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Rapping + REM = No No.

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Guest Angry Baboon

Just heard the new album. It's embarassing. "The Outsiders" is sickening, Jingle Jangle rehashes mixed with poor hip hop do not go well together. Utterly embarassing.

Damn you Michael Stipe you skinny twit.


THANK FUCK! I'm not the only person who requests a firing line whenever they hear it. Everybody seems to like it just because of who the artist is, it's an incoherent song to me that just screams that it's a desperate attempt to update an image they don't need to.

Guest Angry Baboon

Obviously Herr Matzat has never heard the atrocity that is 'Monster'.

New Adventures in Hi-Fi isn't bad, but ever since Monster they've been sliding down a slippery slope.

Guest Bluesman

My dad went to the Springsteen/REM concert tonight, I'll ask him if they played any of that, and if so, what he thought of it.


Isn't he rapping in The End Of The World?

that's a good one

I wouldn't call that rapping.

I heard Leaving New York on Parkinson the other week, it's a good song...I like REM but I'd probably never buy an REM album and by the sounds of it this one would be a waste of money. Still props to them to be still going pretty stong after about 20 years, longevity like that is pretty rare in music these days. The only other band I can think of that still has an appeal to what you may call the "pop" audience would be The Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

Guest Bluesman

Evidently REM did play a few songs off of it, to which my dad described them as "lame". He said overall the concert was great, and in between songs Springsteen asked if there were "Any Canadians for Kerry" and on stage comes Neil Young (who wasn't advertised to be there).

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