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Most Underrated Song

Guest Wrestling_Man

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not sure now the difference between underrated and overlooked..

nobody i know has rated these songs poorly, but after a brief radio stint when they came out, they haven't been played since in my town:

Tom Petty: Night Watchman

Alice Cooper: We're All Clones

Diesel: Sausalita Summer Nights

Donny Iris: Love is like a Rock

anything by April Wine


Under-rated means people don't rate it...overlooked for me is more that the song may be liked, but people associate different songs more often with the band in question.

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To the guy who asked why he hasn't heard anything from Sixpence, they broke up a year ir two back. I think the lead singer was having a baby but I'm not sure.

And who said Ashlee Simpson was underrated? Damn, I can't change the channel on my radio without hearing here at least once. Myself, I've always heard people around here saying Shinedown sucks. I don't know how it is everywhere else, but here, only one station plays them on a consistent basis and most students in my school don't like them and think that Linkin Park is better.

Freaking pisses me off.

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I don't know about the UK, but over here Stand By Me by Oasis didn't get much air time. I always liked that song, but it wasn't really a hit in North America.

Also, Sunday Morning by No Doubt was the most over looked single off Tragic Kingdom. I loved that song and still do now (hell, I still love all the songs on Tragic Kingdom.. one my favorite albums of all time). It got quite a bit of play time, but nobody other than No Doubt fans really remember it, at least as not as much as other songs off Tragic Kingdom like Spiderwebs, Just A Girl, and Don't Speak, and even more people remember Excuse Me Mr.

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The Beatles - Good Morning, Good Morning. Man, I love this song so much, yet nobody knows it, when you speak about Sgt. Peppers, people mention Lucy in the Sky or a Day in the Life. Yet Good Morning is just all round awesome. It sounds about 30 years ahead of its time.

Anything by Interpol, Mars Volta, 80's Matchbox, Million Dead, Reuben, Amplifier, Kinesis, Yourcodenameis: Milo, Editors, This Arcade Fire, Rufus Wainwright, Patrick Wolf or Beck. All amazing artists, yet always overlooked, underplayed and underrated.

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The Beatles - Good Morning, Good Morning. Man, I love this song so much, yet nobody knows it, when you speak about Sgt. Peppers, people mention Lucy in the Sky or a Day in the Life. Yet Good Morning is just all round awesome. It sounds about 30 years ahead of its time.

Anything by Interpol, Mars Volta, 80's Matchbox, Million Dead, Reuben, Amplifier, Kinesis, Yourcodenameis: Milo, Editors, This Arcade Fire, Rufus Wainwright, Patrick Wolf or Beck. All amazing artists, yet always overlooked, underplayed and underrated.

Frankly, all the bolded ones are loved either by the commercial masses or the critics, so I wouldn't say they were under-rated at all. I'd at Amplifier,Reuben and Million Dead to that list at a push as well.

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Nothing by Oasis gets its fair share of airplay in the US, because they can never be bothered to kiss the required amount of PR-head ass to get on commercial radio playlists coast-to-coast.

Because they're too cool.

When I think 'underrated' I don't necessarily think of commercial airplay, but like critical acclaim and how much they're seen as a serious artist/song. Hence the Ashlee Simpson thing.

On a similar vein, I like Octopus' Garden and Maxwell's Silver Hammer, which are often derided as "silly shit" by older Beatles fans I know. Sourpusses.

The lack of Sixpence is a drag, I only have the one album and can't find any others.


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Strung Out - Your Worst Mistake (Not really their normal style, a bit more releaxed. Beautiful song though)

Dream Theater - Fatal Tragedy (The way it's built up is awesome. ANd I love the "Without faith, without hope" bit when it changes time signature)

Opeth - Forest of October (Everyone raves about Deliverence and Blackwater Park but this song is just as good IMO)

Alkaline Trio - 5-3-10-4 (Amazing song, really catchy just people don't rant about it as much as other songs)

I'll add more as I can think of them.

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The Beatles - Good Morning, Good Morning. Man, I love this song so much, yet nobody knows it, when you speak about Sgt. Peppers, people mention Lucy in the Sky or a Day in the Life. Yet Good Morning is just all round awesome. It sounds about 30 years ahead of its time.

Anything by Interpol, Mars Volta, 80's Matchbox, Million Dead, Reuben, Amplifier, Kinesis, Yourcodenameis: Milo, Editors, This Arcade Fire, Rufus Wainwright, Patrick Wolf or Beck. All amazing artists, yet always overlooked, underplayed and underrated.

Frankly, all the bolded ones are loved either by the commercial masses or the critics, so I wouldn't say they were under-rated at all. I'd at Amplifier,Reuben and Million Dead to that list at a push as well.

I wouldn't say thats true, flick throught the pages of any NME, today's 'in' mag, from the past 6 months, where the cream of the crop are featured yet these bands are given very limited space, and all you head is Pete 'n' Carl this, Kaiser Chiefs that, and it's just getting old!

You will notice that in the past 6 months these bands have released new albums (Antics, Francis The Mute, Royal Society, Ignito , Self-Titled), yes they all recieved critical acclaim, but their overlooked by the masses in favour of bands like the Kaiser Chiefs, Babyshambles, The Killers, The Bravery, Razorlight, Kasabian, Bloc Party. Who apart from Babyshambles and Bloc Party, deserve none of the media attention they get, cause lets face it, all of them are a helluva lot boring!

Whereas the artists I listed are making loud, powerful music and are getting the credit they deserve. You don't find their albums in the top 50, you don't see their singles hitting the top 40, you don't see their names on the front pages of NME, Kerrang, Q!

