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No real big long drawn out stupid backstory about how Dusty Rhodes got fired and somehow I got put in charge. The date is May 1st of 2005 and Dusty Rhodes is still the head booker of NWA-TNA, but he's been warned that he had better turn things around or he'll be out on his ample backside. TNA's last pay per view event "Lockdown" wasn't exactly what you could call a failure, but that's really about the only good thing to be said about it. With pay per view revenues and sponsorship money not up to the level that the powers that be of Panda Energy wanted, Dusty Rhodes is on a very short leash to get things turned around get them turned around fast. Starting on Friday May 6th, Total Nonstop Action begins what Dusty Rhodes hopes will be a new era with Impact! live on Fox Sports Net.

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Offical TNA Impact! Preview from TNA.COM - Friday May 6th, 2005:

This Friday on TNA Impact!, the monster Abyss will finally get his long awaited match against Jeff Jarrett with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Will it be Abyss who finally takes the NWA Championship from The King Of The Mountain or will Jeff Jarrett again retain the gold?

The Director Of Authority Dusty Rhodes has also signed two exciting tag team matches that will see Phi Delta Slam, with Trinity by their side, taking on the young team of Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts. And in the other tag team match, Traci's Diciples Of Destruction will take on former NWA World Tag Team Champions The Naturals.

Also set to be in The Impact Zone this Friday are Diamond Dallas Page, Raven and the X-Divison Champion "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.

Confirmed Matches For Impact!:

Phi Delta Slam :vs: Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts

The Naturals :vs: The Diciples Of Destruction

Jeff Jarrett© :vs: Abyss - NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Edited by Evilution
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TNA Impact! Wrestling live on FSN - Friday May 6th, 2005:

NWA-TNA Impact! takes the air with the opening video welcoming the fans to the new era of professional wrestling. As the opening video comes to a close pyro begins going off in the sold out Impact Zone before "The Professor" Mike Tenay and Don West begin the show.

Mike Tenay: Don, The Impact Zone is abuzz tonight as these fans know that they could be less then one hour away from witnessing the crowning of a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion!

Don West: That's right Mike! The monster Abyss will finally get his shot to go one on one with the NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett!

Phi Delta Slam w/Trinity :vs: Jerrelle Clark & Mikey Batts

Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts make their way out to the ring first for tonight's opening tag team match. As Clark & Batts stretch in the ring, the music of Trinity hits and she leads out her team of Big Till and Bruno Sassi, Phi Delta Slam. The bell rings and Phi Delta Slam attack and quickly toss Jerrelle Clark right out of the ring and begin to double team Mikey Batts. Bruno and Till whip Batts into the ropes and then press him high into the air. As Batts is still in the air, Bruno and Till drop down to one knee and Mikey Batts comes crashing down landing stomach first on the knees of Phi Delta Slam. Bruno and Till stand back up just as Jerrelle Clark springboards off the top rope with a double clothesline to both members of Phi Delta Slam .. but they don't go down! Clark follows up with another clothesline to Big Till but is met with a boot to the face. Phi Delta Slam watse no more time as Bruno Sassi climbs into postion on the second rope as Till lifts Batts into postion .... SPIKE PILEDRIVER!! Big Till covers Mikey Batts and Phi Delta Slam picks up the impressive victory.

Winners: Phi Delta Slam

Don West: What a dominate performance by Phi Delta Slam! Trinity's team could be a serious threat to the NWA World Tag Team Champions.

Mike Tenay: It was a dominate performance by Phi Delta Slam, and they don't look to be finished Don!

Finished they are not as Trinity slides a table into the ring. Bruno sets up the table and then piles both Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts ontop of the table! Big Till climbs to the top rope as the fans jump to their feet knowing what they are about to witness.

Don West: Oh my god Tenay! He's gonna kill 'em!

The crowd goes totally silent as Big Till leaps off the top and crashes through the table, and the bodies of Clark and Batts, with a massive frog splash! A huge chant of "T-N-A" breaks out in The Impact Zone.

Mike Tenay: We need some help out here now!

