Glenn Gilberti & Johnny Swinger. AMW will be starting a program with the current NWA World Tag-Team champions Dallas & Kid Kash. Jerry Jarrett is said to be the man behind the initial Harris push, but right now the best place for him is back in the tag division with partner “Cowboy” James Storm.

    - “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels will still be out with an injury for the rest of the month. Chances of a return sooner could be higher then expected. Daniels was injured while in Japan, and he is part of Team NWA in TNA. Upon his return, expect TNA to give Daniels more of a push into the upper midcard, even possible a shot at the main event.

    - Yet another Triple X member will be returning in the next month. Total Nonstop Action is expected to sign former “X” Division champion Low-Ki’ to a written contract in July. He’ll be returning to the company for the summer, and is expected to sign a deal that will still allow him to wrestle with TNA, and outside of the US in Japan as well. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels has signed a similar deal, which allows him to still wrestle for New Japan Pro Wrestling. Low-Ki’ wrestles mainly in Japan with Zero-One. There is a good chance that Low-Ki’ might not be returning to TNA alone…!

  11. I am not really liking the idea of start from the King of the Mountain show. All it seems, to me, is just copying the TNA results since then. Sure, a few minor changes have been tossed in, but the vast majority of the show, especially the Impact show, is the same as TNA. Why not just start from current point?

    The shows, to me, aren't all that detailed. Especially the promos. I'd like to see the promos written out. It'd be better that way. Hopefully you begin to write them out soon enough.

    thanks for your input on the diary Fitzy. I started with the King Of The Mountain...due to the fact that I didn't want to sim through half the diary really quick to get to the anniversary show. thanks again, a little note, I'll have some info on my TNA came up a little later this afternoon.

  12. TNA IMPACT! Wrestling

    Friday Afternoon - On FSN

    Live From Studio 21, at Universal Studios, in Orlando Florida

    Total Nonstop Action brings the Impact to the Fox Sports Network


    In the fallout of this past Wednesday night on Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett was able to defeat five other competitors in a match that was simply known as the King Of The Mountain match, to once again become the NWA World Heavyweight champion! This match also coincided of “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, Raven, & Ron “The Truth” Killings. Many are already calling the match, a match of the year candidate. Though Jarrett might have had help from some outside interference, which allowed him to pull the match into his favor. What will Vince Russo have to say about this? Will we hear from the new champion, on TNA’s debut show Impact? We’ll just have to wait and see. Also, will we find out the identity of the mysterious women that helped Jarrett during the King Of The Mountain match?

    Matches Announced:


    ? ? ? ? vs. Chris Sabin vs. “Primetime” Elix Skipper vs. Michael Shane


    America’s Most Wanted reunite vs. Glenn Gilberti & Johnny Swinger


    Abyss vs. Shark Boy


    Amazing Red, Hector Garza, & Sonjay Dutt vs. Bobby Roode, Eric Young, & Petey Williams

    Card Subject To Change

    Don’t miss the debut of Impact!

    Friday Afternoon At 3PM, On Fox Sports Net!

  13. thanks guys for the replies...this diary is going very well. I'll have a preview for impact up later tonight, and I'll be working on getting the impact results up later tomorrow afternoon. Jebus, Raven's hunt for the World title won't end with the King Of The Mountain, as I'll be building him up for a future run after the gold. Gabriel & Livid, I felt that Minsa should have played a bigger role in her time with TNA then she did...so expect to see more of her alliance with "The Chosen One". Also, I've gotta say, Styles is the, plain and simple. And blueblood, I never knew Elix Sipper killed dogs...that's not very nice, j/k...Primetime will be on the first impact showing, and you'll see more of him in coming weeks with TNA...that's all for now, expect the impact preview up soon.

  14. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling #98

    Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004-The Asylum, Nashville, TN

    A video montage kicks off the show, hyping tonight’s huge main event King Of The Mountain match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. This match will consist of “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett, Raven, & the current NWA World Heavyweight champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings. These six men will enter this match, all with one goal on their mind, that goal is the NWA World Title belt. The real test will be for The Truth to try and retain his belt, when he’s got to take on five other competitors in this match. The object of the match, and the only way to win, is by taking the belt all the way up a 15-foot ladder, and placing it on a hook hanging above The Asylum. The first person to do this, will become the King Of The Mountain, and next NWA World Heavyweight champion! As the video montage comes to an end, Don West & Mike Tenay welcome us to the show. They run down the card for tonight’s event. Talking about the King Of The Mountain match, along with the NWA World Tag-Team Titles & NWA:TNA “X” Division Title matches, as well.

