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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


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So the demo was released today and it is amazing. The first couple minute is hilarious and I can already see Nathan Drake becoming the PS3 mascot just from a comedy standpoint.

The game is also pretty difficult on easy.

The climbing, shooting and everything all flows very nicely and the controls are easy to learn. Anyone with a PS3 should download this demo as soon as possible.

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The online stuff does suck mostly, apparently the demo is region locked so I can download it, but I can't play it :thumbsdown:

Edited by Kaney Almeida
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Well after finally being able to download it.

Must say I am very impressed. Feels like a combination of Gears of War and Tomb Raider.

The animations are very smooth. I'm not overly impressed with it graphically, but the sound effects and such are very good.

Albeit, I hate demos that just end with no real reason. And I have to agree, even on easy it was kind of difficult, I died a couple of times in the big brawl near the end with guys coming everywhere.

The AI is awesome though, which I think will make the game. Shooting a guy in his side to watch him slump up against a wall holding himself and taking the occasional pot shot after was cool. Same with flanking you and their aim with the grenades was evil.

I wasn't too interested before, but I have to say, I very well may get this when it comes out.

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This is probably the first PS3 exclusive this year I'm literally excited for (R&C came close). Everything about this game shows the care for details that make Naughty Dog as good as they are. Like Duin said before; the AI is surprisingly intelligent with their flanking, grenade use, and cover. What really gets me about it though are the animations from the characters are quite good.

Looking forward to this one for sure. The PS3 is slowly picking up steam and it needs exclusives like this to draw people in.

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Ok, so I put several hours into the game and I think it is pretty good. NOT GREAT, but good. I think the combat system, which was inspired by Gears of War, could have benefited from an auto-targeting system, it feels weird, I just dont find the gunplay natural at all. Also the game is pretty linear, there are some moments in which you need to figure out some simple puzzles and stuff, but is very easy to figure out what to do. The flow of the game is like this: Prince of Perisa-esque acrobatic section, shoot the pirates gunplay, simple puzzle, cut-scene, rinse and repeat. So, yeah, I like the game and all, but I dont think it is the ground-breaking game Sony was making it out to be. To me it feels like Tomb Raider with a bit better story and graphics...and simpler puzzles.

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Finally beat it on normal today. Took me longer than expected because I took waaay too many breaks to play Guitar Hero and Call of Duty. I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about the game. For once, the story is flat-out amazing. Yes, it's the typical hero saves the world and gets the girl story, but it was well executed and the production values where amazing. The cut scenes where fantastic, the graphics, sound and voice acting where great, well, it was one of the best games I have played in those regards. The acrobatic "Tomb Raider meets Prince of Persia" gameplay was well executed too. And the action could be satisfying and/or frustrating in the right amounts. However, my main concern is that the game was waaay too linear. You never needed to leave the main path for nothing. Also I found that the hidden treasures are not so hidden at all, found them all in my first playthrough without using any FAQS or guides. And as much as the gunplay was quite fun, I think that the aiming was too slow, it felt like trying to turn a truck sometimes and this led to eating more bullet shots than necessary. And the enemies took way too many shots to be taken down, sometimes I would shoot somebody four times in the head and he would be still standing, while something like the sniper rifle could kill someone by shooting it on the foot. This inconsistencies really hurt the game, but I would recommended for anyone wanting a killer story with amazing production values.

And yes, if they make Uncharted 2, I am all for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bought it yesterday and am currently enjoying it, even if I'm struggling in a bit of a shootout at the moment. Still, I wouldn't want this game to be too easy and the whole need to cover, shoot, jump to more cover, grab some ammo from a downed baddie etc etc is good fun.

Graphically it's what I'd expect this gen of game to have and is up there with Heavenly Sword and Assassin's Creed. Also love that when you come out of water his clothes are glistening and wet and slowly dry out. That's very cool.

Good storyline too, very movie-esque.

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Bought this along with Assassins Creed yesterday - Decided to play this first.

If the first few missions are anything to go by, this is going to be a great game. They've been fun to do, and have sometimes been pretty hard. But that's not because of the AI, it's the challenge of finding ways to do the stuff (Like getting onto that ship wreckage for instance)

Gonna continue on it when I get home. (H)

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