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The Recap: Velocity

Last week's Velocity was a step above, so I'm going to take a look at this week's show and see if the trend continues.

Previously recorded in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero

Chavo and Kidman pulled out the stops in this match, and it quickly became remininscent of some of the great cruiserweight matches of WCW. Chavo got a two and a half early on with a tornado DDT. Later in the match, Billy Kidman landed a vertical suplex to set up the Shooting Star Press, but Chavo rolls out of the way before he can land it. Chavo than lands a Frog Splash for a three count.

Rating: *** 3/4

Thoughts: Although pretty much pointless storywise, both of these men put on an excellent showing. If these two continue to put on matches like this it would be a tragedy to keep them on Velocity.


We get a recap of Nunzio's victory last week, and his subsequent attack on Rey last week. This Thursday: Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio for the Cruiserweight title!

Theodore Long comes to the ring with his protege, the Reflection of Perfection, Mark Jindrak. Teddy states that this icon of manhood would soon team with the baddest brother in the WWE, Booker T, and the pair of them would whip those crackers Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn all over the ring.


Paul London vs Akio

Josh mentions this is a rematch from last week's show. I can barely describe this match. Both men moved like lightning and not one move was botched. Both of these men dazzle in the ring. They only went for ten minutes, but this could be the best match I've seen since Backlash. Akio picks up the win when Sakoda takes out Paul London with a Roaring Elbow when the ref was down. Bill deMott notes the feud is now tied 1-1; it will be interesting to see who can take the series.

Rating: **** 1/4

Thoughts: A Velocity feud. Looks that way, but this match deserves a whole heck of a lot more. Hopefully, Smackdown's bookers will realize their mistake and put these two on the main show.


Another recap video, this time of Kenzo Suzuki and his victory over Rob Van Dam. We then see him screw Guerrero out of the WWE title, before the announcement that next week, John Cena and Kenzo Suzuki will go one-on-one with the United States title on the line!


Charlie Haas comes down to the ring. He shows footage from last week's Smackdown, when the Deadman took him out before his match. He says he has a lot of respect for the Undertaker, but if you want to keep respect you have to show respect. That's why Charlie Haas wants the Undertaker in that ring, next week on Smackdown!

We then get a recap of the Guerrero / Bradshaw WWE title match from last week, and the history of the feud. This is followed by a brief "ad" by JBL where he rips in to Mexicans and Latinos as the "vermin of Western civilization". Yikes.


Hardasses vs Booker T and Mark Jindrak (with Theodore Long)

A massive brawl. Billy Gunn sold like no ones business in this match, making Mark Jindrak shine with his offense. Booker T controlled the ring for most of the match, while Hardcore Holly seemed to serve as little more than space-filler. Jindrak scored the win on Hardcore Holly after distraction from Theodore Long allows him to hit the MJ Delight.

Rating: ** 1/.

Thoughts: Considering it was a Billy Gunn/Hardcore Holly match, this was surprisingly good. More work like this from Jindrak will help his chances of becoming a more important competitor in the future.

Final Thoughts: Over up another solid show. Not as important as last week's program, but importance has seemed to be injected in to what goes on with Velocity, which is good. It should make the show worth watching on a weekly basis as well.

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Monday, July 12, 2004

I spent most of my time meeting with the writers working under me. I listened to a few of their ideas, and we'll probably move forwards with a decent one from Michael Hayes involving Mark Jindrak in the next few weeks.

I went straight from that meeting to another one with Vince McMahon. Vince congratulated me with the direction I've brought both Smackdown and Velocity in, as well as my continued plans for the franchise. He then dropped the bombshell on me: he wanted back on the show. I didn't have much choice to say yes, and tell him that I'd find a way to work him on to the program in the next few weeks.

The last couple of hours were spent putting the finish on the script for tomorrow's show. Hopefully, everything will hold together as well this week as it has the last few.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Tonight's show came out really well except for the main event. I think I'm going to have to sit down and have a chat with the Undertaker about talent and good sportmanship, as he seemed to make every effort not to do what he was told to do.

The 2 Cool angle came off without a hitch and hopefully it will help Rikishi recapture the interest of the fans. His act has been stale for years now, and its time something different happens with him.

All three title matches were awesome, and I'm going to bet the fans will never guess what title changes will occur tonight.

The four way tag #1 contenders match that will main event Velocity came out well and should continue to help elevate the show in the fan's opinions. I'm thoroughly impressed by the job that Mark Jindrak, Paul London, Billy Kidman, and Akio have been putting in to the show, and hopefully I'll be able to reward all of them with more lucrative positions in the near future.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Today's visit to Toronto proved much more successful than last week's visit to So Cal. I met with several of this generation's Stampede stars, including Teddy Hart, Jack Evans, TJ Wilson, and Harry Smith. All four proved to be excellent prospects and I've already contacted Big and Johnny Ace to see about offering the four of them contracts. We'll have to wait and see if talent relations will go through with hiring all of them.

I received word tonight that Stephanie Levesque was arrested for possession of amphetamines without a prescription. Vince has already communicated to both myself and RAW head writer Brian Gewirtz that we are now head of our own writing divisions until further notice. I should be affected very little by this news, as I've acted with little or no imput since I took over the program.

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The Royal Treatment: Smackdown

July 15, 2004

Before the pyro we have a short video from Kurt Angle where he hypes the three title matches that will occur tonight. The cruiserweight title will be defended by Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio, while John Cena puts the United States title on the line against Kenzo Suzuki. And the Dudley Boyz have issued an open challenge for any tag team they've never met before to try and take their titles.

Opening Segment followed by pyro, and we're ready for our first match as Rey Mysterio's music cues up.

Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio for the Cruiserweight title

Rey Mysterio circle a few times. Nunzio moves in to lock up, but gets a dropkick from Mysterio instead. Flying head scissors takes Nunzio down, but it also hits the ref. Nunzio hits Mysterio with a low blow, stunning him momentarily. DDT on Rey Mysterio! Pin fall attempt only scores a two. Nunzio scores with a kick to the face. Flying cross body off the top rope takes Mysterio to the mat. Nunzio hooks the leg, but Rey is out just before three. A neckbreaker drop plants Rey again, and Nunzio hooks on a leg lock. Rey powers to the ropes but its no use. Kick to the head follwed by another allows Rey to free himself. Rey ducks a right hand. Dropkick by Rey Mysterios and Nunzio flies backwards. He stumbles back forward and gets whipped down in the ropes, his head resting in the perfect position... 6-1-9! Rey signals for the Drop the Dime, just as Kenzo Suzuki runs down the aisle! Rey turns to see him... than lands a suicide dive to take the big man down! Nunzio recovers in the ring and slides out himself. Nunzio whips Rey in to the steel stairs before rolling him back in to the ring. Nunzio lifts Rey up, and scores with the Arriverderci! Nunzio hooks the leg... 1, 2, 3, it's over. Nunzio is the new Cruiserweight champion.

