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Nationalizing Wrestling


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Fucking rain.

That is all that I have heard for three days now, rain. Sitting here, staring out my window and all I see is rain. I heard on the radio that the sun is supposed to make an appearance sometime in the next few days. How considerate of him. Not as if it is summertime rain to help cool us off, no, it has to be winter rain, cold rain. You’d think at least the temperature would fall low enough to give me some snow so I will not get wet by walking to get the paper.

Here it is 6:45am and I have a meeting with August A. Busch III, CEO of Anheuser-Busch, at 9:30am concerning some type of corporate loan. Thankfully I’ve known the Busch’s all my life living close enough to them. Of course they have always thought I was weird, smart, but weird. Now I have a board meeting with them concerning the loan I asked them for. Nothing specific, but a much needed loan from a financial backer nonetheless.

You see, about three weeks ago I made a personal plan to help better myself and achieve a dream of mine. A dream to become a promoter for a wrestling company, and to excel in the industry as such. Not to be confined to my area of St. Louis, but to achieve national exposure, and even perhaps global exposure, but even I can not see that in the future for wrestling. The WWF has the North-East part of the country, GCW in the South, and AWA right here in the Mid-West. I’m on the border of being Mid-Western and Southern so my problems run deeper than a normal promoter.

The one thing I have going for me is being unknown, but I seem to be getting ahead of myself, I need this loan. Without the financial backing of someone I am sure to not even get the idea off the ground, and I have to be shrewd about taking wrestling nationally. I could wind up hurt or dead by mentioning destroying territories. If Gagne knew I was about to embark on breaking his walls around Minnesota he would send out anyone he could to stop me, and at all cost. Now it is 7:02am, I better prepare for a trip downtown.

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Waiting, always waiting.

9:25am and I am here sitting in the waiting area. Finally they call me in to this board meeting. I sat at the end of this long table with a bunch of suits staring me down, and my good friend August at the other end smiling at me. They asked certain questions that anyone giving money out would ask, like:

“How can we make this a safe investment for our corporation?”

And so forth as it pertains to those conversations. I never did tell them how much I wanted, because even I did not know the answer to that. It was the equivalent of asking for money from a parent, I did not know weather to ask for ten dollars or ten million.

I gave them all the reasons I thought were significant for them to go into business with me. I would take out a small corporate type loan and over time pay them back for their investment. Meanwhile, giving the company free advertisement for the products on any show or promotional work I was going to do.

After I gave them my straight forward pitch I had to listen to other board members speak about what they thought, and finally it got around to August. He started by saying he already had a previous meeting with the board about this, but wanted them to have access to my own personal opinions on why I should receive help from the company. He went straight to the voting and the yay and nay hand showings.

Four to Three.

I get my loan.

I let a big smile come forth and shook the hands of all the board members, and August stopped me. He asked me if I was even curious as to why I am getting the loan, the specifics of the contract, and how much it was for. I realized this could be a bad omen, so I sat back down to listen to what he had to say.

2.5 Million Dollars!

I wanted to cry there, although that could be because I was choking on the water I casually drink just seconds before. Then came his reason for why so much money, and why to back me. It was not a personal favor, but an investment to help promote all Anheuser-Busch products. He was going to promote me nationwide when the time came right on just about every beer bottle, and poster he had. The company was going to also make me have product logos on the mat, banners on the walls, and mandatory selling of their products at concessions.

All of which I would not see the money of, at least not until I paid the loan back, and even then I was still in debt to August and his board members. After I pay off the debt, they are to remain my primary sponsor for five years free of charge. This means no matter what I do, my sponsorship from them will not put money in my pocket.

But who am I to argue, I get two point five million dollars, free nationwide advertising, and free will to go on a talent raid. I know what you are thinking, talent raid? Why? It is necessary to steal some competition away, and it is needed to draw interest to the promotion.

I know myself that I do not need all names, because I should be the only one going nationwide at this moment, unless someone else is planning to take over nationwide. This is why I have kept this secret, but the secret will only be safe for a few more days, when I go calling to talent about signing to me exclusively for more money than they have seen in recent memory. Gagne, McMahon, they will all be angry, pissed even, but I have to do this. This is my dream to help the sport of wrestling, and I’ll need to succeed to help pay off my debt.

By hook or by crook is the old saying, I guess I’m choosing by crook.

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Some of the longest drives I have ever taken.

Traveling to Georgia, just a straight shot in to the heart of the GCW area. I am going to the peach state for a simple reason, to steal talent. This is a hotbed of talent that I have been watching for quite some time, I have called together some of the talent from around the area to meet me, and I told them it was urgent. This way they do not have time to alert the owner of GCW. I took them into a small motel room one by one, talking to them with a stack of contracts. Hours upon hours were spent inside this twobit cramped roach motel room, and I got a good bit of commitments from the roster. I told them they will have to sever their working relationship with GCW within seven days.

Arn Anderson

Buzz Sawyer

Italian Stallion

Jake Roberts

Paul Orndorff

Pez Whatley

Road Warrior Animal

Rod Warrior Hawk

Thunderbolt Patterson

Tommy Rich

Took some young guys who have already made an impact in Georgia, along with some already establish veterens to give my roster some credibility. I left that motel at about two in the morning, and drove straight to Minnesota. After about three hours sleep I started back on the pay phones to contact the AWA workers. I got another roach motel room outside of the twin cities to try and keep things quiet, real quiet in Gagne's backyard. I called together some of his top talent and had the same type of meeting with them as I did with the guys in Georgia.

Bobby Heenan

Rick Martel

Taking the top manager and one of their hottest prospects was great, but I'd gladly give them back to right my mistake. I invited Curt Hennig and Hulk Hogan to the presentation. Hogan refused because of his potential film career which is not going to go no where, the muscle bound over dramatic waste of talent. He will fail and soon. Hennig is the mistake though, and not because I did not sign him, but because his ties with Gagne and his dad. The red flag is up and I am in trouble. In the next 12 hours everyone in the wrestling industry will know my plans.

Luckily I contacted Gene Kinisky and Eddie Sharkley to contact other potential wrestlers for contracts. I got a lot of solid talent that I did not know about thanks to their keen sense of talent. Within the two days I was in Georgia and Minnesota, Kinisky and Sharkley ate up the road as well hitting the pay phones and motels to sign others. Those two days were the most frantic that anyone will ever see. Trying to raid the talent of rosters without the other promoters knowing to not be killed. Kinisky and Sharkley signed some major help.

Austin Idol

Bob Roop

Bobby Eaton

Bobby Jagger

Boris Malenko

Brickhouse Brown

Butch Reed

Dennis Condrey

Gino Hernandez

Harold Harris

Jesse Barr

Jim Cornette

Jose Lothario

Kendall Whindam

Les Thatcher

Rick Gibson

Rick Stewart

Ricky Steamboat

Rip Rogers

Ron Simmons

Steve Keirn

Terry Gordy

The Assassin

Tony Anthony

Wahoo McDaniel

Wally Clift

Wendell Cooley

The promoters of the world have been alerted to my presence which is fine with my signings now. I will have to hire some security to keep me safe, but I do not expect too much of a problem. I just do not expect a Christmas card from any of them soon. Gagne has got to be fuming that I attempted to sign Henning and Hogan, but still made away with Heenan and Martel. I think before I attempt to bring this promotion to a nationwide audience, I'll have to fight for my own territory with the AWA, who are established. August will have to help promote my product to the Mid-West in hopes to battle with the respected Gagne's. A war is about to start, and I can only hope I have enough ammo.

