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Veronica Mars Is Totally BIH!

Guest Ringmaster

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S3E8 is the episode before the mini season ends. One can assume that the "Campus Rapist" storyline will kick into full on mode, since the resolution is expected in S3E9 before the winter break began.

I didn't mention the lack of Mac last episode, but it's starting to really irritate me. Perhaps a better reviewer would actually do the legwork necessary to find out why she's been left out of the last six episodes despite remaining in the cast, I know a good detective like Veronica would, but I'm going to continue this running gag in my reviews instead. Just because I can.

The big news of this episode is that Patty Hearst is the special guest star playing Selma Rose, granddaughter to some muckety muck who started the college and something called Hearst-Mart. I guess we're supposed to think Sam Walton and Wal-Mart. Funny thing is, when I think Patty Hearst I think the porno she did in the 70's and Charles Manson. It's hard to forget this when I see her on my screen, as much as it was hard to forget the sex tape and all around annoyance that is Paris Hilton when the show was forced to cast her in S1 as a "likable" character that she proceeded to make me hate. Luckily she disappears six minutes into the show, thus creating the main side mystery of the show, which helps. As for this mystery? Weak and uninteresting to me, but then that might be my Patty Hearst bias shining through. In the end it had a twist that wasn't horrible, but I really didn't care.

the "Campus Rapist" storyline moved far ahead, as we learned why Claire faked her rape, who helped, and why. It's rather convoluted, but it's interesting to say the least. Far too convoluted for me to get into here though.

Perhaps the biggest part of the show for me was the issues Veronica and Logan had. He's worried about her after the attack, something that I personally found quite reasonable, and somehow becomes the bad guy for it. In the end when it looks like everything is all worked out between them he calls, she ignores said call, and he is there watching her do it. Talk about a heartbreaking scene for Logan, and incredibly well acted, as the pain is clearly evident on his face. Is this the set-up for the break-up? I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was indeed what wound up happening.

All in all a mediocre show lifted by the rape storyline moving into some very interesting areas and Logan and Veronica's tale. Oh and as for the assumption that the "Campus Rapist" story would kick into high gear? Not true, no.

Overall S3E8 Grade B-

Edited by T-Fed
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S3E9 opens with a shot of Mac. That's right, Mac is back. I am now happy. She is so damned cute.

So here we are at the winter break episode and the conclusion of the "Campus Rapist" storyline. Now I sadly know what the next storyline is, thanks TV.com you bastards, but I do not know who the rapist winds up being. I still am going to go with the RA, because he's a dork, he has opportunity, and he has lots of keys. Do I really need any other reasons for this?

Let's do away with the side storyline first, that being that Dean O'Dell now somehow someway some why thinks his wife might be cheating on him. He hires Keith, and after a bit of a convoluted way to get there, Keith informs the awesome Dean, who I have really grown to like and enjoy in the past nine episodes, that in fact Hot Mrs. O'Dell is an adulterer. I really feel bad for O'Dell, but more of that to come.

As for the rapist, he prints an ad claiming he will strike at the party held by Dick's frat, which puts Veronica, now dumped by Logan, Mac, oh hell yes, The Piz, meh, and Wallace, awesome as always, on the case at the party to keep girls safe. How safe? Well, the show did show a bloody and hurt Veronica running for her life before the credits ran, so I guess she kept the other girls safe, just not herself so much. So when Wallace and Piz find out the name of a girl who has been drugged, Logan and Wallace rush off to make the save, but Veronica soon learns it wasn't that girl but her little sister. Veronica herself rushes off to make another save, and the rapist is revealed at Mercer. Now I admit, I felt fooled. Really fooled. I never once thought that Mercer was the rapist if only because of Logan's alibi for him. When the RA saved her and called the cops I had forgotten about said Logan alibi, but I was feeling a bit odd about Mercer still. When the RA left the room and I Realized Veronica was drinking something, it clicked before she saw the picture on the wall and felt odd. I had half nailed the rapist, as it seems Mercer and the RA, whose name is Moe,were working together. Mercer raped, Moe The RA did the set up and gave Mercer the keys, and rapes occurred. Veronica blows her whistle, Parker makes the save, and Keith once again plays bad ass and saves the day. All in all a respectable ending to the storyline, and I'm so taking half the credit for getting half the rapist right.

