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Posts posted by THIR13EN²


    DATE: Sunday, May 23rd, 2004

    VENUE: Sports Arena, San Diego, California

    HOSTED BY: Al Snow & Jonathan Coachman

    Al Snow & Jonathan Coachman welcome us to Heat, as the usual pryo display kicks off the show. Snow & The Coach talk about last Monday night’s RAW when Chris Jericho beat nineteen other men in a 20 man over-the-top rope battle royal, with the winner going to Bad Blood to face Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight championship. Jericho dumped Triple H, who happened to be the last man in the ring, when Trips was distracted by the currently suspended Shawn Michaels. After the match, the World champion Benoit came down to the ring to celebrate with the #1 contender to bring the show to an end. They then talk about the big World Tag-Team titles match between Batista & Ric Flair taking on the champions Benoit & Edge! Benoit & Edge were able to successfully defend the belts, but during the match Randy Orton came out, giving Edge the RKO at ringside.


    Tag-Team Match

    Hardcore Inc. vs. La Résistance

    A surprisingly good tag-team match is put on by both teams. Independent superstars Al Katrazz & Hardcore Kidd of the tag-team Hardcore Inc. take on Rob Conway & Sylvan Grenier of La Résistance. We see a lot of back and forth action starting things off between both teams. Al Katrazz starts the match off against Grenier. Conway & Grenier do a lot of double teaming throughout the match, which allows them to keep the upper hand. Hardcore Kidd is tagged into the match, and he goes to work on Conway who is also tagged in. The two exchange blows, with Hardcore Kidd getting the advantage. Hardcore Kidd nails Conway with an implant DDT in the middle of the ring, but it isn’t enough to pick up the win. Al Katrazz comes in the ring, and nails Grenier with a big boot to the face. Hardcore Kidd almost picks up the victory over La Résistance, but Conway is able to fight his way out. Conway & Grenier nail Hardcore Kidd with a double team maneuver they call the La Crepe which allows them to pick up the win! La Résistance celebrate after the match, waving the French flag high in the air.

    Winner(s): La Résistance

    [66%] [51%] [81%]


    Singles Match

    Chad Wicks vs. Rhyno

    An alright match is put on by both Chad Wicks & Rhyno. It turns out to be more of a squash match to put Rhyno over then anything. Rhyno lays in the beating on Chad throughout the match. He tries to end it early with a Gore, but Chad is able to move out of the way at the last second. While Rhyno is knocked for a loop after running into the corner post, Chad tries to pick up a quick victory. Rhyno is able to break out of the pin fall attempt, and a roll-up at the last second. Rhyno starts fighting back with some hard right and left hands, followed by vicious chops to the chest. Chad finally falls victim to the Gore! Rhyno covers, and picks up the win.

    Winner: Rhyno

    [59%] [45%] [73%]


    Video: Eugene makes his way down to the ring for this special interview set up by his uncle Eric Bischoff. The crowd go crazy for Eugene as he goes around the ring slapping people’s hands. Eugene finally enters the ring, and starts running the ropes. This is when Jonathan Coachman’s music hits. The crowd go from cheering for Eugene, to booing The Coach. Eugene stops dead in the ring as he watches The Coach make his way down. The Coach enters the ring with a big smile on his face as he’s handed a microphone. He starts off by congratulating Eugene on winning his in-ring debut last Monday night on RAW against Rob Conway. Eugene starts to get excited as the crowd begins to chant his name. The Coach tells them all to shut up, because they are just as dumb as Eugene is. This doesn’t set over well with the crowd. The Coach says that he isn’t out to make friends with Eugene, or to show him a good time. He talks about how Eugene probably doesn’t even have any friends, he definitely knows that William Regal isn’t his friend. Eugene starts to cry as The Coach lays into him more and more about how he doesn’t belong in the ring. The Coach tells Eugene that he should leave the wrestling business forever, and never come back, because he’s a joke. That’s when The Rock’s music hits! The roof of the Sports Arena is almost blown off as Rock comes walking out from the back. The crowd is on their feet cheering. Eugene flips out, while The Coach has a shocked look on his face. Rock makes his way down to the ring, and enters the ring, taking the microphone right out of The Coach’s hands. He does his usual catchphrases, and says that it’s great to be back. Rock then backs Eugene up by saying that he’s got everyone chanting his name, including the “People’s Champion”. The crowd chant Eugene’s name, which gets him jumping up and down in the ring. The Coach just about freaks out. Rock tells The Coach that he can’t be making fun of Eugene, saying he’s a joke, the only person who is a joke, is The Coach, who is a Rock look-a-like. That’s when Garrison Cade jumps Rock from behind! Eugene tries to help, but ends up getting pushed down by The Coach. Rock gets the upper hand on Cade, nailing him with some hard right hands. Cade gets knocked down, then pulls himself back up on the ropes, stumbling right back into the Rock Bottom! Eugene gets back up to his feet, and pushes The Coach right back into a huge spine buster from Rock. Rock sets up for the People’s Elbow, but lets Eugene do it instead. Eugene nails the People’s Elbow to the delight of the crowd. The Coach rolls out of the ring, and is helped to the back by Cade. Rock raises Eugene’s arm in victory, and the two celebrate.


    Singles Match

    Garrison Cade vs. The Hurricane

    This match starts off with both men locking up in the middle of the ring. The Hurricane gets the upper hand early on with some highflying moves from the top rope. Garrison Cade uses anything he can to get the slightest advantage over Hurricane. The match turns out to be surprisingly good, with the crowd behind Hurricane. Garrison Cade goes to the top turnbuckle, jumps, but misses a Top Rope Leg Drop! As Cade gets back to his feet, Hurricane catches him with the shinning black. Hurricane follows this up by nailing the Overcast from the top rope. It isn’t enough to get the win over Cade. Hurricane goes for the Eyes of Hurricane, but Cade is able to reverse it into a diving reverse DDT. Cade heads to the top turnbuckle yet again, this time jumping, nailing a Flying Elbow Drop! He hooks the leg, and gets the 1...2...3 over Hurricane for the win.

    Winner: Garrison Cade

    [71%] [66%] [76%]

    Overall Rating: 69%

  2. user posted image


    Last Monday night in a 20 man over-the-top rope battle royal, Chris Jericho was able to eliminate Triple H, who was the last man in the ring by tossing him over the top rope. Thus becoming the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight championship, and now he will go onto Bad Blood to face the champion Chris Benoit? What does Y2J have to say about getting a shot at gold at this month’s RAW brand pay-per-view, we’ll find out this Monday night.

    Triple H claims that he would have been able to eliminate Chris Jericho, if it wasn’t for the interference from the suspended “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels. What will Triple H have to say about Michaels’ interferences during the match, and will he be able to convince RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff that he deserves the shot at the World Heavyweight title at Bad Blood?

    Matches Announced:


    Molly Holly vs. Victoria ©


    Hurricane & Rosey vs. La Résistance


    Grandmaster Sexay vs. Kane

    All this and much, much more, LIVE, on Spike TV!

  3. user posted image

    News & Rumors for 5.22.04

    - The newest addition to the WWE roster, Konnan, was indeed at the SmackDown! tapping in Las Vegas, Nevada. He flew in with good friend Eddie Guerrero. For those of you who don’t know, Eddie is very good friends with Konnan, and one of the biggest reasons he signed with the company. Not only is Konnan good friends with Eddie, but he is also best friends with Rey Mysterio as well. As of right now, it’s unsure what Konnan’s role with the WWE will be, but it looks like he’ll be staying on with the SD! crew for the next couple of weeks, before appearing on television.

    - A lot of people are happy to see Chris Jericho win the #1 contenders battle royal this past Monday night. It doesn’t look like Jericho will be turning heel anytime soon, so it will be intrusting to see how the RAW creative team builds up the World Heavyweight title match, come Bad Blood.

    - Christian suffered a back injury during the #1 contenders battle royal, and will be out for a week. He has been suffering through this injury for several weeks now. Trainers are worried that this injury could reoccur, and put Christian out for an even longer period of time.

    - The WWE have been signing several new talents the past couple of weeks. Konnan being the biggest name out of the bunch. Ohio Valley Wrestling will see an influx of this talent, as Aaron Aguilera, Brian Fleming, Chad Wicks, & James Reiher Jr. will be joining the roster in the next couple of months.

    - It looks as though WWE could continue to sign a few more names to development contracts in the near future. Tony Stradlin was given a dark match on both RAW & SmackDown!, and impressed many within the company. He will be moving from SoCal to Ohio in the next month to wrestle with OVW, but he won’t be under contract. The Urban Outlaws also impressed many WWE officials, and both men could be looked into being given development contracts in the near future as well.

    - Randy Orton has been impressing many on the RAW roster the past several weeks with his growing talent in the ring, and his continues character development. The Intercontinental title has also helped boost Orton up the ladder. Many assume that Orton will drop the belt soon, and move up into the main event as soon as Shawn Michaels & Triple H leave this summer.

    - This summer could very well mark the return of The Rock to the WWE. Rock’s movie schedule has died down as of late, and Vince McMahon has been pushing for him to make a return to the active roster just in time for SummerSlam. Rock has shown interest numerous times by speaking with Vince about the possibility the few appearances he makes with the company nowadays.

    - Big Show, Sable, & Ultimo Dragon are all scheduled to make their returns to television soon with the SmackDown! brand. Show continues to travel with the roster, and wrestle lit house show events. Sable was backstage during last weeks SD! tapping, and was said to be in hire spirits. Ultimo Dragon will be returning from the orient in the next few weeks, and will start to work a few house shows before he returns to television.

    - Mark Jindrak has been getting a push as of late on the SmackDown! roster. Vince McMahon feels that if pushed right, Jindrak could be a breakout star. Jindrak has been told to work a little harder during his matches with talent, this could ultimately hurt him. A lot of people also feel that Jindrak being managed by Theodore Long isn’t a good idea.


    DATE: Saturday, May 22nd 2004

    VENUE: Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada

    HOSTED BY: Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews

    The usual pyro display starts off this weeks Velocity with Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews welcoming us to the show. They talk about this past Thursday night’s SmackDown! from the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. DeMott & Matthews talk about the big six man tag-team match between Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, & Rob Van Dam against the team of John Bradshaw Layfield & The Dudley Boyz. They then go over the United States title match between Booker T & champion John Cena. After recapping last Thursday’s show, they talk about tonight’s show and run down the card. Our first match of the night is next, which will see Jamie Noble taking on Shannon Moore in cruiserweight action.

    Singles Match

    Jamie Noble vs. Shannon Moore

    A good cruiserweight match is put on by both Jamie Noble & Shannon Moore. This match starts out with both men locking up in the middle of the ring. Moore goes for a few highflying maneuvers, but isn’t able to capitalize over Noble. Noble starts to fire back with a couple hard right and left hands. These right and left hands turn into chops to the chest. Moore’s chest soon lights up bright red. Noble goes for a tornado DDT from the top rope, but Moore is able to reverse it into a release northern light’s suplex, that sends Noble into the turnbuckles! More goes for the Mooregasm, but misses. Noble nails Moore with the Tiger Driver in the middle of the ring! He hooks the leg, and picks up the 1...2...3 for the win.

    Winner: Jamie Noble

    [71%] [57%] [85%]

    Video: we see yet another montage, hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki. This video talks about how he is a great warrior, with something to prove, and that soon he will make his presents felt on SmackDown!.


    Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews recap the WWE United States title match between Booker T & John Cena this past Thursday night on SmackDown!. We see clips from the match, showing the back and forth battle between both men. Booker almost picks up the victory several times throughout the match, that is until René Duprée comes out from the back. René smashes the French flag over Cena’s head, busting him open. This is revenge for what Cena did at Judgment Day to René, by smashing the flag across his back. The referee catches the outside interferences, and calls for the bell. The match ends in a disqualification. René continues the beat down on Cena for several minutes, then ends up celebrating in the middle of the ring, like had just won the US title. He straps the belt on around his waist, but not before draping the flag over Cena’s fallen body.


    Tag-Team Match

    Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The Basham Brothers

    A decent back and forth tag-team match between both teams. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty get a good pop from the crowd. Out next is the heel team of The Basham Brothers. Danny & Doug Basham attack Rikishi & Scotty before the match begins. They do a lot of double teaming on Scotty throughout the match. Scotty tries his best to make it to his corner, but always gets cut off. Scotty is finally able to get the upper hand on Danny by nailing him with an enzugiri. Finally making the hot tag to Rikishi. Rikishi comes in cleaning house. He nails Danny with a big superkick, then nails Doug with the Rikishi Driver! Danny slowly pulls himself to his feet on the ropes, as Scotty comes from behind with a face crusher. The crowd cheer as Scotty does the W-O-R-M. As Scotty is doing the move, Danny & Doug switch spots. Doug levels Scotty with a vicious clothesline. Rikishi tries to help, but gets double teamed by both The Basham Brothers. Danny & Doug send Rikishi off into the ropes with an irish whip, then nail him with a big double spinebuster! Danny goes for the pin, and gets the three count.

    Winner(s): The Basham Brothers

    [71%] [68%] [75%]


    The main event from this past Thursday night’s SmackDown! is recapped by Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews. The two run down what happened during the event with a video. We see Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, & Rob Van Dam take on John Bradshaw Layfield, & The Dudley Boyz. Paul Heyamn tries to interfere several times during this match. We see the end of the match come when JBL uses the title belt on Eddie, then finishes him off with the Clothesline From Hell! After the match, JBL & The Dudley Boyz continue the beat down in the ring. That is until The Undertaker comes out to save the day. Undertaker gets a monstrous pop from the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring, cleaning house. JBL ends up getting a huge Chokeslam, followed by a Tombstone on Heyman in the middle of the ring to finish off the show!


    Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews talk about next week’s SmackDown!, and run down the card for the event. John Bradshaw Layfield has gone to SD! General Manager Kurt Angle, and demanded a rematch against Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Heavyweight championship! Angle has agreed to this match, because JBL did score the pin fall over Eddie in the six man tag-team match this past Thursday night. If that’s not enough, Angle has also signed a mixed tag-team match. Dawn Marie & René Duprée will team up to take on the team of John Cena & Torrie Wilson!

    Singles Match

    Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavo Classic vs. Spike Dudley

    Yet another decent cruiserweight match. This match starts out with Chavo Classic getting sent backstage by the referee. This distracts Spike Dudley, while Classic makes a scene. Chavo Guerrero attacks Spike from behind, jumpstarting the match. Chavo beats down on Spike for a good portion of the match, then tries to end it with the Gory Bomb, but Spike slowly begins to fight back. Spike comes flying from the top rope with a big cross body pin, but Chavo kicks out at the two count. Chavo goes for a superplex, but Spike blocks, and reverses it into a tornado DDT from the top rope. Spike hooks the leg, but isn’t able to get the win. Once again, Chavo has the upper hand in the match. He goes to work on Spike, tossing him around the ring like a rag doll. Spike gets a little offensive in, and even attempts the Dudley Dogg, but Chavo is able to block. He catches Spike with a big brainbuster DDT, but doesn’t decide to go for the pin. Chavo ends up taunting someone in the front row, which gives Spike enough time to come from behind with a roll-up. Almost picking up the win, Chavo beats down on Spike. Chavo pulls Spike up, and tosses him head first into the corner post. He then goes to ringside, grabs the Cruiserweight title, and climbs back inside. Spike sees Chavo with the belt, and ducks. Chavo misses, and walks right into the Dudley Dogg from Spike! Spike quickly covers, the referee counts, and for once Spike is able to steal a win.

    Winner: Spike Dudley

    [73%] [68%] [78%]

    Overall Rating: 60%

  5. user posted image

    WWE Signs TNA Talent

    Former World Championship Wrestling & current NWA: Total Nonstop Action superstar Konnan of the 3 Live Kru has officially, of May 21st, signed a written contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. This would have never been the case, if it wasn’t for the current WWE Heavyweight champion Eddie Guerrero. For the past several months, Eddie has been pushing for the WWE & Vince McMahon to look into the possible signing of this former WCW talent. Konnan was well known for his stint in WCW with the stable known as the Filthy Animals which consisted of all Billy Kidman, Eddie Guerrero, Juventud Guerrera, Rey Mysterio.

