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Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling

Spike TV Press Release...

September 17, 2005.

The countdown has begun, it's two weeks until Total Non-Stop Action debuts on Spike TV, The First Network for Men, and it's going to be one of the biggest nights in TNA history. With one hour and thirty minutes to showcase the best talent in the United States and beyond, it's going to tough to get it all in. And not only will it be TNA's superstar talent, but some of the biggest debuts. And tonight, TNA can announce the card for it's first ever night on Spike TV:

NWA World Heavyweight Champion, RAVEN will defend his title against the man he defeated at Unbreakable, RHINO. Rhino has already proved he can get the better of Raven when he defeated him in a tag team match at Sacrifice, but when they faced off in one-on-one action at Unbreakable, Raven was able to pull out all the stops and just get the better of the Man-Beast. Can Raven contain his fury and use mind games to defeat Rhino, or will the former ECW Double Crown Champion be able to use his brutal power to become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion?

Newly crowned TNA X Division Champion and former TNA Triple Crown Champion, "The Phenomenal One" AJ STYLES will make his first defence of the X Division Championship against one of his longest rivals in the business, "The Canadian Destroyer" PETEY WILLIAMS. The two have faced off many times before in TNA history, and both men have scored huge upsets against each other. Will Team Canada get involved and allow for Williams to score a huge upset, or will Styles be able to hold onto his fifth X Division Title for another night.

SAMOA JOE has already made a big splash in TNA since his debut at Slammiversary. He is one of the most feared men in Independent Wrestling, and he's been living up to his name; "The Samoan Submission Machine", in TNA. Since his debut, he's been making a beeline for the TNA X Division Championship, and on Saturday, October 1st, he hopes to take one more step up the ladder to win the title as he faces the longest reigning X Division Champion in TNA history, "The Fallen Angel" CHRISTOPHER DANIELS.

Japanese Junior Heavyweight legend JUSHIN "Thunder" LYGER will make his TNA debut, when he goes against another International Superstar, SHOCKER. This will be the first time the two meet in the squared circle, and it will be an amazing encounter. Both men have made waves in their home country, and both will be looking to win what will be an amazing match in TNA.

When you think of TNA's Tag Team Division, you think America's Most Wanted. "Wildcat" CHRIS HARRIS and "Cowboy" JAMES STORM. The five time NWA World Tag Team Champions have left their mark in Orlando, Florida. But one team that they've never fought is one team that is known throughout the World. And on Spike TV, October 1st, they'll want to showcase their ability against a team that is synonymous with TNA.

One thing TNA will always be remembered for is the X Division, and although it's now recognized as 'No Limits', Impact will be taking it back to basics in a six man X Division Showcase match. First, ALEX SHELLEY is one of the greatest mat based wrestlers in the United States, and he wants to prove that he is X Division Championship material. AMAZING RED, a former X Division Champion has been absent from TNA for a while now, but he returns at Bound for Glory to show why he really is Amazing. Another former X Division Champion, CHRIS SABIN is one of the greatest X Division stars of all time, and he wants to cement his name in X Division history. A diamond in the rough, "Primetime" ELIX SKIPPER has got what it takes to be champion, and with guidance from Simon Diamond, he could be a shining light in this showcase match. Since his arrival in TNA, JEFF HARDY has made himself known to be one of the best high fliers in the business, and he'll be sure to show why in this showcase match. "The Original Playa from the Himalayas" SONJAY DUTT is one of the smallest and most agile wrestling in TNA, and in the X Division, it's not about size, but speed, and Dutt could use that as a serious advantage.

But that won't be all who'll be in attendance at Universal Studios. TNA Championship Committee leader, "Living Legend" LARRY ZBYSKYO will have a special message concerning matches for Bound for Glory. Also JEFF JARRETT, The 3 Live Kru, World Tag Team Champions; The Naturals, "The Monster" ABYSS, JERRY LYNN and "The Alpha Male" MONTY BROWN will all be making appearances.

Tentative Card for Impact:

Saturday, October 1st, 2005.

Only on Spike TV, the First Network for Men.

Soundstage 21, Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

RAVEN =O= vs. "The Man-Beast" RHINO

TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ STYLES =O= vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" PETEY WILLIAMS w/ Team Canada

"The Samoan Submission Machine" SAMOA JOE vs. "The Fallen Angel" CHRISTOPER DANIELS


America's Most Wanted, "Wildcat" CHRIS HARRIS and "Cowboy" JAMES STORM vs. ???

X-Division Showcase Match

ALEX SHELLEY vs. AMAZING RED vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. "Primetime" ELIX SKIPPER vs. JEFF HARDY vs. "The Original Playa from the Himalayas" SONJAY DUTT


Predictions are very welcome.

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Goddamn does this look like it's going to be a good show. Makes sense to have it on the first night too.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

RAVEN =O= vs. "The Man-Beast" RHINO

Rhino to win. Normally, titles won't change hands on TV shows, but since this is the first night, a big title change and possibly the beginning of a feud would be a great way to kick off.

TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ STYLES =O= vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" PETEY WILLIAMS w/ Team Canada

Styles retains here. He's one of the best workers in the world, and a perfect poster boy for the X-Division (which is what TNA has over the WWE), so he'll hold onto until he gets into a big feud

"The Samoan Submission Machine" SAMOA JOE vs. "The Fallen Angel" CHRISTOPER DANIELS

Damn, this is tough to call. I'll have to go for personal preference, and say Joe.


No contest - Lyger all the way

America's Most Wanted, "Wildcat" CHRIS HARRIS and "Cowboy" JAMES STORM vs. ???

Ah. If I knew who they'd be facing, I'd say AMW all the way, but the mystery throws the proverbial spanner in the works. I am loath to make a prediction, just in case it's someone like the Dudleys, but I'll go for AMW

X-Division Showcase Match

ALEX SHELLEY vs. AMAZING RED vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. "Primetime" ELIX SKIPPER vs. JEFF HARDY vs. "The Original Playa from the Himalayas" SONJAY DUTT


Edited by ZeMapper
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Heck yeah, a straight TNA diary for the win.

My predictions for your first show on Spike below.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

RAVEN =O= vs. "The Man-Beast" RHINO

Not just yet.. Raven with win number two.

TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ STYLES =O= vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" PETEY WILLIAMS w/ Team Canada

No contest, Styles all the way.

"The Samoan Submission Machine" SAMOA JOE vs. "The Fallen Angel" CHRISTOPER DANIELS

Joe, for sure.. have him storm through Daniels and make a "beeline" for Styles and the X title.


Good card filler here, top notch, as good as Shocker is.. Lyger is a legend.

America's Most Wanted, "Wildcat" CHRIS HARRIS and "Cowboy" JAMES STORM vs. ???


X-Division Showcase Match

ALEX SHELLEY vs. AMAZING RED vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. "Primetime" ELIX SKIPPER vs. JEFF HARDY vs. "The Original Playa from the Himalayas" SONJAY DUTT

Alex Shelley = the next "AJ Styles" talent for TNA.. he's to good not to get a push.

Edited by Ping von Erich
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TNA News and Notes...

September 24, 2005.

= A teaser poster for TNA's Spike TV debut was posted today, announcing just a few of the stars going to be there.

user posted image

= It's thought that Kevin Nash will return after Bound for Glory. It's thought he's not in line for a Main Event push, but he will be a figurehead of TNA. TNA management believes that having a name as well known as Nash on their show will have a positive effect on the company on a whole.

= TNA has aledgedly been in talks with UFC star Ken Shamrock to appear at Bound for Glory. It is not sure whether he will just be making an appearance or wrestling a match, although it is believed that he will wrestle.

= TNA have confirmed that they are in talks with former WCW Heavyweight Champion, Sting. Sting had a short run with TNA in 2003 is in talks to appear before the end of the year.

= The Disciples of Destruction, Ron and Don Harris have both been released of their contracts, which would have came to an end in February 2006. It is thought with the amount of active teams in the Tag Team division, they are no longer needed.

= However, Phi Delta Slam have resigned to TNA. Management are reportedly high on using PDS as the main 'big man' team on Impact.

