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Lost - Question on the Show


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Okay, so in twenty of so minutes, ABC is airing Lost from the start of the season. I thought about watching it when it debuted last year, but I decided against it. So it turns out to be a huge hit. A lot of people are talking about it being a great show. Is it really that good?

I mean, HBO On Demand aired seasons one through five of the Sopranos. So I decided to watch those to see what everyone was talking about. Since people said it was a great show, I watched. It wasn't that great. It was good, but clearly not one of the best TV shows around.

So, will I be going into this show with all this hype and have it not live up to expectations like the Sopranos did to me? Or will it really be that good?

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Okay, so in twenty of so minutes, ABC is airing Lost from the start of the season. I thought about watching it when it debuted last year, but I decided against it. So it turns out to be a huge hit. A lot of people are talking about it being a great show. Is it really that good?

I mean, HBO On Demand aired seasons one through five of the Sopranos. So I decided to watch those to see what everyone was talking about. Since people said it was a great show, I watched. It wasn't that great. It was good, but clearly not one of the best TV shows around.

So, will I be going into this show with all this hype and have it not live up to expectations like the Sopranos did to me? Or will it really be that good?

Edited by Heel Turn
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Yeah. I just got done watching it and I really, really liked it. The part with the guy getting sucked into the engine was awesome looking. That lifeguard asking if he should put a pen down the women's throat andthen running off and getting some and actually bringing a lot back was quite funny. What a moron.

So far, it seems like an awesome show already. I clearly missed out on a good show. Good thing they are replaying it. If they continue with one show a week for 26 weeks, it looks like it'll run into November. Wouldn't the series begin in September or something? My guess is they will probably end up airing two a night later in the summer just to get caught up or something.

Edit: And now that I see that HT said it was the worst episode of the season, I guess I am in for an awesome show. So that's great.

Edited by Fitzy
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Okay, so in twenty of so minutes, ABC is airing Lost from the start of the season. I thought about watching it when it debuted last year, but I decided against it. So it turns out to be a huge hit. A lot of people are talking about it being a great show. Is it really that good?

I mean, HBO On Demand aired seasons one through five of the Sopranos. So I decided to watch those to see what everyone was talking about. Since people said it was a great show, I watched. It wasn't that great. It was good, but clearly not one of the best TV shows around.

So, will I be going into this show with all this hype and have it not live up to expectations like the Sopranos did to me? Or will it really be that good?

Lost is fucking fantastic. The start is a little slow, and the first episode is, IMHO, the worst episode of the season. Once you get into the season itself though, it becomes incredibly gripping and taut. If you're the least bit interested in this show, I highly, highly, highly recommend it. IMHO, Lost is the best, most intriguing, most exciting drama on television now. If it was airing on HBO or Cinemax, it would be getting critical raves and be getting nominated for Emmys left, right, and center. In summation: watch Lost. You won't regret it, I promise.

Edited by Jar Jar Beatnik
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You know, instead of giving us your baseless attacks on the show everytime a Lost thread comes up, how about actually legitimizing your opinion with some fact? Or even better, how about just not posting in "Lost" threads? We get it; Matzat doesn't like Lost.

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it is a fact, the only thing that moves on this show is them creating new mysterys, and even that is slow, proff me wrong with some solutions

and yes lost sucks ass and i am going to post that if someone asks about how it is, and i am not running around crying my eyes out about you guys praising this crap everytime a new lost topic gets started so screw you not even once but twice

Edited by Michael Matzat
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Yeah. I just got done watching it and I really, really liked it. The part with the guy getting sucked into the engine was awesome looking. That lifeguard asking if he should put a pen down the women's throat andthen running off and getting some and actually bringing a lot back was quite funny. What a moron.

So far, it seems like an awesome show already. I clearly missed out on a good show. Good thing they are replaying it. If they continue with one show a week for 26 weeks, it looks like it'll run into November. Wouldn't the series begin in September or something? My guess is they will probably end up airing two a night later in the summer just to get caught up or something.

Edit: And now that I see that HT said it was the worst episode of the season, I guess I am in for an awesome show. So that's great.

Edited by cn650
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Meh I'm with Matzat, I think the characters were poorly devised, worse yet there has been no major character development since the show started (In Australia we are only up to the episode where Claire comes back from being kidnapped so it might get better). The characters are totally one dimensional, I'm a doctor so I'm in charge, I'm an arab so I can kill etc. About the only thing of interest are the flashbacks, but since a show like this should be gripping for what's happening in the present not the past, it just further shows how flawed the scripting is.

If my fiancee didn't watch it I wouldn't but since we only have on t.v. it's that or nothing.

Edited by Quom
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