    Not only was Konnan a big part of WCW, but recently he’s been helping out backstage with the TNA promotion. Konnan has been working as part of the Spanish announce team sense the inception. He has also been working in a storyline with both former WWE superstars BG James & Ron “The Truth” Killings. Many are worried that Konnan won’t fit backstage in the WWE, and that he’s past his prime. It’s uncertain what his role will be with the company. Vince is leaning more to having Konnan be part of the Spanish broadcast team, and more of on interviewer then having an in-ring role. We’ll have to wait and see just what the WWE creative team have planned.

    We would like to wish Konnan the best of luck, as he starts a new path in his career back with the WWE.

    I just wanted to say a few words. I'm still very much into this WWE diary, I'm having a lot of fun with it, which I haven't with any kind of diary for several months. I just wanted to note a few signings within my game, one big signing being of former WCW talent Konnan. There is a good chance that I could be picking up even more talent, which when I do, I'll announce. I'm going to be working on putting Velocity up, that should be posted no later then late tonight or early tomorrow. If anyone has any comments, please feel free, suggestions are welcome too.

  6. user posted image

    Notes from 5.20.04 SD! Tapping

    A few notes from the SmackDown! tapping in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Thomas & Mack Center. The show was red hot for most the part, everyone went crazy when The Undertaker made his surprise appearance. A lot of people thought that Undertaker would show up during the Mordecai promo, but it was more of a shocker when he came out to save the babyfaces in the main event.

    Dark matches

    Nova def. Tony Stradlin

    Kenzo Suzuki def. Orlando Jordan

    The Full Blooded Italians def. The Urban Outlaws

    The match of the night was Booker T vs. John Cena for the United States championship. Booker got a lot of heat from the crowd. Something that wasn’t seen on TV, was during the commercial break, Booker came out cutting a heel promo on the Las Vegas crowd. Cena got one of the biggest pops of the night. The first one going to The Undertaker, and second going to the WWE Heavyweight champion Eddie Guerrero.

    The main event got the crowd going, until John Bradshaw Layfield cheated to pick up the win. As JBL & The Dudley Boyz beat down on Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, & Rob Van Dam in the ring, The Undertaker came out to one of the biggest pops of the night. He cleaned house, getting the upper hand on the heel team. After the cameras went off the air, Undertaker left to the back with Paul Bearer at his side. JBL & The Dudley Boyz hit the ring again, but this time Eddie, Rey, & RVD got the upper hand, all hitting their signature moves. This sent everyone home happy, all in all, it was a decent show.

    Clip of the Night:

    user posted image

  7. user posted image

    DATE: Thursday, May 20th, 2004

    VENUE: Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada

    HOSTED BY: Michael Cole & Tazz

    SmackDown! opens in it’s usual manner with a video montage recapping the events from Judgment Day, showing captions from the show. The pyro display goes off in the Tomas & Mack Center, as we are coming from Las Vegas, Nevada. Michael Cole & Tazz welcome us to the show. They talk about how Eddie Guerrero went through hell last Sunday night against John Bradshaw Layfield in the grueling no disqualification match. That’s when Eddie’s music hits, and the crowd get on their feet, cheering for the WWE Heavyweight champion. Eddie comes out in his low rider, with a big smile on his face, wearing his belt proudly. He makes his way down to the ring, enters, and is handed a microphone. Eddie talks about how great it is to be champion, a champion of the people, someone they can look up to. He talks about the condition of his mother, and how she is doing great. Everything is going great for Eddie, and he says that, he thinks “Latino Heat” is back in business! That is until Paul Heyman & The Dudley Boyz come walking out from the backstage area. The crowd boo, as Eddie watches in disbelief. Heyman has a microphone in hand, and starts to talk about how he is sick of seeing Eddie running around with the belt. He asks Eddie if he remembers last Thursday night on SD! when he was attacked outside of the arena? Heyman says that everyone thinks it was JBL, when it was really The Dudley Boyz who laid him out! Eddie is shocked, as that brutal attack almost took him out of the main event at Judgment Day. Heyman tells Eddie that he & The Dudley Boyz did that in exchange for the tag-team tables match against Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam this past Sunday. Eddie says that if they wanted a peace of him, Heyman should have told him face-to-face. If they want a peace of him so bad, he’s waiting. Eddie takes off his belt, and lays it on the canvas. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley slowly make their way down the entrance way. They are just about to enter the ring, as Eddie gets ready for a 2-on-1 fight, when JBL attacks from behind! The crowd boo as JBL & The Dudley Boyz triple team Eddie in the ring. Heyman cheers them on at ringside as the beat down continues. Bubba & D-Von hold Eddie up, as JBL takes the title belt, and smashes it over Eddie’s head, busting him open again! The crowd go crazy as Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam come running out from the back to make the save. They slide into the ring as JBL & The Dudley Boyz hightail it out, and run backstage with Heyman following coattail. Rey & RVD help Eddie back up to his feet in the ring as we head into our first commercial break of the night.


    Backstage: John Bradshaw Layfield, Paul Heyman, & The Dudley Boyz come busting into Kurt Angle’s office. JBL tells Angle that he wants his rematch with Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Heavyweight championship! Heyman demands that The Dudley Boyz get a rematch against Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam also. Angle says that he’ll do all of them one better by signing a six man tag-team match for tonight. It will be JBL & The Dudley Boyz taking on the team of Eddie, Rey, & RVD! He then tells all of them to get out of his office. Heyman thanks Angle before all of them leave.

    WWE Tag-Team Titles Match

    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas & Rico © w/ Miss Jackie

    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly make their way down to the ring to a small pop from the crowd. Charlie Haas & Rico come out next accompanied by Miss Jackie. They get a big pop from the crowd. Jackie & Rico walk the catwalk, but Haas just walks around it, having nothing to do with the two. He enters the ring, while Jackie & Rico do their normal routine. This match gets underway with both Gunn & Hardcore arguing over who will start the match off against Rico. Rico starts dancing while the two fight back and forth. He finally gets impatient, and kisses Gunn on the lips. Gunn flips out and locks-up with Rico in the middle of the ring. The bell sounds, and this match is officially underway. Both teams exchange the upper hand in the match. It turns out to be a good comedy match that the fans really get into. Hardcore ends up leveling Haas with stiff shot and stiff shot in the ring. Hardcore goes for the Holycost on Haas, but Jackie distracts him. Gunn is tagged in, and goes to work on Haas. He goes for the Fame-Ass-Er, but Haas moves out of the way tagging in Rico. Gunn & Rico lock-up in the ring yet again, only this time Rico starts grinding with Gunn. Gunn flips out and quickly tags out to Hardcore. Hardcore comes in, and starts laying it on Rico. Rico slowly fights back, gets a sunset flip on Hardcore, which allows him to pick up the quick victory, allowing him to retain the titles for his team. After the match, Gunn & Hardcore make their way backstage while Haas, Jackie, & Rico celebrate. Jackie gives Haas a big kiss on the lips, this makes him very happy.

    Winner(s): Charlie Haas & Rico

    [77%] [72%] [82%]

    Backstage: Chavo Classic is getting ready for his match next, with Matt Cappotelli. Chavo Guerrero comes walking into the locker room, and starts giving pointers to his father about how to win the match. Classic tells Chavo that he’s got everything under control, and that he doesn’t need his son’s help to kick a non-talented tough enough winner’s ass. Chavo says that he’ll be in his corner tonight just to make sure.


    Singles Match

    Chavo Classic w/ Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Cappotelli

    This match starts out with Chavo Classic getting the better of Matt Cappotelli in and out of the ring. Classic drags Matt all over the ringside area. Chavo Guerrero gets a couple cheap shots in behind the referee’s back. That’s when Spike Dudley comes down to ringside to help out Matt. Chavo & Spike get involved in a little brawl at ringside. This distracts Classic long enough that Matt comes up from behind with a roll-up, but it isn’t enough to put him away. The referee tries to break up the brawl at ringside, which allows Classic to use his son’s Cruiserweight title belt on Matt. Classic tosses the belt back out of the ring, and hooks the leg. The referee notices the pin, slides back into the ring, and makes the three count. Chavo rolls Spike into the ring. Classic goes to use the belt on him, but Spike ducks. He ends up nailing Chavo over the head with his own belt! Classic is shocked, but ends up turning right around into a Dudley Dogg from Spike! The crowd go crazy. Spike helps Matt back up to his feet, and the two celebrate in the ring.

    Winner: Chavo Classic

    [59%] [55%] [63%]

    Video: we see yet another montage, hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki. This video talks about how he is a great warrior, with something to prove, and that soon he will make his presents felt on SmackDown!.


    All the lights in the arena go out as we come back from the commercial break, shocking everyone in the crowd. Very strange music begins to play, as a spot light shines down from the ceiling down on the entrance way. Mordecai comes walking out, very slowly, from the backstage area. Like last Sunday at Judgment Day, he is caring a scepter in one hand, and a bible in the other. There isn’t much reaction from the crowd. Mordecai enters the ring, setting his scepter in a holder that has been placed in the corner of the ring. He steps to the middle of the ring, raises both arms in the air. This is when lightning shoots down from the ceiling, hitting the scepter, lighting it on fire! Mordecai grabs a microphone and starts preaching about how the souls of the world are crying out. That’s why, he has been sent to rid the world of sin, teaching those sinners a lesson. Mordecai says that he is going to do this by going after “The Dead Man”, the key to all evil. Judgment Day was only a test, soon the real punishment will begin. Mordecai reads a couple words out of his bible, before shutting it. All the lights in the arena go out again. The scepter that was a flame, now turns blue. A spot light shines on Mordecai as he kneels in front of his cross. He then exit’s the ring, and makes his way backstage.


    WWE United States Title Match

    Booker T vs. John Cena ©

    John Cena comes out doing a rap, getting over with the crowd, who has already given him a monstrous pop during his entrance. He talks about how he beat René Duprée at Judgment Day, then how tonight SmackDown! General Manager Kurt Angle wants him to wrestle Booker T. Booker T comes out next to nothing but heel heat from the crowd. He enters the ring and faces off against Cena. The two exchange a few words before the bell sounds to start the match. Booker & Cena lock-up in the middle of the ring, with Booker starting off with the upper hand. He lays in a few chops to the chest on Cena, backing him up into the corner of the ring. Cena forearms Booker, then starts laying in a few chops to the chest as well. The two exchange blows. Booker comes running off the ropes nailing Cena with a harlem sidekick. He comes running off the ropes again, this time dropping a knee on Cena’s head. Booker tries for a pin fall attempt, but Cena quickly kicks out. The two continue on in the match. They end up at ringside, where Booker tries to irish whip Cena into the corner post. Cena is able to reverse, sending Booker hard into the post. Cena rolls Booker into the ring and goes for a pin fall attempt, but this time Booker is able to kick out at the last second. Booker starts to fight back, but Cena gets the upper hand by nailing a huge fisherman buster. It just isn’t enough to put Booker away.

    Booker gets the upper hand back in the match after connecting with a missile dropkick from the top rope. He nails the Book End, but after hooking the leg, Cena is able to get his foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Booker argues with the referee as Cena pulls himself up on the ropes. The two go back and forth exchanging blows. Booker is able to catch Cena with a kick to the stomach. He comes running off the ropes and goes for the Scissors Kick, but Cena moves out of the way at the last second. Cena catches Booker with the F-U! Cena goes for the cover, but Booker somehow kicks out at the last second. He’s shocked that Booker is able to kick out. As Cena gets to his feet, out comes René from the backstage area with the French flag in hand. René slides into the ring, swings Cena around, and clocks him right across the forehead with the flag, busting him open! The referee calls for the bell, as this match ends in disqualification. René continues the assault on Cena in the middle of the ring. The crowd boo like crazy, as René takes the United States title, and uses it as a weapon against Cena. Cena starts bleeding all over the place. René uses the belt to bust Cena open even more, after he’s done, he lays the flag over Cena’s fallen body in the middle of the ring. He takes the belt, and puts it around his waist, celebrating with it like it’s his that he’s just won.

    Winner: John Cena

    [84%] [85%] [83%]


    Backstage: Funaki is standing by with Mark Jindrak & Theodore Long for this interview segment. He asks Long a few questions about Jindrak. Long ends up taking the microphone away from Funaki. He talks about how Jindrak has been squashing talent left and right for several weeks on Velocity, and that it’s time to move to the next level. That’s why tonight, Jindrak is laying out an open challenge to any superstar in the back. Funaki tries to take his microphone back from Long. Long asks if Funaki has what it takes to beat Jindrak? Funaki tells Long that he’ll accept the open challenge. Long tells Funaki that he better go get ready, because the match is next.

    Backstage: Torrie Wilson is getting make-up put on when Dawn Marie comes out of nowhere attacking her from behind! She goes flying head first out of the chair to the floor. Dawn pulls Torrie up by her hair, then tosses her further down the hallway. Torrie tries to fight back, but ends up getting kicked in the stomach. Dawn pulls Torrie up and tosses her head first through the women’s locker room. Torrie grabs a bunch of cloths, throwing them in Dawn’s face. She grabs Dawn’s shirt, ripping it off. Dawn goes crazy tackling Torrie to the ground. Officials and road agents come running in, pulling the two apart. Dawn pulls out a big chunk of Torire’s hair, while Torrie still has Dawn’s shirt.


    Singles Match

    Funaki vs. Mark Jindrak

    In what turns out to be just another squash match. Mark Jindrak comes out with manager Theodore Long. In the ring, Jindrak flexes in a mirror set up in the corner of the ring. Not getting much reaction from the crowd. Funaki comes out next, only he gets a big pop from the crowd. He enters the ring, but is jumped by Jindrak. Long quickly exit’s the ring, as the bell sounds. Jindrak ends up tossing Funaki around the ring like a rag doll. Funaki gets little, to no offense. Jindrak nails Funaki with a superkick, but it isn’t enough to score the pin fall victory. Throughout the match, Long cheers Jindrak on at ringside. Funaki capitalizes over Jindrak through part of the match. He comes flying off the top turnbuckle nailing Jindrak with a missile dropkick. It isn’t enough for a three count. Jindrak gets the upper hand over Funaki again, this time nailing him with the Mark of Perfection, which allows him to pick up the 1...2...3! Long quickly enters the ring, and raises Jindrak’s arm in victory. The two celebrate, as the crowd boo. It isn’t enough, as Jindrak continues the assault on Funaki after the match is over. This gets even more heel heat from the crowd. Jindrak is forced off of Funaki, as he flexes some more to the camera, before finally leaving backstage.

    Winner: Mark Jindrak

    [62%] [58%] [77%]

    Backstage: Booker T comes busting into Kurt Angle’s office, complaining about how he was screwed out of the United States championship match against John Cena, thanks to the interferences from René Duprée. Angle tells Booker not to worry, that he’ll make it up to him next week.


    Backstage: Eddie Guerrero is being checked out by a trainer, after being cut back open at the start of the show by John Bradshaw Layfield. Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam come walking up asking him if he’ll be alright for tonight’s main event six man tag-team match? Eddie says that he isn’t 100%, but he’ll be ready to take on JBL & The Dudley Boyz later tonight.