= Rumors have circulated that former TNA X Division Champion, Frankie "The Future" Kazarian is making his way back to TNA by January 2006.

= Management are still working out a way to break up the 3 Live Kru. It is thought BG James will team with his old partner, Kip James. Ron "The Truth" Killings is expected to take some time off, and then return to work in the X Division, whilst Konnan will work as a singles competitor in the midcard ranks.


Credit to Ignition. Show will be up in a few hours. :)

Edited by Ollie Beak
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Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling presents; Impact on Spike TV.

Saturday, October 1, 2005.

Soundstage 21, Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.


In a pre-show Dark Match, Austin Aries def. Delirious with a 450 splash. Although neither man is well known in Florida, they both got a pretty good reception.


The show starts with a small pyro show; an explosive start to an explosive night in Orlando, Florida. the cameras than focused in on TNA broadcasters "the Professor" Mike Tenay and Don West.

[Tenay:] "Welcome to TNA Impact, for the first time on National Televis..."

Before Tenay could finish his sentence, the screen went static. For a moment; nothing, and then a familiar voice...

[bG James:] "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling proudly present to you the Three Live Kru!

The static comes to an end, and standing in the backstage area, are the familiar faces 3 Live Kru.

[bG James:] "B-Jizzle, K-Dawg and the Truth welcome you to the first ever TNA Impact on Spike TV, the Only Network for Men, and the station which knows what wrestling is all about. And now they're out with the old and in with the new. T! N! A! The only alternative for corporate crap."

[Konnan:] "Odelay!"

The screen goes static for a moment, and the action switches back to the ring where the action is all about to start.


The six way X Division Showcase match was first up. First out of the Impact zone is "The Original Playa from the Himalayas" Sonjay Dutt. He struts his stuff down to the ring, with a surprisingly big reaction. He flips himself into the ring as The Amazing Red makes his return to TNA. Red gets a bigger reaction than Dutt, and decided to flaunt it for all it's worth with taunts to the fans. He climbs in the ring and stays away from Dutt. Next out is Alex Shelley, who gets a mixed reaction, which he dislikes and starts yelling at the fans. The cheers quickly turn to boos as Shelley climbs into the ring and tries his hardest to stay focused. Chris Sabin is next out, he doesn't acknowledge his warm welcome, and just makes a beeline for the ring. "Primetime" Elix Skipper is next out, accompanied by Simon Diamond and David Young. Skipper climbs into the ring as Diamond and Young applaud him. Last out is Jeff Hardy. But before he even reaches the ring, the action inside has started. Hardy gets into the ring and the match starts.


Match One

X-Division Showcase Match

ALEX SHELLEY vs. AMAZING RED vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. "Primetime" ELIX SKIPPER vs. JEFF HARDY vs. "The Original Playa from the Himalayas" SONJAY DUTT

All six men showed a great deal of athleticism in a match that really got the crowd into a frenzy of excitement every time someone went to the top rope. Even Alex Shelley, a man who's mostly known for his mat based work, managed to hit a few death defying moves. It wasn't long before everyone ended up outside the ring, allowing for Jeff Hardy to do what he does best, botch moves, when he clearly missed everyone with a Tope Suicida. Skipper almost had it won when he hit the Play of the Day on Hardy, but Shelley was able to hit a Shellshock on the Diamond in the Rough, allowing for Amazing Red to hit a Red Star Press for the three count.

After the match, everyone but Elix Skipper, Simon Diamond and David Young have cleared the ring. Skipper slowly gets to his feet as Diamond gets a microphone.

[Diamond:] "Simon's got a problem. It seems one of my diamonds in the rough isn't smoothing out. Skipper, you disappoint me. You're meant to be a champion in the making, not laying down to a little squirt like the Amazing Red. You've downright offended me Skipper, and now you have to pay."

Simon Diamond whips the groggy Skipper into David Young, who hits a vicious Spinebuster on his fellow protégé. Diamond climbs out of the ring and leaves Young to pull out Skipper by himself, and carry him out of his shoulder and out of the Impact zone.


Impact is backstage with "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, standing outside the door to "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyskyo.

[Douglas:] "I'm here outside the door to Larry Zbyskyo, and we're about to find out first hand what Zbyskyo has in mind for Bound for Glor..."

Another announcer gets interrupted as Douglas is tapped on the back "Coach" Scott D'Amore. With a sigh, Douglas turns around.

[D'Amore:] "Shane, this is the beginning of a new TNA, and you're wasting it talking to washed up old men like Zbyskyo. Tonight is not only a big night for TNA, but for Team Canada, and that's who you need to be speaking to. You see, tonight, Team Canada's star player, Petey Williams picks up his second X Division Title reign. That's more important that Bound for Glory, I think you'll find."

[Douglas:] "Come see me when Petey wins the title, then you'll get your interview."

Out from the door comes Larry Zbyskyo, Douglas goes to talk to him, but D'Amore holds him back, allowing Zbyskyo to leave with no questions answered.

[D'Amore:] "Now you get no interviews. That'll teach you to prioritise, Shane."

Scott D'Amore walks off, looking rather happy with himself, leaving Douglas shaking his head.


The biggest reaction of the night so far, as the smarkier people in the crowd went nuts for Jushin Lyger. Lyger comes out of the impact zone, in full red Lyger wear, and flexes his biceps, before walking down to the ring. As he gets into the ring, the red and white streamers explode and the ring is covered. As referee Andrew Thomas clears the ring of the confetti, Shocker makes his entrance. In the ring, the two international superstars shake hands before starting out.

Match Two


A match that the crowd got straight into from the start, as the two Jr. Heavyweights fought a very even fight, with a lot of holds, counter holds and reverse counter holds. Even though both men are very competent high fliers, the match stayed on the ground throughout, and some very interesting submissions and pin attempts took place. After around 5 minutes, Shocker looked to have had it won with a Springboard Body Press, but Lyger was able to kick out. Lyger got the pin with a Liger Bomb at the nine minute mark.

After the match, the two international superstars shook hands.


As Impact returns, Raven is seen arriving at the building. He has the NWA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and looks calm and collected.


The camera shows the inside of a locker room, the ladies locker room. Trinity and Gail Kim are inside talking, but are soon cut off by the egomaniacal talk of Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens, the NWA Tag Team Champions.

[Douglas:] "Well, well, well... What have we here?"

[stevens:] "Ladies..."

[Douglas:] "You're both looking lovely tonight, but not as lovely as us, of course."

[stevens:] "Of course! I must say Andy, we do look smoking."

[Douglas:] "Easy there tiger."

[stevens:] "No, I'm serious man, we should put our beautiful faces out to the test. Us vs. Them."

[Douglas:] "Them being?"

[stevens:] "These two lovely ladies. I mean, they're hot and all, but their not..."

[Douglas:] "...Not what?"

[stevens:] "...Natural..."

[Douglas:] "I know what you mean. They are definitely not real!"

[stevens:] "But we are, Andy. And I know the people here at Orlando Studios-" *cheap pop* "-Like natural beauty over fake plastic like that!"

[Douglas:] "Yeah! Leave that to Hollywood. Florida, is where it's at-" *Another cheap pop* "-So what do we do, Chase?"

[stevens:] "How about we have ourselves a little beauty contest, in front of this crowd, see who they prefer!"

[Douglas:] "No contest!"

[stevens:] "No problem!"

[Douglas:] "Ladies..."

[stevens:] "We'll see you in the ring..."

The Naturals walk out of the locker room as the two ladies inside look disgusted at the cheekiness of the Naturals.


Even though it was blatantly obvious who the surprise team and opponent to America's Most Wanted was, the next match had generated a lot of hype from the wrestling World. AMW were first out, although they've been hinting a heel turn for the past few weeks, they were mostly cheered by the attending audience. As they reached the ring, they're opponents were just making their way out. Of course it was the Dudleys, but they were announced as being Team 3D, Matt LeMonica (Bubba) and Devon Hughes (D-Von). They quickly made their way to the ring following a mediocre reaction to wrestle TNA's trademark team.