Help is quick to arrive as TNA medics rush to the ring as Phi Delta Slam and Trinity head to the back, seemingly extremely pleased with their handy work.

Rating: 5.1 out of 10

Mike Tenay: We may have just witnessed the end of the careers of Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts Don. Based on that showing, Trinity has Phi Delta Slam ready to make a run at America's Most Wanted and the NWA World Tag Team Championship.

Don West: Well I'd be willing to bet that Chris Harris and James Storm are ready, willing and able Mike!

"My World" begins to play as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion "King Of The Moutain" Jeff Jarrett strolls out the entrance tunnel and poses with the NWA title slung over his left shoulder and holding his trusty guitar high in the air as two towers of smoke shoot up behind him. As the smoke towers disapate, "Alpha Male" Monty Brown and The Outlaw make their way out behind Jeff Jarrett.

Don West: I tell ya Mike, with Monty Brown and The Outlaw by the side of Jeff Jarrett, I don't know if anyone is going to be able to take that NWA title away from the King Of The Moutain.

As Jarrett, Monty Brown and The Outlaw climb into the ring, the fans again taunt Jeff with chants of "Drop The Belt". Again Jarrett smirks before he leans over slightly and lets the NWA Championship title "drop" from his shoulder where it lands on the canvas as Monty and The Outlaw laugh at Jarrett's mocking of the fans. The Outlaw picks the NWA title up off the mat and places it back on the shoulder of Jeff Jarrett as "My World" fades out and Jarrett pulls a mic out of his back pocket.

Jeff Jarrett: Let me explain something to you morons. I'm the star here. You people pay to see me. So sit down and shut the hell up. Now Abyss, I've said it time and time again. This is my world. I don't know what planet it is that you come from, but this is Planet Jarrett. And on Planet Jarrett, I call all the shots! I run the show Abyss. I may not be able to stop you from getting your shot at MY NWA Heavyweight Championship tonight, but I can make damn sure that you don't walk out of The Impact Zone as Champion. Because on Planet Jarrett Abyss, Jeff Jarrett is god!

Rating: 8.6 out of 10

Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown and The Outlaw are about to leave the ring when the music of the TNA Director Of Authority "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes hits. The fans rise to their feet as Dusty makes his way out along with Trinity and Traci.

Mike Tenay: Don it looks like the DOA has something to say about Planet Jarrett.

As Dusty's music fades out, Traci hands the TNA DOA the mic.

Dusty Rhodes: Now let's get this straight. This is ... Planet Jarrett? This here is your world huh Jeff? Well it looks like someone forgot to explain something to you Jarrett. It's The American Dream who calls the shots, not you. And you know Jeff, now that I think about it, I think I'm going to call one of those shots right now. Tonight's NWA title match, is now a Falls Count Anywhere match! Oh, and your little boy toys are banned from ringside! And Jeffery, I hope you enjoy your stay on Planet Dusty.

Don West: Did you hear that Mike?! The DOA has just turned tonight's main event NWA Championship match between Jeff Jarrett and Abyss, into a Falls Count Anywhere match! And both The Outlaw and Monty Brown have been banned!

Rating: 8.1 out of 10


As TNA Impact! comes back from commercial break, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas is standing by backstage with the TNA X-Divison Champion "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.

Shane Douglas: Fans, standing to my left is the TNA X-Divison Champion, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Now Chris .....

Christopher Daniels doesn't let Shane Douglas finish as he instead cuts right in.

Christopher Daniels: I don't mean to cut you off Shane, but I've got something that I've just got to get off my chest. Everybody knows that out beloved Director Of Authority, that fat ass cowboy Dusty Rhodes, has spent his entire time in charge of TNA trying to keep me away from the X-Divison Championship. But when AJ Styles was finally forced to step into the ring with me with the title on the line, it was "The Fallen Angel" who walked away with the gold. And since then I have destroyed each and every single one of the losers that Dusty Rhodes has thrown at me. There isn't a single man in all of TNA that I haven't beaten. It's time for Dusty Rhodes to give me my rightful shot at the NWA World ....

