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Goblet of Fire Trailer Online


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The teaser trailer for the fourth Harry Potter film, directed by Mike Newell, has been posted online at Apple.com, This is their run of the mill low-res version, but I'm assuming the better version is soon to come (and is already available if one is looking in the right places). Thoughts? You can't distinguish too much from the low-res version, but having seen a better copy the film looks terrific. It seems to be going in a much darker direction, and this direction fits Michael Gambon perfectly in the Dumbledore role. I'm not quite certain but it sounded like we got a quick taste of some of the new film's score, and if the bits that did appear are included in the final copy, they've found themselves a suitable replacement for John Williams.

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I'm loving everything in this film so far, and the maze looks amazing! I do agree about Rons hair though :puke: .

Edited by Laice_
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I own all the harry potter books out so far and I have only read the first one sadly... but lately for some reason I had an urge for Harry Potter so I started reading them and finished the first one am now am a quarter of the way through Chamber of Secrets. Also during reading them I had an urge to buy all the movies and video games... that urge is still around. This trailer brings the urge back again.

Looks good and I love the way they are going darker. Is that really how the books go though? Does it get a lot more mature? Because that would be awesome.

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Yeah it seems as though the books get more mature as you go along. I forget when the next book comes out does anyone know(that is if there is a realese date) I got it resevered anyways.

EDIT: Nevermind I just checked Amazon and it said July 16th I believe.

Edited by Green Demon
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Yeah it seems as though the books get more mature as you go along.  I forget when the next book comes out does anyone know(that is if there is a realese date) I got it resevered anyways.

EDIT: Nevermind I just checked Amazon and it said July 16th I believe.

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The book is meant to get more mature as they go along, J.K. Rowling stated she was furthering the darkness/maturity level of the books as they came. Fourth was extremely dark by comparison of the first three, and the fifth was mind numbing. She made that promise that 'every summer there'll be a HP book' until the final book, which is the 7th one. Anyways, she missed a couple summers, maybe that's why the fifth and fourth were so long. Sadly, the sixth is going to be shorter =/

Either way though, she did this mostly for people who read it as they grow. I'm the age of Harry Potter, and every year as I age, he does too, so it's sorta frigging odd to me how he seems to be going through the exact same crap I'm going through such as 'anger outbursts' in the fifth book.

Yeah, in the fifth book let's just say Harry becomes the angst :lol:


Edit: Progressive darkness as stated above, he lost his naiveness in the first book, and slowly began to see the world more and more. The first an evil man still lives(which is bad but it could be worse), second one someones kidnapped and people are being petrified, third one there's a 'killer after Harry' and he has a morale dilemma about it, fourth one someone is stalking him worse than the third book, and he sees someone die(You can read the back of the book to get all this info so it's not really spoilers), the fifth one someone very close to him dies, he's the king of angst, and he seems to lose his innocence.

Edited by Mortis
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the sixth is going to be shorter =/
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