Match 3

Team 3D vs. America's Most Wanted

Team 3D made light work of the smaller AMW, with chops and jabs in the first minute or so, forcing AMW out of the ring. Team 3D solidified themselves as the faces, with their taunts to the fans, as AMW just tried to stay focused. Harris & Storm tried to attack the debuting team from either side, but they were knocked back out of the ring. The crowd got behind Team 3D even more, as they made fun of AMW from the inside. After another attempt at ambushing Team 3D from either side, Chris Harris began to walk away. James Storm followed him as Team 3D climbed out and stalked them. AMW finally got the upperhand and got Team 3D into the ring. After a few minutes of AMW controlling, Storm went for a Superkick but hit his partner instead of his target, LeMonica. Storm got laid out with a Full Nelson Bomb leaving Team 3D the only team standing. LeMonica pushed his partner and shouted "DEVON" to which the crowd chanted "Get the tables!", of course this was trademarked, so LeMonica left it as that while the tables were set up. The two went for a Dudley Death Drop on Storm, but Harris came out with a Spear to LeMonica. Harris and LeMonica battled on the outside as Storm hit a superkick on Hughes for the win.

After the match, Team 3D battled back, and were able to hit a Death Drop to Chris Harris through the table.


Next on our screens was Team Canada, lead by "Coach" Scott D'Amore. Petey Williams stood at the front, with Eric Young and A1 next to him and Bobby Roode standing behind them.

[D'Amore:] "Ready... Now!"

[All:] "O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy so"

It's not long before they're cut off by "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles. Roode, Young and A1 stand, ready to throw a punch if needed. D'Amore takes a step back to allow his men to take care of any trouble. But Petey Williams steps forward, squaring up to AJ.

"Styles:] "Petey, tonight, me and you, pulling out all the stops once more. Good luck."

Styles shows true sportsmanship with an outstretched hand. Petey slowly agrees and the two men embrace in a very firm handshake, with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. AJ nods his head and walks off as Team Canada stand down.


Returning to ringside, "I am, I am" comes over the PA, and AJ Styles makes his way down to the ring, he lifts the hood on his jacket before entering the ring to a great crowd reaction. Next out is Petey Williams, accompanied by Bobby Roode and Scott D'Amore. At the bottom of the Impact zone, Petey tells his fellow Canadians not to get involved, and they reluctantly leave the Impact zone, leaving Petey to go at it against Styles on his own.

Match 4

TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ STYLES =O= vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" PETEY WILLIAMS

A great reason to be a TNA fan, with two of the biggest stars of the X Division going at it in singles competition. The two matches some of their previous matches in quality. Styles controlled most of the first half of the match, with some huge high flying moves, which ended with a nobody home following a Superman 450. This allowed for Petey to get the upperhand with a series of arm drags. Petey look set to win when he attempted a Canadian Destroyer, but AJ countered. AJ hit a Styles Clash, and went up top to finish off with a Spiral Tap, but Petey rolled out of the ring. Coach D'Amore ran down to the ring with a Hockey Stick, but Petey pulled it off of him and yelled at his Coach, telling him he wanted to win the title fair and square. Petey climbed back into the ring, only to get hit with another Styles Clash for the 3 count.

After the match, Bobby Roode, A1 and Eric Young all made their way down to the ring to attack AJ, who rolled out of the ring and out of the impact zone. Coach D'Amore got in the ring, and Petey argued with him, telling him if he hadn't of interfered, he'd have been champ by now. Petey left the ring and his troop before exiting the Impact zone alone.


After the match, and after Team Canada have cleared the ring, Samoa Joe makes his way down the ring. Joe is pretty over, considering he's not been working TNA for long. It's expected for Christopher Daniels to come out from the curtain next, but instead, it's the "Living Legend" Larry Zbyskyo. Joe looks confused as Zbyskyo stands at the top of the ramp. Without saying a word, Zbyskyo walks down the ramp and sits at the announcers table next to Mike Tenay and Don West. Joe looks down on home and shrugs, asking why he's here, but Zbyskyo doesn't say a word. Daniels comes out from the Impact zone and slides into the ring. As the match begins.

Match 5

"The Samoan Submission Machine" SAMOA JOE vs. "The Fallen Angel" CHRISTOPER DANIELS

The crowd was hot for Daniels, hotter than they've ever been for him before, which looked extremely good. Joe controlled for a little while, and even got to set Daniels up for a Face Wash, but Daniels ducked the running kick and rolled out of the ring. Joe showed some great athleticism with a Tope Suicida, which almost decapitated Daniels it was so stiff. Joe throw a very groggy Daniels into the ring, who made fun of Impact getting to be on Spike, and RAW being axed, with a Flair Fall. Joe went for the Muscle Buster but Daniels reversed into a Neckbreaker. Daniels controlled the match from then on, until he was hit with a very stiff Yakuza Kick from Joe. Joe applied the Rear Naked Choke and Daniels had no option but to tap.

After the match, Larry Zbyskyo got into the ring, and lifted up a microphone.

[Zbyskyo:] "Joe, as a part of the Championship Committee, I must say I've been watching you very closely. You've been unstoppable. But then I thought, he's taking on the little guys, he's not making a challenge for himself. It takes you no time at all to ground somebody who's 100lbs lighter than you. So we thought, who'd be a good challenger to take on the Samoan Submission Machine. We thought Lance Hoyt, but we needed somebody who's more well known. We thought Abyss, but we need somebody who's going to fight fair. And then it hit us, Joe. We need somebody who's notorious in the Wrestling World. We need somebody who is no stranger to Championships around the World. We need somebody who can match you, hold for hold. We need the World's Most Dangerous Man... We need... Ken... Shamrock!

Samoa Joe nods his head, as Impact goes to commercial.


Wanting to prove the cocky champions wrong, Trinity and Gail Kim make their way out from the Impact Zone and down to the ring. They're not too well received, and there's no real pop for them. But the Naturals, accompanied by their manager and mentor, Jimmy Hart, do get a nice little reaction. As they show off their 'natural' bodies. They get down to the ring, and slap each others hands, before playing up to the crowd. Trinity and Gail Kim go first to tease the audience, which gets a quite big male response, but when the Naturals go for it, the girls (and some guys) go wild. After posing for a few moments, Abyss hits the ring and takes out both men with a double clothesline. Chase Stevens gets to his feet but isn't there for long as he gets Black Hole Slammed. Abyss roars as the Sinister Minister gets in the ring, the same time as Jimmy Hart pulls Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas out of the ring. As Hart and the groggy Naturals walk back up the ramp, a hooded figure slides into the ring next to Abyss and starts to laugh.


Main Event time, and Raven is first out, with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship belt over his shoulder. A massive reaction for the champ, as he walks down to the ring, he slides in and awaits his opponent, the man he defeated at Unbreakable, Rhino. Rhino's music hit, but no one was to be seen, until Rhino clocked Raven with a Steel Chair from behind, after sneaking in through the crowd. Using the element of surprise, Rhino got the instant advantage.

Main Event

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

RAVEN =O= vs. "The Man-Beast" RHINO

A bloody brawl indeed, which, although didn't top their match at Unbreakable, came very close. The only problem with the match was the amount of interference towards the end, which made it look almost like a clusterfuck. Rhino controlled the first five minutes of the match, and even scored an early gore into a ladder propped up against a turnbuckle, but Rhino chose to inflict more pain instead of capitalizing on winning the title. Raven fought back with two low blows, followed by a staple gun to the head, not once, not twice, but three times! The bloody Rhino got some help a few minutes later, when Jeff Jarrett interfered and clocked Raven with the guitar. But help was on it's way as Team 3D came to the aid of Raven and hit their Demon Death Drop onto Jarrett through a table. Raven came close to winning with an Evenflow DDT, but Rhino just kicked out. Out from the back came Monty Brown and Kip James, Brown hit the POOOOOOOOOOOOOOUNCE on Raven, as Kip got caught in an encounter with Team 3D. Rhino hit a second Gore on Raven, and it looked like the match was over, but The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal Superstar, Sabu broke it up with a Moonasult. The six illegal men in the match brawled on the outside, allowing Raven to hit a second Evenflow off the forth rung of the ladder for the pinfall to retain.


