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Veronica Mars Is Totally BIH!

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

This week was a lot a better than last week. It was the dark, hateful VM we all love, and it had Rider Strong and it had Neil from F&G. What is not to love? This slowly develloping but it's still great.

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S3E2 is upon me, although I am a few days late here. I took a good 40 minutes and sat down and watched the whole thing tonight, and I have got to say I found it fun and good, if not a slight wee bit underwhelming.

So while Keith runs in the desert from McCormick, Veronica uses her guilt over not stopping Parker's rape to develop her steely resolve to catch the rapist herself. Hmmm, do you think she will? Meanwhile Logan and Wallace take part in Homer's research to hopefully not have to write a twenty page essay at the end of the semester.

Veronica needs to say Frak at least once per show. And the Faux Lesbian Dance too. Way better than The Hustle or The Moonwalk.

I'm a shy peeer, so can feel for the fat, short Jew.

Okay storylines in order:

We get to see more Liam. He may be a drug dealer and a murderer, but I enjoy him when he's on. I enjoy him more when he's killing his brother who might have killed Kendall. So Keith feels guilty cuz he trusted Kendall and McCormick and McCorkick supposedly killed Kendall. No body only a scant amount of blood does not a murder make. The art thing at the end was a nice lil twist, but not great.

Meanwhile Veronica's guilt is quickly turned into a job for the newspaper and more quips and sarcastic dark humor than you can shake a pop culture reference at. She goes undercover to crack open the secrets within a sorority, and my oh my is this a fun story. Well, as fun as investigating potential rapists can be. We do see some Dick though, which is of course good. Now as per usual Veronica doesn't get the story she hoped for, or all of her facts straight, but she does get the prize for best of the three stories.

And that leaves us with Wallace and Logan in Homer's Prison Stories. Weak, a little fun, but overall not great. Tried too hard to be witty and clever, and in the end it was all about the guest stars, who were enjoyable, and not enough about Logan or Wallace.

Not a perfect episode by any stretch of the imagination, but not bad.

S3E2Overall Grade B-

Edited by TGC Loves Pussy
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Guest The Bleeding Heart Show of Ringy

This week was okay. The mysteries were really minimal, but whatever, Weevil was back. Sure, it was a cop out to have him be doing parole, but it was still good to have him back. Some funny stuff too, with the guy at the end grabbing his crotch when Logan and Veronica were kissing, but that was kinda cheesy. Feels like the show is going girly to pair up well with the GGs to me, but it's still got that dark humour to it, so I'm good. Was good to see Veronica vulnerable for once though, even if it was just to show her completely paranoid.

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I don't feel the need nor the desire to do the long ass reviews, so I'll just say I really enjoyed this week's episode. I dug Kurt, Ed Begley's Dean of Hurst College was great and I hope we see more of him soon, and I also really enjoyed seeing Weevil again. I kinda wish he was still working for Keith, but oh well. The mysteries were kinda weakish, and I missed Mac, but the interpersonal relationships were rock solid and the show was as always very well done. I simply can't complain.

Overall Grade B+

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Guest The Bleeding Heart Show of Ringy

So Logan from GG and Logan from VM were on screen together and I nearly ejaculated in joy. This episode was quality and lots of fun. Did I mention Logan from GG and Logan from VM were on screen together? I wish Logan from GG was playing Logan from GG rather than some fag though, because that would have made the show all sorts of awesome. Him referring to Veronica as "ace" would have been quality. But now I'm just dreaming.

All in all, VM's storyline with the rape was cool. Keith's storyline with the chick from Just Shoot Me was cool and Logan's storyline was great.

And Logan from GG was on. And he was hanging around Logan from VM. And I had a boner.

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So I finally gave in and watched the pilot episode.

Veronica Mars - Pilot - 7.5/10

Pretty good episode that makes me want to keep watching now. So far I like Weevil. Keith Mars is good except for "who's your daddy." That is just a little creepy when he says it to his own daughter. Veronica helping out Wallace and and the two of them getting back at Logan was also good.

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So Logan from GG and Logan from VM were on screen together and I nearly ejaculated in joy. This episode was quality and lots of fun. Did I mention Logan from GG and Logan from VM were on screen together? I wish Logan from GG was playing Logan from GG rather than some fag though, because that would have made the show all sorts of awesome. Him referring to Veronica as "ace" would have been quality. But now I'm just dreaming.

All in all, VM's storyline with the rape was cool. Keith's storyline with the chick from Just Shoot Me was cool and Logan's storyline was great.

And Logan from GG was on. And he was hanging around Logan from VM. And I had a boner.

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1x02 - Credit Where Credit's Due - 6.5/10

Rather week episode due to the fact that Paris Hilton sucks huge amounts of ass. What a no-talent piece of shit. Why was she here? The only good thing that came from it was her being kicked out at the end. Weevil kicking his cousin out of his gang was good as was Veronica solving that case plus finding some more on the Lilly Kane case. Troy (or was it Trey) being introduced is decent as he just comes across so lame with the horrible old phrases but I like it.

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Guest The Bleeding Heart Show of Ringy

Like I told TGC when he reviewed it, I nearly stopped watching the show when I saw "next week, PARIS HILTON OMG" ads. Thankfully, this was back when nothing was on Tuesdays, so watch again I did.

Rob Thomas complained about Paris too, saying he wanted the character to be recurrent but when UPN made him cast Paris he was like fuck that.

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1x03 - Meet John Smith - 7/10

Well, this was quite the odd turn out with Justin's dad turning out to be a woman. That is clearly not what he was expecting. And the guy who is with his dad? That is also wrong. Better than last weeks, but not all that great like the pilot.The scene with Logan leaning back only for the guy above him to lean back and let Logan rest his head on his legs was quite gay. I liked the Duncan storyline, though.

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1x03 - Meet John Smith - 7/10

Well, this was quite the odd turn out with Justin's dad turning out to be a woman. That is clearly not what he was expecting. And the guy who is with his dad? That is also wrong. Better than last weeks, but not all that great like the pilot.The scene with Logan leaning back only for the guy above him to lean back and let Logan rest his head on his legs was quite gay. I liked the Duncan storyline, though.

You like Duncan? :mellow:

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Guest Ringo Masterson

Yesterday's episode was decent. Weevil's being a little bit of a bitch, and Wallace getting caught cheating? Seriously? Where is the VM storylines we all know and love? On the upside, I'm starting to really like the banter between Logan and Veronica. I also loved Veronica's fanboy at the pizza place. He was all sorts of awesome. Keith's story with the dean didn't really do it for me though.

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The MOTWs haven't really been standing out for me in this series, and it was more of the same yeterday. As you said, the fanboy was funny, as were the Dean and the little girl with the chewing gum.

I feel like the over-arching mystery is going to be good though. As much as I though the show had had enough rape, the whodunit elements have been interesting. Still pretty annoying that the list of potential suspects is cut in half though.

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