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Veronica Mars Is Totally BIH!

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest Chasing Ringy

Second is Paris Hilton as a supporting character. She can't act, let me just say that up front and right off the bat. She flat out can't act to save her life. Similarly, seeing her takes me right out of the story each and every time she's on screen. Both of these things detracts from my viewing pleasure completely.

Blame UPN for that one. They love to cross promote, from memory you still have to sit through apparences from America's Next Top Model contestents and that annoying girl from Laguna Beach.

What's most annoying is that the story was good, the character went to an interesting place, and I would almost like to see the character return so we could get a follow up on her, and yet it IS Paris so i have no such desire.

And cross promotion for what? Her show with Nicole Ritchie was on Fox, not UPN.

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And Season Two is out today. Everyone go out and but three copies. One for you, one in case the other breaks and one to give to your future wife in lieu of a wedding ring.

I'm definitely going to get it this weekend. Unfortunately, it's not as cheap as I got season 1 for (23.99) ... but it's still worth the money.

Second is Paris Hilton as a supporting character. She can't act, let me just say that up front and right off the bat. She flat out can't act to save her life. Similarly, seeing her takes me right out of the story each and every time she's on screen. Both of these things detracts from my viewing pleasure completely.

Blame UPN for that one. They love to cross promote, from memory you still have to sit through apparences from America's Next Top Model contestents and that annoying girl from Laguna Beach.

Thank God I didn't notice Paris on the show. And if all these other guest appearances stay the hell away from major roles, I'll be happy. Didn't notice them before, but it's not a good practice. Or perhaps this practice will end with the switch to CW.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Guest Chasing Ringy

They are bringing in Laura San Giacomo in season three, which I hope leads to interactions between her and Keith. That will be a nifty little homage to Just Shoot Me.

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S1E5 has Keith going on a date with Rebecca The Counselor. Does it get any better than that? No, it doesn't. Then I am forced to hate Veronica later in the episode. Dammit.

How about Jimmy Olson as a steroids dealer who loses his cargo? That would be the thrust of the main story, and it's okay. Nothing great, but it's serviceable.

I didn't trust Troy, and I was right. Now I'm just mad at him. Damn good writing.

I hate Veronica's mom, and I don't even think I have any reason to yet.

Overall S1E5 Grade B-

Edited by Real Man's Man TGC
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S1E6 is upon us. Well, me.

Harry Hamlin as Logan's dad, Aaron Echolls? Oh I like. A washed up former star playing a TV version of a modern day star. I love it. And getting Aaron Echolls to support Duncan? In a school election? That's the kind of shit that Harry Hamlin should/would be doing in real life. It's almost typecasting. It was cool to see Lisa Rinna, Hamlin's real life wife, playing his TV wife though.

Logan setting up Homeless Man Fight Night may make him the greatest television character ever. Getting one over on his dad on national television is even better. Being beaten by said father wasn't surprising, but still sad.

ZOMG will Duncan run for Student Council President? Can Wanda beat him if he does? Duncan is a douche. There, I said it. The actor can't act and the character is a fuck. I bet he killed Lily. Dunno why I think this or why he would do it, but it's become my theory as of now. Plus, Duncan's alibi is now shit as Lily was proven to be alive AFTER the coronor ruled her time of death. Lily had a giant secret to tell Veronica the day of her murder. It was huge. Could it have been about Duncan? Could it have been about Veronica's mom and Jake Kane? Could it have been a dirty family secret of both families? Would Duncan kill her over it? I think I might have a theory now.

I almost feel bad at the end when the bad actor makes me like him for a few seconds.

Whereas Kristen Bell looks young and is actually mid twenties, Wanda looks old. Mid thirties. I kinda like the character though, although I doubt we ever see her again. That said, seeing Veronica exposing the election is slightly smaller than drug trafficking and missing fathers.

The side story to the above main story of Veronica trying to look further into Lily's murder is far more intriguing, but seeing as how this is episode 6 of 22, I wasn't expecting much. I got a little more than I was expecting though, so kudos for that.