    Singles Match

    Akio w/ Sakoda vs. Billy Kidman

    A great cruiserweight match is put on by Akio & Billy Kidman. The two go back and forth for a good portion of the match. The crowd really get behind Kidman, cheering him on. Akio takes to the sky with some big highflying moves, but it isn’t enough to keep Kidman down. Kidman starts to get the upper hand. Akio & Sakoda are down at ringside. That’s when Kidman heads to the top turnbuckle, jumps to the outside, and takes down the both of them with a huge shooting star press! Kidman rolls Akio back into the ring and goes for the cover, but it isn’t enough to keep him down for the win. Akio starts to fight back, but Kidman nails him with the BK Bomb. This still isn’t enough for him to pick up the win. Kidman heads up to the top turnbuckle yet again, but this time Sakoda crotches him. While this goes down, Akio distracts the referee. Kidman kicks Sakoda in the face, sending him flying down to the ground blow. Akio pushes the referee into the ropes, crotching Kidman yet again. He climbs to the top rope with Kidman, and nails a huge top rope hurricanrana. Akio hooks the leg, but Kidman kicks out. Kidman slowly starts to fight back. He nails Akio with a face buster, then heads to the top turnbuckle. He taunts the crowd, as they get on their feet, he jumps, and nails the Shooting Star Press! Kidman hooks the leg, covers, and picks up the 1...2...3. The referee raises Kidman’s arm in victory after the match.

    Winner: Billy Kidman

    [73%] [53%] [93%]

    Video: It’s time once again for the RAW Rebound. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross go over the events that happened this past Monday night. We saw the shocking return of The Rock when he added Eugene against Garrison Cade & Jonathan Coachman. We found out that Lita’s answer to Kane was “yes”, only after Kane was finished beating down her boyfriend Matt Hardy in the middle of the ring. Chris Benoit & Edge successfully defended their World Tag-Team championship title belts against Evolution members Batista & Ric Flair. During that match, Randy Orton came out to give Edge the RKO at ringside! And finally the 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal to determine who would face Benoit at Bad Blood for the World Heavyweight championship. We saw it go down to three men, Chris Jericho, Rhyno, & Triple H. Rhyno was eliminated at the same time Shawn Michaels came out to give Trips the Sweet Chin Music! This allowed Jericho to come from behind, dumping Trips over the top rope. The show came to and end with Benoit & Jericho celebrating.


    Six Man Tag-Team Match

    Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, & Rob Van Dam vs. John Bradshaw Layfield, & The Dudley Boyz w/ Paul Heyman

    The Dudley Boyz accompanied to the ring by manager Paul Heyman, make their way down to the ring first to nothing but boos from the crowd. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley enter the ring, and wait for the tag-team partner. John Bradshaw Layfield comes out next in his limo to a lot of heat from the crowd. The limo drivers open the door, as we see JBL climb out waving his hat to the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring taunting a few people in the front row, before entering the ring with The Dudley Boyz. Out next is Rey Mysterio. The crowd go crazy as Rey comes jumping out of the stage, and running down to the ring. Only he stops dead in his tracks just before entering the ring. Rob Van Dam comes out joining Rey at ringside. Finally, out comes Eddie Guerrero to a huge pop from the crowd. He doesn’t waist much time as he goes running down the entrance way. Eddie, Rey, & RVD storm the ring rushing JBL & The Dudley Boyz. All six men exchange blows. JBL & The Dudley Boyz go rolling out of the ring to try and collect their selves at ringside. Eddie, Rey, & RVD go springboarding over the top rope taking out the apposing team to the joy of the crowd! The match finally starts out with RVD exchanging blows with D-Von in the ring. D-Von gets the upper hand over RVD, until he comes flying off the top rope with a back heel kick. Rey is tagged in at this point. Rey comes in with the upper hand with a few highflying moves. JBL is tagged in. He comes in leveling Rey with a big boot. JBL catches Rey as he comes flying off the top rope, attempting a cross body. He nails Rey with the Last Call, hooks the leg, but the pin is broken up by Eddie. Bubba is tagged in, and he goes to work on Rey. The Dudley Boyz nail a huge Doomsday Device on Rey.

    RVD is tagged in at this point. He goes for the Five Star Frog Splash, but is stopped by JBL. Bubba & D-Von nail RVD with the 3-D in the middle of the ring, but once again the pin fall attempt is broken up by Eddie. Eddie is finally tagged in, and he levels both Bubba & D-Von, then goes to work on JBL, who isn’t the legal man. Heyman tries to interfere, but ends up getting nailed with the 6-1-9 from Rey! JBL is finally tagged into the match, and goes to work on Eddie by attacking him from behind. Eddie gets busted open yet again, and starts bleeding all over the place. The referee gets distracted by Rey & RVD brawling with The Dudley Boyz at ringside. JBL rolls out of the ring, grabs the WWE Title, and enters the ring again. He goes to nail Eddie with the belt, but Eddie sees it coming. JBL misses, and Eddie dropkicks the belt back in his face. Eddie heads to the top turnbuckle, but Heyman grabs onto his foot. Eddie kicks Heyman in the face, sending him falling to the ring apron. JBL slowly crawls back up to his feet in the ring with the belt in hand. Eddie climbs back down into the ring and goes to grab JBL, but ends up getting nailed over the head! JBL sets up, as Eddie slowly stumbles back up to his feet. He comes running off the ropes, hitting Eddie with the Clothesline From Hell! He covers, picking up the win.

    After the match, JBL & The Dudley Boyz beat down on Eddie, Rey, & RVD in the ring. The crowd are about to start a riot, as they boo like crazy. Heyman enters the ring and joins in by directing traffic. All the lights in the arena go out, and The Undertaker’s music hits. The once booing crowd, goes insane as Paul Bearer comes walking out from the back holding the urn high in the air. He’s followed by Undertaker who doesn’t waist anytime making his way down to the ring. Heyman holds JBL & The Dudley Boyz back. Undertaker finally enters the ring, takes off his hat and coat, then stares down all four men. Bubba & D-Von try to jump Undertaker, but he fights them both off. Next is JBL who tries to jump him from behind. Undertaker irish whips JBL off into the ropes, and gives him the big boot. JBL stumbles back up to his feet, and walks right into a Chokeslam! Heyman goes to attack Undertaker from behind, but stops when he turns around staring him down. Undertaker backs Heyman into the corner of the ring, grabs him by the neck, then delivers the Tombstone! Eddie, Rey, & RVD are shown collecting themselves, as Undertaker knees down in front of Paul Bearer, and the urn which is risen into the air as the show comes to an end.

    Winner(s): John Bradshaw Layfield & The Dudley Boyz

    [80%] [81%] [80%]

    Overall Rating: 70%

    “SmackDown!” scored a 5.37 rating.

    Attendance level was 8001 people.

    $320040 was made from ticket sales.

  8. user posted image

    WWE Signs New Development Talent

    Four new faces will be appearing in WWE’s talent farm Ohio Valley Wrestling in the next few months. Impressing a lot of people backstage within the company. Aaron “Hardcore Kidd” Agilera & Brian “Al Katrazz” Fleming both appeared this past Monday night in a tag-team match for the Heat tapping, wrestling against the team of Rob Conway & Sylvan Grenier of La Résistance. Both men are apart of Ultimate Pro Wrestling out of southern California, teaming together as the well established tag-team Hardcore Inc. who happen to be former UPW Tag-Team champions. Hardcore Kidd is well known in the SoCal area, working for such promotions as PWG & the Inoki Dojo. He has also been under contract with WWE once before as part of the development deal.

    The third talent signed is coming out of the Inoki Dojo out of southern California. He has also wrestled for Chaotic Wrestling out of New England. Chad “Billy K” Wicks has appeared several times for dark matches at WWE events, and will now be given the chance as a development talent.

    Finally, the last talent to be signed is son of former WWE superstar Jimmy Snuka. James “Solo Snuka” Reiher Jr. has appeared several times with Ultimate Pro Wrestling out of southern California, he also had a small stint with the now dead promotion, Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Solo Snuka has also toured over sea’s in the orient several times over the past two years. This 2nd generation superstar will be a great addition to the WWE roster, and we expect great things from all four of these younger superstars.

  9. user posted image


    Coming off the aftermath of Judgment Day, SmackDown! will be head to the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada! Eddie Guerrero & John Bradshaw Layfield fought in a grueling no disqualification match, with the WWE Heavyweight championship on the line. This match ended with Eddie using what little “Latino Heat” he had left after being busted open halfway through the match, and losing a great deal of a amount of blood. This Thursday night Eddie will be celebrating his victory, Vegas style!

    John Cena’s celebration of retaining his United States title over René Duprée this past Sunday has been cut short by SmackDown! General Manager Kurt Angle. Angle has booked Cena to defend his championship against Booker T in a one-on-one singles match.

    Matches Announced:


    Booker T vs. John Cena ©


    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas & Rico ©

    Card Subject To Change

    All this, this Thursday Night at 8/7 CT on UPN!

  10. user posted image

    News & Rumors for 5.18.04

    - Eddie Guerrero will be taking this weekend off for the SD! brand house shows. At Judgment Day, during his match with John Bradshaw Layfield, he bladed himself a little to deep, and lost a great deal of amount of blood. Eddie has still been suffering from slight dizziness. The main event for the house shows will be changed to JBL facing The Undertaker.

    - A-Train will be inline for a push on the RAW brand. Making his debut in the 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal this past Monday night. Vince McMahon has always thought A-Train would equal big things. The RAW creative team is also said to be high on A-Train current character.

    - Carlos Colon will be touring with the SD! brand this weekend for the currently scheduled house shows. He’ll be wrestling against Funaki one night, and Shannon Moore the next.

    - Rodney Mack will be returning to active duty on the RAW roster in the next month. Mack has been sidelined for the past several months, and been traveling with wife Jazz. Also returning from injury, is Test. Test returned this week for yet another dark match before RAW, teaming with John Heidenreich, against the independent team of the Urban Outlaws.

    - A few familiar faces were backstage at this past Sunday’s SD! brand pay-per-view, Judgment Day. Former WWE talent DDP & Sean “X-Pac” Waltman were seen hanging out backstage with friends. Current TNA superstar Konnan was also spotted hanging with good friends Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio. Eddie Guerrero is said to be pushing for WWE & Vince McMahon to sign Konnan to a contract, as he currently is under open obligations with TNA.

    - Mordecai has been getting rave reviews for his work at Judgment Day. He has also been involved in a few in-ring promos at recent SD! house shows. A Mordecai/Undertaker feud is scheduled for this summer. It will be fun to see how the Mordecai character is built in the coming months.

  11. user posted image

    Notes from 5.17.04 RAW

    What a show RAW was this week. Just got back from the Sports Arena in San Diego, California. The arena was just about 100% full, all for a few seats in the balcony that were tapped off. The show came across very well for the LIVE crowd, as I’m sure it did for everyone who watched it at home.

    Dark matches

    John Heidenreich & Test def. The Urban Outlaws

    Chuck Palumbo def. Tony Stradlin

    Everyone was into the World Tag-Team titles match between Batista/Ric Flair & Chris Benoit/Edge. It was a great way to start off RAW. The fans were really behind Benoit & Edge, Flair even got some pops from the crowd as well.

    It was a big surprise to see The Rock. He blew the roof off the arena when his music hit. The fans loved the segment between him, Eugene, & The Coach. Easley the biggest pop of the night.

    The 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal got the fans going as well. A-Train made his on-air debut running through a lot of the talent on the roster. Kane & Matt Hardy continued to brawl after Matt eliminated Kane. They went through the crowd until they disappeared backstage. Shawn Michaels showed up to one of the biggest pops of the night as well. He distracted Triple H long enough for Chris Jericho to score the win.

    It will be Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho at Bad Blood for the World Heavyweight title. It will surly be a great match, and it’s about time that Jericho got his shot at the championship again.

    Once the cameras went off the air, Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho continued to celebrate in the ring. Triple H got on the mic and said that Shawn Michaels cost him the #1 contender’s spot, and next week he’d get his revenge on Michaels. Evolution ended up dragging Trips out of the arena, that was the end of the show at that point.

    Clip of the Night:

    user posted image

  12. user posted image

    DATE: Monday, May 17th, 2004

    VENUE: Sports Arena, San Diego, California

    HOSTED BY: Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross

    RAW opens with a video package, recapping the happening of last Monday’s show. We see Shawn Michaels interfere in the match between Shelton Benjamin & Triple H, giving Trips the Sweet Chin Music, allowing Benjamin to pick up his third win over “The Game”. This brought out Eric Bischoff who decided to suspend “The Heartbreak Kid” indefinitely. We now head into the Sports Arena, where we are LIVE for this week’s RAW. The pyro display hits as Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross welcome us. They hype tonight’s big 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal to determine who’ll go onto face Chris Benoit at Bad Blood for the World Heavyweight championship. If that’s not all, starting the show off will be a huge tag-team rematch for the World Tag-Team titles, as Batista & Ric Flair face Chris Benoit & Edge, this leads us into our first match of the night.

    World Tag-Team Titles Match

    Batista & Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit & Edge ©

    Batista & Ric Flair make their way down to the ring first to a mixed reaction from the crowd. A lot of the fans cheer for Flair. Once they enter the ring, out comes Edge who gets a monstrous pop from the crowd. He slaps a few fans hands on the way down, then slides into the ring. Chris Benoit’s music hits, and the crowd goes crazy again. Benoit makes his way out from the back with both title belts over his shoulders. He enters the ring with Edge, as this, the first match of the night, gets underway. Edge & Flair start off with a lock-up in the ring as the bell sounds to start the match. Some chops to the chest are exchanged by both men with Flair getting the upper hand. Flair goes to irish whip Edge off into the ropes, but he reverses. Flair hit’s the corner hard, and stumbles out right into a back toss from Edge. The crowd cheer for Edge. Flair pulls himself up on the ropes, and tags out to Batista. Batista & Edge lock-up, with Batista getting the upper hand as he uses his brut strength. Batista backs Edge up into the corner of the ring, and starts handing out some hard right hands. The two exchange blows. Benoit is able to make a blind tag to Edge. Benoit, who is fresh in, hands out some vicious chops to the chest to Batista. Benoit irish whips Batista off into the ropes, but ends up getting leveled with a big stiff clothesline. Batista stomps away on Benoit, then tags back out to Flair. Flair comes in going to work on Benoit’s legs, trying to work up for the figure four leglock. Benoit slowly starts to fight back, tagging out to Edge.  Edge comes in chopping away on Flair. Flair starts to get the upper hand with a few chops to the chest, he then heads to the top turnbuckle, but gets caught. Edge tosses Flair off the top rope, and he lands hard on the mat below. Flair tags out to Batista.

    Batista comes back in using his strength against Edge. Batista irish whips Edge off into the ropes, and catches him with a standing spinebuster. Batista tries for a couple pin falls after this, then tags back out to Flair. Flair goes to work on Edge’s back and neck. Edge fights him off, and nails Flair with a Spear! He hooks the leg, going for the pin, but it’s broken up by Batista. Edge tags out to Benoit. Benoit comes in fired up, going to work on both Batista & Flair. Benoit nails Flair with a snap suplex, then heads up to the top turnbuckle where he hit’s a huge swan dive head butt. He goes for the pin, but it’s once again broken up by Batista. Flair is able to tag out to Batista. Batista comes in working on Benoit, but Benoit is able to once again get the upper hand. Benoit sweeps Batista’s legs out from under him, and goes for the sharpshooter. The crowd goes crazy. Flair goes to break it up, but Edge comes running up nailing him with a clothesline, which also sends him flying over the top rope to ringside. While Edge & Flair are at ringside, Randy Orton comes out of nowhere nailing Edge with the RKO! In the ring Benoit locks Batista up in the Crippler Crossface! He taps out, giving Benoit & Edge the win, and allowing them to retain the titles. Benoit goes rolling out of the ring chasing Orton up the ramp. He then checks on Edge. Batista & Flair slowly make their way back up the entrance ramp joining Orton’s side. The referee hands Benoit & Edge their belts, Benoit helps Edge to his feet as he continues to stare down Orton.

    Winner(s): Chris Benoit & Edge

    [81%] [85%] [72%]


    Backstage: Eric Bischoff is on the phone in his office when Johnny Nitro comes walking in. Bischoff finishes up his telephone conversation, and asks what Nitro needs? Nitro asks Bischoff if he could be apart of tonight’s battle royal? Bischoff says that Nitro has done a great job as his personal assistant, and he sees why not. Nitro thanks Bischoff, and he says he won’t let him down. He leaves the office to get ready for the main event.

