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Anime n00b

Dr. Rated-R

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Cardcaptor Sakura :shifty:

You take that shifty off and admit that the original Japanese version fucking rules (being hilarious, and having more random gay love intregue than you can shake a stick at. "Hey Sakura, mind if I dress you up in pretty clothes and record videos of everything you do?" "...You're kind of fucked up in the head aren't you Tomoyo?"). The American version - both in terms of the dub and the fact that they cut and altered it so much that they were forced to even change the name of the series because it was literally so different - is one of the greatest abominations to ever have been produced.

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The Big O

Tenchi Muyo (the OVAs - Universe is okay, but avoid Tenchi in Tokyo; Tenchi In Tokyo is boring as hell)



Gundam Wing

Cowboy Bebop

Case Closed (aka Detective Conan)

Ninja Scroll

Vampire Hunter D and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust


Comic Party

Love Hina

Cowboy Bebop

Hikaru no Go

One Piece

Or just pick up a copy of Shonen Jump at a local bookstore or grocery store; new issues come out the first Tuesday of every month, and it has several different mangas in it....including the aforementioned Naruto, One Piece and Hikaru no Go.

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I just checked out Sgt. Frog the translations are simply he-larious.

Also, FLCL can be watched if you have ADHD, as it keeps you interested by adding random things into the story, or 'seemingly' random. That's why someone with ADHD who gets hyper and can hardly pay attention is kept attentive during the show, so many random mishaps they don't have time to lose interest.

Sure they might not understand the story, but they wouldn't understand the story even if it was a regular anime, at least it gives em something to do.

I got the story pretty easily, took me two times of watching the entire series without really concentrating just enjoying it, and I got it fully... my friend on the other hand has watched it as many times as Adult Swim has shown it, and he still doesn't get it. I had a grasp the first time, but there was still some mysteries to it, hell there's still mysteries to it.

And no not that Case Closed kind of mystery. :angry:

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Eh, I have no idea what your area is showing, nor do I really know good DVDs to watch, becuase I...*ahem* obtain anime. As for mangas, I suppose that's easier to find, but I'm not sure mangas in English are found there.

As for suggestions of anime:


Fullmetal Alchemist


Yakitate! Japan (doubtful a DVD's come out at all, but meh...)

Vandread (both seasons)

Cardcaptor Sakura :shifty:


Most of the above, Tsubasa Resevior Chronicle, Death Note

You know, I've always wondered, why is it that 9 out of 10 anime fans in Singapore love Naruto? It's hardly the best out there (hell, i think it's crap), but somehow almost everyone in this pathetic nation loves it to death

Boy 1: Hey you watch anime

Boy 2: Yeah, i got lotsa Naruto


Boy 2: Yeh, we teh hardcore anime fans!

and so on, and so forth. I feel like slapping everyone last one of them.

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As with all great series there are groups that hate a series with a passion, so don't worry about liking Naruto, people try to be cutting edge with there hatred towards a series, but it really just looks annoying half the times, there's fanboys, but what in the hell does that have to do with the actual series?

Naruto's a good series, if you take it's for what it's worth, just like Dragonball/Z/GT, or Yu Yu Hakusho. I'd pretty much say most animes I've seen have been great, I can't think of an anime that I totally disliked, as there's alot of good points in every anime I'd say... then again I don't spend hours watching anime everyday like some people.

I suggest Hikaru no Go though, as I've recently been hooked on it. I had started playing Go before I watched the series, and now that I've seen the series it seems that much cooler as a game in general. The only place on the net i can think of to play go though is on Yahoo Games.

I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone suggest Sailor Moon. :lol:

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Eh, Sailor Moon really isn't the kind of thing for money to be spent on...unintentionally funny though it is.

I've heard of Hikaru no Go. My dad used to play the game years back, and frankly the concept of a series based around it scares me.

Edited by stokeriño
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Eh, Sailor Moon really isn't the kind of thing for money to be spent on...unintentionally funny though it is.

I've heard of Hikaru no Go. My dad used to play the game years back, and frankly the concept of a series based around it scares me.

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Every single Studio Ghibli movie you can get your hands on, plus Lupin III (castle of caligostro & TV Series), and Nausiccaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Also, Great Teacher Onizuka. Possibly one of the best Anime TV Series I have ever seen, and is one of the most popular ever in Japan...

And thats all I have to say for now... oh AzuManga... LOL~!

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Now, considering that I'm Canadian, and don't know what's broadcast in America save for Trigun, FMA, and Champloo on Adult Swin (one of which is average, one of which is below average despite the first 9 episodes and a couple at ~30, and one of which I haven't seen), I'll just ramble off my favorites, all of which are easily attainable through torrents. And, the ones that are finished, DVDs (sadly, I have to drive about an hour and a half to go to the only decent anime store in BC. Bah).


Elfen Lied (Episode 14 was disappointing though.)

Full Metal Panic (and it's second season, Fumuffo. Fommuffu. Fom... ah... I can never spell it.)

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (I loves me the short series')

Full Moon wo Sagashite

Bleach (not out on DVD, as it's still being released. On episode... 35, I believe, but I'm only on 20 after a two month internet hiatus)

BECK (awesome OST.)

Gankutsuou (I'm a GONZO fan. So sue me.)

