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Veronica Mars Is Totally BIH!

Guest Ringmaster

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At least it won't be the bare minimum 13 episodes that had been ordered:

Meanwhile, over on the CW, sources tell me that Veronica Mars has received an order for three more episodes—not the full season it deserves, but this die-hard fan will take it!
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1x04 - The Wrath Of Con - 7/10

Decent enough. Nothing good really happened outside of Veronica's use of "ownage" on Grant twice. Not sure why Weevil would be crying as they never mentioned that he and Lilly were close or anything. I guess the point was that even someone that is like him can be moved by something? Good ending, though. :shifty:

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1x05 - You Think You Know Somebody - 7.5/10

Good episode here with the whole Troy deal. I liked it and didn't expect it to go this route at all. Him hiding the car on his own, stashing the steroids away in the diner, screwing his "friends" out of the steroids and the $8,000 and Veronica catching him in it all was great. The steroid guy getting busted at the border was also good but predictable. Troy was a decent character and was better than Duncan and Logan as he didn't seem as generic as those two, so it sucks that he is most likely gone at this point (I guess, so don't spoil it if he isn't).

Edited by Fitzy
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1x06 - Return Of The Kane

Wow, Logan is such a badass >_> And Wanda Varner and Madison? Gayest thing over. "Oh you have no pirate points you can't order in." "Oh I will stomp on your food bitch!" And the interection between the teacher from the Newspaper class and the other female who I have no clue what position she has, was beyond stupid. "For your own good." What the hell? Dumb. Madison losing her spot was great, though. Stupid bitch. Wow, Logan is an asshole on getting his dad to put up $500,000 of his money. Sure, that isn't a lot to his father, but still. But him getting a whipping was great. Wanda sucks so her not winning was great. Hopefully she is gone forever for being such a bitch. That Duncan, what a nice guy. :shifty: Getting everyone in. Oh no Keith changed the combination. I liked the whole shoe thing.

Some parts of this episode were good. Some were not. Wanda was a shit character to bring into the show, that's for sure. But Logan started to shine for once in this episode with him setting up homeless fights and setting his dad up only to get whipped because of it.

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1x06 - Return Of The Kane - 7.5/10

Wow, Logan is such a badass, riding on his scooter to pick up the mail and yelling at the people taking pictures. >_> And Wanda Varner and Madison? Gayest thing ever. "Oh you have no pirate points you can't order in." "Oh I will stomp on your food bitch!" And the interaction between the teacher from the Newspaper class and the other female who I have no clue what position she has, was beyond stupid. "For your own good." What the hell? Dumb. Madison getting what she deserved for being a bitch was great, though. Wow, Logan is an asshole on getting his dad to put up $500,000 of his money. I loved it. But him getting a whipping was also great. Wanda sucks so her not winning was great. Hopefully she is gone forever for being such a bitch. That Duncan, what a nice guy. :shifty: Getting everyone in. Oh no Keith changed the combination. I liked the whole shoe thing.

Some parts of this episode were good. Some were not. Wanda was a shit character to bring into the show, that's for sure. But Logan started to shine for once in this episode with him setting up homeless fights and setting his dad up only to get whipped because of it.

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1x07 - The Girl Next Door - 8/10

Good episode with a nice swerve at the end. They made you believe that Sara was going to die but it turns out it was her step-father who was shot in the arm that gets taken away. And he raped Sara as well. So he got what he deserved. I liked the Weevil-Logan storyline of them pissing off the teacher and working together. And Weevil and Lilly? Kind of odd, but I am interested in where this will go.

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1x08 - Like A Virgin - 7/10

Meh. I didn't care for this episode outside of Keith staying in that guys apartment to force him out and the ending with Veronica finding out that she may or may not be the daughter of Jack Kane (I think his name is Jack). But this episode does show just how mean high school kids can be.

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Last night's episode was pretty cool. The show is finally picking up some steam, and I loved the ending in particular. The Fitzpatricks are great as usual.

When the girl ran into River Stix to find the boyfriend, Veronica should have just drove off. Dumb as hell to go chase after her.

And shouldn't she know better to drink things after being unattended. I mean, twice raped shame on them, third rape shame on her. Logan to the rescue, too bad he's hiding a relationship with Mercer.