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Three weeks into this.

I've tried getting in contact with a few more workers and wrestling personalities. I sent Arn Anderson to talk to Ole to see if he would be interested in coming in, but that ended in Ole mentioning he is not exactly on my fan list. Ole is staying at GCW to help them get through their current times. Greg Valentine and Ted Dibase also turned me down rather rudely, but I'll let that slide because I may have to try and sign them at a later date, and grudges are petty.

The one that hurt the most was losing out on Gordon Solie. After a talk with me he stated what he did not like about what I was doing, but he did it rather calmly. Solie also explained that he is going to stay behind to help GCW and another promotion out in the South. I hung up that phone disappointed but needing to attend to my other business plans.

I recieved my logo for the promotion, and it turned out rather pleasantly.

IPB Image

I also went to the gym where I set up a membership with to talk to a few of the guys about working to stay in shape. I contacted a few smaller arenas around the St. Louis area to provide some small shows to keep them ring ready. I am not spending much on advertising for these shows, and they are not even using the GWF name to promote them.

I have also had to deal with August and his questions about starting. I think we may be ready to have a few shows here and there. August mentioned he was trying to contact some of the stations they have advertisment deals with to see about a special. Just one now and perhaps one down the line a few months later. If he manages to pull this off it will be a huge step foward in trying to claim dominance against the AWA here in the Mid-West. Hopefully we can work out a few details about who is going to be where, and work on the upcoming schedule so that the boys know where they stand. Seeing as this could be one of the first times someone has tried to go national with wrestling this may be the first time they get to see some of my workers, and it will be a perfect time to display them in a new light.

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What the...

August got the deal done. ABC will give us a Saturday night hour and half special. ABC is trying to get their name out there more, and this was a good way to reach to some of the other demographics. They were clear they were not interested in giving us a show, which is fine, but they are trying to see how this is going to turn out. The posters and commercials have been starting to air now, about two weeks before the special airs. We have been advertising three matches:

IPB Image

Paul Orndorff vs. Steve Kiern

Wahoo McDaniel and Ricky Steamboat will battle The Assassin and Terry Gordy

Buzz Sawyer takes on Tommy Rich

Meanwhile, while we have the wheels in motion and the industry scared my competition is also stocking up. No, not the AWA, but Georgia Championship. I thought Gagne would be more proactive, but with his roster and loyalty to them he hasn't went out so far to do anything. Georgia Championship though have decided to put a hurting on the AWA as well, now I do not have specifics of their deals, but I know they have agreed to terms with Greg Valentine, Killer Kahn, Dory Funk Jr., Adrian Adonis, Jerry Briscoe, Dick Murdoch, and Hulk Hogan.

The McMahon's have also fired someone who I may try to contact later in the month, Pat Patterson. Someone I would be very interested in bringing in, and McMahon Sr. has also decided to let go ring announcer Howard Finkel. I have no use for Finkel but I do find it interesting that with a certain demand now for any kind of talent that they would be firing their members. For now, I am focused on putting on the best show I can. The second Saturday in February will be One Golden Night.

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One Golden Night

St. Louis, MO - St. Louis Arena, show taped on Thursday aired on Saturday on ABC.

The show begins with a shot of the crowd, and then cuts to the announcers table by the entrance of the stage. Les Thatcher and Boris Malenko are sitting at the table ready to call the action. Thatcher explains to the camera that this is the first show for the Golden Wrestling Federation. Thatcher also talks about the three big matches that are planned for the night. Boris inserts his opinions on the three bouts, and lets Thatcher finish up the segment by mentioning the first match of the night is ready to begin. Ron Simmons is ready in the ring, and they send it to the ring announcer.

Announcer: Standing in the ring, from Tallahassee, Florida, Ron Simmons. [Generic music fades in.] His opponent, coming down the aisle, Rip Rogers!

Rip Rogers v. Ron Simmons

After the introductions Rip and Ron came out from their corners to tie-up. Rogers positioned Simmons into a side headlock. Simmons shot Rip into the ropes, but got knocked down by a clothesline off the return. Rogers taunted the kids in the front row while Ron laid on the canvas. Rogers controlled the early part of the match with good tactical wrestling. Rogers also used underhanded tactics whenever the ref was distracted. Simmons fought back trying to use his brute strength. Simmons leveled Rogers with a vicious shoulder block that dropped Rogers. The crowd responded to Simmons who went right after Rogers who backed up on his knees pleading for forgiveness. Rogers suckered Simmons in and then threw a thumb to the eye. The ref moved in and gave a warning to Rogers who said that it was an accident. Rogers executed a brilliant back suplex on Simmons. Rogers started taunting the front row again, and picked up Simmons. He looked around and then hit "The Hustle" for the three count.

Winner: Rip Rogers by The Hustle (pinfall) at 7:07

**Commercial Break**

The camera comes back to Les Thatcher and Boris Malenko who stall as Ron Simmons and Rip Rogers clear the ring. Thatcher and Malenko talk about the upcoming matches for the evening. After mentioning the tag team showdown as part of the double main event, music hits the speakers.

Announcer: Coming down the aisle, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Austin Idol!

Idol walked out arrogantly, flaunting to some of the ladies in the first few rows. Idol took off his robe before entering the ring, and then proceeded to stretch before his opponent was announced.

Announcer: His opponent hailing from Quebec, Canada, Rick Martel!

Martel ran down the aisle full of excitement, high-fiving all the fans reaching their hands out. Martel climbed into the ring and went to stand on the turnbuckles to pump up the crowd, but Idol attacked him from behind and then the bell was rung.

Austin Idol v. Rick Martel

Idol threw a flurry of right hands into Martel's face to befin the contest. The crowd shouted with their displeasure because of Idol's sneak attack. Idol attempted to irish whip Martel in to the corner, but Martel reversed it and followed it up with a clothesline of his own. Idol feeling the momentum change rolled out of the ring while the crowd rallied behind Martel. The ref got to the count of six before Idol appeared back on the apron. Idol told Martel to get back before he entered the ring, and Martel promptly did. Idol and Martel met in the center of the ring for the proper tie-up. Idol backed Martel up in the corner, and the ref told them to seperate. Idol slowly backed up then hit a right jab on the chin of Rick Martel. Idol continued to control the early part of the match with quick strikes and pushing the limits of the referee. The crowd started clapping to try and get Martel back in the match while Idol had him down on the mat with a side headlock. Martel's foot started to tap with the beat of the claps, and Martel got back to one knee, then two. Martel hit an elbow in the midsection of Idol and continued to pound away until Idol released the headlock. Martel fired back with an irish whip, and back body dropped Idol. Idol laid on the ground and Martel looked around, and the crowd cheered so Martel moved in and grabbed both legs of Idol. Austin kicked Martel off, and rolled out of the ring. Austin Idol got up and begun to walk out, saying he did not need this sort of match. The referee continued to count, and hit the magic number ten. Martel looked disappointed, but still walked out with the win.

Winner: Rick Martel via Countout at 13:13

**Commercial Break**

  • Paul Orndorff was backstage with Rick Stewart and talked about his upcoming match.
  • He trash talked Steve Keirn, and ranted about how he was one of the top wrestlers in the GWF.
  • Orndorff smirked when mentioning he was one of the most wonderful talents to grace wrestling.

The camera came back out to the shot of the ring where another wrestler stood with a referee. Rick Gibson was being checked for weapons when the announcer grabbed the mic and announced his opponent.