Gungrave (The gore... so... good)

Last Exile (Has possibly the greatest OP I've heard)

Samurai 7 (again, GONZO)

Excel Saga (the sub is decent, but the actors never could really keep up with their Japanese counterparts. Hilarious to no ends).

Air TV

I've heard so many good things about School Rumble, and I've watched it, but it never really clicked. I'll be giving it another chance soon, though.

And I haven't been keeping up with the 2005 releases thus far, having only seen 2 shows. Glass Mask (pretty good. Potential to be awesome, much like the manga, and previous series'), and Speed Grapher (some say it blows, but I enjoy it).

As for manga...

Bleach (yes, again)

Yakitate!! Japan (the anime was good for the first 8 or so episodes, but the manga is so much better.)

Love Hina (Not a fan of the anime, but the manga is a Godsend. And a staple for any collection)

GANTZ (Again, a case where the manga is better than the anime, although the anime has a good following. It's not for me, though)

MAi-HiME (not great by any stretch, but I enjoy it)

So... yeah.

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Random (albeit somewhat systematic) comments on those that The_Icon mentioned:

Haven't watched any of Elfen Lied as of this time. The description didn't look appealing to me.

It's spelt Fumoffu. >_> It is fucking hilarious. Can't wait for when The Second Raid starts airing in a few weeks.

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is awesome if only because the way it starts off as your most stereotypical high school romance show...for about one and a half episodes, because then the main female protagonist gets run over in a bloody car accident and put into a coma. After that the whole series is just "GUILT GUILT GUILT" in every conceivable form...but then, this is a good thing.

I have completely failed to be impressed by Bleach.

I've got the first few episodes of BECK, and the OST. The OST contains neither the opening nor ending themes. This angers me greatly.

Gankutsuou is one of the must-see animes of the year. I'm serious. Anyone who refuses will be lined up and shot.

Didn't like Gungrave too much.

Hmm, the Last Exile OP is great...but greatEST? Nah. Don't ask me what is though - there's a week's worth of debate coupled to that one.

Haven't looked into Samurai 7 yet, but it has been recommended to me (...by my friend who loves all anime regardless of quality, but I try to look past that).

The Excel Saga dubbers did an awesome job of keeping up with their Japanese counterparts in my opinion. Well, except for Jessica Calvello destroying her own vocal chords and having to be replaced halfway through, but that was the fault of ADV's DVD release schedule, not hers.

School Rumble owns your soul.

Never heard of Glass Mask.

Speed Grapher is pretty good, I've got a few episodes to catch up on. Having Duran Duran as its opening theme somehow makes it that much cooler (which is odd, because on its own Duran Duran isn't very cool itself).

Sorry, but the concept of Yakitate!! Japan amuses me with its standard premise of "I'm a boy with some special talent who's going to be the BEST AT WHAT I DO dammit!!" (see: Pokemon)...but with baking bread of all things! Would probably be fun to watch, but haven't done so yet.

Love Hina manga is indeed most definitely > Love Hina anime, but the anime rocks as well (in Japanese...sweet Jesus let not the dub pierce your sensitive ear drums).

Only seen a little bit of the Mai-HiME manga and didn't look too great. The anime on the other hand rocks IMMENSELY. I mean seriously, they defeat who you'd think would have been the major bad guys by episode 16. Then they wonder "hmm, what can we do for the last third of the series...? I know, let's have all the characters go BATTLE ROYAL on each other!!". Awesome, awesome series.


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The Excel Saga dubbers did an awesome job of keeping up with their Japanese counterparts in my opinion. Well, except for Jessica Calvello destroying her own vocal chords and having to be replaced halfway through, but that was the fault of ADV's DVD release schedule, not hers.

Is that really what happened? Because I wondered what happened to her voice on that show. <_<

Also, as much as I hate to admit it (HATE! HATE!) I've enjoyed what I've seen of Onepiece so far and the Naruto manga is pretty damn good in my opinion.

Plus, OP has evil subliminal messages in it so yeah, it's fucking awesome.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum :)


Cowboy Bebop

Big O

Azumanga Daioh (Thank you stoke and girlfriend)

Full Metal Alchemist

Full Metal Panic!

Outlaw Star

Chrono Crusade (I never finished it. Some dickhead magazine spoiled it for me. ARGH)

Excel Saga

and what I listed above.

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Nice to see someone pay enough attention to my posts that they go through and comment on virtually everything. <_<

As for Elfen Lied, it seems to be either a love or hate anime (much like my other loves in life, ICO [best. game. ever], Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [best. movie. ever], and Sigur Ros [best. band. ever]). I can see why someone wouldn't care for it, but I loved it. It drew me in from the beginning with Lucy kicking ass and escaping, then heading to the mainland to stay with whatstheirfaces (bah. Too early to think). Perfect mix of odd comedy, gore, and drama.

I might be overstepping it a little by calling LE's OP the greatest, but I loved it, and I can't really think of something that tops it. Maybe the BECK OP, or something so painfully obvious that it's lost on me.

And Samurai 7 owns your soul

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I was looking more at Sakaki's nonplussed expression to Chiyo's enthusiastic high five as a guideline. Although your ginger pigtails were also a deciding factor. ¬_¬

I've seen some Teen Titans. I feel like slapping you now. With a brick.

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