Rating: 6/10

Thoughts: A solid effort by both men albeit a little on the short side. However, there's certain to be a rematch and we'll see if they can top this one.

Post match, Kenzo Suzuki returns to the ring and hoists Rey up to deliver the face claw slam as Nunzio watches on with his new belt. The two start to put the boots to Rey, until John Cena charges out of the back. He quickly runs off both men. He proceeds to get a mic and cut a rhyme about how he would make Kenzo Suzuki his bitch tonight.


2 Cool vs The Basham Brothers

We flashback to last week's show where Rikishi seemed visibly upset after he and Scotty lost their match to the Dudley Boyz. Scotty 2 Hotty and Danny Basham start the match off. Scotty with a quick leg sweep. He drops a leg across the chest of Danny Basham. Tag to Rikishi. Scotty whips Danny across the ring, right in to a body block by Rikishi. Rikishi scores with a stiff right, than another. Rikishi with a side suplex. Rikishi pulls Danny to his feet, but gets an eye gouge for his trouble. Russian leg sweep by Danny Basham. Danny tags in Doug Basham. Doug Basham scores with a hard kick to the gut of Rikishi. Facebuster by Doug. Rikishi kicks out of a cover. Rikishi ducks a Doug Basham clothesline, than scores with a boot. Tag to Scotty 2 Hotty. Basham takes a facecrusher. He's set up, and Scotty calls for it... The Worm! Scotty starts bouncing around the ring, but before he can land the elbow drop, Danny charges in to the ring with a hard clothesline! The pair set Scotty up... Leg Lariat! Rikishi comes running in to the ring but its too late... Doug Basham gets the three count!

Rating: 2.5/10

Thoughts: Nothing terrible, but nothing to right home about. The Bashams seem to be improving however.


We return to learn of a shocking incident during the break. Rikishi and Scotty are still in the ring, and Rikishi seems to be yelling at his partner for their loss. Scotty starts arguing as well... until Rikishi viciously clotheslines him. Rikishi drags Scotty in to the corner, where he does a top rope butt drop on Scotty. Rikishi spits on his former friend before he walks back out of the arena.

Thoughts: The sensible conclusion to the return of Rikishi. Maybe a heel turn will help freshen up his character, although hopefully it will be better booked than his last turn in late 2000.

We're back live as the Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman come out to the ring. They once again announce their open challenge and invite any superstars in back to try their luck. Rob Van Dam's music hits and he quickly follows. RVD says he'll be happy to accept the challenge of the Dudleys. They laugh and tell him to find a partner, as he's got a match. Van Dam just smiles and says he does have a partner... "VIVA LA RAZA!" Eddie Guerrero comes out in to the arena where he quickly plays to the crowd. Tonight it will be RVD and Eddie vs the Dudley Boyz for the tag titles!

Up Next: The Undertaker answer to Charlie Haas's challenge.


Charlie Haas's music hits and the young superstar walks down to the ring where he grabs a mic. He said Undertaker punked him out two weeks ago and he wasn't having any of it. That's why tonight he wants the Undertaker in this ring, one on one! The Undertaker's music hits, and the Deadman emerges with Paul Heyman a few steps behind. They climb in to the ring and Charlie and Undertaker have a staredown. Undertaker slowly nods, and Heyman informs Charlie Haas he has his match. Charlie Haas nods in return... then hits a superkick out of nowhere! Undertaker staggers back, but before he can retaliate Haas has already left the ring. Charlie Haas smirks as he leaves the arena.

Thoughts: Why are they jobbing out Charlie Haas to the Undertaker on an already full card? This seems rather pointless to me.

We cut to backstage where WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield is standing. Josh Matthews asks Layfield for his plans tonight and if he had anything to do with Kenzo Suzuki's attack on Rey Mysterio earlier tonight. JBL says it wouldn't be prudent to enter in to such conjecture at this time, but Josh can rest assured that his questions will be answered in the days ahead, because as Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield, has what it takes to bring a new era to Smackdown. And that new era begins tonight!

Up Next: John Cena! Kenzo Suzuki! United States title!


John Cena vs Kenzo Suzuki for the United States title

Kenzo lands a big forearm, staggering John Cena. John Cean avoids a running clothesline than lands a body block that takes Kenzo Suzuki down. Cena lands a couple rights and lefts until Kenzo scores with a boot to the gut. Kenzo lands a quick suplex on John Cena. Knee drop on Cena. Cover for a two count. Wind up than a punch by Kenzo staggers John Cena. Kenzo hoists Cena up for a powerslam but Cena slides out of the back. Cena with a drop toe hold in to his fist drop. John Cena hoists Kenzo up... F-U! John Cena makes the cover, but Hiroko starts to come in to the ring, causing the ref to try and stop her. John Bradshaw Layfield emerges from the crowd carrying an inanimate carbon rod. JBL smacks Cena across the back of the head with the rod, knocking him unconscious. He than pulls Kenzo over John Cena before rolling out to the floor. Hiroko gets off the ring apron and the ref turns around to count the three count! Thanks to JBL, Kenzo Suzuki is the new United States champion!

Rating: 3.5/10

Thoughts: Any doubt that the seeds of a stable are forming tonight are now gone. With two titles changing hands involving interference by the same group of men, its pretty much a foregone conclusion. Should be interesting to see how this angle plays out, as the new stable now holds 3 of Smackdown's 4 titles.


Josh Matthews stops Paul Heyman backstage, and asks him his thoughts on Charlie Haas's challenge earlier this evening. Heyman scoffs at his former charge's dastardly actions against the Undertaker. No worries, though, as the Undertaker will crush Charlie Haas in the main event tonight.

RAW Rewind


Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero vs the Dudley Boyz for the WWE Tag Team titles

Michael Cole reminds us that there will be a four way tag match on Velocity to determine the #1 contenders to whomever wins tonight's title match. RVD and Bubba Ray start the match out. Rob Van Dam scores with a back heel kick on Bubba. A follow-up kick to the side of the head sends Bubba down to the mat. RVD covers for a early 2 count. Tag to Eddie Guerrero. Eddie with a vertical suplex, right in to a Rolling Thunder by RVD. Cover, but D-Von rushes in to break up the three count. Eddie scores with a couple of hard chops across Bubba's chest. He moves in for another vertical suplex, but Bubba knees him right in the gut. Backbreaker by Bubba Ray. Tag to D-Von Dudley. Spike slam by D-Von leaves Eddie down on the mat, and D-Von covers for a two count. Eddie blocks a suplex, than lands one of his own. Tag to Rob Van Dam, and RVD is on fire. D-Von goes down to a clothesline, while Bubba runs in to hit a leg lariat! Bubba flies over the top rope as RVD springs to the top rope. Spinning wheel kick takes D-Von down hard. Eddie goes to the top rope... Frog Splash! Rob Van Dam is back on the top rope on the other side... Five Star Frog Splash! He hooks D-Von's leg for the cover, just as Bubba Ray slides in with the ring bell! Bubba scores with the ring bell to the back of RVD's head and the referee immediately calls for the DQ. Eddie moves in to help Van Dam, but he gets a bell shot as well. Bubba Ray pulls D-Von to his feet, grabs their titles, and heads out of the arena.