?? ?? ?? ??: Not a single man you haven't beaten?

Christopher Daniels takes a step back as Sean "Syxx-Pac" Waltman comes into the picture. Shane Douglas swings the mic away from Christopher Daniels and over towards Sean Waltman.

Sean Waltman: So you're looking for a new challenge huh Chris? Well it looks like you and I are a perfect fit. You're looking for a new challenge and me, well I'm looking for a shot at that shiny little belt of yours. So Chris, what do ya say pal? You, me, the X-Divison Championship, one week from tonight.

Christopher Daniels: You know Sean, as tempting as that offer sounds, I think I'm going to have to pass it up because quite frankly ...

Mike Tenay: What the hell was that?!

Don West: Christopher Daniels just smashed Sean Waltman in the face with the X-Divison title!

Christopher Daniels: Tell ya what kid. Look me up when you're in my league.

Daniels spits in the now bloody face of Sean Waltman before he steps over him and walks away.

Rating: 7.0 out of 10

Don West: Can you believe the audacity of "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels? Telling Sean Waltman that he's not in his league? Sean Waltman is a legend in this business!

Mike Tenay: I don't think we've heard the last from Sean Waltman about this Don.

The Naturals w/Candido& Young :vs: Disciples Of Destruction w/Traci

The former NWA World Tag Team Champions Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas are out to the ring first along with their mentor Chris Candido and David Young. As The Naturals hti the ropes in the ring the sound of motorcycle engines are heard just before Ron and Don Harris ride out to ringside where they are joined by Traci. The Disciples Of Destruction roll into the ring and quickly go right after The Naturals and begin to pound the living hell out of them. David Young distracts the referee as Chris Candido jumps up on the ring apron and holds Big Ron Harris against the ropes for Chase Stevens who charges in with a clothesline .. Ron ducks out of the way and Chase Stevens collides with Chris Candido! Ron Harris rolls up Chase Stevens from behind just as Don Harris plants a boot in the face of Andy Douglas. The referee comes sliding into postion to make the count on the school boy pin .. Disciples Of Destruction pick up the quick victory!

Winners: Disciples Of Destruction

Mike Tenay: Did Big Ron Harris just pick up the victory with a school boy roll up?!

Traci leads the victorious Disciples Of Destruction to the back as Chris Candido and David Young climb into the ring to console The Naturals.

Don West: The Naturals may have lost tonight Mike, but these two guys are former NWA Tag Team Champions and they will be looking for .. ... What are they doing?!

Mike Tenay: Chris Candido and David Young are beating the hell out of The Naturals!

Candido and Young take out Stevens and Douglas with double DDTs to both of The Naturals before they head to the back as The Naturals struggle to their feet in the ring.

Rating: 7.0 out of 10


As TNA Impact! live on FSN comes back from the second commercial break, the fans jump to their feet as they hear "It's Me .. It's D D P" as Diamond Dallas Page makes his way out to stand among the fans. After giving the sign of The Diamond Cutter to the fans, Dallas pulls a mic out from his jeans as his music fades out.

Diamond Dallas Page: Two months ago at Destination X, I had the NWA World Heavyweight Championship within my grasp. I was just about to make Jarrett FEEL .. THE .. BANG! When that damn turncoat Monty Brown decided that he wanted to Pounce the King Of Badda Bing and cost me my shot. Well last month at Lockdown, I got a little taste of my revenge. Call it an appetizer. But now, I'm ready for the main course. That's why I'm ordering a nice big dish of Monty Brown with a little Jeff Jarrett and the World Heavyweight Championship for dessert. So what I'm asking for ..

No .. What I'm DEMANDING .. is a match with Monty Brown at Hard Justice on May 28th. And you can be damn sure that Monty Brown will .. FEEL .. THE .. ....

Diamond Dallas Page is cut off by the sound of a raven crowing as Raven suddenly appears at the tunnel opening with his arms out stretched. As Raven's music fades out, he begins to address Page.

