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July Contest

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Theme: "Wish You Were Here?" Create a postcard for anywhere in the world.

Restrictions: You must show your sources. Be creative.

Size: 450x300

DEADLINE: July 31st. Doesn't matter about timezones, you haven't much time so get it in quick.

Below is the blah you should already know.



...use a reliable host, as the contest will not be judged until after the deadline and any images that don't appear cannot be judged.

...link to your entry, 14-15 entries per page is going to slow this topic down a lot.


...enter more than once. You are however allowed to edit your entry up until the end of the month and no later.

...ask to be a judge, please enter instead. Judges will be sorted out afterwards.

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Guest Morecello

I really like yours Jules. I don't care for AD's though. It looks like one of those images you would see on a porn site. I wouldn't buy it. Yours I would buy though.

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Guest Morecello

Very long story. Theres a certain porn site that shoots alot of movies in Rio and it looks like an image off of that site. I accidently came across it while searching for some pictures for a school report.

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Loved this one, thought it came out really good.




Good luck to everyone...loving what I'm seeing from some of you thus far (Y)

But, uh...Flowzen? Rules say "Size: 450x300", yours is waaaaay over that mate. I'm loving the graphic, but it's a bit too large.

Edited by Norris Scott
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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Very long story. Theres a certain porn site that shoots alot of movies in Rio and it looks like an image off of that site. I accidently came across it while searching for some pictures for a school report.

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Edit: Shit, I just realised mine isn't the right size. Erm.. does it matter, or do I have to change it?

Edited by Corruption
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"Wish You Were Home" - I took the idea and put a twist on it, that in all honesty, wasn't completely my idea. I was doing this same exact thing about a year ago, but for a class I was in and they were for the U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Everyone's said "Wish You Were Here" with pictures of places where the troops were from. However, the teacher's husband was in Iraq (the cards were going to his troops) and the one she sent for him said gave the this idea.

Now, to be honest, I loved this when I first finished, but now I'm not too big on it.

As for the other photos, they are all photos taken by me or my mother. One of a kind stocks (in a sense). The guy in the uniform is a friend of mine who is in the Army.

Flag Picture

My Friend

Edited by Juan Deere
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