    Backstage: Todd Grisham is standing by with Chris Jericho. He tells Jericho that he beat the odds last week in the steel cage match with Christian, but can he do it again tonight when he enters the ring with 20 other RAW superstars? Jericho tells Grisham that he’s beaten the odds in his entire career, and tonight will be no different. He says that it’s time for Y2J to step back up to the plate, and go for gold. Trish Stratus comes walking up and gets in Jericho’s face. She tells him that he was never able to satisfy her as well as Christian is, and that last week was an accident, remember that Christian is the man who beat him at WrestleMania XX. Jericho tells Trish to beat it. Trish leaves, but the two stare each other down, before she goes, she tells Jericho to watch his back.


    Coming back from the commercial break, Triple H makes his way down to the ring to nothing but heel heat from the crowd. Trips makes his way into the ring, and is handed a microphone. Before he can say anything, he is cut off by more boos from the crowd. Trips finally starts his promo off by talking about the events that happened two weeks ago when he cost Shawn Michaels his match against Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight championship. He did that for one reason, and that was for revenge. Trips thinks that he should have never lost the World Title at WrestleMania XX & Backlash, and as of a result of this, it’s Michaels’ fault. He talks about their history together, and the two of them have competed many times in the past. Trips then talks about what happened last week on RAW when Michaels came out during his match with Shelton Benjamin, getting his revenge, and nailing him with the Sweet Chin Music, costing him his third loss to Benjamin. As a result of this, Michaels was suspended indefinitely by RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff. Trips says that tonight isn’t about Michaels and him, it’s about “The Game” getting his shot at the World Title at Bad Blood. Once he wins the battle royal tonight, he’s going to go to Bad Blood and beat Chris Benoit for what is rightfully his, finally giving the power back to Evolution! Trips’ music hits as he makes his way backstage, the crowd continue to boo him as we head into another commercial break.


    Backstage: William Regal congratulates Eugene on his win over Rob Conway last week on RAW. Eugene is so happy he wants another match. Regal tells Eugene to calm down, so he doesn’t get ahead of himself. Eric Bischoff comes walking up congratulating Eugene on his win. Bischoff & Regal talk about how Eugene wasn’t supposed to win last week, but he did, so tonight he’s going to make sure that Eugene gets embarrassed, and shown for what he really is. He’s arranged a special in-ring interview for later tonight, only Regal will be forced to stay backstage. Regal gets a worried look on his face, as he watches Eugene.

    Singles Match

    Lita vs. Trish Stratus

    Lita makes her way out to the ring first to a big pop from the crowd. Out next is Trish Stratus, who gets booed. Once in the ring, the bell sounds and the two lock-up. The two exchange right and left hands. Trish irish whips Lita off into the ropes. Lita nails Trish with a head scissor takedown. A couple pin fall attempts, but Trish finds a way to kick out. Lita goes up top, but gets cut off by Trish. Trish climbs to the second turnbuckle, and nails a huge superplex on Lita. Trish tries for a pin fall attempt, but Lita is able to kick out. The two go back and forth for a few more minutes, before Lita catches Trish with a huge snap DDT. Lita goes back to the top turnbuckle, jumps, but Trish rolls out of the way of the moonsault! Lita stumbles to her feet, and Trish kicks her in the stomach. Trish comes running off the ropes, but takes a clothesline from Lita. Lita gets ready to climb the turnbuckles again, that’s when fire explodes from the entrance ramp, and Kane’s music hits! Lita is shocked, and gets scared. She backs into the middle of the ring. No one comes out from the back, it turns out to be a distraction, Trish comes from behind with a roll-up on Lita, which allows her to score the 1...2...3! Trish quickly rolls out of the ring and heads backstage. Lita gets back up to her feet, still looking over her shoulder for Kane, she doesn’t even care about the match anymore.

    Winner: Trish Stratus

    [78%] [84%] [60%]

    Backstage: Randy Orton is in the back, proudly holding his Intercontinental Title over his shoulder. He talks about how he is the “Living Legend”, who beat the legendary Mick Foley twice, he also punk’ed out Harley Race. He’s gone through such legends as Sgt. Slaughter, and the list goes on. Not only is he the “Living Legend”, but he’s also the longest in three years, raining as IC champion. Tonight he’s been entered into the 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal, where he’ll insure that there is at least one member of Evolution in the main event at Bad Blood.


    Eugene makes his way down to the ring for this special interview set up by his uncle Eric Bischoff. The crowd go crazy for Eugene as he goes around the ring slapping people’s hands. Eugene finally enters the ring, and starts running the ropes. This is when Jonathan Coachman’s music hits. The crowd go from cheering for Eugene, to booing The Coach. Eugene stops dead in the ring as he watches The Coach make his way down. The Coach enters the ring with a big smile on his face as he’s handed a microphone. He starts off by congratulating Eugene on winning his in-ring debut last Monday night on RAW against Rob Conway. Eugene starts to get excited as the crowd begins to chant his name. The Coach tells them all to shut up, because they are just as dumb as Eugene is. This doesn’t set over well with the crowd. The Coach says that he isn’t out to make friends with Eugene, or to show him a good time. He talks about how Eugene probably doesn’t even have any friends, he definitely knows that William Regal isn’t his friend. Eugene starts to cry as The Coach lays into him more and more about how he doesn’t belong in the ring. The Coach tells Eugene that he should leave the wrestling business forever, and never come back, because he’s a joke. That’s when The Rock’s music hits! The roof of the Sports Arena is almost blown off as Rock comes walking out from the back. The crowd is on their feet cheering. Eugene flips out, while The Coach has a shocked look on his face. Rock makes his way down to the ring, and enters the ring, taking the microphone right out of The Coach’s hands. He does his usual catchphrases, and says that it’s great to be back. Rock then backs Eugene up by saying that he’s got everyone chanting his name, including the “People’s Champion”. The crowd chant Eugene’s name, which gets him jumping up and down in the ring. The Coach just about freaks out. Rock tells The Coach that he can’t be making fun of Eugene, saying he’s a joke, the only person who is a joke, is The Coach, who is a Rock look-a-like. That’s when Garrison Cade jumps Rock from behind! Eugene tries to help, but ends up getting pushed down by The Coach. Rock gets the upper hand on Cade, nailing him with some hard right hands. Cade gets knocked down, then pulls himself back up on the ropes, stumbling right back into the Rock Bottom! Eugene gets back up to his feet, and pushes The Coach right back into a huge spine buster from Rock. Rock sets up for the People’s Elbow, but lets Eugene do it instead. Eugene nails the People’s Elbow to the delight of the crowd. The Coach rolls out of the ring, and is helped to the back by Cade. Rock raises Eugene’s arm in victory, and the two celebrate.



    Singles Match

    Kane vs. Val Venis

    Val Venis is already in the ring, as he awaits his opponent. Fire explodes from the entrance way for the second time tonight, with Kane coming out from the back. He enters the ring and gets jumped by Val. The bell sounds, and this match is underway. The two exchange blows, with Kane leveling Val with a big upper cut. Kane continues the assault on Val. He sends him off into the ropes with an irish whip. Val comes rebounding off into a big boot. Kane pulls Val back up to his feet and sends him into the corner, then follows up with a clothesline. Val stumbles out of the corner right into a Chokeslam. Kane doesn’t go for the pin fall, but pulls Val back up to his feet, delivering a Tombstone! He covers Val, picking up the win in the short squash match. After the match, Kane stands in the middle of the ring, getting ready to light the four corner posts on fire, that is until he takes a steel chair shot to the back from Matt Hardy! The crowd go crazy as Matt starts beating down on Kane. Kane slowly starts to get the advantage. Matt comes running off the ropes to nail Kane with a steel chair shot, but Kane big boots the chair back into Matt’s face! Kane destroys Matt. Officials come running out from the back to break it up, but Kane keeps them out of the ring. Kane places Matt’s head in-between the chair, and gets ready to step on the end of it, which could very well snap Matt’s neck. Lita comes running out from the back. She slides into the ring and pulls Kane away from Matt. Lita tells Kane that her answer is yes. Kane backs her up into the corner with a big smile on his face. He runs his hand through her hair, smelling it, before finally exiting the ring and making his way backstage. Lita is scared, but goes to check on Matt. Kane watches from the entrance way as officials check on Matt’s condition.

    Winner: Kane

    [77%] [78%] [76%]


    Backstage: Rob Conway & Sylvan Grenier of La Résistance come walking into Eric Bischoff’s office. Bischoff asks what the two of them want? Conway demands that Bischoff add the two of them to the 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal tonight, and he says that one of them will make it to Bad Blood to become the next World Heavyweight champion! Bischoff grants the two the last two spots in the battle royal, and wishes them the best of luck.

    Backstage: Edge is shown preparing for the 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal which is just a few minutes away. Chris Benoit is sitting in the corner. Todd Grisham comes walking in and asks Edge about the possibility of him winning the battle royal later tonight and going onto face his tag-team partner at Bad Blood? Benoit gets up and talks about how he’s totally supporting Edge tonight, and knows what it’s like to be sidelined with on injury, then coming back wanting to go for the gold. Edge thanks Benoit for the support, and shakes Benoit’s hand.


    Tag-Team Match

    Gail Kim & Jazz w/ Molly Holly vs. Nidia & Victoria

    This match starts out with a lot of back and forth action between both teams. The crowd give Gail Kim, Jazz, & Molly Holly some major heat. Nidia & Victoria get way over with the crowd. Gail & Nidia start things off in the ring. Nidia shows off some great wrestling skills, and that she can hang in the women’s division. Victoria gets tagged in and starts laying in on both Gail & Jazz. Molly tries to interfere, but gets knocked out by Victoria. Jazz comes from behind attacking Victoria, she even goes for the Jazz Stinger, but Victoria fights her way out of it. Gail is tagged in, and she goes to work on Victoria with various submission holds, she even locks on The Bytch, but Nidia breaks the hold. Victoria goes for the Widow’s Peak on Gail, but it’s broken up by Jazz. Gail & Victoria tag out to both Jazz & Nidia. The two exchange blows in the ring with Nidia getting the upper hand. Molly interferes yet again during the match. Nidia grabs her wig off the top of her head, only she turns around right into a DDT! Jazz hooks the leg, and gets the win for her team. Victoria wasn’t able to break the pin up in time. Jazz quickly rolls out of the ring, and heads up the ramp with Gail & Molly who gloat over their victory.

    Winner(s): Gail Kim & Jazz

    [63%] [64%] [62%]

    Video: it’s time once again for the SmackDown! Rebound. Michael Cole & Tazz talk about last night’s SD! brand pay-per-view Judgment Day. They show clips from various parts of the show, one of those being Mordecai’s in-ring debut against Shannon Moore. John Cena was able to retain the United States Title from René Duprée. The Booker T/Undertaker match is recapped, and finally the main event No DQ match for the WWE Heavyweight Title, with Eddie Guerrero getting the win over John Bradshaw Layfield. This Thursday night Booker T faces John Cena one-on-one for the U.S. Title!


    20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal

    A-Train, Chris Jericho, Christian, Edge, Garrison Cade, Grandmaster Sexay, Johnny Nitro, Kane, Maven, Randy Orton, Rhyno, Rob Conway, Rosey, Shelton Benjamin, Steven Richards, Sylvan Grenier, Tajiri, The Hurricane, Triple H, & Val Venis

    During the break, everyone but Val Venis who was injured earlier in the night by Kane, made their collective ways to the ring for the #1 contender 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal to determine who would face Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight championship at Bad Blood. The last person to make his way down to the ring is Triple H who gets booed by the crowd. Everyone watches as he does his normal entrance, once in the ring everyone stares down each other waiting for the bell to sound to start the match. The bell finally sounds, and the first person to get eliminated is Steven Richards by getting tossed over the top rope by Kane! Everyone starts exchanging blows with one another, a couple of people are almost eliminated, but are able to keep from touching both feet on the ground. A-Train makes the second elimination of the night by bicycle kicking Rosey over the top rope! He gets attacked from behind by The Hurricane. Chris Jericho & Christian go back and forth exchanging blows. Rhyno joins up with Christian to try and eliminate Jericho. Randy Orton & Triple H double team Shelton Benjamin in the corner. Edge & Garrison Cade brawl back and forth, before Edge tries tossing Cade over the top rope, only he holds onto the ropes, rolling back into the ring. Edge gets attacked from behind by Trips, and is almost eliminated.

    Maven eliminates Johnny Nitro with a clothesline that sends him to the outside of the ring! Edge catches A-Train with a Spear in the middle of the ring, he then continues brawling with Trips. Orton tosses Benjamin over the top rope, but he lands on the ring apron, and rolls back into the ring. La Résistance eliminate The Hurricane! Maven comes from behind dumping Sylvan Grenier over the top rope! Conway irish whips Maven off into the ropes, but he gets nailed with a big boot. Kane upper cuts Rob Conway which sends him flying over the top rope to ringside! Grandmaster Sexay comes from behind attacking Kane. Kane fights Grandmaster Sexay off, then Chokeslams him over the top rope, eliminating him! This is when Matt Hardy comes running out from the back! He slides into the ring, and starts handing out hard right hands to Kane. Kane starts to stagger, Matt goes running off the ropes, and clotheslines Kane and himself over the top rope! Kane & Matt continue to brawl out through the crowd, until they disappear backstage. Jericho catches Christian with a face crusher, he then nails the Lion Sault! A-Train attacks Jericho from behind and beats down on him in the corner. Rhyno goes running across the ring and catches Tajiri with the Gore! Cade clotheslines Maven over the top rope eliminating him! As Cade celebrates, he gets nailed from behind with a Spear from Edge! Trips attacks Edge from behind. Orton joins in on the attack. Benjamin climbs to the top turnbuckle, jumps, and nails both Orton & Trips with a double flying clothesline.

    Rhyno goes to attack Benjamin from behind, but Benjamin tosses him over the top rope. Rhyno lands on the ring apron and rolls back into the ring. A-Train goes for a bicycle kick, but Benjamin ducks. A-Train turns right into a superkick. Christian attacks Benjamin from behind, then goes for the Unprettier, but Benjamin pushes him off. This sends Christian flying over the top rope landing hard at ringside. Benjamin celebrates, but gets nailed with the RKO from Orton! Orton gets back to his feet, but gets clotheslined over the top rope by Edge. Randy Orton holds onto Edge, and the two both are eliminated! A-Train goes for the Train Wreck on Tajiri, but gets the green mist. He drops Tajiri, Jericho jumps off the top rope and back heel kicks A-Train, knocking him out and eliminating him! Trips comes from behind, grabs Tajiri, and tosses him over the top rope like nothing! Jericho & Trips exchange blows. Trips goes for the Pedigree, but Jericho back tosses him over the top rope. Trips is able to hold onto the top rope, and he pulls himself back into the ring. Rhyno attacks Jericho from behind at this point. The two brawl back and forth. Once Trips is back in the ring, he gets attacked by Benjamin. Benjamin goes for a superkick, but Trips blocks, swings him around, and delivers the Pedigree! He pulls Shelton Benjamin up to his feet, then tosses him over the top rope! This is when Shawn Michaels comes running out from the crowd! Michaels slides into the ring, and nails Trips with the Sweet Chin Music! He doesn’t waist anytime getting out of dodge. Michaels jumps the guardrail, and goes running back through the crowd. Rhyno clotheslines Jericho over the top rope, but Jericho holds onto the ropes. Rhyno ends up falling out to ringside instead! Jericho skins the cat back into the ring. Trips pulls himself up on the ropes, and starts yelling at Michaels who is still trying to make his way through the crowd. Jericho comes from behind, dumping Triple H over the top rope eliminating him!

    After the match, Trips gets back up to his feet and goes crazy. He starts yelling at Jericho, and tries to storm the ring, but is held back by officials. The rest of Evolution comes running out from the back to hold Trips back as well. The crowd cheer as Jericho celebrates. Chris Benoit comes walking out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd as well. He passes Evolution on the entrance ramp with a big smile on his face, then enters the ring and shakes hands with Jericho. Benoit raises Jericho’s hand in victory, and the two celebrate as RAW fades to black.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    [86%] [71%] [82%]

    Overall Rating: 77%

    “RAW” scored a 5.62 rating.

