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WWF 1993

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

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WWF News and Rumours

April 9, 1993

We have yet to get any word on the name of the huge WCW superstar that the WWF has signed. All we know is that it's a huge star, and s/he wrestled in the WWF before. I'm thinking an Ultimate Warrior or Ricky Steamboat, but I really have no idea.

Here is your report from WWF Superstars...condensed highlights of the Nasty Boys/Natural Disasters tag match is our lead-in...Koko B. Ware (w/Freddie) makes the trek out of New England to job to Bam Bam Bigelow...flying headbutt at 3:52 for the finish...encore presentation of 'Chilling' Charles Wright's promo, solid stuff, he could be a big star given the chance. Crush squashes Damien Demento in 4:22, although he doesn't use a finisher...recap of last week's meet and greet between Hulk Hogan and Mr. Fuji...Rick Martel (w/Harvey Wippleman) takes down Virgil in 5:11 via the Boston Crab...replay of the finish to the Mr. Perfect/Ric Flair match involving Bret Hart and Razor Ramon...The Steiner Brothers take down The Headshrinkers in 7:11 following a double-clothesline on Fatu, thank you for watching.

WWF house show results from Tuesday and Wednesday...Owen Hart d Kamala in a comedy match...Blake Beverly and Leonardo Darsonio somehow defeat The Bushwhackers...Lex Luger squashes Craig Pittman...Money Inc. d the Nasty Boys via interference from the Natural Disasters...Razor Ramon d Crush...Tatanka d The Mountie in a non-title match...Natural Disasters d Cowboy Rick Titan and Jim Neidhart...Hulk Hogan d 'Chilling' Charles Wright...Ric Flair d Bob Backlund...Yokozuna d Bret Hart to remain WWF Champion in a WrestleMania rematch.

Top pops: 1) Hulk Hogan...2) Bret Hart...3) Tatanka

Heat of the night: 1) Yokozuna...2) Ric Flair...3) Lex Luger

Best match: Backlund/Flair

WWF house show results from Thursday and Friday...Big Bossman and Craig Pittman d The Headshrinkers...Marty Jannetty d Leonardo Darsonio (w/Jerry Lawler)...Money Inc. d The Nasty Boys, same as earlier matches...The Mountie d Crush...Undertaker d Bam Bam Bigelow...Lex Luger d Bob Backlund...Natural Disasters d The Steiner Brothers...Tatanka d Jake Roberts by DQ as Roberts used a foreign object right away...Bret Hart d British Bulldog...Yokozuna d Randy Savage to remain WWF Champion.

Top pops: 1) Randy Savage...2) The Undertaker...3) Bret Hart

Heat of the night: 1) Yokozuna...2) Lex Luger...3) Bam Bam Bigelow

Best match: Hart/Bulldog

Here is your preview for Monday Night Raw on April 12th...

A huge main event puts Randy Savage against Yokozuna in a non-title match! Both Savage and Yokozuna have matches signed for In Your House II, how will that affect this one?

Jake Roberts will address Tatanka and all WWF fans!

Another non-title match puts the 91-0 Tatanka against Rick Martel!

Razor Ramon will be in action!

Plus: Natural Disasters, Bret Hart, the debut of a new WWF Superstar, and much more!

As you may have noticed, Tatanka's win streak is going backwards. They have taken away some of the imaginary wins so that he will be 99-0 heading into In Your House II. What this means is anyone's guess, but from now on, the streak will be real.

Rick Martel and Kamala have recently approached WWF management about teaming together. This is a very bizarre move on Martel's part, as he is in the midst of a sizable push.

Eddie Guerrero is likely to be recalled from WWF:NE any day now. Most likely, he will make his WWF debut in the King of the Ring tournament.

That it for this week, see you in seven!

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

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WWF Monday Night Raw Report

April 16, 1993

Welcome, to MONDAY...NIGHT...RAW-AW-AW-AW-AW!!! Tonight, we will see Randy Savage take on Yokozuna in a rematch from...the Royal Rumble, I guess...and much more!

And now, making their second straight appearance on MNR, here are the BUSHWHACKERS! Neither the Whackers nor Blake Beverly gets an entrance on camera, which sucks. Then some classical Italian music (or so I assume) hits, and out steps Barry Darsow, making his TV debut as Leonardo Darsonio! Darsonio grabs a mic and introduces himself, before the match begins...and it's a Darsonio squash. Yes, Leonardo Darsonio squashes the Bushwhackers by himself in 4:51, not once tagging in Blake Beverly. Some type of flip off the top corner for the win, neither Vince nor Gorilla identifies it.

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) comes out to the ring. Bearer takes us back to LAST WEEK, when The Undertaker came out to the ring, only to find that Lex Luger had disappeared. "Well, Lex Luger, on April 25th, there will be no disappearing from you...because you will be in the ring with the Deadman, with the Undertaker, and you will..." I'm sure you can guess what happens next.

