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The Sims 2

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Community lots and your residential lots operate on different clocks. When you leave at say 13:34, when you get to the community lot it'll continue from there, you can satisfy specific needs - although most will come back deteriorated - well, specifically energy. And then when you get back home the clock reverts back to 13:34 despite it perhaps being 17:13 when you leave the community lot. So then at mid day you have a sim who needs 8 hours sleep and everything goes to pot >_<


Just choose an expansion pack from the left and there should be some videos at the bottom, one of which should be a creator taking you through it. They really get me into the game, they persuaded me to buy Nightlife and Open for Business, and got me wanting to play Seasons even more but I just can't get my game to play out like that.

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That's pretty awesome then. I've been avoiding doing tons of the Community Lot stuff because I've always felt like I didn't have time because the kids needed to study, or adults needed to learn skills, or just jump into bed with each other.

Now I know that community stuff happens "outside of Sim time" I can start playing all that stuff more. Vampirism here I come.

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I've never had much of a problem balancing needs and skill advancement with recreation. Especially on weekends, its often that my sims in a family will have nothing of importance to do by sunday.

On a completely unrelated note, never paint a portrait. They're a pain in the ass to get done.

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There's times when I just have nothing to do with a sim, but never do I have a family of 4-6 sims all around to do nothing at one time. Which is what I want, I want 5 teenagers to hang out in the summer by the pool sort of thing, not one with 2 friends, while their sister studies and another friend has pissed off and decided to make themselves a sandwich.

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Because I couldn't be bothered waiting for several Sim Days on end, I cheated slightly, Ajay Loner and his wife had an alien-human hybrid child, but not wanting it to interfere in their jobs, they gave it away to the Beakers. The Beakers began their new experiments, turning Circe into a zombie succesfully, I then used the Tombstone of Life and Death to quick age young "Zee Loner" to adult phase (I figure experimentation can explain it, especially with what comes next). Zee takes residence in the basement that Nervous used to occupy and they killed him and resurrected him using the buyable Ressurect-O-Nomitron I downloaded, they didn't pay enough and he became a zombie. The vampire who married Robert Kim built up relationship with Zee and then bit him, making him a vampire, then I went to check on my tomato crops... bug infested... oh dear... :shifty:

So now Zee Loner, the ultimate experiment of the Beaker's is a super aged alien-human hybrid zombie with vampiric powers and Plantisim needs and abilities, of course, there's one thing missing... now where is a werewolf when you need one :shifty:

EDIT: I put in the picture, note the fangs for the vampirism, the head tilt for the zombism, the obvious for the Plantisim, it's hard to tell he's an alien-human hybrid because the skin would be green anyway from other things :(

Edited by Benjirino~!
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Bigfoot just moved in with the Travellers so now the only 100% normal family is the Grunt's, methinks that the only people who're going to survive the 'rampage' when I unleash the hybrid during a massive town party are going to be the ones who aren't pure human, which means at least half the town is dying :D I also gave Robert Kim and the Countessa more vampire friends so they now live in what is basically a vampire nest.

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I'm frustrated now, I moved out Nina and Kenwyne from the household since the big house and 6 sims + gardeners/maids/passers by were slowing it down, so I built Nina and Kenwyne a rather nice, swish house, but now I have to start with them in Summer. So to sim them all the way to spring will take a while, and also fuck my ages up. Kenwyne shared his birthday with Gemma in the game, now he's going to end up a lifeform ahead of her when I catch everything up.

I can't really seem to find a way around it so I guess I just have to deal with it. But I'm not happy >_<

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Urgh. Sometimes this forum really annoys me. I've spent about 5 days checking this thread, just spent about 3 hours on the Sims 2 and now bought Seasons off eBay.


Should be fun though. I'm really looking forward to building a house like those on the adverts that looks purdy during all seasons for my legacy family. I also now really need to buy a new copy of Nightlife, since our disk is broken, now that I'm back into this game.

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So, several updates that you probably won't read...


Sent off all the teenagers to college, they're in two separate dorms, the Capp's and Puck Summerdream in one and the two Monty boys in the other with a created Sim known as "Dave Paris", for obvious reasons. The rivalry is going to escalate into assaults at college and then war when the boys return to Veronaville. Romeo and Juliet are hot for one another, but I'm not letting them ever quite be together (c'mon, let's stick to the script) especially since Romeo's... well... a Romeo, he's going to spend a lot of time getting with the ladies of Veronaville whilst Juliet weeps in the corner and does her thing, I may marry them eventually, like, on their dying days. The main families I'm pretty sure no-one cares about but they're doing their thing, I've made sure someone can inherit the houses when the house owner dies so we're all set for the legacy of the manors to live on.


I made an OAP's home (try and give elders something to do) but then killed off any OAP's before they got there (smart move me), Mary-Sue and the Oldies 'mysteriously died', Daniel is left alone and is in bereavement, but someone has come to help him through this tough time, the woman who failed to get Mortimer Goth, who snagged Count Scott Hsu then killed him for the moolah, Dina Caliente! Nina meanwhile is working her way trough the Pleasantview men, she's going to get pregnant by 'accident' with Don Lothario once they have Daniel's house/money. The Goths (Cassandra and Darren) have twins and two dogs as well, the house is havoc and I'm going to give them another couple of twins once this pair are at uni just for funsies. The Burbs are doing bugger all, I'm struggling with them to be honest, I'm thinking of breaking them up again and having John end up with Brandi before they grow old and have Jennifer just concentrate on business and become an old prude <_>


Zombies! Hoo!! There are about ten zombies all running around now at various locations, I'm pretending it's a sign of the apocalypse :P Zee is going to kill a LOT of people sooner rather than later, but the clone Bella has now moved in with the Beakers and has managed to 'stop' it from reviving people just to kill them in order to quench its bloodlust :P The University now has its first zombie students as well. Beyond Zee's rampage I can forsee the revival of the Tricou family and a mystery around that coming to light.