Raven: My whole life, I've had to scrape and claw for everything that I've ever gotten. But you Page, you've had your entire life handed to you. You've already had your shot at the NWA Championship, and now you're going to get another shot just because you say so? What about my chance to become the World Heavyweight Champion? Huh Page? What about my shot? What about me? What About Raven?!

Raven's music hits again as Raven turns his back to Page and holds his arms out before the next commerical break begins to roll.

Rating: 8.0 out of 10


Jeff Jarrett(c) :vs: Abyss

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

After the third and final commerical break, TNA Impact! returns live as the music of the monster Abyss is playing as Abyss is just climbing into the ring. "My World" hits again as the NWA Heavyweight Champion "King Of The Moutain" Jeff Jarrett makes his way out to defend his championship.

Don West: This isn't going to be a match Mike, this is going to be a war!

The bell rings and Abyss charges in at Jarrett who is too quick and ducks out of the way. Jarrett pushes Abyss back into the corner but his punches have no effect on Abyss who grabs Jarrett around the throat and tosses the champion right over the top rope and to the outside.

Mike Tenay: Did you see that Don?! What power from the monster Abyss!

Jarrett begins to crawl up the entrance ramp in an attempt to get away from Abyss but his attempts prove futile as Abyss quickly catches him from behind and whips him back first into the wall directly to the right of the tunnel. Again Jarrett crumbles to the ground and begins to crawl on his hands and knees through the tunnel trying to escape the onslaught from Abyss. Abyss slowly stalks through the tunnel after Jarrett and upon catching him, slams him from side to side inside of the tunnel until the champion falls down the small stair case at the end of the tunnel.

Don West: My god Mike! I have never seen anyone dominate the NWA Champion like the monster Abyss is dominating Jeff Jarrett!

Abyss continues to dominate Jarrett and throws him around the backstage area like a rag doll until Jarrett finally manages to turn things around in his favor with a quick poke to the eyes before he throws Abyss head first into the wall where Abyss' head leaves a huge hole. Abyss stumbles backwards and right into a crucifix pin by Jarrett but Abyss kicks out after a two count. Jarrett continues to apply the pressure on Abyss by using anything and everything that he can get his hands on to smash over the head of Abyss.

Mike Tenay: Was that .. .. Was that a VCR that Jeff Jarrett just smashed over the head of Abyss?!

Don West: Yes it was Mike, and here comes the television monitor!

Abyss blocks Jarrett's attempt at cracking him over the head with the television set and throws the monitor into a wall where it shatters into pieces. Jarrett comes right back with right hands to Abyss but they have no effect on the monster who grabs the NWA Champion around the throat and lifts him up for a chokeslam.

Mike Tenay: This is it Don! We're about to crown a new NWA World Heavy ... What the hell?!

Don West: It's Monty Brown! Monty Brown just took out the left knee of Abyss!!

Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett begin to double team Abyss and lift him up and hit the double suplex right through a table! Monty Brown pops right back up and begins to sniff at the air as Jarrett rolls over into the pin.

Don West: No! Not like this Tenay!

Mike Tenay: ONE ..... TWO .... TH .. NO!! It's Kevin Nash! Kevin Nash has just broken up the pin!!

Kevin Nash breaks up the pinfall by stomping Jeff Jarrett on the back of the head. Nash doesn't get the chance to follow up as Monty Brown goes on the attack and the two begin to brawl away from Abyss and Jeff Jarrett who both slowly climb to their feet. Again Abyss begins to stalk Jarrett but gets hit with a low blow by The Outlaw! Jarrett wastes no time and nailes THE STROKE and drives Abyss face first into the concrete and retains the NWA Championship! The Outlaw helps Jarrett back to his feet and grabs the NWA title from the referee and the duo quickly make their retreat before the monster Abyss can get his revenge.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett - STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion

Rating: 6.8 out of 10

Don West: I should have known that Jeff Jarrett would have some kind of underhanded game plan to keep the NWA Championship firmly around his waist!

Mike Tenay: We're outta time fans, see you next week!

