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Anime n00b

Dr. Rated-R

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Sakaki reminds me... There's one thing that REALLY bothers me about Azumanga Daioh every time I watch/read it, and that is the relationship between Sakaki and Kaori. To quoth the Hurricane, Whatsupwithdat? Seriously, it always makes me feel somewhat... unclean whenever they imply something bubbling under. It just doesn't feel to fit the overall image of the series.

Edited by Bushmeister
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What's there to explain? Kaori/Kaorin is thoroughly obsessed with her. None of the other characters, Sakaki included, seem able to pick up on it throughout the entire series. Amusement ensues.

I've never thought of it as being 'out of place' in any way. No problem there.

Actually, there is one moment in Azumanga Daioh which just seemed *wrong*. Not intentionally on their part, just me:

Kagura: "I wonder why those cats are always biting you."

(Sakaki shrugs)

Kagura: "Maybe your hand smells like fish or something."

I was banging my head against the wall after that one.

Edited by stokeriño
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*gets into Crouching Tiger-style pose with a mallet in one hand and pointing a giant paper fan at Stokerino*

Thank you, kind sir, for giving me endless amounts of hot shojoai potential from rereading that part of the series. However, your threats of attack, combined with your claims that you are the resident anime geek (when we all know I am at LEAST on par with you, if not higher), requires that you get some beatings in a cute and humorous fashion.

I apologize for the inconvenience. Ding, Ding.

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Tsk tsk, Reflecto dear boy - giant paper fans are so 1990s. Sure, some people like Kaname Chidori can get away with them through some inexplicable ability to avoid being passé, but large clubs covered in spikes are the way of the future. Even if their series of origin is slightly worrying and more than a little bit crap.

And I was at least correct to claim that I was the resident anime geek in this thread, due to the notable absence of those such as Norris, GoGo, or yourself until this moment. :shifty:

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I'm the resident anime nerd. What do you want from me?

I may not show it a lot, but I reckon I could be your equal to that title... :D


I love AzuManga! AZUMANGA SAIKYO! Still need to buy the last DVD though...

I still hate Cowboy Bebop!

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I still hate Cowboy Bebop!

Deeeeeaaaaath. <_<

Okay so the ending sucks, and left me in a bad mood for weeks after I watched it for the first time. They entirely discarded Faye to leave her wallowing in a murky puddle of her own misery without any closure. Jet...sat around polishing the ship, having lost all purpose after the subplot involving his old cop partner several episodes before. Ed never had any purpose AT ALL, doing nothing aside from play chess, chase a mushroom guy, and hop around a bit - and so, in a scene where you expect a "everybody wanders off only to reunite at the end" moment, she instead just...wanders off. Disappearing as pointlessly as she first appeared.

And for what? So that Spike could go off and culminate a storyline that had been given no more than SIX episodes worth of build up throughout the entire series. For a woman who, quite frankly, no one gave a damn about because she had barely been mentioned and only even appeared for less than one episode's worth before she was killed. For a sequence which, although cool for about thirty seconds from when he first walked into the building and kicked the grenade, soon became incredibly anti-climactic with quite possibly the shortest Final Battle I've yet to come across. Then he died. Which was to be expected, and not a problem in itself, but he did it at the expense of the other three characters the selfish git.

But that rant out of the way, otherwise the series is top class. You will not find a better soundtrack, a better sense of style, a better take on the French Noir film style than in Bebop. Plus Faye rocks, despite being used for fan service on more occasions than necessary.

So yeah. Saying you hate Cowboy Bebop = deeeeaaaath. :shifty:

I love AzuManga! AZUMANGA SAIKYO! Still need to buy the last DVD though...

Oh God, the disc with episode 24 - Osaka and the KNIFE~! :D

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I'm being ignored like there was no tomorrow :( Just because I prefer to showcase my love for deathmatches and Swedish death metal in my avatar/signature does not mean that I should be dismissed as an anime lover. I demand recognition!

*prepares a devastating jumping kick to the back of the head*

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I wasn't going to try listing all the anime fans on the board. That would have been silly, and inevitably futile.

I merely mentioned GoGo because he is a former Team Sea Slug member, and Norris because he made me my rawking APWR graphics way back when, and Reflecto because he was the one complaining at the time. :P

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I'm being ignored like there was no tomorrow :( Just because I prefer to showcase my love for deathmatches and Swedish death metal in my avatar/signature does not mean that I should be dismissed as an anime lover. I demand recognition!

*prepares a devastating jumping kick to the back of the head*

Off topic, Meshuggah.. are.. quite good live. Brilliant 8 stringers.

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There is no spoon posse...

Although proclaiming a love of Naruto is an assured way to get yourself lynched by myself and any sharpened weaponry that might feel like joining in.

As such, in regards to your last post Krauser - if you didn't have Azumanga Daioh in your avatar...ooh, so close. :shifty:

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There is no spoon posse...

Although proclaiming a love of Naruto is an assured way to get yourself lynched by myself and any sharpened weaponry that might feel like joining in.

As such, in regards to your last post Krauser - if you didn't have Azumanga Daioh in your avatar...ooh, so close. :shifty:

Edited by Selryam
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Where is the GTO love though?

It seems no one gets into the Onizuka love... COMON~! GERMAN SUPLEX~! BLOODY KARL GOTCH REFERENCES~!

It's like... Wrestling Anime <_<

*You cannot fall in love with the mysterious ninja*

(Thats how myself and my girlfriend met (/loser)*

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There is no spoon posse...

Although proclaiming a love of Naruto is an assured way to get yourself lynched by myself and any sharpened weaponry that might feel like joining in.

As such, in regards to your last post Krauser - if you didn't have Azumanga Daioh in your avatar...ooh, so close. :shifty:

You haven't even read nor seen any Naruto. :shifty:

And I know there's a posse you bastard. Why dost thou deny my love? :crying:

(P.S. Kakashi=Awesomeness)

Edited by Mortis
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You haven't even read nor seen any Naruto. :shifty:

Don't make these statements if you don't know whether they're true or not. :P I should hope at least you don't claim that Naruto has "the best animation in all of anime" like *someone* around here once did... >_>

I've got the first GTO manga...and it was alright. If I had the mountains and mountains of manga money I wish I had I would no doubt buy more of it (and there is an awful lot), but blah.

How many episodes is Adult Swim into Champloo now?

Nah, never seen any Xenosaga. But then we don't get the game either, so seeing the anime would probably only serve to remind me of how pissed off with Namco I am. <_<

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I think adult swim played #4 of Champloo last saturday...

I have a question about the other two new series they have on Adult Swim. It is to early in the series for me to decided weather I should like Paranoid Agent or s-CRY-ed. What are other people's take on these?

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