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Official 2006 College Football Season Thread.


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Well my BGSU Falcons are facing the Buckeyes this weekend and I must say that I am glad that this game is going to be played. I really do hope that BG is able to keep it close for most of the game just to keep the program respectable since it is going to pretty widely televised. BG has been able to keep it respectable the last two times they have faced OSU, even having a chance of winning the last time in 2003 when an intercepted pass in the waning moments ended the game. This Bg team is far younger then those past two teams so I know that this could be a huge blowout but I think Tressel wont run up the score on an in-state school since that is the way that he is.

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Well my BGSU Falcons are facing the Buckeyes this weekend and I must say that I am glad that this game is going to be played. I really do hope that BG is able to keep it close for most of the game just to keep the program respectable since it is going to pretty widely televised. BG has been able to keep it respectable the last two times they have faced OSU, even having a chance of winning the last time in 2003 when an intercepted pass in the waning moments ended the game. This Bg team is far younger then those past two teams so I know that this could be a huge blowout but I think Tressel wont run up the score on an in-state school since that is the way that he is.

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I don't think it has anything to do with them "trying". OSU and other programs always try, but as with Tressel, he always plays to the level of his opponents it seems. It's not overlooking them, but its a pattern, and its worked so far. This shouldn't really be a game, but OSU tends to play to their opponents level.

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If Mickie Andrews doesn't take over when Bobby B is done, then FSU is done.

Jeff is terrible .... terrible with a capital FUCKING SUCKS

Jesus, I'd rather have Dino Babers calling ..... ok, so there is ONE person that sucks at play calling worse than Jeff. You know, Bob Davie was great as a coordinator at TexAM .... as was Toledo. They aren't doing much these days.

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I don't think it has anything to do with them "trying". OSU and other programs always try, but as with Tressel, he always plays to the level of his opponents it seems. It's not overlooking them, but its a pattern, and its worked so far. This shouldn't really be a game, but OSU tends to play to their opponents level.

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I just want to make sure everyone is prepared for November 18 when an undefeated Michigan teams rolls into Columbus to take on the undefeated Luck.....errr Buckeyes of Ohio State and Michigan SHOCKS THE WORLD.

As for FSU, I have a feeling that whoever "Papa" Bowden wants is going to get that job. Bobby Bowden IS Florida State. In fact, his successor will probably be determined at a family picnic or something.

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I just want to make sure everyone is prepared for November 18 when an undefeated Michigan teams rolls into Columbus to take on the undefeated Luck.....errr Buckeyes of Ohio State and Michigan SHOCKS THE WORLD.

As for FSU, I have a feeling that whoever "Papa" Bowden wants is going to get that job. Bobby Bowden IS Florida State. In fact, his successor will probably be determined at a family picnic or something.

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Time to send letters out again.

First, a letter to the University of Auburn entitled simply "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA". Arkansas is kicking ass and taking names this year and though we lost to them in the most pussy way, they're certainly pretty damn good. Nutt is definitely back on track.

Next, a letter to the University of Florida called "I really hate you, but God, you're good." I think the title speaks for itself.

Finally, a letter to the University of Purdue entitled "I hate you" because I was the only person who picked Purdue for the Purdue/Iowa in College Pick "em. >_>

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I picked Tennessee against Cal, and it worked pretty well for me

on a side note, screw you Oregon

And damnit, I just got finished saying that Arkansas was good and wasn't done beating people .... just didn't expect them to bite ME in the ass .....

I'd love to see Mark come back to FSU, but that ain't happening ... Hell, I'd be all right if Amato would come back and call the plays ...

Why in the hell would anyone put any faith in Purdue ? Seriously ?

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