    Bobby Roode & Petey Williams w/ Scott D’Amore vs. Heavy Metal & Jerry Lynn

    We get started with the first match of the night. The coach of Team Canada, Scott D’Amore leads Bobby Roode & Petey Williams down to the ring first for this tag-team match. The Asylum crowd start a big “USA, USA” chant as D’Amore caries a Canadian flag to the ring, waving it wildly. Roode & Williams enter the ring, as they await their opponents. Heavy Metal is out next, a member of Team AAA as he will team up with the captain of Team NWA, Jerry Lynn. The hatred between D’Amore & Lynn continues to rage on. Lynn comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. He joins Heavy Metal in the ring as this match gets underway. Referee Mike Posey calls for the bell as the match starts off with a lock-up between Lynn & Williams. Lynn & Williams exchange blows in the ring as D’Amore cheers on his team at ringside. Trying to distract Lynn as much as possible. Lynn sends Williams off into the ropes with an irish whip, then catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Roode comes running into the ring, and tries to clothesline, but Lynn ducks. He turns around into a kick to the stomach from Lynn, followed by a implant DDT. The hot tag is made to Heavy Metal who comes in working on Roode. Heavy Metal & Roode go back and forth exchanging blows. Roode sends Heavy Metal off into the ropes with an irish whip. Heavy Metal catches Roode on the rebound with a head scissors takedown. He goes for the quick cover, 1...2..., but it’s broken up by Williams. Lynn is tagged back in and goes to work on Roode. Roode uses some of his strength and power to get an advantage over Williams, but Lynn uses his speed and technical ability to gain it back. Lynn catches Roode with a basement dropkick. Williams goes to the top turnbuckle, but gets cut off by Lynn. Lynn climbs to the top rope, and nails a huge top rope hurricanrana on Williams! Roode attacks Lynn from behind, sending him out to ringside. The two exchange a couple blows, before Roode suplexes Lynn on the stage. Heavy Metal springboards out to ringside, taking Roode out with a plancha. All three men get to their feet on the outside of the ring as Williams goes flying over the top rope, taking everyone out at ringside! The crowd are on their feet chanting “TNA, TNA”. Williams rolls Lynn back into the ring and goes for a pin fall attempt. 1...2...Lynn is able to kick out. Lynn starts to fight back against Williams. D’Amore distracts referee Mike Posey as Lynn sets up for the Cradle Piledriver on Williams. Eric Young comes running out from the back with a hockey stick in hand. He jumps up on the ring apron, and smashes the stick across Lynn’s back! The crowd boo as Williams rolls Lynn up. 1...2...Heavy Metal tries to break the pin fall, but it’s to late…3! Team Canada win the match, thanks to interference from Young. Roode, Williams, & Young beat down on both Heavy Metal & Lynn after the match. D’Amore enters the ring with the Canadian flag, and starts directing traffic. This is when both Team AAA & Team NWA come running out to make the save. Both Chris Sabin & Hector Garza clean house while Abismo Negro & Elix Skipper check on their team mates. D’Amore and this Team Canada stand on the stage taunting the two teams in the ring, waving their flag high in the air.

    Winner(s) via pin fall, Roode/Williams at 7:12 min

    Can The Wildcat Realize His Dream?

    Don West & Mike Tenay send it backstage to their the broadcast collage Scott Hudson who is standing by with “Wildcat” Chris Harris & “Cowboy” James Storm of America’s Most Wanted and “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. Hudson asks Harris about how he feels about the King Of The Mountain match, and how tonight he has the chance to finally win the NWA World Heavyweight championship. Harris says that tonight is AMW’s night. He’s going to walk into that match, with everything he has learned in his professional wrestling career, and walk out with the belt around his waist to show as the ultimate accomplishment. Hudson turns to Rhodes & Storm to ask them about their match against the NWA World Tag-Team champions Dallas & Kid Kash later tonight. Rhodes tells Hudson that Dallas & Kash don’t give any respect to those belts around their waist’s, and it’s time for two men that have that kind of respect, to take those belts away from them. Hudson notes that it’s been over 20-years sense Rhodes has held a NWA championship belt. Storm had the final word by telling Dallas & Kash that it was time to put up, or shut up.

