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Costumed Hero Movies


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I've noticed that James Marsden's character gets shafted in every movie.

X-Men: His girl has a thing for another guy, she kills him.

The Notebook: His girl has a thing for another guy, she leaves him.

Superman: His girl has a thing for another guy, he is raising his son.

Edited by The Grifter
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Marsden made for a good Cyclops, in the same way that Jackman owned the Wolverine character. It's too bad he chose Superman over X3. Of course, everything the Phoenix did at the end of X3 was undone, so perhaps he'll be back if there's a fourth installment?

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I haven't seen the X-Men movies, but I really should... I have been irked a bit though, that Gambit hasn't shown up in any of them. Well that was until I played the Legends 2 game and remembered how fucking annoying he could be. With that movie recently being shafted, I guess the X-Men franchise is the only way I'm going to see a lot of big names together though, which kind of sucks. I'd like to see Deadpool in something though, that'd be kinda cool.

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I haven't seen the X-Men movies, but I really should... I have been irked a bit though, that Gambit hasn't shown up in any of them. Well that was until I played the Legends 2 game and remembered how fucking annoying he could be. With that movie recently being shafted, I guess the X-Men franchise is the only way I'm going to see a lot of big names together though, which kind of sucks. I'd like to see Deadpool in something though, that'd be kinda cool.

You should try being a Gambit fanboy, I fucking geek out over Gambit, he's one of few characters I have unquestioning loyalty to as a fan and will love anything written about him so long as he's there in the thick of a story.

Ryan Reynolds has been pushing to do a Deadpool film for a couple years now, if I recall correctly.

I'd cream myself if they ever officially announced that the Merc with a mouth was getting his own film.

Holy fuck I'd love Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, he's perfect for the role, well crafted, clever, witty, and let's face it, every major actor would need makeup for Deadpools real face anyway so you don't have to look like him <_>
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Batman 89' is my favourite without a doubt. It has the right blend of the darkness that any Batman adapatation should have and also the fun-aspect too. I like Batman Begins, but Batman 89' will always be my favourite because of the things I mentioned and also the fact that I remember it fondly from watching it as a kid.

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