Overall Impact! Rating: 7.2 out of 10

Quick Match Results:

Phi Delta Slam -over- Clark & Batts

Disciples Of Destruction -over- The Naturals

Jeff Jarrett -over- Abyss

Edited by Evilution
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Weekly Update from TNAwrestling.com

Jerrelle Clark & Mikey Batts Injured:

Both Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts are going to miss a large number of months with Total Nonstop Action after being injured at the hands of Phi Delta Slam at Impact! this past Friday. We here at TNAwrestling.com wish both Clark and Batts luck in their rehad assignments.

The Rock to Total Nonstop Action?!:

Rumors continue to arise stating that TNA officals are holding meetings with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. TNA officals continue to denie those rumors but should The Rock choose to sign a contract with Total Nonstop Action, TNAwrestling.com would welcome him with open arms.

Major Television Deal In The Works?:

TNAwrestling.com can confirm the reports that TNA Officals have called off all talks with Spike TV about taking over the upcoming vacant Monday night time slot. However, TNA Officals have now entered into talks with the WB Network about the possability of running a weekly show on their network. Currently the WB Network has no prime time slots avaliable, but negotiations are still taking place.

TNA Xploion Moved To New Time Slot:

TNA Xplosion on the Urban American network has been moved to a later time slot at the request of Urban American. TNA Officals were more then happy to agree to this with the thought being that airing one hour after the compitition will give the fans the oppertunity to see the differences between the two products. TNA Xplosion with hosts Jeremy Borash and Shane Douglas will now air every Saturday at Midnight on Urban American network.

Any feedback, positive or negative, would be appreciated.  I really have no idea if Impact! was good or not but I'm taking the fact that no one said it was horrible as a positive.  Xplosion preview should be up soon.
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TNAwrestling.com Xplosion Preview - Saturday, May 7th, 2005:

The monster Abyss finally got his guarunteed shot at Jeff Jarrett's NWA Championship and the match that ensued was nothing short of an all out brawl with "Alpha Male" Monty Brown, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and The Outlaw all getting involved in the Falls Count Anywhere match. In the end it was the "King Of The Moutain" who walked out of Impact! still the NWA Heavyweight Champion with the help of a low blow from The Outlaw. The fallout starts this Saturday night at TNA Xplosion.

Also on Impact!, Sean "Syxx-Pac" Waltman challenged "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels for the TNA X-Divison Championship. Instead of an answer Sean recieved a shot to the head with the X-Divison title from Daniels. This Saturday night on Xplosion Christopher Daniels will get the world his offical answer to the challenge from Sean Waltman.

Two matches have been announced for this week's Xplosion broadcast, and they're both big time matches. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles will take on "The Charasmatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy and Team Canada's Petey Williams in a Sudden Death Triple Threat Match. And in the main event, America's Most Wanted will put up their NWA World Tag Team titles on the line when they take on the former champions "The Man From Dallas" Lance Hoyt and "Notorious KID" Kid Kash.

Tune in this Saturday night at midnight for the new era of TNA Xplosion!!

Confirmed Matches For TNA Xplosion:

Sudden Death Triple Threat Match

AJ Styles :vs: Jeff Hardy :vs: Petey Williams

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NWA World Tag Team Championship Match

America's Most Wanted(c) :vs: Lance Hoyt & Kid Kash

I know there's only two matches, but predictions are welcomed.  I'm working on perfecting my formatting for everything so if something sucks, let me know.
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You've got some minor typo issues, but that's honestly nothing to worry about. Your results are very well-written, and I like the use of color. Just remember to post a roster, and you should be pretty well off.

One quick question: are the ratings for each match/segment the overall rating?

Oh, and push Team Canada (and keep Petey Williams out of horrible 6 and 8 man matches...) ;)

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You've got some minor typo issues, but that's honestly nothing to worry about. Your results are very well-written, and I like the use of color. Just remember to post a roster, and you should be pretty well off.

One quick question: are the ratings for each match/segment the overall rating?

