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Jeff fired from Gamespot

Gongsun Zan

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In other news, Gamespot admits their reviews are for sale.


To be honest, I'm not surprised. I've found GS to be one of the most schizophrenic review sites out there, under-scoring many big releases while seemingly creaming their pants over otherwise average games. The difference is now I have better excuse for bashing their reviews.

Edited by Gongsun Zan
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Game reviewing is serious business!

Meh, to this bit. Honestly, the guy has been there for a decade and they decide to fire him over a review they disagree with. I'd be lying if I wasn't suprised that GS crumbled to the big boys that pay them.

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He didn't play the game though. When the review came out numerous people caught on to the fact that his gamertag only had the first level complete... And lo and behold, the video review only had footage from the first level.

Most of his complaints were arbitrarily retarded too (they swear too much, the characters are unlikable, and his personally problems with the cover system and shooting).

I've never liked the man's reviews, and very much can't stand him either (having watched his video reviews, read his blogs, etc.) as I find him to be a jackass.

That said... I doubt he was fired over this though. Hell Kasavin's review of Shenmue caused far more problems and actually required them to re-review that game, and he was there for years after. It's more likely that Gamespot's gone down the shitter the past year that Gerstmann's been in charge. Extremely late reviews, review scores way off the average, reviews being oddly short, lack of content and the seemingly predisposed fact that anything not on the Xbox (barring Mario Galaxy which was reviewed by Navarro anyways) can't seemingly be praised.

Good riddance either way.

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