    TNA Impacts Fox Sports Net!

    Another video montage plays, this time hyping the debut of TNA Impact on the Fox Sports Network, which begins this Friday, June 4th. This video contains a lot of “X” division action from TNA’s inception, showing some key moments in TNA’s history, along with revolving around “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles. They also talk about how Impact will air from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

    “Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. Sonny Siaki

    Sonny Siaki makes his way down to the ring first for the next match of the night. He gets a pretty decent pop from the crowd. Siaki enters the ring, and awaits his opponent. Out comes Monty Brown, who gets an extensive amount of heel heat from the fans in the front row. Brown makes his way down the entrance ramp, and enters the ring. He taunts a few members in the front row, before the match gets officially underway. Rudy Charles, who will be officiating, calls for the bell to start the match. Brown & Siaki start things off by locking up in the middle of the ring. Siaki sends Brown off into the ropes with an irish whip. Brown comes flying off the ropes, catching Siaki with a stiff shoulder tackle. He pulls Siaki up to his feet, and tosses him back into the corner of the ring. Siaki starts firing back with some hard right hands. Brown stumbles back into the middle of the ring. Siaki comes running off the ropes, and attempts a clothesline, but Brown ducks. Brown jumps Siaki from behind, sending him out to ringside. The two battle back and forth. Siaki knocks Brown down, then swings him head first into the corner of the steel steps. He pulls Brown back up to his feet, and rolls him back into the ring for a pin fall attempt. 1...Brown kicks out. Brown starts to fight back against Siaki. He catches Siaki with a big power slam. Brown covers, 1...2...Siaki is able to kick out. Siaki is able to reverse out of the Alpha Bomb attempt from Brown, then nails the Siakalypse Now! That’s when Trinity comes running out from the back. She jumps up on the ring apron distracting Rudy. Siaki notices this, and also gets distracted, long enough for Brown to get back up to his feet, then catch Siaki with the Pounce! Brown pins Siaki, as Rudy counts the 1...2...3. He rolls out of the ring and heads backstage as Trinity enters to beat down on Siaki post-match. The crowd boo as Glenn Gilberti & Johnny Swinger come running out. They enter the ring and join Trinity, as they continue the assault. The beat down continues until Desire & Pat Kenney come out to make the save. Kenney has a leather strap in hand, and starts nailing Gilberti & Swinger. Desire tackles Trinity, and the two go rolling out of the ring. Security finally comes out to separate each other from this all out brawl. In the ring, Kenney helps Siaki back up to his feet. Gilberti & Swinger are dragged backstage by security.

    Winner via pin fall, Monty Brown at 5:01 min

    Will AJ Styles Make It 3 Time NWA Champion?

    We once again head backstage to Scott Hudson who is standing by with the former NWA World Heavyweight champion, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles. Hudson plays the fact that Styles will be apart of the King Of The Mountain match later tonight in the main event, and the NWA World Heavyweight championship will be on the line. He asks Styles how he feels about the match. Styles tells Hudson that he is known as “The Phenomenal” one for a reason, and that the key factor in the match is the use of a 15-foot high steel ladder. Tonight he’s going to do whatever it takes to get back what is his, and win back his belt. Hudson talks about Styles being the only triple crown champion in TNA, holding the “X” Division, World Tag-Team, & World Heavyweight championship belts.

    NWA World Tag-Team Titles Match: Dallas & Kid Kash © vs. Dusty Rhodes & James Storm