Announcer: His opponent, walking down the aisle, from Rome, Georgia, Arn Anderson!

Arn walked down to ringside and simply walked straight up the steps and into the ring.

Arn Anderson v. Rick Gibson

Arn forced Rick back into the corner at the very start of the match and started to pound him with lefts and rights. Arn dominated the match with power and technical ability. Arn focused on the head of Gibson by dropping him head first with a piledriver. Arn continued to focus on the head and neck region all match. After Anderson picked Rick up from the mat, Arn irish whipped Gibson into the corner with a lot of power. Gibson stumbled out to a boot in the gut, and Arn dropped him with a DDT for the pin.

Winner: Arn Anderson by DDT (pinfall) at 3:31

  • Bobby "The Brain" Heenan came out from the back with the Road Warriors following him.
  • Heenan and the Road Warriors entered the ring, and Heenan hugged Arn Anderson while he high fived Hawk and Animal.
  • Heenan grabbed a mic and mentioned how his new family was going to destroy the GWF one by one.

**Commercial Break**

After the break the camera shows the referee in the ring along with the ring announcer.

Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 215 pounds, and hailing from Tampa, Florida, Steve Keirn!

Keirn walked to the ring high-fiving fans. Keirn seemed to be focused on the task at hand, but still staying in good graces with the crowd.

Announcer: His opponent standing at 6 feet, Paul Orndorff!

Orndorff came out in a flashy robe while threatning to smack some of the kids that were booing him in the front row. Orndorff disrobed outside the ring, and stepped in to the squared circle.

Paul Orndorff v. Steve Keirn

Orndorff and Keirn circled each other as the bell rang and jumped in to a tie-up. Neither Orndorff and Keirn had an advantage so they broke the tie-up and backed away. Orndorff kciked Keirn in the gut when he moved in for a second attempt at a tie-up and irish whipped him in the ropes for a back body drop. Orndorff moved around very methodically throughout the early portion of the match. Orndorff chose his moments to apply extreme pressure. Keirn started to fight back after the crowd energized him enough to stand up with Orndorff, but Paul grabbed some hair and drug him back to the canvas in an armbar. The crowd started cheering harder for Keirn, some chants started to both Orndorff, who was trying to make them stop. Keirn fought out of the armlock and started to mount a comeback against Orndorff. Keirn fired with rights and lefts, and irish whipped Orndorff in the ropes for a vicious clothesline. The crowd was firmly behind Keirn who mounted offense quickly and could start to taste victory. Keirn hit a brilliant suplex on Orndorff and went for a pin, but managed to only get a two count. Keirn picked Paul up, and tried to execute a quick roll up, but still only managed to get a two count. Orndorff was picked up by his hair, and Keirn was asking the crowd if he should finish him off, and the crowd responded with an asounding yes. Keirn irish whipped Orndorff in to the ropes, but Orndorff ducked the clothesline attempt and kicked Keirn in the gut. Paul grabbed him by the tights and shoved him between his legs, and pulled him up for his signature piledriver. Orndorff sat down executing his finisher, and rolled on top for the three count, escaping with a victory as the crowd boo'ed.

Winner by Piledriver (pinfall) at 12:46

  • Rick Stewart was standing with Ricky Steamboat and Wahoo McDaniel backstage.
  • Steamboat and Wahoo seemed very eager to battle the team of Terry Gordy and The Assassin.
  • Wahoo also mentioned how the good guys always finish first, and tonight would be no different.

**Commercial Break**

The show returned with a referee and announcer once again standing in the ring.

Announcer: Coming to the ring weighing in at a combined weight of 519 pounds, the team of Terry Gordy and The Assassin!

Gordy and The Assassin walked to the ring in a very mean manner, The Assassin being all business while Gordy yelled at the crowd. Gordy and The Assassin entered the ring and scared the referee in to backing up while they taunted.

Announcer: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 515 pounds, the team of Ricky Steamboat and Wahoo McDaniel!

The crowd cheered madly for this team as Wahoo came out in full head dress and Steamboat came jogging out high fiving the fans down the aisle. Steamboat waited on Wahoo before entering the ring against Gordy and The Assassin.

The Assassin and Terry Gordy v. Ricky Steamboat and Wahoo McDaniel

Steamboat decided that he should start first for his team, while The Assassin started for his. The Assassin came right after Steamboat, but he used his speed and agility to duck and hit The Assassin with a few chops to back him in a corner. Steamboat tried to irish whip The Assassin, but it got reversed and Steamboat went in the opposite corner. The Assassin went running to close the gap, but Steamboat moved again hitting quick chops to his chest. Steamboat made the quick tag to McDaniel, and they double irish whipped The Assassin in to the ropes and leveled him with a double knife edge chop. Wahoo picked up the Assassin as Gordy complained about the double team from his corner. McDaniel kept the offense up for his team, and tagged in Steamboat once again. Steamboat went charging at The Assassin, who ducked and turned the referee aside as Gordy nailed Steamboat with a right hand. The Assassin then made the tag out to Gordy. Gordy and The Assassin continued to shield their wrong doings from the referee's eyes. Gordy and The Assassin kept quick tags going while wearing Steamboat out with brute force. Wahoo tried to energize the crowd by stomping his feet, and the crowd got behind them to try and provide support to Steamboat. Ricky fought back and came close to tagging out before Gordy dropped him with a clothesline to his back, and drug him back in their own corner. The Assassin was tagged back in by Gordy, but Ricky tripped The Assassin and leaped for the tag to Wahoo. Wahoo came in like a ball of fire and started to chop down both Gordy and The Assassin. Steamboat rolled out on to the floor in pain from being dominated by both Gordy and The Assassin for most of the match. McDaniel battled with Terry Gordy, and then while the referee was looking The Assassin came back in and nailed Wahoo low with a chop block. The referee called for the bell to disqualify them, but they continued to put the boots to Wahoo, until Steamboat revived and came back in to run them off.

Winners: Ricky Steamboat and Wahoo McDaniel via Disqualification at 14:54

**Commercial Break**

The show came back once more with the camera backstage with Rick Stewart and Tommy Rich

  • Tommy Rich was being interviewed backstage by Rick Stewart, and was his normal hyper self.
  • Rich expressed his hatred for Buzz Saywer, but said he would not stoop to his level.
  • He ended the interview by pointing to the camera and storming off to prepare for the match.

Announcer: Now it is time for our Main Event. First coming down the aisle weighing in at 230 pounds and hailing from St. Petersburg, Florida, Buzz Sawyer!

Buzz came snarling like a mad man down the aisle way at all the fans, and entered the ring running around. Buzz got into his position and was checked by the referee

Announcer: His opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, and hailing from Hendersonville, Tennessee, "Wildfire" Tommy Rich!

Rich ran down to ringside, all the while staring at Buzz Sawyer, and high fiving the fans. Wildfire stepped in the ring and was checked by the referee as well.