Rick Martel (w/Harvey Wippleman) is out next to take on Tatanka (w/Slick) in their non-title matchup. The 91-0 Tatanka, I might add. Call me crazy, but I remember when Martel was looked at as a future WWF Champion. It was about two months ago. Still, it's not a total squash, so there's some hope left. At the 4:28 mark, Jake Roberts ran in to the ring and started laying into both Slick and Harvey Wippleman! Tatanka and Martel ignored the match, coming to the aid of their respective managers. Jake the Snake left the ring area, but the match was ruled a no-contest.

CUT BACKSTAGE! There's Gene Okerlund! And he is with Ric Flair! Flair is booked against Bret Hart thirteen days from now, and he's here to tell you just how he feels about it! He feels...uh...exuberant, I guess. He doesn't really say, choosing instead to laugh at Bret's entire life...his old parents, his status as forty-first in line for a shot at Yokozuna's belt...(good fact checking there)...and how Shawn Michaels screwed him over back in February. And now he's injured. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere.

CUT ELSEWHERE BACKSTAGE! There's Sean Mooney! And he is with Randy Savage! Savage has a huge non-title match with Yokozuna as the main event tonight! Is Savage worried about Mr. Fuji screwing him over? No! Is Savage worried about 'Chilling' Charles Wright looking to get an edge on Savage before their match at In Your House II? No! The only thing Savage is worried about is that he might beat Yokozuna in the non-title match, and have to wait for his title shot!

Here...comes...Bob Backlund! To face Razor Ramon, at that! Vince McMahon makes mention of Razor attacking Mr. Perfect at the end of the show last week...Gorilla Monsoon informs us that Backlund and Perfect are very similar style wrestlers. Thanks, Gorilla. Razor squashes the former WWF champion...(I can think of worse people to push. See Zuna, Yoko.)...Razor's Edge at 5:42. Good little match.

Hulk Hogan comes out to the ring with his tailor-made HEE-YOOGE pop. Hogan grabs a mic, and signals for quiet. Now that I think about it, shouldn't that generate some HEE-YOOGE heat? Hogan brings out the slip of paper that Mr. Fuji gave him last week, and explains that all it says is 'Yokozuna WWF Champion forever!'. He is P-I-SSED, and demands an explanation. Mr. Fuji comes out, and informs Hogan that 'Hulk-san...you say you spent all week looking for person to translate paper...so all week, you no work out! You no train for match! So, Hogan-san, you been Fujified!'. Fujified? Sure, why not. Fujified.

Time for...a six-man tag match? Are you sure this isn't Mexican wrestling all of a sudden? Then again, I guess the Nasty Boys could never make it down south. They're teaming with Marty Jannetty to take on the Natural Disasters and The Mountie. The Mountie is back on TV, ladies and gents. I heard they were retooling his gimmick - seems the same to me. The WWF actually seems to have some idea of how to book a match like this - action on the outside, extreme contrast in styles between the tag team and the singles wrestler...at the 6:05 mark, Jerry Lawler, in the crowd, threw his soda at Jannetty. This prompted Jannetty to verbally confront Lawler...the Natural Disasters sneaked up behind Brian Knobbs and pulled him back so that Saggs couldn't tag him, and The Mountie rolled Saggs up for the win! No idea what happened after the match, as they threw to a commercial.

CUT BACKSTAGE! We're in the Hart Foundation's locker room! Boy, good thing. I was starting to forget that Bret had friends these days. In a move of filler-material proportions, the Foundation is watching a tape of past matches between Bret and Flair. Jim Neidhart is leading the discussion, pointing out flaws that Bret can exploit.

CUT TO JACK TUNNEY'S OFFICE! Tunney is sitting at his desk, as usual. El Presidente del WWF informs us that there's only thirteen shopping days until In Your House II - i.e. thirteen days left to buy it. He also gives us extra incentive to buy it, as he announces that at IYHII, he will reveal the King of the Ring bracketing! That alone is worth my $15! Also, Tunney has an even more important announcement, which he will also announce next Sunday! Oh yeah, Tunney also announces another two matches for the show. Stemming from tonight's events, Marty Jannetty against the Mountie, as well as the Nasty Boys challening the Natural Disasters for the tag belts.

Main event time...Randy Savage...Yokozuna (w/Mr. Fuji)...non-title match...boy, these two guys sure are in a lot of main events this month, aren't they? Yokozuna's size is more of an advantage then he seems to need against Savage...for some reason, he gets booked to get a bigger pop than Hogan, and then booked so he's not on the level of Hogan's opponent. That makes so much sense it makes my head hurt. Yokozuna completely oversells a lame attempt at a dropkick, and falls flat on his back. Finally, 'Chilling' Charles Wright makes the appearance we all knew he'd make, attacking Savage without relent! Yokozuna is DQed, but Savage is suddenly in trouble! Well he would be, if Hulk Hogan didn't come running to save the day. Fade out to the image of the Mega Powers posing in the ring while Yokozuna and Wright scamper to the back.

THE GOOD: Well, those two matches, plus Bret/Flair, are getting lots of build. Jack Tunney's being used - authority figures can be great plusses if used right.

