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The 2005/2006 Hockey Season Thread


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Alfredsson scored the game winner at 17:59 of the third after knocking the shit out of Darcy Tucker from behind, drawing much ire from Toronto who wanted a call and the goal disallowed. The crowd turned unruly quickly, tossing trash on the ice, aiming for officials. Tucker eventually got up on his own. Wade Redden, Marian Hossa, and Radek Bonk (empty net) also scored for the Senators. Gary Roberts and Alyn Mccauley tallied for the Leafs.

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Guest Grapehead

I'm from PEI, and I love the Sens, and know many, so yes, people outside Ottawa like the Sens, don't be a dick, lol.

I remember Alfredsson hitting Tucker, but as I recall it was just one of those missed calls that got blown out of proportion. Whatever, it's in the past. I personally didn't care for Tucker's reaction to getting a clean hit, but I didn't see him do anything worth being suspended for, he should've gotten a penalty though.

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Guest Grapehead

I remember Alfredsson hitting Tucker, but as I recall it was just one of those missed calls that got blown out of proportion.

I don't recall somebody every getting cranked right into the boards on the number that hard before and add onto that that Alfie scored like 5 seconds later just made everything worse. But was it blown out of proportion? No I wouldn't say so since it resulted in a broken shoulder/collar bone.

Plus we had to go to game 7 against you bastards which results in our tired and beaten squad getting beaten by the Canes...with fucking O'Neill as the MVP. :(

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I remember Alfredsson hitting Tucker, but as I recall it was just one of those missed calls that got blown out of proportion.

I don't recall somebody every getting cranked right into the boards on the number that hard before and add onto that that Alfie scored like 5 seconds later just made everything worse. But was it blown out of proportion? No I wouldn't say so since it resulted in a broken shoulder/collar bone.

Plus we had to go to game 7 against you bastards which results in our tired and beaten squad getting beaten by the Canes...with fucking O'Neill as the MVP. :(

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PITTSBURGH (AP) - A Massachusetts developer wants to buy the Penguins and either keep the hockey team in the city or move them to Hartford, Conn., where he is trying to get state officials to build a new arena, a newspaper reported Friday.
courtesy tsn.ca

Should be interesting to see if it does in fact happen. Not sure if it would work out this time as they already lost a team. I think it would be kinda cool to have a team back in Hartford. Now if they could only bring back a team in Winnipeg but everyone knows that it will never happen.

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PITTSBURGH (AP) - A Massachusetts developer wants to buy the Penguins and either keep the hockey team in the city or move them to Hartford, Conn., where he is trying to get state officials to build a new arena, a newspaper reported Friday.
courtesy tsn.ca

Should be interesting to see if it does in fact happen. Not sure if it would work out this time as they already lost a team. I think it would be kinda cool to have a team back in Hartford. Now if they could only bring back a team in Winnipeg but everyone knows that it will never happen.

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It wasn't cause the fans didn't support them, they left cause the owners couldn't afford the team any more. With the new salary cap I think it would work in Winnipeg. Pittsburgh should stay as they do get pretty big crowds for a team that isn't very good. If any team should move its the New Jersey devils. On tsn the other night they showed a shot of the crowd and it looked like it was empty. I can understand if the team was one of the worst in the league but they are 6th in the conference and no one ever goes to see them play. You can't say because the arena is in the middle of no where that thats the reason. Ottawa's arena is in the middle of no where too and they have big crowds all the time. The Pistons play in the middle of no where too and they sell out all the time. You can't say its cause its basketball cause the Nets who have won 14 in a row had similar crowds as the devils. Its ashame that no watches the team.

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I'm a Leafs fan, but there's no way CBC should be showing special treatment to the Leafs in their broadcasts, for two reasons: 1) The CBC is a national broadcaster and should showcase all of Canada's teams equally, and 2) TSN or Sportsnet would gladly pick up the games anyway. As for the "special treatment" of Darcy Tucker, wasn't he suspended 5 games in 2003 for essentially getting his ass kicked after jumping the Sens bench?

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Guest Grapehead

Just remember you are talking to a fan of a team that boos a man for making a little joke by pretending to throw his stick into the crowd... and he still gets booed for that :wacko:

Ya because making fun of a team whose captain was suspended for doing it the last game when you're winning 7-0 sure if good sportsmanship. :pinch:

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I'd love to see another Canadian team. I'd love for it to be in Quebec. Hell if it's in Nunavut but they're competitive and draw crowds I'm happy.

Montreal goes for 9 in a row tonight against the Devils. Should be an awesome game, both teams have identical records and are tied for 6th in the east.

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PITTSBURGH (AP) - A Massachusetts developer wants to buy the Penguins and either keep the hockey team in the city or move them to Hartford, Conn., where he is trying to get state officials to build a new arena, a newspaper reported Friday.
courtesy tsn.ca

Should be interesting to see if it does in fact happen. Not sure if it would work out this time as they already lost a team. I think it would be kinda cool to have a team back in Hartford. Now if they could only bring back a team in Winnipeg but everyone knows that it will never happen.

Winnipeg doesn't really have a proper place for hockey (thats part of the reason they left), and bringing a team back to a city that didn't support it when the move wasnt that long ago is stupid.

I think the team should stay in Pittsburgh, but they really need a new building.

I heard that Winnipeg was gunning for a hockey team because they had a monster new stadium built and they could start playing almost immediately; that was the main reason they even considered Winnipeg, last I heard.

Winnipeg's new stadium is the leading reason there is talk of them getting a new team. I'm not sure who else is in the running for the Pens -- besides apparently Hartford.

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