Buzz Sawyer v. Tommy Rich

Buzz and Wildfire circled each other and went in for the tie-up, but Buzz knee'd Rich in the guy and irish whipped him for another knee to the gut. Buzz and Tommy went at it back and forth with fury. Sawyer slowed the tempo down that favored Tommy Rich, and started to try and wear him down with illegal chokes and moves, but would always release before the five count. Sawyer mounted Tommy and dropped five closed fists to his face, and stood up while the referee gave another warning to Buzz. Sawyer picked up Tommy and irish whipped him in to the ropes, and Rich fired back with a desperation clothesline as the crowd erupted. Rich and Sawyer battled up to their feet and went at it toe to toe one more time, but the strength of Sawyer got the better of Rich, but Rich ducked the last right hand and pushed Sawyer in the corner. When Buzz turned around Tommy was there to meet him with a boot to the midsection and picked him up for a big time suplex. Tommy rolled over on top for only a two count as Buzz still had some fight left in him. Tommy started to pick Buzz up when Sawyer poked him in the eye, which the referee did not see. Sawyer began another onslaught on Tommy Rich. Sawyer used his strength to his advantage and began to put doubt in the crowds minds if Tommy could fire back up one more time. Buzz irish whipped him in the corner, and he stumbled out in the arms of Buzz Sawyer who picked him up for his Powerslam. Buzz connected with his finisher, and the referee hit the mat with a one, two, but Tommy Rich threw his shoulder up right before the three. Buzz Sawyer was livid, he marched over to the ref and declared that it was a three count. The argument was to no avail, but when Buzz turned back around Rich applied a small package. The referee jumped to the ground and his hands hit the canvas three times, and the crowd went ballistic as Tommy Rich rolled out of the ring. Buzz jumped up in disbelief as Tommy made his way up the aisle way with his hand raised as the show went off the air.

Winner: Tommy Rich by Small Package (pinfall) at 15:57

One Golden Night ended with a good match by Tommy Rich and Buzz Sawyer. The crowd of around 10,000 was jumping up and down, and exited after the show went off the air.

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My mood is going to change.

Here I am waiting on this chilly Monday for a phone call by a department of ABC to hear about our show, and how it faired. Not like I have anything better to do this evening that spend it inside waiting by the phone. We taped those segments prior to the show beginning, and had the ABC editors peice them in where we said to. I watched the show to see how they turned out, and I am happy with the turn out. Now I must wait for the results of the random focus group ABC put together to see how I connected with the audience, and how we did in the ratings.

10:21am and the phone finally rings. ABC informs me that the show did ok, nothing spectacular, but ok. They told me that the show was probably good for the purpose of have a special. The ABC executive mentioned that the focus groups were hoping for more of the interviews as opposed to the somewhat drawn out matches that were shown on television. I understand where they are coming from, but I did have to present my promotion for what it is about, and with only an hour and a half to do so it does not leave that much time for chit chat. He said that ABC was satisfied with the turnout and it may be possible for another special somewhere in the upcoming months if their schedule permitted so.

What can I say, first time out of the gate and we had our flaws like many could imagine, but still faired decently in the eyes of the executives.

Signing another puzzle peice.

8:34pm, and I have reached a settlement with Pat Patterson to join the roster, but as we agreed on, not a full time wrestler. He was concerned with his age, but still wanted to preform in ring, but I proposed something that would allow him to wrestle on certain occasions, but to help us along backstage and in the public. Pat will be an on screen figure who will act on the behalf of our "committee" if he sees fit. Pat will try to straighten out our promotion, or at least this will be his way of acting. I can not express how relieved I am to have another knowledgebale person on the roster to keep the guys on the right path. Having veterens like Boris Malenko, Pat Patterson, and Wahoo McDaniel will help the younger guys, but continue to help improve GWF in other ways.

I have set up the guys to work around the area three times a week to keep in shape while I try and work out some more deals to try and get us more exposure. I'm not sure how I can do this, but maybe ABC will be willing to put on another special in the upcoming months. August will have to try and set up another deal to move us forward, and not backward.

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Dude is this being done on TEW or EWR? I like the concept and how you haven't given yourself a regular tv deal straight away. Bravo for avoiding that temptation. Are you aware of all of the talents you have or are you creating charecters for the guys you dont know? Always wondered as I've wanted to do a mid 80's diary myself but I dont know as many people as I do now. Best of luck with this.

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Taking what I can get.

ABC called August and myself back two weeks later that they would be giving us another special. This time on the third week in April, for one hour. Sure it may be a half an hour less, but when you need exposure, and have nothing to negotiate with you have to agree. This gives me about two months to prepare for my next set of interviews and matches. I will bring Pat Patterson on television for our next trip, and try to think of some way to make this a big deal to the public. I'll be bringing in Pat, Boris, Gene, and Eddie for a discussion about some ideas to market our promotion in the upcoming week.

In the next week they should be stopping by to discuss where we should go. I am a firm believer in working together, and these guys have been around to see what works and what generates interest. All of the workers seem happy only working three days, if that, and not having to travel around with other promotions, so the morale is looking good for us. I give them a weekly schedule of who is to work, and what dates so they don't get over worked with our roster size. The younger guys work more dates to try and improve their skills, and gives rest to our older guys. August gives the guys free Budweiser products every once in awhile, which is a nice gesture, and allows our guys to kick back and relax. I'm trying my best to moniter consumption, as to not allow them to get drunk before a match, or devolop an addiction.

A group meeting at the house.

Malenko, Kinisky, and Sharkley all showed up together at my door step. I invited them in and we sat down to wait on Patterson to arrive, as this would be his first official meeting with other workers of my promotion. I gave all the guys the run down on what we need to discuss:

  • Ideas about matches.
  • New ways to generate interest.
  • Ways to seperate us from the other promotions in America.
Patterson showed up about fifteen minutes later with a few papers, and introduced himself around the table just as a formality. We all sat around to discuss the main points of focus, and Boris was the first to chime in. He thought that it might be a good idea to add a few more members to the Heenan family, and the others guys tended to agree, but I made sure to mention that the prospect that should be showcased is Arn Anderson. I think he could benefit greatly from this faction, and with the charisma that Heenan has it should be a good match.

Sharkley and Kinisky seemed to chip in with how the boys interacted, and seemed to have some good chemistry, and I made sure that they interject their voice incase they see that two may not have the right chemistry together, as they did after the Ron Simmons and Rip Rogers match on the last ABC show. This way while someone may suggest another match or group, if they see any problems they can make sure to stop the proceedings before they go any further.

We finally got around to ways to seperate us and to generate interest, and Pat had a smile across his face but did not try to speak up above the others. I asked Patterson is he had any ideas, and sure enough he started in on one of the greatest ideas I have ever heard of. He said while he was wrestling out in California he took part in what he called the "Cow Palace Battle Royal". He mentioned that we could begin to out do that event, and said it may be a great annual event that could draw interest as it has not really been attempted on this scale. Battle Royal's are common, but on this notion using it as a gimmick to get us exposure is a great idea. The other guys seemed responsive, and I was estatic. The details of the match were laid out, and the way to set it up was also put forth, and now it was just time to work a deal out with the closed circuit providers to try to broadcast the event.

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I love the research and attention to details, although you could have mentioned that Patterson not only took part in the Cow Palace Battle Royal, but won the last one in 1981. Great way to incorporate the idea in and I can only assume you're going to beat the WWF to the "Royal Rumble" concept? The matches don't really draw me in, but as usual with your stuff, I can tell the booking is going to be the strong point. With a potentially loaded roster, I wonder who will get pushes similar to those they had in real life and who may get overlooked.

I understand the reasoning for Heenan being the mouthpiece for Arn, but don't like it. I love Arn's promo's and hopefully, in the future of course, he can break out from Heenan and show that he can carry himself on the mic.

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Preparation is the key to success.

Phone calls here, phone calls there, phone calls going everywhere. At least that is what it feels like. Trying to set up the next show, which has the origanal name, "GWF Presents: Gold Rush". Getting matches and segments in line, doing some select filming like interviews. Talking with the ABC and Busch executives about advertising and so forth. It has just been hectic. Apart from working on the next shows I have had talks with Pat Patterson about his big battle royal idea, and how we can work that out.