THE BAD: Sadly, the Bushwhackers are forever doomed to jobber status, as Barry Darsow beats them up by himself.

THE UGLY: Um, actually, not that much. They're on the right track.


Edited by ryan_the_canuck
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I just read this diary from WrestleMania on, and I like it. IYH looks solid, and you have some original feuds. I like the Roberts/Tatanka feud, but Im assuming that Tatanka is now a heel and Roberts is the face?

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

I try to keep some grey area, but Tatanka's still the face, and Roberts still the heel. Would a babyface in 1993 pretend to be injured only to attack his opponent? Would a heel forget about the match and come to the aid of not only his manager, but his opponent's as well?

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Guest Prototype

I try to keep some grey area, but Tatanka's still the face, and Roberts still the heel. Would a babyface in 1993 pretend to be injured only to attack his opponent? Would a heel forget about the match and come to the aid of not only his manager, but his opponent's as well?
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Guest ryan_the_canuck

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WWF News and Rumours

April 16, 1993

SWD's WWF Insider has confirmed that the mystery former WWF star will be in attendance at King of the Ring! We still do not know who it is, but now we know when he'll debut!

The WWF announced their plans for home videos. They plan to release a new video each month. Major PPVs (Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, King of the Ring, Summerslam, the unnamed September show, and Survivor Series) will be released two months after they happened, with the filler months going to videos such as the one reviewed below.

Just got my hands on a copy of the WWF Pinfalls and Punchouts video cassette...if you get it, you'll get the following matches:

John Stallion vs. Repo Man (1/30 Superstars)

Crush vs. Kamala (1/23 Superstars)

The Bushwhackers vs. Natural Disasters (1/18 MNR)

Virgil vs. 'Chilling' Charles Wright (2/6 Superstars)

Marty Jannetty vs. The Mountie (2/13 Superstars)

The Nasty Boys vs. The Headshrinkers (2/15 MNR)

Tatanka vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (2/1 MNR)

Big Bossman vs. Jerry Lawler (1/30 Superstars)

Bob Backlund vs. Jake Roberts (2/15 MNR)

Bonus features between matches include the Nasty Boys conducting a pizza taste-test, as well as Virgil giving boxing lessons to Owen Hart, using Craig Pittman as an opponent. As fun as it sounds.

Here is your report from WWF Superstars...before the opening credits, a replay of Jack Tunney's address...man, I'll be sorry to see him go. The Hart Foundation defeat the team of Larry and Steve Genner (The Genius and Skinner) in 4:52, when Owen lockekd Steve into a sharpshooter...replay of Ric Flair's promo...Bam Bam Bigelow squashes The Prophet (WWF:NE's Johnny Swinger) in 4:13 with the diving headbutt...a vignette airs showing the history of the Guerrero family of Mexican wrestlers...apparently a Guerrero is on his way to the WWF...Big Bossman downs Kamala in 5:11, nothing too special...we actually get most of the Savage/Yokozuna match as a bonus treat...main event sees Scott Steiner beat IRS in 5:42 by DQ when IRS was caught giving Steiner a low blow.

WWF house show results from Tuesday and Wednesday night...Marty Jannetty d Brooklyn Brawler...Razor Ramon d Virgil...The Hart Foundation d The Headshrinkers...Jake Roberts d Craig Pittman...Rick Martel d Bob Backlund...The Nasty Boys d Natural Disasters via count-out, and thus don't win the tag straps...The Undertaker d The Mountie...Money Inc. d The Steiner Brothers...Bret Hart d Lex Luger...Yokozuna d Hulk Hogan to remain WWF Champion.

Top pops: 1) Hulk Hogan...2) Bret Hart...3) The Undertaker

Heat of the night: 1) Yokozuna...2) Lex Luger...3) Razor Ramon

Best match: Steiners/Money Inc.

WWF house show results from Thursday and Friday night...The Mountie d Owen Hart...Money Inc. d The Bushwhackers...Ric Flair d Crush...Leonardo Darsonio d Bob Backlund...The Nasty Boys b Natural Disasters, same as above...Hulk Hogan d Blake Beverly...Rick Martel & Razor Ramon d Mr. Perfect & Craig Pittman...Tatanka d Jake Roberts by DQ to remain IC champ...Randy Savage d British Bulldog...Lex Luger d The Undertaker.

Top pops: 1) Hulk Hogan...2) The Undertaker...3) Randy Savage

Heat of the night: 1) Ric Flair...2) Jake Roberts...3) Lex Luger

Best match: Savage/Bulldog

Here is your preview for the final Monday Night Raw before In Your House II...

The 94-0 Tatanka will have his hands full with the British Bulldog in an epic non-title main event! We saw what Jake Roberts did last week - what will happen now, just six days before the two are set to face at IYHII?

With the Nasty Boys and the Natural Disasters also set to face off at IYHII, Brian Knobbs will battle Typhoon!

Lex Luger will be in attendance!

Plus: Rick Martel, Randy Savage, The Steiner Brothers, and much much more!

