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Family Guy return date set....


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Is it just me or am I the only person that thinks Family Guy is the most over-rated show on TV today? Don't get me wrong, I find it funny, but nowhere to the extent of anyone else, it seems. Also, itsn't it strange that this show keeps getting cancelled and kept getting brought back?

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Well an episode of Family Guy hasn't aired since 2002, so it's not exactly on TV today with the exception of reruns on Adult Swim. But it keeps getting cancelled because FOX is a network apparently run by deaf, blind, quasi-retarded monkeys. They switched Family Guy's night and time slot on a pretty much weekly basis... well I shouldn't say weekly since the show aired about twice a month, whenever they felt like putting it on. FOX is a horrible network that treats its quality shows like absolute garbage while keeping the most intellectually-devoid crap on the air for years and never touching its timeslot. Just look at what it did to Firefly, aired half the first season out of order and cancelled it. Wonderfalls, aired four episodes and cancelled it. Took the Critic after ABC cancelled it and then switched its timeslot so much that ratings plummeted, cancelled it. Gave Family Guy at least five different nights and timeslots and cancelled it twice for low ratings. Well, if you switch its time every fucking week you air it, no one can find it dipshits! I truly despise FOX as a network and the only reason I even bother to watch them is because they'll at least put some risque content on the air unlike NBC, ABC or CBS. Really, the only quality shows they've been loyal to since becoming a network are the Simpsons and 24. Fuck FOX.

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No, actually, everyone in my school and work like it.

What, every single person? Did you do a survey or something?

Not just my group of friends. Everyone and I mean everyone knows about it. My physics teacher makes references to it every day. The shirts are all over hot topic. Don't tell me that its still cult.

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Ok, you live in Australia, right? I live in Wisconsin, America. I'm sure there's a big difference.

I live in America too, and it's still a cult show. Just because everyone you know likes it doesn't mean everyone else in the entire country does. I'm sure you hang around people who share interests with you, hence why it seems everyone likes it. As for everyone in your school? I highly doubt everyone, but I'm sure some people you go to school with got ahold of it on DVD and it became their flavor of the month. Your Wisconsin school does not make up the entire viewing audience of the United States of America. Lots of people I know, work with, or am around are always talking about Napoleon Dynamite, does that mean everyone in the country has seen it? Groups of people find something and it becomes cool to them, but for every one person who watches Family Guy, there are thousands who have never even heard of it.

Because hearing people quote it all the time makes it less funny to me, it's like hearing "I'm Rick James Bitch" over and over again.

That doesn't make the show less funny though, that just means you hang around really annoying people.

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