Boris, Eddie, and Gene have been working with all the guys on the small tours around the area. Working smaller venues using the basic television matches we had. Slight variations here and there, maybe a tag match putting Buzz and Tommy on the opposite sides instead of the one on one battles. I brought Bobby Heenan in to discuss the "Heenan Family", and mentioned that I was going to try and negotiate with another star for that. I mentioned the name, and he seemed pleased, although I am worried about his function in the group.

Two Weeks Later

Show time is nearing, and another contracted worker has been added. I managed to steal another AWA worker from under Gagne's feet. Although this may have hurt my international appeal in Japan, as Masa Saito is the newest member of the roster. I think he will fit in well with what I am looking for. Masa and myself sat and talk about his role, and for the most part he seemed satisfied.

I've been rejected by a few carriers for closed circuit television, but I still have a few more to call. As mentioned this has been a very busy time for the GWF with another big upcoming show. Trying to get our name more out there to the masses. I have a few matches announced in the promotional ads, Arn Anderson v. Jesse Barr, Gino Hernandez and Jose Lathario v. Brickhouse Brown and Bob Roop, and the main event for the evening Ricky Steamboat battling Bobby Jaggers. I also had them put in an announcement that the commissioner of the GWF would make a statement. Our idea is that this "commissioner" will be a breif on screen character that carries out the orders of the owner, president, committee, etc.

The show awaits, and hopefully it brings bigger and better things to the GWF.

Edited by ACCBiggz
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  • 1 month later...

Gold Rush

Springfield, MO - John Q. Hammons Center, show taped on Thursday aired on Saturday on ABC.

Pre Show: Jake Roberts d. Ron Simmons at 11:37 via the DDT. Simmons looked very uncomfortable during the bout, but was carried by the more experienced Roberts.

The show begins with the crowd cheering, and little kids trying to get on camera by jumping and waving. The camera pans around the small arena and fades to Les Thatcher and Boris Malenko sitting at the announcer's tables ready to call the action. Thatcher and Malenko go down the three scheduled matches for the evening, and also mention that the head of the GWF Committee, Pat Patterson, will be making a huge announcement later in the evening. Jesse Barr is standing in the ring being checked for weapons by the referee when the announcer takes over.

Announcer: Standing in the ring hailing from Portland, Oregon, Jesse Barr! And his opponent coming down the aisle with his manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, from Rome, Georgia, Arn Anderson!

Anderson walked down to ringside, but before stepping in to the ring he was instructed by Heenan. Anderson nodded his head and stepped in to the ring, and waited for the action to begin.

Arn Anderson v. Jesse Barr

Anderson and Barr circled one another before doing the tie-up. Anderson and Barr match up evenly strength wise, but Anderson managed to shove him in to the ropes and hit a shoulder block that sent Barr to the mat. Anderson controlled the match early on by focusing on the head and neck region of Barr. Barr was gaining the support of the fans with his comeback on Anderson. Heenan was outside screaming at the referee, but there were no infractions by Jesse Barr. Barr continued to fight with heart, and mount a nice comeback against Anderson. Barr sent Anderson in to the ropes and hit a niec clothesline putting Arn on his back. Barr hit an elbow drop and tried for the pin but only got a two count. Barr picked Arn up, and sinched in a side headlock, but Arn countered with a back drop. When Barr got up from the mat Heenen jumped to the apron and got the refs attention. An asian man came from the back and side kicked Jesse Barr making him bend over in pain, and then Anderson hit a DDT for the pin.

Winner: Arn Anderson via DDT (pinfall) at 7:45

  • Heenan grabbed the mic and introduced the newest member of the family, Masa Saito.
  • Heenan began to talk about how the family works together to achieve greatness.
  • The Brain concluded the interview making a case for Arn Anderson to wear gold in the near future.

**Commercial Break**

After the break the scene opens with Rick Stewart standing with Jose Lathario and Gino Hernandez

  • Hernandez talks about the upcoming match against Bob Roop and Brickhouse Brown.
  • Lothario talks about how they are the ultimate team here in the GWF.
  • Gino and Jose start to smile and flex as the interview ends.
  • The scene shifts to staff trying to break up a scuffle between The Assassin and Wahoo McDaniel. They shout back and forth while being held apart.

The camera cuts back to the ring where the Announcer stands with the mic.

Announcer: Making their way down the aisle, weighing in at a combined weight of 497 pounds, the team of Bob Roop and Brickhouse Brown!

The crowd was underwhelmed, but responded to the harassment of the team. Boo's flew in from the crowd as the team ran their mouths while getting in to the ring.

Announcer: Their opponents coming down the aisle, from Highland Park, Texas, weighing in at 520 pounds, the team of Jose Lothario and Gino Hernandez!

Jose and Gino came out running down the aisle, and the high energy got the crowd up and going. The children were in to this teams energy, and cheered them on.

Bob Roop and Brickhouse Brown v. Jose Lothario and Gino Hernandez

Bob Roop and Gino Hernandez started off the bout for their respective teams, sending their teammates outside to hang on to the corner rope. Roop won the tie-up getting Hernandez in a sidehead lock. Hernandez was worn down as Roop cranked it, and let go only to double leg Gino to the canvas. Roop used his amateur ability to ground Hernandez, and continue an attack dropping some elbows. Roop tagged out to Brown, who came in and isolated Gino early back in to their corner. Brickhouse and Roop continued some quick tagging and kept Jose out of the match. Hernandez started to catch fire, throwing rights and lefts to the opposing team and finally making the tag out to Jose who came in hot. Lothario clotheslined and bodyslammed Brickhouse and Bob Roop respectivly. Roop gor leveled by another Lothario clothesline and rolled out of the ring. Hernandez was back on his feet on the outside as Lothario pummeled Brown, and finally bodyslammed him and tagged back out. Gino saw Brickhouse laying there and climbed up the turnbuckles facing the crowd, and jumped off backwards to hit the flying elbow for the three count as Roop was just getting back up from the outside.

Winners: Gino Hernandez and Jose Lothario by Reverse Flying Elbow (Hernandez, Pinfall) at 6:50

**Commercial Break**

Back from another commercial break we are backstage with Rick Stewart standing with Ricky Steamboat

  • Steamboat talked about his upcoming match against Bobby Jaggers.
  • He also touched on Wahoo being attacked by The Assassin.
  • Ricky Steamboat ended the interview with a smile saying that once again he would prove himself victorious in the GWF.

The scene shifts to a shot of the lockeroom showing Tommy Rich walking alone backstage.

  • Tommy Rich is walking backstage in street clothes when he is jumped.
  • Buzz Sawyer leveled Rich with a cheap shot and continued to hammer him with stiff blows.
  • Staff members once again break up another backstage altercation.

The camera comes back to arena, with Thatcher and Malenko talking about the cheap shot by Buzz Saywer, and preparing themselves for the upcoming bout between Steamboat and Jaggers.

Announcer: First making his way down the aisle from Vancouver, Washington, weighing in at 263 pounds and standing six feet tall, Bobby Jaggers!

Jaggers came out with a stern looked face, and shunned the kids at ringside. Jaggers was wearing a cowboy hat, and took it off after he entered the ring.

Announcer: His opponent hailing from Honolulu, Hawaii, standing 5'10", and weighing in at 235 pounds, Ricky Steamboat!!