After the Main Event has finished, and Raven has left the ring, Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown, Kip James and Rhino stand in the center of the ring. Rhino was warn out and bloody from his match, James & Brown stood at the front, taunting Raven, Team 3D and Sabu to return to the ring.

[Jarrett:] "Raven, you can't run from me any longer, the NWA Title is coming home and Bound for Glory will be remembered as the night that Planet Jarrett wins the NWA World Heavyweight Title once more. Since Hard Justice, I've been screwed out of my rematch for the title not once, but twice. But no more! I won't be screwed out of it again because that’s my title dammit! And I'm the only man here who can carry that title like a true champion. Raven's talking about his destiny being fulfilled, but he's still yet to go through me! TNA needs Jeff Jarrett, and I won't be held down by management anymore. Raven, your time has come, your days are numbered, and at Bound for Glory, TNA will be Planet Jarrett once more!"

The show went off the air with Raven mouthing something to Jarrett as Team 3D and Sabu stood in the background.


Short Results:

The Amazing Red def. Jeff Hardy, Chris Sabin, Elix Skipper Alex Shelley and Sonjay Dutt.

Jushin Thunder Lyger def. Shocker.

America's Most Wanted def. Team 3D.

AJ Styles def. Petey Williams.

Samoa Joe def. Christopher Daniels.

Raven def. Rhino


Prediction Results

1. Ping - 4/6

=. ZeMapper - 4/6

Edited by Ollie Beak
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TNA - News & Notes

Various Sources

= The Amazing Red is still seen to be one of the cornerstones of the X Division, and it has been reported that backstage officials are still content on using him as their main 'little guy'. It's not expected for him to hold the X Division Championship for some time, but it is believed he does have a future with the belt.

= Rumours that Jeff Hardy will be appearing as both Jeff Hardy and Willow the Whisp in TNA have been squashed. When Hardy was brought in, it was thought he would be one of the biggest names on the TNA roster, but management has not been too impressed with his recent behaviour and performances. It is thought he will be kept on contract due to his name, but will not be entered into any major programs.

= Team 3D, who were billed as Matt LeMonica and Devon Hughes are expected to change their names. When TNA contacted them about appearing on Impact, they were still unsure what persona's to use, so just went with their real names, seeing as their 'Dudley' names are copyrighted by WWE. They hope to have their new personas by Bound for Glory.

= America's Most Wanted are expected to turn heel any day now, to enter a program with either the Naturals or the 3 Live Kru. They have been TNA's top face team for three years, and the decision to turn them heel had been in the pipeline for the last year. Another idea was to have them split up, with James Storm teaming up with Chris Sabin and for Chris Harris to get a singles push. However, TNA bookers Jeremy Borash and Dutch Mantell were reportedly against this idea.

= Scott D'Amore has allegedly set out a way to split up Team Canada. When they first appeared in TNA, none of them were ready to wrestle full time as a singles competitor. Yet with the progress made by Bobby Roode and Petey Williams, backstage reports have shown that TNA officials believe they will work better as singles competitors rather then a unit. Williams laid the ground work for his eventual split when he walked away from Team Canada on Impact.

= Delirious, who has been working dark matches lately, is expected to be transferred to the main roster full time at Bound for Glory. He has shown great enthusiasm, and TNA Officials have reported that they are all fans of his work.

= The Naturals are expected to go back to their original 'cocky' gimmicks, although stay the main face team on TNA. Since the death of their mentor, Chris Candido in May, they have played pretty bland face characters, whereas a cocky persona could help get them over with the Spike TV crowd. It's also expected that Jimmy Hart will no longer be the man behind the microphone for them, and will instead manage a team of outcasts, including Shark Boy, Delirious and Zach Gowen.

= The hooded man who accompanied Abyss after he destroyed the Naturals on Impact is being kept firmly under wraps. Although it's expected that it'll be revealed to be Sean Waltman, Alex Shelley or Christopher Daniels.

= Lance Hoyt will be out with a small wrist injury until after Bound for Glory. Management are allegedly big fans of Hoyt's work, and a Main Event push has reportedly even been considered.

= The confirmed card for Bound for Glory is:

Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

Samoa Joe vs. Ken Shamrock

The Naturals vs. Abyss & Partner for the NWA World Tag Team Titles.

= It is also expected for the following matches to take place:

AJ Styles vs. Jushin Lyger for the TNA X Division Championship.

Elix Skipper & Amazing Red vs. David Young & Simon Diamond

Team 3D vs. Monty Brown & Kip James.

Edited by Ollie Beak
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TNA - Impact Preview


Last week on Impact, Raven was just able to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, after defeating Rhino with the help of Team 3D and Sabu. Of course, Rhino wasn't without help as Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown and Kip James all were on hand to help Rhino in an extremely bloody battle against Raven. After the match, Jarrett made it clear to Raven that at Bound for Glory he'd become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion for a forth time, and that he will be the Alpha Male once more.

Speaking of The Alpha Male, nobody knows where Monty Brown's mind is at right now. He's made it clear over the past few weeks that he's not here to help Jarrett but to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title. And with his relationship with Kip James currently on the rocks, why was the Alpha Male there to help Jarrett last week? Shane Douglas will find out as he speaks one on one with "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown this week on Impact.

After retaining his title last week, Raven will get a rare night off of wrestling this week. But Rhino will be looking to take out some pent up frustration in the ring against The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal, Sabu. But these two hardcore legends have both requested that they don't want a straight singles match. So instead, these two icons will battle it out in a Detroit Rules match. What are Detroit Rules, you ask. Well Detroit Rules means no rules. They'll have weapons of every calibre at their disposal, and they'll be sure to use them in what promises to be one hell of a brutal match.

Also, "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams was for the first time, against Team Canada's help when he lost out to the X Division Championship in a match against AJ Styles. He wanted the match to be a fair fight, and when Scott D'Amore came with Hockey Stick in hand, Williams wouldn't allow him to attack Styles. After the match, as Team Canada grouped in the ring, Petey walked away and left them to their own devices. This week, he won't be able to do that, as he must team up with Bobby Roode and Eric Young to take on the 3 Live Kru.

Last week, Samoa Joe was able to beat the longest reigning TNA X Division Champion since TNA's inception, Christopher Daniels. After his match, he was dropped with the bombshell that at Bound for Glory, he'll have to face Ken Shamrock. This week Shamrock will be in attendance to check out the "Samoan Submission Machine" in a match against one of the most controversial superstars in the World, Jeff Hardy.

The NWA World Tag Team Champions, The Naturals were blindsided by "the Monster" after a 'beauty contest' against two of TNA's Knockouts, Gail Kim and Trinity last week. Now Chase Stevens will have a chance to get revenge on him in a singles match. The question on everyone's lips is will the hooded man who accompanied Abyss last week reveal himself this week?

Three men who look to make an Impact this week are Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Alex Shelley. The three of them have made waves over the last two years in East Coast promotion Ring of Honor, teaming together as Generation Next. This week in TNA they'll have to go against each other in a match which will decide the #1 contender to the X Division Championship. The winner will go on to face the Champion at Bound for Glory!

Which brings us onto our Main Event. This week on Impact, we'll not only decide the #1 Contender to the X Division Championship, but the X Division Championship itself. Last week, AJ Styles was able to beat long time opponent, Petey Williams, this week he'll have to go against a man who's no stranger to Championship belts, Sean Waltman. Waltman has held titles all over the World, including the TNA X Division Championship itself. Either man could walk out of Orlando, Florida with the belt, it's just a question of who's able to capitalize.

Tentative card for Impact

Saturday, October 8, 2005.

Only on Spike TV, the First Network for Men.

Soundstage 21, Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.

TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley


As always, predictions would be nice. :)

At the end of every month (4 Impacts & a PPV) I'll add up all the prediction scores and they'll be a prize. Probably a book a match kind of thing. :)

Edited by Ollie Beak
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TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

My predictions are in bold!

Edited by onetrueace
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TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

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TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

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TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

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TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

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I'm enjoying this man. The results are entertaining and realistic without being too long. Good stuff.


TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

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Guest chatterbox

TNA X Division Championship

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles =O= vs. "Syxx-Pac" Sean Waltman

Detroit Rules (Means No Rules)

"the Man Beast" Rhino vs. Sabu

The 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada

"The Monster" Abyss w/ "Father" Jim Mitchell vs. Chase Stevens w/ Andy Douglas & Jimmy Hart

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner becomes #1 Contender to X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley

BTW I am loving this TNA Diary.

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Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling presents; Impact on Spike TV.

Saturday, October 8, 2005.

Soundstage 21, Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.

[Dark Match]

This weeks dark match saw Apolo team up with usual partner Sonny Siaki take on and defeat the new team of Delirious and Shark Boy. Siaki got the pinfall when he hit a Siakylypse on Shark Boy.

[Match Result:]Apolo/Sonny Siaki def. Delirious/Shark Boy[Time:] 6 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 22.7%

Notes: Delirious is getting very poor crowd reactions because of his gimmick.


[The Ultimate Fighter]

Before the start credits show, the camera focuses on the car park where Ken Shamrock is stepping out a white stretch limo. The camera follows him as he walks from the car park into the locker room. The mere sight of a UFC hall of famer brings most of the locker room into applauding Shamrock. All except Samoa Joe who stands opposite Shamrock. Joe walks over to his Bound for Glory opponent and the two stare down for a moment. The locker room is silent in anticipation of a possible fight. But instead Shamrock just out stretches a hand to Joe.

[shamrock:] "Good luck for tonight. And good luck for Bound for Glory. You'll need it."

Joe lets out a stubborn grunt before taking hold of Shamrock's hand. The two embrace in a firm handshake before Shamrock lets go and walks away.

[Number of Segments:] 4 [involving:] Ken Shamrock, Samoa Joe [Time:] 4 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 60.7%


[Hype for Matches]

The new, brilliantly produced opening credits, play, highlighting some of the greatest TNA stars and moment before exploding off the screen to show Mike Tenay and Don West at the announcers table at ringside.

[Tenay:] "Welcome, one and all to Total Non-Stop Action Impact!"

[West:] "We've got a great night in store for any wrestling fans tonight, Mike."

[Tenay:] "I couldn't agree more, Don. You like Hardcore wrestling? We've got Sabu vs. Rhino, in a Detroit Rules match. And Detroit rules means no rules!"

[West:] "I couldn't think of two more hardcore wrestlers I'd want to see slug it out than Sabu and the Man Beast, Mike."

[Tenay:] "You like high flying, technical wizardry? Look no further than Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Alex Shelley. Three of the greatest independent stars in the World today, right here on Impact!"

[West:] "And the winner of that will be going straight to Bound for Glory, Mike!"

[Tenay:] "But who against, D-W? I was speaking to Sean Waltman earlier today, and he said that he guarantees that he'll walk out of Universal Studios with the X Division title.

[West:] "But you've got to consider his opponent, Mike. A man who's been here since the start, a man who wrestled the first ever TNA match way back in 2002, a man who is the most storied TNA champion of all time. The phenomenal, AJ Styles.

[Tenay:] "|it’ll be an explosive night for sure. And we're going to kick off the action right after this short commercial break when "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe takes on "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy!

[Number of Segments:] 3 [involving:] Don West, Mike Tenay [Time:] 3 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 44.1%




[samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy]

Samoa Joe is first out from the back, with his usual ring gear and a towel round his neck. He walks silently down to the ring. As soon as he climbs into the ring, the as always neon Jeff Hardy comes out from the back. His pop is rather disappointing for a former big league star, it really proves that he's not the draw he was in the WWE tag ranks. He hops into the ring as the bell rings and the match starts.

The crowd was hot for Joe as he easily went through Jeff Hardy, hitting him with a few lariats followed up by a Sleeper Hold. Joe carried on his assault for two minutes before Hardy could even get a move in. Hardy finally got involved with a Hurracanrana attempt, which Joe tried to reverse into a Powerbomb, but Hardy was there for the counter with a sit down pin on Joe for the two count. Joe went for his first TNA Olé kick on the outside, but Hardy was able to duck out of the way. Back in the ring, Joe hit the muscle buster, and went for the pin, but Ken Shamrock appeared out of the Impact zone, distracting Samoa Joe. Hardy recovered and rolled Joe up, but Joe was able to roll right out of it, and hit Hardy with a very stiff boot. Joe, showing off to Shamrock, then locked in an Ankle lock, but before Hardy could tap, Joe released and locked in the Rear Naked choke. Needless to say, Hardy tapped.

After the match, Shamrock and Joe stared down again, before Shamrock took off backstage.

[Match Result:]Samoa Joe def. Jeff Hardy[Time:] 8 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 47.2

Notes: Jeff Hardy is not physically at his best, and this affected his performance.



Cut to a backstage locker room, Chase Stevens is warming up, jumping up and down and throwing fake punches. His partner, Andy Douglas sits on a bench with both the NWA World Tag Team Title straps on his lap.

[stevens:] "Man... How am I gonna beat Abyss. That guy is huge."

[Douglas:] "Simple man, you distract the ref, I'll hit him with the belt. I scram, you win."

[stevens:] "...Cool."

[Douglas:] "You gotta consider his little friend, though..."

[stevens:] "Yeah..."

[Douglas:] "If he shows his face, lure him in the ring, and bam, I hit him with the other belt."

[stevens:] "...Cool... What about Mitchell?"

[Douglas:] "That’s a tough one... After you've distracted the ref, and I've hit Abyss with the title, you lure his friend into the ring, and I'll nail him too. Then I'll leave the ring, and clock Mitchell with the belt."

[stevens:] "...Cool... Won't I be DQ'ed?"

[Douglas:] "We could always use the gold on the ref too..."

[stevens:] "..."

[Douglas:] "Cool?"

[stevens:] "Cool!"

[Douglas:] "Cool... Let’s go."

[stevens:] "...Cool."

Chase picks up one of the belts as both men leave the locker room.

[Number of Segments:] 2 [involving:] Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas [Time:] 2 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 5.4%


[Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley]

The X Division #1 Contendership three way was next, with a former ROH World Champion, Austin Aries taking on his current ROH team mate Roderick Strong and former ROH team mate, Alex Shelley. Strong was out first, a pretty well known wrestler in the Florida scene, what with being one of the figureheads of the former NWA:Florida. He received a pretty nice pop, as he flaunted it for all its worth on the way down to the ring. Next out was Aries, who, after only 2 matches with TNA, was still pretty unknown. The ROH fans in the crowd knew him instantly and a portion of the crowd were chanting his name. Last out was Shelley, who, in his trench coat and glasses, looked the part in TNA. He got a warm reception as he made his way down to the ring.

The three friends shook hands before getting started in a match that really left a mark on the Wrestling World. A match which people should be talking about for years to come. Shelley, playing a cocky yet clever heel, decided it wasn't in his best interests to get stuck in straight away, so he allowed Strong and Aries to slug it out first. After a moment of standing stationary, Shelley caught the attention of both other wrestlers, who decided to double team on Shelley, much to the delight of the crowd. After a few minutes of impressive double team moves. Aries hits a Discus Forearm to Strong. Aries hit a Brainbuster on Shelley and went for a 450 on Strong, but he only got the mat. Strong was taking out by both Aries & Shelley after they Double Hip-Tossed him out of the ring, and it looked like Aries would win when he went for a Brainbuster, but Shelley reversed into a Shellshock for the 3 count.

After the match, Shelley quickly rolled out of the ring, and up the ramp, raising his arms in victory and Strong & Aries looked on, annoyed at their loss.

[Match Result:]Alex Shelley def. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong [Time:] 7 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 23.8%


[Canada Divided]

The camera immediately went backstage, and was just in time to catch a shoving match between Team Canada's Bobby Roode and Petey Williams. Roode was shouting at Petey, calling him a turncoat and an unpatriotic asshole. But Petey was having none of it, and was telling Roode he didn't want to be in a team with somebody who brought shame to Canada with his cheating ways. Just as Roode was about to throw a punch, Eric Young got involved and played the middle man, trying to calm them down before their match tonight.