That's it for this week, see you in seven for a preview of In Your House II, and much more!

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

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WWF Monday Night Raw Report

April 23, 1993

Six days until In Your House II! In other words, six days until we know the WWF title picture through to SummerSlam!

Opening match put The Bushwhackers against the oddball pairing of Rick Martel and Kamala. Both heels are accompanied by Harvey Wippleman, as if he had never stopped managing Kamala. And indeed, Kamala seems to be used slightly less for comedy. Sure, he still can't figure out how to pin anyone, but he's being used as a clumsy powerhouse. Finish came at 4:36, when Martel locked Luke in the Boston Crab, and Luke submitted. After the match, Kamala and Martel did a bad imitation of the Bushwhackers' dance.

CUT BACKSTAGE! There's Gene Okerlund! And he is with Lex Luger! Okerlund asks Luger if he is scared about facing The Undertaker in six days at In Your House II, and Luger says, without hesitation, that he isn't. Apparently, he's decided that the reason The Undertaker hides behind his mist, his gong, Paul Bearer, is because he's actually a 'wimp' in the ring. Luger's getting better on the mic.

CUT TO JACK TUNNEY'S OFFICE! Tunney has a couple of announcements. For one, he's adding one final match to the In Your House II card, as the Hart Foundation (tag team, not stable) will take on Rick Martel and Kamala. He also bans Jim Neidhart from ringside in the Bret Hart/Ric Flair match, to ensure a fair fight. Because, you know, babyface managers sure love to interfere.

Brian Knobbs against Typhoon is up next, in a match that shows just how bad the tag division is these days. Earthquake and Jerry Saggs accompany their respective partners to the ring, but are sent away by the referee. Non-descript brawling is the theme of the match, but Knobbs schoolboys Typhoon at 4:11 and gets the three count. After the match, the two continue to brawl, until many refs hit the ring to break it up.

The Hart Foundation (stable, not tag team) come out to the ring next. Bret Hart grabs the mic first, and mentions that he thinks Jack Tunney made a dumb decision in not allowing Jim Neidhart to accompany him to the ring at IYHII. However, he will abide by it, since he doesn't need anyone's help to beat Ric Flair. The rest of the group also takes turns with the mic, mostly badmouthing Harvey Wippleman.

Match number three puts Craig Pittman (w/hobo bag) against Razor Ramon. Obviously, this is a squash of Titanic proportions. Razor demonstrates some strong mat-skills, which surprised me. Nothing to write home about...nor much to write about, period. Razor's Edge at 3:41.

After the match, Mr. Perfect steps out onto the entrance ramp with a microphone. The two argue back and forth a bit, again, nothing of note. Imagine what could have been if they had actually made us care about this feud.

Vince McMahon introduces us to a video package showing the events of the past few weeks between Hulk Hogan and Yokozuna. We are then treated to backstage shots of both of them...Hogan lifting weights, Yokozuna walking around in the parking lot lifting up random cars. You know, since the windows seem to break every time he sets a car down, wouldn't the fans sue him?

The Steiner Brothers are up next, against The Headshrinkers in another tag match. Surprisingly, this match was fairly back and forth. And in a Headshrinkers-are-about-to-be-pushed way, not a Steiners-are-no-longer-pushed way. Of course, I don't know the difference, but I'll gladly take a Headshrinkers push as long as it means we still get the Steiners. At 6:22, Scott Steiner clotheslined Fatu, and got the win. Hang him out to dry, Scott!

CUT BACKSTAGE! There's Sean Mooney! And he is with Randy Savage! The two do an interview about Savage's match with 'Chilling' Charles Wright on Sunday night. Savage sure is good on the mic, isn't he? Unfortunately, this interview, like the entire show up to this point, seemed flat.

Main event puts Tatanka (w/Slick) against the British Bulldog in a non-title match. Jake Roberts joins Vince and Gorilla for commentary on this one. Roberts, sounding sober for once, talks about how he was planning to spend a few weeks vacationing in Mexico, but Tatanka tricked him into proving that he wasn't injured at all...and on Sunday night, vengeance will be his. Ooh, Tatanka better be scared now. As the match wore on, Roberts seemed to grow more and more agitated at seeing Tatanka feast on the Bulldog...at 7:26, Jake Roberts left the commentary table, ran into the ring, and clonked Tatanka over the head with a steel chair! Tatanka won via DQ, but he scampered to the back as the show went off the air!

THE GOOD: Finish was good, maybe the Hart Foundation stuff, but that's it.

THE BAD: This show just really didn't seem to work for me...seemed like a lot of stuff that could've been done better, and a lot that didn't click quite right...In Your House II has gotta be better than the first one, but probably not by much.

THE UGLY: Rick Martel going from a feud with Hulk Hogan to teaming with Kamala in a little over a month.


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Pretty good show leading to IYH, Flair/Bret should be great, Luger/Taker is a pretty good feud even though Luger sucks in the ring. I do agree that Kamala with Martel does suck since it appeared that Martel was getting pushed.