    Dallas & Kid Kash make their way down to the ring first, they’ve got the NWA World Tag-Team Titles around their waists. The crowd give them some major heel heat. The two enter the ring, and Kash starts to jaw jack with one of the fans in the front row. Kash has to finally be held back by referee Mike Posey. Out next is “Cowboy” James Storm, coming out to the old America’s Most Wanted entrance. Storm stops halfway down the entrance ramp, as he awaits his partner. “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes comes out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd. Rhodes & Storm both enter the ring, at the same time Dallas & Kash exit. The two taunt the crowd, getting everyone pumped up for the title match. This match is announced as a title match, with the NWA World Tag-Team championship titles on the line. It starts out between both Dallas & Storm. The two lock-up in the ring. Dallas uses his size and strength to get the advantage. As soon as Dallas gets any kind of advantage over Storm, he tags out to Kash. Kash runs in, stomps away on Storm, then tags right back out as soon as he starts to fight back. Dallas & Kash do a good job at keeping Storm in their corner. A couple decent double team moves. Storm is finally able to make it to his own corner, only referee Mike Posey was distracted with Kash at the time. The tag wasn’t seen, and Rhodes was forced back out of the ring as Dallas & Kash continue to beat down on Storm. Kash nails Storm with the Money Maker, but is to cocky to go for the pin, so he heads to the top turnbuckle. As Kash goes for a frog splash, Storm is able to roll out of the way at the last second. Kash hit’s the canvas hard, as he stumbles back to his feet, Storm catches him with a big superkick. Storm slowly crawls to his corner, and tags in Rhodes for the first time in the match. Rhodes comes in cleaning house, giving Dallas & Kash both repeated bionic elbows to the head! The crowd go crazy. Rhodes starts to dance around in the ring, before tagging back out to Storm. Storm comes in and gives Kash the Eight Second Ride, 1...2...Dallas is able to break the pin up! Rhodes tries to enter the ring illegally, but is held back. During this distraction, Dallas rolls into the ring with a lead pipe, and nails Storm over the head! Kash gets a quick roll-up on Storm, and the 1...2...3 count is made! Dallas & Kash retain their belts, thanks to the illegal use of the weapon by Dallas. Rhodes helps Storm back to his feet in the ring, as the crowd give them both a standing ovation. Dallas & Kash don’t waist anytime, as they go hightailing it backstage with their belts in hand.

    Winner(s) via pin fall, Dallas & Kid Kash at 15:02 min

    Is It Still Raven’s Destiny?

    Joining Scott Hudson backstage, in a dark room, filled with candles, we see Raven sitting in the corner with a towel draped over his head. Hudson walks up, and asks Raven a couple questions about the King Of The Mountain match. Raven grabs the microphone out of Hudson’s hand. He doesn’t raise up, or nothing. Hudson slowly backs out of the room. Raven talks about how it’s been his destiny ever sense setting foot in TNA to become the NWA World Heavyweight champion, but there has always been a major obstacle in his way, which has made him unsuccessful up to this point in his career. Tonight his destiny will be fulfilled, when he becomes the King Of The Mountain. He will do whatever it takes, AJ Styles won’t stop him, Chris Harris, & The Truth won’t stop him, Jeff Jarrett won’t stop him, not even director of authority Vince Russo. Raven takes the towel off his head, and stands up looking into the camera. He says he’s walking out of The Asylum the NWA World Heavyweight champion, “so it is written, so it shale come to pass. Quote the raven, nevermore!”

    In the ring is Mike Tenay with microphone in hand. He talks a little about the gut check that TNA holds. Tenay then introduces D-Ray 3000, the first person to survive the gut check. D-Ray comes out to little reaction from the crowd. He walks a little slow, like he is a little stoned. D-Ray enters the ring with Tenay, as he’s asked a couple questions. Tenay talks about how D-Ray passed the gut check when he defeated David Young two weeks ago, and now tonight he gets another shot with TNA, but no one knows who his opponent is. That is until all the lights in the arena go out. Goldylocks comes walking out on the stage with the suitcase full of Erik Watts’ money, and she’s followed by the monster Abyss. She leads Abyss down to the ring. Once inside, she grabs the microphone away from Tenay, and starts badmouthing Watts. Tenay yells at Goldylocks, but she tells him to get out of her ring. Abyss chases after Tenay, as he quickly exit’s the ring, and joins Don West back at the announcer’s table. Goldylocks starts yelling at D-Ray, telling him that his opponent tonight is Abyss!

    Abyss vs. D-Ray 3000

    This match starts out with Abyss jumping D-Ray 3000 in the middle of the ring. This doesn’t go over to well with the crowd, who boo Abyss. It’s a simple squash match, with D-Ray getting very little offense in. Goldylocks cheers Abyss on at ringside during the match, not letting go of the suitcase full of money for a second. Abyss beats down on D-Ray in the corner of the ring, then proceeds to toss him around the ring like a rag doll. D-Ray gives Abyss a couple hard right and left hands. This staggers Abyss a little, giving D-Ray enough time to climb to the top turnbuckle. D-Ray comes jumping off the top rope, attempting a flying cross body, but gets caught by Abyss who turns it into a sick looking Black Hole Slam! The crowd are shocked. Abyss pins D-Ray, as the referee counts, 1...2...3. He isn’t finished, as Abyss continues to beat down on D-Ray in the ring. Referee Andrew Thomas tries to stop the continued assault, but ends up getting shoved out of the ring by Goldylocks. Abyss picks D-Ray up on his shoulders, and gives him the Death Penalty (sit-out torture rack)! The crowd go crazy as Erik Watts comes running out. Watts rolls into the ring and starts beating down on Abyss! Goldylocks freaks out, and tries using the suitcase as a weapon against Watts. Watts turns around and backs Goldylocks into the corner. This is the time security hit the ring. Vince Russo down to ringside, as Watts has to be escorted out of The Asylum. He starts yelling at Watts as they head backstage.

