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This past Friday night, I went downtown to a little place called Monita's. I'd never been there before, but there was a show happening, and I loves me my music. The headliners of the show were Stutterfly, who are from a city about 45-50 minutes drive from where I live (Vernon, BC, Canada).

Anyways, the show was really good, and Stutterfly definately brought it on Friday night. I wasn't really a fan heading into the show, but I'll probably end up with their new album at some point in the next six months or so.

I did come away with a t-shirt, 3 albums, some stickers and a compilation sampler disc though. Bought a Theset t-shirt and the albums bought were Theset, Complete and A Textbook Tragedy...all of which were really good.

Next Saturday, on the 12th, I'm going back to Monita's to see Crowned King play. I'm really stoked on this one, as I've been a fan of theirs for a few years now. They'll be playing with a bunch of bands I've never heard of, but they'll also be playing with Dashes of Red, who are a local band, and totally stole the show at one I went to about a month and a half back, so I'm excited to see them again, and see if they have any discs or merch of any kind for me to pick up.

So, I just figured I'd start this thread to let you know that I've been rocking out recently, and see if any of you have heard of any of these bands and/or have opinions on them that you'd like to share.

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