As for Dean O'Dell, the Lesbian House, I mean Lilith House egged his car earlier in the episode, a man came and was very forceful in his beliefs that the Greek Houses should remain open, to which Dean O'Dell capitulated, Dean O'Dell confronted Professor Scumbag and his wife, near the end of the show someone eggs the window of his office, then someone comes to his office and he recognizes them. So? So we have plenty of suspects it would seem for the fourth major VM mystery: Who Killed Dean O'Dell. Oh and did I forget to mention that Weevil finds the body, as he and Dean O'Dell were something of friends.

Best part of the entire show was when Logan purposely got himself arrested and wound up in the same cell as Mercer and Moe The RA. I loved it.

So The "Campus Rapist" storyline is all over, the "Who Killed Dean O'Dell" storyline is set up, and this was a very good episode. Not as good as the season enders that revealed "Who Killed Lilly Kane" and "Who Blew Up The Bus", but solid and well done. I approve.

S3E9 Overall Grade A-

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I don't really know much about the backstage machinations of Veronica Mars, but I'm guessing the lack of Mac is for budgetary reasons. Last season Wallace was gone for a whole load of episodes, presumably to shave the budget, and I think that's what's going on here. With the season being divided up into 3 mini-mysteries, it might seem sensible to essentially leave Mac out of the first one (or even, I'm worrying, the first two) and then give her a prime part in the other(s).

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The big news of this episode is that Patty Hearst is the special guest star playing Selma Rose, granddaughter to some muckety muck who started the college and something called Hearst-Mart. I guess we're supposed to think Sam Walton and Wal-Mart. Funny thing is, when I think Patty Hearst I think the porno she did in the 70's and Charles Manson. It's hard to forget this when I see her on my screen, as much as it was hard to forget the sex tape and all around annoyance that is Paris Hilton when the show was forced to cast her in S1 as a "likable" character that she proceeded to make me hate. Luckily she disappears six minutes into the show, thus creating the main side mystery of the show, which helps. As for this mystery? Weak and uninteresting to me, but then that might be my Patty Hearst bias shining through. In the end it had a twist that wasn't horrible, but I really didn't care.

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3x02 - My Big Fat Greek Rush Week - 7/10

Good episode here, much better than the season 3 premiere. I liked the storyline of the prisoner/guard study with Wallace against Logan. Rider Strong was very good here and liked his tormenting of Horshack. He came off as a real asshole with him making fun of Horshack from his name to him not being able to piss in front of others to him being a Jew to him not eating pork. But Horshack got back at him later in the episode when he gave him false information but this cost Horshack a second trip to solitary. Earlier when Logan looked like he was going to give in was great. I didn't care for the Veronica storyline all that much, though. She didn't make a convincing drunk at all and just showed those people are stupid for believing her. And it turned out this secret room was just for the "den mother's" marijuana for her cancer. So, Veronica not liking the story being published quits the job and takes her workstudy job in the library. The kid who wanted to study while in this experiment ends up giving the real information at 6:03pm or so he thought. Wallace, without Rider Strong knowing, turned the clocks ahead a few minutes and gave his team the win. And then Logan runs naked in class. So yes, good episode here.

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The CW: No Final Arc


I am – Hercules!!

“Veronica Mars” returns with new episodes on Tuesday, but following February sweeps will disappear again for eight weeks, to be replaced by the reality series "Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll."

When “Mars” returns with its final five episodes, there apparently will be no final multiepisode story-arc to end its first season on the CW. From USA Today:

Veronica Mars, which now airs in [the Pussycat Dolls]spot, will take a breather then return for five non-serialized episodes — a first for that series — to finish out the season.

To anticipate the question, there is not yet word on whether “Mars” will get a fourth season. The CW, like all the other broadcast networks, announces its fall slate in mid-May.

In other CW news announced at the netlet’s Television Critics Association presentation:

* “7th Heaven” does not look likely to be renewed for another season.

* Unlike fellow UPN immigrant “Mars,” “Everybody Hates Chris” just got a 22-episode order for next season.

* “Hidden Palms,” the new series from “Dawson’s Creek” mastermind Kevin Williamson, may get bumped from midseason to summer.

* “America’s Top Model” returns on Feb. 28.

* The netlet is developing a beauty-contest reality series and a family drama that would be set and filmed in South Africa.

credit aicn

Fuck The CW, seriously. VM rocks. It is so cancelled.

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The CW sucks, but VM's ratings suck despite a dream pairing. What do you expect them to do to bring the numbers up when people are seemingly going out of their way to not watch? And if there's no final arc, blame Rob Thomas. It's not like some suit in CW corporate is writing the storylines.

