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Simple question really. Is the new Napalm Death album any good? Was thinking of buying it the other day, but thought I'd see what the general consensus of it is. Generally, I haven't heard much Napalm Death, but is it worth buying irrelevant, or are thier other CD's in thier back catalogue more suited to a ND n00b like myself.

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haven't heard the new one yet, but i know it's being / it was released by century media and judging by their latest work on them it doesn't give me high hopes. Of course that may not mean anything, but if you just want to get anything from them without much risk i would suggest either picking diatribes which is an album they released on the mid-90's (not sure about the exact date) or one of their first two albums which were released in the 80's. I believe "Fear Emptiness Despair" also released in the mid 90's (once again not sure exactly when) was their most successful in terms of media attention due to being released on sony. It's the most produced album of the ones i listened to. You could also pick that one if you're into "clean" guitars.

Just a question, wherever you found the record, don't they have some sort of hearing before buying system? It could help.

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haven't heard the new one yet, but i know it's being / it was released by century media and judging by their latest work on them it doesn't give me high hopes. Of course that may not mean anything, but if you just want to get anything from them without much risk i would suggest either picking diatribes which is an album they released on the mid-90's (not sure about the exact date) or one of their first two albums which were released in the 80's. I believe "Fear Emptiness Despair" also released in the mid 90's (once again not sure exactly when) was their most successful in terms of media attention due to being released on sony. It's the most produced album of the ones i listened to. You could also pick that one if you're into "clean" guitars.

Just a question, wherever you found the record, don't they have some sort of hearing before buying system? It could help.

I read some reviews, and they were pretty favourable. I might do the try before you by thing though, good idea.

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If the possibility arises, pick up "Scum". Generally, the earlier stuff is more grindcore, which means insane speed, blastbeats and the whole works. Great stuff if you want to see how that genre got off the ground. The later stuff are more mixed up with death metal and hardcore, so they might be easily accessible. Out of the later albums, I'd recommend the "Enemy Of The Music Business".

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If the possibility arises, pick up "Scum". Generally, the earlier stuff is more grindcore, which means insane speed, blastbeats and the whole works. Great stuff if you want to see how that genre got off the ground. The later stuff are more mixed up with death metal and hardcore, so they might be easily accessible. Out of the later albums, I'd recommend the "Enemy Of The Music Business".

I already bought it, it's good. I know Scum is thier "classic", but I guess I'll get around to that eventually.

Not in a thingy way either, if I'm talking Napalm Death, you should assume I know what Grindcore amounts to :P

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