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Veronica Mars Season 2.


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So how many of you lovely television fans shunned Lost last night to check out one of TV's smartest dramas, as it premiered its 2nd season? The episode covered a ton of ground, and was surprisingly entertaining as far as sophomore season premieres go. This whole class conflict thing is really intriguing; I'm hoping it gets a great deal of the season's coverage. I'm also liking the shock ending, although with 3 really high impact episodes in a row, one hopes they don't burn themselves out too quickly. On the characterization side, I really liked the development in Logan's character; he just doesn't seem right as a protagonist. Duncan and Veronica seems a natural fit, although they did sort of kill off one of two people who would have a real objection to the relationship. Oh, and Charisma Carpenter = Hottie.

P.S. I should have picked this up right after watching the ep, but Logan's "I'm gonna miss you" quip just before Duncan and Veronica left on the bus trip is foreboding in hindsight. But it couldn't possibly be a give away, could it? That's WAY too obvious, this early in the season. Anyway, discuss.

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Guest sahyder2k5

I really liked this episode, and I think we're set up nicely with several mysteries this season. (Who killed that gangster kid, who took out the bus, what is going on with Weevil and his crew).

I also agree that Duncan and Veronica seem better, but I do think it was well played the way they made us think that Logan and Veronica were the couple.

Finally, I kinda liked the touch of Lilly Kane sparing Veronica from death by dragging her towards Weevil and away from the bus. I don't know if it will lead anywhere or do anything, but I'm intrigued

And It really looks like I'll be missing a lot of Lost this season.

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Guest sahyder2k5

Well last night's episode was fun, nothing mindblowing. Until the last scene, that was kinda neat. I think this mystery is slightly more intriguing than the whole Lilly Kane thing, because there, there were about a million reasons to kill Lilly Kane, whereas in this case, the whole "why kill the people on the bus?" has me intrigued. Now from the whole scene at the end, we can see it was to kill Veronica, but even at that, why? I'll keep watching.

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Episode 2 was meh, but tonight's episode was kickass. I love how they've tied this season's mystery to the last one, and along the way they're able to fit in these self-contained mysteries that only serve to push the major plot forward. I don't know how I feel about the whole Wallace's girlfried's possible infidelities plot, but whatever's going on with his mother is intriguing.

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Guest sahyder2k5

I'm intrigued by the whole Echolls/stuntman thing. I love how everything is tying in together, although the whole black girl thing is a slight turn-off for me, I'm not entertained by her storyline so far.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Kliq Masterson





RENEW IT NOW, CW :@ :@ :@ :@

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RENEW IT NOW, CW :@ :@ :@ :@

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Fuckin Channel 9 threw on Nets games instead of VM. Not that I'm complaining cause I'm a Nets fan, but I'd still like to see VM too.

And then it ended up moved to Tuesday nights, when my poker game is. So I've missed the last few episodes in addition to the ones gone due to the Nets.

At least I got the first season on DVD today for $23.

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Guest Kliq Masterson

So I rewatched the finale a couple of times (:shifty:) and liked it even more. I also like that I picked up on th e exchange between the black man and Duncan:

Duncan: CW?

Black Man: It's a done deal.

Awesome :shifty:

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Great finale, and I agree that it was better then the S1 finale. Kyle Gallner was such a standout too, as he went from one extreme to another in the ten minutes as we found out all those truths. Plus Jackie is gone (for good I hope!). Can't wait til the DVD comes out in August.

Oh yeah, Mac better be a regular in S3.

Edited by Psicosis
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Guest Kliq Masterson

Yeah, Mac is absolutely awesome. They need her back. I'm intrigued as to how they'll make Veronica choose to go to Hearst rather than Stamford as well. Well I assume they will anyways :P

I also think Beaver's last line was absolutely awesome, it also reminded us that he's still a victim despite planning the death of everyone.

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Guest Kliq Masterson

That and I assume the black woman who took part of that trial with Veronica and told her about Hearst should probably return to help her get in.

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Veronica Mars renewed! I'm so relieved, I thought this was going to be another horrible case of an awesome show killed off prematurely. Seems like it's a 22 ep series reducible to 13 depending on ratings. AND they got moved to directly after the Gilmore Girls, just the spot they wanted. Yes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another bump... my bad. Those last like three or four episodes were intense! I'm up at 5:26 in the morning after watching like five straight on my computer. I'm not sad to see Jackie go...

I was soooo confused when Beaver ended up being the killer. But I guess it kind of makes sense, it's still so extreme though, I can't imagine anyone going to those lengths just to cover something like that up.

The only other question I have I guess is about the whole thing with Duncan at the end. Echolls got shot, but why by that dude? And what does Duncan have to do with it.

I hope next season is more like the last few episodes of this season, with less of the stupid high school drama and more of the mystery stuff I guess. If I wanted drama I'd watch the OC or something like that. Oh well...

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Guest Ringo Mars

I was soooo confused when Beaver ended up being the killer. But I guess it kind of makes sense, it's still so extreme though, I can't imagine anyone going to those lengths just to cover something like that up.
Edited by Ringo Mars
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