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I read all the updates, so there's one reader. And you're interested in the Tricou mystery huh? When I get University I intend on taking that on but right now am just concentrating on the game.

So Nina and Kenwyne are all cozy now, Kenwyne is a bald toddler it would appear and just having fun like the toddlers usually do. Nina's antics have come to a grinding halt looking after her little charge but she's struck up a bit of a friendship with Gilbert Jacquet. So with him and Kacper Landchild currently in the frame - she'll want to WooHoo with them soon, then my created sim - named after me, but not based on me, Luke and then there's Don Goth as well who she's currently in love with. Not to mention she's very good friends with sister's husband Malcolm Landgraab IV. So that leaves all sorts of doors open.

Poor Kenwyne, he doesn't stand a chance at a normal life.

Oh and the Lemon tree is sickly, I keep spraying it. I'm thinking about making Nina a Plantsim.

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I feel sorry for your Nina, she gets used more than any other Sim by the looks of it and she gets all your stories :P

I use Plantisimism as an excuse to use the word 'clone', in which case, I'm contemplating 'cloning' Zee and having him run an entire family of people each with one of the ailments he has.

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Nina's woohoo'd Luke and Don.

Dina's woohoo'd Don, Mortimer and Malcolm.

Luke's woohoo'd Ivy, Nina and some random sim or else he stole his first child ¬_¬

Don's woohoo'd Cassandra, Nina, Dina, Kaylynn (in a past memory - but i'll get it again probably) and is quite friendly with some lass. (odd thing, Alex saw Don and Nina and kissing and ignored it, now i've seen games where siblings have told on cheats. Is this only if the relationship score is high?)

However Nina may soon add Kacper Lanchild, Gilbert Jacquet and Malcolm Langraab IV to that list so I guess you're right. And I just want a Plantsim for the sake of having one, and Nina looks like that unfortunate (or fortunate?) person.

I also intend to get Aliens and Vampires involved sometime soon, as they're there to be used. And when I get University, a Zombie as well. It may spice up some of the dull families a bit more than just seem to plod along if I can throw in something like that. And it's all about creating weird ties with people.

I love the fact that there seems to be two family trees at the minute, sooner or later I reckon everyone will be linked on one family tree in some weird form. And as I keep dragging townies in it'll just get weirder and weirder.

Now someone give me something fucked up I can do with a family.

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I have no idea what you mean.

Nina's conquers (in table form)

Luke Harvey - Made Out, WooHoo, Hot Tub WooHoo, Child With

Malcolm Landgraab IV - Made Out, WooHoo

Kacper Landchild - Made Out, WooHoo, Public WooHoo (I aged him, he ended up with a mullet - his teenage form > that)

Don Lothatio - Made Out, WooHoo

Gilbert Jacquet - Made Out, WooHoo

Jennifer Burb - Made Out (she's pregnant or else they'd be in bed)

She's currently befriending;

Komei Tellerman

John Burb

Dustin Broke

Komei will most likely be next as there the most advanced in friendship and she's attracted to him. Whereas the chemistry has lightning bolts through for both John and Dustin, but that won't stop her.

I got her talking to Taro Sian Harvey, who is the daughter of Luke, the father of Nina's child. Then after this I'll have her meet Lucy Burb and with any luck she'll have gone through every member of the Burb family. Although she's using the Elixir of Life, basically all she cares about is herself and WooHooing, it's fun. I'll have her keep using it and using it and see if I can get her with the unborn child of the Burb's :D

EDIT: Well you can chalk up a Make Out, A WooHoo and apparently a child to Komei Tellerman now.

I guess if you throw enough shit, some of it will stick. Now, do I terminate it and have her keep her feminine wiles going? Or do I keep it, keep the elixir of life around and start again afterwards? Or should I have her settle down? Hmmmm

Edited by IAceI
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So with Chelsea Caliente born, the child of Nina and Komei, Nina quickly bedded Dustin Broke.

Now, I'm getting - not bored - but I'm itching for something different. Don't get me wrong I love my Sims lives i've created and very very quickly ruined, but trailing the Sims forums and stuff like that just makes me want to download a neighbourhood and create my own storylines from there.

So I'll keep my pleasantview game, but I may branch out here and go for a custom made hood, which will look better and more realistic than a Maxis hood.

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Screw downloading a neighbourhood. They must all have super computers. Why do I need a massive neighbourhood with 150 houses? I'm not going to play all of them am I?

Sticking with Pleasantview. And Chelsea Caliente really is a pain in the ass, Nina doesn't have time to raise a child as a single parent when there is loving to be had.

The one thing I like about downloadable neighbourhoods is a lot of them build houses on 2x2 lots, but still make them roomy. Moving the Caliente's into that big house was perhaps the most traumatic thing my computer has experience >_>

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Agreed. I built a three story house for my created sim and a large 2 floor house for Nina and her son.

I love them, they don't run particularly slowly (not really any more slowly than any other largish lot) and I know where everything is.

The house I moved the Landgraab's into is perhaps the most trivial thing ever. I initially furnished it without a dining room so they were dining outside, then I purchased Seasons and I had to rethink that. Then having 6 family members in the house at any one time was dragging it down, but I like my two created houses.

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