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

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WWF News and Rumours

April 23, 1993

Before we get to the IYHII predictions, a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT...the 'mystery superstar' that WWF has signed from WCW, to debut on Sunday night, is none other than Ricky Steamboat! Steamboat, who recently lost his WCW Tag Team Championship, will not be going by his over-exaggerated 'Dragon' moniker, but as the man who had a classic match with Randy Savage. Strange that the WWF talks about making Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, et al. their new stars, while bringing back an old name in Steamboat, but I'm sure he'll be a delight to watch.

Again, the WWF will hold In Your House II this Sunday night. Here is a breakdown of each match.

(NB: You can copy matches from my sig, but don't forget about those tiebreakers!)

Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna - WWF Championship on the line in this one. Hogan has been pretty good backstage lately, and he did let Yokozuna get the better of him at the Royal Rumble, so I think Hogan will end up with the belt when all is said and done...but that won't be until next month. We'll take Hogan by DQ.

Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair - Look for this feud to continue after Sunday night, solely on the basis that neither of them has anywhere else to go. Expect the match of the night, with Flair winning cheaply. Jim Neidhart turning on Bret is a possibility, but I doubt it will happen.

Mr. Perfect vs. Razor Ramon - This is the sleeper pick for match of the night. We know it'll be a good match starring two solid names, but the feud really hasn't gotten much TV time. As for the result...I don't know. It could go either way, but whoever wins will probably make it very far in the KOTR tournament. We'll go with Pefrect, we guess.

Jack Tunney's Announcements - Jack Tunney will announce the King of the Ring bracketing. He'll also have a secret announcement, which will be that he is leaving the WWF. Look for the word 'retiring' to be used. I'm sure we'll see either his replacement or some wrestlers interact with him.

Randy Savage vs. 'Chilling' Charles Wright - If Savage and Yokozuna hadn't faced each other at the Royal Rumble, I'd say Savage would win to set up a program between the two to fill the time before SummerSlam. As it is, look for Charles Wright to get the win, and move on to another high-profile feud.

The Undertaker vs. Lex Luger - Not too much to say about this one. Nobody's expecting a great match, so they'll have to provide a lot of psychology and some good storytelling. I see The Undertaker getting the win, and becoming King of the Ring, leading to a huge battle between two unstoppable monsters.

The Steiner Brothers vs. Money Inc. - They've had some subtle booking lately where IRS is screwing up a lot. Look for that trend to continue, and the Steiners to win.

Tatanka vs. Jake Roberts - IC title on the line here. Tatanka will enter the match at 99-0. I'd say he'd be the loser, but his opponent is Jake Roberts, whose career isn't about to go anywhere. Tatanka will hit the century mark here.

The Nasty Boys vs. Natural Disasters - Does anyone care about the tag belts anymore? Look for the Disasters to retain, preferably cleanly, and hopefully feud with the Harts over the belts. Speaking of which...

The Hart Foundation vs. Rick Martel and Kamala - Um, yeah. The Foundation will win. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly doesn't know what they're talking about. Rick Martel has basically jobbed himself out so he can team with his friend, and we all know Kamala's not about to get a pitch.

Marty Jannetty vs. The Mountie - Nothing much to say about this. Jerry Lawler will cost Jannetty the match. They really need to move this feud to the next level.


1) What role will Ricky Steamboat play?

2) Will Jack Tunney be buried on his way out?

3) How many titles will change hands?

4) Will Eduardo Guerrero make an appearance, either in person or on tape?

5) How many people not currently on the active roster will be in the KOTR tournament? (16 participants total)

Here is your report from WWF Superstars...before the opening video, we see clips from Gene Okerlund's interview with Lex Luger...Crush beats Blake Beverly in 4:51 with a schoolboy...same video from MNR featuring Hogan and Yokozuna...Jim Duggan d Bam Bam Bigelow in 3:51...replay of the Hart Foundation's promo...Money Inc. d Former WWF:NE Tag Team Champions The Moonwalkers in 6:11 when DiBiase locked Moonwalker #2 into the Million Dollar Dream...replay of the Razor Ramon/Craig Pittman match and ensuing argument between Razor and Mr. Perfect...main event sees Leonardo Darsonio down Bob Backlund in 6:22 after a DDT...nice little addition to his character, he kissed Backlund before hitting the DDT, Gorilla Monsoon called it the 'Kiss of Death'.

WWF house show results from Tuesday and Wednesday nights...The Mountie d Virgil...Lex Luger d Big Bossman...Rick Martel & Kamala d The Bushwhackers...Bret Hart d Brooklyn Brawler...The Undertaker d Bam Bam Bigelow...The Steiner Brothers d Money Inc...Razor Ramon d Marty Jannetty...The Nasty Boys d Natural Disasters by DQ, do not become Tag champs...Yokozuna d Cowboy Rick Titan to remain heavyweight champ...Tatanka d British Bulldog by DQ to remain IC champ, same as TV match from this week.