Instead time is spent writing columns about that cunt from the Kaisers, Ricky Wilson, who looks like a 14 year old and would "wank off a homeless man for fame". Johnny Borell, from Razorlight, who thinks he's Bob Dylan. Smackhead Pete Doherty who is just hogging the media spotlight, and is so last week it hurts. Tom "I'm like Mozart" Mehangan from Kasabian. Sam Edicoat from the Bravery who would do his sister if she was a groupie and Brandon "Look at me!" Flowers who could put people to sleep with his boring voice and 80's vibes!

Something I feel, slightly passionate, about :D

And what did you mean about the "I'd at Amplifier, Reuben and Million Dead to that list at a push as well." comment, that confused me?

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Having met and hung out with Ricky Wilson, I feel obliged to defend him. He's a really nice guy, and the place where he grew up was obscenely dull, hence his drive for achieving fame to end the drudgery.

And besides, Kaiser Chiefs are probably one of the better live bands in the country at the moment, having seen most of the ones you mentioned.

I agree about Razorlight and The Bravery, they both fucking suck. The Libertines were a great band, and they still could be, but Peter's tabloid day out is becoming a bit dull. Tom Meighan is a dick, but Kasabian are okay. Brandon Flowers, however, is the next Morrissey if you ask me, he's incredibly charismatic without jumping around like a squirrel on acid. And don't be down on the 80s, they're a Hell of a lot better than the decades before and after.

It's nice that somebody likes Patrick Wolf, also. But if you think Interpol are either underrated or talented, you need your head examined. Overhyped shite.


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I really dislike the Kaiser Chiefs, they're just trying way too hard, and every song is the same.

I've listened to the Kaisers album a few times and if you can point me out one song that doesn't have Ricky and the rest of the band going into hyper mode and starting to scream before the same guitar loop I will give you one giant ass-fuck of a cookie! :thumbsup:

I loved the Libertines like I love my limbs. They were so loud and ecletic, but their self titled album was so over-produced they lost the whole gritty-London feel that Up The Bracket brought us. I went to see Razorlight a few weeks ago, just for the chance to see John Hassal's (the bassist from the Libertines) new band Yeti, then I left :thumbsup:

Bravery are overrated and pure shite. Same with Kasabian, who I genuinely believe to have one of the worst albums ever, it was such a let down from the hype it recieved, although Reason is Treason is a CHOON!

I hate Morrissey, I want not to hear the mans name!

I don't see why people like the Killers are so good, their very overrated, and their album is pretty sameish, with no redeeming tracks.

I think we should take this outside, as anybody who says Interpol are "Overhyped shite" needs a beating. They're music is beautiful, and Paul Banks (vocals) is the only man alive today capable of making Rape (sp?) sound sexy (see Say Hello To The Angels). He has the voice of Joy Division's Ian Curtis, Love 'em!

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The Beatles - Good Morning, Good Morning. Man, I love this song so much, yet nobody knows it, when you speak about Sgt. Peppers, people mention Lucy in the Sky or a Day in the Life. Yet Good Morning is just all round awesome. It sounds about 30 years ahead of its time.

Anything by Interpol, Mars Volta, 80's Matchbox, Million Dead, Reuben, Amplifier, Kinesis, Yourcodenameis: Milo, Editors, This Arcade Fire, Rufus Wainwright, Patrick Wolf or Beck. All amazing artists, yet always overlooked, underplayed and underrated.

Frankly, all the bolded ones are loved either by the commercial masses or the critics, so I wouldn't say they were under-rated at all. I'd at Amplifier,Reuben and Million Dead to that list at a push as well.

I wouldn't say thats true, flick throught the pages of any NME, today's 'in' mag, from the past 6 months, where the cream of the crop are featured yet these bands are given very limited space, and all you head is Pete 'n' Carl this, Kaiser Chiefs that, and it's just getting old!

You will notice that in the past 6 months these bands have released new albums (Antics, Francis The Mute, Royal Society, Ignito , Self-Titled), yes they all recieved critical acclaim, but their overlooked by the masses in favour of bands like the Kaiser Chiefs, Babyshambles, The Killers, The Bravery, Razorlight, Kasabian, Bloc Party. Who apart from Babyshambles and Bloc Party, deserve none of the media attention they get, cause lets face it, all of them are a helluva lot boring!

Whereas the artists I listed are making loud, powerful music and are getting the credit they deserve. You don't find their albums in the top 50, you don't see their singles hitting the top 40, you don't see their names on the front pages of NME, Kerrang, Q!

Instead time is spent writing columns about that cunt from the Kaisers, Ricky Wilson, who looks like a 14 year old and would "wank off a homeless man for fame". Johnny Borell, from Razorlight, who thinks he's Bob Dylan. Smackhead Pete Doherty who is just hogging the media spotlight, and is so last week it hurts. Tom "I'm like Mozart" Mehangan from Kasabian. Sam Edicoat from the Bravery who would do his sister if she was a groupie and Brandon "Look at me!" Flowers who could put people to sleep with his boring voice and 80's vibes!

Something I feel, slightly passionate, about :D

And what did you mean about the "I'd at Amplifier, Reuben and Million Dead to that list at a push as well." comment, that confused me?

Just because they don't get constant coverage in the mags, don't mean they aren't rated. Stuff like Kerrang! acknowledged Mars Volta as one of the most important albums of the year, Rufus Wainright is pimped just about everywhere but NME.Matchbox have a cult following, as that is all thier music can really get. Also, everywhere pimped youcodenameis:milo for ages.

Amplifier, Reuben and Million Dead could all be seen as rated farely and not under-rated, as they all had good album/live reviews, and pimped by many a big magazine, therefore bought by a niche group of people (which is what NME caters for).

Edited by rvdwannabe
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