Far and away better than I thought it was going to be, it was a nice "mythology" episode, to borrow from X-Files lingo.

Overall S1E6 Grade B+

Edited by Real Man's Man TGC
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S1E7 was full of a bunch of nice swerves and twists and turns that I enjoyed. From the main story of Veronica's upstairs pregnant neighbor to who it seems was doing Lily on the sly when Logan wasn't watching to the mystery of Jake Kane and Veronica's mothers past involvement, this episode had a lot of twists and turns. I completely enjoyed them all as well, but not as much as I enjoyed Logan and Weevil playing poker in detention and generally fucking around with MR X from The X-Files.

All in all a very enjoyable episode that I don't really feel the need to elaborate on anymore.

S1E7 Overall Grade A-

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S1E8 can be summed up in one phrase: Do not believe everything you might hear about people. It's a good episode full of many twists and turns as the previous one was. Not quite as great as that one, but pretty good.

However the meat comes at the end when the convicted murderer of Lily who clearly didn't do it poses a most intriguing question: Who's your daddy Veronica?

I love this show.

S1E8 Overall Grade B

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Guest Ringy Bangs Dennis' Mom

Its funny that aside from the other Buffy comparisons, VM has decided to stick with irrating boyfriends. Let's just be grateful that Duncan's not as bad as Riley. I hate that fucker.

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S1E9 focuses on an 09er who seems to have joined a cult, but really that's just the background noise. The real story focuses on whether or not Keith Mars is Veronica's father or not. Allow me to say, whether it makes me seem less manly or not, that this episode touched me more than any of the others thus far. There is such obvious love between Veronica and Keith, daughter and father, and the mere idea that she might not really be his biological daughter actually tore me up inside a bit. Don't get me wrong though, the cult story is a very good one. It pulled me in and wouldn't let go until the resolution. I cared for Casey more than I do most characters on shows I've watched for years, and he was just a guest star here. A great character made so real in 42 minutes. Have I mentioned how much I fucking love this show?

Note to all other dramas not named Veronica Mars, Lost, 24, Prison Break, or Law & Order: SVU, this is how you create an emotional investment in your show and this is how you make people fall in love with your characters. That being strong writing and acting that allows us to feel something for the characters involved.

Oh and on a side note, I need to start a moonbeam/mooncalf/moonstar/mooncrap cult if the trim looks as nice as it does in real life as it does here.

On another side note, I hate Isabelle from The 4400 so much, when I see the actress here before she joined 4400 I still hate her. I keep expecting her to cause someone's heart to stop or something. Or to be a totally annoying bitch. Oh wait, she is a total annoying bitch here too.

On my final side note, Veronica in the shower over and over is just a mean ass tease.

S1E9 Overall Grade A

Edited by Messir TGC
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I reviewed this once and the damn board crashed on me ans I lost it all. So this is gonna be short and sweet.

S1E10 was a fun one. Two main stories each sharing top billing and each involving someone in the Echolls family. Both were well done, and both had me guessing most of the way through.

Who's better, Weevil or Logan? I can't decide, but each is as awesome as the other, and aside from keith and Veronica herself, amongst the best characters this show has to offer.

Duncun actually showed some sort of acting ability again. Unlike the first time he did it at the very end of an episode, this time he was showing it off all the way through. I still hate him however.

S1E10 Overall Grade B

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Duncun actually showed some sort of acting ability again. Unlike the first time he did it at the very end of an episode, this time he was showing it off all the way through. I still hate him however.

The rest of us hate him for a different reason. Or at least I do. I need to watch Season 2 over again soon, and I finally got the DVDs on the weekend.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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I'm a huge Keith Mars fan.

I love the show. There's some excellent characters like Logan, Weevil, Mac and that - but it's probably the only show to have a complete arse as a Sheriff - and the arse is a likable character.

Vote for Lamb!

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