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The Anime Thread


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Hah, I've caught up and actually managed to see it before you. :shifty:

Clearly the biggest question of the episode is...

How did Boota manage to evolve shades?


Ha, when'd you see it? I caught it the day it came out, Sunday, but I never had the time to comment on it 'til today :P

Also, to answer your question:

Boota has always worn shades. His were black, though-- you probably thought they were his actual eyes, but those were little mini-shades he'd always worn. When he evolved via spiral power, EVERYTHING changed with him, and Simon's influence on him made the shades change to what appears to look like a version of Simon's old goggles.

Kind-of like when Simon overdosed on Spiral Energy in Episode 25 and his goggles changed to Kamina's shades, which then changed to the star design shades, which was a clear mix of the influences left on him from Kamina and Kittan. Everyone complained about the new glasses, but I don't think many realized WHY they were made like that.

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Watched the final episode of Gurren Lagann yesterday... oh my God, that was amazing :crying:

Had to be my favorite ending to an anime ever, which is fitting considering Gurren Lagann has finally pushed its way to the top as my favorite anime I've seen, too. The final three episodes really shined through, and left me wondering how the next one would top the last one. Everything that happened in the final episode... I mean, hell, they even did an EPILOGUE. I haven't seen an anime finish off its story so well in ages.

Beautifully done, and I'm really sad to know it's finally over, yet relieved that it ended the way it did. There was no "LOL GAINAX" ending, it simply ended in the best way possible. For me, at least.

Excellent anime, can't wait to buy the soundtrack, can't wait to try and snag the DVD, and I just *know* I'm going to be critical of it when it comes to the US. God, I hope they pick the right voices for the characters.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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As far as TTGL being your new favourite anime series goes, it's all a matter of the moment. Chobits was my favourite for a short time after I first saw it too. It'll pass. :shifty:

Downloaded it last night but was too knackered to watch it (or in fact anything requiring the reading of subtitles)...so I fell asleep with Armageddon 2002 on instead. >_> Will watch tonight, probably.

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I figure my love for the series might diminish a bit, yeah, but I'm fairly certain it'll stick with that top spot for quite some time, actually. Even when I watch a new series, I don't just let it reach the top of my list because I'm liking it out the starting gate :P

There's just so many elements to TTGL that make it my favorite anime currently, and probably will keep it there for a good long time after, too. Between the character development, the storyline itself, progression with the episodes and the fact that you watch the characters grow up as well-- something I love to see implemented into animes, rather than watch the characters always stay the same-- plus the undeniably awesome action scenes... TTGL has so much in an anime that I look out for, that it really fits all the qualifications for a favorite of mine.

So, that said: matter of the moment? Yeah, right now, it's the be-all-end-all of animes for me. It won't stay that way. Overall, however? I don't see it dropping from that top spot for a long time :P

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Watch the final one on the tube this morning. A good ending - in the anime sense where they'll spend 15 solid minutes hammering the philosophical point of the series home, but that's kind of obligatory with these things. :P

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I now have the soundtrack, though how can not be spoken of. Let's just say, soon as I can figure out how to, I'll be ordering this thing ASAP. The whole thing is excellent.


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I now too have the soundtrack through certain means. :shifty:

Well, I got the two tracks I wanted (Viral's theme - 'Nikopol' - and the piano/operatic one - 'Libera Me from Hell' ). WOO.

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Libera Me From Hell is an amazing track, but I have to agree with you when I say FUCK YEAH VIRAL'S THEME!

Seriously, most badass song for an anime character I've heard in awhile. Very fitting, really.

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^ Except Norro's. :P

Listening to 'Libera Me from Hell' makes me want to watch Black Cat again, probably because I connect the operatic stuff with Creed Diskenth's psychotic flamboyance (or is that flamboyant psychosis?). I haven't watched Black Cat since it first aired, probably because it just got weird after the big showdown with Creed and the whole "It's Eve! She's big and she flies now! Travel inside her to fight the final battle!" stuff was just WTF-inducing, and not at all like the complete badassery that was everything involving Creed beforehand. Which is a double shame, because not watching the series means I miss out on Sven too, who is also The Man.

And on a side note, isn't it about time that Norro or someone else changed the title of this thread to, um, 'The All-Purpose Anime Thread" or something? :shifty:

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