    Winner via pin fall, Abyss at 1:90 min

    NWA Title Rightfully Jarrett’s?

    Don West & Mike Tenay send it backstage once again to Scott Hudson, who is standing by with another former NWA World Heavyweight champion, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett. Hudson asks Jarrett how he feels about the King Of The Mountain match coming up later tonight. Jarrett tells Hudson that he is a former NWA World Heavyweight champion, and how he’s defeated “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, Raven, & Ron “The Truth” Killings numerous times, so in the quest to prevent him from recapturing his belt, Vince Russo has booked this match. To top it all off, he’s also added the King Of The Mountain match stipulation, but says that it won’t stop him, as he’ll be taking back what is rightfully his tonight, the NWA World Heavyweight championship.

    Russo Books Contract Vs. Money!

    Outside of The Asylum we see security dragging Erik Watts out into the parking lot. Vince Russo is still yelling at Watts, reminding him that he told him not to get involved with Goldylocks. Watts tells Russo that, that bitch took everything of his, including every last bit of his money, which is in that suitcase she caries around with her like a trophy you’d put on a mantel! Russo says that he knows what Watts is going through. Abyss & Goldylocks come running up, and have to be held back by security. Russo tells Goldylocks to calm down, as she’s going crazy, ranting and raving. He books a match between Abyss & Watts at the 2nd Anniversary Show on June 23rd! Russo adds the stipulation that if Watts wins, he gets his money back. Goldylocks demands that Watts put his contract on the line. Watts agrees, as long as he gets his hands on Abyss. Russo agrees, and the match is officially announced!

    NWA:TNA “X” Division Title Match: Amazing Red vs. Frankie Kazarian ©

    Amazing Red has earned this match after beating Sonjay Dutt in a Best Of 3 Series match. He makes his way down to the ring first to a pretty big pop from the crowd. Red enters the ring, climbs to the top turnbuckle, and looks out at The Asylum crowd. Frankie Kazarian is out next, wearing the “X” Division belt around his waist with pride. Red jumps down into the ring, watching as Kazarian makes his way down to the ring. Kazarian doesn’t take his eyes off of Red, as he slowly enters the ring. Being extra careful, as he knows how quick Red can be. The bell sounds, and this match starts out with both men locking up in the ring. Red quickly slips up behind Kazarian. Kazarian fights out of the hold, and goes running off into the ropes. Red leap frogs over Kazarian, as he comes off the ropes again, Red leap frogs up, landing on Kazarian’s shoulders. He swings around on Kazarian’s , and hits a hurricanrana. Kazarian rolls out of the ring to by himself some time to regroup, and get a new game plan. Red doesn’t waist anytime, as he baseball slides out of the ring. Kazarian catches Red off guard, kicks him in the stomach, and sends him flying into the steel ring steps! Red smashes his leg into the steps. Kazarian rolls Red back into the ring, and continues to work on Red’s injured leg throughout the match. Red tries to fight back, and even goes for some highflying maneuvers, but ends up getting stuck in the proverbial tree-of-woe. This doesn’t help Red’s leg at all. Kazarian continues to work over the leg, then tries for a couple quick pin fall attempts. 1...2...Red kicks out. Kazarian pins again, 1...2...Red kicks out! He starts to get frustrated. Kazarian rolls out of the ring, and grabs the belt, then tries to use it on Red. Referee Andrew Thomas grabs the belt out of Kazarian’s hands. Red catches Kazarian off guard, and nails the Infrared! 1...2...Kazarian is able to kick out. Red heads up to the top turnbuckle again, with his injured leg, it takes him a second. Kazarian catches Red, crotching him on the top rope. Kazarian climbs up top along with Red, hitting the Flux Capacitator! The crowd is on their feet. Kazarian follows up with the pin on Red, 1...2...3, he’s able to retain the belt! Andrea Thomas hands Kazarian the championship, as he goes rolling out of the ring, and celebrating on his way backstage. Post-match, Red has to be helped to his feet.