Rating: 5/10

Thoughts: The best I've seen from the Dudleys in some time. A solid match with some really great spots and a well thought out ending that hurts none of the participant's heat. And again we get an ad for Velocity and an excellent main event match. Obviously, WWE is very interested in raising the show's flagging ratings and it seems to be a success.


Another hype video airs, declaring that Los Luchadores Loco, Juventud Guerrera and Nicho Millanario, will be on Smackdown in just two weeks.

Charlie Haas is seen heading towards the arena floor, as his match against the Undertaker is up next!


Charlie Haas vs The Undertaker

Charlie Haas with rights and lefts in to the chest of Undertaker, but Taker isn't feeling any of it. They start trading rights and lefts, but Undertaker is obviously getting the better of Haas. Undertaker with a clothesline that plants Charlie Haas. Haas rolls away and to his feet and stares Taker down. Charlie Haas charges in with a running clothesline, but it does little more than stagger the Undertaker. Undertaker grabs Haas by the neck and lifts him in to the air for a chokeslam, but Haas scores with a boot to the face that staggers Undertaker. Charlie Haas moves in and lands a snap suplex. Haas covers, but Taker kicks out with authority at two. Charlie Haas goes to the top rope. Flying cross body... but Undertaker catches him. Fallaway slam by the Undertaker. Haas staggers to his feet, and gets hit by hard rights by Undertaker. Out of nowhere, Charlie blocks a punch, than scores with a kick to the gut. Charlie Haas scores with a superkick and the Undertaker is in no man's land! Exploder Suplex! Charlie rolls Undertaker up... 1... 2... 3... kick out! The ref calls for the bell, and Undertaker turns to him, looking furious. He grabs the ref by the neck... Chokeslam! Charlie Haas moves in to save the ref, only to get a boot to the gut himself. Undertaker hoists up Charlie Haas, but Charlie hits a right hand to Undertaker's face! Taker drops Haas who slides out of the ring. He quickly pulls the referee out of the ring before heading to the back, ready to celebrate his victory!

Rating: 2.5/10

Thoughts: With a little more effort from the Undertaker this match could have been as good as Benjamin/Triple H. It fell a little short, but it did exactly what it was supposed to do. Haas has become a legitimate contender now on Smackdown.

Final Thoughts: Smackdown seems to be emerging from its slump at last. A good show featuring several quality matches, two title changes, and a surprise loss by the Undertaker. It will be interesting to see if Smackdown can carry this momentum through to next week.

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Guest y2gudge

Very big changes in very little time...I'll have to keep an eye and watch to see how the next few weeks pan out before commenting further.


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Friday, July 16, 2004

The last two days in New York and Florida went well. The ten wrestlers I met over the past two days are all solid workers and would make pretty good additions. I've already been able to sign Scoot Andrews from NWA Florida, as he knows a few of the workers backstage from countless appearances as a jobber. Several other workers like Alex Shelley, Roderick Strong, Wagner Brown, and Michael Shane all made excellent impressions as well, but it's a matter of time whether i can convince WWE to sign them.

A three-way phone conversation between myself, Jim Cornette, and Vince has led to Joey Matthews receiving a developmental contract as well. He's been working in OVW for a few months, so he's likely to be ready to make a apperance on Smackdown sooner than other developmental wrestlers.

The plans are finalized for both Vince's re-debut and Kid Kash's debut. Both will be on television regularly by next month.

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The Recap: Velocity

Funaki vs Chavo Guerrero

Much like Kidman/Chavo last week, both men pulled out all stops in this match. The goal seemed to be to show exactly how great the cruiserweight division can be, as we saw several death-defying high spots. Chavo Guerrero ultimately picks up the win when he locks Funaki in the Low Rider.

Rating: ***

Theodore Long and his charge, the Reflection of Perfection, Mark Jindrak come to the ring. Theodore than says he's proud to introduce his newest charge, a wrestler almost as dominating as Jindrak himself, the French Phenom himself, Rene Dupree. Together they will destroy the competition in the tag ranks, and that's why they're the Bombshells!


Luther Reigns vs Shannon Moore

Shannon Moore puts in all the offense he can muster, but it does him little good against the power of Luther picks up the win following a Reign Fall.

Rating: 1/4 *. A rather bland squash. Shannon deserves better.

The Hardasses are standing by with new announce team member Mike Sanders. They vowed to win the four-way match for the number one contendership, and neither the Bombshells or the other competitors would get in their way.

Orlando Jordan vs Booker T

Orlando Jordan seems not to know the meaning of offense. He's utterly crushed by Booker T, who picks up the win with a Scissors Kick

Rating: *. A rather bland squash match.

Mike Sanders stops Booker T backstage. He vowed that he would do to John Cena what he just did to Orlando Jordan.

Hardasses vs The Bombshells vs Akio and Sakoda vs Kidman and London in a four-way elimination match for the #1 contendership to the tag team titles

Billy Gunn and Akio start the match out. Gunn scores with rights and lefts in to a body slam. He tags out to Hardcore, and the pair score with a double back drop. Akio blocks a punch, than scores with a kick to the kidneys. Akio gets blind tagged by Billy Kidman. Hardcore takes a neckbreaker off the top rope by Kidman. Arm drag in to a dropkick and Hardcore is reeling. Kidman tags out to Paul London. Kidman and London score with a clothesline/leg sweep combo. London makes the cover but only gets two. Hardcore blocks a kick by London than dives to the corner. He dives to the Bombshells corner though, tagging in Rene Dupree. Dupree scores with a running knee lift on London. London gets blind tagged by Billy Gunn who comes in on fire. Dupree gets slammed by Gunn. Dupree and Gunn lock up, until Jindrak hits Gunn from behind with a steel chair! The ref calls for the bell to disqualify the Bombshells, but Jindrak continues the assault. Finally the bombshells leave, just as Akio comes in and lands the Hang Time! Akio hooks Gunn's leg for the three count! London comes in with a back heel kick off the second rope. He covers Akio, but only for a two count. Akio breaks free of an armbar with a couple elbows to the side of the head. A quick kick to each kidney, and Akio dives to his corner to tag in Sakoda. Akio lifts London in to the air as Sakoda powers in to him with a clothesline. Pin attempt gets two. A gut buster plants London. Another pin gets another two count. Paul London blocks a wild right hand, than delivers a drop toe hold to Sakoda. London tags out to Kidman, who comes in with a flying cross body off the top rope. Kidman positions Sakoda than climbs the top rope... Shooting Star Press. One three count later and the tag titles have new #1 contenders!

