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So, Big Brother final - who wins?

Who to win Big Brother  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do YOU want to win Big Brother / hate least

    • Brian
    • Carol
    • Jonty
    • Liam
    • Sam & Amanda
    • Ziggy
    • Couldn't care less - really, I couldn't...

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Choose who YOU would want to win, who you are voting for or who you hate least...

For me, this year's actually been better than the last couple (which hasn't been hard). Some entertaining, tongue-in-cheek not-too-serious tasks (like the time travel) and Big Brother being a big more human and amusing (doing deals with housemates, engaging in conversation a bit more etc)

So actually, it's not been too bad at all.

Still it's an easy choice....Ziggy to win cos he's the person I could actually STAND being around. Brian makes my face hurt.

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Brian, because he's been the most entertaining. I like Ziggy a lot, but he pissed me off to no end with the Chanelle business. I like Liam too, but Brian just edges it. And I like the twins, but it's not fair if they win, because I always assumed the idea of Big Brother was to put people in the house with other people they don't know. They've had an unfair advantage from the start. But honestly, I probably wouldn't mind that much. The only person I dislike who's left in is Carole, because she's a complete and utter cunt.

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If Sam and Amanda do not win, then I will be soooooo pissed off. They're clear favourites to win, too. I think they're something like 5-13 and the closest one to them is Brian at 2-1.

Brian pisses me off hugely because he's just done the same thing over and over again. The constant idiotic moaning over Amanda is getting annoying too. She's rejected him so many times, why doesn't he take a hint? Liam is nearly as boring as Kara was, because he has done shit all, bar win a 100,000 already. Ziggy is a prick who forced Chanelle to leave, and lord knows she was sooooo much better then him. Jonty and Carole can fuck off too, because they're both as annoying as each other.

In essence, Twinowange.

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I agree with Katsuya twins for the win and Ziggy was a wanker! Made it suck for Chanelle and basically forced her out the house. Also if you have a crush on someone and you're seeing them all the time it is very hard for you not to try it on with them. So I feel sorry for Brian really as he has nowhere he can go for a few days to get her out of his head.

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Well what can he do? He can't take her out on a date anywhere, he can't give her a present or anything. It's just reliant on communication skills which I imagine many people would struggle with when trying to get someone. He also wouldn't be able to have sex with her in the house if they did date which would mean the relationship would never really be strong.

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Guest TheBlueyComplex

Chanelle was a ho, didn't Ziggy break up with her several times, but she kept coming back screeching ZAC HUG ME, so he did. I want Brian to win, mainly since he's hilarious and has been the most consistent entertainer, and in my opinion is playing the best game. And I'd win £125.

Realistically, the twins will win, since the bookies have only been wrong once in the final week. And that was when Bez beat Kenzie. But then again, who is going to be voting for the twins to win?

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Chanelle was a ho, didn't Ziggy break up with her several times, but she kept coming back screeching ZAC HUG ME, so he did. I want Brian to win, mainly since he's hilarious and has been the most consistent entertainer, and in my opinion is playing the best game. And I'd win £125.

Realistically, the twins will win, since the bookies have only been wrong once in the final week. And that was when Bez beat Kenzie. But then again, who is going to be voting for the twins to win?

Exactly. Ziggy's been painted as a scumbag but it was Chanelle who exhibitted all the non-self esteem stuff. He'd break up, she'd wheedle her way back to him after practically going through a fit of depression so he'd go along with her again to drag her out of the massive depression she'd gone into.

Basically his only crime is trying not to upset people and rock any boats. This can make him come across as spineless though but seriously he's not malicious or a player from what I can see.

However Brian is an idiot. His stupidity is NOT endearing.

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Brian annoys the living hell out of me, during that finishing school his constant whinging and this whole Amanda stuff is just crap. If he comes second I will be none too pleased. As much as i like Jonty, it wouldn't be fair to have him in the top three really. Sam and Amanda are alright I suppose, their innocent and mean no harm to anyone, which is fine with me. Carole moves up and down with me, although I laughed at the scene when they were all having a party and she was in the shower being a grump, which she has turned into lately, costing her some voters i'd say. I think i'd want Liam to win if im honest, I just like him, he's friendly he appears to have morals. Ziggy probably ties with Liam, i like them equally, two nice guys, I've been in Ziggys camp from the start to be honest. But Liam has slightly swayed me to his side. We shall see.

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Guest Avenger

I want Brian win because he is really funny, but, i think the twins will win if Carole wins then it would be stupid & and if Johnty won then...

Anyway i think it will come lie this.

Twins (even though i want Brian to win)






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