Steamboat came out wearing his Gi and high-fiving the excited fans. Steamboat got up in the ring, and removed the entrance attire before being checked by the ref.

Bobby Jaggers v. Ricky Steamboat

Jaggers and Steamboat started the bout the normal way with a tie-up, but Jaggers put a thumb to Steamboats eye shortly after gaining the early momentum. Jaggers bodyslammed Steamboat to the mat, and went for an elbow drop, but Steamboat rolled out of the way. Both competitors made it back to their feet, and squared off again. Momentum was with Steamboat this time, and he irish whipped Jaggers in to the corner. Steamboat followed up with a clothesline, and while Jaggers was still in the corner threw some rights to the body before the ref stepped in. When the ref stepped in, Jaggers nailed Steamboat and siezed an advantage. Jaggers kept control of the match, but the fans would not let Steamboat go down without a fight. They started to clap their hands and revive Ricky. Steamboat got back to his feet and used a second wind to battle Jaggers. Steamboat finally got significant control with a suplex, and then he pointed to the top rope to the fans deleight. Ricky went to the top, and when Jaggers got back to his feet he was met with a Flying Bodypress that put him down for good. The ref counted the three to the fans enjoyment.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat by Flying Bodypress (pinfall) at 8:50

**Commercial Break**

Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the Chair of the Committee, Mr. Pat Patterson!

Patterson came from the back with a suit on ready to make the much anticipated announcement. With a mic in hand as he entered the squared circle, the crowd silenced as he spoke.

Pat Patterson: I have elected to come out here tonight to announce that we will determine a World Champion soon here in the GWF. The questions surronding this are sure to come about how we will select the participants for the championship. Well ladies and gentlemen, we will crown the first ever GWF World Champion at an event in the near future with a new match. You have all seen battle royales with 20 men trying to throw each other over the top rope, but we are going to innovate on that idea. There will not be 20 men battle royale, instead there will be a 30 man over the top rope match. The committee will select the thirty participants on the basis of how they have preformed to this point, and how they continue to preform in the upcoming events. The champion will be crowned in our first closed circuit event coming very shortly. Thank you, good night, and drive safely.

Gold Rush ends with the announcement that will crown our first champion soon enough. The crowd was looking for more information about when the event will happen, but were satified with how Patterson delivered it.

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Preperation turns to damage control.

Another ABC special down, and we had to go back in to the offices to see what we could do for some more time on air. The ABC executives have decided that they will give us two one-hour specials in May, sounds fantastic right? Wrong. They will be morning shows, two weeks apart from each other. Once again we are not in a position to demand anything out of them, but you can not help but be depressed when it seems we are always going backwards.

Then it got worse.

At an untaped show in southern Missouri, during the Main Event, Ricky Steamboat rolled his ankle in a vicious fashion. Luckily for us it was toward the end of the match, but regardless we rushed Ricky to the nearest emergency room to get everything checked out. Gene Kinisky took him in and called me later that evening with the news that he would be out of action for about two and a half months with ligament damage.

The next day I invited the road agents and Pat Patterson to my house to discuss the course of action to take. How should we handle this? What about the big 30 man battle royal coming up in June? We all discussed that we would like to have Ricky film a few segments, and then he should go back home to be with his family. In this business you are constantly on your road, so whenever they can go home, I think they should go. No doubt that this really hurt our upcoming shows as he was a big component for this company.

Patterson, the road agents, and I decided to focus now on the upcoming shows in May, which will be titled "Backstreet Battle" and "Backstreet Battle II". We are trying to decide what to do on these shows to lead in to the show that we are still trying to get on Closed Circuit TV. If we can not get on Closed Circuit nationally, we'll do Closed Circuit in the Mid-West region, and then produce this on a video to sell through various venues that we can get the tapes out through the country.

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April showers bring May flowers.

Now here at the beginning of May I have recieved word of a few promotions that have closed their doors because of seemingly mounting financial concerns. All-Star Wrestling, Southeastern Championship Wrestling, and Southwest Championship Wrestling have all shut down operations. This leaves two wrestlers out of work that I have contacted about becoming members of the GWF roster, Wayne Ferris and Tully Blanchard.

Negotiations should start after Backstreet Battle. Another wrestler was let go by his respective promotion so I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring him in for some discussions. Michael Hayes will be joining Blanchard and Ferris as wrestlers to have negotiations soon. And two wrestlers have had drug issues, luckily not on my roster. The Dynamite Kid tested postive for some sort of drug after being pulled over by police, and Billy Jack Haynes was rushed to a hospital after overdosing. No word on what drugs were taken, but we wish both a healthy recovery.

The biggest news is that ESPN and GWF have agreed on a television deal that will last three seasons for us. GWF Pro Wrestling will debut soon in the Friday night slot at 10:00 to 11:00. I will hold a company meeting with the roster and staff to discuss that we will no longer run Wednesday shows around the area, but instead will be running them with cameras. The shows will be taped at these Wednesday shows, and then broadcast on Friday. I can not help but thank ESPN for agreeing on the contract, and hopefully it will bring big things to us in the future.

And finally, an update on our Closed-Circuit deal. Nothing, Closed-Circuit Technologies declined our negotiations claiming they already had enough wrestling promotions on their bill, and then turned around a week later and signing Georgia Championship Wrestling. Apprently GCW talked them out of supporting us and I will not forget this in the future. Hopefully with the TV show we will be able to run shows deep in the heart of Georgia very soon.

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Backstreet Battle

Waterloo, IA - McElroy Auditorium, taped on Thursday aired on Saturday morning on ABC.

Pre Show:

Jake Roberts d. Rick Gibson at 5:55 via DDT. - Solid bout, Roberts looked good.

The Midnight Express d. Jesse Barr and Wendell Cooley in 8:39 when Bobby Eaton nailed Wendell Cooley with an Alabama Jam.

The show began with a graphic saying the building name and title of the event. The crowd was packed in to the McElroy Auditorium. Fans of all ages were waving to the camera as it cut to Boris Malenko and Les Thatcher at the booth. Thatcher welcomed everyone and they jumped right in to discussing Patteron's announcement. They began to lead in to the opening match while The Italian Stallion and Ron Simmons were in the ring.

Announcer: Standing in the ring weighing in at a combined weight of 530 pounds, the team of The Italian Stallion and Ron Simmons!

There were a few claps, but nothing for these newcomers to really consider as support from the crowd.

Announcer: Their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 530 pounds, and being led to the ring by their manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Hawk, Animal, The Road Warriors!

Heenan had the Road Warriors ready for business as the stern look on their faces proved. Animal and Hawk made their way to the ring and disgarded their entrance equipment. Hawk decides to start for the Road Warriors as the Italian Stallion does for his team.

The Italian Stallion and Ron Simmons v. The Road Warriors

The Italian Stallion and Hawk squared off in the center of the ring and tied up. Hawk irish whipped Stallion in to the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline as he stuck out his tounge. Hawk continued to dominate The Italian Stallion throughout the early part of the match. Hawk tagged out to Animal as he pulled Stallion over to their side of the ring. Animal entered and began to pummel on The Italian Stallion. Animal used his power to punish The Stallion as he tried to get to Ron Simmons at every opportunity. Animal irish whipped Stallion but was hit with a diving elbow as The Italian Stallion came back off the ropes. The fans cheered him on as he got up to make the tag to the fresh Ron Simmons. Simmons came in and started to bodyslam both Road Warriors, and screamed with his excitement. He threw Hawk from the ring, and hit the ropes as Animal was starting to get up, but Bobby Heenan grabbed his foot as he came closer to the ropes. Simmons turned around to yell at Heenan, and when he turned back around to focus on Animal he was met with a vicious spinebuster. Animal made the tag to Hawk, and he climbed to the top rope as Animal put Simmons on his shoulders. Hawk flew off connecting with a top rope clothesline. Animal knocked Stallion off the apron as the ref counted the three.