    Winner via pin fall, Frankie Kazarian at 12:07

    Is A Unfair Advantage The Truth?

    Sanding by with BG James, Konnan, and current NWA World Heavyweight champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings, Scott Hudson interviews The Truth about what his thoughts on the King Of The Mountain match are, as he’ll be putting his title belt on the line next, in the main event. BG James grabs the microphone from Hudson. He says that the King Of The Mountain match, is just another way or Vince Russo to step all over 3 Live Kru. The Truth is better then all other of those five competitors in the match. Konnan is handed the microphone, and he says that they are going to be in The Truth’s corner. Russo walks up, and says that there will be no outside interference of any contracted TNA wrestlers tonight! If BG and/or Konnan interfere in anyway, he’ll have them fired, and they’ll be out of work. He’ll also make sure that there is no chance of The Truth getting a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight championship again! The Truth flips out and tells Russo that he’ll make sure BG & Konnan stay away from ringside tonight.

    Don West & Mike Tenay take it back down to ringside where they hype this Friday’s first ever TNA Impact on the Fox Sports Network. They say how it will be a show you’ll definitely want to set to record. A huge six man tag-team match has been signed, it will be the international team of Amazing Red, Hector Garza, & Sonjay Dutt taking on Bobby Roode, Eric Young, & Petey Williams of Team Canada, who’ll be lead by Scott D’Amore. They then send us into another video montage that hypes the main event. It showcases all six men in the ring. We see AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, & Ron Killings who are the three men who have all held the NWA World Heavyweight championship at least once. The rules are the match are as follows. When an opponent is pinned, they are sent to a penalty box that is set up at ringside for five minutes. The person who made the pin is given the belt. They then have to ascend a 15-foot high ladder to reach a hook hanging from the top of The Asylum. Once they are able to climb the ladder, and hook the belt, they win the match, becoming champion.

    NWA World Heavyweight Title King Of The Mountain Match:

    AJ Styles vs. “Wildcat” Chris Harris vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings ©

    Director of authority Vince Russo comes down to the ring caring the NWA World Heavyweight championship title belt in hand. It’s now time for the main event of the evening, the King Of The Mountain match. Referees are posted all around ringside. The first competitor out is “Wildcat” Chris Harris, who gets a really good pop from the crowd. Harris makes his way down to the ring, and taunts the crowd. Russo whispers something to Harris, telling him that he’s on his own tonight. Harris tells Russo not to worry about him. All the lights in the arena go out, and smoke begins to billow out from the staging area. Out next is Raven to nothing but boos from The Asylum crowd. Raven makes his way down to the ring wearing his kilt and a big leather jacket. His face is painted, and across his chest is written “Destiny” in big letters. Raven rolls into the ring, climbs to the top turnbuckle, and lifts his arms in the area, doing his usual trademark taunt. He then takes a seat in the corner of the ring, as we await the next participant. That would be “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, who gets a monstrous pop. AJ Styles comes walking out with his hood over his head. Slowly making his way down to the ring, once inside, he flips his hood up and looks directly into the camera. Russo has a big smile on his face as he watches from ringside. Styles taunts the crowd a little to get them even more pumped up. Harris stands in one corner, while Raven continues to sit in another. The lights in the arena once again turn off, as a video clip brings out “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett to some major heel heat. Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring looking a little concerned, and not as high on himself as he was earlier in the night. Mike Tenay reminds us that it’s crunch time for all six of the superstars in the match. Jarrett walks into the steel cage penalty box set up at ringside, then enters the ring looking right above to the hook that hangs ominously overhead. Finally, the final sixth competitor to make his entrance, Ron “The Truth” Killings. The Truth gets a big pop from the crowd as he dances his way to the ring. Once all six superstars have entered the ring, ring announcer Jeremy Borash runs down the rules for the King Of The Mountain match. Referee Rudy Charles raises the NWA World Heavyweight title over head, and signals for the bell to officially start the match!

