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Fight Club

Guest Faded Sanity

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Guest Faded Sanity

So after constant nagging from friends and some certain family members I finally watched this movie. I must say that it is the greatest movie I have ever seen. My orginal excuse for never watching it was that Brad Pitt was in it and I hate Brad Pitt. So I sat down and started watching it and I ended up watching it twice. Just so I could try and understand some of it. I must buy the DVD now. I think I'll watch it again later on tonight.

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Edward Norton appears in two of my all-time favorite movies ever (Fight Club and American History X).

I think the book is better than the movie, but the movie is still very, very superb. Do yourself a favor and pick up the book. It's worth every penny, in my opinion.

The whole plot and twists to this movie is just awesome. I love it.

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I had a real similar problem to Faded Sanity, in that everyone gave me this incredulous look when my friends would shout to the world that I had not seen Fight Club. It got to the point where everyone blew me so much shit about it that I challenged them to go three months without giving me grief over this fucking movie. Longest they ever made it was three weeks...

Anyway, a friend buys me the DVD for Christmas, not knowing that I had already had the big twist ending spoiled for me by one of those VH1 shows (I Love the '90s, I think). But in this case, knowing how the thing ended helped immensely, because so many things that would have seemed insignificant made perfect sense. Great fucking movie, Pitt's a total badass, and Edward Norton (every time I hear his name I think of the guy from The Honeymooners, anyone else?) plays his part to perfection. Ready to start loading up on Chuck Pahlaniuk's books now. :thumbsup:

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I loved Helen Bonham Carter in that movie, i wanted my hair to look like hers for awhile after I saw it. David Fincher is one of my favorite directer's but it pisses me off that he doesn't make more movies. The book was good although the movie has Brad Pitt without a shirt. *swoon*

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Helen Bonham Carter looks like a natural crack addict, so she fits her part really well, shes got one of those annoying faces that I could only stand to look at if she was playing a junkie, an AIDs victim or Frankensteins wife, so I can forgive my dislike for her in this case.

Its a really good movie, Its not the type of movie you can watch once, or have playing in the background when you've got some friends over because it requires your full attention.

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Choke is a better book.

Survivor is on a similar level.

Lullaby isn't quite so good.

Yeah I've got a nice little collection of Palahniuk. His writing style is pretty much exactly the same as the film puts itself across.

The film is one of the closer readings of a book to ever be put onto screen so you have to applaud that.

At last check I believe Fight Club was second in a fluid top 20 film list.

I've watched it a large number of times now and it just captured something so necessary in 1999. I'd just started Uni and guys around me from 18 had their attention grabbed totally by the film...Sure there's loads of fighting in it, but the fighting ain't what it's about.

It's more closely about the remnants of 20th century man in the aftermath of post-feminism.

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Guest UmpireAJS

when I first saw the ad of fight club,I thought it was some underground fighting movie or something,but since I am a pretty big fan of Edward Norton I went to see it anyway...and YEP! It was awesome, the trailer doesn't do justice to the story at all,it has excellent depths.

The Book is good too,but I like the movie better

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I've always felt that Pitt is pretty under-rated as an actor, he put in strong performances in 12 Monkeys, 7 Years in Tibet, Snatch (fucking excellent in that) and, of course his crowning glory, Fight Club. Maybe people like to rail against him because he's like the best looking man alive, I don't know - but he's certainly a more than above average actor.

As for Fight Club, it does indeed rock. I love how the first time I watched it I remembered all kinds of shit at the end like "Oh, that's why he thought back to his first fight with Tyler when he 'fought' his boss." It had a strong cast (Pitt, Norton, Bonham Carter and Meatloaf) and EPIC direction from Jim Uhrl. I like how Norton's name is never revealed, making the lines between he and Tyler even more blurred. I like how he hits Tyler in the ear, then complains about how it's like someone 'turned the volume down' the next day. Clever stuff.

I haven't read the book, but I've heard that it's good, just not as good - something about the ending being better in the movie, and Uhrl's direction being superb. Surely it should have got than Best Effects at the Oscars?

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As for Fight Club, it does indeed rock. I love how the first time I watched it I remembered all kinds of shit at the end like "Oh, that's why he thought back to his first fight with Tyler when he 'fought' his boss." It had a strong cast (Pitt, Norton, Bonham Carter and Meatloaf) and EPIC direction from Jim Uhrl. I like how Norton's name is never revealed, making the lines between he and Tyler even more blurred. I like how he hits Tyler in the ear, then complains about how it's like someone 'turned the volume down' the next day. Clever stuff.

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