Rating: ** 3/4. Another excellent main event that focused more on the underused players of London, Kidman, Akio, and Sakoda than the heavyweights. Al four of these men put on an excellent match. I'll be interested to see if WWE gives the rub to London and Kidman next week on Smackdown as well.

Final Thoughts: Not as solid an endeavour as last week's Velocity, but still a good show. It will be interesting to see where the Booker T promo leads, as well as the Dudley Boyz/Kidman and London match for the titles.

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Monday, July 19, 2004

This was not my best day in my short-lived career as Smackdown booker. I received word today that the Undertaker aggravated his elbow injury in last week's match against Charlie Haas. It requires immediate surgery and he's looking to be out at least six to eight weeks, until early October at least. This scratches the program I had planned between he and Charlie. I've already altered SummerSlam plans to keep Charlie in the picture however.

Kurt Angle's return to active wrestler status will begin on tomorrow night's Smackdown recording. If everything goes as planned, he'll be ready for action by SummerSlam.

I received late word that Rikishi has no showed tonight's house show. He faces suspension and possible termination which will bring his heel turn angle to an end I do believe. It's a shame, as I thought he could really get over as a bad ass, but that story will have to wait, at least for now.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Smackdown went off without a hitch. This was porbably the best episode storyline wise that I've booked, although the matches themselves were a little week. However, I managed to write in the official debut of the new stable, Vince's return, and the end of Rikishi's push all in one episode. Not to mention my very first match booked for a PPV.

On a less edgy note, I've taken to writing the Smackdown Previews on WWE.com myself. Here's my first:

Smackdown Preview

Last week, John Bradshaw Layfield's plans seemed to be revealed, as his manipulations won Nunzio the Cruiserweight title and Kenzo Suzuki the United States title. But what plans lie ahead for this trio of champions. What are there goals on Smackdown? And how will former champions Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, and Rey Mysterio respond to this new threat?

On Saturday's Velocity, Paul London and Billy Kidman won the #1 contendership to the tag team titles. This Thursday they will get their chance for the gold against the Dudley Boyz, but will the young, inexperienced cruiserweight team be able to stop the most experienced tag team in wrestling history?

Charlie Haas defeated the Undertaker in last week's main event, going so far as to knock the Deadman out of commission for the forseeable future. With the biggest win of his career under his belt, Charlie Haas has been promised an even bigger match this week on Smackdown. Who will the young athlete face next on his path to the top!

All this and more, Thursday night at 8/7 C on UPN!

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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I've received word yet again that Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn are causing trouble again in the backstage portions of the show. I'll be flying out to the Sunday house show to once again have a chat with the pair.

I make my final scouting flight to Chicago tonight. I'll be checking out four more young stars who will hopefully prove to be Smackdown material.

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The Royal Treatment: Smackdown July 22, 2004

We get the usual Smackdown opening package and opening pyro.

"Viva La Raza!" Eddie Guerrero's music hits and he starts down to the ring with a purpose. He grabs a mic, and than starts firing up the fans. He says he's fed up with John Bradshaw Layfield and the way he's treated both the fans and the wrestlers backstage. And he wants it brought to an end. JBL's music hits and he comes out to the ring in his suit. Bradshaw says he doesn't really care what a degenerate from a lesser race says about him. He's more concerned with one thing and that is power. Sure, he holds the WWE title, but he wants total control of Smackdown. And he's quite tired of Guerrero acting up against him. Suddenly, Kenzo Suzuki and Nunzio rush out of the crowd. They attack Eddie from behind and beat the former champion down. JBL looks down at the unconscious Guerrero and says that he's met the men that bring balance to Smackdown. Together the Axis Powers will rule supreme, and anyone who tries to stop them will meet Eddie Guerrero's fate. Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes down on to the ramp. He says that he doesn't like Eddie anymore than JBL does, but the actions of the so-called Axis are reprehensible. That's why Kenzo will have a rematch tonight against John Cena with the United States title on the line, and all of the members of the Axis Powers are banned from ringside!

Thoughts: Finally, we have the set up for the new stable, the Axis Powers. I'm not sure how respected a Nazi oriented stable will prove to be, but it will definitely build more heat for JBL, Kenzo Suzuki, and Nunzio. I'm also glad to see that Kurt Angle isn't going to make them his new favorites, as his joining a group inspired by the villains of WWII would make NO sense at all.


Kidman and London vs the Dudley Boyz © for the WWE Tag Team Titles

We get a short clip showing Kidman and London's Velocity win over Akio & Sakoda that led to this match. Billy Kidman and D-Von start things out by sizing each other up as they circle the ring. Kidman scores with a spin kick to the face. Running dropkick by Kidman takes D-Von down. Kidman tags in Paul London, who scores with a flying cross body off the top rope for a two count. Paul London scores with a kick to the side of the head, than tags Billy Kidman back in. Kidman scoops up D-Von while London bounces off the ropes to land a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Cover, but Bubba Ray breaks it up just before three. Bubba Ray pummels Kidman with a couple more blows, which gives D-Von time to recover. Neckbreaker by D-Von. D-Von tags in Bubba Ray Dudley. Double clothesline on Kidman. Manhattan drop on Kidman, who needs to make the tag. Bubba tags D-Von back in. Double back drop by the Dudley Boyz. Jawbreaker by D-Von. Cover, but Kidman some how gets the shoulder up just before three. D-Von tags out to Bubba Ray. Bubba Ray scores with an atomic drop. Bubba goes for a powerslam, but Kidman reverses it in to a DDT! Kidman struggles to his corner, but he makes it! Paul London flies out of his corner with a missile dropkick to Bubba Ray. Paul London goes to whip Bubba in to the corner, but Bubba reverses the whip right in to the ref. D-Von responds instantly, and the Dudley Boyz land the 3-D on London! D-Von attacks Kidman in the corner, while Bubba tries to revive the ref. Out of the back runs Rob Van Dam! RVD rolls in to the ring, than scores with a side kick to Bubba Ray Dudley. RVD goes to the top rope... Five Star Frog Splash! RVD rolls London over Bubba Ray before leaving the ring. The ref comes too, just in time to count the three count! Kidman and London celebrate their new tag titles with Rob Van Dam as we go to commercial!