Top pops: 1) Bret Hart...2) The Undertaker...3) Tatanka

Heat of the night: 1) Yokozuna...2) Lex Luger...3) Razor Ramon

Best match: Jannetty/Razor

WWF house show results from Thursday and Friday...Leonardo Darsonio d Luke...The Headshrinkers d Crush & Virgil...Jake Roberts d Craig Pittman...The Hart Foundation d Rick Martel & Kamala...Tatanka d British Bulldog, same as always...Mr. Perfect d The Mountie...Natural Disasters d The Nasty Boys to remain Tag champs...Yokozuna d Big Bossman to remain WWF champ...Hulk Hogan d 'Chilling' Charles Wright...Ric Flair d Bret Hart via a low blow in the main event.

Top pops: 1) Hulk Hogan...2) Bret Hart...3) Tatanka

Heat of the night: 1) Yokozuna...2) Ric Flair...3) British Bulldog

Best match: Hart/Flair

Last item this week, be sure to enjoy the commentary of Vince, Gorilla and the Brain this Sunday. After that, the commentary teams are getting a shake-up. Gorilla and Bobby will work together on Superstars, while Vince McMahon and Jim Duggan will handle MNR and all PPVs. Jim Duggan doing commentary, indeed. See you after IYHII.

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WWF Championship - Hulk Hogan

WWF Intercontinental Championship - Tatanka

Ric Flair

Mr. Perfect

The Steiner Brothers

Lex Luger

Randy Savage

WWF Tag Team Championships - Natural Disasters©

The Mountie

A major announcement from Jack Tunney

The Hart Foundation


1) What role will Ricky Steamboat play? Do something with Flair

2) Will Jack Tunney be buried on his way out? No

3) How many titles will change hands? 0

4) Will Eduardo Guerrero make an appearance, either in person or on tape? On tape

5) How many people not currently on the active roster will be in the KOTR tournament? (16 participants total) 2

BTW you didn't have Razor/Perfect on your sig

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Guest Prototype

WWF Championship - Hulk Hogan by DQ

WWF Intercontinental Championship - Tatanka©

Bret Hart by DQ

The Steiner Brothers

The Undertaker

Razor Ramon

Randy Savage

WWF Tag Team Championships - Natural Disasters©

The Mountie

A major announcement from Jack Tunney

The Hart Foundation


1) What role will Ricky Steamboat play? Interview

2) Will Jack Tunney be buried on his way out? No

3) How many titles will change hands? 0

4) Will Eduardo Guerrero make an appearance, either in person or on tape? On tape

5) How many people not currently on the active roster will be in the KOTR tournament? (16 participants total) 2

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WWF Championship Yokozuna©

WWF Intercontinental Championship - Tatanka©

Bret Hart

Money Inc.

The Undertaker

Razor Ramon

Randy Savage

WWF Tag Team Championships - The Nasty Boys

The Mountie

A major announcement from Jack Tunney

The Hart Foundation


1) What role will Ricky Steamboat play? I'm hoping something with perfect(Flair seems to obvious)

2) Will Jack Tunney be buried on his way out? No

3) How many titles will change hands? 1

4) Will Eduardo Guerrero make an appearance, either in person or on tape? On tape

5) How many people not currently on the active roster will be in the KOTR tournament? (16 participants total) 3

By the way, I would just like to say that I love your writing style for this diary. Some diaries will have huge write-ups for every segment, and to be honest I don't have the patience to read that much. You on the other hand keep wrie-ups short and sweet while making sure we get the important stuff.

Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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I just finished this whole diary in one sitting, and I must say.....

Damn Good Job!!!!

Your staying true to the time period, the characters, and your backstory was funny and possible (well, if you believe in time travel like me)

Anyway....awesome job, you have a new reader..and please keep it up!!!!

More Macho Man would be nice too!!!

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Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna

Winner: Hogan by DQ

Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair

Winner: Bret

Mr. Perfect vs. Razor Ramon

Winner: Razor

Randy Savage vs. 'Chilling' Charles Wright

Winner: Savage

The Undertaker vs. Lex Luger

Winner: Taker

The Steiner Brothers vs. Money Inc

Winner: Steiners

Tatanka vs. Jake Roberts

Winner: Tatanka

The Nasty Boys vs. Natural Disasters

Winner: Disasters

The Hart Foundation vs. Rick Martel and Kamala

Winner: Foundation

Marty Jannetty vs. The Mountie

Winner: Mountie


1) What role will Ricky Steamboat play?

Cause Flair the match against Hart

2) Will Jack Tunney be buried on his way out?


3) How many titles will change hands?


4) Will Eduardo Guerrero make an appearance, either in person or on tape?


5) How many people not currently on the active roster will be in the KOTR tournament? (16 participants total)


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Guest ryan_the_canuck

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WWF In Your House II

April 30, 1993

As In Your House II's video package began, we were faced with lots of questions. What was Jack Tunney's big announcement? Could Hulk Hogan defeat Yokozuna to once again become WWF Champion? Why was Kamala wrestling? And for the smart among us, when would we see Ricky Steamboat?

