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EWB's Desert Island Discs

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1) Five complete musical albums.

He Poos Clouds by Final Fantasy

Probably my favorite CD.

The Essential Clash by the Clash

I love the Clash and its a great compilation.

The Singles by Basement Jaxx

Great dance music and all over the place, never gets boring.

The Sounds of Science by Beastie Boys

Same as above, as in it never gets boring.

FutureSex/LoveSounds by Justin Timberlake

For sexy time.

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Romeo & Juliet



King Lear

The Merchant of Venice

3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer).

Super Mario Kart

Grand Theft Auto Vice City

Dead Rising

4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

Mexican Food.

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1) Five complete musical albums.

Mastodon - Blood Mountain

Demon Hunter - The Triptych

The Exies - Head For The Door

Seven Wiser - Seven Wiser

Metallica - Metallica

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Jeff Lindsay - Dearly Devoted Dexter

Jeff Lindsay - Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Dan Brown - Angels And Demons

Tucker Max - I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Maddox - Alphabet Of Manliness

3) Three video games

Madden 07

WWF No Mercy

MVP Baseball 2005

4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

Basically any Italian food.

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Ixnay on the Hombre by The Offspring

Back Into Your System by Saliva

Get A Grip by Aerosmith

I Get Wet by Andrew W.K.

Alice In Chains Unplugged


Have A Nice Day! by Mick Foley

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk


Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero 2



White Castle

Edited by The Dork Knight
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1) Album's

The Crane Wife - The Decemberists

The Fragile - Nine Inch Nails

OK Computer - Radiohead

Good News For People Who Love Bad Nes - Modest Mouse

Electro-Shock Blues - The Eels

2) Books

Watership Down

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Good Omens

Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism

The Daily Show: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction

3) Games

Chrono Trigger


Secret of Mana

4) Food


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1) Five complete musical albums.

Killswitch Engage - As Daylight Dies

Crossfade - Self Titled

Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy IX Official Soundtrack

Crossfade - Falling Away

All That Remains - The Fall of Ideals

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Final Fantasy XII Official Strategy Guide

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Deltora Quest (whichever series had 3 books)

3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer).

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy XII


4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

KFC - I like their chips and mash potato >_>

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I'm going to break the rules and do five video games and three books because, I don't read all that much, quite frankly. But I'll stay on the island for like... a couple days longer than everyone else. :shifty:

1) Five complete musical albums.

The Format - Dog Problems

Blink 182 - Greatest Hits

New Found Glory - Catalyst

Fall Out Boy - From Under The Cork Tree

Matthew Good Band - Beautiful Midnight

2) THREE books (fiction or non-fiction).

To Kill A Mockingbird

Fight Club

America: The Book

3) FIVE video games

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy V

SD vs. RAW 2007

We Love Katamari


4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

Wendy's OR Japanese cusine.. no idea.

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1) Five complete musical albums.

Prince--Purple Rain


Terence Trent D'Arby--Neither Fish Nor Flesh

Tricky--Pre-Millenium Tension

Nellie McKay--Get Away From Me

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Stephen King--The Stand

Stephen King--Christine

Clive Cussler--Golden Buddha

Ric Flair--To Be the Man

Mick Foley--Foley is Good

3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer).

GTA San Andreas

Football Manager 2007


4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

Pizza Hut. Period.

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1) Five complete musical albums.

8 Foot Sativa - Breed The Pain

Daylight Dies - Dismantling Devotion

Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell

Hammerfall - Crimson Thunder

White Stripes - White Blood Cells.

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Mick Foley - Have A Nice Day

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express

Bryce Courtney - The Power of One

War & Peace

3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer).


Smackdown 2


4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?


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Guest Ringu

1) Five complete musical albums.

The Cure - Disintegration

The Cure - Pornography

The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?

Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures

Joy Division - Substance

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Michael Chabon - Kavalier and Clay

Glen David Gold - Carter Beats the Devil

Charles Bukowski - Ham on Rye

Michail Bulgakov - the Master and Margarita

John McNally - the Book of Ralph

3) Three video games




4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

Yeah, I don't care.

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1) Five complete musical albums.

Rage Against the Machine - Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium

System of a Down - Toxicity

The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute

No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom

Stone Temple Pilots - Thank You (greatest hits)

Of course that would easily change in a few hours, since I have about 30 albums I could have put in there without hesitation off the top of my head

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

Have A Nice Day by Mick Foley

Foley is Good by Mick Foley

The Hardcore Diaries by Mick Foley (haven't read it yet, but I'm sure it's just as good as the other two)

Hockey News' 100 Greatest Hockey Players

Hustler November 1993 (at least I think it was November...first skin mag I ever saw, really the only one I ever bothered look at actually... If I'm going to be on the Island all alone, I'll need this to keep me sane)

Yeah, I don't read much

3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer).

NFL 2007

NHL 2007

Fight Night Round 3

4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?


Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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(What's the Story) Morning Glory by Oasis

Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd

The Singles by U2

X&Y by Coldplay

Forty Licks by the Rolling Stones


Harry Potter & the Order of the Pheonix by JK Rowling

The World Acording to Clarkson

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolken


Football Manager 2007

Metal Gear Solid

The Ledgend of Zelda:Occarina of Time


The World's best Curry House

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1) Five complete musical albums.

1. Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde. The most complete album he ever made, possibly the greatest thing ever committed to record.

2. Prince - Purple Rain. People always look at me weird when I say this is underrated, because most in-the-know types like it. It's underrated because it's not in everybody's top 10. The best album made in the 1980s, bar none.

3. The Who - Teenage Wasteland. This'd be worth taking just for Baba O'Reilly, the fact that it's got like a dozen other amazing songs on it as well is just an added bonus really, isn't it?

4. David Bowie - BestofBowie. Proof that his best material wasn't all from the 60s, this fairly recent compilation takes everything from Space Oddity and The Jean Genie to some great cuts from the 'Thin White Duke' period and Heathen, which is his best album in nearly 3 decades.

5. Pixies - Wave of Mutilation. I couldn't live without Pixies, and as much as I hate to go for the compilation, I doubt I could live with only Surfer Rosa, or only Here Comes Your Man, etc. All in one place, yay.

2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction).

1. Jack Kerouac - On the Road. This book changed my life when I was 14. It was weird, to me, that nobody else I knew had read it, because you could read this book and learn how to live. It still touches me every time I read it.

2. Harold Pinter - Plays 1. Curse of the compilations, but it's plays so whatever. The Homecoming, The Birthday Party, The Dumb-Waiter, and others all in one place. One of the greats of 20th century theatre, yay. Plus I could do little scenes when I got bored.

3. Ezra Pound - Selected Poems 1908-1969. Yeah, he was a fascist. But he was also a beautiful, beautiful writer. This collection has basically the whole of the Cantos in it, so yay for that.

4. Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman - Good Omens. This is unashamedly awesome. 'Nuff said.

5. Alan Moore - Watchmen. The most complete comic book/graphic novel ever produced.

3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer).

1. Final Fantasy 6. The series has gone from strength to strength with its graphics, innovations, and suchlike - but for sheer emotion, humour, and playability, 6 is the high-water mark after over a decade now.

2. Suikoden V. I never got around to completing it, but it seemed immense as all Suikoden games are, and let's face it - I'm on a desert island forever, I'm gonna have a chance to play it all at some point.

3. Resident Evil 4. The best survival horror/action game ever made. Metal Gear? Nah.

4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve?

Hmm, tough one. Have to go for Pizza because you can have as many varied toppings as you like and that's gonna be as close as you'll get to variety.

I echo whoever it was who said we should be able to choose DVDs/films too.

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