    The match starts off with an all out brawl between all six men going after one another with an exchange of blows. It explodes when Jarrett tosses the Truth over the top rope, and is the first to take the match outside of the ring. Harris & Styles double team Raven back inside the ring. Raven is backed up into the corner of the ring. He starts to fight back by handing out some hard right hands to both Harris & Styles. Raven grabs Harris and tosses him over the top rope, then sends Styles into the opposite side of the ring with an irish whip. Styles hit’s the corner hard, and stumbles back into the middle of the ring where Raven catches him with a clothesline. At ringside, the Truth drops Jarrett head first on the steel steps, then rolls back into the ring to go to work on Raven. Jarrett rolls back into the ring and jumps Truth from behind. Jarrett & Raven both send Truth off into the ropes, then go for a double back body drop. While Jarrett & Raven are both bent over in the ring, Truth stops, kicks Raven in the chest, then starts handing out hard right hands to Jarrett. Raven stumbles back into the corner of the ring. Harris slides back into the ring, climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and starts giving Raven the 10 punches in the corner. Truth nails Jarrett with a flying forearm smash as he’s coming off the ropes. He goes for the pin, 1...2..., but Jarrett kicks out. As Harris continues to lay in the punches on Raven in the corner, Styles comes from behind. Styles slips up between Harris’ legs, and powerbombs him off the top rope! Raven explodes out of the corner of the ring with a vicious lariat. Truth hits Jarrett with the Truth Or Consequence (fall forward suplex), and pins him for the 1...2...3! Jarrett is dragged out of the ring, and placed into the penalty box for five minutes! Truth is now eligible to take the belt, and place it above the ring. While Raven & Styles battle back and forth in the ring, Truth grabs the 15-foot high ladder from ringside, and places it in the middle of the ring. He starts to climb the ladder, but Raven grabs his pants, preventing him from climbing any higher. Truth tries to kick Raven off, but loses his balance, and falls from the ladder. Raven & Truth exchange blows back and forth. Raven sends Truth in the direction of the ladder with an irish whip, but he’s able to duck underneath it. Truth comes rebounding off the opposite side of the ring, and dropkicks the ladder into Raven!

    Harris jumps Truth from behind and goes to work on him. Raven has now been busted open, as he is laid out in the middle of the ring. Styles climbs out on the ring apron, springboards back in, and nails Raven with a 450 splash! He hooks the leg, 1...2...3, Raven will now be placed inside the penalty box for five minutes! Harris & Truth continue to brawl, the two end up falling out to ringside where they start fighting out into the crowd. Inside the penalty box, Jarrett & Raven start badmouthing one another. Styles sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring, and proceeds to climb it with belt in hand. Jarrett is now released from the penalty box, and goes rolling back into the ring. He attacks Styles from behind, as he’s about halfway up the ladder. Jarrett is able to put Styles up on his shoulders. Styles tries to fight out, but Jarrett launches him over his shoulders, sending him flying into the ladder! Jarrett grabs the ladder, and begins to beat Styles with it in the ring. Harris slides back into the ring to try and help Styles, but ends up getting beaten with the ladder as well. Truth climbs to the top turnbuckle, and goes for a missile dropkick, but ends up flying right into the ladder! Jarrett pulls Truth to his feet, and gives him the Stroke, followed by the pin, 1...2...3! Truth is rolled out of the ring, and sent to the penalty box. Jarrett sets the ladder back, grabs the belt, and starts to climb. Raven is released at this time, and starts brawling with Styles in the ring. It looks as though Jarrett could have this thing won, but out of nowhere Harris comes flying from the top rope, catching Jarrett with a huge Spear off the ladder! He pins Jarrett, getting the 1...2...3! Jarrett is once again sent to the penalty box. Harris grabs the belt, and starts to climb the ladder as fast as he can. He gets halfway up, when Raven meets him on the other side. The two exchange blows, when we see Styles push the ladder over in the ring! Harris & Raven go falling over the top rope, out to ringside! A huge “holyshit” chant starts up as everyone is stunned. Only Styles doesn’t stop there. Harris & Raven slowly pull themselves to their feet at ringside, when Styles goes flying over the top rope as well, catching both men off guard! This time the crowd starts chanting “TNA, TNA”.