Rating: 6/10

Thoughts: It comes as a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one. Billy Kidman and Paul London are two solid cruiserweights, and this victory cements their status as a tag team. Hopefully, they can continue winning and develop in to the popular team they could become.

Up Next: Former friends collide! Scotty 2 Hotty vs Rikishi!


We briefly see Kurt Angle backstage where he's complaining about the Axis Powers to Luther Reigns. Charlie Haas walks in to his office and asks for a match, as he proved himself last week against the Undertaker. Angle smiles and says he's got a match, but not just any match. He will get a shot at JBL's WWE title tonight!

Scotty 2 Hotty vs Rikishi

Rikishi lights up Scotty with some stiff chops. Fallaway slam by Rikishi. A neckbreaker sends Scotty 2 Hotty down to the mat hard. Cover, but Scotty kicks out after two. Rikishi with some rights and lefts. Full Nelson slam by Rikishi. Cover, but Scotty's out just before three again. Rikishi scores with a standing spinebuster that just crushers Scotty 2 Hotty. He covers, but pulls Scotty up just before three. He's not finished with him yet. Big back drop on Scotty 2 Hotty. Rikishi drags Scotty over to the corner, where he ascends to the top. 400 Pound Drop off the top just crushes Scotty. Rikishi just sits on him for the three count. A murderous glee comes over Rikishi as he climbs back to the top once again. Another 400 Pound Drop! Scotty looks seriously injured.

Rating: 2/10

Thoughts: An absolute squash. Rikishi comes off much better as a heel than in his last gimmick, but it still seems bland.

"No Chance in Hell" hits and WWE Owner Vince McMahon emerges from the back. Rikishi turns to look evilly at him. Vince tells Rikishi to get out of his ring as he is suspended indefinitely. Vince than cuts a promo about the "poor" state of Smackdown. He says that naming Kurt Angle the new GM of Smackdown was the worst mistake he ever made. Angle had one more chance to clean up the show tonight, or he would find himself suffering the consequences.

Thoughts: Vince's return literally comes out of nowhere. While I'm not necessarily a fan of Vince on Smackdown, his return seems to set up yet another angle in the current Axis Powers storyline.


We see a brief recap of Vince's return "moments ago".

Rey Mysterio comes to the ring and grabs a mic, but before he can get a word out, Nunzio's music hits. Nunzio walks out, proudly displaying his new Cruiserweight title. The two yell at each other for a few seconds without a mic, before Nunzio comes out of nowhere with the belt right to Rey Mysterio's face. Nunzio poses with his title over the prone form of Rey Mysterio!

Up Next: John Bradshaw Layfield puts his title on the line against Chalie Haas!


Charlie Haas vs John Bradshaw Layfield © for the WWE title

JBL lights up Charlie Haas with some stiff hits. JBL scores with a turning neckbreaker on Charlie Haas. Bradshaw covers, but only gets a two. Charlie ducks a clothesline, than scores with a German from behind. He bridges it, but only gets a two. Overhead belly to belly sends JBL right back to the mat. JBL comes up after a two count again. JBL catches a superkick from Haas, than scores with a punch. Charlie Haas fires several punchs back. Charlie Haas runs in for a clothesline, but JBL moves, and Charlie slams in to the ref! JBL and Haas grapple, as Kenzo Suzuki charges down from the back. Kenzo scores with a facebuster from behind! Kenzo lifts Charlie up, and holds him. JBL hits the ropes... and scores with the Clothesline From Hell! John Bradshaw Layfield makes the cover as the ref comes too for the three count. JBL and Kenzo continue to put the boots to Charlie Haas before a gaggle of refs come down to break it up.

Rating: 4/10

Thoughts: Another solid effort from Charlie Haas. He comes off still looking strong and ready for a program higher up the card. I wouldn't be surprised to see him going after Booker T or Kenzo Suzuki soon.


A video plays, hyping the debut of Los Luchadores Loco, Juventud Guerrera and Nicho Millanario, in just one week!

We go back to the office of Kurt Angle, where he's absolutely fed up with the actions of the Axis Powers. So August 15th at Summerslam, he's going to make a match that will give JBL a lesson in brutality. Because JBL will face Eddie Guerrero in a Hell in the Cell match!

We see John Cena walking through the hallway, as his match against Kenzo Suzuki is up next!


Kenzo Suzuki © vs John Cena for the United States title

John Cena attacks like a man possessed. Cena scores with lefts and rights. Throwback! Cena scores with a kick to the gut! F-U by John Cena! Cena goes for the cover, but Booker T charges out of the back. He yanks Cena off of Kenzo Suzuki, than scores with the Bookend. The referee calls for the DQ as Booker continues to pound away on John Cena. Booker scores with a kick to the gut, than hits the Scissors Kick! Kenzo Suzuki just smiles as Booker performs the Spinnaroonie!

Rating: 3/10

Thoughts: We seem to be moving John Cena away from the US title, which quite frankly is probably a title he's too good for anyway. Hopefully, a feud with Booker T will help to elevate both men up the card.

Kurt Angle's music hits once again and he stomps down to ring side with Luther Reigns only a few steps behind. Kurt says he's fed up with the Axis, and he's fed up with Booker. He's getting ready to suspend both Booker and Kenzo, as "No Chance in Hell" starts playing again. Vince tells Kurt to stop blaming Booker, Kenzo, and the Axis Powers for his failures as a GM. Anyone can obviously see that Kurt was a failure as a General Manager. Vince has no choice but to fire Kurt, effective immediately. He turns to Luther, who scores with a brutal clotheline on Kurt Angle. Luther lifts Kurt up, than scores with the Reign Fall. Vince just smirks a cocky grin as Smackdown fades out.

Thoughts: Vince seems ready to take control of Smackdown yet again. Hopefully, we won't be subjected to months and months of him over-selling himself like on his last run in the promotion.

Final Thoughts: Another solid Smackdown. While a transitional episode, we got a healthy build-up towards SummerSlam on the show as well as excellent new tag team champions. Continued efforts like this could bring Smackdown back to being the better brand in the long run.

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Friday, July 23, 2004

The last round of interviews yesterday.went incredibly well, and hopefully we'll get to see some of the young talents I met on a WWE screen sometime soon. I received word today that both Jack Evans and Roderick Strong have agreed to deals with WWE, and both should fit in to Smackdown fairly well down the line.

I also met with Nicho Millanario and Juventud Guerrera today, who were both enthusiastic about their Smackdown debut next week against the Basham Brothers. I suspect both will prove to be strong additions to both the cruiserweight and standard rosters, and I think the first feud I have planned for them will do quite a lot to get them over.