Oh, and push Team Canada (and keep Petey Williams out of horrible 6 and 8 man matches...) ;)

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The problem I see is that you gave away Jarret/Abyss for free. TNA doesn't seem willing to give away title defenses for free at all. I know there was interference and a bullshit ending to the match but TNA feels fine making the fans pay for those endings so I don't see why that match shouldn't have been on a PPV.

I really liked the DDP interview and the confrontation with Raven was well written. The Daniels promo was okay but could use more of his personality in it.

The matches booked were off. TNA tends to have a tag match and an X-division match on every show. I think the X-division match is really important because they really try and push themselves based on that division.

I don't like a tag title match on Xplosion though but I can deal with it.

Overall I find this to be one of the better written TNA diaries so far. There are some pretty shitty booked ones. This is much better than those ones.

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The problem I see is that you gave away Jarret/Abyss for free. TNA doesn't seem willing to give away title defenses for free at all. I know there was interference and a bullshit ending to the match but TNA feels fine making the fans pay for those endings so I don't see why that match shouldn't have been on a PPV.

I really liked the DDP interview and the confrontation with Raven was well written. The Daniels promo was okay but could use more of his personality in it.

The matches booked were off. TNA tends to have a tag match and an X-division match on every show. I think the X-division match is really important because they really try and push themselves based on that division.

I don't like a tag title match on Xplosion though but I can deal with it.

Overall I find this to be one of the better written TNA diaries so far. There are some pretty shitty booked ones. This is much better than those ones.

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You talk about not making Xplosion a complete piece of crap show, but I think you outta know that Xpolsion is on syndication, so very few people get it. Xplosion is just meant for TNA to give some of the enhancement talent matches against the TNA Regulars like the 3LK. There really is no point to trying to make Xplosion a better show, when it will be seen by maybe 100 people, if that.

You're best off dumping the show period as it a waste of time to write.

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TNA Xplosion - Saturday, May 7th, 2005:

NWA-TNA Xplosion begins with a recap of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship match between Jeff Jarrett and Abyss from Impact! on Friday. As the scene fades from The Outlaw holding up Jeff Jarrett we see The Outlaw arriving to the building for Xplosion with the caption "Earlier Tonight" on the bottom left of the screen. The Outlaw gets just inside of the building before he's confronted by his former tag team partner, BG James. The Outlaw smirks and is about to come with one of his smart ass remarks when BG stops him.

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BG James: No, you don't talk, just listen. I saw what happened at Impact! yesterday. Obviously you know I've got no problem with helping to keep the World title on somebody, we did that for years for that Greenwhich jackass. But we got something out of that little partnership. So I just gotta ask ya .. Outlaw .. when did you become such a god damn moron? Week after week after week, you help Double J keep that little title of his, and what do you get out of it? You don't get a god damn thing and you know it's true. So the next time you see our old pal, why don't you just ask him what it is exactly that you're getting out of that partnerhsip. See ya around .. Outlaw .....

BG James turns and walks away from The Outlaw who seems to be considering the words of advice from his former friend.

Rating: 7.7 out of 10

As the video of the earlier confrontation between BG James and The Outlaw comes to a close, the scene goes to the announcers of TNA Xplosion, Jeremy Borash and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas who are standing in front of the TNA Xplosion logo backstage.

Jeremy Borash: Welcome fans to NWA-TNA Xplosion. I'm Jeremy Borash and the man standing to my left is "The Franchise" Shane Douglas. And Shane, it looks like the Three Live Kru's BG James might have gotten through to The Outlaw.

Shane Douglas: Well obviously The Outlaw felt that BG James was bringing up some good points but who knows how much of it, if any at all, will actually sink into that thick skull of his.

Jeremy Borash: Well let's get to the ring for our first match of the night.