A LOUD POP accompanied Randy Savage as he made his way out for the opener...yes, Randy Savage vs. 'Chilling' Charles Wright jerked the curtain on this one. Kinda sad, since this was actually a pretty good match. People are really starting to by into Wright as a, well, above midcard heel. And Savage is Savage. They went a strong 10:15 in this one, at which point a Savage Elbow ended the night of 'Chilling' Charles Wright. After the match, Wright walked to the back, while Savage posed for the fans, to loud cheers, as our announce team hyped that there was oh-so-much more to come!

We see the vignette detailing the history of the Guerrero family in wrestling again, and this time, we are introduced to Eduardo Guerrero himself, who will be at Monday Night Raw tomorrow night! Eduardo is trying to become the first Guerrero to become an international superstar. Good luck with that, Eddie.

More like...the Nasty Boys against the Natural Disasters for the Tag Team Championships! You know what? I've come to realize that this feud could be a lot worse, this match could be a lot worst, and Brian Knobbs was damn hilarious doing his pizza taste test on the video I bought last week, so I'll try and enjoy this. And the WWF seems to realize that this won't exactly be a classic, so they kept it under ten minutes...at the time, Typhoon and Saggs were the legal men...Typhoon clotheslined Saggs over to Earthquake, who flipped him out of the ring...Saggs landed HARD on the cement, and stayed down and out for the ten count. Natural Disasters win at 8:56, and remain Tag champs! Good for them. In other words, the belt really doesn't need to change holders again so soon.

Time now for Vince McMahon-narrated highlights of matches that took place 'before we went to air'...we're given 4:45 of the Hart Foundation (w/Jim Neidhart) against Rick Martel & Kamala (w/Harvey Wippleman)...various clips, not just the ending...Owen Hart pinned Kamala. Yes, pinned...Marty Jannetty against The Mountie is next...Jerry Lawler started heckling Jannetty from his seat again, but security threatened to throw him out of the building...Jannetty won it in 2:53 plus whatever time they didn't show us at the beginning with a elbowdrop...Steiner Brothers against Money Inc...again, just clips are shown...3:25 of clips...Rick Steiner eventually pinned IRS following a double clothesline from the Steiners...Ted DiBiase started to walk up the ramp on his own...IRS ran up to him, and DiBiase seemed to cheer up a bit...final pre-taped match is the Mr. Perfect/Razor Ramon encounter, which we are shown 4:52 of and are told that 'there was a lot more'...strong match from what we see...Perfectplex finish...and we're back to the present.

And now it's time for the other non-Heavyweight title match of the night, as Tatanka (w/Slick) defends the Intercontinental Championship against Jake Roberts. Operation Push Tatanka is in full effect, as Vince McMahon immediately announces that Tatanka his going for his 100th win in the WWF tonight. (Gorilla: That would put him in elite company, with Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Ted DiBiase...and I can't think of anyone else.) Uh, yeah. You tell 'em, Gorilla. Looks like Roberts is in the WWF doghouse right now, as he really didn't get in that much offense...Tatanka won it with the Tomahawk Chop at 9:25. Tatanka is now 100-0. Tatanka and Slick celebrated in the ring after this one.

Jack Tunney comes out to the ring to a huge ovation. I guess word about his leaving the WWF has really got out. Tunney enters the ring, and calls for a mic...ovation's still going on, despite Tunney's lackluster speaking ability...crowd finally quiets down. Tunney talks about how he has been the WWF President for seven years (Sure, why not?), and runs down some of his major accomplishments in that time. Tunney says that it's time for him to step aside, to let a younger man guide the WWF in a new direction...he doesn't know who that man is, but Tunney wishes him all the best. He's just about to announce the King of the Ring bracketing when Harvey Wippleman steps out! Wippleman informs Tunney that his retirement took place IMMEDIATELY, and that Harvey Wippleman is the new WWF President, also effective IMMEDIATELY! Thus, Jack Tunney's King of the Ring brackets are VOID, and Harvey Wippleman's (which he is conveniently holding in his hands) are OFFICIAL. Tunney immediately retorts by telling Wippleman not to fool the fans, that Tunney is still in control until the end of the show. But Tunney is a fair man, and he'll have a look at Harvey's brackets...

The segment kept going, I just wanted to use a paragraph break. Harvey Wippleman hands Jack Tunney his KOTR brackets. Tunney studies them, muttering a few names, nothing surprising...but then he stops. He informs Wippleman that he must have made a mistake - Bob Backlund's opponent is somebody who hasn't been seen in the World Wrestling Federation in over a year! Harvey agrees, but informs Tunney that he'll be seen again...in 3...2...1...NOW! Ricky Steamboat comes out from the back to a huge pop, and poses in the ring alongside Wippleman, who hands him his mic. Steamboat talks about how great it is to be back in the WWF...especially now that Jack Tunney is gone, and they have a real leader in Harvey Wippleman. Cue Bob Backlund, who comes out to defend Tunney, and nearly gets into a spat with Steamboat, until they agree to settle it during the tournament. So out come Rick Martel and Kamala, who are concerned about what Wippleman's presidency will mean for his managing of their team. Wippleman responds by saying that he can't manage them anymore, but he's lined up someone else - Jimmy Hart, who comes out from the back and shakes both Martel and Kamala's hands. They look pleased. Jack Tunney hands the brackets to a cameraman, and they immediately show up on air somehow, looking like this...

