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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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They were talking about the prospect of Healy taking the GM job in Toronto a lot when JFJ got canned. And why would Toronto be a bad place for Healy to start? He's got the knowledge, he knows the game better than just about anybody, he's got the nuts for everybody in and around the franchise to take him seriously. He'd have fresh ideas and plans, starting with what should be a young, moldable team that he can potentially be with in the long run.

It's a looooooooooong shot and there are way better candidates out there, obviously, but I don't think giving Heals a chance as a new GM for a Toronto team that should be getting a total face lift is that bad of an idea. Like I said, there are way better options out there, but if there weren't, why not?

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Because "new and innovative" has never fit the Leafs' style (Gord Stellick notwithstanding). While I think Healy would do a great job, somehow "television analyst" doesn't seem like a good enough qualification for "GM of thte Leafs"

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Healy doesn't fit into the Leaf philosophy of management, but I'm holding for one day that will change as well. That "new and innovative" will be part of TML philosophy, that is. Stranger things in life have happened.

Oh wait, no they haven't

Maybe thinking about him as "career back up goaltender" instead of "television analyst" would help you picture him in the role.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I'd say "TV analyst" gives him more credibility, I just think that he might have some trouble adjusting to the pressures of the Leafs job (unlike Garth Snow, because there's no pressure in that circus).

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The thing about Healy, having played places like Manhattan and Toronto (AND being part of the Toronto media already), I think he would be well aware of the constant media pressure to be successful and whatnot. How good he'd handle it, nobody knows, but he would definitely be as prepared as possible if it were somehow to happen.

I just want to make sure that we are on the same page. I know Healy isn't coming anywhere near this GM spot, we're just shooting the shit here.

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If they can't find someone they're happy with by the time the Finals start, then they should offer a one year contract to Cliff Fletcher. See if he'll stick around and help them through the season while they weigh their options.

Actually, Cliff is under contract for another year already. They signed him to a 19 month contract with that idea in mind - if they don't find someone then they have Cliff, and if they do then they can use Cliff as an advisor.

I think Dave Nonis would be a good candidate. He was doing exactly what we need in Toronto - building with young talent and not selling the farm to win now.

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I just realized that I'm feeling physically sick from cheering for either the Flyers or Canadiens in this series.

Yeah I'm sure they hate you too.

Oh man. Wow. Kovalev, is a hero. A folk legend who's tale gets passed down from generation to generation. That whole game was so awesome to watch. It just went back and forth and back and forth with each team taking turns just dominating the other. It was crazy exciting to watch. And in the end, Destiny's team got the win.

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Even though they lost, I thought Montreal played a better game than Philadelphia did. The major difference in the game though, was Martin Biron, who absolutely stole the game from the Habs. They had several great chances and could have run the score up any other night. He was unbelievable.

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Yeah, Price had a weak first period I thought. It was a good game. We're not going to win 16 in a row, so as long as we win at least 1 more game than the Flyers, I'll be happy.

I managed to miss most of the third period last night. Basha was accosted by the Police.

Before I start the story, I want to say that yes, what I did, especially after the riots, it makes sense for the Police to stop me, and even take away our flag. I'm not disagreeing, I just found this very... odd.

So in between the second and third period, we were located at a bar on the corner of Ste. Catherines and Guy. We were... maybe 3 blocks from Crescent street, where the party is at. So as we do for every game night we bring with us a huge Canadiens flag and wave it around. So... like every game night someone, in this case me, Jumped on someone elses back and we'd wave the flag around and the people cheer the flag and are happy and high five us and want to hold the flag. The cops never bother us, in fact they usually laugh or thumbs up, because while we're drunk and being idiots, it's in good fun.

So last night we're doing this and the flag was slipping out of my hand, so when I try to re-adjust it, I accidentally re-adjust it right into a sign for a store. Nothing is damaged, just it made a solid 'whack' noise and yeah. So right after that happens, we found out what the 8 cops on every corner were there for. All 8 of them came, two hit us one time each with night sticks and then started yelling at me and my buddy Nick to put our hands against the wall. So this is all happening in French. Right after we got hit, I go, "Je comprends que nous sont en etat d'arrestation, nous resiste pas, on est des Anglophones" pretty much means I understand I'm under arrest, I am not resisting, please talk to us in English. I said it because well, Montreal cops are notoriously brutal, and they had just cracked me in the back with a fucking night stick.

So I get my hands against the glass window of a La Belle Province on Ste. Catherines. They tell me to spread my legs so I do so. There's one cop pinning one of my wrists to the glass, another for my other wrist, one with his foot around my ankle and another behind me. So the one behind me starts yelling "You have drugs!? Syringes?!" I'm like no, nothing. He goes whats in your pockets. So I tell him, my phone, my wallet and like 20 bucks. So he reaches in my pockets and in each one whatever he pulls out I can't see but he's asking whats in the pocket. When he gets to my back pocket and finds 20 bucks he's like what is this money here for. Why isn't it in your wallet? Are you gonna go buy some drugs? I was like, no, I'm trying to go drinking. So he gets my wallet, pulls out my license, goes through some questions, your name, address, city, phone number. While I'm being pinned to the wall, I noticed that my buddy Nick was going through the same thing with 4 other cops, cept he's just standing there, they just asked to see his ID and were explaining something to him. So they go to check me out to make sure I'm not a criminal when my buddy Tom comes running out of La Belle.

Basha! Its 3-2! Markov Scored!!, I was like Tom.... really... right now... not the time. To which the Cop was like Shut up or I'm taking you to jail. So It turns out that I'm not a criminal, and they let us go, I understand why they stopped me, so I wasn't going to be a bitch and start asking why I was being held, why nothing was explained to me etc. When they give me back my ID they're like, You walk west towards Guy, and leave downtown. If we see you again tonight I'm going to arrest you. Tom, the cheeky bastard that he is, starts off, he's like, what grounds would you have to arrest us for walking around downtown. You have no right to do so. The cops are like, hey! you wanna go sit in the truck, we'll take you downtown and put you in jail. So we went back to Andrews Pub on Guy and Ste. Catherines. Nick was so scared that he just went straight to his car and drove home.

And that's my run in with the police.

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