[Number of Segments:] 2 [involving:] Bobby Roode, Petey Williams, Eric Young [Time:] 3 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 22.5%




As Impact comes back, Raven is sitting atop something. He looks to be away from any contact between anybody else. He has the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. He takes a deep breath before speaking.

[Raven:] "Jarrett, what makes you think that at Bound for Glory you'll take from me the title belt that sits across my shoulder? What makes you think that you can just walk into Orlando, Florida and decide that it's time that the NWA World Heavyweight title returned to your waist. The way I see it Jarrett, is that you're are nothing but talk. You think you can beat me, you believe that you can beat me, but can you beat me, Jarrett? No! You're problem is that you're not driven to beat me, like I am; you. You want to beat me, but what you want more is my title. You don't need to beat me for it, as long as you get the title in the end, that's OK by you. But I- I have a desire to defeat you, like I have been unable to do since I made my debut in TNA and that's what the deciding factor will be Sunday 23rd; Desire. When I won this title at Slammiversary, I said that my destiny was fulfilled, but that was only the first testament. My destiny will only be fulfilled when I lay you're bloody and bruised body to rest once and for all. And rest assured, Jarrett. That at Bound for Glory, you will be nothing but the end of another chapter in the story of my becoming. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore...

[Number of Segments:] 1 [involving:] Raven [Time:] 4 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 75.4%


[3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada]

At last minute, the 6-Man tag match was changed to a standard tag match, due to Konnan being advised not to wrestle due to an injured knee. This didn't stop him from "Orale! Arriba la raza!"ing his way down to the ring, as the 3LK warmed up the crowd to the following tag match which saw BG James and Ron Killings take on Team Canada's Petey Williams and Bobby Roode.

James and Petey started out in a tag match that had been seen many times before in TNA. Petey controlled for a few minutes until James tagged in Killings. Killings got a nice bit of offensive in, hitting a few nice spinning kicks, before hitting a picture perfect Axe Kick. Petey went to tag in Roode, who pulled back, forcing Petey to go through more pain with Killings & James. On the outside, Team Canada's Eric Young distracted Roode, allowing for Petey to get a tag in. Roode went at it with BG James, before 'accidentally' knocking down Petey with a clothesline. Roode tagged Petey in, who tasted some Shake, Rattle & Roll from BG James. Petey went to tag Roode, who jumped off the apron and walked up the ramp, away from Petey. A moment later, Petey got hit with a pumphandle slam, and BG James got the three count.

After the match, Eric Young helped Petey out of the ring, as the 3LK entertained the fans some more.

[Match Result:]3LK def. Team Canada [Time:] 7 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 31.2%


[styles Arrives]

The camera follows TNA X Division Champion, AJ Styles as he walks down a backstage corridor.

[Number of Segments:] 1 [involving:] AJ Styles [Time:] 1 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 14.1%




[Hype for Bound for Glory

A short video is played, hyping up Bound for Glory on October 23rd.

IPB ImageIPB Image

[Number of Segments:] 1 [involving:] N/A [Time:] 1 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 51.6%


[Chase Stevens vs. Abyss]

Chase Stevens is first out, accompanied by fellow NWA World Tag Team Champion, Andy Douglas They walk down to the ring, getting a nice pop from the crowd. As they get to the ring, Abyss makes his way down to the ring. As soon as he hits the ring, he is double teamed with a set of jabs from the Naturals. They whip him into the ropes, and Chase Stevens ducks a clothesline, but Douglas gets it instead. Douglas rolls out of the ring as the match starts.

A fun match, which although short, served its purpose of making the Naturals seem a little more goofy, and a little more arrogant than they ever have been. Stevens got caught pretty early on with a Black Hole Slam, but Douglas did exactly what he had planned to do; attack Abyss with the Tag Title strap, yet without anybody to distract the ref, his plan was foiled. To try and make him look innocent, he threw the title belt to Abyss, who knowing it wasn't illegal, just hit Andy Douglas with it instead. Stevens hit a low blow on Abyss, but the Monster no sold it. Another low blow and he began to look weak, and a third one put him on his back. Stevens went up to the top rope, and went to hit a splash on Abyss, who lifted his foot and hit Stevens straight in the never regions, taking him straight down. Abyss went for a Chokeslam, but changed mid way into a second Black Hole Slam for the pinfall. At this time, Andy Douglas got to his feet, climbed into the ring, and hit Abyss in the chest with the Title belt. Stepping back, Abyss almost sold it, but instead just hit a clothesline on Andy Douglas.

[Match Result:] Abyss def. Chase Stevens [Time:] 6 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 19.5%


[Mitchell's Monsters]

After the match, the Monster, Abyss starts to flex himself in the ring, as his manager, "Father" Jim Mitchell climbed into the ring. Mitchell lifted up a microphone as the Naturals backed away slowly.

[Mitchell:] "Naturals, we have nothing against you. All we want is what you've got. The NWA World Tag Team Titles. A title which will be another stepping stone in the 350lb monster that stands beside me's quest to become the most storied wrestler in TNA right now. It doesn't matter who holds those belts, it just matters that it's not Abyss... Yet... But in order for Abyss to win those belts he needs an accomplice. And who better than this very man..."

As Mitchell speaks, the hooded man sneaks out from behind the Impact Zone behind the Naturals with a steel chair in hand. He brings it down on Andy Douglas knocking him to the floor and bringing about more punishment. Chase Stevens is able to fight back a bit, and the two swap a few punches, until the hooded man ducks a punch and plants the Tag Team Champion with a DDT on the steel grated surface. The hooded man slides into the ring, and slaps the chest of Abyss, before pulling off his hood to reveal...

[Mitchell:] "Chris... Daniels..."

Daniels raises his arms before taking the mike off of Mitchell himself.

[Daniels:] "Jim Mitchell said it best when he said that it's not you, it's your titles. I'm in the same league as Abyss, we both want something that right now, we can't have. And the Tag Team Titles will be a stepping stone to both of us. For Abyss, it's about becoming the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. For me it's about becoming the greatest TNA Superstar who ever lived. Because now, Mr. TNA is not enough, now, with TNA being in the public eye thanks to Spike TV, I need to become the greatest superstar ever. And it starts with the NWA World Tag Team Titles. After that, it's the NWA World Heavyweight Title, and after that it's the X Division title. I will become a triple crown champion right here in Orlando, Florida. And my name will be known throughout the World. I'm already Mr. TNA, and soon I will be Mr. Universe. And that is the gospel according to the Fallen Angel!"

[Number of Segments:] 3 [involving:] Jim Mitchell, Abyss, Christopher Daniels, Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas[Time:] 5 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 23.9%


[Disciples of Jarrett]

Cut to TNA Interviewer Extraordinaire, Shane Douglas who is standing by with "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown. Brown looks ready for action, even though he is without a match. He wears a long, open leopard skin coat and his red wrestling trunks.

[Douglas:] "I am standing here with the Alpha Male himself, Monty Brown. Monty, the question on everybody's lips is 'who's side are you on', the last few weeks have seen you switch sides like no tomorrow. And now nobody knows who you're allied with. Monty, tell us, who?"

[brown:] "Franchise. Shane Douglas. You want to know who's side I'm on. Well let me tell you this. In the Serengeti, it's ever man for himself, Franchise. And I'm bringing the rules of the Serengeti to the TNA Wrestling Ring. I take my own best interests at heart, and right now, my best interests are on winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and to do that, I'll align myself with whoever the damn hell I need to align myself with in order to get closer to that be..."

Before Monty Brown could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by his on/off tag partner, Kip James. James pulled the microphone away from Brown and spoke himself.

[Kip:] "Monty, let me be the first to say that we are not on the same page. I'm looking out for Planet Jarrett, you're just being a goddamn whiney cry baby. No matter how you look at it, Monty, Planet Jarrett has supported you throughout your stay here in TNA, and it's time you learnt to pay him back. I'm not going to double cross you, I'm not going to stop teaming with you, because I see you as a valuable tag team partner, somebody who can knock the hell out of anyone who crosses his path. But if you try and cross Jeff Jarrett's path, I won't care if you come from the Serengeti or the Suburbs, because I know for a fact, that you could not defend yourself against me, Rhino, and half the locker room that have the utmost respect for Planet Jarrett."