Sudden Death Triple Threat Rules

AJ Styles :vs: Jeff Hardy :vs: Petey Williams

Petey Williams is out first led to the ring by Coach Scott D'Amore waving the Canadian flag. Out next is "The Charasmatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy who has all of the girls screaming their little hearts out as he makes the trip around the ring high fiving the fans before he jumps into the ring and poses on the second turnbuckle. Out last is "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles. AJ gets by far the largest reaction of the three and on his way down the entrance ramp grabs a sign from a fan and holds it up for the camera. The sign reads "AJ Styles = Mr. TNA". AJ hands the title back to the fan while in the ring Petey Williams attacks Jeff Hardy from behind as the bell rings. AJ quickly sheds his jacket and slides into the ring and comes to the aid of Hardy. Styles and Hardy begin to double team Team Canada's Petey Williams but their partnership is a very short lived one as AJ comes off the top with a springboard dropkick but Petey Williams ducks out of the way and Jeff Hardy takes the hit. AJ goes to check on Hardy but gets pulled into a roll up by Williams and just kicks out before the three count. Jeff Hardy leaps onto both Williams and AJ Styles but never gets the chance to follow through as he gets tripped by Scott D'Amore on the outside. Hardy quickly gets back up and slingshots himself out of the ring and onto D'Amore with a corkscrew plancha that has the fans chanting his name. Back in the ring Williams whips AJ into the ropes and comes back with a hurricanrana but AJ Styles counters it right into The Styles Clash!! AJ rolls Williams over into the pin but Jeff Hardy comes in and nails a front dropkick to the face of AJ Styles and then makes the cover himself on Petey Williams and picks up the victory!!

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Rating: 6.9 out of 10


When TNA Xplosion comes back from commerical break, the TNA X-Divison Champion "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels is making his way down to the ring. A quick recap of Daniels knocking out Sean Waltman with the X-Divison title on Impact! is shown while Daniels climbs into the ring.

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Christopher Daniels: Dusty Rhodes and the rest of TNA Management have been holding "The Fallen Angel" down since day one and now that I've finally gotten what should have been mine along time ago, the TNA X-Divison Championship, that jackass Dusty Rhodes wants to give that pile of crap Sean Waltman a shot at MY title. Well after I bloodied up that ugly face of his, I got to thinking about it and at Hard Justice on May 29th, live on pay per view, "The Fallen Angel" will defend the X-Divison title against Sean Waltman and finally run his druggie ass out of TNA once and for all. Waltman, you've bitten off more then you can chew this time pal.

Rating: 8.4 out of 10

Backstage once again with Jeremy Borash and Shane Douglas.

Jeremy Borash: And there you have it Shane. TNA Hard Justice, May 29th live on pay per view, "The Fallen Angel" Christoper Daniels defends the TNA X-Divison Championship against Sean Waltman.

Shane Douglas: Sean Waltman is a legend in his own right JB, but Christopher Daniels is on one hell of a roll as of late and I'm not sure anyone can take that X-Divison title away from him.

Jeremy Borash: That is certainly going to be a match for the ages Franchise. But now fans, let's take a look at what just went down minutes ago involving "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash.

The scene goes to backstage in front of the locker room door of "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash where Nash has just finished posing for a quick photo for a young fan who is walking away staring in awe of the polaroid photo of himself and "Big Sexy" when suddenly "Alpha Male" Monty Brown appears out of no where and hits The POUNCE on "Big Sexy" sending Kevin Nash crashing right through the door of his locker room! Monty Brown pops back up, looks the body of the fallen Nash up and down before he turns and calmly walks away.

Rating: 8.0 out of 10

Jeremy Borash: Can you believe that Shane?! Monty Brown just Pounced Kevin Nash right through his locker room door!

Shane Douglas: Monty Brown has just struck the first blow JB, but when Kevin Nash gets back on hi feet, you can bet that there is going to be hell to pay for "The Alpha Male".

Jeremy Borash: Alright fans when we come back, we will see America's Most Wanted defending their NWA World Tag Team Championship against former champions Lance Hoyt and Kid Kash!