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The Recap: Velocity

Sakoda vs Orlando Jordan

A rather weak contest pitting two so-so young stars against one another. Sakoda came out looking like the better of the two, putting in a solid offensive in the match up. He picks up the win after a Roaring Elbow.

Rating: 3.5/10


A recap of Thursday's attack by Nunzio on Rey Mysterio is shown. Coming Thursday on Smackdown: Rey Mysterio &

Charlie Haas vs Nunzio & Kenzo Suzuki.

Akio vs Shannon Moore

A high-flying match that blended Shannon's style with the puroresu style of Akio perfectly. Shannon Moore seemed to have the win locked up until Akio scored with a low blow behind the referee's back. That allowed him to set up the Hang Time for the three count.

Rating: 7/10.


A video recap of the Axis Powers's debut and their subsequent attack on Eddie Guerrero is shown. This leads to a recap of the main event and the firing of Kurt Angle by Vince McMahon. This week on Smackdown, Kurt Angle will appear live via satellite to reveal his future with the WWE!

Nunzio is backstage watching a recap of his Cruiserweight title victory on the screen. Dawn Marie walks over to him and begins to rub herself against his back, telling him how much she loves a man with power...


The Basham Brothers vs Spike Dudley and Funaki

The odds were against Spike and Funaki going in to this match, but the pair of cruiserweights put in a strong effort against the much larger Bashams. But the Bashams attacked with an intensity seldom seen from the pair. Spike ultimately falls to a spinebuster from the second rope, which allows Doug Basham to pick up the win.

Rating: 3.5/10


Mike Sanders catches up with the Basham Brothers backstage. He asks their opinion of their victory tonight. Doug Basham tells him that it was just a warm up match as this Thursday, the Bashams will crush Juventud Guerrera and Nicho Millanario the same way.

We get a short recap video of the JBL/Charlie Haas match from Smackdown. This week on Smackdown: Charlie Haas & Rey Mysterio vs Nunzio & Kenzo Suzuki.


Hardasses vs The Bombshells (w/ Theodore Long)

Josh Matthews reminds us that this match stems from Rene Dupree and Mark Jindrak screwing the Hardasses out of a victory in the #1 contendership match last week on Velocity. Hardcore Holly rips in to Mark Jindrak in the early goings of the match. Despite the beatdown, Jindrak manages to tag out to Rene Dupree. Dupree ducks a clothesline from Holly allowing him to take control of the match-up. Dupree scores with a backdrop and a brainbuster, but Holly scores with a sudden lariat to get the tag out to Billy Gunn. Gunn comes in on fire taking down both Dupree and Jindrak. Ultimately, Theodore Long proves the deciding factor, pushing Gunn behind the ref's back and allowing Jindrak to score with the M.J. Delight for the three count.

Rating: 4/10

Final Thoughts: While not nearly as good a show as last week's fine performance, Velocity seems more relevant thanks to the mini-feud between the Hardasses and the Bombshells. Akio & Sakoda also picked up solid, clear cut wins, which when combined with their strong performance last week seems to hint at a possible push for the pair. A feud between the new tag champs Kidman & London and Akio & Sakoda would definitely be worthwhile.

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Monday, July 26, 2004

I met with Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn today. They continue to be upset about their supposed lack of a push, despite the fact they're currently involved in a storyline with Jindrak and Dupree. Nonetheless I listened to their concerns.

Bob Holly has flat out asked for an end to his contract, as he believes he can find more success with TNA than with us. I've discussed it with John Laurinaitis already and Johnny seems to think it was for the best. We've made a deal that if Hardcore will finish out his current storyline, he will be allowed out of his contract.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I sat down with Vince and the booking team and we've came up with a rather satisfactory solution to the Hardcore Holly situation that will write him out of the show and allow Billy Gunn to continue with the promotion.

Smackdown Preview for July 29

Vince McMahon returned last week with on Smackdown with a Vengeance, firing General Manager Kurt Angle for his ineffective managing of the brand's Superstars. Vince returns this week, working as acting GM until he finds a suitable replacement for Kurt Angle. What plans does Vince have for the stars of Smackdown?

Already booked for Thursday night is former Cruiserweight champion Rey Mysterio and Charlie Haas vs a team consisting of the Cruiserweight and United States champions, Nunzio and Kenzo Suzuki. Will the Axis Powers prove victorious do to their cheating tactics, or will Mysterio and Haas finally be able to hand a loss to the Powers?

But Kurt Angle will not remain silent this week. He will make a special apperance live via satellite to reveal his status with both Smackdown and WWE. What will Angle have to say about his actions in the past few months and his future with the company?

All this and much more Thursday night, only on UPN!

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July 28, 2004

Happy birthday to me! I took the day off to celebrate, although the revelry was interrupted by some bad news.

It seems Sable and Torrie Wilson got in to yet another shouting match backstage after Smackdown, and the decision has been made to let Sable sit out the remainder of her contract. I've under-used the divas at best as it stands, so I doubt it should effect the product much at all.

Anyway, enough journal today, on with the fun!

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The Royal Treatment: Smackdown! July 29, 2004

Previously Recorded

Vince McMahon comes to the ring as we kick off Smackdown. He grabs a mic, and says that to start he will have an announcement on the new General Manager of Smackdown next week. However, he still has some business to get down to tonight. We'll see the contract signing for the Hell in a Cell match between Eddie Guerrero and John Bradshaw Layfield later tonight, but first we will see Eddie Guerrero go one on one with Booker T! And we will see the debut of a tag team that will amaze the fans of WWE, Los Luchadores Loco, Juventud Guerrera and Nicho Millanario! Plus, a rematch between the Dudleys and the new tag team champions Billy Kidman and Paul London! And already booked for this evening is a match pitting Rey Mysterio & Charlie Haas vs Nunzio & Kenzo Suzuki of the Axis Powers. But next week, we will see Rey Mysterio and Nunzio go one on one to determine which will be the Cruiserweight champion.

Eddie Guerrero vs Booker T

Eddie and Booker size each other up. Booker lands a left and right, than back body drops Guerrero over his shoulder. Stiff high kick on Booker by Eddie changes the momentum. Eddie goes to whip Booker in to the corner... but Booker reverses the move! Eddie slams in to the turnbuckle and drops to the mat. But wait, out of the crowd, comes John Cena. Cena pulls the chain from off his neck and clocks Booker T right in the face with it. The ref calls for the bell and declares Booker the winner by disqualification. But Cena isn't done. He lifts Booker up, than drops him to the mat with an F-U!

Rating: 2/10.

Thoughts: Not enough of a match to judge how good it could really be.