Just as Kip James finishes his sentence, another follower of Jeff Jarrett gets into the mix: Rhino! The man best almost shoved Shane Douglas away as he stood in the middle of his two almost allies..

[Rhino:] "Kip. Monty. I just got word from management itself. At Bound for Glory, it's us versus them. The three of us versus Team 3D and Sabu!"

Kip James nods his head as Monty Brown pulls the microphone towards him. With his free hand he reaches his hand towards Kip James.

[brown:] "I'm not promising anything after Bound for Glory, but for now Kip; we're in this together."

Kip shakes Monty Brown's hand as Rhino nods his head.

[Kip:] "Well what a team we are. Team 3D... Sabu... We got two words for you..."

Kip James motions for 'suck it' but Monty Brown has a better idea.

[brown:] "The Pounnnnnnnnce!"

[Number of Segments:] 1 [involving:] Kip James, Monty Brown, Rhino, Shane Douglas[Time:] 5 Minutes [Avg. Rating:]

Notes: Shane Douglas did a good job as interviewer, and helped lift the segment.




[Rhino vs. Sabu]

Impact returns at ringside, ready for the first of the double main events. Rhino is out first, he walks down to the ring, before stopping and looking under the ring apron, throwing into the ring anything he can find. Steel Chairs x 4. Dustbin x 2. Dustbin Lid x 2. Table x 1. Steel Chain x 1. From the looks of things, it'll be brutal. Sabu comes running down the Impact Zone, getting ready to start the match straight away.

Sabu and Rhino took part in a vicious match, which had it been 5 minutes longer would have definitely been PPV worthy. The two ECW alumni's went out of their way to make a most brutal match, with every 'foreign object' you could think of coming into play. After a minute or so of trading blows and suplex's on the outside. Rhino clocked Sabu with a Steel Chair, causing him to bleed from the forehead. Rhino went for a Gore through a table, but went through himself, causing a two count. Sabu went for a triple Jump Moonasult, but Rhino hit the sickest spot of the night, hitting a Gore to an upside-down, mid-air Sabu. The fans erupted with chants of T! N! A! but Rhino was unable to capitalize. Then, when you thought it couldn't get anymore hardcore. Sabu used a ladder to hit a Moonasult from the inside of the ring to the outside of the ring, with Rhino resting on a Table. Rhino got the pin 2 minutes later with a second Gore.

After the match, Kip James and Monty Brown came to deal out some punishment to the fallen Sabu, but Team 3D were on hand. A huge call of "DEEEEEEEVON!" got a lot of "Get the Tables" chants, but it was changed, with a new call of "Got Wood?" before a table was pulled out and Kip James was put through a table much to the delight of the crowd. They left the ring as Rhino and Monty Brown tried to get revenge.

[Match Result:]Rhino def. Sabu [Time:] 11 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 53.7%

Notes: Sabu is not physically at his best, and this affected his performance.


[15 year Pro]

Cut to Shane Douglas backstage, standing by with Sean Waltman, who looks ready for his match with X Division Champion; AJ Styles.

[Douglas:] "Sean Waltman, tonight is arguably the biggest night in your TNA career, as you go against probably the greatest TNA star since it's inception; AJ Styles. A lot of people have doubted and said that you won't be able to pick up the w tonight..."

[Waltman:] "You... Doubt me? I'm a 15 year pro, and you doubt me against a little pipsqueak like AJ Styles. Well Shane, you'll be eating your words next week when you're interviewing the new TNA X Division Champion, 6-Pac Sean Waltman!"

[Douglas:] "Well we'll see abou..."

Sean Waltman just casually walks off, completely ignoring Shane Douglas."

[Douglas:] "Asshole..."

[Number of Segments:] 1 [involving:] Sean Waltman, Shane Douglas[Time:] 2 Minutes [Avg. Rating:] 74.9%

Notes: Shane Douglas did a good job as interviewer, and helped lift the segment.


[AJ Styles vs. Sean Waltman]

The main event for the X Division Championship was set, and out first was current, reigning and defending X Division Champion, AJ Styles. With his usual, slightly cocky walk, he came down to the ring, with everyone from 12 year old girls to 40 year old men screaming his name. Next out was the challenger, the 15 year pro, "6-Pac" Sean Waltman. Styles offered a handshake, but Waltman just ignored it. Rudy Charles showed the belt to both competitors before the match started.

A great X Division match, which matched the awesomeness of their match at No Surrender, and really proved that Waltman could still go with the best of them. The match started with a few exchanges of holds, before Styles hit an arm drag and went for an early Paylay, but Waltman ducked out the way, and locked Styles in a leg lock submission. Waltman finally backed off and spat on Styles, gaining a lot of heat from the crowd. After some attempts to gain control, Styles escaped to the outside, before going to the springboard and hitting a Superman Pose Lariat. Styles went for the Styles clash, but Waltman crawled through his legs and hit a reverse DDT. Waltman hit a few stomps, before hitting a nice jumping elbow for the two count. Styles regained control, and even hit the Spiral Tap, but Waltman got his foot on the ropes. Styles went for another Styles Clash, but Waltman kicked his legs to escape and hit an X-Factor instead for a very near two count. Waltman rolled up Styles for another two count, and argued with the ref, allowing Styles to get to his feet and hit a Paylay on Waltman. Styles went to set up for a third attempt for a Styles Clash, but Sean Waltman hit a nasty low blow, and rolled up Styles with a handful of tights for the extremely unexpected three count to win the X Division Championship.

After the match, X-Division Championship #1 Contender and friend of Sean Waltman, Alex Shelley made his way down to the ring to congratulate his tag team partner from the Chris Candido Memorial Tournament. Shelley shook hands with Waltman, but made it clear that he was going to win the X Division title as Impact went off the air.

[Match Result:]Rhino def. Sabu [Time:] 11 Minutes [Overall Rating:] 54.3%

Notes: Sean Waltman is not physically at his best, and this affected his performance.




[Attendance:] 4,774 (up by 209)

[Viewing Audience:] 151,647 (up by 18,113)

[Overall Rating:] 40.7% (down by 1.1%)

[short Results:]

Samoa Joe beat Jeff Hardy (47.2%)

Alex Shelley beat Austin Aries, Roderick Strong (23.8%)

3 Live Kru IV beat Team Canada II (31.2%)

Abyss beat Chase Stevens (19.5%)

Rhino beat Sabu (53.7%)

Sean Waltman beat AJ Styles for the TNA X Division title (54.3%)


Hmmmm… What do I think of this weeks Impact. Well I’ll start with the things I disliked. And that’s Raven and Chris Daniels promo’s mainly. I can’t get the Raven style (yet), and I’ve not seen enough of Daniels on the mike (2 proper promos) to make a proper promo (yet). And on a second look, I’m not a fan of the way I treated the Naturals, they seemed a bit jobberish against Abyss.

But onto the good… I’m loving the Monty Brown promo, I think I’ve got both Brown and James down to a tee, and my Rhino isn’t too shabby either. The Sean Waltman promo, although short, got its point across. I think as X Division Champ, he could do some special stuff. But who’s to say he’ll keep it. It could be gone by next week, who knows!

The matches, I like the little shock value that Waltman winning gives off, I don’t think anyone saw that coming! Also I wish that I had kept Rhino/Sabu for PPV, as I would have liked to write that out in full. It’d be full of spots. Same with the triple threat match. Had I saved that for PPV, I think I could have done magical things with it.

The show was a little less PPV style than last week, which really had a great card, AMW/3D, Rhino/Raven, Styles/Williams and Joe/Daniels should have all been saved for PPV, not TV. But I think I got the TNA style better with this week.

Next weeks episode will probably take about a week to write. I’m not in at all this weekend, so I’ll just be writing after school, so it’ll be up by next weekend (hopefully). I’ve started (a little) on Bound for Glory, and everything is building up to that right now. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.

