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Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip - Season One

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest Ringo Sparkles

Jordan and Danny have pretty much been hinted as a couple since the first show. Just based on their body language, you could tell that and I don't really see a need to complain about it, it would work well.

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Best episode of the show to date. I adored it. The sketches were funny, the Howie Mandell bit was gold, the stuff with Danny and Matt were hilarious, as was the bit with Lahti's character and Danny, and yes Harriett was great for the first week ever.

Oh and to GM, the musical number from the second or third episode was very funny.

I noticed this week had a "written by" co credit to some Ellie person, and I'm hoping that Sorkin and the producers have hired some people to come in and punch up the funny on the sketches and whatnot to make it a bit more believable. If this is the case, it worked.

Great episode, and I actually liked the swerve at the end to be honest.

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I'm wondering what will happen to the writers who left; ie, if they'll be replaced, or their show bombs and they come back, with their lack of loyalty to Studio 60 adding to the tension.

Is it just me or does this show get better musical acts then SNL?
Edited by GhostMachine
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I'm wondering what will happen to the writers who left; ie, if they'll be replaced, or their show bombs and they come back, with their lack of loyalty to Studio 60 adding to the tension.

Is it just me or does this show get better musical acts then SNL?

Just about anything (except maybe MTV) gets better musical acts than SNL lately.

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Guest Ringo Sparkles

Just watched the episode, I'd wager this was the best Studio 60 yet this week. Jack Rudolph taking on the FCC was godly. Jordan gorging on food was awesome. Harriet was great too, especially with Matt. The Christmas thing was entertaining (and I hate Christmas things). But most importantly, Danny was absolutely awesome this week and it's the best he's been all season, in particular the final few minutes, which were phenomenal

"I went to a place called Say It! Say it! Say it!" is awesome too.

Everyone watch this show tonight or die.

Edited by Ringley Whitford
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Easily the best episode I've seen yet.

Agreed about the Jack Randolph/FCC stuff, could barely stand Jordan though, Danny was good, Matt was good, 'How come I'm in a roomful of comedy writers and I'm the only Jew?' was a good line...it seemed like 20 things were going on at once, but the pacing was perfect, so it actually added to the show...

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The episode was easily on par with any decent episode of Sports Night. They pushed the story along quite nicely while we found out more about character backgrounds.

Forgot to add, you have to wonder if they wrote Jordan's pregency into the show or if it was originally planned. Regardless, whatever happens now is going to be good.

Edited by Psicosis
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The episode was easily on par with any decent episode of Sports Night. They pushed the story along quite nicely while we found out more about character backgrounds.

Forgot to add, you have to wonder if they wrote Jordan's pregency into the show or if it was originally planned. Regardless, whatever happens now is going to be good.

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Very enjoyable episode. Even better than last weeks. Ringo said Harriet was great this week but he lied. She was back to her usual annoying self. But Jack vs. FCC should be great. And Danny falling in love with Jordan was awesome. But now I have to deal with Ringo and his gay "SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT" over and over. DIE! And Cal was great in this episode. And Simon and the other guy (keep forgetting his name) hating the black guys ideas but loving the British girl's ideas was good stuff as well. About time they did something good. :shifty: And Matt was also good as well. So an all around great episode minus the annoying Harriet.

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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

I just saw last night's ep and I loved it. It's the first of a three-parter apparently. Danny was great as always, but Jack Rudolph and Jordan were really great. Yesterday's episode really shows how Richard Schiff was gonna play Rudolph before opting against it because he didn't wanna be typecast. He's got Toby's whole talk talk SCREAM acerbic asshole holier than thou routine down to a T. At least Danny's nothing like Josh bar the whole breakdown say it say it say it episode. But yeah, Jack & Wilson vs. the FCC FTW.

Jordan was also great. Mainly because she eats like pig and ripped into that Reality TV chick for catering to idiots, which people who watch reality TV are. Stupid fucking morons and shitcunts who should be castrated and killed and thrown into a lake, and then any of their relatives should be hunted down and killed too. But yeah, she's awesome.

This show is cool as always.

Edited by President Ringiah Bartlet
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I thought last night's episode was thoroughly meh. Nothing offensive on it, but nothing particularly memorable. Most of it seemed to be just setting up the next two episodes, so I expect them to be better.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Not a great show, but when you consider its purpose of setting up the next two, definitely good.

I'm already tired of the 'Jordan loves to eat' jokes, and thought the opening sequence went on for a little too long, but those were the only things that really bothered me about this episode.

The good? Matt's donating money to an organization that promotes teen sex, Suzanne (is that his secretary's name?) getting a chance to show some humour, Jack attempting to speak Vietnamese ("Can you tell my father that blah blah blah..." followed by Jack pulling out his dictionary was hilarious), and Wilson White's starting to grow on me as a character. Not a big fan of the new head of 'Alternative TV', hopefully she's only a short-term character.

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Illiterate Programming.

I loved the episode and thought Peet stole the show, followed by Weber. Sadly I don't see S60 coming back next season unless they slash the cast (with basically Matt/Bradley staying).

I continue to love Columbus Short's character and wanted him to punch DL during that show :shifty:

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Just been reading over this thread, Studio 60 debuts over here in Australia next week and following Heroes, it is the show im most looking forward to. I was just utterly heartbroken when those cunts at Fox decided to cancel Arrested Developement (the cunts, i hate them so much, cunts) and i have this feeling that this show is going to fill that gap i had when AD left me (those fucking cunts)

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