    Attendance level was 7537 people.

    $301480 was made from ticket sales.

  13. user posted image

    Notes from 5.16.04 “Judgment Day”

    Just got back from Judgment Day, which was a SmackDown! brand only Pay-Per-View. The STAPLES Center was sold out. There were a lot of advertising for WrestleMania 21, which would be the next time WWE would return to the arena, next year. The arena filled up fast, just glade I arrived earlier in the day to make sure I could get a parking spot.

    The crowd was red hot once the show got underway. Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, & The Undertaker all got the most cheers of the night. Booker T & John Bradshaw Layfield ended up getting the most heat. René Dupree & The Dudley Boyz were a tie with how much heat they got.

    One of the best matches of the night was the tag-team tables match, which got way over with the crowd. There were a lot of people that cheered for The Dudley Boyz when they started using the tables. Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam made a great team, and got way over with the crowd.

    Mordecai got a mixed reaction from the crowd in his in-ring debut against Shannon Moore. When he showed up halfway through the Booker T/Undertaker match, he started to get a little more heat. It will be fun to see what the WWE does with him in the weeks to come.

    After the cameras stopped rolling, Eddie Guerrero had to be helped backstage by trainers when he bladed himself to deep during the main event with John Bradshaw Layfield.

    A little note, a few familiar faces were seen backstage visiting with old friends. Diamond Dallas Page was seen with his wife Kimberly Page hanging out, Sean “X-Pac” Waltman was hanging with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. And finally Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio were visiting with good friend and current TNA superstar Konnan.

    Clip of the Night:

    user posted image

  14. thanks for the replies guys, I've been taking it easy today so that I wouldn't run out of ideas for the diary. I hope you all enjoyed Judgment Day, there are some big changes set to happen in the next couple weeks (in game time). I'll be working on RAW a little tonight, and the rest of tomorrow, so you can possible expect that up by later tomorrow night, or Tuesday morning. If ANYONE has any comments or suggestions, please let me know, it will be great appreciated.

  15. user posted image

    DATE: Sunday, May 16th, 2004

    VENUE: STAPLES Center, Los Angeles, California

    HOSTED BY: Michael Cole & Tazz

    The show opens with a video montage recapping the Eddie Guerrero/John Bradshaw Layfield feud over the WWE Title, all while the theme for Judgment Day, “Duality” by Slipknot, plays in the background. The video ends, and we head straight into the jam-packed STAPLES Center. A pyro display kicks off the show. The camera pans over the red hot crowd that’s on their feet. Michael Cole & Tazz welcome us to the SmackDown! brand pay-per-view. They talk about tonight’s big no dq main event between Eddie & JBL. Still no one has seen Eddie sense he was attacked last Thursday night on SmackDown!, so the question would be, will he even show up for tonight’s event, and will he be 100%? Cole & Tazz continue to ponder this question as we head into our first match of the night…

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavo Classic vs. Matt Cappotelli ©

    Matt Cappotelli comes out first to a decent pop from the crowd. This is his first big pay-per-view event as he’ll be defending his Cruiserweight Title against the former champion Chavo Guerrero, in a rematch for the belt. Chavo Guerrero makes his entrance next accompanied by his father Chavo Classic. This match starts out with Chavo & Matt locking up in the ring. They exchange blows with Chavo getting the upper hand. Matt almost scores the early win with a roll-up, the same way he won the belt in the first place. The crowd go crazy. Chavo Classic tries to interfere, but the referee catches him, and bans him from ringside! Chavo is shocked, as his father is being ejected to the back. Before Chavo Classic is forced to return backstage, he hands something to Chavo, which the referee doesn’t see. Meanwhile Matt heads to the top turnbuckle, and catches Chavo with a huge flying cross body, but it isn’t enough to score the win. Chavo tries everything, but isn’t able to keep Matt down for the three count. The match continues with both men exchanging blows. Chavo goes for a Gory Bomb, but Matt somehow gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Chavo flips out, rolls out of the ring, and grabs the CW Title. He goes to use it on Matt, but the referee grabs the belt out of his hands. As the referee hands it to the ring announcer, Chavo pulls a chain out of his boot, then nails Matt over the head! The crowd boo as Chavo drops the chain back into his tights, and covers Matt. The referee runs over, makes the count, and Chavo has recaptured the CW Title. Chavo grabs his belt and celebrates his victory.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero

    [68%] [67%] [71%]

    Backstage: Josh Matthews is standing outside Booker T’s locker room. All night strange noises have been coming from the room, and he hopes to get some kind of idea what these noises are from Booker himself. Josh knocks on the door, which quickly swings open. Booker comes walking out yelling like a wild man. Josh asks him how he feels about tonight’s match with The Undertaker? Booker tells Josh that he’s to busy to answer any of his question, and that he’s got to concentrate. He storms back into his room, slamming the door behind him!

    Video: a promotional video is shown hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki. This video shows Kenzo in the background, and the words, he’s a true warrior flashing in front of the screen.

    Backstage: Charlie Haas is shown taking a nap before the big fatal four way WWE Tag-Team Titles match that’s up next. The camera gets a close up of Haas’ face, and we see that he’s got make-up on. Miss Jackie & Rico are shown at the other end of the locker room laughing, as they hold little make-up containers in their hands. Haas wakes up, and asks if it’s time for their match yet? Rico tells Haas that it is, and tells him he looks beautiful. Haas gets discussed, and storms out of the room. Jackie & Rico can’t help but laugh, as they go chasing after Haas.

    Four Way WWE Tag-Team Titles Match

    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas & Rico © vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The Basham Brothers

    Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty make their entrance first, getting a decent pop from the crowd. Next is The Basham Brothers who get booed, and then Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly who also get a decent pop from the crowd. Finally, Charlie Haas & Rico alongside Miss Jackie come out. Getting a huge pop from the crowd, and an even bigger one as Haas still has makeup on, and doesn’t know about it. After all four teams have entered the ring, the match starts. Billy & Rico go to lock-up, but Rico starts to butt bump with Billy, so he tags out to Hardcore. Hardcore doesn’t want anything to do with Rico, so he tries to tag out. That’s when all four teams jump down off the ring apron simultaneously! The crowd can’t help but laugh as Hardcore is forced to wrestle with Rico. The two go to lock-up, and Rico does the same thing he did to Billy. Hardcore isn’t going to have any of this, so he levels Rico with a stiff clothesline. Just to make sure Rico doesn’t try any more gay antics, Hardcore keeps him grounded. Rico isn’t able to get any offense, so he tags out to Haas. Haas & Hardcore lock-up, the two exchange blows, with Haas getting the upper hand. Doug makes the blind tag to Hardcore. Doug & Haas wrestle back and forth for a while, until Haas tags out to Scotty. Each team is able to score an advantage in the match. Billy & Hardcore almost score the win, when Billy nailed Danny with the Fame-Ass-Er! Scotty is able to break up the pin.

    The Basham Brothers start to get the upper hand in the match when they nail Rikishi with a huge double spine buster! Scotty heads up to the top turnbuckle, but gets cut off. Danny sets Scotty up on his shoulders, while Doug heads up to the top rope, he jumps, and catches Scotty with a bulldog off Danny’s shoulders for a sweet double team maneuver! Jackie climbs up on the ring apron, distracting both Danny & Doug. Haas & Rico come from behind with a double roll-up, but both Danny & Doug kick out. Billy & Hardcore come into the match. Hardcore nails the Holycost on Rico, while Billy nails Haas with the One & Only! Billy goes for the pin fall attempt on Haas who is the legal man in the match. Rico is able to break it up just before the three. Hardcore ends up getting knocked down to the floor at ringside. Billy goes to attack Rico, but Rico grabs him, giving him a big kiss on the lips. Billy is shocked and stumbles right back into a german suplex pin from Haas! This allows Haas & Rico to score the win, and retain the titles. Jackie enters the ring with the belts, and hugs Rico. Haas sees himself on the titan-tron, and notices that he’s got paint on his face. He almost flips out, until Jackie jumps into his arms, and gives him a big kiss. Haas gets kind of happy, Rico runs up and tries to give him a kiss as well, but Haas storms out of the ring and hightails it backstage. Jackie & Rico go running after him, continuing the celebration.

    Winner(s): Charlie Haas & Rico

    [72%] [69%] [76%]

    Backstage: Josh Matthews is standing by with Torrie Wilson. He asks Torrie about the match with Dawn Marie, before Torrie can answer, she’s interrupted by Kurt Angle who is wheeled up by his personal assistant Luther Rains. Angle gets very angry, and yells at Torrie that she is the main reason that he’s in this wheel chair today, and that he should have never tried to help her when Big Show was getting ready to toss her off the balcony. He tells her that tonight, he’s counting on it being her last night as a SmackDown! diva. Angle says that if Torrie doesn’t win her match tonight against Dawn Marie, she’ll be fired! Torrie is shocked at this announcement, and starts to cry while Angle is wheeled away.

    Singles Match

    Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson

    This match starts off with a lock up between both divas. Dawn Marie gets the upper hand at the start of the match. She even tries a few times to rip off Torrie’s top. This gets the crowd really involved. Torrie ends up fighting back by ripping off Dawn’s tights! Not Dawn has to wrestling in nothing but a thong. As Torrie celebrates, Dawn tackles her from behind. A catfight irrupts, and the two end up rolling around the ring for a few minutes. They even roll over the referee. Dawn pulls Torrie up by her hair, and tosses her across the ring. Dawn goes for a couple pin fall attempts, but Torrie is able to find away to kick out. Torrie starts to get the upper hand over Dawn. Torrie irish whips Dawn off into the ropes, and catches her with a DDT. She quickly hooks the leg, and gets the win. After the match, Torrie’s arm is raised in victory by the referee. Dawn comes from behind, and pulls the string on the back of her top. Torrie quickly covers her breasts, rolls out of the ring, and runs backstage. Dawn screams at Torrie, saying that it was payback.

    Winner: Torrie Wilson

    [59%] [78%] [18%]

    Backstage: Paul Bearer & The Undertaker are shown standing in a dark room somewhere inside the STAPLES Center. Paul Bearer starts to laugh as he talks about the new kind of evil that’s arisen, and will emerge tonight in Mordecai. He then talks about Booker T thinking he’s better then Undertaker, and how untrue this is. Tonight Booker will be face-to-face with “The Dead Man”, the Undertaker, and he’ll rest in peace. The lights slowly fade out, leaving us in darkness.

    Singles Match

    Mordecai vs. Shannon Moore

    Shannon Moore comes out from the back first, he’s a little worried about his match. That’s when all the lights in the arena go out. The crowd watch in amazement as Mordecai finally makes his debut. He comes out caring a bible-type book in one hand, and a scepter in the other. Making his way slowly down to the ring, taking his time, building the excitement. Mordecai climbs up on the ring apron, and takes off his hood, then his rob. Once he enters the ring, he knees in the corner to pray. Moore is in the opposite corner trying to figure out what his opponent is doing. The bell finally rings, as the two lock up. Mordecai uses a surprisingly large amount of strength. Moore tries everything to go up against Mordecai, but ends up getting tossed around the ring like a rag doll. A couple big moves performed by Mordecai, instead of going for the pin on Moore, and finishing the match, he pulls Moore to his feet, and tosses him head first into the corner turnbuckles. Moore ends up hitting his shoulder hard on the corner post, and falling outside of the ring! Mordecai doesn’t waist anytime as he exit’s the ring, pulls Moore to his feet once again, and sends him flying into the steel steps with an irish whip! Moore ends up flying over the steps. Nailing his knee pretty hard on the steel, he tries crawling away from Mordecai. Mordecai  pulls Moore to his feet, puts him on his shoulder, and sends him flying head first yet again into the corner post of the ring! Mordecai finally tosses Moore back into the ring, sets him up, and delivers a huge Crucifix Powerbomb! Mordecai crosses Moore’s arms, and pins him, taking a page out of Undertaker’s book. The referee makes the 1...2...3, and Mordecai wins his debut match. He exit’s the ring, and knees in front of his scepter to pray one last time, before heading to the back.

    Winner: Mordecai

    [60%] [64%] [71%]

    Video: a montage showcases the feud between John Cena & René Duprée. Tonight Cena will defend his United States championship against René. This feud heated up when René busted Cena open a few weeks ago on SmackDown!, then put him through a table with a powerbomb. Last week these two battled again, and tonight, here at the STAPLES Center they will finally go one-on-one.

    WWE United States Title Match

    John Cena © vs. René Duprée

    John Cena comes out doing a rap on René Duprée. The crowd go crazy, as they are on their feet for Cena. Cena enters the ring, and awaits his opponent. René comes out to nothing but boos from the crowd. He is leading his dog fifi to the ring with one hand, and has the French flag in his other. Once he makes it to the ring, he enters the ring waving his flag proudly as he’s continually booed by the crowd. A big “USA” chant starts up which starts to piss René off. The bell sounds as this match finally gets underway. Cena & René lock-up in the middle of the ring. The two go back and forth with the exchange of blows. Some nice mat wrestling, with René getting the upper hand over Cena. Cena nails René with a stiff running clothesline. This turns the tide in the match, with Cena getting the upper hand. Cena even tries to end the match early by going for his Throwback, but René reverses it into a cross body. René picks Cena up, and goes for Cena’s own finisher the F-U. Cena is able to slip up behind René and push him off into the ropes. René rebounds, and gets nailed with a powerslam. Cena gets up, mocking René, then goes for the five knuckle shuffle. René rolls out of the ring at the last second.

    Cena chases after René, and the two begin to brawl at ringside. René gets the upper hand and sends Cena flying over the guardrail, into the crowd! Everyone goes crazy as Cena & René exchange blows. René drop-to-holds Cena into a steel chair, then drags him back to the ringside area. He then starts pulling things off the Spanish ring announcer’s table. Cena nails René with a low blow, and sets him up for the F-U. René fights his way out, and slips up behind Cena. The two exchange blows again, until René rolls Cena back into the ring. As Cena crawls to his feet, René grabs Cena’s chain from the corner of the ring behind the referee’s back. René goes to nail Cena, but Cena sees it coming and ducks. He ends up nailing the referee upside the head! As René stands over the referee’s fallen body, Cena has enough time to grab the French flag out of the corner of the ring. He turns, and smashes it across René’s back, busting it in half! Cena tosses the remains of the flag out of the ring, and sets René up. René slowly stumbles to his feet, and right into the F-U! Cena hooks the leg, the referee slowly crawls over, and makes the three count, giving Cena the win.

    Winner: John Cena

    [79%] [73%] [86%]

    A limo comes pulling out from the backstage area, out onto the entrance way. The crowd boo as the limo driver opens the door of the limo, and John Bradshaw Layfield comes climbing out. JLB waves his hat at the crowd, saluting if you will. He makes his way down to the ring, and enters, being handed the microphone. A big “Eddie” chant starts, and JBL can’t help but smile and laugh. JBL says that, chanting for Eddie, is just like the Los Angeles crowd. They cheer the losers, and boo the winners. After shooting down the LA crowd for a while, he says that Eddie won’t show up tonight. He happened to know that Eddie wouldn’t, that’s why he went to Kurt Angle, and requested that the stipulation, if Eddie is counted out of their match, he’ll still lose the WWE Title! So later tonight, he’s going to make his way down to the ring, the referee is going to count to 10, and he’ll walk out of the STAPLES Center the new champion of SmackDown!. This doesn’t set over well with the crowd as they continue to boo JBL. JBL waves to the crowd as he exit’s the ring, climbs back into his limo, and heads backstage to get ready for the main event.