    While the three men are left laid out at ringside, the Truth is released from the penalty box. During his time inside, he ended up brawling with Jarrett who was also sent to the penalty box later on. Truth enters back into the ring, setting the ladder back up. At this point, Harris is rolling back into the ring. Truth goes to work on Harris, stomping away on him in the corner. Harris tries to fight back with some hard right hands of his own. He is able to give Truth the Catatonic! Harris just doesn’t follow up with the pin, instead he goes to climb the ladder. Truth gets back to his feet, and cuts Harris of midway, he then Ace Crushers Harris halfway off the ladder! Getting the 1...2...3, Harris is sent to the penalty box for the first time in the match. Truth is handed the belt, and starts climbing the ladder. Raven slides back into the ring with a steel chair in hand. He then cracks it across Truth’s back! Truth falls off the ladder, back down the canvas. Raven pushes the ladder over, and sets the chair in the middle of the ring. He pulls Truth to his feet, sends him off into the ropes with an irish whip, and catches him with a drop toe hold. Truth is sent face first into the chair, busting him open! Raven goes for a pin, 1...2...but it’s broken up by Styles. Raven & Styles fight back and forth, as Styles goes to give Raven the Styles Clash. Raven is able to block, and shoulder tosses him over his back. Styles stumbles back to his feet, walking right into a Raven Effect! Raven pins Styles, 1...2...3, he’s sent to the penalty box! Raven grabs the belt, and begins to climb the ladder. Truth climbs the opposite side, catching up to Raven at the top. The two exchange blows, and we see Truth sunset flip over Raven, and powerbomb him off the top of the ladder! Raven & Truth are both laid out in the ring. Jarrett is released, soon after followed by Harris. Jarrett grabs the belt away from Russo, and ends up using it as a weapon on Harris! Styles is know released from the penalty box. All six men begin to brawl with one another once again. We see Styles give Raven the Styles Clash onto the steel chair in the ring, getting the 1...2...3! He climbs the ladder set up in the middle of the ring, but Jarrett stops him, and gives him the Stroke halfway up! Truth nails Harris with the Lie Detector, and pins him for the 1...2...3! Truth has the belt in hand, and begins to climb to the top of the ladder. Jarrett pins Styles, 1...2...3, in the middle of the ring. Just then a women comes running out from the back with a guitar in hand, she slides it into the ring to Jarrett. As Truth is about to hook the belt, Jarrett grabs the guitar, and smashes it over Truth’s head! The crowd boo, as Truth falls from the top of the ladder. Russo goes crazy. The women slowly makes her way back up the entrance way, and watches from the stage. Jarrett grabs the belt, slowly climbs to the top of the ladder, and hangs the NWA World Heavyweight championship from the top of The Asylum! Jarrett has won the King Of The Mountain, thanks to the mystery women’s accidents. He continues to celebrate at the top of the ladder, as the five other men in the match are helped to the back by officials, TNA comes to a close as we see Jarrett with a big smile on his face, and the title belt over his shoulder…

    Winner, Jeff Jarrett at 32:00 min

    Overall Rating: 67%

  15. NWA: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling



    NWA World Heavyweight Champion - Ron “The Truth” Killings

    NWA:TNA “X” Division Champion - Frankie Kazarian

    NWA World Tag-Team Champions - Dallas & Kid Kash


    Abismo Negro


    AJ Styles

    Amazing Red

    Andy Douglas

    BG James

    Bobby Roode

    Chase Stevens

    Chris Harris

    Chris Sabin

    Chris Voughn

    Christopher Daniels

    CM Punk


    David Young

    D’Lo Brown

    Don Harris

    D-Ray 3000

    El Gran Apolo

    Elix Skipper

    Eric Young

    Erik Watts

    Frankie Kazarian

    Glenn Gilberti

    Heavy Metal

    Hector Garza

    James Storm

    Jeff Jarrett

    Jerry Lynn

    Johnny Devine

    Johnny Swinger

    Julio Dinero

    Kevin Northcutt

    Kid Kash




    Michael Shane

    Monty Brown

    Mr. Aguila


    Pat Kenney

    Petey Williams


    Ron Killings


    Shark Boy



    Sonjay Dutt

    Sonny Siaki

    The Sandman



    Dusty Rhodes


    James Mitchell

    Jimmy Hart

    Johnny Fairplay


    Scott D’Amore



    Vince Russo


    3 Live Kru - BG James, Konnan, & Ron Killings

    America’s Most Wanted - Chris Harris & James Storm

    New York Connection - Glenn Gilberti, Johnny Swinger, & Trinity

    Team AAA - Abismo Negro, Heavy Metal, Hector Graza, & Mr. Aguila

    Team Canada - Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams, & Scott D’Amore

    Team NWA - Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, & Jerry Lynn

    The Naturals - Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens

    The New Church - Sinn & Slash

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