Oh, the predictions, after this, I’ll probably be having PPV specific prediction contests, as it’ll be less predictable than Impact, where half the matches are to get Wrestler A over anyway. But the results for this week are as follows:

1. Vincent K. McMahon - 5/6

2. chatterbox - 4/6

=. onetrueace - 4/6

=. timmayy - 4/6

5. #1Jerichoholic - 3/6

=. Protoman Version 2.5 - 3/6

7. ZeMapper - 2/6

Mr. McMahon, I will be contacting you about your prize for this week. :)


Edit: I don't know why, but some of the tags don't seem to be working. I'll get it sorted by next week.

Edit 2: I think I found the problem. :)

Edited by Ollie Beak
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TNA News & Notes

Various Sources


A former WWF Champion, a former WCW Champion, a former ECW Champion and a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The new Championship Comittee will debut at Genesis.

Wrestling Observer

TNA On-Air Authority Figure, and "Championship Comittee" leader, "the Living Legend" Larry Zbyskyo has signed a four year with IWA:Puerto Rico, where he will take over as head booker for TV show, Total Impact. This completley destroys the TNA "Championship Comittee" due to Roddy Piper's signing with WWE and Harley Race working exclusively for his Puerto Rican promotion, World Wrestling Council. However, a new comittee has been announced to debut at Genesis on Sunday, November 12.

Pro Wrestling Insider

With Larry Zbyskyo leaving for Puerto Rico, Roddy Piper in WWE and Harley Race at WWC, the rumour mill has been in full force as to who will take over as the 'Championship Comittee' in TNA. After a very vague message about the comittee being posted on TNAwrestling.com, speculation as to who will take over has swept the internet. A few names that have been passed on are Terry Funk, Shane Douglas, Mick Foley, Sting, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Ken Shamrock, Lex Luger, Bret Hart, Sid Vicous and DDP.



"The offers for Y2J are coming in thick and fast, I can tell you that much. Since my decision to leave the WWE, I've been contacted left, right and centre about wrestling throughout the World. Where will the Lionheart end up? Well who knows! It may be UPN, it may be the USA Network, but it could very well be Spike TV! Who knows?"

Wrestling Observer

On his personal website, Chris Jericho today hinted at leaving WWE completley to sign with TNA. He announced that he could "end up on Spike TV" the home network to TNA's Impact. Jericho in TNA could be seen as a major ratings boost, and a catalyst to TNA's uprising. More as it comes.



Ultimate X will returns at Bound for Glory, on October 23rd.

Pro Wrestling Insider

After a small graphic and message were posted on the official TNA website, Ultimate X was confirmed for Bound for Glory. It's expected for it to be between AJ Styles, Alex Shelley and current X Division Champion, Sean Waltman, but that could all change as no competitors have as of yet been announced.


Wrestling Observer

It is believed that Delirious will start to appear full time on Impact after Bound for Glory. For the past 2 weeks he's been involved in dark matches, where he was 'examined' by Scott D'Amore and Jeremy Borash as to whether he was good enough to be part of the full roster, and their response has been nothing but positive.


Wrestling Observer

It is believed that America's Most Wanted will be kept off of Impact for a few weeks, in order to build up the Naturals as the main TNA tag team, it is thought that they will return as a heel team to fight the Naturals.


Pro Wrestling Insider

The former Dudley Boys have been told they are no longer allowed to use the moniker "Team 3D" in TNA, as this has been copyrighted by WWE Inc. It is believed they will start appearing as 'Brother Ray' and 'Brother Devon' with the collective name 'The Brothers Grim".


TNA Injury Update

= Konnan, who was advised not to wrestle on Impact, is expected to return to the roster by the end of the month. It is thought he won't be able to wrestle at Bound for Glory, but that may not be the case.

= Johnny Devine is expected back to TNA and Team Canada by mid-November.

= Lance Hoyt will return in time for Genesis, after he was put on the sidelines with a minor back injury.

Edited by Ollie Beak
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this is a good TNA diary, seems like I chose the wrong time to start one up 'cause yours is going strong right now and with the debut approaching only more will come. Just wanted to say you got yourself a nice little diary here, but watch out cause you got some competition :P

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TNA - Impact Preview


Last weeks Impact will be remembered for a long time to come, especially for Sean Waltman.

Nobody expected the 15 year pro to defeat AJ Styles and win the X Division Title, especially after losing to him in a match at No Surrender, but Waltman defied all the odds and came out on top to become a two time X Division Champion. This week he makes his first defence, fighting a man who although hasn't got the best win record in TNA, is certainly one to look out for. In a match which could certainly steal the show, X Division Champion "6-Pac" Sean Waltman will be facing the Internet's favourite, Austin Aries. Waltman has his work cut out for him against Aries, who has already greatly impressed in matches against Roderick Strong, Christopher Daniels and Alex Shelley. Will Waltman be able to retain, or will his ego get the better of him, forcing him to lose the titles before he's already defended it?

But the X Division Title won't be the only title on the line this week on Impact, as the Naturals put their NWA World Tag Team Championship Titles on the line against the team of David Young and Elix Skipper. The two diamonds in the rough have been getting the Simon Diamond treatment, as he tries to mould two of the most underrated stars in TNA into champions. With Diamond's guidance, the Diamonds in the Rough may be able to pull off a huge upset, and you've got to consider what part Abyss and Christopher Daniels will play. Can the Naturals retain or will paranoia get the better of them.

This week will also see the "Samoan Submission Machine" in action, as he goes one on one with Roderick Strong, a man hand personally hand picked by Samoa Joe's Bound for Glory opponent, Ken Shamrock. Roderick Strong will be in high spirits, after being a man chosen out of many to represent Ken Shamrock, but the true question is can he derail the monstrous run of Samoa Joe. In his short career at TNA, Joe has already defeated Sonjay Dutt, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Hardy, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, and to the Samoan Submission Machine, Roderick Strong is just another victim.

Tensions have been high in Team Canada lately, with Petey Williams and Bobby Roode almost coming to blows twice, this week, Bobby Roode will be working to de-stress himself when he goes against two-time X Division Champion and former Super X Cup winner, Chris Sabin. The last time these two went against each other in a singles match, Bobby Roode came out on top, will he be able to win a second time, or will Sabin be able to topple the Team Canada superstar. And what role will Petey Williams play, will he be there on his Canadian brother's side, or will their recent rivalry come into play once again.

One of the biggest tag team matches to ever appear on Impact will grace the Main Event this week, as the former "King of the Mountain" and Number One Contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Title, Jeff Jarrett teams up with his insurance policy, "The Man Beast" Rhino to take on the Brothers Ray and Devon. Ray & Devon are the only team to ever hold the WWF, WCW and ECW Tag Team Titles, and are one of the most fearsome teams in North America today. Will they be able to weaken Jarrett and Rhino in time for Bound for Glory, or will they succumb to Jarrett's Stroke or Rhino's Gore?

Also in attendance this week will be "The Monster" Abyss, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown and "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles.

This week's Impact will be TV you will not want to miss, and you can only catch it on "Slamming Saturday Nights" on Spike TV, the First Network for Men.

Tentative card for Impact

Saturday, October 15, 2005.

Only on Spike TV, the First Network for Men.

Soundstage 21, Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.

Jeff Jarrett & "The Man Beast" Rhino vs. Brother Ray & Brother Devon

X Division Title Match

"6-Pac" Sean Waltman =O= vs. Austin Aries

NWA World Tag Team Titles

The Naturals =O= vs. "Primetime" Elix Skipper & David Young w/ Simon Diamond

"The Samoan Submission Machine" vs. Roderick Strong w/ "The Worlds Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock

Bobby Roode w/ Team Canada vs. Chris Sabin


Predictions are welcome; I'll probably give a prize similar to last weeks, where Vincent K. McMahon chose to have Waltman/Aries.

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Jeff Jarrett & "The Man Beast" Rhino vs. Brother Ray & Brother Devon - No Contest

X Division Title Match

"6-Pac" Sean Waltman =O= vs. Austin Aries

NWA World Tag Team Titles

The Naturals =O= vs. "Primetime" Elix Skipper & David Young w/ Simon Diamond

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong w/ "The Worlds Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock

Bobby Roode w/ Team Canada vs. Chris Sabin

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