    Tag-Team Tables Match

    Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley Boyz w/ Paul Heyman

    The Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman come down to the ring first to nothing but boos from the crowd. They check out some of the tables that are set up at ringside. Four tables, one at each side of the ring are set, the rules are simple, the first member of a team, to put another member of the apposing team through a table wins. Rey Mysterio comes out next. He comes shooting out of nowhere, and runs down the entrance way. The crowd on their feet cheering. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley stand ready in the ring challenging Rey to step into the ring with them. Rey stops, and waits for his partner. Rob Van Dam comes out to one of the biggest pops of the night. He makes his way down to the ring, taunting the crowd. Rey & RVD wait for a few minutes before sliding into the ring. The bell sounds, and this match is officially underway. Both teams exchange blows. Rey ends up getting tossed over the top rope by Bubba, while D-Von & RVD continue to exchange right and left hands. RVD gets the upper hand on D-Von, nailing him with a spinning heel kick. He goes running off the ropes, but Bubba catches his foot, tripping RVD in the ring. Bubba rolls back into the ring, and he and D-Von do some double teaming on RVD. They send RVD off into the ropes. As he comes rebounding off, they catch him with a double shoulder back toss. RVD lands hard on the canvas. Rey quickly jumps up on the ring apron. Bubba & D-Von turn at the same time Rey springboards into the ring, and nails both The Dudley Boyz with a double dropkick.

    Rey continues to work on Bubba with quickness and highflying. Bubba finally gets the upper hand on Rey when he catches him flying through the air, as he goes for a flying cross body. Bubba tosses Rey up onto his shoulder, then tosses him up in the air, dropping Rey down head first on the top turnbuckle, giving him the snake-eyes. D-Von is tagged in, and goes to work on Rey’s mask. Rey tries to escape, but can’t. D-Von grabs a hold of Rey’s leg as he tries, this allows Rey to spin around, and nail him with the enzugiri. RVD is tagged in by Rey. RVD goes to work on both Bubba & D-Von. He then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but gets shoved off by Bubba. RVD goes crashing to the ground below, just barely missing a table! Rey gets dragged into the ring. Bubba scoop slams Rey in the middle of the ring. D-Von heads to the top turnbuckle, jumps, and nails Rey with a wazzup drop. Bubba & D-Von flip out, as Bubba pushes D-Von, and tells him to go get a table. This gets a small pop from the crowd. RVD grabs a steel chair at ringside, and nails D-Von with the Van Damninator on the outside of the ring! The crowd cheer. Bubba rolls out of the ring and starts beating down on RVD. He pulls RVD to his feet and tosses him right into the announcer’s able, head first.

    The Dudley Boyz continue to beat down Rey in the ring. They nail him with the 3-B, then set up a table in the middle of the ring. This time they go for the 3-D, but Rey slides out of the ring. RVD comes flying off the top rope at this point, and nails D-Von with a back heel kick. Bubba jumps RVD again, he then goes to put him through the table with a powerbomb. Rey slides back into the ring, and pushes the table out of the way. RVD gets nailed with the powerbomb. Rey goes to work on Bubba, but Bubba just tosses him over the top rope. Rey happens to land on the ring apron, springboard back into the ring, and catch Bubba with a DDT. Rey & RVD lay D-Von out on a table in the middle of the ring. RVD heads up to the top turnbuckle, and taunts the crowd before jumping for the 5 Star Frog Splash! D-Von rolls out of the way at the last second, as we see RVD go crashing through the table! The referee lets the match continue, as RVD put himself through the table, not one of his opponents. Bubba irish whips Rey into the ropes, as Rey rebounds, he gets caught with a spear. Bubba pulls Rey to his feet, and nails him with the Bubba Bomb! RVD tries to fight back, but ends up getting nailed with the 3-D! D-Von rolls out of the ring and grabs another table. The Dudley Boyz set up a table in the middle of the ring, then go to put Rey through a table with a top rope powerbomb. Bubba has Rey set up, that is until Rey nails Bubba with a top rope hurricanrana instead. Bubba is sent flying and goes crashing through the table! The bell rings as RVD attacks D-Von, nailing him with a clothesline that sends him falling to ringside. Rey & RVD have surprisingly won the match over The Dudley Boyz.

    Winner(s): Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam

    [89%] [86%] [92%]

    Video: “Duality” by Slipknot plays as a montage airs recapping the Booker T/Undertaker feud. It all starts with the SmackDown! after the draft lottery. Booker slowly starts to change after being traded to what he claims is the minor leagues, or the “B” show of the WWE. He says he’s better then everyone on the roster, including The Undertaker. This leads to a confrontation between both men leading up to tonight’s match.

    Singles Match

    Booker T vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer

    Booker T comes out first with his little bag in hand. He enters the ring, and places it very carefully in the corner of the ring, making sure nothing happens to it. The lights then go out in the arena for the second time tonight. Fire ignites the entrance way, as Paul Bearer comes walking out from the back caring his urn. The Undertaker follows close behind, slowly making their way to the ring. Booker watches as Undertaker enters the ring. It’s finally come down to this match. Booker has a scared look on his face, as he prepares to go one-on-one with “The Dead Man”. The bell finally rings as these two lock-up in the middle of the ring. Undertaker gets the upper hand and pushes Booker back into the corner. Booker is shocked with how much strength Undertaker has. Booker takes his mysterious bag, and begins to rub it all over his body, like it will repel the Undertaker. Booker & Undertaker lock-up in the middle of the ring again, this time Booker gets the upper hand, but only because he pokes Undertaker in the eyes behind the referee’s back. Booker has the upper hand from this point on. He goes to work on Undertaker’s back and legs. Booker heads up top, and nails a huge missile dropkick. It just isn’t enough to score the win over Undertaker.

    Booker continues the assault on Undertaker. While the Undertaker is down, Booker even teases the spinaroonie, but doesn’t perform it to piss off the crowd. The crowd book Booker, and he’s got nothing but a smile on his face. This is when Undertaker sits up, shocking Booker. Booker tries to keep Undertaker down, but he won’t. He irish whips Undertaker off into the ropes. As Undertaker rebounds, he nails a huge flying clothesline. Undertaker sits up again, this time stocking Booker. Booker slowly pulls himself up on the ropes, and stumbles right into the Chokeslam! Undertaker goes for the cover, but Booker somehow kicks out at the last second. Undertaker pulls Booker to his feet, and sets him up on his shoulder, going for the snake-eyes, but Booker is able to slip up behind him, and shove him into the corner, only the referee is in between. Booker ends up pushing Undertaker right into the referee, squashing him in the corner. The referee goes down hard as Undertaker stumbles right back into the Book End! Booker hooks the leg, but there is no referee to make the count.

    At this point in the match, Mordecai is seen watching the match from the entrance way. Booker goes to the corner and grabs his bag of dirt. Undertaker slowly pulls himself up on the ropes, and happens to notice Mordecai. The two have a stare down, with Undertaker giving a strange look. Booker attacks Undertaker from behind, but Undertaker doesn’t move, he slowly turns around, and grabs Booker by the throat. This is when Booker uses the dirt in the bag as a weapon, throwing it in Undertaker’s face! It turns out that powder was in the bag the whole time. Undertaker is a little disoriented, while Booker comes running off the ropes, and goes for the Scissors Kick, but Undertaker moves at the last second. Booker is shocked the powder didn’t work. Undertaker grabs Booker by the throat, and nails a huge Chokeslam. He continues to watch Mordecai throughout the match. Undertaker continues to beat down on Booker, even nailing him with the Last Ride. Finally, Undertaker sets Booker up for the Tombstone. Before Undertaker hit’s the move, he watches Mordecai, points to him, and finishes Booker off! Undertaker crosses Booker’s arms as the referee slowly makes the three count. Mordecai & Undertaker don’t take their eyes off one another, until finally Mordecai slowly exits to the back.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    [82%] [97%] [72%]

    Video: a montage plays hyping the main event Eddie Guerrero vs. John Bradshaw Layfield for the WWE Heavyweight championship in a no disqualification match. “Duality” by Slipknot plays as the video montage recaps the feud between both men. Everything is on the line, who will be walking out of the STAPLES Center champion after tonight?

    WWE Heavyweight Title No DQ Match

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

    John Bradshaw Layfield comes riding out in his limo for the second time tonight. This time he’s ready for his match. The limo driver opens the door, and he climbs out waving the crowd, only the crowd is booing him. JBL makes his way down to the ring, once inside he patiently waits for his opponent, with a big smile on his face. Eddie Guerrero’s music hits, but no one comes out. JBL tells the referee to start counting him out. Eddie’s music hits again, but this time he comes out from the back bandaged up. The crowd cheer Eddie as he slowly enters the ring with JBL. JBL goes crazy, because Eddie isn’t supposed to be there. He doesn’t even wait for the bell to ring, jumping Eddie in the corner of the ring! The bell sounds as JBL continues the beat down. Eddie tries to fight back, but is still to injured. JBL rips the WWE Heavyweight Title off from around his waist, and goes to smash it over his head. Eddie ducks the title shot, kicks JBL in the corner, and tosses him over the top rope to ringside. Eddie grabs the WWE Title and raises it in the air. He does a quick celebration before rolling out of the ring, and brawling with JBL at ringside. The two battle back and forth. Eddie goes to irish whip JBL into the steel steps, but JBL is able to reverse. He ends up nailing the steps back first! JBL taunts the crowd getting some more heat, before going back to work on Eddie.

    JBL pulls Eddie to his feet, and goes to toss him into the corner post, only Eddie reverses. He ends up nailing the corner post head first! Eddie pulls JBL to his feet, and rolls him into the ring. He heads to the top turnbuckle, but JBL cuts him off by clipping the ropes. Eddie gets crotched, so JBL heads up top as well. JBL nails the Last Call from the top rope! He tries for a pin fall attempt, but Eddie kicks out. JBL rolls out of the ring, grabs a steel chair, and rolls back inside. He sets Eddie up, nailing him upside the head once he gets back up to his feet. At this point in the match, Eddie busted from ear-to-ear, and begins to bleed all over the place. Losing a great deal of blood, Eddie’s energy begins to drain. JBL proceeds to rip off Eddie’s bandages, and work on his injured back! A few more pin fall attempts, but JBL still isn’t able to keep Eddie down for the three count. JBL begins to get frustrated and starts to argue with the referee about not counting fairly. Eddie tries to fight back with JBL, but still is to weak. JBL irish whips Eddie off into the ropes, and nails him with a big boot. While Eddie works on pulling himself up on the ropes, JBL pulls the top turnbuckle off in the corner.

    JBL goes over to Eddie, but Eddie kicks JBL in the stomach. Eddie starts fighting back with a few chops to the chest and right hands. JBL knees Eddie in the stomach, then comes running off the ropes for the Clothesline From Hell. Eddie ducks at the last second. JBL turns around getting nailed with more chops to the chest. Eddie has gotten his second wind in the match, and surprisingly enough with all the blood loss he has sustained. He nails JBL with multiple suplexes, then heads up top. Eddie jumps, but JBL rolls out of the way at the last second. Eddie & JBL slowly get back up to their feet. JBL runs and clotheslines Eddie and himself over the top rope to ringside. Eddie grabs the belt, as he pulls himself up to his feet. JBL goes running at Eddie, but ends up taking the title shot instead! JBL has now been busted open. Eddie lays JBL on the announcer’s table. He then sets up for a powerbomb, but JBL reverses, back tossing Eddie from one table to the other, sending him crashing through it! The crowd is shocked. JBL drags Eddie back into the ring where he sets up for the Clothesline From Hell. He comes running off the ropes, but misses it yet again. Eddie grabs the steel chair, and cracks it over JBL’s skull! He lays JBL on top of the chair, then heads up to the top rope, nailing the Frog Splash! Eddie hooks the leg, as the referee makes the three count, retaining the title. The referee helps Eddie to his feet, hands him the title belt, then raises his arm in victory. The crowd are on their feet cheering as Eddie celebrates his win, bloody and beaten, but still able to pull it off.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero

    [87%] [91%] [79%]

    Overall Rating: 75%

    “Judgment Day” got a 1.60 buy rate.

    Attendance level was 16955 people.

    $4000000 was made from ppv revenue.

    $1017300 was made from ticket sales.

  16. user posted image


    It was announced by RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff that this week there would be a huge 20 Man Over-To-Top Rope Battle Royal with names like Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton, Edge, Triple H, & many more competing, with the winner getting a spot in the main event at Bad Blood as #1 contender against World Heavyweight champion, Chris Benoit! All the top talent of RAW will be competing in this one match for the right to possible become the next champion of RAW, and the World!

    This week we will find out what Lita’s answer for Kane is, yes or no? Last week Kane told Lita that she had one week to choose, or everyone she ever cared about and loved would start to disappear. Not only does Lita have to choose yes or no, but she’ll also be in one-on-one action against Trish Stratus.

    If that’s not all, booked earlier this week, RAW GM Eric Bischoff signed a rematch for the World Tag-Team Titles. Batista & Ric Flair of Evolution will get a chance to recapture the titles they happened to lose to Chris Benoit & Edge just a few months ago. Not only will Edge be defended his World Tag-Team gold, but he’ll also be taking part in the big 20 Man Over-The-Top Rope Battle Royal.

    Matches Announced:


    Batista & Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit & Edge ©

    Lita vs. Trish Stratus


    Chris Jericho, Christian, Edge, Garrison Cade, Grandmaster Sexay, Kane, Maven, Randy Orton, Rhyno, Shelton Benjamin, Triple H, the RAW brand debut of A-Train, and many more participants to be announced!!!

    Card Subject To Change

    All this and much, much more tonight, LIVE, on Spike TV!

  17. user posted image

    Joey Matthews Signs WWE Contract

    It was announced earlier today that independent talent Joey Matthews had signed a 16 month development contract with the World Wrestling Entertainment. Matthews has been apart of Ohio Valley Wrestling for the past few months, as well as appearing numerous times on both Heat & Velocity. It is said that Matthews had a meeting with WWE’s vice president of talent relations John Laurinaitis earlier in the week to write out and finalizes the last little bit of the contract, before making it official. Matthews has impressed many backstage within WWE, and feel that this could be a very big step in his career.

    Joey Matthews is a former Extreme Championship Wrestling superstar, who teamed alongside tag-team partner Christian York for a good portion of his career. Currently the 3PW Heavyweight champion after defeating Raven just a month ago. Matthews has appeared on countless other independent wrestling promotions around the world. He’ll be a great adition to the WWE roster, and we look forward to big things from this young up and coming superstar.

    News & Rumors for 5.15.04

    - Scott Steiner is said to be very angry with the WWE, and how they are handling his current contract with the company. The WWE creative team doesn’t have anything to offer Steiner storyline wise, and many backstage feel that his current condition is 50/50 in his old age. Steiner has met with Vince McMahon plenty of times to try to work out some kind of deal, but as it stands now, it looks as though the WWE might sit out his contract which expires at the end of the year.

    - Ultimo Dragon will be returning from Japan this month. Many feel that Ultimo’s return to the orient did him some good. It’s unsure if WWE has anything planned for Ultimo among his return, we’ll just have to wait and see.

    - The Kane/Lita storyline is rumored to last throughout the summer, possible ending at SummerSlam. As it stands right now Kane will take on Matt Hardy at next month’s RAW Pay-Per-View Bad Blood.

    - Look for big things to be happening for the SmackDown! brand this summer. The Cruiserweight & Tag-Team divisions are said to be getting more of a push in the coming months. There are a few people backstage who feel the team of Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly will work. New faces will be appearing in weeks to come, as well pushes for current under used talent for the Cruiserweight division.

    - Luther Rains has been working programs with Spike Dudley at recent SmackDown! House Shows. He’s been getting praised for his skill, and we could see him make his in-ring debut possible as soon as this month.

    - Mark Jindrak is said to be in-line for a push in the next couple of weeks. There is a mixed reaction with Jindrak’s teaming with Theodore Long, but it seems to be working. For the past several weeks Jindrak has been squashing talent on Velocity. Jindrak is currently sporting the “Mark of Perfection” gimmick, a gimmick used by Lex Luger in the past. We’ll have to wait and see where Jindrak’s character goes from here.