Vinnie is partial dick.

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1x09 - Drinking The Kool-Aid - 7/10

The cult storyline sucked. Didn't care at all about that at all. I liked her tricking her father into giving blood to find out if she was Jake Kane's daughter but later shredding the test results.

I liked Weevil using lyrics to a song to act like he wrote a poem.

1x10 - An Echolls Family Christmas - 8/10

Now this was a good episode with the storyline of Weevil getting screwed out of money and Veronica finding out who took the money and then beating them all at poker. The storyline of Logan's dad sleeping with other people and then getting stabbed, as well as Keith coming to his rescue at the end was also good. And Veronica talking with Jake Kane and wanting to know exactly why she was being stalked by someone and sending pictures to her mother. Quality episode.

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Guest Ringo Masterson

Emo Logan's not cool.

That said, I watched it yesterday and thought meh and was bored and watched it again during my previous class and I actually paid more attention this time and enjoyed it >_>. Still Logan behaving like an emo gay isn't cool.

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1x11 - Silence of the Lamb - 8/10

Another good episode with Keith getting back to his normal job and getting a big case like this. And the storyline of Veronica digging up information on parents for various students leading to Mac wanting to find information on hers and then finding out that Mac and Madison being switched at birth was a good one. And I read the Westing Game back in like 6th grade. Good book. >_> Weevil showing up at the station and helping Veronica get the recordings was great. Weevil is always awesome. Lamb is one shit sheriff and should seriously start listening to Keith as he knows what he is doing. And Veronica finding out who set up Abel was also good, too. Game on, Weidman. :shifty:

1x12 - Clash Of The Tritons - 7/10

This episode sucked for the most part except for Weevil's and Logan's parts and Veronica catching the Triton fags in the process. Logan telling his dad that he will kill him was awesome. And wow, his mother kills her self? First his girlfriend a year ago and now his mom.

1x13 - Lord of the Blind - 8/10

Anthony Anderson is great. This was much better than the last one with it turning out Bryce was the one who set this whole thing up so he could get his dad to stop calling him soft. I liked that. And Logan was excellent there and us finding out that his mom just ran off because she hates Aaron was good, too. And the ending with Logan coming to Veronica for help was good.

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1x14 - Mars vs. Mars - 8/10

The opening bit with the students slapping the table and stomping the ground and then later snapping their fingers was beyond stupid. But I will forget that as this was a good episode. It had a good storyline with some student claiming to not be pregnant with the teachers baby and to stop ignoring her. Then Veronica Mars sides with the teacher because she likes him and we find out why it is Mars vs. Mars as Keith gets the call to dig into the life of the teacher while Veronica tries to clear his name and soon does only to later find out the truth and getting him kicked out of the school. And the scene with the freshman playing the home war movie and the see someone splash down into the water while Logan watches was good. I can't believe he'd have to watch that. But then we find out that a credit card of Lynn was used. So maybe she is still alive. But who could that/what could that be falling? And the end with Veronica finding out Abel is dying so he takes the fall was also good.

1x15 - Ruskie Business - 7/10

Didn't like the storyline of the Russian looking for her husband only for it to turn into the Russian Mafia looking for the guy who put them in jail. Logan actually crying for once was a show of a real human there and I liked it. So I guess we can finally say that Lynn is dead. Veronica crying over Duncan going with Meg and then the Deputy Leo shows up to take her to the dance was good. But is he crazy? She is 17. This can't end well at all. And the ending with us finding out who keeps calling her on the phone turning out to be her mother and then us seeing Weidman in the same place was nice.

1x16 - Betty And Veronica - 7.5/10

Good story with Wallace becoming the center of attention at the school because of him being a star basketball player. That was cool. So Jake Kane is clear of the murder due to being with Veronica's mother. Poor guy who wanted to be cool so he took a picture of a parrot in a animal store and then even Weevil feels bad for the kid. Veronica using all of her money to get her mom some help was good as well. I liked that Weidman bugged Veronica's room and Veronica was able to find that and use it to her advantage as well. And number 13 on the Pirates trying to screw around with the game was just stupid. What an idiot. But Wallace got to play and all was good. And as for Leo taking Veronica out for dinner, how did Keith not do anything about that? Seems completely against what Keith is all about.

Edited by Fitzy
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