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Jeff Buckley: The Movie


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Jeff Buckley: The Movie


Thu Jun 29, 9:00 AM ET

A movie about legendary rock star Jeff Buckley is being made, according to reports. Buckley's mother Mary Guibert is understood to be working on the biopic, following the tragic death of her son in 1997.

Guibert is expected to produce the movie, which is being written and directed by Brian Jun. There is currently no information about who will play Buckley.

Speaking about the plans, Guibert said she had been inspired by the success and integrity of recent music biopics such as Ray and Walk The Line.

She commented: "Over the years, the number of offers were unceasing. I had resisted for so many reasons, one being that Hollywood, traditionally, did a lousy job of realistically portraying the life of people like Jeff. But the possibility that it could happen without my participation set me back to re-examine why I wasn't doing it."

Jeff Buckley released just one official LP, Grace, before drowning in 1997 at the age of 30.

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Oh, fuck off. I can't stand Mary Guibert, and this just adds to it. Let him fucking lie, for fuck's sake. I adore Jeff Buckley, the man was my life for years, he's a God in my eyes, but Mary Guibert is fucking irritating, and shouldn't be given any control over his legacy. Fuck. Right. Off.

Not to mention that there is no one in Hollywood that could convincingly play Jeff. NO ONE. No one can replicate his voice, even just when he spoke, it was beautiful, and I've never heard another voice like it. No one else looks quite like Jeff. No one can fucking do it.

Fuck this.

Edited by Skumfrog
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A cult following shouldn't mean he doesn't get a film made. Usually his fans are really, really devoted, so it seems like a good idea. I for one think it sounds like it has the ability to be great. Dependant on the cast.

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I think that the size of his fanbase is irrelevant. If there's an interesting story to be told, and if it's well executed, it'll probably be a success anyway. I highly doubt everyone who went to see Walk the Line was a Johnny Cash, ditto for Ray and Ray Charles. If it's got critical buzz, it'll work. Just probably won't have the same budget as those two films is all. :P

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I was raised with my mum listening to Ray Charles, I'm a huge fan of his music and I really enjoyed the movie. Jamie Foxx suprised a lot of people with how well he took to the role, I'm sure the same thing could happen with Jeff Buckley. There's enough talented actors out there, so no need to over-react.

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Seriously, I'm usually optimistic when it comes to biopics, as they're usually a labour of love, but I can't think of anyone alive today that could possibly accurately portray Jeff Buckley. Not to mention that, without hefty delving into the career of his father, there's not that much of a story to tell, at least not in "Hollywood" terms. No big romance, no career-defining concert, no huge success story, just the tragic ending. I can't see any way it would work.

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