During the break, we see Eddie Guerrero come backstage from his earlier match, only to get attacked from behind by John Bradshaw Layfield with a steel chair! JBL takes Eddie out with the chair, and leaves him down on the ground. JBL yells that he would kill Eddie Guerrero before he signed a contract for Hell in the Cell! As we return back live, we see EMTs working on Guerrero who appears seriously hurt.

The Basham Brothers come out to the ring, where they rip in to Juventud Guerrera and Nicho Millanario, the debuting Los Luchadores Loco. They say they can beat any tag team in WWE, and they will just wet their chops on these shrimps. And that match is up next!


Los Luchadores Loco vs the Basham Brothers

Danny walks in to a dropkick by Juventud Guerrera. Guerrera springs off the ropes and scores with a flying neckbreaker. He hooks the leg, but Danny's out after a quick two. Juvi tags in Nicho Millonario. Juvi scoops up Danny Basham and Nicho scores with a clothesline. He hooks the leg and gets another two. The former Psychoisis scores with a dropkick on Danny. Danny elbows Nicho in the face before another pin attempt, than scores with a slingshot. Massive backbreaker on Nicho Millonario leads to a two count. Danny tags out to his brother Doug. Doug hooks Nicho in a gut wrench, right in to a powerbomb. 1... 2... and Nicho slips a foot on the ropes! Doug Basham snap suplexes Nicho half way across the ring! Doug moves in, but gets a drop toe hold by Nicho. Nicho rolls Doug over in to a Mexican surfboard, but Doug lands a couple of week punches and than an elbow to break the hold. Both men are down and head to their respective corners. Juventud Guerrera and Danny Basham come in simultaneously, and Juvi scores with a back heel kick on Danny Basham. Juvi hits a rolling kick on Danny... than yanks Danny to his feet. Here it comes... Juvi Driver! Doug rushes in to help his brother, but Nicho comes off the top rope with a suicide dive! Juventud covers for the three count to pick up the win for Los Luchadores Loco in their debut match!

Rating: 7.5/10

Thoughts: I didn't know the Bashams had it in them, but they put on an amazing showing against the debuting team tonight. Juventud and Nicho seem to really have stepped up their game, harkening back to their glory days in WCW. It will be interesting to see if they receive the Rey Mysterio style push or if they will disappear a la Ultimo Dragon.


A messenger is shown coming to the locker room of John Bradshaw Layfield, insisting that he come to the office of Vince McMahon.

Kurt Angle appears live via satellite. He tells the fans that he's done some bad things in his last few months as GM, but nothing he did ranked as large as a mistake as allowing John Bradshaw Layfield to take power over the show. Now, he's been removed from his general manager position, but after last week's show he petitioned the WWE Board of Directors to reinstate him as an active wrestler. They have agreed to do so, and next week, Kurt Angle will return to Smackdown, and he plans on showing JBL, Kenzo Suzuki, and Vince McMahon why you don't mess with an Olympic Gold Medalist!

Paul Heyman and the Dudley Boyz are standing by with Mike Sanders. Heyman told Sanders that last week was just a fluke, and that is why tonight, the Dudley Boyz will regain their tag team titles by beating Kidman and London, a team not even worthy to shine the Dudley Boyz's boots.


Kidman and London © vs the Dudley Boyz in a rematch for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman scores with a basement dropkick to the knee of Bubba Ray Dudley. Huracanrana by Kidman! Kidman tags out to Paul London, and the two score with a double suplex! London covers, but Bubba is out after two. London scores with a facecrusher, than tags back out to Billy Kidman. London scoops up Bubba allowing Kidman to land a Hart Attack clothesline. Pin, but Bubba comes out just before three. Bubba ducks under a clothesline by Kidman, than runs to his corner to tag in D-Von! Clothesline to Kidman. D-Von scores with a neckbreaker on Billy Kidman. D-Von tags in Bubba Ray and the duo go for the 3-D, but London has it well scouted, and scores with a dropkick to the knee of D-Von Dudley to break up the move. Bubba whips London over the top rope, than scores with a series of rights. He starts his little dance, but Kidman ducks the final blow! Kidman scores with a flipping neckbreaker off the second rope, and both men need to make the tag. Bubba gets to D-Von and he comes running in, just as Kidman tags in Paul London! London comes in ON FIRE! Punch to D-Von, and a high elevation dropkick to Bubba Ray. London scores with a flying head scissors on D-Von, but gets attacked from behind by Bubba Ray. Kidman goes to the top rope and scores with a missile dropkick to Bubba Ray Dudley. London scoops and slams D-Von, before going to the top rope. London Calling! He hooks the leg for the three count! Paul London and Billy Kidman celebrate their victory in the ring!

Rating: 7/10

Thoughts: Simply an amazing match with the Dudleys putting a great deal of effort in to putting over the new tag team champions. All the spots came off perfectly, and WWE doesn't seem to be attempting to stifle the high flyers as it has in the past.


John Bradshaw Layfield walks in to the office of Vince McMahon, where he's told that his attack on Eddie Guerrero was despicable. Vince tells him that if Eddie Guerrero shows up for the contract signing tonight, he WILL sign the contract for the match with Guerrero at SummerSlam or he will find himself out of a job. And if he interferes in the upcoming match featuring his allies Kenzo Suzuki and Nunzio vs Charlie Haas and Rey Mysterio, he will find himself stripped of his title!

A video plays hyping the debut of the next big money star of WWE... Kid Kash! He'll be their in just three weeks!


Rey Mysterio and Charlie Haas vs Kenzo Suzuki and Nunzio (w/ Hiroko and Dawn Marie)

Charlie Haas scores with a chop across the chest of Kenzo Suzuki. He hits the ropes and scores with a flying dropkick. Haas hooks the leg, but Kenzo is out at two. Haas tags out to Rey Mysterio. Rey goes to the top as Haas lifts Kenzo up and drops him chest first on the ropes. Rey comes off the top, scoring a leg drop across the back of Suzuki. Rey covers, but Hiroko moves in and puts Suzuki's foot on the rope. Kenzo staggers to his feet. Rey goes for a flying head scissors, but Kenzo reverses it in to a side slam. Kenzo throws Rey back in to his corner, where he tags in Nunzio. Nunzio puts the boots to Rey, before choking him in the corner. He pulls Rey up and scores a snap suplex. Nunzio goes to the top rope. He dives off with a leg drop, but Rey rolls out of the way. Nunzio crashes to the mat and both men are down. Nunzio makes the tag to Kenzo Suzuki, but Rey tags in Charlie Haas as well. Charlie comes in on fire and scores with punch after punch on Kenzo, dazing the bigger man. High angle back suplex on Kenzo Suzuki! Nunzio comes charging in, but Haas dodges his blow and he flies over the top rope. Hiroko and Dawn Marie move to help him up, but Rey Mysterio comes off the top rope with a diving cross body on all three! Haas moves in on Kenzo and locks on the Haas of Pain. Kenzo taps out to the Haas of Pain!