    - Judgment Day is only a day away, and many are getting ready for what could turn out to be a very low pay-per-view buy rate. The event will be headlined by Eddie Guerrero & John Bradshaw Layfield in a match that will be for the WWE Heavyweight championship. A no disqualification stipulation was added by the WWE to milk the match for all it’s worth, and to possible get a few more buys.


    DATE: Saturday, May 15th, 2004

    VENUE: Lawler Event Center, Reno, Nevada

    HOSTED BY: Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews

    Velocity opens with the usual pyros display. Bill DeMott & Josh Matthews welcome us to the show, as they hype tomorrow night’s Judgment Day, which is coming live from the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, California. They talk about how Eddie Guerrero won’t be a 100% after being laid out this past Thursday night backstage. The question is who did it? Was it really John Bradshaw Layfield, even though he claims Eddie never made it to the parking lot to face him one-on-one, then proceeded to blame it on Eddie being to chicken to face him, that he never had the guts, and is trying to weasel his way out of their title match. In any case, Judgment Day is only a day away, and what an event it is shaping up to be.

    Singles Match

    Akio w/ Sakoda vs. Spike Dudley

    This match has a lot of interferences on Sakoda’s part. Spike Dudley holds his own well during the match. Akio & Spike go back and forth for a good part of the match exchanging blows. Spike tries to end this early with a huge top rope tornado DDT, but Akio is able to kick out. Akio gets the upper hand on Spike, as he takes to the sky with some very innovative highflying moves. He goes up to the top rope, and nails the Dai Time! Akio hooks the leg, and covers, but Spike somehow kicks out. The crowd start up a “Spike” chant. Akio starts arguing with the referee while Sakoda comes into the ring to nail Spike with a roaring elbow, but Spike ducks. He dropkicks Sakoda, sending him to the outside of the ring. Akio then turns around right into the Dudley Dogg! Spike goes for the pin fall attempt, and picks up the victory.

    Winner: Spike Dudley

    [63%] [51%] [75%]

    Video: a promotional video is shown hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki. This video shows Kenzo in the background, and the words, he’s a true warrior flashing in front of the screen.


    Singles Match

    John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

    In what can simply be described as a squash match, John Bradshaw Layfield takes on Rey Mysterio. This match starts out with Rey trying to use his quickness against JBL, only to get leveled with a power move. As JBL has the upper hand, he ends up just tossing Rey around the ring. JBL sends Rey flying off into the ropes with an irish whip, as Rey rebounds, he gets nailed with a big boot. As the match progresses, JBL doesn’t go for the sensible thing by pinning Rey, but continues to beat him down in the middle of the ring. The crowd get so heated that they almost jump the guardrail to mob JBL. Rey is almost able to beat JBL halfway through the match when he gets a couple good offensive moves in, but he makes the mistake of heading to the top rope. JBL cuts him off crotching him, then heads to the second turnbuckle. He nails the Last Call from the top rope on Rey! JBL slowly gets back up to his feet, covers Rey in a cocky manner, as the referee reluctantly counts the 1...2..., somehow Rey finds enough strength to kick out! Shocked, JBL gets back to his feet, and starts to argue with the referee that it was a three after all. As Rey slowly stumbles back to his feet, JBL goes running off the ropes, going for the Clothesline From Hell. Rey ducks JBL at the last second, sending him right into the referee! JBL gets back up to his feet and checks on the referee. Rey comes from behind nailing him with the dropkick. JBL falls on the middle rope as Rey nails the 6-1-9!

    It isn’t enough to keep JBL down, so Rey goes for Dropping The Time, but JBL rolls out of the way. Rey lands on his feet, and comes running off the ropes. Only he ends up running right into the Clothesline From Hell! JBL doesn’t bother trying to wake up the referee, he rolls out of the ring, and grabs a steel chair. Back in the ring, JBL goes to work on Rey’s injured knees and back. Rob Van Dam comes out from the back to save Rey. The crowd go crazy as RVD gets the advantage over JBL. As RVD slides into the ring, JBL goes swinging at him with the chair. RVD ducks under, and then nails him with the Van Daminator! This then brings out The Dudley Boyz. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley slide into the ring, and start double teaming RVD. They nail him with the 3-D! RVD goes rolling out of the ring. JBL gets back up to his feet. He tells The Dudley Boyz to hold RVD up. Bubba & D-Von pull RVD up to his feet allowing JBL to nail him with the Clothesline From Hell! The Dudley Boyz pull Rey up to his feet next. JBL runs off the ropes, and finishes him off with the Clothesline From Hell as well! After the beat down, JBL covers Rey, the referee slowly crawls over to make the count, giving him the win. Will this same thing happen to Eddie Guerrero in the No DQ match at Judgment Day? The other question would be, is Eddie even 100% after being attacked backstage earlier tonight? The odds are looking good for JBL for this Sunday…

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    [78%] [80%] [75%]


    Singles Match

    Funaki vs. Mark Jindrak w/ Theodore Long

    Mark Jindrak makes his entrance first, accompanied by Theodore Long. Once in the ring, Jindrak stands in front of a mirror set up in the corner of the ring, so he can watch himself flex. Long warms Jindrak up as Funaki comes out next to a big pop from the crowd. As Funaki goes to enter the ring, he’s jumped by Jindrak. Jindrak drags Funaki into the middle of the ring, and proceeds to beat down on him. Pretty much tossing him around like a rag doll. Long cheers Jindrak on at ringside during the match. Jindrak picks Funaki up in a body press, and tosses him over the top rope to ringside! The crowd boo Jindrak as he starts flexing for the crowd, showing off how built he is. While Jindrak is preoccupied, Funaki climbs to the top turnbuckle. When Jindrak finally turns, he’s nailed with a missile dropkick. Funaki tries a pin fall attempt a few times, but Jindrak is able to kick out. Jindrak fights back with Funaki, and finally nails him with the Mark of Perfection! He pins, and scores the win. Long climbs back into the ring, and holds Jindrak’s arm up in victory.

    Winner: Mark Jindrak

    [67%] [59%] [75%]


    2-on-1 Handicap Match

    Booker T vs. Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio

    Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio are waiting in the ring bandaged up still, after their match with The Undertaker last week. It should be an easy task for Booker T tonight, as his opponents are still injured. Booker makes  his entrance to boos from the crowd. Coming out caring his little bag full of his mystery dirt that will help him in his match with Undertaker this Sunday. Booker sets the bag carefully in the corner of the ring. The bell sounds, Booker doesn’t waist anytime as he jumps Stamboli. Nunzio attacks Booker, but ends up getting tossed over the top rope to ringside. This match continues with Booker beating down Stamboli in the corner of the ring. Nunzio slowly rolls back into the ring. Booker turns his attention to Nunzio, stomping on him while he’s down. Stamboli pulls himself back up to his feet and attacks Booker from behind. He sends Booker off into the ropes with an irish whip. Booker rebounds and nails Stamboli with a harlem sidekick. He goes for a quick cover, but Nunzio breaks the pin. Nunzio stomps on Booker a little, before Booker gets back to his feet, and clocks Nunzio in the side of the head with a back elbow. This sends Nunzio hard to the canvas. Booker quickly heads to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Nunzio to get back up to his feet. Once he does, Booker jumps, and nails him with a missile dropkick. He goes for a quick pin fall attempt, but it’s broken up by Stamboli.

    This match continues with Booker getting the upper hand on both Nunzio & Stamboli. Booker nails Nunzio with the Book End, which takes him out of the match. Nunzio slowly rolls out to ringside, while Booker & Stamboli continue to brawl inside the ring. Booker kicks Stamboli in the stomach, forcing him to double over. He comes running off the ropes, and drops Stamboli with the Scissors Kick! Booker hooks the leg, and gets the win. The referee raises Booker’s arm in victory, that is until all the lights in the arena are shut off. The crowd go crazy as The Undertaker’s music hits! Booker gets a scared look on his face as smoke begins to bellow into the ring. He doesn’t want to stay around any longer as he goes jumping out of the ring, and hightailing it backstage. As he runs up the entrance way, he runs into Paul Bearer who slowly comes walking out from the back of the curtain. Booker slowly stumbles back into the ring. The Undertaker appears out of nowhere in the middle of the ring, standing behind Booker. Booker slowly backs up into Undertaker, he feels behind him, then slowly turns around. Undertaker gives Booker an evil look. Booker goes jumping out of the ring yet again, but this time exits by running through the crowd! The crowd cheer as Undertaker continues watching on from inside the ring.

    Winner: Booker T

    [75%] [69%] [81%]


    Video: a black screen with the words “He’s Coming…To Save Your Souls” is shown. We see Mordecai in the background looking up to the heavens. In a deep voices, Mordecai says that the Judgment Day is upon us.

    Tag-Team Match

    Billy Kidman & Paul London vs. The Basham Brothers

    This match starts out with Billy Kidman & Danny Basham locking up in the ring. The two men battle back and forth for a few minutes, before they tag in their tag-team partners. Doug Basham & Paul London then lock up. Doug has more strength over London, so he ends up tossing him around the ring. He even goes for a chokeslam, but London is able to reverse it into a DDT. Kidman is tagged back into the match and tries to win the match early by hitting the BK Bomb, but it is blocked. The Basham Brothers double team both Kidman & London for a little while, before they set up for their double team finisher. London gets sent into the ropes with an irish whip, but as Danny & Doug set up for the Double Spinebuster, London nails a double dropkick instead. Kidman quickly heads up to the top turnbuckle, jumps, and nails Danny with a Shooting Star Press! Kidman goes for the pin, but as the referee is about to count the three, Doug drags him out of the ring, and nails him with a slapjack! The referee doesn’t see this. London heads up to the top turnbuckle, but gets cut off by Danny. Danny sets London up on his shoulders, as Doug heads up top. Doug jumps, catching London with a bulldog off of Danny’s shoulder in a sweet double team maneuver! Danny covers, and scores the 1...2...3 for the win. The Basham Brothers don’t waist anytime sticking around as they celebrate on their way to the back.

    Winner: The Basham Brothers

    [70%] [63%] [78%]

    Video: a montage plays hyping Judgment Day. The theme is “Duality” by Slipknot. The Eddie Guerrero/John Bradshaw Layfield feud is recapped. We see clips from Eddie’s past, from his days traveling the world, to finally becoming the WWE Heavyweight champion. This Sunday it is Eddie vs. JBL for the WWE Title, in a no disqualification match!

    Overall Rating: 62%

  19. user posted image


    We are just a few days away from Judgment Day! What an event it is shaping up to be. It will surly be an explosive night in Los Angeles as headlining the PPV is John Bradshaw Layfield taking on WWE champion Eddie Guerrero in a huge no disqualification match. This feud has reached a boiling point, and things will definitely be off the hook for this one.

    Not only that, but The Undertaker will be making an special appearance when he takes on Booker T. Ever sense getting drafted over to SmackDown!, Booker has felt out of place, he says he’s better then everyone on the roster, and he went from the RAW brand, to SD!, what he thinks is the “B” show. Will Booker be able to prove he’s better then Undertaker come this Sunday?

    Matches Announced:


    Eddie Guerrero © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

    Booker T vs. The Undertaker


    John Cena © vs. René Duprée


    Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Cappotelli ©


    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas & Rico © vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The Basham Brothers


    Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley Boyz

    Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson


    The In-Ring Debut Of, Mordecai!

    Card Subject To Change

    You won’t want to miss Judgment Day, coming LIVE from the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, California.

    user posted image

  20. user posted image

    Notes from 5.13.04 SD! Tapping

    This was the last SmackDown! before Judgment Day. The Lawler Event Center wasn’t as packed, with attendance low the show was still very good. Just to note first off that there were two dark matches tonight, I arrived late and didn’t get to see the first one, it had two jobbers I’ve never seen before facing off in the ring. They did some excellent work, and got way over with the crowd.

    Dark matches

    Jobber def. Jobber

    Mordecai def. Shannon Moore

    It looks like Mordecai will be making his debut this Sunday at Judgment Day. I’m not sure if he’ll be involved in any kind of match, maybe a run-in during the Booker T/Undertaker match, who knows. Mordecai looks very strong in his match against Shannon Moore, he also go very over with the crowd.

    It was then time for Velocity to start…

    A couple notes during the SD! show. Kurt Angle got the most heat of the night out of all the heel talent, even though he didn’t wrestle. John Bradshaw Layfield & The Dudley Boyz were second with the most heat. Booker T as a heel is going to have to take work, as he still gets cheered a lot during his match, and during his entrance.

    The Undertaker’s appearance had to have been the highest point of the night. The crowd went totally insane when Paul Bearer came walking out from behind the curtain backstage, then when Undertaker actually appeared in the ring was great.

    The fans loved Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, & Rey Mysterio, who all happened to get a lot of pops from the crowd. Rob Van Dam didn’t however, even though I mark for him.

    A big surprise after the cameras went off, JBL & The Dudley Boyz continued the beat down on both Rey & RVD in the ring, that is until The Undertaker came out for the second time in the night! JBL got out of dodge, but both The Dudley Boyz ended up getting laid out! It was a great send off for the crowd, sending the fans home happy.

    Clip of the Night:

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  21. user posted image

    DATE: Thursday, May 13th, 2004

    VENUE: Lawler Event Center, Reno, Nevada

    HOSTED BY: Michael Cole & Tazz

    A video montage opens the show, recapping the events that happened last week on SmackDown!. The video ends with Eddie Guerrero coming out, laying out Paul Heyman & The Dudley Boyz, then accepting John Bradshaw Layfield’s challenge for this Thursday night. The show starts with the usual pryo display. Michael Cole & Tazz run down tonight’s card after welcoming everyone to the show. They heavily hype Judgment Day, which is only a few days away, and that it will be Eddie vs. JBL in a No DQ match for the WWE Title. This leads into our first match of the night, Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley…

    Singles Match

    Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley w/ Paul Heyman

    Rob Van Dam makes his entrance first to a big pop from the crowd. After RVD enters the ring, he awaits to find out which one of The Dudley Boyz his opponent will be. Bubba Ray Dudley & Paul Heyman come walking out from the back. They slowly make their way down to the ring, but then they stop. RVD looks confused, that’s when D-Von Dudley attacks from behind! The bell rings, and it’s D-Von vs. RVD. Bubba & Heyman stay at ringside during the match. D-Von has the upper hand on RVD for the first part of the match, thanks to the distraction, allowing him to get the jump on RVD. RVD tries to fight back as he drops D-Von with a spinning back heel kick. He then climbs to the top turnbuckle for a split-legged moonsault, but D-Von cuts him off. D-Von sets RVD up, nailing a huge hangman’s neckbreaker off the top rope! D-Von almost scores the win after that move. The crowd is shocked, as RVD takes the bump, it looks like he was broken in half. D-Von continues the assault on RVD, until RVD starts to get his second wind. RVD comes flying off the top rope nailing D-Von with a huge flying cross body.

    This is when Heyman tries to distract the referee, so that Bubba can join in and start beating down on RVD. Bubba & D-Von set RVD up, and nail him with the double team 3-B. Bubba quickly rolls out of the ring while D-Von goes for the cover, but RVD somehow kicks out. D-Von is shocked and he starts arguing with the referee. RVD pulls himself up on the ropes. D-Von goes to clothesline him over the top rope, but RVD shoulder tosses him instead. D-Von ends up crashing down to the floor below. Bubba runs over to help D-Von to his feet. As he does this, RVD springboards himself over the top rope taking out both The Dudley Boyz. The crowd cheer as RVD rolls D-Von back into the ring. RVD heads to the top turnbuckle, jumps, but misses the Five Star Frog Splash. D-Von catches RVD with the Saving Grace, scoring the 1...2...3! After the match, Bubba & D-Von set a table up in the middle of the ring, as they look to finish what they started last week. They set RVD up for the 3-D, until Rey Mysterio comes running out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd. Rey slides into the ring and cleans house as The Dudley Boyz hightail it backstage.