Winners: The Road Warriors by top rope clothesline (Hawk, pinfall) at 8:27

  • Arn Anderson and Masa Saito came out from the back as Bobby Heenan grabbed the mic.
  • Heenan again talked about his family and their quest to dominate the GWF.
  • The four members gathered around Heenan as he finished the promo.

**Commercial Break**

As the video came back from commercial Gino Hernandez and Jose Lothario are together in the ring with a mic.

  • Gino and Jose put themselves out there as the best team in the GWF.
  • Gino talked about how the GWF will soon see Tag Team Champions.
  • They left the ring after the promo about how they are the best team and setting out to get gold together.

The scene cuts to Rick Stewart backstage with Tommy Rich

  • Rich talks about how he will repay Buzz Sawyer for what he did at the last show.
  • Tommy Rich talks about the 30 man battle royale set for the first big show by GWF.
  • Rich finally said that he would win the event and become the first GWF World Champion.

**Commercial Break**

The show comes back to a shot of Pat Patterson standing in the ring with a mic and a concerned look on his face.

  • Pat Patterson told the fans that Ricky Steamboat injured his leg at a GWF event.
  • He told the fans that Ricky Steamboat would be out of action for nearly two months.
  • Patterson ended on saying that upon Steamboat's return he would address what happened and return to action.

Backstage Rick Stewart is standing with Buzz Sawyer

  • Buzz begins by saying he is not concerned with the pretty boy Tommy Rich and his threats.
  • Sawyer continues on about the battle royale and the GWF World Championship.
  • Buzz Sawyer ends the interview talking about his match-up for the night against Wahoo McDaniel.

**Commercial Break**

The show returns backstage with Rick Stewart standing with Terry Gordy

  • Gordy says that he is the toughest man in the GWF and will prove it.
  • He issused an open challenge to anyone for Backstreet Battle II.
  • Terry Gordy ended the interview with Rick Stewart and walked away.

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the evening's Main Event. First coming down the aisle weighing in at 230 pounds, and hailing from St. Petersburg, Florida, Buzz Sawyer!

The crowd erupted in boo's directed at Buzz Sawyer. He made his way down the aisle and rolled in the ring. He was checked for weapons and illegal objects as the announcer introduced his opponent.

Announcer: His opponent, coming down the aisle, weighing in at 280 pounds and hailing from Midland, Texas, Wahoo McDaniel!

The crowd cheered for the fan favorite as he made his way to ringside with headdress on and war paint. Wahoo removed his entrance attire and got in the ring to do battle with Buzz.

Buzz Sawyer v. Wahoo McDaniel

Sawyer and McDaniel went to tie-up, but Buzz put a knee in to the gut of Wahoo and then nailed him with a right hand. Sawyer kept the tempo of the match high to not let Wahoo catch a breath. Sawyer kept up the pace, but it was making him tired as well so he grounded Wahoo with a side headlock and kept him on the mat. Wahoo started to gain some strength as the crowd rallied around him. Wahoo made it back to one knee, and then to two. McDaniel hit consecutive elbows to the gut of Sawyer breaking the headlock and then began to chop him in to the corner. As the ref tried to break them up Buzz snuck a thumb to the eye and regained the upper hand. Sawyer bodyslammed Wahoo to the mat and missed with a follow-up elbow. Wahoo and Buzz got up at the same time and squared off again. Wahoo irish whipped Buzz in to the corner, and Wahoo wound up for the tomahawk chop, but Buzz saw it coming and stopped and rolled underneath the rope and started to back up the aisleway. He looked at Wahoo shaking his head no as the ref counted to ten.

Winner: Wahoo McDaniel by countout at 13:19

As Buzz walked backwards down the aisleway he was attacked by Tommy Rich. Rich leveled Sawyer with punches on the ground as officials rushed from the back to break them apart as Backstreet Battle went off the air. Rich, beaing held apart by officials was continuing to yell at Sawyer.

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Moving Along Nicely.

After Backstreet Battle I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Michael Hayes, Tully Blanchard, and Wayne Ferris about working for the GWF. Ferris was the first to sign a deal, and wanted to talk to me at a later date about an idea he had for a gimmick. I was happy that he was quick to jump on a deal and join the roster to help us achieve depth. Tully Blanchard also signed a deal to work for us, and we will be talking with him and hopefully he will be in good ring shape to work the upcoming shows. Finally Michael Hayes came in and demanded a lot of money that I was not willing to pay. Hayes and I quickly broke off talks, but I did wish him well in the future.

With these two men joining the roster I now turn my focus to sign a few bigger names to some short term deals, or special apperence deals to help fill out the 30 man battle royale that is planned to determine the champion of the promotion. The plate is definatly full as I now plan for that and the upcoming Backstreet Battle II that is going to happen later this week.

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Backstreet Battle II

St. Paul, Minnesota - Roy Wilkins Auditorium, taped on Thursday aired on Saturday morning on ABC.


Austin Idol d. Italian Stallion at 6:52 after using foreign object.

Jesse Barr d. Tony Anthony at 7:20 via Piledriver.

ABC begins to air the show with the graphic saying where the GWF is holding the event. Les Thatcher and Boris Malenko introduce themselves and talk about what happened last week, and the upcoming matches for the evening. Malenko mentioned that the announcer was about to start the show with the first match.

Announcer: Coming down the aisle weighing in at a combined weight of 440 pounds, the team of Rick Gibson and Steve Keirn!

Rick and Steve walked to the ring showing support for the crowd by high fiving them and smiling as they made their way to the ring.

Announcer: Their opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 493 pounds, and coming to the ring led by their manager Jim Cornette, The Midnight Express!

Cornette came out with a tennis racket and led Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey to the ring. They removed their gear while Cornette gave them instructions for the bout.

The Midnight Express v. Rick Gibson and Steve Keirn

Bobby Eaton and Rick Gibson were to start off the bout as their teammates held on to the rope in their respective corners. Gibson got the early advantage out of the tie-up, but Eaton shrugged him off in to the ropes only to be met with a shoulder block that would send him down to the canvas. Rick kept up the offense and worked Eaton back in to the corner while Gibson tagged out to Steve Keirn. Keirn came in and kept the offense going for his team, but Cornette distracted the ref allowing Condrey to come in and turn the tide. Condrey snuck back out after clotheslining Keirn, and allowed Eaton to tag out. Condrey came in and quickly isolated Keirn. Condrey bodyslammed him and then dropped a heavy elbow to the chest of Keirn. Gibson looked on, and tried to confront the ref about Cornette. Jim Cornette jumped to the apron causing Gibson to run in, and Eaton came in while the ref was turned around. Eaton picked Keirn up and suplexed him back down before tagging out again. Condrey pointed to Gibson and bodyslammed Steve Keirn to the mat, and then making the tag one more time. Bobby Eaton climbed to the top rope and hit his Alabama Jam. Eaton made the cover, and Cornette held the leg of Gibson keeping him from entering the ring as the ref counted the three.

Winners: The Midnight Express by Alabama Jam (Eaton, pinfall) at 12:46.