Rating: 5.5/10

Thoughts: Another big victory in the push of Charlie Haas. It looks like WWE may be moving him in to a US title feud while moving John Cena on to take on Booker T. Seems like a good call as neither Cena nor Booker really need the title, while both Haas and Suzuki can receive some shine from it.


Vince McMahon's music once again hits and he comes out to the ring, now covered with a red carpet and featuring a table with two clipboards upon it. Vince picks up the first clipboard as John Bradshaw Layfield comes out to ring side. He hands the board to JBL, than calls out Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero doesn't respond, and Vince says that Guerrero has one minute to come out to the ring or he would forfeit his title shot at SummerSlam. The clock ticks down to about fifteen seconds, before Eddie Guerrero comes running out of the crowd. Guerrero hits JBL from behind, than scores with his trio of vertical suplexes. Guerrero goes to the top rope and scores with the Frog Splash. He just smiles as he saunters over to Vince and takes the clipboard, signing his name. He than grabs the other clipboard and drops it on to the prone chest of JBL as his music begins to play. He grabs the WWE title, and walks around the ring, proudly displaying his new gold!

Thoughts: A decent build-up to Hell in a Cell without resorting to yet another bland JBL match. And Eddie actually ending an episode of Smackdown on top, something that hasn't happened for several weeks.

Final Thoughts: A thoroughly excellent show featuring three solid matches and good build-ups to Cena/Booker, Eddie/JBL, and Rey/Nunzio. In a month's time, Smackdown has really made an effort to turn things around and it shows in this show. Hopefully, we'll see more like it.

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Friday, July 30, 2004

I was really impressed by how Smackdown came out this week and apparently so was America if the overnights are any indication. It looks like we broke 4.0 and by a pretty large margin.

My pick for GM has called some grumbles backstage as several people are unhappy about a RAW superstar being brought in to fill the position. I defend it by saying that I'd rather keep the Smackdown stars where I'm building them too, as opposed to another non-wrestling role. Howevere, along with that steal and the other surprise debut for next week, Vince has informed me that he's moving a full stable from RAW to Smackdown in the near future. I still haven't came up with a solid role for the group, but hopefully I will invent something in the next few weeks before they debut.

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The Recap: Velocity July 31

Vince McMahon comes down to the ring as the show opens, much like he did on Smackdown. He announces that tonight we will see the veterans, the Hardasses, take on the rookie team of Mark Jindrak and Rene Dupree, the Bombshells, once again tonight. But Vince doesn't want hasbeens in his company, so if the Hardasses lose, they will no longer have a job with Smackdown or WWE!

Chavo Guerrero vs Orlando Jordan

Believe it or not Orlando has an offensive arsenal, as he landed a few punches and a snap suplex on Chavo in the early goings of this match. But as the match progressed, Chavo continued to work the back and the leg of Orlando Jordan, ultimately forcing the bigger man to tap out to the Low Rider.

Rating: **. Orlando Jordan continues to be absolutely worthless for anything other than a jobber. It was good to see Chavo pick up the clean win however.

Shannon Moore and Scotty 2 Hotty are backstage in their locker room, hanging out, chatting about their debut match as a tag team tonight against Akio and Sakoda.

Moore Hott (Shannon Moore and Scotty 2 Hotty) vs Akio and Sakoda

The new team of Shannon Moore and Scotty 2 Hotty came off really well in this matchup, as even Scotty looks like he's in place with the other cruisers in the match. Scotty 2 Hotty goes for the Worm early in the match, but Sakoda stops him with a Roaring Elbow. Shannon Moore later sets up Sakoda for the Mooregasm, but Kenzo Suzuki's valet runs down to ringside and begins yanking on his pants. It's all the distraction, Akio needs as he lands a kick right to the gut of Shannon Moore. Akio holds Moore, and Sakoda delivers another Roaring Elbow to Moore to pick up the three count.

Rating: ***. A solid competition and a very good cruiserweight tag bout. Sakoda seems to finally be showing his stuff, and Akio shines in the matchup. It seems to appear that Akio and Sakoda may be the next recruits of the Axis Powers, but how that story plays out remains to be seen.

Spike Dudley is relaxing in the locker room area when the Dudley Boyz and Paul Heyman enter. The Dudleys give Spike an ultimatum. He's either with them or against them. And he knew what would happen if he were against them. They say they know he'll do the right thing in the next match, as they're banned from ringside.

Rob Van Dam vs Luther Reigns

Reigns hits some nasty power moves in the early goings of the match, but they fail to slow down RVD much. The Whole Dam Show takes it to the bigger man, hitting a Rolling Thunder to pick up a two count. Finally, he goes to the top rope for the Five Star Frog Splash, but he hesitates when Spike Dudley comes down to ringside. He hops off and tells Spike to head to the back, he doesn't want him out here, and the distraction is all the time Luther needs. Reigns lands the Reign Fall to pick up the three count on RVD.

Rating: * 1/4. Continued build up in the RVD vs Dudleys feud. Perhaps we'll see RVD/Spike vs the Dudleys in the coming weeks?

We see a recap of the Rey Mysterio/Nunzio feud of the last several weeks before we get the hype for the rematch this week on Smackdown.

Hardasses vs The Bombshells

The Hardasses took it to the Bombshells as they needed this win to stay with the company. Jindrak and Dupree eventually took control, wearing Billy Gunn down. But Gunn stayed alive, ultimately landing a DDT on Dupree to even things out. Hardcore Holly comes in off the hot tag, and he just rips in to Mark Jindrak. Hardcore Holly gets Jindrak locked in to a Full Nelson, but before Jindrak can tap he gets kicked from behind. He turns around, only to receive a kick to the gut by Billy Gunn, his own partner! Gunn bounces off the ropes and scores with the Famouser on Holly, before walking away to allow Jindrak to make the cover and the pin. Vince McMahon than appeared on the entrance ramp, where he told Hardcore to pack his bags, because he was FIRED!

Rating: ***. The rumors of Hardcore Holly's impending release seem to be true, as the Hardasses feud with the Bombshells comes to an end. Billy Gunn is now an obvious heel, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out in the upcoming weeks.

Final Thoughts: It's interesting to note that with the loss of Hardcore and the turn of Gunn, only Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero, Orlando Jordan and, it seems, Kurt Angle, remain as heavyweight faces. Again, Velocity came off as a solid B show, as it continued its own storylines while working to build up its pre-existing talent. Akio & Sakoda have shined in recent weeks; hopefully, we'll see them get a Smackdown push in the near future.

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