Big Bossman vs. Leonardo Darsonio

The Undertaker vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bob Backlund vs. Ricky Steamboat

Rick Steiner vs. Rick Martel

Marty Jannetty vs. British Bulldog

Eduardo Guerrero vs. The Mountie

Koko B. Ware vs. Razor Ramon

Mr. Perfect vs. 'Chilling' Charles Wright

So we get to see Eduardo Guerrero debut, plus Ricky Steamboat and Koko B. Ware return, all in the same tournament? Doesn't look too bad. Check out this week's News and Rumors section for my predictions. The Steiner Brothers are out next in this cavalcade of midcarders...Scott is miffed at not being in the tournament, but Harvey promises he'll make it up to him. Rick Martel finally figures out that Rick Steiner is his opponent, and goes after him. We get Rick Martel, Ricky Steamboat and Kamala going at it with the Steiner Brothers and Bob Backlund, while Harvey Wippleman, Jack Tunney, and Jimmy Hart look on. The brawl ends after a minute or so. You know, when you spend ten minutes on a PPV segment, there's no wrestling whatsoever, and Harvey Wippleman is the focal point, something's wrong.

From there, we somehow segue into Lex Luger taking on The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer). A musclehead against a zombie. If Sega Genesis has taught us anything, it's that the musclehead will always win, right? That'd be a strange twist in the WWF...Taker throws a punch, but Luger takes it rather well...did he intentionally not sell or just suck at selling it? Either way, the fans aren't too thrilled to see their pet zombie get a challenge...although it doesn't last too long, as The Undertaker starts whitling away at Luger's defenses...unfortunately, he can't seem to put him away...Luger mounts a comeback...locks Taker in a bear hug, and delivers an atomic drop...MAKES THE COVER! 1...2...3! An upset win from Lex Luger at only 7:53! The fans are going crazy! They're either mad that Taker lost, or glad it was this short. Take your pick.

Up next, the most-looked-forward-to match of the night, Bret Hart (w/o Jim Neidhart) against Ric Flair, with nothing but pride on the line. And what a match it is. Flair takes down Hart and goes to work on his leg right away, to make him more suceptible to the Figure Four. A trend of this being another mat-based match between two of the best in the business is quickly established, and the fans love it. Ultimately, though, this isn't the match of the year I was hoping for. Even as far as WWF matches go, I'd put their match at the Rumble ahead of this, along with Perfect/Flair at WrestleMania. Still, the match of the night, and I've now completely forgot about that extra-long Jack Tunney thing...finish came at 17:52 (!!!), when Bret put Flair into the Sharpshooter...Flair tried to reach the rope, but his hand hit the mat instead, and the referee counted it as a tap, giving the win to Bret Hart! And I have no idea where they go with this...

In the long term, that is. Immediately we go to Hulk Hogan against Yokozuna (w/Mr. Fuji) for the WWF Championship. Amazingly, Hogan actually sells. Of course, he's not selling any moves, just Yokozuna's size. While I've got space to fill, how about a rant? Hulk Hogan has done an amazing job of occasionally looking out for others this year...he's (technically) jobbed to Lex Luger, sold for Rick Martel, who's basically an after thought now...he put over Yokozuna at the Rumble, and isn't about to beat him clean here...how do I know that? I'm editing my recap, and noticed this being too short, so I added it in! Take that, precognitive abilities! Anyhow, suffice it to say that at the 11:41 mark, Harvey Wippleman peeked out from behind the curtain, and nodded to Mr. Fuji, who threw some salt into Hogan's eyes, making sure that the ref saw it, and Yokozuna was disqualified on the spot! Hulk Hogan has beat Yokozuna, but it's by DQ, so he doesn't win the title!

Finally, the announcers leave us with a preview for tomorrow night's Monday Night Raw...Harvey Wippleman's first day on the job! Rick Martel and Kamala (w/Jimmy Hart) will be in action, trying to get used to their new manager! Eduardo Guerrero will make his debut in the WWF! And two KOTR qualifying matches will take place!

THE GOOD: In retrospect, the Tunney/Wippleman/Etc. segment was actually quite entertaining...it'd be neat to see more of that kind of thing. In moderation, of course. Oh, and Ricky Steamboat's back, and Eduardo Guerrero's showing up, and Hulk Hogan's still not champ...

THE BAD: Looks like another Hogan/Yokozuna match at KOTR...

THE UGLY: Why do I suspect we'll be seeing a whole lot of comedy segments featuring Jimmy Hart, Rick Martel, and Kamala?


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Good stuff Ryan, Surprised Luger won so cleanly against Undertaker especially with a atomic drop. Wippleman is a interesting choice for president and the KOTR looks good. My pick is "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon for KOTR

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