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NHL 07


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So I just bought the game, and have a quick question...

the difficulty... how do I make it realistic? Either I'm crushing my opponents with outlandish amounts of scoring on Easy/Medium, or it's closer, but the scoring is still way too high on Hard/Expert... is there any good, realistic way to keep scoring down?

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Who has absolutely no love of realism whatsoever.

NHL 07 is only worth it if you have a cadre of people always willing to pop by and throw down. It's a good game to play with people but the single player components are vastly inferior to NHL 2K7.

I can't speak for the 360 but I've played 07 on the PS2 and XBox, it's the same shit with a different case.

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All of my goals have come from either One Timers, Breakaways, or just Crashing the Net.

EDIT: and I just lost my first game. I'm 9-0-1 as the Flames now because of a Shootout loss. I hate controlling the goalie.

Edited by Gabriel
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  • 2 months later...

You're obviously too good >_>

I got the game for Christmas and have started a season with the Rangers which has been pretty realistic I think so far. Something like 7-4-0-2. Scores ranging from 1-0 to 5-4. I just squeaked past the Sharks in a shootout. Petr Prucha :wub:

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I need help. I traded Kevin Weekes to Philadelphia for their young goaltender, Nittymakawhateverhisnameis, but when I go to 'Edit Lines' there's no section to change the goalies. He is activated according to the 'Roster Moves' screen but I can't put him in. When I go to a game and try to edit the lines before I start, there's two goalie choices: Lundqvist or Lundqvist. I can't choose my new goalie for some reason. I tried calling up my rookie from the minors but I can't use him either because he needs to be dressed which I can't do because I can't access the goalie section in Edit Lines :(

Also, how do you do fights in this game? The manual says to press Y and when I do that I just get called for slashing. I've had one fight but I don't know how it happened :\

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The whole slashing/fighting thing is that you have to hit that button to slash and/or start a fight. You don't need to actually slash someone, just hit the button when someone from the other team who fights in on the ice.

I had that happen to my lines before, I think if you save and then load your game it should be fixed. If not, your going to have to restart.

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I saved and reloaded a few times but it didn't change anything. I finally managed to sort it by choosing my best lines so the CPU automatically put Nittymakawhateverhisnameis as the back-up. I had to re-do all my other lines again, but it was worth it. I still can't view the goalies section in the main edit lines screen, though.

My first unrealistic score I had last night, but it was worth it. NYR 7 NJD 0 (H)

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I only rented 2k7, but I don't recall there being an abundance of one-timers. NHL 02 had to be the worst for that, it was horrible. Me and my mate in 6th form used to play it all the time (we couldnt'get the 2k series at the time), and although it was fun playing through a two team franchise, it got old when the only real way to score was the one timer (and why would you try anything else when it was so certain to score) and the ability to trade virtually any player as long as there was only a point or two difference in overall rating (meaning you could upgrade a 72 OVR to 99 by constant trading) ruined the realism.

To their credit, EA have fixed the series up a lot since then, but it just feels too arcadey for me, especially when you can't more than one pass in a cycle before getting hitsticked or slashed.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, so I'm at the beginning of my fourth season as the Calgary Flames in my dynasty... and I can't make any trades.

I'm tyring to free up some space in the budget to re-sign my bigger names to new contracts, and even though I'm $5 mil under the Salary Cap, when I try to make a trade, it says that I can't, because it would put me over the cap.

Problem is...I'm trying to trade Alex Tanguay, who's making $5.3 mil a year to Atlanta for draft picks.

Is this a bug? It makes me sad.

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