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Chart Wars 3

Guest mAXi

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I don't know if any of you are familiar with the Chart Wars series. It's an incredibly fun freeware game simulating the Music Business. You play as a record label, you can either choose an existing one or a created one.

I suggest you have a try, it's fun.

Chart Wars 3

Only problem is that it is a bit out of date, it was made in 2004. But im sure you can cope. The sequel is scheduled to be out in the next two years.

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Yeah, I hate that a lot of the stats are unrealistic, too. It's pretty unrealistic to have "emo" and "chamber pop" bands be somehow more talented than most other bands. It's also kind of shit that names like Ben Folds would somehow get worse in ability within two years. But it's an addiction. I've started a lot of labels with in and it still is pretty damn fun.

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Love this game. It recently stopped working on my computer though, I was into 2010 and 2 Second Pause was my biggest band. Their last album sold like 7,000,000 albums. I've found that Lollapalooza does wonders for small bands. I'm gonna redownload it and probably start again, its very addictive.

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oh, wow, forgot all about this, dos it work properly now? i can only remember the game always stuck loading wen it first came out.

Casting is still not back?

CW4 sounds a lot like the alltime great "Rockstar" dos game

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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geez how the hell do you actually make money in this game? I sign one band and hafter a few months of them recording and touring, I've lost 500,000 bucks...

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It's hard to make money at first. Record lots and lots and lots of singles until they're fairly well known and can produce an album that won't kill you money-wise. Also have them tour really small venues just so that their reputation goes up, which will in turn help sales. Just plug away. You'll be in the red for a while, but you'll make money once you have enough well-known artists/bands.

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