  • Cornete grabbed a mic and climbed in the ring to talk about the win.
  • Cornette said that at Rope Wars The Midnight Express issue a challenge to Gino Hernandez and Jose Lothario.
  • Cornette ended the promo by mentioning that The Midnight Express would soon become the GWF Tag Team Champions.

**Commercial Break**

  • In a video from Tommy Rich's house he says that both he and Buzz Sawyer were suspended until Rope Wars by Pat Patterson.
  • Rich again threatens Sawyer in this promo.
  • Tommy looked straight in to the camera and guaranteed that he will win Rope Wars.
  • Sitting with Boris Malenko and Les Thatcher is Thunderbolt Patterson.
  • Thunderbolt talked about how anxious he is to get in the ring again.
  • Thunderbolt mentioned that he will be at Rope Wars and participating in the Main Event.
  • Backstage with Rick Stewart is The Heenan Family.
  • Heenan says that at Rope Wars, Arn Anderson will walk out with the GWF World Championship.
  • Heenan ends the interview with The Road Warriors and their soon to come title run.

**Commercial Break**

  • Rick Stewart stands with Terry Gordy who is dressed in his ring gear.
  • Gordy opens with a statement concerning Rope Wars and the World Championship.
  • Terry ends the interview saying that Rick Martel answered his open challenge and will regret that decision.
  • Once again Les Thatcher and Boris Malenko welcome a special guest to the booth, Paul Orndorff.
  • Orndorff mentioned that Pat Patterson dislikes him so he has been kept out of action recently, but that will not stop him from winning Rope Wars.
  • Orndorff trash talked many of the wrestlers that he was asked about, and again mentioned that Rope Wars would be his.

**Commercial Break**

Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall and is a non-title contest. First making his way down the aisle weighing in at 224 pounds and hailing from Quebec, Canada, Rick Martel!

The crowd cheered for Martel whose high energy sparked the crowd. Martel ran down the aisle way and rolled in to the ring. Rick removed his jacket and awaited his opponent.

Announcer: His opponent hailing from Soddy Daisy, Tennessee, and weighing in at 289 pounds, Terry Gordy!

Gordy came out yelling to the kids sitting close to the barricade. Terry climbed in the ring and took off his entrance gear awaiting the starting bell.

Rick Martel v. Terry Gordy

Gordy and Martel tied-up in the center of the ring and Gordy got the early advantage having a strength advantage. Gordy powered Martel down to the canvas with a big bodyslam. Gordy picked Martel up by his hair and irish whipped him in to the ropes only to clothesline him back down again. Gordy followed up with a leg drop to the fallen Martel. Gordy controlled the pace of the match early on using his strength to isolate the quicker Martel. The crowd started to rally behind the Canadian by clapping their hands together. Martel started to mount a comeback, and hit the ropes and flew with a shoulder block to stun Gordy. With Terry reeling Martel chop blocked him to the mat. Rick was really feeling it and kept up the high tempo of the match. Martel focused on the legs of Gordy setting him up for the Boston Crab. Martel attempted a Boston Crab but Gordy quickly rolled into the ropes to block the attempt by Martel. Gordy got back to his feet, on weary legs, and Martel tried a dropkick but Gordy was not there and Martel feel to the canvas. Gordy went to pick Martel up, but Rick rolled him in to a small package for the two count. The ref's attention quickly turned to the aisle way were The Assassin was starting to walk toward the ring, and Gordy reached in to his trunks to grab a pair of brass knuckles. Gordy drilled Martel with the knucks and hid the brass knuckles back in his trunks. Gordy applied a camel clutch, and when the ref turned around Martel was unconcious and could not answer the arm drop.

Winner: Terry Gordy by Camel Clutch (submission) at 12:56

  • The Assassin and The Midnight Express ran down to the ring and started to assault Rick Martel.
  • Wahoo McDaniel, Gino Hernandez, and Jose Lothario ran from the back to aid the Canadian.
  • The lockeroom cleared as the show went off the air with a ring full of superstars battling it out as we head to Rope Wars.
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June is the biggest month in the history of the company.

ESPN informed me that the first aired show will be the first Wednesday in June. Then on the third Saturday is Rope Wars. This allows us to introduce a couple shows to hype the show nationally on air. I am not sure if the show could not be debuting at a more important time for the company. I have been in contact with some popular workers from around the nation about working for the GWF on Rope Wars. I called the guys in to talk about what should we do on the first three shows of GWF Pro Wrestling on ESPN. We decided to continuing doing the same as what we had done on ABC. We are still continuing to try to close a deal with a Closed Circuit provider.

Around the world we have a couple promotions that have gone under and two retirements. All-Star Wrestling (UK) and Polynesian Pro Wrestling have both went under due to financial problems. Mitsu Arakawa and Mae Young have hung up their wrestling gear. Stampede Wrestling and WWC have both ended their television runs, which may hurt them in the future.

June is set to big a huge month for us, but we need to be prepared for nearly anything as it could backfire on us.

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Having the ESPN show starting now is a big opportunity. I'd still focus on hyping up Rope Wars and making it something that draws in a fan base. For me, the Tommy Rich-Buzz Sawyer is the most anticipated match-up.

The format's easy to read, but a little more detail witht he interviews would be nice. Find a way to show more of the wrestler's individual personalities while still keeping it short and easy for you to write and maintain interest.

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Rope Wars will set our wheels in motion.

We have debuted on ESPN already, we are three shows in to our season, and we have decided to run some older matches from the first couple of shows on ABC, and then run a few new interviews to establish what has happened in the GWF with our new viewers on ESPN. Every week we go head to head with the AWA, which is working out for us after we have stolen some of their old workers and now we are going head to head with them on television. Currently they average around 115,200 viewers while we average 422,400 weekly. I expect to continue this trend after Rope Wars.

I tried to contact many different workers about Rope Wars, but they all wanted to become a member of the roster. Such workers as Dick Slater, Jack and Jerry Briscoe, Stan Hansen, and others all wanted written deals which I could not guarantee them. Bobby Duncam Sr. has signed a deal with us however, with the money we saved from not signing the others we came to an agreement in principle that would allow him to work with us for around two years. We will look in to expanding our roster more with lower level talents and new comers to fill out the bottom portion of the roster depending on the success of Rope Wars.

After Rope Wars we have came to the decision to do a nationwide tour that would expand our product more than just having our show airing on ESPN every week. We will sweep the East and West coasts and try to get the word out about our show and product in an attempt to become the nations number one promotion. There are a few lower level promotions I would not mind to see go out of business, which would make their wrestlers become free agents, so in the future I may have to venture to their areas to steal some of their business. However, I do not want to look that far ahead with Rope Wars coming up.

Rope Wars

Gino Hernandez and Jose Lothario v. The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

Leading up to this event both teams have stated that they are the front runners for the GWF Tag Team titles. Bad blood has entered this match-up with the Midnight Express doing Cornette's bidding.

The Rope Wars Match for the GWF World Championship

Featuring: Arn Anderson, Austin Idol, Bob Roop, Bobby Eaton, Bobby Jagger, Brickhouse Brown, Butch Reed, Buzz Sawyer, Dennis Condrey, Gino Hernandez, Jake Roberts, Jesse Barr, Jose Lothario, Paul Orndorff, Rick Martel, Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Hawk, Steve Keirn, Terry Gordy, The Assassin, Thunderbolt Patterson, Tommy Rich, Tully Blanchard, Wahoo McDaniel, and more!

These exciting matches plus more!! Rope Wars will prove to be the most exciting event in wrestling history!

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