NWA World Tag Team Championship

America's Most Wanted(c) :vs: Lance Hoyt & Kid Kash

Lance Hoyt and Kid Kash are out first followed by the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Chris Harris and James Storm, America's Most Wanted. All four men start in the ring at the same time and an all out brawl ensues with AMW getting the upperhand with duel clotheslines to Hoyt and Kash that sends the former tag team champions over the top rope and crashing to the outside. After a few seconds of regrouping on the outside with Kid Kash, Lance Hoyt slides back into the ring and faces off with Chris Harris. Harris shows complete dominace until Lance Hoyt manages to hit a back body drop and make the hot tag to Kid Kash. Kash comes in ready to go but Harris hits the take to James Storm who ducks the attempted clothesline by Kid Kash and hits the superkick firmly on Kash's jaw and Kash slowly falls like a red wood flat on his back. Storm quickly dives into the cover but the referee only gets a two count as Lance Hoyt comes in and kicks Storm in the back of the head. Chris Harris rushes in to come to the aid of his partner but the referee quickly grabs him and trys to force him back to his corner. While the referee is distracted with trying to get Chris Harris back to his corner, Lance Hoyt drags Kid Kash back to theirs and makes the legal tag. Lance begins to dominate James Storm in the match until Storm hits the desperation DDT and crawls over to his corner and makes the desperation tag to Chris Harris just before Kid Kash can stop it. Chris Harris comes in and Kid Kash quickly rushes back to his corner to get away but Lance Hoyt is not so lucky as Harris takes him down with three straight clotheslines before Kash comes back in trying to attack from behind but Harris spins around and catches him with a powerslam. Lance Hoyt grabs Chris Harris from behind and nails the full nelson slam. James Storm comes back into the picture and nails Hoyt with a forarm but Kid Kash grabs him from behind and holds his arms behind his back. Lance Hoyt takes a step and bounces off the ropes before he comes back with a big boot but Storm ducks out of the way and Kid Kash eats the boot to the face that knocks him right out of the ring. Chris Harris and James Storm double team Lance Hoyt and then finish him off with the DEATH SENTANCE for the victory! AMW celebrates in the ring with their NWA World Tag Team titles until Kid Kash slides back into the ring with steel chair in hand and just misses them both. Kid Kash leans against the top rope and yells down at AMW about their days as champs being numbered before he turns around and NAILS LANCE HOYT WITH THE CHAIR!! Kash goes nuts and destroys the left knee of Lance Hoyt with the chair as TNA Xplosion goes off the air.

Winners: America's Most Wanted - STILL NWA World Tag Team Champions

Rating: 7.3 out of 10

Overall Xplosion Rating: 7.4 out of 10

Quick Match Results For TNA Xplosion:

Jeff Hardy :over: AJ Styles & Petey Williams

America's Most Wanted :over: Lance Hoyt & Kid Kash - NWA World Tag Team Championship

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Guest Eclectic_Loner

Love the BG James interview. The rest of the Xplosion show is a let down compared to it.

The Daniels Waltman feud feels rushed so far.

I didn't get the idea of the tag match between Kash/Hoyt vs. AMW.

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Xplosion is going to no long be the piece of crap show because in my storyline, TNA is shopping Xplosion as is to networks so they'd want it to be an exciting show.

The Daniels-Waltman feud also feels rushed to me, which can't be good but we'll see. I think I should have built it up a bit more, but remember this is TNA.

And about the Kash/Hoyt -vs- AMW match ... what didn't you get? It was basically a simple way of Kash turning on Hoyt because he feels Lance was the reason they haven't regained the tag team titles.

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And about the Kash/Hoyt -vs- AMW match ... what didn't you get? It was basically a simple way of Kash turning on Hoyt because he feels Lance was the reason they haven't regained the tag team titles.
Edited by MrMysteriousX
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Guest Eclectic_Loner

The Kid Kash Lance Hoyt thing feels weird because Impact showed Phi Delta Slam going for the title and suddenly Lance and Hoyt are fighting AMW.

I was hoping more for a build up why Lance and Hoyt are fighting for the tag titles when you previously hyped Phi Delta.

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The Kid Kash Lance Hoyt thing feels weird because Impact showed Phi Delta Slam going for the title and suddenly Lance and Hoyt are fighting AMW.

I was hoping more for a build up why Lance and Hoyt are fighting for the tag titles when you previously hyped Phi Delta.

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