    Winner: D-Von Dudley

    [78%] [79%] [79%]

    Backstage: Eddie Guerrero is shown waiting for the arrival of John Bradshaw Layfield in the parking lot of the arena. Kurt Angle is wheeled up by his assistant Luther Rains. He tells Eddie that JBL might have challenged him to an unsanctioned brawl tonight, but it isn’t going to take place, because if Eddie lays a finger on him before Judgment Day, he will be stripped of the WWE Title, and fired! Eddie continues to wait for JBL, completely ignoring Angle. Angle tells Luther to take him back to his office. As Luther wheels Angle back into the arena, he never takes his eyes off Eddie.


    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Jamie Noble vs. Matt Cappotelli ©

    Los Guerreros come out at the start of the match to do commentary. Jamie Noble & Matt Cappotelli put on a decent cruiserweight match. The Cruiserweight Title is on the line tonight, as Matt makes his second title defense, in his second match ever on SmackDown!. Noble has the upper hand throughout most of the match, nailing Matt with some pretty sick moves. Matt tries to get technical on Noble, he then takes it to the sky with a little highflying action. As Noble is laid out in the middle of the ring, Matt goes for a huge flying elbow drop, only Noble moves at the last second. Matt nails the canvas hard. Noble tries to capotelize on his by trying to lock Matt up in the Trailer Hitch. Matt is able to make it to the ropes, forcing Noble to break the hold. As Matt & Noble fight back and forth for a few more minutes, before Matt somehow rolls Noble up in a school boy for the 1...2...3! Shockingly Matt retains to the surprise of the crowd, and Noble. That’s when Chavo Guerrero attacks Matt with the CW Title belt! Noble joins in on the attack with Chavo. The two beat Matt down, until Spike Dudley comes out to make the save. The crowd cheer as Spike helps Matt in the ring. Chavo grabs a microphone, and demands his rematch for Judgment Day!

    Winner: Matt Cappotelli

    [69%] [61%] [77%]


    Backstage: Josh Matthews is standing by with the WWE Tag-Team champions, Charlie Haas & Rico who are accompanied by the lovely Miss Jackie. He asks Haas & Rico who they think will win the #1 contender’s tag-team match later tonight, and go onto face them at this Sunday’s Judgment Day? Instead of answering the question, Rico starts to give Josh some tips on his fashion sense. All this while Haas & Jackie flirt in the background. Josh gets uncomfortable, and leaves. Rico turns to Haas and slaps him on the ass. Haas jumps in the air, and starts yelling at Rico as they go walking down the hallway.

    Backstage: Kurt Angle is being wheeled down the hallway by Luther Rains when they run into Paul Heyman & The Dudley Boyz standing in front of Angle’s office. Angle asks what Heyman wants this week? Heyman complains about Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam, then talks about how he knows Angle is having problems with Eddie Guerrero, so he’s got a proposition for him. Angle gets a little intrigued by this, and asks Heyman to step into his office so the two of them can talk.

    Video: It’s time once again for the RAW Rebound. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross run down what happened this past Monday night on RAW. Shawn Michaels got his revenge on Triple H, but was suspended by Eric Bischoff for his actions! Kane told Lita that she had only one week to give him an answer, only what is the question? Eugene made his in-ring debut, and won his match over Rob Conway. Randy Orton had to cheat to retain his Intercontinental Title when he faced Edge! Chris Jericho beat Christian in a steel cage match. Finally, Eric Bischoff announced a huge 20 Man Over-The-Top Battle Royal for next week’s RAW, the winner will face Chris Benoit for the World Title at Bad Blood!


    2-on-1 Handicap Match

    Booker T vs. Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio

    Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio are waiting in the ring bandaged up still, after their match with The Undertaker last week. It should be an easy task for Booker T tonight, as his opponents are still injured. Booker makes  his entrance to boos from the crowd. Coming out caring his little bag full of his mystery dirt that will help him in his match with Undertaker this Sunday. Booker sets the bag carefully in the corner of the ring. The bell sounds, Booker doesn’t waist anytime as he jumps Stamboli. Nunzio attacks Booker, but ends up getting tossed over the top rope to ringside. This match continues with Booker beating down Stamboli in the corner of the ring. Nunzio slowly rolls back into the ring. Booker turns his attention to Nunzio, stomping on him while he’s down. Stamboli pulls himself back up to his feet and attacks Booker from behind. He sends Booker off into the ropes with an irish whip. Booker rebounds and nails Stamboli with a harlem sidekick. He goes for a quick cover, but Nunzio breaks the pin. Nunzio stomps on Booker a little, before Booker gets back to his feet, and clocks Nunzio in the side of the head with a back elbow. This sends Nunzio hard to the canvas. Booker quickly heads to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Nunzio to get back up to his feet. Once he does, Booker jumps, and nails him with a missile dropkick. He goes for a quick pin fall attempt, but it’s broken up by Stamboli.

    This match continues with Booker getting the upper hand on both Nunzio & Stamboli. Booker nails Nunzio with the Book End, which takes him out of the match. Nunzio slowly rolls out to ringside, while Booker & Stamboli continue to brawl inside the ring. Booker kicks Stamboli in the stomach, forcing him to double over. He comes running off the ropes, and drops Stamboli with the Scissors Kick! Booker hooks the leg, and gets the win. The referee raises Booker’s arm in victory, that is until all the lights in the arena are shut off. The crowd go crazy as The Undertaker’s music hits! Booker gets a scared look on his face as smoke begins to bellow into the ring. He doesn’t want to stay around any longer as he goes jumping out of the ring, and hightailing it backstage. As he runs up the entrance way, he runs into Paul Bearer who slowly comes walking out from the back of the curtain. Booker slowly stumbles back into the ring. The Undertaker appears out of nowhere in the middle of the ring, standing behind Booker. Booker slowly backs up into Undertaker, he feels behind him, then slowly turns around. Undertaker gives Booker an evil look. Booker goes jumping out of the ring yet again, but this time exits by running through the crowd! The crowd cheer as Undertaker continues watching on from inside the ring.

    Winner: Booker T

    [75%] [69%] [81%]


    Eddie Guerrero’s music hits, but unlike all the other times he normally comes out in a low rider car, he just comes out caring his WWE Title belt in one hand, and a steel chair in the other. The crowd go crazy for Eddie, as they start chanting his name. Eddie enters the ring, and is handed a microphone. He talks about his family, and when they become involved in a confrontation, that’s crossing the line. What happened to his mother last week, John Bradshaw Layfield crossed the line. So now he is going to pay the price, and he doesn’t care if it’s tonight, or at Judgment Day. Eddie doesn’t even care if he loses the WWE Title, because his family is more important then a peace of gold rapped around his waist. He says that JBL challenged him last Thursday night to face him one-on-one, but it looks like he doesn’t have what it takes to show up! That’s when JBL is shown on the titan-tron. He’s standing outside of the arena in the parking lot. JBL tells Eddie he isn’t yellowbelly, and that he wouldn’t miss tonight for the word. He taunts Eddie, telling him that he’s right outside waiting for him. Eddie doesn’t waist anytime as he jumps out of the ring, and goes running through the crowd, making a beeline right for the parking lot!


    Backstage: Eddie Guerrero is shown laid out in the parking lot a bloody mess. Rey Mysterio comes running up to check on Eddie. Rob Van Dam and a few trainers come running up. Unsure what happened, it doesn’t look like just one person could have done this. Eddie is put onto a stretcher, and placed inside an ambulance. The condition of Eddie is uncertain, but it looks like he’ll be taken to the nearest hospital!

    #1 Contender’s Tag-Team Match

    Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty

    The current WWE Tag-Team champions Charlie Haas & Rico, accompanied by Miss Jackie make their way out to a big pop from the crowd. They join Michael Cole & Tazz at the announcer’s table for commentary during the next match. This match is a #1 contender’s tag-team match, with the winner getting a shot at the WWE Tag-Team champions Haas & Rico at Judgment Day. A decent, but slow match between both teams. Billy Gunn & Scotty 2 Hotty put on a great showing. Billy tries to end things early with the One & Only on Scotty, but Rikishi breaks the pin fall attempt. Hardcore is then tagged in as he goes to work on Scotty. Scotty gets nailed with some vicious kicks, stomps, and chops to the chest for a good five minutes. Halfway through the match, The Basham Brothers are spotted coming out from the back to watch the match. At this point, Rikishi is tagged in as he goes to work on both Billy & Hardcore. Billy gets nailed with a superkick, followed by the Worm from Scotty. Hardcore is nailed with a butt bump in the corner of the ring. Hardcore falls down in the corner, so Rikishi sets up for the Stink Face. The crowd is going crazy, until Danny & Doug Basham attack Scotty! Rikishi tries to help his partner, but gets double teamed. Billy & Hardcore fall victim to The Basham Brothers’ next. Hardcore gets nailed with a double spinebuster! The Basham Brothers have a quick stare down with Haas & Rico before being forced to head to the back by officials.

    Winner: No Contest

    [75%] [72%] [79%]

    Video: a promotional video is shown hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki. This video shows Kenzo in the background, and the words, he’s a true warrior flashing in front of the screen.


    Video: it’s time once again for Café de René. This week we see that René Duprée is dinning alone. In preparation for his big match with John Cena at Judgment Day, where he will become the first French United States champion. René talks about how much American’s suck, then blames us for all the bad things that have happened in Iraq. He says that he’s going to beat Cena down, just like he did last week when he put him threw the announcer’s table with a powerbomb, and left him a bloody mess. This same thing is going to happen this Sunday, and René guaranties it.


    Singles Match

    John Cena vs. Sakoda w/ Akio

    John Cena comes out doing a rap on René Duprée. This gets the crowd on their feet going crazy for Cena and ready for the next match. Once the bell sounds, this match is underway with Cena & Sakoda locking up in the middle of the ring. Cena has the upper hand throughout most of the match. Akio interferes during the match, allowing Sakoda to score a couple moves over Cena. Sakoda nails Cena with a huge roaring elbow, which it looks like it almost takes Cena’s head off. Sakoda tries to score a win over Cena, but somehow Cena continues to kick out. Akio tries to interfere one last time, but ends up getting dragged into the ring over the top rope. Akio stumbles back up to his feet, and walks right into a F-U! Cena jumps back up to his feet. Sakoda comes running up to attack Cena, but gets kicked in the stomach, and also falls victim to the F-U! The crowd is going crazy. Cena goes for the pin, and gets the win. As the referee raises his hand in victory. Out from the back comes René. He runs around the ring, grabs the United States Title belt, and slides in behind Cena. Cena turns, just in time to get nailed upside the head with the belt! René puts the title on, and taunts the crowd. He celebrates like he’s just won the match for this Sunday. René finally takes the belt off, and throws it down on top of Cena before exiting the ring.

    Winner: John Cena

    [64%] [51%] [77%]

    Video: a black screen with the words “He’s Coming…To Save Your Souls” is shown. We see Mordecai in the background looking up to the heavens. In a deep voices, Mordecai says that the Judgment Day is upon us.


    Video: a montage plays hyping Judgment Day. The theme is “Duality” by Slipknot. The Eddie Guerrero/John Bradshaw Layfield feud is recapped. We see clips from Eddie’s past, from his days traveling the world, to finally becoming the WWE Heavyweight champion. This Sunday it is Eddie vs. JBL for the WWE Title, in a no disqualification match!

    Singles Match

    John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

    In what can simply be described as a squash match, John Bradshaw Layfield takes on Rey Mysterio. This match starts out with Rey trying to use his quickness against JBL, only to get leveled with a power move. As JBL has the upper hand, he ends up just tossing Rey around the ring. JBL sends Rey flying off into the ropes with an irish whip, as Rey rebounds, he gets nailed with a big boot. As the match progresses, JBL doesn’t go for the sensible thing by pinning Rey, but continues to beat him down in the middle of the ring. The crowd get so heated that they almost jump the guardrail to mob JBL. Rey is almost able to beat JBL halfway through the match when he gets a couple good offensive moves in, but he makes the mistake of heading to the top rope. JBL cuts him off crotching him, then heads to the second turnbuckle. He nails the Last Call from the top rope on Rey! JBL slowly gets back up to his feet, covers Rey in a cocky manner, as the referee reluctantly counts the 1...2..., somehow Rey finds enough strength to kick out! Shocked, JBL gets back to his feet, and starts to argue with the referee that it was a three after all. As Rey slowly stumbles back to his feet, JBL goes running off the ropes, going for the Clothesline From Hell. Rey ducks JBL at the last second, sending him right into the referee! JBL gets back up to his feet and checks on the referee. Rey comes from behind nailing him with the dropkick. JBL falls on the middle rope as Rey nails the 6-1-9!

    It isn’t enough to keep JBL down, so Rey goes for Dropping The Time, but JBL rolls out of the way. Rey lands on his feet, and comes running off the ropes. Only he ends up running right into the Clothesline From Hell! JBL doesn’t bother trying to wake up the referee, he rolls out of the ring, and grabs a steel chair. Back in the ring, JBL goes to work on Rey’s injured knees and back. Rob Van Dam comes out from the back to save Rey. The crowd go crazy as RVD gets the advantage over JBL. As RVD slides into the ring, JBL goes swinging at him with the chair. RVD ducks under, and then nails him with the Van Daminator! This then brings out The Dudley Boyz. Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley slide into the ring, and start double teaming RVD. They nail him with the 3-D! RVD goes rolling out of the ring. JBL gets back up to his feet. He tells The Dudley Boyz to hold RVD up. Bubba & D-Von pull RVD up to his feet allowing JBL to nail him with the Clothesline From Hell! The Dudley Boyz pull Rey up to his feet next. JBL runs off the ropes, and finishes him off with the Clothesline From Hell as well! After the beat down, JBL covers Rey, the referee slowly crawls over to make the count, giving him the win. Will this same thing happen to Eddie Guerrero in the No DQ match at Judgment Day? The other question would be, is Eddie even 100% after being attacked backstage earlier tonight? The odds are looking good for JBL for this Sunday…

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    [78%] [80%] [75%]

    Overall Rating: 72%

    “SmackDown!” scored a 6.04 rating.

    Attendance level was 7512 people.

    $300480 was made from ticket sales.

  22. user posted image

    News & Rumors for 5.12.04

    - Scott Steiner & WWE have said to be working out some kind of deal for the past week. For several months the RAW creative team has been unable to come up with nothing for Steiner. Just recently coming back from an injury. Rumors are circling that Steiner could be up for a roster change, and be moved over the SmackDown! Brand, that is if the SD! creative team is able to come up with any storylines.

    - Alexis Laree has pleased many on the RAW brand this past weekend. The WWE has said to have been really happy with her work against Gail Kim & Victoria. This past Monday night on RAW, Alexis wrestled in a dark match against Lita, which was said to have been a very exciting match. It surly is just a matter of time before we see Alexis called up to the active roster.

    - Many people have been asking who the participants for the #1 Contender 20 Man Over-The-Top Battle Royal will be for next week’s RAW. We have gotten word that Maven will be making his return during the match, A-Train & Chuck Palumbo will both finally make their long awaited RAW brand debuts as well.

    - Big Show was said to have done great on his return this past weekend during the SmackDown! house shows. Show’s opponents were both Funaki & Billy Gunn. This next week he will be starting to work a tougher scheduled as he will be starting a program with John Cena & Eddie Guerrero.

    - Rumors have been flying of Bobby Heenan & the WWE coming to terms with a contract. Heenan has been in talks with Vince McMahon for several months sense WrestleMania XX about a possible return, but nothing had been worked out. It looks like Heenan & WWE could be closer and closer to signing on the dotted line. We’ll keep you posted if anything further develops.

    - Christopher Nowinski’s post concussion syndrome has been the only thing that has kept him from making an in-ring return. It has been months sense Nowinski has stepped into the ring, but hasn’t been cleared to return, after making vast-improvements. The question is, will Nowinski ever be able to return? As of right now, Nowinski has been on tour promoting the SmackDown! Your Vote campaign. He has been doing great working behind the scenes of the tour, and if he continues, there could be a spot for him backstage in the future.

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