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The CW sucks, but VM's ratings suck despite a dream pairing. What do you expect them to do to bring the numbers up when people are seemingly going out of their way to not watch? And if there's no final arc, blame Rob Thomas. It's not like some suit in CW corporate is writing the storylines.

No, just influencing the show as a network that owns said show is capable of and usually does. Kind of how The CW helped make the decision to not run one over arching season long mystery this year.

And VM and GG are so not a dream pairing. Aside from witty dialogue and having female leads, the two shows have virtually nothing in common. The CW has nothing even remotely similiar to VM, just like Supernatural, Smallville, and half of their other shows are all so very different than everything else on the air.

And taking the show off the air for eight weeks, bringing it back for a month or so, and then taking it off for another 8 weeks and then finishing up with 5 final episodes isn't the smartest way to run a show. How hard is it to sustain an audience's attention and draw in new viewers for a show where you kind of have to watch week in and week out to understand the characters and how they relate to one another when the show disappears multiple times for two month long breaks each time?

Edited by Mr. TGC
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No, just influencing the show as a network that owns said show is capable of and usually does. Kind of how The CW helped make the decision to not run one over arching season long mystery this year.
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3x03 - Witchita Linebacker - 6.5/10

Finally, Weevil shows up and Veronica gets him her old job working for Keith. Veronica has a new school official to be called into office by and he wants her expelled if she doesn't give up the name of the professor who supplied the seeds for the weed plants. But obviously Veronica isn't going to do that. Weevil makes a good detective with him suspecting the driver due to the way he strains on one package going in and not on the ones going out. TGC must have cried when Veronica and Logan fought. She gets jealous way too easily it seems. Boo to Weevil punching the boyfriend thus getting Keith fired from the job and now must get fired himself from a job he actually seemed to enjoy and do well at. But Veronica will help him out with finding another job. She uses the Dean's smashed up car as a way to get herself from getting expelled and to help Weevil become the new janitor where he fixes the air conditioner for the Dean and he seems to like this job as he smiles. And Veronica plants a bug in the car but when she talks to Trisha and finds out her boyfriend is moving back to Kansas due to getting his scholarship yanked (didn't talk about this storyline as I didn't like it at all), she decides to take the bug out and later she and Logan are back together. And Claire is raped. Yeah, I don't care about this storyline at all.

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Considering how this season hasn't been as enjoyable as the first two, it's no surprise the CW is pulling the plug. Lillith dykes, rape storylines, more WB goodness I want to dryheave on. Please.

Let CW put back on retarded shit like Pussycat Dolls whatever the fuck it is. I love VM, but if it's going downhill pull the plug before it gets dumber. Especially since it's on a third tier network for teenage girls competing against MTV.

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3x04 - Charlie Don't Surf - 6.5/10

Keith, Logan, and Veronica all work well together. Nice to see Laura San Giacomo from Just Shoot Me guest star here. I liked that show. "Why rape the cow when you're swimming in free milk?" Wow, Dick is great. Veronica is not hot all dressed up. >_> The reason Logan's money is dwindling away is because of a half brother that is getting it named Charlie Stone. The black clerk was funny. We meet Chris Stone who seems like a good guy but we find out that he isn't who he says he is as Veronica goes to the school where he supposedly works and the real Charlie Stone is there teaching. And he guy is from Vanity Fair. What an ass and Logan punches him out. :D The cheating husband case turns out that he isn't cheating on her and she leaves to go back to a marriage she doesn't want to be in. Has good chemistry with Keith and would be a good recurring character for Keith to have, but with this being the last season mostly likely, it is pointless. Dick and his frat is free of the rapes. And Logan's half brother won't call him back. So only five more episodes to go before the show returns on Tuesday.

Why is there like no Wallace? Episode 3 had none. And this episode had him for like all of one minute. And Weevil returns last episode and doesn't show up at all here. :@

And going back and reading the thoughts by TGC, Ringo, and Beatnik, I have to say one thing and that is to Beatnik: you suck for hating on Just Shoot Me. :@

Edited by Fitzy
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3x05 - President Evil - 6/10

Not a good episode. So when we get more Wallace we get a horrible storyline for him? Gay. The robbery had an obvious turn out. Yeah, just not really worth going into detail about with the only thing that I liked was the pizza guy loving Veronica and Cliff. Cliff is always great.

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